Dad Leaves Family After Winning Lottery

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Hello friends it's me and today is Darman Monday and we're gonna be watching a video about a dad who becomes a millionaire and then leaves his family oh I'm here for the drama let's watch what's wrong what do you mean those are spaghetti leftovers the greatest of leftovers you know what I would give her some spaghetti leftovers right now nothing I love eating the same thing five times a week I only make pasta for you because I thought it was your favorite you've never complained before yeah well it's getting old I can make you something else if you like that's fine it's fine well maybe we could go out to dinner you and me oh no this is one of the most disrespectful things a man could do like sitting right in front of his wife and kid liking another girl's photo and I really hope that was your sister's Instagram that something tells me it's not true what I was just saying you should take me out to dinner if you were listening to me instead of liking some girl's photo oh she knows about it if you look like her then maybe I'll take you off oh no you do not talk to your wife like that you and that plate of spaghetti would be on the floor what was that supposed to mean why would I want to take you while we look like that all the time so I'm supposed to dress up to cook and clean I just got off work she worked takes care of the kid takes care of the house you know maybe she would dress up if you actually took her out idiot gave me a reason no Eve we don't throw food okay you want Mommy to feed you I want Daddy to feed me I would have been the last straw for me if a kid just flick food and I have to clean it up because when you bust out the tears even if I wanted to go out it's not like we can we both decided to have a kid true and if you plan to hit we can get mom to babysit we can go out for New Year's please I'd rather eat the spaghetti every day for the entire year than actually mom of hell if we had a nanny like I've been telling you then we actually have a life now why don't you get a nanny then stupid this is okay let's go to dinner then make the reservations 30 seconds on OpenTable you want your girl to dress up and go on a dinner date like please do something make the reservation now how are we supposed to afford nanny and even if we could do you really want a nanny to raise our little girl and what are you gonna do when she starts calling a nanny instead of you I mean at this point the iPad is raising the child so I think a nanny would be better than that unless you want her to grow up on it I hope that happens that way I can finally get a break a break from what he acted like it's such a chore to feed his child I don't know how I'm gonna survive a whole another year living like this he acts like some Instagram model is gonna make his problems go away I want Daddy to feed me nah shut up and feed yourself she's busy baby stupid Daddy's busy doing what being useless this is so hard to watch this is actually real I wish my wife looked like this what I would be so offended if I wasn't my boyfriend's exact type don't you wish yours did too I love my life I don't really think about other women good guy this dude is a sigma King right here standing next to a clown like dad wanted to go on a date with you you say no I would you know you might think that the grass is greener on the other side but that's not always the case yes it is the grass on my side is dead but Erica completely let herself go after we had Eve and she looks nothing like she used to well maybe you should try watering the grass mm-hmm I'm serious what do you mean you got a water grass to make it grow and look green and pretty there's a drought when is the last time that you actually took your wife out on a date brought her flowers took her to a movie I think if you put in a little bit of effort things would change if she looked like this I would love to take Erica out shoot I'll take her out every day see that's the problem like dudes don't work and then well then why don't you go ahead and get a divorce and date her instead you think I want a donut already if I could it's not like he could pull her anyway girls like this when they go out with guys with money try Ferraris and live some mansions and I broke bombs like me no actually they would dig The Tick Tock e-boy aesthetic something grown married man that spends his day liking girls pictures on Instagram and loving his wife and that's the kind of woman that you want to be with the one that's only in it for the money true you got a point you know what they say not Everything That Glitters turns out to be gold she clearly looks like gold to me well then you stupid happy early New Year yeah well I hope next year is really happy because this year has been horrible oh oh don't tell me he's gonna win the jackpot the least deserving person are you sure be a brand new life what the heck let's do it I'll take you out to dinner if I win I'm gonna take the homie out now actually you know what screw dinner plans I'm just gonna buy a lottery ticket that will solve my problems Eve quiet down she's a child she playing no no I'm busy you'll never make any time for her he literally happened to you all day except sit on that couch and stare at Ashley's photos Once Upon a Time everyone lived happily ever after the end you didn't have to do that don't start with me why are you so grumpy all the time huh did you even notice I made you something new I swear you don't even appreciate anything that I do for you appreciate what eating the same thing five out of seven days a week food's not even good appreciate it that's like the worst thing you could say to somebody that makes you a meal the food ain't even good like I put my heart and soul into this meal you know I show my love by cooking for people so if I cook for you that means that mean I love you okay if you don't like it that would hurt but also my food is kind of fire there's something I don't like it my daughter crying you he looking like that foreign [Music] gotta be kidding me I Knew by the title he was gonna win 41. oh my gosh oh my God I can't believe this what what what's going on I won that's what happened I can't believe it seven million dollars no wait no but he's saying he's saying we won seven million what do you mean we uh what's mine is yours honey me I just won not you truly I don't have to live like this y'all are married this is the best day of my life Drew where are you going to start a new life are you serious hey yo this is when you divorce them and take half this is unbelievable like all my dreams are about to come true in 2023. oh man I'm so happy for you and you think I tried to talk you out of buying that ticket how does Erica feel about all that clearly not happy I don't need her anymore I have money and that's why I've hired a divorce attorney and how can you really haven't well Eric hasn't done anything to you yeah well she hasn't done anything for me either just can't believe what you're saying I hate this guy Happy New Year I would like to make a withdraw from a new account and can you tell me the balance please sure what about your daughter uh she'll get over I'll have her stay with me from time to time especially now I could finally hire nannies to watch her and with all the new toys you have the last thing she'll be worried about is having me around I mean unless their parents are horrible there's a reason that most Lotto winners end up depressed that's true well if I'm ever feeling dull enough I can always take my bank balance and I'll lift me right back up again you know if you're ever in a bad mood just go to the bank and be like hey how much money in my account sir you have seven million in your account say it louder I want everybody it here yeah so you get robbed and everybody ends up being your friend and using you for money I would like to take out 10 grand pocket change for the weekend Drew is to start his new I feel like you're gonna give her some within a short time he separates from his wife and files for divorce now that he's rich and single he decides to buy himself a brand new mansion wow he hires a personal chef to make him everything he wants so he no longer has to eat the same thing every day man I hated my wife's food so much I got a chef some new every day takeout wasn't good enough for you he even gets a nanny to take care of his daughter when Eve seems sad he just spoils her with gifts got her a big eye pencil it doesn't take Drew long to even land the girl of his dreams [Music] [Laughter] Ferrari sounds like a date to me yeah but if it was just you without the Ferrari no chance once she sees how rich he is she really starts to like him Drew's living the life he always dreamed of little did he know things were about to come Crashing Down ah how does it feel thank you she like in other dude's pictures actively looking for a man with more money more clout I was thinking we should go on vacation next week I've never been a year have you she don't care hello sorry what did you say nothing it's not important a Europe trip not important girly you missing out maybe you should keep your ears open a little more isn't that like the ultimate sugar daddy gift besides the Chanel bag like a trip to Europe hello I'll be right back oh she left her phone there is no way she will leave her phone you see all the messages what she gets from Sims just like you oh it hurts what do you think you're doing me what are you doing talking to all these guys especially when we're on a date so don't act like I'm the only girl you're talking to oh actually you are oh oh I don't know we were official or nothing this is our first date buddy and you already going through her phone I don't know what to say this is awkward sorry I gotta take this Walter hi no I'm not busy at all what are you doing oh I bet he really missing that leftover spaghetti right now you're home early oh yeah my date was shorter than expected you go home now if you like good night Eve we'll see you tomorrow I don't want you to leave oh no it's okay sweetie I can put you to sleep thank you Josie she liked the nanny more than she like Daddy now I want a bedtime story sure no problem I don't want you to read it I want Josie to read to me or Mommy oh she don't love you anymore that's what happens when you've been in your family for money bro took an L in life you could have made your family's life infinitely better I saw your car outside I know you're in there can we talk for a minute please with some other man Erica I messed up real bad yeah you sure did I thought I had everything that I wanted but I didn't understand that I already had everything that I needed I miss you I missed our daughter and I even miss your cooking oh she got that post divorce please I'm sorry I can't do that come on I promise I'll be a lot happier that's the problem Drew everything is always about you and your happiness never mind how am I doing how I felt since you never asked I'll tell you you see uh go to the whole family hour weeks and a minimum wage job where my boss doesn't even appreciate me then I come home take care of Eve clean the house and cook dinner for you even though I am so tired and stressed out I always put on my best smile for you don't even care to ask me how my day was then and you left I was devastated I thought my life was over after thinking about it I realized I don't need you to make me happy I'm perfectly fine on my own and with my daughter so you see there is just because you complain all the time doesn't mean I was miserable to me I just never showed it don't you feel silly don't you feel for you stupid this ain't about you this episode getting a little deep just give me one more chance I don't think she'd give you anything about all the things that I didn't have anything I forgot to be grateful for the things that I did have and I've realized now that Everything That Glitters turns out to be gold it's too late true it is too late you lost your chance over now say goodbye to your face before I go wow dang she looked good she getting ready for a date or y'all dressed up because you left me so I'm going on a date sorry oh you're the new man no no problem 1v1 that's not very nice to meet you you looked absolutely stunning so sweet oh love roses absolutely no wait wait wait but I've got way more money than him that ain't about the money buddy Maybe but you don't have more money than me oh a rick here is an attorney and he reminded me that California is a community property State oh so half of those winnings attorney will be in touch with you soon take care Drew I'm surprised they didn't just get into a fight right then and there this wasn't a Darman video this would end real ugly but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and I just released some new merch we got hoodie shirts tank tops at OG I'll link it below and subscribe to the wolf pack oh I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 3,813,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, dhar mann
Id: NZY4KNbt_E8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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