Babysitter ABANDONS The CHILD, What Happens Will Shock You | Dhar Mann

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ah thank you again for watching my little girls you are a lifesaver oh it's my pleasure mr erickson plus carla is such a sweetheart and brittany is a typical teenage girl exactly i get it all right well i better get going okay oh just a reminder i won't be here tomorrow because i'm going to the adele concert yeah the agency let me know already hopefully they'll be able to find me someone else you know you have fun thanks see you okay [Music] hi daddy i missed you hey pumpkin i missed you too now daddy's gonna make a phone call and i will be right back [Music] hey let's watch it oops sorry i forgot you existed not funny dad just the guy i'm looking for [Music] here's the new skirt and jacket i wanted can i have your credit card you know a hi dad how was your day would be nice brittany hi dad how was your day busy as usual tomorrow's gonna be even busier i need to find a new sitter for you girls that's good now back to the skirt and jacket how much is it a hundred and eighty dollars oh that's just the skirt the jacket's extra brittany we've already talked about this if you're gonna be a shopaholic fashionista whatever you call it you could have to pay for it yourself these clothes are not cheap how do you expect me to pay for that uh same way everyone else does by getting a job why would i do that that's what you're here for it's not happening [Applause] do you want to play dress up and have a tea party i'd rather eat your crayons hello mr erickson how may i help you yeah i was wondering if you'd find me a sitter for tomorrow night i know it's short notice let me see what we can do [Music] it doesn't look like anyone's available saturday's our most popular day ah i understand all right i'll figure something out also the two thousand dollar payment for february is too soon two thousand dollars dad hang up okay uh actually i'll call back but thank you no problem have a nice day you pay two thousand dollars for a babysitter yeah it's for the whole month why uh hello give it to me i'll babysit carla you're not responsible enough to babysit your sister you can't even do your chores look at this thing full of dirty dishes [Music] i can be responsible please dad i'll even wash dishes right now i just don't think it's a good idea how about this i'll try it tomorrow and when i prove it to you that i can do it then you'll hire me and cancel the babysitter what other option do you have doesn't seem like anyone else can do it how do you feel honey do you want britney to be your babysitter i'll play dress-up and have a tea party with you really okay great that settles it if we do this you have to understand it's important to take your responsibility seriously of course i know that so when do i get the two thousand dollars i'm only agreeing to try this for a day if all goes well and you commit to a month then you'll get paid you won't regret this i hope not where are you going to figure out all the stuff i can buy with that money but you said you'd wash the dishes [Music] you know i think the milk's gone bad so don't use it and make sure that the windows are closed and latched tight [Music] and if the smoke detector goes off don't just take out the batteries you have to are you even listening can you just relax you're acting like i'm gonna start a fire now that you mention it if there is a fire i keep an extinguisher in the laundry room dad i know all this stuff i live here too remember brittany this is important i'm putting my trust in you we'll be fine carla's easy to take care of and we're gonna have so much fun together can we play barbies in hopscotch uh we can talk about that after dad leaves last thing and this is the most important make sure not to let carla out of your sight i saw on facebook the other day there's been some suspicious man in the area a suspicious man in this neighborhood yeah he was last seen wearing a fake amazon delivery uniform so no opening the door for anyone you're just trying to scare me i am serious so please keep your sister by your side at all times can you do that for me i've got this dad go call me if you have any problems [Applause] so do you want to play barbies first or hopscotch oh i'm sorry i'm like super busy right now but i thought we were gonna play listen carla here's the deal i'm gonna chill over here and you can go and do whatever you want so just leave me alone okay but that's not fun you said you were gonna play with me let's go hopscotch please no i already told you i'm busy besides you can go do that by yourself i can't go outside alone you heard what dad said that made up story about a delivery man come on he was just saying that to scare us what if it's real relax i think i know when dad is trying to teach me a lesson besides i grew up playing outside this house nothing's gonna happen you promise i'll be okay i promise all right just stay on our driveway oh this is cute kidnapper what are you talking about there's a man coming to the front door relax it's just the food delivery guy did you order food no did you i don't even have a phone okay then they just got the wrong address i'll just tell him wait what if he's the guy dad's talking about i already told you dad was just trying to scare us [Music] grubhub for sam sorry there's no sam here are you sure positive just me and my sister oh parents aren't home uh i think sam's food is getting cold you should go find the right address see wrong address you told him we were home alone no he didn't you might as well have can you just chill nothing bad happened we're fine well i'm definitely not going back outside alone that's fine just go play with your barbies hey girl what are you doing right now nothing important just watching my baby sister oh sorry my mom i was gonna invite you to the sale of the plaza there's a sale i want to go what about your sister she'll be fine at home i do not want to miss this but dang i'm broke at least until my dad pays me tonight for babysitting if you need to borrow some money again i don't mind i'll be paying back this time really you're the best okay i'll head out now meet you in 30. sounds good see you soon you're gonna leave me i'm just going to the store real quick i'll be right back what if that guy comes back just stay inside the house you'll be fine i'm gonna call dad no don't do that he'll kill me if he finds out i'm not staying at the house by myself fine you're coming with me just don't say anything but i don't want to go shopping i'll buy you ice cream or something okay really okay just wash your face you're just in time i couldn't miss it she ran two red lights hey you little snitch i didn't realize you're coming are you gonna buy some balenciaga too no i'm only here so don't get taken away taken away my dad put this idea in her head that some scary man is gonna come and kidnap her it's crazy how many scary things have been happening lately did you hear about that guy who dressed up as a fake amazon delivery man you heard that story yeah it's scary i told you oh come on i'm sure it's you know right yeah i think i'm seeing things anyway i cannot believe the sale today i know right this is like a once in a lifetime opportunity it's gonna be so much fun i'm so excited i really want that jacket that i told you about um what do you want how long is this gonna take i don't know why what do you need someone just took the dress i was in the bag i really need to go to the bathroom why didn't you go before we came i didn't need to go before someone just took another dress thanks a lot carla excuse me do you have a bathroom here there's one at the end of the plaza okay you can go just come back soon you're not gonna take me and lose out on more items yeah right it's not that far you'll be fine by yourself girl we hit the jackpot i am mad you got the last jacket i really wanted it you snooze you lose but since you covered me i'll maybe let you borrow it how kind of you so when do you think you'll be able to pay me back as soon as i get paid tonight for babysitting car wait where's carla now i thought she was with you shoot uh she said she was going to the bathroom and i don't think she ever came back please tell me this isn't happening can you call her she doesn't have a cell phone she has to be around here somewhere maybe you should call your dad and let him know i lost carla no way [Music] okay oh thank you oh excuse me are you looking for that little girl that was in line with you yeah that was my little sister have you seen her yes a man was with her a man what what did he look like oh i'm sorry dear i only saw the back of his head i thought maybe it was her father no no my my dad's at work uh should we call the police no uh thank you i'll handle it from here i appreciate your help no this cannot be happening i hope it wasn't him who there was skye at our door today um he looked kind of sketchy and then earlier when we were lying i thought i saw him again over there he followed you here maybe i i don't know oh no it's dad answer it maybe he found carla okay hey dad uh how's work that's good busy's good uh carla yeah um she's just she's just taking a nap right now but i'll let her know you called yeah um i have to keep my eye on the stove so i gotta go i love you dad bye okay so good news is my dad doesn't know um so we just defined her before he comes home from work what are you gonna do let's not jump to conclusions maybe it's not creepy grubhub guy [Music] no no no no no no way this cannot be real what what if you ever want to see your sister again you're gonna have to pay no cops oh my goodness this is officially a nightmare we have to call the police or tell your dad he can't find out i'm supposed to prove that i'm responsible what is he gonna think if i lose my little sister i think you have a much bigger i know amber that's what your dad's gonna think i have to fix this okay uh he wants money so uh let's see what he's asking for you're texting back a kidnapper that's not smart i need 500 i don't like this you shouldn't be responding back to him do you think it'll be crazy if i borrowed that much money from you bernie you're actually gonna pay him it's my sister look i'll return the clothes and my dad will give me 2k um i'll figure the rest out and i promise i'll pay you back this is not safe we need to tell somebody you don't understand if my dad finds out he'll never trust me again and besides who knows what the canetra is going to do if we involve the police please can you trust me fine but if we're actually going to do this then i need to stop my bank thank you so much um [Applause] do you think we should have put the money in something else i don't want anyone knowing what we're carrying two girls lost no we're just meeting someone all right careful a lot of sketchy people around here [Applause] you where's my little sister relax she's fine bring the cash wait but how do we know she's safe i promise you she is i'm not here to hurt her okay you got your cash now where's my sister i'll bring her in a minute first give me your phones why they don't call the cops after i leave i'm not dumb come on thank you all right hey hey get back here [Music] great he's gone okay we need to tell your dad and the cops right now what phones i have a tablet in my car we can use that let's go [Applause] wait maybe we should tell my dad first okay what's his number he's gonna kill me we don't have time for this unless you know some other way to find your sister we need to tell him hold on do you find my iphone turned on you want to keep chasing after him brittany this whole thing has gone on way too far we are in way over our heads this is way too dangerous cops are gonna need to know regardless so please tell me where he went he has our phones fine there he is wait is that oh my god let's go [Music] [Applause] carla carla are you here carla she's not in her room she's not here either i don't think she'll tell me this is all my fault if i just took my responsibilities more seriously than this whole thing would have never happened hey hey what's all this yelling about you're here yeah i got off early and to my surprise no one was here [Applause] where'd you go you went shopping was that before or after i called to ask how everything was going during [Music] i lied carla wasn't napping now why on earth would you lie about that brittany because is i lost carla you what i know i'm sorry we have to call the police dad i'm so sorry i'm so sorry can we tell her now carla you're okay oh my gosh i was so worried about you but how did you get here we were pretending the whole time we i i'm so confused you had something to do with this i did wait i i don't understand what about the kidnapper i guess that's my cue you again mr erickson call the cops that won't be necessary this is one of my employees dave sorry i gave you girls a scare got all your stuff right here can you please just tell me what's going on when i left the house earlier i realized i forgot my wallet when i came back what did i see carla playing by herself outside exactly what i told you not to let her do sorry so your dad asked me to come by and pretend to be a grubhub delivery guy we even told carl about the plan yep i knew the whole time i was supposed to end right there but just to be safe i dave stick around and sure enough a little while later i saw you girls leaving i asked him to follow to see what you would do and to make sure you were safe and what did he see me letting carla leave the store by herself exactly that's when dave had carla go with him and the only reason i called you was to test me and you failed big time and to put the cherry on top i had dave drop off carla with me while hugh ran around chasing him i can't believe you took it that far i was seriously freaked out oh don't try to turn this around on me none of this would have happened if you i know if i would have taken my responsibilities more seriously which clearly you didn't so you can kiss this babysitter job goodbye but i spent 500 today can you please at least give me just that for working today you seriously have the nerve to ask me that after what you did you're in big trouble young lady [Music] do you mind if i get the stuff from the car so i can return it and pay you back return it are you kidding you got some really nice stuff i'm keeping it for myself wow way to kick me when i'm down i should probably get going boss thanks again for your help dave i gotta go too i'm glad everything worked out see you in class there's just one thing i still don't get how come everybody knew about the amazon delivery guy oh that story was true it really was all over the news but what i didn't mention is that they caught the guy a few weeks ago well that's good because i never want to go through anything like this ever again you know in a weird way i didn't realize how much i loved you until you were gone i love you too [Music] i have an idea how about a tea party seriously okay i'll get everything ready okay just give me a moment i have to do one thing first [Applause] that's definitely a good start but you're not getting off that easy can we talk about it after dinner i'm starving sure i'll order us something grubhub no no uh let's do postmates or ubereats i'm traumatized now okay hi jess hi e what did i say about knocking before you come in so yeah she just irritates me so much i just think she lives up to you wants to be like you rosa you used my new palette why do you have to ruin everything you know sometimes i wish i didn't even have a little sister
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 18,362,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: jfPf9Epaimo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 26sec (1466 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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