Reaching my highest MMR ever?! | 2’s Until I Lose Ep. 17 | Rocket League

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[Music] a gamer we are back with another episode of choosen tyloo's for you to the series I'm basically just play to sentai lose and explain my thought process all that good stuff trying to explain you know the best of my ability what I'm doing here so uh currently 1906 MMR pretty high for me make it some high level lobbies today probably so let's get into it all right here we go game number one let's get into it I'll see you the gunner on team our team we have 4pj mm mm our player probably gonna be pretty good got play really really fast in these lobbies that's the key bump dumps we might be fine if PJ's in same game uh yes it's getting this thought he's gonna get my boost so I but he landed inside the gold-laden I'll try pass it pj QJ cuts it off smart for PG not to go nice little bit awkward though I'll go up here just kind of a placeholder just so uh the other guy can get right away should block from teammate he messed up his head shouldn't be in oh god awkward eye for a decorator thanks ta for bailing me out I did not turn correctly and at it all day took the deuce that's great I'll let him do sing he I don't really want to cut rotation at all same thinking he's still in front of me and my Lundy's thing oh I thought I was in then take boost it over one if I can and get back couldn't quite hit it over one but now it's teammates turn to get football all I do here is hit as soft as I can to beat one where I can get the 50/50 after the second touch so they're too hard it's possession for the other team they not entirely sure what they're doing they made someone find me though well I'm dissing now I'm going I'm the first such it's probably pretty flipped it you made so in front of me try to catch this towards my corner here it's gonna prioritize getting boosts they know my team is behind me if I don't get the best stone good pre flip might be able to demo oh so close fro so close I take this one up you didn't get the boost which really really sucks but he's free drumming anyway he assumed I got the booze might be possession for us here I think it first of all how to make sure 100% up first of all because I'm not I'm last man back there here's a chance to get scored on I'm not gonna commit for that you're gonna like - you may go now not the best touch I'm not gonna go from back boosts I want to be too far in case the worst outcome happens yeah that's kind of bad we got kind of lucky that kind of pinch it with my teammate she's gonna 52 I don't have any other options I won't take far posts out Gobbo trusts my teammate though a pretty tough situation I'm betta this ball as well not sure what my teammates spawned so I kind of have to just assume he's on the away from the ball hopefully he doubles this good stuff trouble top as well good pass it's gonna flick it not the best player by any means I'll try to demo here didn't work but uh getting it a miserable should be fine here I know I can miss like a ton of booze so I can't get a Boomer CLE or anything pretty blue boots oof so it's gotta get any touchy boy that a little bit softer I gave him a shot accidentally do you mate hopefully it's fine it's gonna circle around a net I won't that be too slow eating good stuff from teammate he's gonna have to shot unfortunately and I missed the boost we are good though trying to sing over my teammate that he can cut me in our facing here because I'm super low in the boosts that's got that tough from him it's gonna try to challenge you should be fine I just have a ton of juice and Tang Oh roll one Kyle gonna take this one over it's gonna flick I really don't have a ton of options if I don't flick right there one of them probably talent it's me gonna get boost and leave and go now I heard that demo behind me I heard it man he still got me there he's in challenge I'm pretty far back though you can cut me you can keep doing this thing so when you get a like pretty high MMR you can tell when people are gonna cut rotation it's pretty easy to be stuck made a pass one triple let's go it's good stuff dude headed past one cuz I knew you can challenge immediately and then I've read the down bounce correctly where I could you know take advantage of the play and I and the reason I didn't singles happening is just in case he's there on it it works out really well though gonna get the got kind of like a DEP challenge I'm gonna slam this one home a little bit over team and I have a shot though good stuff good stuff let's see it try to get a good kick out do the usual and that is very good I feel like am i approaching a gun for that is a okay though that's bad it's bad I have 250 that's really awkward position my first such wasn't good it's gonna get back through seeing weights good and it's just kind of establish you know a touch thing he misses luxord pins really badly I'll fake this one uh debate a min that's why I'm just gonna fifty not much else I can do I want to spend a single jump into that side of you know a good recovery too as well great catch from teammate even he's loved these two men go to get one more game two more three more or four more good pressure I'll let them take up you see he's me and I one day lunch isn't amazing it's fine though of the best night from him all the best ah I'll keep back off that's a teammate go but a better touch that's definitely my ball to go for I don't have a good touch it's not the point where my teammate had a better shot than I did I might as well so I go for it that's a GG Game one we get the one played pretty well yeah I honestly feel like I'm even comparing the last episode of last two three episodes plaintiff been playing a lot more rocky lately so uh I just feel like I've been getting a lot better I've been really motivated to play lately so we played pretty well like sets let's get into game number two [Music] all righty here we go game number two on our team we got a mech tose RL RS player I always get confused to the title I'd see a blue tag I don't know whether it's RL RS or RL say yes to that he's a good ones play so uh gonna let me do this thing when it comes to someone's place I think we got a gold oh I'm not sure woods at this game but uh maybe know something that it's one third a double touch if you didn't you kind of kind of forced it on go there I think I got a pinch as well really it really sucks that that people do this but okay I mean at least at least it's a good at least I'm on the team where it's it's not happening to me this is all very high-level players but uh it appears I'm the only one actually playing very very interesting very interesting stuff coming in here YC I'm going it's going on well know what's going on in close forgetting that some some freestyle action and key now it's try to get them try to get something good here for the means okay okay report server shine oh I almost got it I don't get it it sucks hmmm very very interesting goal coming in from zeph here so analyze this really quick so it appears he's dribbling into his own goal very interesting play coming in here alright so uh get the one here I gotta Marley sure what it was exactly happen it appears the other team was not trying at all this happy it wasn't my teammate but yeah we got eight mmm are for free 19:23 right now let's let's get into game number three fire let's see game 3 got Jared iron team this time planning it's Sarah and Shaquille O'Neal thank Jared was a our opponent in the first game about to see if it near post got some almost got I couldn't quite though kinda have to go all the way back here it's just mid boost homing was gonna be there that's a good shot good safe from teammate though I could have pre jump out a little bit better his stuff is a bit harder than expect it alright I have to get back into like try hard about here good shot from teammate I'm like you said it's like freestyle on a little bit cuz Game two was a free win you know no it's a very high rank blob yet again here Silva let's do it something abusive and I think I'm just gonna get fifty here trying to somehow zone this one uh can really though I'll let the teammate soon get back and try to support him I think the passing lane isn't there so I'll take this one over here thought about my C flick but it didn't work out too well I was gonna feel like xx fat actually pretty decent shot pretty decent tornado sure once the one sack I kind of ghetto ending they're all about the first touch on that and kind of a nice little tornado gnarly tornado flick Buddhists uh and on an arrow nice little powerful air old fat trustee making literally the perfect path suit makes my job so easy man like I trusted him to like not get scored on I didn't trust him to be the best passer in North America right there but yes it made my job very easy like I said but three goes up you know just under a minute as long as we as long as I in particular don't be really stupid I think we were a ok nothing commit for that one when he is right next to the ball and I know my teammates back it's gonna fifty here make sure I kind of a Errol and in a way where I can touch it again rappel know if teammates love these do not I think he does that much more everything and try to fit through this one I got I get good shot good shot pretty awkward series of events in the past like 20 seconds' some slow challenges we're kind of stuck in weird spots and I did a 50/50 my teammate wasn't able to get back in time try to get back here I came back you may can go whenever I am back you got me again teammate okay open if you can open if you can they're very very aggressive of these demos man it's very interesting to see like he got the demo on me but he kind of forgot my teammate was there I guess like it wasn't fully past him yet or my teammate facilities get the goal almost a good shot feel like that was on that is a good chance I would say that my positioning is pretty decent let him cut here let me do this thing it's gonna be mad towards teammate you may have a free touch II would have been a little bit better if my touch my past is a little higher up here we're giving him more options but uh it's on the ground you know he he does he creates something you know balance for himself it's a very good flick as well and that's a very quick Game three so let's go ahead and and get in the game for [Music] all right game for utopia Coliseum on our team we got Rock sirs and we're playing against Shaquille O'Neal and Nazira same people we were planning it's last time hopefully rockers pulled sir at the Caribbean let's do it oh we messed up the setup it's gotta wait here didn't know if he's gonna pinch that one bad shot that gives me a free touch gotta jump over this one nice nice 50 just gonna wait here he messed up his flip anyways he main cut me easily I won't go cuz I think he does just enough booze to do something here think he wanted me to go for that I'm not too sure it's fine now I'll turn it this towards the right side hopefully he's day you can't go though I kind of think I'm the best Pat's gonna avoid mo here turn out a little bit gonna hit that one high not much else I can do with low boosts still gonna be low here try to get back behind teammate somehow even if he gets a perfect flip reset pretty easy safe 4:14 a good shot nice pretty simple here this guy's last man back and he went for the ball I'll ask you a steak challenge what's his teammate is behind him in a recoverable position then he can challenge with a way less risk cuz there won't be an open net behind them I will say back okay I'll go go me and a teammate were in like the same exact spot but it's like a little a little after time to get down to our rotational positions five boosts in a tanky not gonna jump at this I don't wanna have to long of recovery behind teammate gonna get as many pads as I can here what the heck it's gonna wait for one touch wait for my teammate to get behind me now he made this goes first man again once I see him cutting it's as simple as that just have to uh let him cut it's gonna get a game and a fake cuz I don't have any boosters and now we're back man teammate you can honestly this pushup like honestly I'm right behind him can't capture here I'm just gonna get two pads and as long as I get the touch it's fine even if opponent gets loose I'll just establish myself right here and not actually commit to and force him to do something real abuse you can hear this one to the left to try to avoid donk but a he'd he did dunk it very well he made mine's a pre jump a little bit but I'll be behind them that's a touch it anywhere nice I think I can 50 this one trying to secure boosts so we can't get it though he Meza as they're out good bit here though I could have 50 bad a little bit better no I got that could have been it go let's find them left my teammate in a pretty questionable spot it's fine if he shot that I would have blocked in I was in a pretty tough spot but he did miss so I didn't miss 50 my time to get back there it's gonna go up here oh god I kinda miss heard that a little bit sign skip a acquire some boosters letting you make out he's facing the the correct way I'm not I'm gonna let him keep going here kind of just been it been a supportive player of this game nothing too crazy being a bump that'd be insane or score almost almost the bump might have been a good day got the hundred boosts I play for one touch here I think and I have to cut off the passing lane as well but now teammates behind me so I can do whatever it's gotta wait till teammate is behind I'm gonna think cuz I says he has a second time it's fine it's fine I shouldn't fly through that one I found a double jump team a has it I one more baby I don't know I'm gonna thank this one boy demo I didn't think you would like I should afflict I should have liked it's fine then I'm behind teammate now I have a free touch it looks like it's gonna go quick it's a role in a way where I can score that I jumped in a way where it wasn't the best angle but see it hits a ceiling and the opponent isn't up yet so I have a little bit of time to adjust in the air it's kind of rotating my car in a way where I can get that far post we get to go see your teammate it's not behind me that's why I have a fake now he should be behind me now I go it's fine even if it gets past me like I said I'm just aware that my teammates there sits it's fine can i play ball or abuse you try to get a nice pinch but a preferred if that one a little far off the wall gives him a little bit of an easy play don't want to go quite yet come on do sing that's it left towards teammate he makes out there so I'll stick with this one it's a good touch I'm not gonna have to do so I'm just gonna head out here let's see try to kinda read what's going on here I'll think T man landed it's uh I'm just gonna go I don't exactly trust that one you definitely possible for him touch it but if he doesn't have a ton of boosted it's not gonna be easy good touch again teammate hook has had really really good like supportive touches so far that's a really good bump by me cuz I can beat him I don't if I can score okay I can't see I kind of a lucky bump but the I serve were trying to pass his other teammate the other team out of the way gave me a an open net as long as I was quick enough so we get the win and let's get in cute game I think five let's get into game time all right Game five mm mm our lobby got Daniel on our team decide I think he's a very good ones play got that uh max for nine profile picture day try to shoot let's go good double top oh yeah I was actually in a pretty good way to start the game I be speed rockers to the ball and once that one wasn't on Nana set these are my remaining abuse to try to sneak that one in the goal we got it feel pretty good this episode I know can do something here probably gonna be a love is really all up to him it's fine still just gonna head out even if he gets a touch think I'm now maybe maybe little bit you high too much you so Noah first of all here it's gonna fifty Daniel maybe something can happen to this dreaded bite I'm not the best touch try to dunk that one it's gonna go again oh god oh god my bed yeah I was a pretty awkward position I didn't know I didn't want to use my jump cuz I think I'm I wasted but it definitely should've gone I just I wanted to be like really smart my play when I kind of should have prioritized being a little bit speedier there I didn't see that second bag quite thing I just jump anywhere they don't get my goal it's well said I wasn't aware not the other team's positioning really gotta cut off this passing million can really I accepted wait no good play from Daniel he scores this he's so good bro he's going it on the sticks man like moat most people can't even read where this is going and he reads where it's going perfectly puts his car in the right spot it's a goal I shot to keep this lead though such a good Pat whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa my bad that's I'm kind of throwing on the high key man I thought it was going straight down I think that's the pass he intended as well but I just went really far out I did not expect that that's my guy wasn't a mistake sigh I can't be making there like a simple miss reads hopefully you can keep carrying me though that's another bad read man yeah my kind of a arrow and one way to get that one on that but I didn't go let him go we kind of wanted that but it's fine I've legitimately and that was supposed to be an air dribble Nexus Annette legitimately thankfully I got back in time look enough to recover dude Daniel ope bro right here I was gonna try to demo their last guy but it's a little risky for me to like really really trust that flip reset so I kind of bailed out just in case you didn't fully get it past him but he actually wasn't hitting with a fake flip reset and worked out perfectly not gonna go gonna spew sad like 36 years somewhere around a tried its get a touch it's not in I've locked the majority of angles on net though it's good it's gonna be tough I expected the high shot good shot good shot playing a little bit sloppy this game it's gotta get my gotta get my conclusion here let him get out ABBA shot is soft so I can me or heaven could be ready for that I think it's him nice police in the mid bu city wants it ain't gonna flip reset Finch Oh what the heck I'm not sure rapping no I'm literally and I have no idea what happened here I've got a gonna watch his phone sit it out I think someone bumped someone into someone else and let me ax a less me a nothing net hard to really explain that with man okay again I'm not I'm not too sure what happened here let's see that's some analysis maybes control we're disconnected or something regardless so we're gonna take him in you get back to goal kitchen we like to see content just fun ones as soft as I can so it's closer to my teammate further away from them it's gonna be tough you can family how it looks like nice teammates pretty aggressive nothing really wrong with that and just have to uh be the supportive player it's pretty easy to do be the torment of the team it's gonna head out and do all the dirty work I might finish up and go away to you okay I'll try to bum this dude let's go that's really my only that's my best I'll play at that point it should be able to at least stuff that nice I'll go here try to double it it's actually really good double they're bumping each other at least me a chance to give juice as well I'm gonna thank this one and then shoot it oh he's he gave up okay I thought I had a defender to beat here it looks like he gave up after his teammate a bumped him oh no game five we get the window played pretty well alright you know what I think that back we didn't play too well let's get into game number six let's do it [Music] party boys game six I believe making it pretty far it's good to see Daniel on a team again hopefully he pops off and go get yet another one that would be down man and if you know Jarrod decides to give up or you know if the other team decides to give up I definitely won't be complaining it's gonna get back here honestly good lighting to do this thing oh good Scott tough that one maybe you can turn and try to cut off that say it's fine you're gonna find this I think thanks I know I'm gonna get boosts in this use me in a 1v1 but it's bad as I mess it up really bad he's gonna have a Boomer maybe Daniel can reach maybe not good save I didn't trust Oh God let's go he miss I think that if he waited to get an angle for net I might have gotten back in time let's see I have goose I think I can go really quick pretty poor shot I wanted that uh not even a shot it's one in a powerful head that wasn't a power plate at all Oh God I saw the positioning I was expecting from teammate it's fine though so far me and I my team you have an the best chemistry which sighing as long as we get the wins and trying to shoot that one again not the power I was looking for kind of Pat someone out risky 15 min to go for the yeah unfortunate right wasn't you know the best that's out it's like combination of my my weak paths along with his risky play you know kind of resulted in the gold a not a terrible kickoff and on get boost [Music] and I did not expect him to go he's cutting me off it's fine I guess someone do sing long as he's getting the golds I'm fine at heats he's cutting me off a little bit it's like that man you know like he cuts me off a little bit you know he probably had the higher boost amount he does he does that though I'm not gonna complain me that's a good show gotta adapt your teammates play style good you do see you then I'm gonna go quick he not sure my teammate challenged man let's find out good fake challenge kind of leaves a hard hit for them it's gonna get as many pads I can't wait to try to analyze what's going on here it's gonna get a Boomer out they only need to jump to that but somehow recovered really really well I'm not gonna go for this it's pretty risky but a Custis and to get nimbu see I did not work actually actually kind of backfired it's a release induce I can get this boosts no it's have to wait back for it now I'll try to challenge it works now Tina can go trying to be available for the mid pass good block by then the fun keep some sort of pressure hearing 150 I don't really have to do anything crazy a bad recovery the bad landing it's on the ceiling it looks like okay nice interesting that interesting I'm cheating up when I don't have any boost though I don't know I don't know about this man I guess my child could have been better but I think he's just kind of ivan man he's gone all the way over there definitely not a smart play to do but my challenge could have been better you know I just get a really good challenge it's at least four you know we shouldn't be getting directing score at Oh I'm gonna go quick beat one of them fun today - it actually almost almost got out [Music] let's get quick here that is not good might be getting styled on it's fine it's gonna get that boosts feeling shut double tap that's almost kind of dunk good think by him not gonna go but yet odds it fit somehow managed to save it though I thought I was that fair that's a bad tough I mean risky for me to jump for this he's gonna watch out for the pinch nice I can't go I'm a little bit out of position have to make sure I can cut off that passing window hey that's one kind of towards you made nice it's back again towards teammate and he's love these know that I save like in the worst landing ever meant oh yeah yeah I'm not just cuz I get that bad landing I'm not there to pressure this one kind of bad touch by me and cleaning on go back double commit might be building a night a cold sand game double tap on an abuse it works oh it's fine it's fine it's me me threatening the double top makes their second guy kind of panic here he has to kind of wait to see and that kind of frees up the net for my teammate so me missing kind of helped us get the gold not to brag or anything but how do you be missing more can't shoot that I'll let him go for a double let's go that's good learned to pick up the pace a little bit get a speedy vibes gun took the boosts got the touch and yes he has the gold block so I kind of have a little one really really fast this side of the goal get that double tap gone it's gonna go clicky that's really good that's really really good let's go dude I've really had to evaluate you know if I was able to challenge this and they leave why would he leave uh yeah you know I felt like I could challenge that you know it was safe to go for and we're about highest MMR we've ever been and a TV dude is insane but yeah I think game six get the dub man let's get in the game seven let's keep writing it up [Music] finally view seven hours and 26 minutes later we get Game seven I believe playing against sea bass and beast mode and their party though it's gonna be tough we got a atom on our team it's not not at his controller at the moment let's see if we can see we can do it there Oh God Oh No this may be the end boys I'm not gonna complain that we've gained uh like 60 MMR or you know 50 if we end up losing this one but uh yeah I've been a surprising amount of people kind of just not really a playing the game this episode which is interesting maybe I can to be one the two pros maybe not you never know I think it goosey shut it down away and get the other touched in slang abuse maybe I can ask for the one day I would say makes it make this a little bit more Fame I um I wanna be running okay okay let's go one new wondrous beast mode oh god this isn't good Oh God oh good okay that's all you want I have the chance points big shout out to sea bass for being a such a good person Oh No okay it's gonna be tough but I hope once until I leave this right now once until I leave it's a good challenge by us it's gonna be very careful here hopefully it doesn't say that let's go okay thanks I'm gonna say thanks see totally don't have to do this they could just take the the free one see that's a cool guy though Oh God he beat me I like it guys good shot I've totally switched my mind said now we're still for this one day one now but uh and the thing is we're not gonna have even kickoffs every single time I don't think maybe we are I'm not I'm not sure I don't know if the last one is even so it might be pretty tough you messed up s-- kickoff we get to go to two two boys let's do it let's do it okay yeah the kick-out sorry anything I'll see that's good pretty even kickoff hopefully it doesn't smile on me here I might fake a really early challenge no I'm not eating it the best setup on that I was decent but uh he didn't get it a really high in the air so it's relatively easy saying it's on the other hand it's pretty high in the air and he barely misses though thank the Lord well we almost touch it again god that's like the first killer type shot risky challenge to go for surprised he went yeah it's not to avoid bump you got a good challenge I can try to get my own boosts here we do get it avoid the bump again it's God good shot I didn't think he would uh I didn't think he had the booster to shoot that one honestly he got it past me I don't know B so I think Beast was really high up in once I'm not entirely sure gonna let you stinking kind of hang at the bump either man you minutes let's go can I score let's go let's go let's go we got it safely see best in accents David oh yeah he's just seeing a really really fancy stuff I'm kind of playing it safe so far it's been pretty even though he's faking the kickoff I couldn't even say with that but my turn wasn't the best with you know pretty low boots let's go click here gonna try to block out the angles I can please be out please be out dude I'm suntanned on the 1v1 mindset I was pretty sure he's gonna go early I tried too low 50/50 that one but it turned out to be a normal 50/50 so he can kind of have the advantage kind of free flip that one and get the save he's gonna get do so he just had so much pressure this episode I mean this game just gonna thank you my muskie flake or something try to get man boost please beast mode oh my god bro don't have much boosters in the tank yes please know I should have shot that have to try to bump him here yes got two bumps no I wanted to catch that I really wanted to catch that I think I'd get back though I'll kind of hard no I want about made him flip down some IV golf I'm speedy let's go let's go four to four men let's go dude good stuff it's pretty risky for him to flip into now on I have to see it you gotta get a good kick out wait okay they're trading players No Oh see you Bass must be better out of 1v1 and God okay okay I just have to the reason I don't like this wait let's go no no since I already adopted so much to the other guy now I have to totally rethink my entire length you try to get a good low 50 doesn't work substitution pays off man or maybe they just sucked because they had the better kick-ass I'm not too sure oh no okay yeah they both might accidentally I don't know who I'll playing against bro oh no and okay why anyway he's gonna get to go off okay two goals I can do this I don't know who's not playing games so I'm not sure okay I think it's events let's go I miss to do so you can try to skip this one and cut it wrong that's bad man that is bad actually got a really really soft touch they're gotten Busan kept trying to cut it the other way okay they keep substituting I think it's gonna feel like they even kick ass that's a perfect shot man it's probably the end of the episode guys maybe it's possible not too sure but uh again dick shot off these guys for at least give me the chance for the one do you want I don't know I got could be winning that could be money I don't give up yet though you want to give up yet I'm like trying to get outro the outro in here but I don't know it could be doing it could be it could be win it is possible I'm getting a few good tickets ok shoulda got a fifty day all right it's Sam it's Sam it's Sam hope you guys enjoyed the video again big shots to see bats in beast mode for giving me the chance for the 1v1 but uh we end today's episode off probably gonna be somewhere around you know 1950 which is very very high for us don't forget to Like subscribe and I'll see you guys the next video peace attention rocket League gamers Musti is in big trouble he needs your help stout find that next epic rocket League mechanic now to do this only needs for you to do is watch the ads all the way through and while you're there make sure to musty flick your way to the subscribe button do it do it now [Music]
Channel: amustycow
Views: 1,205,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amustycow, rocket league, 2's until i lose, 2's until i lose musty, 2s until i lose, 2s until i lose musty, twos until i lose, rocket league 2s until i lose, 2s till i lose, 2's till i lose, 2s until i lose 17, 2s until i lose ep. 17, 2's until i lose 17, 2's until i lose ep. 17, musty rocket league, rocket league 2v2, Reaching my highest MMR ever?! | 2’s Until I Lose Ep. 17 | Rocket League, Reaching my highest MMR ever, musty highest mmr, rocket league top 100, top 100
Id: 7aYi1-jwULo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 31sec (2371 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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