I Watched WHAT IF Ep. 5 in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found

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[Music] hey everyone i'm the canadian lad and today i watched what if episode 5 at point 2 fabric speed and found some amazing details that will blow your mind but please be aware i'm gonna go scene by scene and not just talk about details or easter eggs i'm essentially gonna explain the whole episode so without any further ado let's begin today's episode opens with hulk getting transported back to earth so we're picking up just before the events of infinity war in the main timeline we already saw how things panned out but in this universe things got even worse when bruce banner got back to earth this wasn't the planet he was expecting it all started with hank pym and janet bending now we know from the mcu that janet van dyne went subatomic and entered the quantum realm in 1987. she stayed gone for 30 years but in this universe while she was there for 30 years she contracted a quantum virus that essentially turned her into a zombie so when hank pam went to rescue her she transmitted the virus to him and when they both came back from the quantum realm they transmitted it to scotland and within a matter of days the entire new york including the avengers were all turned into zombies so this is what bruce banner came back to as opposed to a broken avengers in the main timeline the main timeline now doesn't seem that bad does it we get the same camera angles and shots when bruce banner crash lands into the sanctum he warns that thanos is coming but finds no one to talk to except the cloak of levitation notice it moves ever so slightly giving us a hint it's still very much alive which will in fact play a significant role in this episode more about it when i get to that bit bruce then puts on one of the sorcerer's uniforms now the sorcerers did have a purple outfit but i can't help but think just how perfect this color looks on bruce banner considering hulk always used to wear purple pants in the comics he then sees that bleecker street is quite literally abandoned we then come across ebony maw and call obsidian and of course bruce banner fails to hulk out well because of continuity now i found something interesting here notice how the exact moment ebony moss says you're about to die at the hands of the children of thanos just when he says hands that is exactly when tony's hand appears from a portal behind him i'll play it for you so you understand it better you are about to die at the hands of the children of we then see wong tony stark and dr strange walk out of the portal with the avengers background score this looked really similar to how t'challa walked out of a portal at the end of end game even though bruce didn't realize they're actually zombified iron man and dr strange but if you notice very carefully you could already tell this isn't the same tony stark now seeing them walking out of the portal bruce says this oh boy are you guys screwed which is a callback to this scene where thor made the greatest superhero entrance you guys so screwed now the trident made such good use of their powers and utilized the portals as much as they could now you may ask why didn't the avengers use the portals as much in infinity war well the answer is simple the avengers were trying to beat ebony maw and call obsidian whereas the zombie fight avengers are basically trying to eat them and you can't eat someone if you're standing 50 miles away from them so the first move they chose to make was to open a portal and get near them now bruce slowly realizes tony wong and steven are acting a bit too brutal because bruce actually noticed how wong had literally jumped and groped ebony maw something you don't often see in a normal fight then it is officially revealed to us that they're all zombies and tony stark prepares to blast bruce banner but the cloak of levitation comes to his rescue wong then tries to eat bruce but gets stopped by the cape so not all heroes wear a cape some are just cape itself and a girl of the way they executed this scene the cape is holding doctor strange on one hand while stopping wong on the other while in the background tony stark was literally lying on top of call obsidian notice how none of them lost their powers and abilities even after getting infected with the virus so the virus doesn't take away any of their powers wong then gets beheaded by his own portal something we've seen already in infinity war but of course the scenario was a bit different but what remained consistent though is the fact that bruce will always kick the remains if someone got chopped through a portal enters hope van dyne who uses thousands of ants and completely decimates dr strange ebony maw and call obsidian however tony survives thanks to his nano suit so as a last resort hope had to decapitate tony stark so pretty brutal scenes within the first five minutes of the episode spider-man arrives who's not voiced by josh kitten as many believed he would instead it was played by hudson thames who i think has done a remarkable job and in some scenes i didn't even feel it wasn't tom holland you notice even though spider-man is wearing his mask in this scene but this is the only time we see him in his mask because in this universe there's no one left alive who doesn't know his true identity the watcher then explains how the virus started evolving which i've told you already but i never thought i'd get to hear the watcher say this the watcher expressing his feelings so vividly is just planning the seats for future episodes where the watcher will in fact intervene peter then shows bruce a tutorial that he made to escape a zombie attack now in this tutorial we see happy hogan wearing a t-shirt that says i'm not single i'm saving myself for thor and also an ironman repulsor glove on his hand now his skills include driving and boxing which is another continuity detail from the ironman films where we've seen him as both tony chauffeur and was helping tony train boxing this is also a nod to the comics where happy hogan is actually a boxer then we meet kurt a very funny and a significant character from the ant-man franchise notice he's wearing the same axe-con jacket that whips anymore in ant-man and the wasp now this axe con basically stands for axe convicts which they all wear in the main timeline his skills include slavic folklore probably because he keeps bringing baba yaga all the time and crying because well he was a convict already i like how kurt uses a packet of ketchup as an improv blood next we see bucky burns who gets introduced as silent but deadly notice how a shower curtain is adorned with red white and blue stars and stripes this is a nod to his patriotic side and his association with captain america his skills are murder a killer arm and heavy sleeper but if i just rewind back a few seconds notice how peter's cell phone is almost dying this is an animated show for god's sake but marvel still made sure to add such little details like this up next we see sharon carter who in our timeline is now the power broker then we meet okoye who came here to find her king t'challa notice how the cloak of levitation was also watching the homemade tutorial made by peter parker we then learned they made their base with a series of buses suspended over the city now even though this does seem like one of the greatest ways to escape a zombie apocalypse but zombies who can fly for instance iron man or the wizards could very easily make it here so the fact that this base isn't shattered or affected indicates they made this base after ironman died and notice all of these buses are held together with peter's web and we learned in spiderman homecoming that his web takes two hours to dissolve hey that's gonna dissolve in two hours so maybe in this universe peter's webs are a bit stronger and doesn't dissolve as quickly therefore he was able to make this base or maybe he makes a new base every two hours the avengers then find out a potential cure to this virus which is located in camp lehigh now camp lehigh is of course the birthplace of captain america where steve rogers trained at and became the man he was they then all traveled to new jersey but during that we're made to believe that a giant-sized zombie is attacking them only to realize that this zombie isn't that big but they're the one traveling in miniature mode now this scene was foreshadowing the arrival of the undead giant wasp more about it when i get to that i like how there are two buttons on the van a big one to become big and a small one to activate miniature mode and notice when the van was small the front was completely okay but as soon as it comes back to its normal size and shatters the zombie into pieces the front grille takes a huge dent because of colliding with a zombie another great attention to detail okoye then decides to split the group into two which peter thinks is not a good idea splitting up in a zombie apocalypse is the last thing you should do her lack of sensibility here shows why she's in need of t'challa we then get to see sam wilson aka falcon who is also infected with the virus and happy over here gets huddled with all these birds now in the comics falcon can actually communicate with birds through his telepathic ability and it seems as though falcon did just that to distract happy now each time happy shoots using his repulsor gauntlet he says bam sharon takes notice of this as well are you saying blam was i now a big fight takes place where happy gets infected as well and notice even when happy became a zombie he was still saying plan now over here peter is trying to jumpstart the train by creating enough thrust and momentum but he was about to be eaten by one of the undead but luckily the cloak of levitation again comes to rescue and okoye over here literally cuts falcon in half but just like bucky we should have been sat here but we're not now the train finally starts running and they're on their way to camp lehigh we then see peter parker effortlessly donning the cloak of levitation he asks hope if she thinks he can pull it off and this is what she says maybe i'll grow into it you will grow into it does it ring any bells well in spiderman into the spiderverse miles morales asks stan lee if he can return the mask if it doesn't fit but stanley said there's no need to return it as he will eventually grow into it i immediately thought of stanley when hope said that to peter cut to sharon who gets attacked by zombie fight captain america now out of all these entrances cap's entrance was the most intense is what i felt even though we already knew what's coming through the promos but i still enjoyed this scene as if i watched it for the first time this slow reveal from darkness to light also resembles his entrance in infinity war now i noticed something really creepy over here when sharon got bitten by cap and was lying unconscious on the floor notice one of her fingers was twitching ever so slightly again establishing the fact that she isn't dead she has just been infected with a virus now there's one more detail in this scene that i can guarantee you nobody will notice except if you watch it in slow motion notice whenever bucky punches cap's shield using his metal arm it surges some sort of an energy which makes sense because colliding two vibranium metals are creating a fiction here therefore this fiery effect however when bucky punches cap shield using his normal hand or the right hand there's no more fiction because the shield is not absorbing as much energy here as it does when it gets hit by the metal arm this scene lasted like 2 seconds in real time but the vfx team still made sure to pay attention to this detail bucky then finishes the fight by decapitating cap i guess this is the end of the line this is of course a callback to their famous line from captain america the winter soldier hogue then flies into sharon's mouth and burst her open from the inside i'm so glad marvel is basically turning all of her end game theories into realities through the show but if you think about it penetrating someone's body and then bursting them open from the inside is just too brutal to show in live action if you want to retain the pg rating notice even the hope was in her suit while she executed this horrible murder but when she takes off her helmet there were pieces of sharing on her face and hair as well this was foreshadowing the scratch which basically infected her with this virus the hope's health was quickly getting worse but peter tells her to keep hope so hope asks peter how does he do it how does he remain so upbeat and happy in practice i guess my mom dad uncle ben mr stark i've lost a lot this is the first time ever in the mcu that we've got a direct name drop of uncle ben the best we got previously was the initials on a briefcase in spiderman for from home and when peter was saying he lost a lot in his life his parents uncle ben but as soon as he says tony stark who used to be his mentor noticed it affects bruce banner in the background as well my mom dad uncle ben mr stark because he was to be good friends with tony the two geniuses so when peter mentioned tony's name it had an emotional impact on bruce as well we then learned that the train's fuel is almost up and they have to go through the thousands of undead in order to make it to the camp hope decides to sacrifice herself which will enable the rest of the team to reach the camp hope says she's to be blamed for all of this as she's the one who brought back her mother inadvertently the virus as well she becomes extremely big and helps the team cross this horde of zombies bucky then realizes even though they're inside the camp but for some reason the undead are not invading it in fact the fence is even broken in one part and they're still not walking in we then learn that they're not attacking because of the mind stone that emits as a frequency which is not to their liking so of course we meet vision who has successfully found a cure through the mind stone and his first test subject was called lange now scott is a head in a jar which is taken straight from the comics where it was actually janet who was beheaded and became an ally of black panther scott makes a few jokes here which i'll be honest worked pretty good and i wouldn't be surprised if we come to know that this was all paul rudd who came up with his jokes they need access to a satellite so they can transmit the frequency from the mind stone to the entire world which potentially could cure this disease vision says such technology doesn't exist but okay says in wakanda it does notice in the computer screens behind vision everything was in the same color except this frequency which is red the vision is purple and the mind stone is yellow so why is this frequency on the screen red this was foreshadowing the arrival of scarlet witch who uses chaos magic which is red bucky then goes to look for a transport in the base as they will need one to travel to wakanda but vision acts weird and says there's no need to do it bucky then learns the truth about this vision who has been feeding humans to his zombie girlfriend wanda so whichever avengers or heroes came here before vision has been feeding them to wander well envisions defense i've got enough peter asks vision why he didn't fix wanda like scott vision says one day is too powerful and resisted the cure so okay asks why didn't you just kill her instead of submitting to her and vision simply says he couldn't so this is a reversal of what we've seen in one division in this one vision is the one killing innocent people in order to sustain the love of his life we find t'challa with one of his legs cut off vision was saving t'challa to eventually feed him to wanda which is also directly taken from the comics the scarlet witch then awakens and we enter the final act of this episode vision realizing his mistake decides to help the heroes but ironically scott became the chosen one and as he flew away he says this is is a levitation spell from harry potter so is harry potter no canon to the mcu anyway vision then sacrifices himself and turns grey as soon as he takes out the stone off of his head um remind me how many times he has died in the mcu so far my goodness he's like the punching bag of the mcu now anything happens he has to die it's like his absolute point now as soon as the mind stone gets separated from virgin's consciousness the undead began to storm the camp you notice this particular zombies carrying not one but two katanas and also wearing a red suit could this be marvel's clever way of introducing us to deadpool or maybe i'm just reaching here let me know your thoughts now to give the team a little bit more time to escape bucky decides to put his life on the line and notice even a zombified version of scarlet witch was devastated at the death of vision she didn't even eat bucky just simply threw him away this was a powerful scene showing the depth of their love no matter what version of them we are seeing scarlet witch eventually tries to bite bruce but thanks to hulk who came enough to prevent any penetration ah that doesn't sound right but you know what i mean bruce then hulks out completely and sacrifices himself to buy the team a little bit more time we get an epic fight between hulk and the scarlet witch as peter scott and t'challa take off they come across the zombified gigantic hope who couldn't really pose a huge threat at the end we get one more callback to end game with this funny exchange between scott and peter last year mr stark asked me to join the avengers and now they're all gone plus they're not all gone i'm so sorry i forgot you are an avenger do you want to grab one with me then we learned that thanos has already invaded wakanda and is also infected with the zombie virus he has already acquired all the infinity stones except the mind stone which is on its way in this ship and that's how this episode ends this cliffhangers might get a bit frustrating at times but i think it was necessary for the story that marvel wanted to tell and that's it this would be my breakdown of what if episode 5 at point 2 fabric speed i hope i managed to give you lads a few new details you didn't catch before if i did then please give me a thumbs up grab the subscribe button and turn notifications on follow me on instagram and twitter where i'm getting more active every passing day see you lads in the next one [Music] you
Channel: The Canadian Lad
Views: 1,093,169
Rating: 4.9472952 out of 5
Keywords: What If, What If Episode 5, I Watched WHAT IF Ep. 5 in 0.25x Speed and Here's What I Found, Spider-Man, spiderman, Spider-Man vs Scarlet Witch, spider-man, marvel zombies, zombies, I Watched What If Episode 5 in 0.25x Speed, What If 0.25x Speed Breakdown, What If Episode 5 breakdown, what if easter eggs, what if episode 5 explained, what if episode hidden details, easter eggs, WHAT IF Episode 5 Breakdown, What If Ending Explained, The Canadian Lad, TCL
Id: K0a4rS4lzPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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