Film Theory: 3 New Spider-Man No Way Home Theories!

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[Music] be careful what you wish for parker hello peter all right anyone see anything new this time there's a black cat on the wall at 56 seconds could be a felicia hardy clue you know the black cat i think we noticed that around past number 246 then no maybe we do another round of 0.75 speed you ever wonder whether we're starting to miss the forest for the trees on these things you mean apart from being in a video production bunker all day and thus seeing neither forests nor trees no no no i mean like sure there are easter eggs in the trailers they get paid off later but i mean really how deep does the rabbit hole truly go i mean how much of this is real are they really thinking this hard planning all this out or is it just us speculating grasping at straws just looking for the next little detail that we can desperately cling to in order to claim another 15 minutes of relevance are we just wasting our lives watching the spider-man trailer 300 times to pick apart every last detail what's today's date again august 23rd why [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello internet welcome to film theory the show that knows you'll always find your way home to our like and subscribe button speaking of likes holy cow did people like that spider-man no way home trailer in 24 hours the thing amassed a total of 355 million views annihilating the previous record holder avengers endgame with its mere 298 million and it's not hard to see why a new spider-man sequel is in a pedigree by itself it's not a prequel about a character who's already died it's not an origin story for a character no one's ever heard of it's not whatever eternals is trying to be which gotta be honest they're at the final trailer stage and i still don't see any semblance of a story there none of those things instead it's the payoff to one of cinema's greatest most recent cliffhanger starring the most beloved marvel superhero of all time that alone has got to get people more excited than tim burton in a spirit halloween store then add to that a potential multiversal crossover with resurrected free disney villains and classic spider-man and yeah you got something that's going to make thanos numbers look like chump change you know that if toby mcguire and andrew garfield are actually in this thing one moment of them doing the spider-man point at each other and the internet will melt literally just pull up and melt on the floor oh and here's the other thing everyone in the blog is fears for getting into the spider-verse yeah that's also a sony property spoiler alert there's absolutely a 100 chance that miles morales and a spider-verse reference will appear in this movie what i'm really hoping for here is that there's a fully animated segment within this film but either way you don't just waste this chance to promote your other massive spider-man property about multiversal crossovers within this movie about spider-man and multiversal crossovers anyway now that we've all seen it or i guess i shouldn't say all but again 355 million people in 24 hours is about as close to all as we get in terms of unifying experiences outside of course like the planet exploding or i don't know the mcrib coming back a lot of us have also noticed that something feels kind of off about what's actually happening within this trailer like why would a fugitive peter parker wanted for murder actually go back to his high school why is it snowing indoors why is doctor strange lying to wong about a dangerous spell and when did flash thompson get that die job it's not so much that the apparent sequence of events don't make sense it's that the actions of the people making them don't seem to align with how we necessarily expect them to act something is going on here and there are already a ton of interesting theories circulating is doctor strange being manipulated is he a variant from another universe is this some kind of it's a wonderful life fake wish fulfillment dream scenario to teach peter a lesson about why he's wrong to turn to magic to solve his problems or is this the evil doctor strange from episode 4 of what if who is also secretly mephisto and the thing is i like all these theories i think all of them are actually hitting pretty close to the truth and we'll talk about them all here in a minute but i've also got a theory that looks just a little bit further my spider sense tells me no way home isn't just a huge spider-man sequel it's also setting up yet another spider-man reboot okay so for this theory to make any sense we first need to talk about the essence of movie trailers i mean do you even know why they're called trailers they're shown in front of movies after all so what's the deal well obviously the whole business of advertising movies has changed a lot over the years back in the really early pre-television days when going to the movies was an all-day event studios would show two of their movies in a row back-to-back with a lower budget less well-known one going first this was the origin of the term b-movie bees have never been afraid to change the world i mean what about b columbus b gandhi for jesus it's time to stop previews of coming attractions then came after this be real aka they were trailing the preceding show hence the term trailers but their goal has and will always be selling the audience on the next big upcoming movie and the one technique that's proven more effective than any other is building a sense of mystery no joke we think of this as a fairly recent trend but check out this old trailer from the movie psycho where the director alfred hitchcock just walks you around the set and makes everything into a cliffhanger a quiet little motel perfectly harmless looking when in fact it has now become the scene of the crime oh by the way this picture has great significance because uh it goes on like this for six minutes nowadays things are a little bit fancier than this with digital editing allowing studios to fake entire scenes just to get that trailer narrative that they want in the trailers for infinity war they created a team shot with the hulk that was never in the movie they changed the number of the stones in the infinity gauntlet so people wouldn't know which order the scenes took place in i mean sure this fight on the train from the no way home trailer looks like spidey's fighting doctor strange but maybe they're both fighting someone who hasn't been added to the finished fx yet heck is that even doctor strange mordo is still at large he dresses pretty much like strange does so it wouldn't be that tough of an edit to deep fake out same thing with this woman who awkwardly looks pasted in there and doesn't move it could be some spidey sense slow down effect or maybe this is just a stand-in pasted in over someone who might have been an actual spoiler the point is well yeah doctor strange agreeing to cast a super risky spell for an impulsive teenager and then getting mad at him when he continues to be impulsive about it really seems like it should want more context in reality we don't have any context for any of this it just feels like we do because the trailers editing did a great job using a story structure to sell a micro narrative about the general premise or as much of the premise as they want us to be aware of right now i can practically guarantee you that doctor strange's lying about the dangers of messing with the multiverse comes from probably the final minutes of the movie what we do know is that peter's secret identity was revealed at the end of far from home it's messing up his life and the lives of his loved ones and so he's asking dr strange to mind wipe the planet and if you know your spider-man comics well that premise is gonna make you sit bolt upright pretty much the exact plot of one of the most controversial spider-man story arcs of all time one more day this one has gotten talked about a lot so i'm not gonna linger on it for too long but for those of you who are unfamiliar i'm going to give you the quick recap originally published in 2007 one more day was part of the aftermath of civil wars storyline where just like it appeared in the movies the team fights over whether superheroes should have to register themselves in order to protect the public in the comics heroes who initially supported iron man's pro-registration team had to publicly reveal their secret identities as part of the agreement so peter being on team stark is something that he almost immediately regrets and that my friends is why you always have to read the fine print and since every villain now knew how to find spider-man ant-may catches a bullet from a hitman lapsing into a fatal coma brought on by her injuries and you know probably being like a thousand years old at this point after going to everyone he knows to try and fix it including doctor strange he gets hit up by someone who says that they can help mephisto aka the devil who offers to infernal magic ant-may back to life provided peter allows him to erase the other thing spider-man loves the most the entire history of his marriage to mary jane watson something which wouldn't you know it marvel's editors at the time had also been trying unsuccessfully to erase for over a decade spider-man says yes and he and mary jane are allowed to be together for one more day that's the name of the movie and then peter wakes up in a rebooted world oh and also his web shooters aren't organic anymore which was a thing for a while and yeah this story is one of the reasons why so many people are always looking for mephisto to show up but this time with no way home well yeah the mephisto theories really seem to fit the broad strokes of the story work peter wants the world to forget his identity he makes a deal with a magic user chaos ensues then of course you have the smaller details like the guy holding up the devil horns caricature of peter parker in the protest scene with the text that reads devil in disguise i mean that's not even trying to hide it at this point i think that marvel knows that every trailer they release needs a mephisto easter egg and not only that but this theory would also explain all the weird stuff happening with doctor strange in the trailer you see in episode 4 of marvel's what if we're introduced to an alternate version of doctor strange nicknamed armani come this way sorcerer armani and labeled in the subtitles as strange supreme in this episode he attempts to use the time stone to save his love christine who in this timeline died in the accident that broke strange's hands from the original mcu we're told that the moment of her death is called an absolute point something that cannot be changed because doing so would create a paradox her death is an absolute point in time absolutely unchangeable if you erase her death you never start your journey you cannot reverse an absolute point strange being the stubborn guy he is decides that all he needs is to become more powerful and so he summons a slew of creatures in order to absorb their magic i need to borrow your powers do you mind sharing a tentacle or two his transformation at this point is uh fairly demonic someone even goes so far as to call him the devil eventually he becomes powerful enough to shatter the absolute point except there's one problem like breaking a load-bearing beam in a house demolishing that moment in time causes the universe to collapse around him as strange supreme struggles to keep the universe intact the very fabric of reality crushes him into a small purple gem now i bet you're thinking so what matpat this sounds like a complete story alternate universe doctor strange destroyed his own universe out of arrogance story closed right well maybe not right theorists for one we hear this line at the end of the spider-man trailer be careful what you wish for parker it's a warning that would believably come from a doctor strange who just wished to have his love back and sacrificed his soul and entire universe to get it only for that to backfire horribly also notice how no way homes doctor strange still wears the eye of agamotto something that i don't know thanos destroyed back in infinity war now who has an intact version of that charm strange supreme in what if and the similarities just keep going wong in the what if episode gives a warning that strange immediately ignores pretty much paralleling the exact same scene in the spider-man trailer well i'm going to start the kettle i suggest you join me before you do something reckless strange don't cast that spell it's too dangerous and at the end of what if strange supreme cries out to uwatu the watcher to do something showing that this version of strange is powerful enough to see and talk to an interdimensional being but uwatu claims that he can't help the guy because do and so would endanger all other universes i could warn him intervene but the fate of his universe is not worth risking the safety of all others this proves that if armani escaped his purple gem prison he would have the knowledge and ability and motive to tamper with the very fabric of reality exactly what strange is doing in the no way home trailer and all of this all of it is without even going into how having a demonic doctor strange filled the role of mephisto would help introduce the character while also circumventing china's heavy censorship around the devil and a cult something that we talked extensively about in a previous one division episode linked right mia so this has gotta be it right the devil himself mephisto finally steps out from the mcu shadows set up in an alternate timeline presented in what if to so chaos launch spider-man into a multiversal war against his greatest enemies and um and uh what exactly you see that's the problem with the whole strange isn't himself theory train that i've been seeing going around it's too complicated spider-man is too mainstream of a character and too important of a franchise to get bogged down with things having to be set up in a disney plus series the offshoot franchises have to be in service of the movies not vice versa we can't set up a multiverse and multiple enemies and multiple spider-men and also dr strange actually being the devil all in this one movie it is just way too much plus you don't even have to go that far there's a better fit for this story found in the comics one that doesn't require mephisto and one that quite honestly more closely follows what we see happening in the trailer i don't know why no one's brought this one up in public discourse yet but the clear parallel to the story in no way home isn't one more day it's the story's follow-up the lesser-known one moment in time now people don't tend to know this one because one more day was so unpopular that a lot of fans refused to acknowledge anything that came after it in the timeline but stop me for a minute if any of these plot points sound familiar after peter parker's identity gets out his family and loved ones are suddenly put into danger and he goes not to mephisto but rather to dr strange for help asking strange to erase the world's memories of his identity as spider-man to quote from the comic i blew it strange i put my family in the crosshairs i need the world to forget that i'm spider-man strange then disappears to think it through just like in these shots from the trailer after consulting with mr fantastic and iron man doctor strange agrees he creates a protective bubble for peter to be shielded from the spell and starts his magic and oh wait wouldn't you know it peter starts having second thoughts regrets his decision and decides to pull mary jane into the protective bubble so she doesn't lose her memories which in turn causes chaos so to recap we've got ourselves peter asking doctor strange to do a memory scrub and then changing his mind mid abracadabra because he's torn about losing his loved ones sounds like we might have found ourselves the real source of this story in the end mary jane is like you should have let me forget too and tldr the lesson is that peter needed to grow up and not rely on magic to solve his problems to quote from the story i should have listened to doc strange when he told me there were a lot of things he could do with his magic but i didn't and he was right in the end i just needed to grow up and face the inevitable which to me sounds exactly like the moral of a spider-man growing up and becoming an adult story like we have with tom holland in no way home and to get there you know he just needs to hop between a few different universes to talk to older wiser spiderman who've been in his shoes before but wait there's one final universe that we've neglected to mention in this entire theory and that's ours and this is where the reboot stuff comes in you see the world seems to have forgotten that disney and sony still have an awkward step parent relationship with spider-man sure disney may have convinced sony to give him streaming rights to spider-man through 2026 but what about the other deal the one where sony still owns the movie rights to all of spider-man but they co-produce the main ones with marvel studios so they can be in the mcu as far as anyone saying publicly that's apparently still set to expire when tom holland's current contract for this solo movie as well as one more yet unknown marvel appearance are concluded which means one thing it's quickly becoming renegotiation time and that means there's always a chance that sony decides to take its web covered ball and go home which brings us to our other theory today whatever happens in spider-man no way home whichever other villains show up whichever other spider-man appear by whatever means wanda maximoff zaps in during the post-credits scene to set us up for the multiverse of madness this story is going to wrap up in such a way that well there can be a path forward for tom holland's peter parker he can also be soft rebooted as a different peter parker or heck a different spider-man like miles morales if and when things between disney and sony don't go well i mean you think it's just a coincidence they chose to go all in on a premise that's based on two comic story lines that literally were created to reboot the character consider this peter says that he wants the world to forget that mysterio revealed his identity but immediately interrupts the spell to preserve certain memories for certain people it's clear that what he really wants is the opposite of that famous uncle ben line to have the power of being spider-man without the responsibility that comes with it he wants to be spider-man but also wants personal connections that aren't put at risk just like peter did in one moment in time and also in sam raimi's spider-man 2 and also again in amazing spider-man 2. tom holland in this movie is gonna have to learn that you can't have it both ways he's gonna have to make a choice problem is you trying to live two different lives the longer you do it the more dangerous it becomes he'll have to give up one part or the other of his double life and the thing about that is basically any decision he makes in that scenario in any direction completely upends the spider-man status quo staying as spider-man and memory wiping everyone well that turns every character relationship into a clean slate moving forward as spider-man without a memory wipe he's gonna have to distance himself from his loved ones because they're now in danger giving up the mask entirely to someone else so he can live a normal life with his loved ones yeah that's big reboot time i'm sure you all can think of more than that but what all those scenarios have in common is that they're open-ended and reboot-ready if sony or disney start having second thoughts about the joint custody agreement the bottom line is this in order for this story to conclude in a satisfying impactful definitive way that also leaves the franchise able to proceed spider-man himself is gonna be the one who can't go back to the way things were whose only choices will be to go forward into a radically changed world in the end it's peter who'll truly have no way home but hey that's just a theory a film theory and cuts [Music] you
Channel: The Film Theorists
Views: 4,834,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spiderman, spider man, spiderman no way home, spider man no way home, marvel, no way home, spiderman trailer, new spiderman trailer, no way home trailer, spiderman no way home trailer, spider man no way home trailer, spiderman theory, spider man theory, spiderman no way home theory, spider man no way home theory, doc ock, green goblin, dr strange, noway home doc ock, film theorists, film theory, film theory spiderman, film theory spider man, film theory marvel, spider-man
Id: wc8vg6k2GUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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