Maze Scavenger Hunt: Cozmo vs Vector (featuring Nabot)

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no i don't want to hear about another life hack i wasn't going to talk about a life hack and what is it it's so but this one will really change your life my life is already fine [Applause] i need help catching a hamster who is better at finding just things you were also the one who lost my cube i find things even when i don't lose them you've lost your mind if you think you are better than me at finding things i know you should compete in a scavenger hunt race to determine who is the best finder okay but i don't want to embarrass cosmo by how much better i am you are just about to find some humility sounds like you two are interested i'll set up the scavenger hunt okay i've hidden some items in this maze cosmo will be at one side and vector will start at the other whoever finds three items and gets out of the maze first is the i see you winner already preparing your excuse for losing no i just don't want you to complain about it after i win go to your positions on your mark get set go right here [Music] [Music] aah [Music] [Music] can you help me get back on my friends only if you give me one of your items okay fine just help me yes that will make me the winner it looks like you two are having a problem yes it is up to me to save the day [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] fox that means you are both losers and i'm the winner i found both of you i should not have been so mean to you that's okay [Music] and there is the hamster i'm the world's best finder i should have known it would be in the maze hamsters love mazes i showed off neba in a previous video the name has been updated since then and in that video i showed how nabot could be used to pick up toys and other objects and place them in a bin well the company that makes the software has updated the software so now it has a lot of extra features the best new feature is it has a graphical programming interface that you can use to program nabot to do whatever you want and you can even use these graphical blocks in the program to access the artificial intelligence that uses to pick up items it's cool that you can just use these little blocks and just within the block that you're adding has all the artificial intelligence and the neural networks to be able to identify objects and you don't need to know how to write the neural networks but you can still get access to that just from this graphical interface and i'm going to make a program to look for his shoe [Music] and then i just save it so before i run the program i'm going to have to teach it what a shoe looks like so i click mark delete i can select this as the shoe and then i'm going to start the program and then let's see if it can find the shoe [Applause] and you can see it went toward the shoe and it said tried to say that as a shoe they have a kickstarter going on right now so you can back the project and get a nabot of your own and on the kickstarter page you can see a lot more features and different things that it can do this is a great robot for anybody that's interested in learning more about programming robots hi everybody here are some comments i liked from the last video helena's salary i learned from victor in the hot wheels daredevil video that second is the best so that must mean you are the best emanuel antonio says emmanuel says actually i don't think i can read that one and it's not because i'm still scared of spiders how would you say this comment [Music] that's all i have time for make sure you are subscribed to the channel robot we love you you are the bestest thing
Channel: Robot Family
Views: 21,337
Rating: 4.8767505 out of 5
Keywords: anki, cozmo, vector, mebo, mebo 2.0, nabot
Id: tHKhgAAXxoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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