5 Coolest ROBOTS You Can Actually Own!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: TexoBot
Views: 390,338
Rating: 4.7162509 out of 5
Keywords: best 5 robots, home robots, robots for kids, robots for home, personal assistant robots, latest robots, cheapest robots, first impression, robot, AI, tech, robots, cool robots, robots to buy, best robots, househeld robot, best robots to buy, japan robots, helping robot, cooking robots, robotic dog, moving robot, walking robot, walking robots, best gadgets, coolest robots to buy, cool robots you can buy, robots you can buy, robotics gadgets, robots 2020, cool robots 2020
Id: 2h7gPOgdKMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2017
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