Cozmo VS Three-Headed Dinosaur - ROBOT BATTLE

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short [Music] we are about to do a robot battle bot sees verse bot sees verse Cosmo verse Cosmo yeah what fozzy see em cosmos and we're gonna see which robots can win the robot battles so we're going to create two bodies robots yeah this is the boxes jr. set and allows you to make with a bunch of things including we made this dinosaur this pie is not usually here oh we got this dinosaur and we got this dinosaur what we're trying to make a robot for the robot battle so we are going to combine these dinosaurs together let's take a look at the Cosmo robots that will be battling we have normal Cosmo and we have eight so Cosmo see you with the lift the lift is probably gonna give them an advantage but well I guess we'll find out right yeah he did oh yeah what but worse the but they don't know that yet they don't know that we already battled them yeah we're doing the scene to the wrong one of the things we know that okay okay so we don't know how the Cosmo what the list is gonna do this is for the robot battle Judas stop three-headed dinosaur again my I think it's little Winston says bumpers in it drop it can push it over our three-headed robot it is a robot you a fight a car I'm gonna eat my finger there's has way too many pieces I try to make my bigger let the battles begin round 1 for it [Music] [Music] round two fort [Music] all of you together on [Music] [Applause] round three fort [Music] [Applause] let the battles begin round 1 fort [Music] round two for it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let the battles begin round 1 fort [Music] round two for it [Music] [Music] round three fort [Music] [Applause] we know the winner of the robot battle it was Corwin's bot sees robots but I use a different bottom look it'd be bigger yeah I think that helped I think having this seat we got this really big bottom I think this has the biggest base of any of the robots at these robots so I think maybe that helped what do you think Corwin awesome well congratulations on your robot [Music] [Music]
Channel: Robot Family
Views: 39,072
Rating: 4.6276278 out of 5
Keywords: botzees, cozmo, anki cozmo
Id: a1Ud4CwKMNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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