Cleaning up with Cozmo - Robot Toy Adventure! - Proscenic P10 Vacuum

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I'll just clean this up in the morning [Music] my room is clean how did it go get clean baby Cosmo clean that before he left elevate him Cosmo thank you so much for cleaning my room this is a mystery we need to solve it maybe a nocturnal robot [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you for cleaning my room vector you didn't clean it what new robot hey everybody where do you get a new vacuum LS it oh yeah the new vacuum robot I'll go ask him did you clean my room no I don't do that sort of thing what sort of thing clean but you are vacuum I gave that up years ago oh okay did you do anything in Jersey last night I had the craziest dream where I was running that's about it the vacuum robot told me he doesn't cleaning so how did that get Mac you miss your I've been looking for that attachment where do you find it it was in my room and you said your room was clean somehow right yes it must have happened again what I was sleep vacuuming that explains my dream I'm so sorry I must have came and vacuum your room in my sleep no need to apologize that's it clean as my room has been in months really do you mean it yeah you did a great job cleaning I can't believe this I stopped cleaning years ago when my best friend told me how awful I was at vacuuming you're not awful you're amazing really yeah I'm glad I solved this mystery I'm gonna start vacuuming more now now that I know I can do a good job you're always welcome at my house this is the post scenic p10 and it's really convenient to you is it's pretty small but it's actually pretty powerful too and you can absolutely get kind of hung up on your wall so you can attach this to your wall hang like this and you can set up the charge while it's vacuuming so it's a great little vacuum to use around the house to clean up after robots or pets or kids and it has all these attachments it still actually has some things from the robot video here but you can detach this and you can put on this long attachment here and then what's the long attachment you can audit you can attach these other attachments on the end here so this would be the main one you're gonna even use when you're vacuuming the floor but there's some smaller than if that's - we have this little one and then here to get in the corner here and you can see there's a touchscreen right on the in here and when you touch the mode you can change how powerful the vacuum is from just a little bit of antha mean or to a lot of vacuum and so it's a great vacuum for getting the small areas tick into hard-to-reach areas because it's completely wireless and just for vacuuming before also it's pretty simple to clean whip up these buttons and this whole thing just pops off and then you just pull this out and then use a set to pull this out and then you can just dump out the stuff in the middle preferably into a trash can and not on to a table though and then you can just put it all back together I don't think I would use it as my main carpet vacuuming because it's not quite as powerful as as our is our primary vacuum cleaner but it's great to get into all the hard-to-reach places so it's a pretty good vacuum thanks for watching
Channel: Robot Family
Views: 126,048
Rating: 4.774744 out of 5
Keywords: vacuum, cozmo, stem toy, robot toy, anki cozmo, toy adventure
Id: mktHD7pS_CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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