LEGO Detective: Cozmo Goes Missing (Robot Toy Adventure)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a lovely morning Cosmo [Music] not here stinky Cosmo are there [Music] where are you Cosmo wake up Vector I can't find Cosmo anywhere he is gone I'm telling you Cosmo is gone no Bobby don't take away my bottle [Music] I was just having a dream I don't actually drink from a bottle still I don't need my mommy why did you to wake me up anyway he is missing I'll survey the room and ready my missiles Roger yes very funny clear [Music] [Applause] clear well here [Music] i patrol the area and there are no signs of Cosmo I told you what does this mean it means our friend has been kidnapped [Music] we need to set up a perimeter or else we'll be next Oh Batsy I need your help what can I do gather anything we can use as a blockade for the door no one comes in and no one leaves get yourself together soldier we're at war that's right war lucky for us we have the best sergeant around me now let's get going but but hi did somebody say detective consider yourself the luckiest the luckiest uh what exactly are you consider yourself the luckiest vector in the world because I just so happen to be the greatest detective who has ever lived that's the spirit now what is it you need help detecting my odd-shaped friend classic missing persons case I already have it solved it was the husband it's always the husband of course not I was just testing you lots of tests need to be done Victor and you can consider me your teacher yeah because I'm dishing out the tests man that's as well right over your head Internet we're gonna have a long investigation if you don't shape up Benny I hit I can't see I'm going down what about those two City characters over there I think we should go and question this blocky guy I don't think I'm gonna make it bot see be strong which one of you goes by the name broccoli I hate broccoli really why is that has he done something to you before answer the question Nazi spill the beans kid I know it was you who kidnapped Cogsworth me just a minute it'll be a lot easier if you did if not for yourself do it for your family but I got this bond see if you're gonna help us find Cosmo I need to know you're willing to be on the front lines I'm the one leading this investigation pal Victoria is right I always get caught up in the cases I work even though I promised myself I wouldn't anymore especially after the last case what happened and who is Victoria nevertheless I'll put my differences aside and work with you all on finding your friend let's start with the basics what was he wearing the last time you saw him my word a naked robot on the loose this is more serious than I thought what about any nicknames he goes by other than his real name nothing like slick sly jumping-jack fred-head stinky Pete nope okay I think I have all the information I need we should move on to other rooms of the house and investigate clues I'll lead the missions I have my weapons locked and armed good thinking you never know when we may need some firepower we can only hope he hasn't been put into the pit of no return I like this guy good news I don't see Koko in the pit of no return hoping goodness [Music] detective you better get down here quick I found a clue great job I'll be right there I'm not sure it's a clue but I'm highly suspicious just as I suspected the teddy bear Napper it's a teddy bear Napper that's right he's been on the loose for as long as I can remember he's kidnapped at least four to five other robots why does he do it that's a great question and what I wish I had an answer for but I just don't I'm gonna sniff him out I have a nose like a dog I'll turn on my x-ray vision good thinking now let's get out of this room there's a smell in the air that's blocking my nose [Music] I've gathered all the suspects detective great job Gekko not at all this guy is a pro he only pays attention to details that matter but he's talking to vegetables we would have never thought about questioning them listen up you foul tasting food items our friend has gone missing and I know you know that we know that you know something wow he's good so give it up playing hardball eh two can play that game [Music] you're all good to good if I might add they're tough their lips are sealed I'll get them to talk detective I'll just blast some of my weapons keep going I was just thinking that these guys aren't saying a word they're a bunch of vegetables anyhow let's move why are we talking to vegetables anyway don't bears like honey [Music] the yard is secure penny could be laying low on the outskirts of the house it's where all the bad guys hang out tell that to Cogsworth yeah tell that to Cogsworth I know teddy has some friends out here in the wild we just need to find them and get them to talk I have my rocket launchers ready for liftoff just say the word good we may need them I normally don't advise splitting up but in this case we should we're running out of time time for what I've seen too many missing robot cases gone bad I won't see another let's move I don't know Teddy that sounds kind of scary [Music] well what what's that I'm just an old-timer trying to nap in the shade until you young whippersnappers came about what's a whippersnapper can't say that I have wish I could help but my wheels are all rusted I haven't left this bush and years as ready as I'll ever be [Music] I haven't been out of here in so long it looks wonderful out here Oh a hawk hill swooped down pick us up and take us far away if we don't get out of here quick [Music] this plate of grass is suspiciously bent as if something ran it over maybe a robot trying to escape the grasp of teddy I'll get it with my laser beams who's this another suspect weapons locked fire away Corwin brought something really special for show-and-tell today will you come I had him right in my sights let me back at him you know I'm beginning to think it was you who kidnapped him how can we know for sure I have my weapons charged detective sorry vector but if you kidnapped Cosmo I have no choice guys prove it why's the teddy bear dapper that's him should I open fire spill the beans teddy we know it was you weapons are ready to go Last Chance teddy give up the robot and no one gets hurt did you really think you could escape the great Lego detective huh not a chance I can't believe he's real that's it you've kidnapped your last robot you know what to do Gary I'm locked and ready so long teddy [Music] again where are you really worried I was about to unleash all my weapons on that Teddy your friend was being shown off while you all thought he was kidnapped I [Music] knew it all along never doubted it for a minute oh well he got that nickname because he's a good Napper he's a kidnapper yup great Napper that's what I said all along well that's another mystery solved by me no need to thank me it's just another day's work I would be honored to train with you please teach me all you know when you're ready Gloria when you're ready [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: undefined
Views: 528,481
Rating: 4.6626959 out of 5
Keywords: lego, lego car, cozmo, robot toy, stem toys, vector, anki cozmo, robot adventure, robot fun, geio, botzees, legos
Id: E3I_v9GEbkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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