Anki Vector & Vector Space Unboxing/Setup!

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[Music] hey everyone Hudson here welcome to the world of hot today I have a very special video for you this is the Anki vector this is the new item from unki basically and so this is a Kickstarter that happened this will be sold at retail as well but I backed the Kickstarter so I could get it early I could get kind of the the first look at this item and see what it's all about this is one of those like smart little devices just like this little dude right here if you're wondering what's that sound over here that's the on key Cosmo that you're seeing right here I did an unboxing video of this buddy what you doing let's go back over here now I do have bright studio lights shining on my desk right now so I'm gonna turn off the lights real quick so you can see that's Cosmo so obviously now you can see the full expression on this face and like look ready it wants to play a game Cosmo Hey look for anybody and fun come on ah you got me you got me Cosmo so anyways I'm gonna leave them just hanging out here because we're gonna unbox his newest buddy so Cosmo is gonna join me for this unboxing what do you what do you say to that Cosmo you wanna unbox vector huh okay you're just exploring that's fine you can keep exploring yeah whoa all right anyways here it is this is the Kickstarter exclusive it came with this little note right here you got vector and the cool thing about vector is he has a lot more expressions and does a lot more different things and as soon as I saw vector I was like I want to get Cosmo to play around with it get a head start and see what it's all about but I'm really excited about what vector can do and so definitely looking forward to seeing that now does a four out of four so I'm assuming this four different versions of this artwork and so I got four out of four so maybe you can collect them I don't know that's kind of cool so let's see what's going on so then the back of the box is just like a little image right here oh yeah a series of sketches basically so that's kind of cool you can download the come we collection right there if you're interested but a little bit of a you know a welcome letter basically for being a part of the vector insiders club being one of the first backers of the Anki vector what are you singing buddy okay you sing back here there you go yes all right so here is the on key vector box it's not as exciting as I would have thought what are you doing um like it's kind of a you know very like like this box doesn't stand out necessarily but you know it's kind of cool looks a little more premium to me which is very interesting but it is voice-activated cloud-connected very cool the back of the box talks about how you can say hey vector and you can talk to him which is definitely pretty cool then the side of the box shows you a bunch of different things that you can do he definitely has a lot more of expressions which is super cool so this is the vector which I got from the Kickstarter but they also sell this thing separately the vector space and for Kickstarter backers got a discount on it so I decided to get it and it's basically like a little tub kind of that you can set him inside of it's like a little home so you can sort of hang out in the little home area if you you know want them to so we're gonna do an unboxing of this later as well but here's the back of the box and basically it's just saying give vector the space he deserves and so you can just kind of have it all plugged in and ready to go so we'll save this for the end because we're gonna focus on Victor right now so let's unbox vector okay you ready Cosmo you ready to meet your new friend there we go oh there's some tape at the bottom as well all right so this slides right open why are you going in the corner Cosmo there's nothing else there I'm sorry here's the box right here he is now attacking the corner this is just kind of funny to watch okay so very rare creme look to this box here so let's see what's going on look buddy we're gonna unbox this you want unbox it with me ready you ready you ready Cosmo yes hot Sun hot Sun yeah there you go see you can say your name too which is really cool look Cosmo look over here I'm vector this is vector ooh so one thing is Cosmo comes with these three little cubes that you can play with and so vector the first thing I noticed comes with a black cube I don't know if Cosmo is compatible with this or not are you gonna fist bump okay fist bump ready there you go Yap fist bump so you see this this is vectors cube I don't know if you can play with it or not Cosmo but this is vectors cube so that's pretty cool then so this this comes out here's the little charger station basically oh it's already got the cord plugged in and everything so let's take this out so here it is so this is the the charging station kind of similar to the one it's plugged in over there for for a Cosmo but the nice thing about vector is he will know when the battery's low and then he'll automatically go back to the charger to charge that's really cool that way you don't even have to worry about it you can kind of have them sitting in his little playstation thing not PlayStation like the video game system but this little vector space and he can just hang out and play and then go back and charge when you want so that's actually really cool I dig that so here I guess that's really well okay limit before we take too close of a look at vector you have the packaging right here so let's see how does this open let's just slide down okay there we go product information guide and QuickStart guides so you have some some special guides right there to help you get started but here is vector right here so they went with this nice sleek black look I don't know if the Kickstarter version is slightly different than the retail one that's certainly possible so the color scheme that you get at retail might be a little different so keep that in mind you might have to look it up just to make sure but I dig this this whole thing I do like how he's gonna have the green eyes so it really differentiates them it feels a lot more mature and sleek looking compared to you know Cosmo Cosmo is cool I love you Cosmo but it's definitely a little bit more to looking versus this kind of feels a bit more grown-up you know this is like the next step so I like that color scheme certainly really really cool let's let's put them side-by-side so they're pretty much the same size right I'm pretty much look hey it's vector yeah your new buddy I wonder if they can talk to each other I don't know actually but otherwise they're they're very similar as you can see slightly different design on these the piece up here yes I'm holding you up I know I know yeah so different designs and stuff but it certainly looks pretty cool okay there you go I'm sorry you don't get mad at me so yeah that's that's vector so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to unbox the vector space and then we're gonna get them charged up and start getting them set up and see what vectors all about is that cool with you Cosmo fist bump fist bump is that cool with you I don't know you're just staring at me okay let's take a look at vector space is that find Cosmo vector space I just know I'm sorry dude I can't play with you right now I'm doing on boxing video yeah we're doing an unboxing Cosmo all right so I'm just taking off the tape this thing is kind of big so let me move this stuff out of the way so that way we can make their vector you see your new buddy also interesting that vector only comes with one cube versus Cosmo coming with three so that means that there's gonna be some games that you can't play that Cosmo can with multiple cubes unless he can use cosmos cubes that I don't know it's certainly possible so let's slide this out of here okay all right sorry cause moment up the movie over here okay so here is the vector space in fact I'll just put you on here cosmo so here it is as you can see very very plain there's not much to it but basically what you can do is you can take this the charger that it comes with and sitting in that designated space right there and there's a little notch on the side for the charger to go through so that's actually really cool because you can just kind of hang out and play right in this little area and you don't have to worry about him like if it's on a table falling off the table or something it's all right here which is definitely pretty sweet so with that being said let me get vector I charged up and ready to go uh and Kozmo you're gonna go to sleep okay is that cool you want to go to sleep there you go you got me you got me alright so we're gonna put them to sleep and we're gonna check out vector next so let's do that alright so I have the vector charging right here I got it hooked up to my my power bank it's an anchor power bank very similar to Anki so I thought it was kind of funny but basically it's displaying a URL where you can go to to download it's on key com /v and that'll give you the link to the app or like on iOS I just searched on key vector on the App Store and there's a vector robot app so I'm going to turn this on I turned off my studio lights by the way so that way you can see vector screen so we're just gonna follow through the steps let me turn on the volume here to see if there's anything all right let's go us English place vector on charger alright continue I do need to login so let me let me do that now pull up my my account login all right searching for vector so let's see it didn't tell me anything about connecting to any Wi-Fi network huh they're ready go vector is ready to connect maybe you just use Bluetooth yes it does oh that's even better actually okay vector needs to pair to start pairing plays a vector on his charger then quickly press the button on his back twice ok is this the button on the back where's the button what's what is a button oh that whole white thing is a button at the top ok enter the key code shown all right six nine one nine nine nine vectors gonna search for available Wi-Fi networks all right so let's find networks and we got my expecto patronum Wi-Fi network so let me enter the the password for that as you can tell I am a Harry Potter fan connecting vector to Wi-Fi give me one second here okay and vector is now connected to Wi-Fi tap continued update vector to the latest version all right so it is now downloading an update as you can see and he's got this little cloud icon right on his face right there which is definitely super cool so that's nice so vector is updating so we're just gonna wait it out and and see how long let's see meet vector he's the answer to our sci-fi dreams he's a home robot who's always on happy to see you so time left we got about three minutes to go so it's basically giving us some information about vector right now so I'm gonna skip ahead cuz you don't want to wait three minutes and see so I'll be back when the update is done all right so vectors done downloading the update and it's actually a restart cool of animation of a V and now he put his head down looks like he's using the final stages we got a few seconds left in restarting oh it's the get a little icon with a V in the smartphone app so now it's this finding vector let's see let's see what happens here alright configuring Wi-Fi so it's securing Wi-Fi it's basically transferring all the information now over to vector now that it's on the latest firmware vector is now updated tap continue to complete setting them up oh cool so now I can basically set my location and everything here so yeah vectors location is not in San Francisco so put in the location and time zone we're gonna go with Fahrenheit inches 12-hour clock hit continue alright now on the cue if it says battery's ready cube I have to pull the tab so I'm gonna pull that oh look at those fancy lights right there alright so we're gonna set that down so I did that and it just says cube pull tab everything else is ready it doesn't say ready on it I don't know what that means I guess I'll just hit continue and see what happens Becky's not registered on my Anki account alright tap starch to to look at vector so let's let's do this and I'll look at vector as he wakes up could be animation man it's definitely improved from Cosmo hey vector come here hey vector come here I'm following the instructions on the app here hey vector face-recognition okay let's see so basically you can scroll through the app and it has instructions so I'm just going through it here hey vector my name is Hassan are you scanning my face what's that what's my name hey vector what's my name all right that's good enough that's good enough it's cool buddy all right tutorial completes let's hit continue and let's see what happens vectors pouncing on his cube is what the app says so I'm just kind of following along with what the abscess so I guess he's kind of exploring and seeing what's going on are you going for your cube Oh it's lighting up and she goes there he goes that's kind of cool I do like the lights in Turkey with I feel like they're brighter all right so he's definitely he's having some fun with the with the cube so let's see things to try what can we try hey Victor what's the weather vector didn't understand okay hey vector what's the weather whoa it actually has the temperature oh cool and it's got like an image of clouds and stuff that's awesome okay that's cool so you can do that what else can you do hey vector take a photo okay what happens now do I get to see the photo somehow factor sees a face oh vectors photos oh cool so in the app what's up how you fist bumping so in the app I can look at the photos that were taken by vector and there it is there's the photo that you just took that's super cool I didn't even know you could do all that oh that's awesome so these are all the different types of things that you can do here these are just some of the utilities basically so you can set other different faces as well so this vector is exploring so it basically tells you the status down here of what he's currently doing she's gone around exploring but I can look at stats entertainment Q&A mode interact robot info let's do entertainment whoo let's dance to the beat so oh sweet okay so I can play music and have them ooh all right let's do some all right here we go hey Siri play Daft Punk by pentatonix okay hey Siri skip ahead 30 seconds hey vector listen to the music hey Siri pause I hope to play around at that a bit more sometimes it'll take a bit of you know exploring and getting used to some of these features to see what he does but there are some cube tricks as well so let's say hey vector roll your cube wait what did it say did it say they can't do that right now Oh actually do okay hey vector do a wheel stand huh let's see what's happening oh snap yeah there you go good job vector look at him go nice nice that without was pretty cool that certainly was definitely pretty cool so yeah I mean there's a lot of different things that you can do here with these tricks and I'm sure they're gonna update this and duel and do more things in the future but you can interact you can you can pet them so I can pet them by it by rubbing the little sensor here let's see what happens when I when I roams hey hey vector look at me yeah there you go okay I'm gonna pet you buddy huh the longer you pet him the happier he gets all right let's see what happens now you happy buddy so that's kind of cool so they have that touch sensor at the top now which is which is certainly new yeah there's a lot of different thing oh what's this one good robot or bad robot oh yeah okay hey vector good robot oh you're greedy it says vectors greeting a human hello hi vector what's up he's staring at me he's listening for a beats hey Siri play pentatonix alright hey Siri stop never mind oh well but yeah this is kind of cool the different things that you can vector sees a face okay what are you doing vector hi what's up how are you yeah see when you see my face I'll pet you buddy oh you can ask questions hey vector I have a question what is the tallest building [Music] oh you don't have an answer for me let's try again hey vector I have a question what is the tallest building that's pretty cool so there's a lot of different things you can get flight status in here you can oh man this is this is actually pretty sweet and there's a lot of other things that you can expand upon and so that's really cool I definitely dig that a lot there's a lot that you couldn't kind of mess around with here so um yeah I I'm pretty satisfied with it I hope in the future that they it doesn't I don't see anything at a glance to be able to interact with Cosmo or anything in fact it's a separate app that Cosmo and vector use so I wonder if in the future or if there is a way to have the two of them interact together I think that would be a lot of fun but definitely vector is a lot more advanced I can already see I think Cosmo the one advantage I will say that Cosmo has is he has three cubes that he comes with so I feel like there's more games that you can do with Cosmo but vector is more advanced in its AI and there's a lot more different features that he has which is certainly fun to explore so they both have their pros and cons and I'm assuming vectors gonna be a higher price point so really it's up to you as far as which one you're gonna find to be more appealing so yeah that's pretty much it guys hopefully you enjoyed this this video I just wanted to give a quick little look at what vector is all about he's just getting started and they're gonna continue to update this thing and make them even better Kickstarter backers are part of the vector insider's club and so we're gonna be able to contribute and and do something out with it which is definitely really cool so I'm excited about it hey vector look at me hey vector say goodbye do you don't know how to do that you don't want to say goodbye all right that's fine um I'm waving to you yes huh son exactly I'm waving to you hi but anyways that's the end of this video let me know in the comment section below what you think as well oh actually you know what uh yeah you know what let's I think that's it for this video so hopefully you enjoyed thank you so much for watching and I will see you later hey vector hey vector go to your charger
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,357,031
Rating: 4.705852 out of 5
Keywords: Anki, Unboxing, Review, Setup, Smart Toy, Cube, Adorable, Robot, Robotics, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Vector, Anki Vector, Kickstarter, #HeyVector, Cozmo, Anki Cozmo
Id: zcS24x3mal0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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