Maybe I've Gone Too Far This Time

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like i said winds are kind of worthless here i just care about making sure some of the other kids aren't having a good time that's all that matters to me here i'm just gonna play aggressive here big offense i'm gonna set something up the one timer gotcha oh i almost pinched that in [Music] give it the grump good grump setting up setting up they have like eight people in net and it won't be enough to stop me let's go [Music] that's me again [Music] me again weight room weight room [Music] i'm bumping and grinding out here breakaway breakaway nice nice way to get it up field for me slap shot touchdown me and it falls right in the teardropper yes sir yes sir i'm coming at you again kids better watch out stay on your toes [Music] pinch pinch pinch hey where's my where's my squad where's my midfield we got an afk here oh god damn it oh [ __ ] bad bounce we're still good though you think we're boys don't you come up here come up here oh wow you got oh he's got punched too okay i don't want to stand too close [Music] unlucky yeah no oh close okay i'm just not gonna risk it these kids have to eat mode too uh it's not even worth it oh i punched three people out in this one let's see if i can get more i'm going to be so aggressive here i'm going for skeleton that guy tried to punch me come here oh [ __ ] [ __ ] we got mummy instead oh he died too huge huge too slow [ __ ] got him let's go this is such a good map for this gotcha let's go oh he's survived he's right no they're fighting back god i dare you gotcha you shouldn't have done it you shouldn't have done it you [ __ ] fool this is mine i have to go over there [Music] gotcha oh god this guy's got punch do it do it come on fight me oh i'm [ __ ] up clutch [Music] yeah we both punched at the same time i didn't jump i just immediately dove why did his punch connect but not mine god damn it can i hit off the bridge yes i can i hope he doesn't qualify blue dinosaur blue dinosaur play some d play some d play some d blue dinosaur there is god don't qualify damn jax cod you're on borrowed time junior i'm coming for you i'm head hunting i will throw this game right in the toilet if i have to i will make sure this guy doesn't qualify unleashing the demon here going for alien come here champ oh wait it's still on cooldown i don't know how this guy didn't die i'll put you in your grave you should have already died you're on borrowed time gotcha no he didn't slip there we go what he's the chosen one there we go okay all is right in the world that was like final destination who's next you damn oh jesus oh you for sure sorry kid [Music] this is such a great finale i always throw on this because i'm so preoccupied punching but it doesn't matter i ruin so many of their attempts and i'll do it again gotcha [Music] i saw you try and punch him i'll administer justice on his behalf nice gotcha yes gotcha what oh okay i got lucky too [Music] oh it's one on one i didn't even notice gotcha no you just got so lucky no way does he recover [Music] you have to go this way you have to go this way gotcha what a clash at the end right there we both punched each other that was like kratos versus zeus that's how we do it baby that's how we do it [Music] i closed out three games or three of their games on that one yes sir and he is fuming he is mad he just ripped his homework in half oh my god oh my god oh my god that punch was clutch who hit me wait how how so how do you use the punch like that every time i try and punch on the move it doesn't land that was a clutch punch how do you do it how do you do a moving punch oh this is we keep getting the same games tonight fine by me i always [ __ ] people up here i don't care if i win i just need to make sure i take out a lot of them that guy instantly killed himself he panicked punches on cooldown gotcha there's one down there's one body bag come up here come up here why would you do that why would you do that you insult me [Music] oh double kill so nasty so nasty pink aliens playing such an honest game too right now no punching nothing just survival that's why it's gonna feel so sweet um oh come on what [Music] whatever unlucky couldn't actually just beat the [ __ ] out of him i just wanted to spank his ass around a bit but he killed himself he said i don't want to mess with that guy all right we're going to try the speed strat let's see if i can get it that guy just did it i just did it okay wait we actually have a lobby of pros in here never mind he blew it oh [ __ ] so did i i didn't catch the bounce uh oh this is gonna be close i might not make it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all right we're good oh he's so slippery what the [ __ ] are these moves oh he killed himself no you're on my [ __ ] list buddy gotcha oh damn it not enough oh he's coming for me oh god oh my god he is really letting loose over here i'm stranded i just have to pray oh god am i safe oh [ __ ] i might be able to make that maybe it's gonna be close that was so clutch oh i actually didn't even get rid of oh my god don't you dare no uh oh oh oh god now i'm the one in a bad spot except that guy that guy's in a worse spot okay let's just slow roll it here i'm not gonna go for any clutch oh my god ah the robot oh he did it to me he did it to me okay he did it to me that was big i'm not gonna lie that was just a big play right there oh got the robot again he's mad because i punched him out on the last one [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm in a terrible spot i'm in a terrible spot i have to go to the bottom oh [ __ ] here tell me i won who was the last one to fall was it me was it me all of us were no
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,690,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N4yTDQ9zbo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 27 2022
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