Revolver God

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Oh Oh here if did that little [ __ ] you think that's gonna save you from the revolver God whoo oh my lord the revolver God shows no mercy he sees ass cheeks he pulls him apart and he just goes tongue first right into the chocolate starfish oh there was no escape there's just no escape that's some stinky ass [ __ ] I just popped on him nothing is out of my jurisdiction they can't run far enough away from me played the revolver God is here again baby probably killed himself [ __ ] yeah rather kill himself then go against the revolver dude check out this beautiful headshot can we get the subs in there now I literally [ __ ] called it and I picked my nose during the headshot I'm a [ __ ] animal I'm a [ __ ] animal is there any cheeks I can't spread with a revolver my lord no cheeks can be sealed tight enough for me to not spread them out played what was that I can't hear you over the sound of annihilating buttholes sleep while do it again do it again [ __ ] outplayed outplayed Jesus the revolvers God has come with a 6.5 inch full mass chub boner oh my [ __ ] god a man absolute madman somebody call my mom tell her she gave birth to a demon a revolver demon holy [ __ ] poor guy never stood a chance walking into my neck of the woods like that all happy-go-lucky and [ __ ] into my Thunderdome headshot two unlucky one more what [ __ ] outplayed sorry deja jinks my reflexes I'm too [ __ ] quick for him these children they don't have the same type of Shaolin training that I have oh my lord look at this this is so sad it's like finding an abandoned puppy how could you do this leaving a revolver out in the open like that out in the cold let me show you the power let me show you what it's capable of are you ready for this come on where the [ __ ] did he go oh damn it I would have been so much better if I could have found him when I was in the air oh you got to be better than that come on man if you're gonna camp there like that you gotta at least finish me off you only get one shot against the revolver God and he blew it oh one second I got a medkit real quick I've missed too many shots is he going for it thank you I am absolutely going hard nuts to butts today with revolver only oh my god you actually hit it I need to hit this headshot and I did as you would expect from the revolver god I am just an absolute revolver machine it's [ __ ] disgusting what does that little wrench mean I've never seen that before twitch staff oh [ __ ] yeah now the twitch staff has to come in here and see it to believe it they've been hearing the rumors of a man to surpass a ninja show me that prepubescent face I'm in the [ __ ] zone right now I'm gonna give myself the advantage here let's see it oh you poor soul stop man just stop showing me your braces face man these poor children this is gross this is [ __ ] gross twitch staff can you chime in is this is this okay with the rules here cuz this is disgusting this is [ __ ] filthy right now I want to make sure I'm not violating like the Geneva Convention here with this level of slapping expertise with the revolver my [ __ ] god how many more how much more can they possibly take oh I wonder how many people have uninstalled the game as a result of this revolver action is that a man over there my kill you don't steal kills from the revolver God [ __ ] one more one more time shall we that [ __ ] show me how you [ __ ] oh boy I need to reload sit it oh my god somebody put a cork in my penis so I stop ejaculating so much good god oh no oh my god why with doctor Lupo's revolver only when is high octane and testosterone-fueled is this because this is your straight diesel pumping through my veins right now do it come on I'm not of materials oh close call but the revolver God doesn't even feel pressure god I don't feel anything except come almost there baby I've almost got my 10 that I've been waiting for this is this will not do I can't keep taking this to ass without material and I'm out of bounce pad so no more style clips oh that's ten two more two more baby for the revolver only dub skier Unni come on show me some more ass so I can put my mouth on it just in case I'm not taking any chances now I'm gonna finish this off the same way I began it with some hardcore style like some xxx [ __ ] okay you know what I'll play this game I'll play this little game I love this game and we really wanted the style shots
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 6,853,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Revolver God Funny Cr1TiKaL
Id: JoLn5je8Hjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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