Worst Dad on Tik Tok

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for a long time i've mentioned that parents of famous children whether it be child actors or tick tock stars youtubers whatever are usually just some of the worst parents on the planet just straight up awful you just hear time and time again about how these parents lead their kids down destructive paths in order to capitalize on their fame a great example of this is recently from jeanette mccurdy who played sam and icarly she released a memoir called i'm glad my mom died and in it she documents a history of abuse from her mother as well as nickelodeon she talks about some awful [ __ ] nickelodeon did to her and her mom's response to it was things like that's just the price of showbiz you know you gotta shake it off this is what it means to be famous all the girls would love to be in the position you're in don't be so ungrateful just horrible things the mom was well aware of everything that nickelodeon was doing to her daughter and didn't care in fact even piled it on by calling her names and doing other horrible [ __ ] so she just sounds like shao khan and i know a lot of people were upset with the title the book it's kind of aggressive i'm glad my mom died not exactly a dr seuss book title but i think most people would be somewhat relieved when the boogeyman in their life passes so i understand where the name is coming from after reading some of it i haven't finished it but it's really interesting and very [ __ ] sad and the reason i'm bringing this up is because it ties into a topic that i want to talk about today that i just learned about i'm sure all of you have heard of the name addison ray by now she's one of the biggest stars on tick tock and she's gotten so famous that it extends well beyond tick tock so even if you're not big on the platform like me you still at least know her name well her dad is a [ __ ] weirdo and he has torn apart their family for the sake of his own clout chasing [Music] that's someone's father that's a 46 year old man posting some fine distilled twice folded over double caked up cringe on maine this is addison ray's dad and he of course did what every other tick-tock parent does he made his own account he has like 5.4 million followers and he threw away his entire family in order to try and make money off of his daughter's name and become famous himself but not only that he used his pseudo celebrity status of being the parent of a famous person to allegedly flirt with 19 and 20 year olds he even was having a five-month affair here with a girl that's less than half his age he allegedly cheated on his wife multiple times and they eventually got a divorce he also has two other sons which i can't imagine how awful this situation must be for the whole family but them in particular since they're still super young and obviously in tune with social media they're seeing all the unhinged wild [ __ ] their father's doing and it has to be soul crushing i feel so terrible for the entire family and it's gotten so bad they've sounded the def con alert system almost every tick tock influencer in the space has told at least one story about monty lopez being creepy to them they need like a restraining order or something where monty lopez can't be within five miles of a tick-tock influencer because he sniffs this [ __ ] out like a goddamn animal he's got like a spidey sense for it he just gets this tingle and shows up to every tick tock party imaginable by himself he doesn't go with addison ray or anything he goes solo which already is a giant red flag there's nothing wrong with tick tock star's parents being involved in their life or even in their videos like addison ray made a ton of videos with her mom and dad and brothers and that's totally fine wholesome whatever but it gets to a point where it's uncomfortable when the dad is just going to all these parties by himself without the actual star of the family there because now he's got it in his disillusioned brainwashed mind that he's the star so he goes there and allegedly hits on the 19 and 20 year old influencers there and everyone's uncomfortable there's a ton of videos of him at these parties like one where he's handing out roses to some of the the girls there it there's a lot of footage that makes it just seem like bigfoot sightings they'll like circle in a red circle like monty lopez in the background like being weird with a tick tocker it's so weird it's like found footage you know but it's not blurry it's [ __ ] caught in 4k being creepy he also starts beef with these young women like he started [ __ ] on tana mojo i'm not gonna bring up any of these clips because the clips themselves aren't very entertaining or interesting it's the story itself that's interesting and sad so he posted a tick tock saying do you think tana mojo's [ __ ] more than 300 dudes or less than 300 dudes to which tanner responds by showing a ton of receipts about him trying to like hook up with her or like trying to connect with her as well as telling stories about how unbelievably weird he is to all the other tick tock stars there's also a video of him face facetiming a 19 year old like really late at night in the car it's so it's just very yucky stuff and this is just another perfect example of how awful a lot of parents are for child stars because i think a lot of them like monty lopez treat their children as props for their own success so addison reagan's super famous monty lopez weasels his way into some of the videos makes his own social media accounts which get popular because he's the dad of one of the biggest stars on the platform and now it's gone to his head he wiped his ass with his whole family divorced his wife and now just tries to [ __ ] young women and try and become a wealthy tick-tock star himself just another tragic story of a child star whose dad is absolute vile filth i there's nothing that addison rey's mother's done that i found that's distasteful or bad or anything like that i want to make it clear it's it's not her whole family it's just her dad but the whole the topic itself that i'm focusing on is just how awful a lot of these parents can be in this case the parent is monty from everything i've seen addison rey's mom hasn't done anything wrong or anything she seems very wholesome and in fact the reason why monty lopez wants to fight young gravy is because young gravy has been very public about wanting to be with addison rey's mom sherry and sherry's even teased back about them going on like dates and [ __ ] so young gravy might [ __ ] addison ray's mom and it makes monty lopez uncomfortable i i don't i don't know the whole lore behind all that but monty lopez sucks just another sad case of a shitty parent using their kids to further their own agenda no matter what the cost also big shout out to monty i'd like to add one more thing to this this [ __ ] parasite claims videos that show clips of him embarrassing himself his whole tick tock page is just his worst moments as a human being displayed this guy has no self-awareness every single video he posts on there is a video that any sane person would want deleted and scrubbed from the internet forever yet he proudly posts and i can't show any of them because he claims the videos where people are insulting him for it so this absolute insufferable douchebag anus still has the audacity to try and somehow fight for his public reputation despite doing everything possible to sink to the lowest depths of hell to be the giant scumbag he blows my mind he's all about like the grind in money so he takes the absolute most revolting approaches to it by copyright claiming videos that use some of his clips to try and take the ad revenue from it or whatever it's so wild to me i was reading a bit about it and just when i thought he couldn't get any worse i learned that he was copyright claiming [ __ ] a youtuber named dumpy even mentioned that he had to pitch up some of the videos because monty kept claiming it it's [ __ ] silly this guy is just an absolute massive clown and i feel so sorry for his entire family i can't imagine he was a great father growing up and he's only getting worse of course i'm making a giant assumption maybe he was a fine father figure who got corrupted once his family or once his daughter got famous i couldn't tell you but this guy sucks he's weird creepy and what he's done to his family is unforgivable that's really about it so yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 5,423,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AyYT-QTkxSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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