Maya Modelling Tutorial | Medieval Lighthouse Part 09

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hey guys how are you doing hopefully everyone's doing great today myself i am doing a little bit better i'm still a little bit congested so my voice might sound a little bit different in this next couple of videos um throughout this week of course uh but thankfully my wife my baby everyone's fine now our health is improving so thank you again for all of the great wishes by the way we are were you able to check out uh yesterday's video we are introducing a new instructor to the team so you haven't checked it um right now just go there pause this go there i'm not gonna go anywhere we'll continue with the lighthouse in just a second uh so yeah make sure to go and check him out and uh so let's go today we're gonna continue with the lighthouse and we're actually gonna be jumping into brush as you can see i've been uh going i'm still quite behind the last week since uh we had like this health issue um i wasn't able to continue as much so as you can see i just like went in here remember the four little uh like long thick small small thick and small like locks that we did so i'm just duplicating them and i'm a little by little starting to open or create this sort of um a frame for the whole thing so as you can see i deleted the floor that we had before and now we have this thing so this is just a the key bashing technique if you wish where we're going a little by little attacking each specific piece i think i definitely need to go back to this texture right here and the saturate a little bit so it matches like the overall tone uh maybe this one's as well just decide to read them a little bit but as you can see things are looking very very nice so i'm probably gonna be doing this throughout the week i'll i'll throw in a nice little uh lesson for you guys about the scene and while i do that i'll just keep like plugging and chugging in with all of the different like uh locks that we still made so i'm still missing like all of the scaffolding over here i'm missing this like lamp post uh we did we do need to do this one but i want to do something else before that one and that is i want to do this rock right here because um i do fi i found that it is a little bit tricky to to go on this specific area right here and uh it might be a good idea to just sculpt this in a in a better way so i can definitely tell here that as you can see there's a little bit of a flat area here so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to bring a cube and i'm going to position this cube where i would expect this like overhang of the rock to be which is about there you can see like this scaffolding right there it's kind of like on this like border right here and i'm actually gonna grab like this guy right here grab this face and just like push it in because i i want more of that sort of like like a shelf over there so let's push this one right there and i know that that's like generally the the like the the i'm just stammering starting that's the general way and how this thing is looking right so i don't need to be super precise back here but i do want to give this a nice sort of like uh effect or or look so i'm going to grab both of these things i'm actually going to combine them into a single guy i'm going to say mesh and triangular it's very important that we triangulate because i don't want to have any issues with n-guns inside of zebras so once this is triangulated i'm just going to say file export selection and we're going to bring this into our project um let's set our project real quick here there we go so assets remember lighthouse and let's create a new one called clef now eventually eventually we're going to be using textures to like create this uh or give us the most or get the most out of this however i do wanna i don't to show you nanite which is one of the newest things instead of unreal engine five uh we're gonna be using unreal engine five by the way uh once we get into the engine so stay tuned the series is gonna it's gonna go for a little while so uh as long as you guys keep supporting and liking the video we're totally fine we're we're totally cool like keeping this thing up but we do need the support that we we are constantly monitoring the the what's the word the progress of the video so if we see that a video or a series is uh having a good progress then we keep going if we don't see any good progress then we change things up so that you guys uh help us with the with that okay so here i'm just gonna go into my basic material and um i'm actually gonna go here you can see that i have this basic material this is the one that i normally use it doesn't seem like it so i'm just going to click here save as starting material so that every time i start i start with this one i hate the like the the other one the like the red material looks super ugly and i'm just going to dynamesh just real quick and there we go so the trick for cliffs and rocks and informations is to here let me show you is to create a very nice shape breakup okay i would say that that's the most important thing you can see this thing here there's a lot of like shapes breaks shape breakups pretty much everywhere now most of this we are going to be using textures to get that of course uh but it's a good exercise to actually go here and sculpt it yourself so i personally like using trim dynamic you guys know i'm a huge fan of train dynamic and what we can do is i can use like clay build up here like start building up this thing and then with trim dynamic i'll just flatten up like this different shapes like you're never going to have like a perfectly 90 degree angle so i'm just going to like flatten these things out and create this sort of like very nice texture around the cliff it's the same thing here then again with clay buildup we can just go here dynamesh we're gonna be dynamishing constantly to to generate or create a nice effect here now i'm gonna introduce you to one little secret here this is uh the secret i think i do show it on the on the intro to sebas course um but uh yeah it's gonna be like a small small gift from for all of you guys that are the stay all the way until this point in the day which we're not far in the video how how long has this been five minutes it's just five minutes but sometimes people only watch the video for like two or three minutes hopefully you guys are not those so now what i'm going to do here is i'm going to go into light box and in my brushes here there's a very nice brush that we can use it's on the mallet and it's called the mallet fast mallet fast 2. and i really like this brush because it it kind of like mallets and milo this like a hammer so it hammers the surface as you can see here and it creates this very nice angle see that's so every time i tap we create this like fragments over there and you can actually change this to like a spray and you're gonna create like this very very nice like a rocky texture to it see how we get like this this very like harsh plane so i'm gonna lower the intensity a little bit and this even though it doesn't seem like much this is gonna be more than enough to create a very nice uh effect on the rock because it's pushing the the normals like in and out right so it's giving me some some very nice um let's call it uh shape and noise silhouette so that silhouette with a very nice like rock texture that we're gonna get online uh it's gonna give us an amazing and amazing uh look here so i'm gonna go back to my train dynamic now do should we go all the way over here if we're doing a level where people are gonna be able to walk to every single side of the level then yeah you should do it and i mean right now we're not doing the full level right like we're only focusing on this like specific shot uh of the of the element but it's not a good it's not a bad idea to just like go here and add this sort of effect so see how very nice like fragment and sort of thing we get now don't worry about the fact that this is super low poly that's that's actually perfectly fine because again we're actually going to be using this as a base to project the texture on top of it so so the main thing i'm worried about is i just want to make sure this looks very very natural right so let's go back here with a trim dynamic remember we had like a cube over here i think was over there so let me like build up the cube again that one's very important because that's what like the scaffolding is like supporting itself so i definitely need to like build this up right there so let's dynamesh there we go now i'm going to show you one new tool that we have which is a knife tool so i'm going to mask this out actually not the knife so i'm just gonna invert the mask and i'm gonna use my clip brush which is this uh clip curve where is it here clip curve we're gonna draw a line and whatever is on the gradient is going to be pushed towards the rest of the geometry like this so see how we created a flat surface and with dynamesh then there we go we have our little square right there so again ctrl shift click over here oh i forgot sorry i remember yesterday i mentioned that we now have this little um car neck thing so you can see the shortcuts there we go sorry i'm getting used to it so so there we go so now i'm just gonna start like or continue building up here and there we go like let's say we want like another little cliff over here on this area right here so i add the volume like this dynamesh to get a little bit more resolution mask out that volume that i want to flatten out invert then ctrl shift and we're going to select clip curve and draw a line where the gradient is pointing to the upper side you can use the space bar to move this around and then just boom that's going to flatten everything to a nice little clip there and when we do dynamesh everything's going to be like flattened out let's just trim dynamic and then just like give this a little bit of a better form right so yeah that's that's how you do this sort of effect now again we are going to be using textures on top of this so the only thing that i want that i want is to create like the shapes of the object because on top of these shapes is where we're going to be using our our texture so i'm not too worried about like actually sculpting the rocks if you want to do that go for it be my guest or it is going to be quite time consuming and in this particular case it's not really going to be that useful so let me give you a couple of examples uh like games where this has been used i'm not sure if you guys have played a gangshin impact but if you take a look at how they manage this it's a very similar process like they're not gonna be hand sculpting every single rock what they do is they sculpt the general shape of the rod like this silhouette right here and then they map a texture like this very obvious texture pretty much everywhere but it's a single mesh they just like carve in and out on the different things and there's a rock texture uh placed on top very similar to how they did it on the bread of the wild for instance so so that's what we're gonna do and i think i can show you uh how to do it in just a second so so let's let's just keep going here and there we go now this is not a lot of geometry as you can see here like this is only 55 000 triangles which is about 100k uh which is fine i mean we could definitely take this into into maya and we we wouldn't have a problem let me take a look at the other topology yeah the polish is not bad let me dynamesh real quick yeah i mean the topology is not bad like we could definitely take this um actually i think i am gonna take this so let's just i'm just gonna add a little bit of volume here like i don't want things to be like perfectly flat i want to have like a little bit of you know something and there we go let's go back to our nice mallet fast that's a little bit of let's definitely lower the intensity let's go back to like a normal freehand because i just want to like let's push this i'm just going to carve in a couple of like cliffs here and there just to get again some variation right so there we go now if any of you is doing this tutorial and they and you guys want me to share this like a geometry with you like this this cliff that i'm just sculpted here let me know and i'll be happy to upload it onto one of our our drive folders so that you guys can have access to mean it's just very simple geometry as you can see here like no big deal uh but again if you just wanted like we can we can uh get it to you somehow i'm just gonna like train dynamic everything here again just just i just want to make sure that i'm using as much of the resolution as possible so just a quick change in sweat here and there again just one way you can change or check this is going to flat color and what you want you want to avoid any like super flat surfaces so as long as you have like points like pushing in and out i think we're gonna be fine make it seem natural of course like maybe like a little cave in there like all that sort of stuff that is gonna be like super super helpful with that with the whole thing there we go so you might say this looks horrible every hand like how is this going to look like a little bit cooler can we make this look a little bit cooler yes uh in fact one of the things we can do is we can actually go into daemon stander and just like push like some like big lines over here and again this is very important because these are the things that are going to give shadow and volume to the to the cliff face because yes we're going to have a texture that's going to have normal maps and stuff uh but the main shapes of the cliff those are the ones that we're sculpting right here so this is where we need to really spend a little bit of time to to create like the sort of like changes in the in the rock right so so make sure that if you're doing this by yourself you you use enough time like don't don't underestimate how like the kind of detail that we want because again like imagine like there's a shadow coming from this side like this shadows you're not gonna get those shadows from the uh from the normal map those shadows are gonna be coming from the actual sculpture so that's why it's important to to create this sort of shape right so let's go there and that's it i kind of like this again once we have a texture that's i think that's a nice uh element i think i definitely want to like sharpen this because i remember on the concept yeah the clip is really sharpened over there so i'm going to use my knife tool in this case ctrl shift i'm going to use the knife curve and then just like as you can see there i just like carved a whole freaking hole out of the other mountain so let's go like that like that so that's really like a cliff and then we go back with the trim dynamic and then just soften the the different sides over here there we go let's add just again a little bit of texture we can carve out more stuff so this literally looks like erosion you know when water hits uh rocks after a long period of time you're gonna get this sort of erosion and as you can see it's a very like free form kind of a style of sculpting if we're gonna like do a bakes a bake out of this i would definitely like spend a long time like making sure this looks as nice as possible but i think like this is kind of like the like the shot that we're going to have i think this is going to look uh perfectly fine so um i'm just going to take this one like as is like i'm not going to do it this image or anything i'm just going to keep it like as is i'm just going to export this let's go back to our projects 2021 next to live assets lighthouse cliff and let's call this cliff sculpt and we're going to maya we delete this guy file import uh again assets lighthouse cliff cliff let's go there we go and look at that now i definitely see that uh well a couple of things first as you can see each polygroup got separated into different pieces that's a no no we don't want that so i'm going to grab all of the pieces here i'm going to combine them i'm going to say edit mesh merge and that's going to merge all of the vertices that are pretty much on top of each other so now everything should be one i'm not going to smooth this out i mean it's a little bit heavy we could decimate it it's not the end of the day it's 100k triangles it's it's fine uh but we could decimate it here what i definitely want to do is i'm going to actually scale this down so that the distances are not like super uh intense right here because i i really want this thing to be up there uh another thing we can do is i can move the pivot point like up here to the floor which the floor does seem to match like close to what we want and then from there we're gonna scale so it should be a little bit easier let's ski a little bit more so that's where like things should be as you can see we're we're losing quite a bit of cliff right here so another thing i can do is i can just like grab all of this guys do it like a soft selection and then just like push these guys down again not really caring much about like the geometry and stuff like the shadows and all of that kind of things that's what i care about and yeah that looks a little bit better so a little bit closer to what we had of course we could have brought in like a copy of the scaffolding to to z-rush to get like the perfect uh like effect here but i think something like this is is fine like like this round right here we can like make it go lower a little bit and well probably not that much might need to like modify like maybe here we can like just like scale this up and give it like a little bit of a of a leg to stand let's grab that one or like this one right here and just no that's gonna distort that image too much don't worry i i mean maybe we could just like duplicate this one this one goes like really really long there um it doesn't go that long as you can see there but it's close uh now here's where where the fun fun begins so i'm gonna go mesh display soften edge and this is gonna give me like a very soft shadow for for everything here and i'm going to say uv and i'm going to say i'm going to do an automatic mapping let's see how how it goes maybe the automatic was a bad idea no that's fine it seems to be working so now if we take a look at the uvs it's going to be a horrible uv by the way i mean this is going to be like completely ludicrous but it will give me an idea of how things are going to look i am actually going to be texturing this instead of substance later on or instead of what's the word um unreal actually do you want to check how we're doing on time okay we're fine so let's go again to polyhaven i'm using polyhaven because it's free but if you guys have access to substance source you might want to check that one out as well so for instance we have this aerial rocks that's pretty cool this one's also pretty cool so let's see if we can find like a cliff site oh this is great it's like a rocky ground uh it looks very very cool let's see if there's another one like a little bit less ground and more rock [Music] there's a lot of bricks not a lot of rock so i think we're gonna have to settle with that one that's fine i mean it's a good texture so let's go for it there you go it's gonna look a little bit weird because there's gonna be like like rocks like uh like kind of pushing out so i mean that's what we have right now later on i might use a couple of others and i want to download this uh ao diffuse yeah that's that's the one so download and remember we had our nice little uh assets here let's go lighthouse cliff let's show this and we're gonna extract open archive open the textures we're gonna do one two three four right now i just want the diffuse and the normal that's the only one that i'm going to see inside of maya so i'm going to go here assign a new material let's add a maya a lambert and on the lambert let's do the history we're going to call this m cliff and we're just gonna plug in the colors so color here and we're gonna do um assets where's the lighthouse cliff and we do that if you there we go so of course if we do this it's going to look completely horrible i know that don't worry let's jump onto the hypershade real quick let's grab the m cliff map it and the first thing i need to find is what's going to be like the like the good number right like what amount of like uh tiling do we need for this to work um and i'm going to start with something like a 10. so 10 and 10 uh not it's better not great it's better let's try like uh like a 20 and 20. there we go that's a little bit better you can see that definitely you have a little bit of an issue and it's repeating we can try and use this a stagger thing where it's gonna like modify where things are so this is breaking up the surface a little bit more again not great we're gonna be doing the proper way later on so you're going to get a general idea of how this thing is looking um so let's add our normal map now so let's go here into the cliff bump mapping file it's going to be tangent space normal and it's going to be the lighthouse a cliff uh normal there we go now we did 2020 so it's going to be 20 20 as well you can also just like plug this in into the uv coordinates and if we delete this one we still should have the same effect uh one thing yeah forgot about this one remember the normal map should be set to our raw because the normal map does not add any sort of like or we don't want any sort of like correction like correction here let's turn this on and uh yeah i mean again not great actually this is not tileable i thought it was tileable it's not tileable that's why we can see it okay i'm going to show you another trick i'm just going to grab this guy right here go to like a like a front view right here and goes i'm going to say uv and i'm going to do a planar mapping based on the camera based projection and that way it's kind of like taking a picture so we should see like the texture like nicely laid out there let's go back here to the uvs i'm gonna get rid of stagger that's weird i i really thought this was gonna be title book seems like it's not it's very weird or did i did i mess something up it's very weird but yeah i mean you can see here with this like sort of like a camera view projection things are looking a little bit better um at least we have the shape of the object which is one of the most important parts like the normal maps and everything like the general shape of the object is looking it's looking good however the texture definitely needs some work i'm actually gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna go back to the to the lamborgh one i think i think this is good um but i wanna i wanna give it another go so i'm gonna stop right here guys i'm gonna stop the video right here with just just basic like shapes of the cliff and then tomorrow we'll texture this and now i'll show you like the proper way to texture it uh so that we don't get any sort of like distortion uh we can work with some very nice maps and uh and we get a general idea of how this thing is gonna be working or looking okay so yeah that's it guys as you can see uh our little like lighthouse here is looking better and better each day um again as i mentioned this is a big project i i wasn't aware of how how difficult this was going to be when we started but as long as you keep supporting the channel as long as you keep liking it and as long as you keep sharing this with your friends and everyone i'll be happy to continue i want to bring this all the way to competition but you guys are going to be the the shock colors here if we have the views if we have the likes and if we have the engagement we'll be happy to continue we're also going to be introducing some other videos there's a couple of things i want to talk about cbs 2022 so maybe we'll do like two or three videos about the lighthouse each week and then uh we'll probably use like the weekends to share some tricks and tips and yeah if we have more news i'll be happy to share let us know in the comments if you're okay with having more than one video a day like we don't want to rub you off your time guys so if you guys want to hear more about us i'll be happy to try and have like a little bit of lighthouse and then some couple of like zebras and substance techniques like we can mix and match i'm fine but i need you guys to let us know what things you guys want to see here in the channel okay so that's it for tonight and i'll see you back tomorrow bye
Channel: Nexttut
Views: 453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maya 2018, zbrush tutorial, maya tutorial, nalini kanta jena, character sculpting, zbrush sculpting, zbrush turorial, beginner zbrush tutorial, human anatomy zbrush, modeling tutorial
Id: l-To9Vcxn5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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