Jan 18, 2020 - Don't Be Afraid, Fear GOD (Part 2)

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okay so last week we spoke about basically the $64,000 most difficult question in theology and in life in general is why do bad things happen to good people or we went over three basic things to think about you know we talked about things being confined to this world and we use revelation 21:4 for that we talked about how people that go through many battles and have many battle scars can help those going through battle so it's a wonderful thing we use second Corinthians I think 1 3 verse 3 through 4 and we talked about the fact that look it takes the guesswork out of this when you when you gave your life to the Lord you might thought you were you were you know kind of going to heaven or that's what you were trying to do avoid hell I don't know but that's not the gist of it at all when when the Lord called you he said come and die and that's something nobody wants to do everybody wants to go to heaven nobody wants to die and that's not the way it works you must read the Bible and you must be convinced that it's true and you must apply it otherwise you're going to struggle in this life trying to be close to God if you put one foot in the world or your own ideology own philosophy and one foot in the word you're gonna be split apart literally it's gonna be very very uncomfortable so I want to use a few verses I want to use a proverb now you know the proverbs are called the Proverbs of Solomon and there's a reason why it's called the prophets you know why it's called the Proverbs Solomon well because proverbs 1:1 proverbs 10:1 in proverbs 25 one says these are the Proverbs of Solomon first Kings 432 tells us that Solomon wrote over 3,000 proverbs so the Proverbs in our Bible of the several hundred the Spirit of God inspired to be Holy Scripture I want you to take a look at one verse proverbs 13 15 while we're on this subject of why do bad things happen to good people it says good common sense produces grace but the way of the treacherous is rough now I think most people when they think treacherous they think more the English were dangerous but that's not the Hebrew word the Hebrew word means deceitful or faithless or untrustworthy so basically the word of wisdom here and and that's what proverbs are they're they're even secular people have applied proverbs in their life they even repeat some of them without even realizing - in the Bible basically the word of wisdom that God is giving us through Solomon is that sometimes suffering is a direct result of poor choices sinful actions and willful irresponsibility okay let me repeat that because I told a couple of people I just met in the street yesterday I would hate to be God because when things go right man takes the credit even though some of you won't admit to that and when things go wrong God gets the blame it's got to be to me the most ludicrous thing to do something that God told you not to do and then with the miserable results shake your fist at him the pies done you know I love going to places in India because they have no cell phone towers so you never have to tell anybody to shut off their cell phone by the way the Internet is destroying our culture just letting you in on that third world countries now they have phones you know they stop talking to each other they sit there when they get together in a mud hut and they're on their phones it's the saddest thing you've ever seen in a mud hut in a rural area be careful your kids on the Internet guys it's a surefire way to be depressed so four choices and sinful actions meaning breaking God's laws and willful irresponsibility leads to a bad life that's that's what he's saying here I think a lot of times if you look back on your life you'll see some decisions you made that you didn't seek counsel sometimes I mean there's a lot of people that could kind of I think admit that yeah there were times that I knew it was the wrong decision and I'm not talking about little decisions I'm not talking about whether to have you know Chinese or Italian I'm talking about like marrying somebody when you sit on the altar and you were like I know this is the wrong person but been together five years I'm getting older everybody's here what with that things and I say that not for some of you was sitting there and go oh god see reading my mail no no because she knows sometimes you can end up marrying the wrong person but if you both give your life to the Lord willfully he could change it into something absolutely stunning that's what God does he takes junk and he restores it he's a soul saver that's what he does if you let him if you defer and not if you're praying for your husband you need to pray for yourself a little bit too you haven't arrived you might be better than him but you're a far cry from yushua hamish ego so let me tell you something about human nature and I don't know if you'd agree with this huh I think you will the human being loves to try to find a correlation between bad behavior and bad circumstances and good behavior and good circumstances don't you sometimes when things go wrong you would need to leave you're a god-fearing person what did I do Lord did I not help that poor person did I yell at my wife did I have that lustful thought you're thinking this is why it's happening right or wrong this does the human being not try to figure it out even I know people especially first-time mothers where did he get that cold from who cares who cares if he got it from the kid is working are you gonna go back then beat up the kid he has a cold who knows take care of the cold but we want to know why and where and we want to connect the dots so a lot of people do think well if I'm totally obedient this shouldn't happen and then if people are evil in the world why are they getting good things and you end up being very confused you don't want to admit it but God sees you there's nothing hidden from the Lord I'm here to tell you that you cannot always correlate bad behavior with bad circumstances you keep looking for a formula you're not gonna find one you're wasting your time you're exhausting your efforts endlessly and something that's not solvable yeshua gives two very solid examples in the bible that dispels this ideology one is in John 9 1 through 3 as Yeshua passed along he saw a blind man from birth meaning he was born blind his Talmud II knows his disciples asked him rabbi who sinned this man or his parents now they're just knucklehead theologians well maybe they believed in reincarnation they didn't believe in reincarnation they would Jews Jews don't believe in reincarnation only Buddhists Jews not first century Jews they don't believe in they they were they were very they firmly believe that bad things happen to people that do bad things bad choices bad life good choices good life they believed why because they were human beings like us and we still believe that right that's why we have a hard time when we're being faithful especially if went hiding and what kind of doing right righteous acts why is this happening so Yeshua dispels that Yeshua answers his blindness is due neither to his sin nor to that of his parents so right there though Yeshua is saying that this boy was born with an atomic nature he was the sinner from the time he came out of the womb it happens so that God's power might be seen at work in him see a shul lets us know through this part of the scripture that bad things aren't always connected to bad behavior the man's blindness was not the result of personal sin no was it the result of and forgive me but some of you really harp on that generational crap a little too much it is not biblical guys there were kings that were evil that were cursed in Israel was cursed during their reign and they had sons that turned it around and repented and became godly and Israel was blessed it's not your dad why don't you blame yourself for once but God's sakes take some responsibility for your own actions I mean we've been playing this blame game since the Garden God was blamed by Adam he said this is the woman you gave me I didn't create this and then II blamed God again you put the snake in the garden what do you want from me this has been gone human nature is human nature take it from me I've traveled all over the world I dealt with believers and unbelievers from every every continent human beings are human beings no it wasn't generationally although all sickness make no mistake and all suffering and all of death came into this world ultimately as a result of sin I heard a guy quote the scriptures the other day first he said money is the root of all evil say he was wrong right what does it say of money is what you're wrong it says the love of money is the root of some of all evil sin is the root of all evil see you miss quoted you're correcting a misquote with a misquote see how easy the enemy could leave out a word or change a word and change the whole intent of the scripture he told me to do that some morning you'd be dead wrong he told me you'd be dead wrong it is not true than in any particular case though a person suffers because of sins which he has committed no this is a this listen this world will send more today than it did yesterday and it will send more tomorrow than it did today sin is at an all-time high it is out of control and it is in the church freaky people who call themselves Christians that are going against the very commandments of God and saying it's okay oh it's okay by who who died and left you boss it says it's an abomination guess what it was an abomination in 1200 BC it's abomination in 1200 ad people changing the Word of God you you got to get with it rabbi it's the 21st century I didn't know I I don't know my 21st century Bible says God's the same yesterday today and forever I don't know I don't know God had a higher purpose for this suffering and most of the time if not almost all the time he has a higher purpose for yours as well the other example he gives is in Luke 13 two verses that says what about those 18 people who died when the Tower of Shalaka so long felon them the disciples the Jewish boys and they believed they must have been incredibly evil right that was the understanding this is what we think - when a person falls under some disease some of you are like I bet there's some secrets in your awful to think that just awful you are awful to think that and you are awful to say that because you don't know why and you don't know the motivations of another person's heart and to think you're not even looking to restore that person makes you unspiritual no matter how much scripture you know how's that put that in your pipe and smoke it if you don't think to restore right away when you hear bad news in a person man you ain't you ain't activated right at all I bet to me that's disgusting it's disgusting to me I can only imagine what God thinks he says do you think they were worse offenders and all the other people that's what they were thinking well they must have been incredible sinners your shoe is dispelling this ideology why don't we hold on to it no no I tell you rather unless you like why are you worried about are you did you repent are you walking in the ways of the Lord who cares what your neighbors doing God you can't wait I'm talking to you you can't way too much about everybody else about this denomination about that church about that pastor yes I'm talking to you you care way too much and you care way little too much about your own walk and your secret sin and your lustful thoughts and your greed but don't let anybody know you don't even think God knows so the point here is that the Lord is saying that this catastrophe should not be interpreted as a special judgment for gross wickedness okay so we dispel that although sometimes yes sometimes we do suffer for our own sins sometimes we suffer by the sins of others that are perpetrated against us but sometimes we just don't know and when I say sometimes most of the time look at what Isaiah 63 says for a minute Isaiah chapter 6 what's going on in this small chapter is Isaiah is getting his calling but not only is getting his calling he's getting his cleansing to get his commission a calling and a commission is different first you get called then he cleansed and then you can commit your ways to the Lord let me explain okay Isaiah sees the Lord High and lifted up right and it says they were crying out to each other who's the day Seraphin there's there's different angels that Seraphim and cherubim Seraphim Seraph and the Hebrew means burning and they say in the scriptures that they had six wings - were hiding the face - were hiding the feet and two or four flying and it's it's very significant just to let you know I hate to pass it up well hide the face and hide the feet that's worship that's reverence in the presence of God flying is for service do you notice that they had full wings for worship and two wings for service that's two to one ratio you can actually serve the Lord and really not worship them you can call yourself a christian and just do things for humanitarian efforts there's many people that do nice things they're not born again they don't worship Oh God they were crying out to each other crying more holy than the holiest holiness is I don't know it's about the Lord of Hosts Lord of heavens on me the whole earth is filled with his glory they're celebrating these angels are celebrating the holiness of God and they're letting Isaiah know that if you want to be a certain of God you better be cleansed before you serve Him why simple because God is holy it's just there's no other way to describe them some people say God is good guys look God is holy holy they say holy holy holy 24/7 they don't say love love love well good good good okay Psalm 711 this this this song is a cry of the oppressed and in this verse David says that the righteous God who knows man's thoughts and motives only he does is a shield or a protector for the upright and the righteous but he is also a judge and he's angry with the wicked every day why because God is righteous because it's right to hate evil it's right to hate evil Deuteronomy 32:4 in this chapter Moses is singing a song they're ready to go into the land and he's proclaiming the greatness and glory of God and it's beautiful this verses the rock his work is perfect all his ways are just a trustworthy God who does no wrong this is hard to swallow when you're going through it right and you're questioning got up and down you're not singing this song he is righteous and straight why is he singing this because God is just and Daniel 4:35 just some scriptures the Lord laid on my heart these aren't the end-all be-all by no means says all who live on earth is counted as nothing he does what he wishes he is God with the army of heaven and with those living on the earth no one can hold back his hand and say what are you doing you can it's futile I mean you know who's saying this King Nebuchadnezzar Daniel council of King Nebuchadnezzar to change his ways and the King didn't God gave him 12 months in 12 months he was in penitent and judgment fell on the king in God's mercy he lifted that judgment at that time and Nebuchadnezzar then turns acknowledges that the Lord is Most High he's saying here that the Lord does what he wants when he wants how he wants where he wants to whomever he wants and you can get mad at him all day long why does he do that because God is sovereign so if God is holy Isaiah 63 and God is righteous Psalm 7 11 and God is just Deuteronomy 32:4 and God is sovereign daniel 4:35 then based on these scriptures and I'm just gonna look at this thing kind of ignorant ly based on these scriptures I would think if I was reading these for the first time then then God is more than capable of preventing evil would that be a fair statement don't get to theological some of you look really like you will like you want to argue with me I'm saying based on those four scriptures based on those four saying that God is righteous and holy and sovereign and he's capable would you agree okay the answer is yes it's rhetorical of course he is not only is God more than capable of preventing evil but according to the scriptures his desire is to rid the world of evil right he says he hates evil okay so if God has the power to prevent evil and God has the desire to rid the world of evil then why does he just do it fair question somebody might ask you that and don't give him that well Jesus died on the cross so he went through pain so you're talking to non-believers knucklehead stop talking Christianese they don't understand you they don't speak your language they didn't sit in church for 40 years okay sorry about that I just get really upset when people's witness totally sucks and it makes God look really bad but sometimes you get one shot 1 1 God could change everyone so they could not sin he could totally but that would mean that we would not have the ability to make choices you either give free well or you don't you can't give free will half the time either we have free will to make choices and and for those of you that might be following some theology that we don't oh my god just tell me who you are cycle you know my prayer list then all over the Bible it says to choose even a door can choose we're so much higher than the animal kingdom I mean if you it's not the Gospel according to Flip Wilson okay the devil did not make you do it the devil is not as powerful as you think the devil has to knock on God's door okay the devil could just like a bird's you can't prevent birds from flying around your head but you can prevent the bird from building a nest in your hair stop blaming the devil and stop blaming yourself the government it's grandma if we did not have the ability to make choices if that's what God did and then he would eradicate sin we would be programmed automated mechanical people with no possibility for meaningful relationships and totally void of feelings to me that sounds horrific just horrific I like meaningful relationships I love them I have some incredible close friendships Bernadette has incredible close friendships with two peas in a pod she flew up to New York because one of her best friends daughters passed away at 28 years old and they can't believe she just flew up she would have flew up if they were in Kalamazoo if they were in India if something happened to me Arnie Stephen Samuel caiva they'd be on a plane same day same day that's what you do man when you have friends today the friendships are so shallow I love relationships I love to feel I love to feel happiness and joy I love to feel contentment and peace I even love to feel anger and sadness because anger and sadness motivates me to help others and I really love making decision I do I love that that God allowed me to make decisions because then I could make some really good decisions and make sure things go on the right way for me for my family and for the synagogue what would life be like without the ability to feel will make choices lifeless so ixnay ixnay that well okay so that's out let's try option number two okay what about what about God could just intervene a hundred percent of the time with like a drunk driver or a bank robber anybody feel good about that one so don't worry you're not gonna go to hell if you say yes it's like you're not taking a test maybe God could sounds like he's all-powerful and he's all-knowing so he probably could right you know like when things are really bad how's that would that be great God just intervened just stop it when it's really bad that sounds good it does it sounds good to me until God infringed on something we really wanted to do I mean where do we draw the line between good in bed who's the judge of what's really bad and what's not so bad what's up what's a lie in just a white lie in other words God should stop thieves but what about people who are charging too much for their services aren't you a thief too we live in a society today where everybody is robbing from everybody and you know you're so crazy your prices are so absolutely insane and out of control and you actually sit there and go but the guy down the street charges even more it's hit the churches that passed is a bomb and he makes $250,000 a year I should at least make a hundred and a half it's greed has taken over and not just in the world so I say let's go for it stop God you take rain to stop things when they're really bad so when that plumber comes from my house and says it's gonna be a hundred and fifty bucks that to fix my crappy flapper that takes him two minutes Osama Jew from the projects and I don't know how to do anything let god stop him and he goes it's gonna be 20 bucks 20 bucks why did I say that cause God prevented you from ripping me off I left people ripped me off all the time and they think I don't know it I know they're ripping me off I just laugh because I'll have to answer for it it doesn't bother me they think I don't know oh this idiot from New York ain't no Judas never fixed anything you got to see you got to see what people come here to take down on trees like eight grand for four trees they're thieves they're making hundreds of thousand dollars a year to do what cut a tree and they think they're worth it that's the sick thing and then they want more they read about some tree guy that made 400 grand I'm only making 200 grand I'm not doing that well it's guys it's out of control do you do not see what I'm saying are you so blind to it because you're involved in it well trust me guys you'd hate it if God stepped in and declared what he thinks is bad okay so let's forget that one three and this is my last option maybe God can just remove all the really evil people well he could but if he did there'd be no one left remember God's passing great a hundred percent on the Torah test how you doing I love it there's not a Jew in the world that says that Torah observant only dopey Gentiles they come to me all the time they're like I'm Torah observant I said no you're not no I am you're trying to obey the Torah but trust me bud you don't they're crazy see you think Jews don't get it we know it's in us we just can't understand we just can't wrap our minds around the fact how could God be a man so when you say God is Jesus and he's praying to God and he says I'm going to my father it's very confusing to a Jew when you say he's the Messiah the god man that's much more that's that's much more embraceable and that's actually much more true Christian theology is very confusing they'll ask you did Jesus have a soul yes how could God have a soul and then you're like then you give some theological answer and you're confused did you ever hear anybody explain the Trinity listen to people intelligent people they sound so confused after a while instead of these options God has chosen to create a real world with real choices and real consequences in a fallen world suffering is a universal part of all humanity this is what we as human beings all have in common believer and non-believer alike guys I live here now 18 years I could not believe the chasm between black and white people I've never seen anything like it Jews don't we don't believe that we don't we don't see color like the average person we weren't raised that way and especially the older Jews like my mother and my grandmother no there's only one believer denominations I don't care what denomination you call yourself they don't exist in God's kingdom they do not you get caught up with worthless myths and genealogies which the Bible tells us to be aware of who cares of your heritage celebrate your heritage who cares you aren't saved by your heritage nobody cares I don't care I don't care I show absolutely no favoritism because that's the way that my mama raised me thank God thank God she used to tell me when I was a little little boy I mean I'm talking about little she's to say we were aliens in Egypt she was going back 3,200 years man she said we were aliens in Egypt son the Torah says don't treat anyone as an alien and we do it all the time we size a person up based on their status based on their education based on their color look hold on to your denominational you want I could care less but God cares even lesser some people's denomination you know the Pentecostals 19:05 the Baptist 1762 don't you realize stuff happen before then do you think God was waiting for you to get something to start something new I will go to my grave telling you the denominations don't exist in God's kingdom there is only one God he is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob there is only one Messiah Yeshua HaMashiach prophesy fulfilled 333 phonetic messages there is only one Spirit of God that supposedly houses the believer there is only one Bible and let me tell you if people will tell you all day long it's so hard to understand that's the enemy talking no when it says don't commit adultery you know what it means you got it when it says pray for your enemies you know what it means when it says take care of the poor the one the often you know what it means when it says respect the gray-headed you know what it means when it says put other people before you and make them more important than yourself you know what it means just that man people know the word the Lord they don't know the lord of the word it's simple and you can make that decision with the power of the Holy Spirit you could decide to hate or love if a secular person can surely born again folk can guys even than non-believer we all have something in common and it's called suffering we all suffer and sometimes as we get older our sufferings you would think they would decrease they actually increase and because we all live in a world that is contaminated contaminated and corrupted by sin things like sickness and disease and death will always be with us you know God could have let us drown in our sickness in our sufferings just my humble opinion he had every right to but you know what get in there's a beautiful piece of Scripture I want you to sing at second Corinthians you know it all too well but I want to read it to you out loud chapter 11 verses 23 to 27 this is a section where the great Apostle Paul the Jewish emissary to the Gentiles has to boast and it's killing him this was a man who before he knew you schewe was very very arrogant because he was very brilliant he was chosen amongst all the little Jewish kids in the whole Diaspora to come to Jerusalem and study directly under Gamaliel whose teacher in Judaism was the greatest rabbi ever hello it's a big deal a really big deal and he was hand chosen hand-picked had to be a genius brilliant just a Jews Jew but when he met the Lord he was so humbled he considered everything that he knew dung and he just became incredibly humble although he was incredibly passionate about the things of God and he says these false teachers are coming in and he's upset these it would be like false teachers coming into India you know we have at least 200 congregations there now and if some full teachers came in and and and Samuel grabbed something from them that wasn't true it would kill me I would get on a plane I mean that's my boy that's my son it would hurt me more than you know and this is what's going on in Corinth false teachers have infiltrated so he's got he says are they servants of Messiah he says I'm talking like a man man he's not comfortable I'm a better one that's killing him this man that killed him to say that but he has to be he has to bring them back he has to wake them up because they're being tossed by doctrine that's not biblical which is very easy to do especially when you don't know the Bible I've worked much harder been in prison more often suffered more beatings been near death over and over been near death over and over not because of a sickness because of beatings five times I received forty lashes less one the Jews were only allowed to give forty lashes in the Bible so they would always give 39 just in case they miscounted do you know lashes from a flagellum not it's not a bullwhip the skin rips off to the bone sometimes three times I was beaten with rods rods these in metal Roger hung upside down when you beaten your bones break you you think Paul walked like you and me walk he probably walked like this it's not like today you know guys making a million dollars a game playing on the gridiron and then he gets a little little pain and MRI machine comes out because he's property once I was stoned stoned where they Pelt you they're trying to kill you they have just so many stones and they're hoping that they kill you throwing stones and I'm tied up three times I was shipwrecked I spent the night in the day in the open sea probably on a little makeshift raft 36 hours in my many travels I've been exposed to danger from rivers danger from robbers danger from my own people danger from Gentiles danger in the city danger in the desert danger at sea danger from false brothers I have toiled and endured hardship often not had enough sleep been hungry thirsty frequently gone without food I've been cold I've been naked make no mistake the great Apostle Paul felt that the more faithfully one served Yeshua and the more one reproduce Yeshua in their life the more he would suffer at the hands of men make no mistake and I agree with this theory to him suffering was the Balch or the badge of a servant of Messiah though Paul felt like a fool in boasting necessity demanded that he speak the truth and the truth was that these false teachers were not noted for their suffering in fact they always chose the easy path like many today Lord I want to serve you I just don't want anything bad to happen it's like I want to go swimming I just don't want to get wet so he goes on to list his hardships thus proving the fact that he was a true disciple of Messiah Yeshua but I want you to catch the next two verses just personally I want you to catch it I just added these in a couple hours ago and besides these external matters meaning besides the beatings that besides the things that that affected his body there is the daily pressure of my anxious concern now did he not write to to the Philippians don't be anxious than anything come on some of you got it on you you've memorized that from Vacation Bible School 40 years ago don't be anxious in anything but in everything so does he speaking what is he a liar see a schizophrenic here he says daily he's anxious they he says don't be anxious than anything do you see how dangerous it is to read scripture out of context why did he write that to the people at Philippi why is he writing this to the people in second Corinthians why didn't he write a second letter to the people at Corinthians these are very important things to know otherwise you will not understand the scripture you will come away with the fact that Jesus died for my sins which is the most important message but God did not write a whole Bible for us not to understand that Rozsival he was daily anxious for all his congregations and where did his anxiety come from who is weak without sharing his weakness meaning when one of his congregants or one of his leaders was struggling with something or had a sickness or had a persecution it affected him just as adversely there are actually people out there in the world that can go into your shoes when you're suffering and they can feel it's beyond compassion it's beyond compassion it's an empathy and it's crazy they can feel the pain they can feel the pain and they can't just turn it off they can't just go okay I cried a little bit now let's go watch the game can't do it if you have a true Shep it's hot you can't do it who falls into sin without my burning without it killing me this climax is all the other trials he's saying that this is the worst is he or is he not so he's the beatings the rods he's not saying that's the bad part this is the bad part for him see in 1st Corinthians we see the great Apostle Paul the great Rob Scholl the rabbi the great teacher some people think I'm a great teacher I don't know why but they do but you know they miss they miss they miss rabbi Greg and second Corinthians you think it's hard to to get a message from God do you think it's hard to spend time with God I love spending time with God I'd rather spend time with God than anything else when I have to do something I do it I can't wait to get it done something go spend time with God well my kids are talking it's like fine whatever here I don't have any hobbies I'm not interested in anything I don't hunt I don't fish I don't have a four-wheeler I don't watch football I don't care about anything so it's not hard for me to spend time with God and hear from God it's not hard I love it I'll tell you what heart is right here this is why Bernadette and I want to quit yes we want to quit because we can't take it anymore I'm just one person man you have a family and sometimes your kids go haywire and it buries you it can almost bring on cancer in your life we all have cancer cells that stress can bring it on you know it's like having all this and India and Ethiopia and Israel and everybody pulling and pulling and pulling and they mean well but they want what they want they're not concerned about you and your family they want what they want Paul was a true Shepherd who cared for the Lord's people they're hard to come by there's a lot of professionals out there just just skating to get that pension in three years but I don't blame them you try it I have a saying would you like to hear it Church making is heartbreaking Church mending is never-ending and second Corinthians chapter 4 17 through 18 Paul says for our light and transient troubles are achieving for us in everlasting glory whose weight is beyond description we concentrate not on what is seen but on what is not seen since things seen a temporary but things not seen are eternal in actuality Paul's afflictions for anything but light I just read them to you I mean viewed by themselves if you view those things alone if somebody came to you and said well I've been shipwrecked three times I've been stoned once I've been beaten by rods I mean if somebody gave you that as their resume you'd be like oh my God if some missionary came from another country I brought them and he told you the story and you saw all the scars in his back what would you think and he's been through hell for the Lord Paul says they're light and transient I'm sorry if you can't relate to this sweetpea but God is gonna change things real soon it's gonna get worse but the believe is the real believers are gonna get empowered with the Spirit of God like never before and they're gonna rise to the occasion [Applause] viewed by themselves they are quite heavy right would everybody agree but when he compares them with the eternal weight of glory that lies ahead he says their light now you can't refute that can you no no no also as far as he's concerned the light afflictions a but for a moment whereas the glory is forever but you live in the moment and you're trapped by the moment and you're trapped by this life trapped you're trapped you're working killing yourself and you're not having you're trapped and God loves you too much to be trapped the home is not permanent but the blessing is and I don't believe anyone in heaven right now as a result of sickness or suffering regrets what they went through in this life it's okay you can clap every now and then just make leave here to ball game and somebody scored a touchdown I think you guys clap over that right last time I checked I haven't been to a ballgame but every now and then I show up in a wobbling just to get some wings and people are going crazy I'm like what's going on did you show returned and somebody just put a bowl over the line and they go that's my team and I go wow you're the owner of heaven I'm sure their name on the back like like the guy's going to call you in try now 24 65 years old let's bring in Jerry in God we have an anchor for all the storms of life however it's only when we sail into those storms that we can prove God's anchor in comforting us with his love and faithfulness so that we can comfort others in the midst of suffering people need more comfort and compassion and less condemnation they don't need your theories your philosophies don't don't give them to scriptures and tell you to call them in the morning you might want to really learn to have empathy and just cry with them the Holy Spirit will use you like nobody's business if you have empathy it's in it's it's uncanny it's not you or me it's the Lord you understand this okay but how do you explain me walking into a fresh market seeing a lady behind the counter the Lord tells me right away she needs a hug so I go I don't ask any questions I'm not interested life is too short I don't want to pray about it what are you praying about it you see somebody gots this help and then you know what you do well I'll go into the store and if he's still out there did God tell you to go into the store and see if he's still out there you done messed up you know what you did you heard from God clearly and then you leaned on your own anything and you screwed it up say buddy know what I'm talking about please tell me because I know every single what do you do so I say the lady you need a hug comes around I hug her she tells me in my ear my sister who was my best friend just died and I feel so alone and I just feel like God has forgotten me and I said listen to me don't you think I have any ability don't you dare okay I don't have an ability I just know what I hear but I so I am not hugging you God is hugging you through me God is hugging you he has not forgotten you you have that ability every day every single day you don't have to be a rabbi you don't have to have a 501c you don't need to be ordained it's during these trials that we get an opportunity to prove our faith it's what I spoke about last week in the midst of affliction the faithful grab on to God rather than shaking their fists at him you know about my recent quandary I got hit with another bad medical report I just was I think I was over it yeah I told you last week if you didn't know I just let you know it less than a day thank God only a day but I felt in the dark I felt alone I felt a little bit of divine betrayal I was tired you know people say is such a fighter look Roberto durĂ¡n had hands of Steel Manos de Piedra they called him hands of steel concrete there was nobody like him when I used to watch boxing I'd box when I was young even he said no mas job was unbelievable even he said no mas everybody has a breaking point man I don't care who you are some break real early but everybody breaks so in my in my quandary I felt so alone and it was awful I wanted to relate this to you because I know I'm not alone because God told me I wasn't he told me to share it he didn't tell me to share it so you can understand what's going on in my life he told me to share it's you can understand this goes on in our lives I felt like God had forsaken me in that moment I just did I'm not proud of it but I did when this happens not only do you have the pain from the affliction itself but you also have the added pain from feelings of divine betrayal not to mention the guilt that comes along with questioning God's and questioning Authority it's toxic it's like pouring salt on your wounds it's a very dark and lonely place but hallelujah somehow God helps you come to your senses and you cry out to God in your painful dark isolation because you're in a holding pattern you can't go forwards but you can't go back either you're stuck right you know what I'm talking about somebody help me if you know what I'm talking about now that holding pattern reminds me of a story I heard many moons ago about dr. Martin Luther King now you have to understand I was a very very very very big fan and still am with dr. King I could tell you there's something called watch night in the black church I preached at it it's the evening when the Emancipation Proclamation was signed do you know there wasn't too many black people in that whole church that knew about the Jewish connection with the black people so I tried to educate them nicely and I said I'm a Jew from New York do you know that in the 50s in the south when the the the black folk in the south will being persecuted and they were being persecuted and had no civil rights whatsoever and they were being held down who do you think came to their aid they no offense but your your there was no education it was the Jews from New York City from Philadelphia and from New Jersey who knew don't treat anybody like an alien they came down here and fought pro bono and if it wasn't for them you would not have civil rights to this day the NAACP the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was started by a Jew so as a Jew we had very strong affiliation with the plight of the black people very strong and as I told me earlier I was raised by parents who did not see color I know people say that I'm telling you I'm telling you so I always wish that somehow I could authenticate this story I heard about dr. King just to make sure it's true you know I'm a big fan I don't listen to anything on the Internet I want facts I want figures I want studies I want truth lo and behold some years later after I heard the story God miraculously provided me an opportunity to do just that I was coming back from Australia after about three flights and then I ended up in LA and the LA piece was going to Atlanta and I'm sitting in coaches I always do no big deal and one of the flight attendants it in first class and so I just said what's the catch you know less obviously I can't afford it she goes no cat she looked like a nice guy and there's a seat available would you like it I was like wow you have a satin that must be kind of nice because it must be really nice because the old plains those big 747 thing you ever see the flight attendant there in there in first class being all nice you know getting everybody and then the same lady comes over to you and coach goes what do you want we were on the same plane you're the same person and then you ever see when they close the curtain so I'm looking in first class and they close that curtain because god forbid you look at them but just about when it's almost closed she always turns back and she gives that look like well if you would have worked a little harder and then she finished superb but when you sit in first class like I do I was like close the curtain already all of a sudden I'm not coach anymore you know what I mean close the curtain I don't want them to see me so I sit down and who do I sit down next to but dr. King son Martin Luther King the third and he looked very very tired and he had all these papers out I was like he looks tired and and no offense he looked angry you know that you know when you get really tired and you don't want to talk to anybody and I knew he was like because he was so happy he was all alone there and then I sit down it's almost like he knew me but I said I leaned in I said look I just got to tell you I loved your dad and I said I know you hear this all the time but no no I've never heard anybody speak the way he spoke every line was anointed he never he never wasted a sentence you know some people just build up and they throw a joke and they got to fill in and then they give you a common kind of weak message not him he was an Oracle of God no ifs ands a buds so I said I I have two questions and then I'm gonna leave you alone the rest of the flight I promise and that quick question one did your father like the Jewish people he said no my father loved the Jewish people I said I know I said what happened why do blacks not like Jews so much anymore what happened he was so close New York City we was so close then the second question I asked them about the story I said I heard a story about your dad and the story goes like this Martin Luther King was sitting in Alabama in his kitchen table one night after his family went off to sleep and he received a very disturbing phone call and the person on the other line said and I quote hey King if you keep preaching what you're preaching and teaching what you're teaching we're gonna take your life and the life of your family and it wasn't an empty threat obviously well of course dr. King began to sob and he cried out to the Lord this is what he said this is what I heard he said quote father I've preached a kingdom injustice all over the world and I don't think I ever tried to hurt you I know you're real but right now I'm so afraid say my name father say my name because I need to hear your voice and out of the silence he heard you never alone Morton and this is what propelled him forward enabling him to complete his mission in my recent quandary the next morning so what I said something very similar I've preached the gospel all over the world would I've always tried to be obedient any time you told me to move I moved any time you tell me to go somewhere I go and I feel so alone and I heard the Lord say never left you son not for a moment and truth be told it's true guys I want to end with one verse in James 1:12 it says how blessed is the man who persevere through trials after he has passed the test so make no mistake we are being tested your profession doesn't make you pass the test your profession allows you to be tested he will receive the crown of life which God has promised to those who love him James is talking about Holy trials not temptations God doesn't tempt namely persecution sickness suffering and sorrow here's a question for all of us what will our pain and suffering be like when the Lord places the crown of life our brows and looks deep into our eyes and says well done good and faithful servant well done I'm so glad you're here we have to try and approach God in faith without doubting we must believe he loves and cares for us and that nothing is impossible with him if we doubt his goodness in power we have no stability in times of trouble we have to do all we can not to doubt in the darkness what we once believed in the light therefore we choose to believe that our wonderful personal everlasting God is way too loving to be unkind and way too wise to make a mistake a lot of guys in ministry you know they stay about two years four years that's about the average making it's the average stay is about two years really said and it's not because they want to leave they don't get a chance you know my friend that's in Tennessee he's on the executive committee of the Southern Baptists I tell you that because he's very influential he inherited the church church has been around for a hundred and seventy years I didn't inherit anything I was very very blessed to create a culture and the culture I tried to create from the very beginning was that we would love one another and it hasn't changed for eighteen years we're all suffering in one extent or another it doesn't pay to compare our sufferings go well I suffer more than you use why don't we just look to help each other and encourage each other and try to be understanding as opposed to being competitive and a hug and a cry and praying for one another is is vital maybe some of our suffering is to teach us how to be compassionate towards one another guys the new Trinity is me myself and I and it's not working it's just not um I have to share something to you that that I think to me it's very important that's why I asked as many of you to come as possible but I cannot share it over the internet so at this point I'm going to say the around a benediction if you would kindly stand and then if you would stay with me I know it's late if you would stay with me for about ten minutes I would appreciate it it's very very important now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the Prince of all peace issuer you have a wreck on annoy the East marae haha your Illinois point of Aloha ha you saw I don't know boy poor novela ha the assembly hall [Music] shabbat shalom
Channel: Getzel
Views: 6,104
Rating: 4.9542856 out of 5
Keywords: Yeshua, Jesus, Messianic, Messiah
Id: DpByfczuyUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 56sec (4076 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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