777Prayer Connection Exhortation- Saturday Night

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Oh God hallelujah well would you stand to your feet in respect and honor of our Bishop as he comes to bless you with the Word of God on tonight give up this ship a big hand clap hey man while you're standing let's pray father in Jesus name we thank you for this time together around your word we thank your father that our hearts are open to receive and we thank your father in Jesus name since you know it's name by name and situation by situation church by Church pastor by pastor you'll allow this word to minister to our hearts in Jesus name we give you alone all the praise and all the glory and the people of God said a man all right you may be seated I'm just going to exhort you for just a few moments here and just kind of get us ready in faith a man going to Bible the book of James James chapter 5 I want to just thank all of you so much for coming out with us being a part of this time of Prayer those who are there are watching by way of the internet thank you for being faithful and watching every as you have done every night some of you all and then for the pastors who had a heart to link with us the Bible tells us you know that I efforts are multiplied when we come together to pray and so we got a lot of prayer requests you can see all of the prayer requests that are there people call in because people believe in the power of prayer now of course on last night we weren't here we had a prior commitment that I couldn't get out of and not that you know it was a celebration of Bishop Jake's 35th anniversary ministry and he asked his friends to come so while I had to go up the head do head do what head do and you know he's going to come to us in August and then September first first Sunday in September he's gonna preach our mega service amen so you give honor to whom honor is due amen other than that y'all know I wouldn't I would have been here but I had my girls and my girls carried on amen I don't clap too loud nah just joking just joking amen all right let's have a smile and exercise and let's raise our bibles and repeat after me this is my Bible I am what it says I am I can do but it says I can do I am a believer not a doubter I am a doer not just a hero and my life is the better after having her the word of faith faith comes by hearing and hearing hearing by word of God amen now while there in in James chapter 5 it says there in verse 15 it says and the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up and the prayer of faith thereby say the prayer of faith that's what we want to talk about I want to talk about the prayer of faith very simple our Bible is clear when it talks about praying with all kinds of prayers are there different kinds and different types of prayer that have different rules that go with them but what we made your own here is the prayer that church is the prayer of faith the Bible says the prayer of faith will save the sick now we know that word saved is a very powerful word we've studied it in Romans 10 and 9 where it says thou shalt be saved it means more than going to heaven but it's talking about deliverance it's talking about the person coming into possession of the promises of God the abundant life and all that goes with it so it tells me that the one of the avenues to this abundant life to what God has for us is this prayer of faith there if I say the prayer of faith yet the prayer of faith not just praying going the motion but praying in faith and yet there is a difference because I've been in press sessions where all he did was holler and scream and moan and groan groaning oh god oh god oh god and left out not believing that what they had prayed for had been heard or answered and if you pray that way then you are not praying in faith and so we want to make sure that you know even though this is our last night of 777 that we're going to leave this place in faith that those things that we have prayed for in the mornings in our private time at night when we've gathered here corporately we got to leave believing that those things that we have prayed for have come to pass spiritually first all right now go with your bibles now the first John chapter 5 let's look in examine this whole idea of the prayer of faith prayer faith alright first John chapter 5 and verse 14 says and and this is the confidence we have in him if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us now how do we know that God hears us he hears us when we pray according to his will now I know I'm being open over some plea over some of it some very over simplified I knew I'm doing that I'm doing it on purpose because this is you know prayer is so important God doesn't want you to miss it but most people do miss it unfortunately especially when it comes to this believing area it says now that this is the confidence we have in him if we ask anything according to his will now where is his will found his will found it in his word so I don't have to guess about it I no way is what his will is because his will is found in his word so if I pray according to his will then he hears me not by my volume not by how long I pray but if I pray according to his word I know he hears me now the scripture says watch this now and if we know he hear us whatsoever we ask we ask according to the word we know we have not going to have that we have the petition we desired of him have I said we have it we have now that now the way we've been trained to think it's hard for us to really grasp that because we only think we have those things that we can see without natural eyes all right going to Bibles now to Matthew chapter 21 Matthew chapter 21 and in Matthew chapter 21 that's a powerful statement that Jesus made as he as he taught on earth as he told on on this whole idea of us of spraying verse 22 he says and all things whatsoever ye ask in prayer believing ye shall receive oh my god not every other thing but all things all things that I ask in prayer now here's the qualifier believing everybody say believe in if I ask it believing then he says shall receive it now when it comes to praying in faith I got it I've got to trust what the Word of God says now let's go to mark chapter 11 mark chapter 11 because I'm sin if I can believe it the Bible says I shall receive it I'm also looking at the scripture says by prayer according to his will he hears me and I have the petition I deserve him so mark chapter 11 now when Jesus teaches on the god-kind of faith' he makes this bold statement verse 23 for verily I say unto you whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed be done casting the see not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he says shall come to pass you shall have whatsoever he said therefore I say unto you what things have you desire when you pray believe you receive them and you shall have it if I say believe so the key thing in my praying the prayer faith is the believing factor if I can believe it the believing factor that's the believing fact now unfortunately we have been conditioned before we come to Christ to believe a certain way that's out of step with Scripture Thomas and in John chapter 20 if you want to go there you can and I think we should go quickly John chapter 20 Thomas I had been told of the resurrection jesus said he was going to rise from the dead and then after the resurrection takes place the disciple says Thomas we've seen the Lord and Thomas goes on this rant he go no no no no no no what y'all say except I see him for myself I will not believe but now there's a powerful lesson in this and this is was the turning point in my faith walk when I understood this whole aspect of biblical believing all right John chapter 20 verse are you there verse 24 alright but Thomas one of the twelve called didymus was not with them when Jesus came the other disciples therefore said unto him we have seen the Lord but he said unto them except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails and put my finger into the print of the nails and thrust my hand into his side watch this now I will not believe so believing then is a matter of my wheel I can will to believe I can will not to believe believing is to accept something as a fact biblical believing is to accept it as a fact without any sense real evidence if I can sceptic Sep to this fact without any central evidence myeloma says now except I shall see it for myself and put my finger in the hole that I saw that that nail made in his hands and if I can put my hand in that big gash that I saw that that spear made in his side until I'll do that I will not believe all right so Thomas now establishes his own criteria for believing he says for me to believe it these things have to be met now once this we don't now in verse 26 and after eight days again his disciples were within told with him Benji's then came Jesus the door being chef stood and said peace be unto you then say Peter Thomas reach hither thy finger and behold my hands reach other thy hand and thrust it into my side watch this and be not what faith less but believe it so Jesus attributes all of this evidence that Thomas needs before he sets his will to believe he attributed as to being faith less alright then Jesus says to him all right all right verse 27 I'll stay with him right this was verse 20 then Thomas Hampson said unto him my Lord and my god verse 28 29 then jesus said unto him Thomas because thou has seen me thou has believed now what Jesus says blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed now that's a turning point because Jesus says those who are empowered must be to be blessed means to be empowered to prosper those who are empowered to walk this walk of faith are those who can set their wheels to believe without having sensorium evidence if I have century of evidence I don't have to believe that this is where you know the rubber meets the road and faith because most people say they are in faith but they're not most people's faith is reasoning on tiptoes when they just about can figure out how it may work then they'll say I'm in faith I'm in faith a call that faith but genuine faith is based on what God says alone I choose to believe based on what His Word says alone I choose to accept it as a fact now so that means if I pray for somebody gets saved I don't care how much zakah fool as long as they are lying I'm still believing are you listening to see but most people will say well they look like they want to get saved I don't care all right same thing we're praying for churches to feel I pretty much all my locations to be bubbling running over with people running over with people all the locations that you can't get in one location yourself I'll try to get your next service at the next location so you're gonna try to get in line over there I'm believing $50,000 now I accept it as a fact because that's what God told me now when God told me to be for 18,000 members I had 320 and 277 left in one day in one weekend one week I'm talking to 300 the next weekend I got 23 for now in the natural it didn't look like my faith is working but I choose to accept for a fact what God told me I kept preaching to the 23 telling 18,000 showed up what I keep trying to stress with everybody is the growth starts tomorrow see it's I mean this is a journey this is a journey it starts tomorrow or you listen to me because we believe we have received all things all things that you pray believing you shall have all right now watch this go with me Bibles to our to Genesis chapter Genesis chapter 1 and I'll show you why we have this while connect the dots everybody's about to connect the dots alright verse 20 says twenty twenty success and the Lord said let us make man in our image after our likeness let them have dominion on fish and c-file out the air and over all the cattle at verse 27 and God so God created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them verse 28 and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and goes on and on alright now go over to chapter 2 chapter 2 verse 7 says and the Lord form and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed this nostril breath of life man became a what live and so now we taught on this but I want you to see it in this light God is speaking to somebody in Chapter 1 who is he talking to well you know they were first person will tell you he's talking to Adam no he's not he's not not alone because he doesn't create Adam on chapter 2 so either Moses will sleep when he wrote chapter 2 and forgot he had already said God created somebody or we got a revelation the revelation is how God operates God first does everything spiritually him it children denied everything God does he first does it spiritually before he ever does it physically there are two worlds that exist a natural world that I see and an invisible world that I cannot see called the spirit realm and God first does everything over in the spirit realm first I submit to you in Chapter one everybody that would walk the planet including you and me God created us in the realm of the spirit there first now do I have support in scripture yes the Bible says that Jeremiah says before I became a cell in my mother's womb you knew B so that means before I ever became a natural being I was a spirit being if I said stay with him all right now so then in Chapter two God sets in motion he puts his plan that sets in motion the transfer of all of these in millions and billions of people from this natural world over into the spirit world but everything first exists in the spirit realm all right now God looks at both arenas at the same time we'll let this this podium here serve as the dividing point between the two worlds the physical world and the spirit world now God looks at both winners at the same time now when you by faith operate then and you pray for something because everything you will ever need God already created for every promise he already made everything is already in existence now when you pray about it it is as though that angel walks over here and tags it for you now God is like the layaway person once his tag is yours now even though it's in the warehouse in the physical layer way and you can't see it they still call it yours so why gone over it is once you pray about it the angel takes it and it becomes yours right then so that's why I can say in first John 5:14 and this is the confidence we have it in if we ask you to think according these really here with us and if we know he hear us whatsoever we ask we know we I have it I don't have it over here yet but I have it over there are y'all with me oh you're staying with me become this this is the turn this is why people don't get faith results because they look at what they have in their hands who wear the most didn't happen and then by your mouth you Jeff just eradicated your faith when we who understand faith and understand how God operates understand that what I have prayed for exists and is mine over in the spirit world and what I understand is when I got born again I got the same kind of position that God has I'm able now to look at both worlds at the same time so I'm not just looking over here but I'm looking over here too while we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal more reliable so now that's why I didn't get turned off when the 277 left because I wasn't just looking at what I could see God had made me a promise in the unseen arena and I understood how to make the transfer how do you make them - I'm glad you asked that whosoever shall say whosoever shall say who said was Hell safe under this mountain be there a movie now cast into the sea shell not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he said she'll believe that those things which he said she'll believe those same words he said shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he said so you got to keep saying that you got to keep saying it you got to keep saying no matter what it looks like you got to keep saying you got to keep calling them saved calling them heal calling them delivered declaring every seat is still no matter what it looks like folk laugh at you for what for a while but after a while when the seats start feeling up after a while when you when your bank accounts start getting long after a while putting the car that old raggedy car you were driving changing robbing something different after a while when you move out the product projects and move out into the server after why ha ha ha they don't laugh at you anymore I'm telling you we leave this prayer time and we leave it with words of faith on our lips and we keep saying it and share and set and the Bible says that those can love us when Jesus says you go show yourself to the priest but you're not supposed to go unless the healing has manifested but they believe that nothing what was said that's that we don't see it but we don't believe it and that's not life we believe it so we got to start acting like I pray as I answered I'm out of time Hey
Channel: New Light Church
Views: 24,413
Rating: 4.7006803 out of 5
Keywords: New Light Church, Bishop IV Hilliard, 777 Prayer
Id: hs2KXF1TuUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 12 2012
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