"The Habit of Prayer" - Touré Roberts

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[Music] so wonderful to be here with you this morning I want to get right into the word as we continue in our prospective series and and today I'm gonna do a lot more teaching today I want to I want to lay some foundations as a release of perspective so I want to draw your attention to Matthew the sixth chapter and we'll begin our reading in verse five and we'll read verse five through verse thirteen Matthew chapter six beginning at verse five this is not an unfamiliar passage of Scripture we've heard it we've seen it some of us may have a portion of this passage of scripture memorized but we're gonna break it down and look at it perhaps more closely than we ever have before and it reads like this and when you pray and when you pray just turn to your neighbor and say prayer is not optional and when you pray not if you pray not if you feel like praying and when you pray you shall not be like the hypocrites for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets that they may be seen by men assure it loot assuredly I say to you they have their reward it says but you when you pray go into your room and when you have shut your door pray to your father who is in the secret place Oh hallelujah and your father watch this who sees in secret that'll preach all by itself right there your father who sees in secret God he dwells in the secret place he doesn't dwell in the place of performance he does not dwell in the place of putting on your best face or or trying to be he dwells in the secret place that is the place of reality our relationship with God is not really a public relationship it's not really a public relationship the fruit is public but the relationship is private it is a secret relationship and it is played out in the hidden places of our hearts our minds and our souls and that's what God is looking at he is looking at something completely different than what man is looking at I feel the Holy Ghost he's looking at something completely different and some of you have been doing good in secret and what you've been doing in secret has not manifests openly yet but I hear God's saying don't stop doing what you're doing in secret even though man is not celebrating you yet man is not applauding you yet don't worry about it stay at it because God is looking at every seed see even when you sow a seed into the ground that seed is in secret but when that seed sprouts up it doesn't sprout up in the secret place it sprouts up so that everybody could see I feel the Spirit of God there's some people in Los Angeles California there's some people in Denver Colorado and you have been sowing in secret and I decree and declare right now I prophesy over you right now it is gonna spring up openly and the world is gonna see your faithfulness in secret and that's what it says it says and your father who sees in secret will reward you openly I feel that for somebody if that's your word if he hit you right in the chest take about ten seconds come on and just sell it that that's for me that might be the word you came for that might be the word right there God says I'm gonna honor your secret life I'm gonna honor the fact that you committed to intercession I'm gonna honor the fact that you serve me without lunar ayat II I'm gonna honor the fact that it looked like you were serving me for nothing not realizing that God was increasing your bank account so you have an earthly bank account and you've got a heavenly bank account are you hearing what I'm saying that's what it means when he says I'll supply all of your need according to my riches and glory by Christ Jesus I'm not preaching today I'm teaching I'm not doing that to see don't don't do that y'all I know what y'all trying to do I know what you're trying to do he says and when you pray do not use vain repetitions in other words prayer I don't always be fresh Oh hallelujah and always be fresh don't know prayer is not a routine necessarily it can be part of your routine but it in and of itself is not a routine some more some more don't use vain repetitions as the heathen do for they think that they will be heard for their many words therefore do not be like them for your father oh this is powerful look at this for your father knows the things that you have need of before you ask him Wow a preacher he says in this manner therefore pray in fact in Luke chapter 11 I believe there's another account of this very same text and the disciples saying what you teach us how to pray I understand prayer is about teach us how to pray and Jesus says all right all right in this manner verse 9 and this man are therefore pray our Father in heaven how will be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from the evil one for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen father you want to feed your people today Bethlehem is the house of bread Lord turned the Potter's House right now one la in the Potter sauce in Denver The Potter's House of all over the world turned this house into a house of bread father every person of the sound of my voice is hungry in some area feed us we need you feed our hearts feed our minds feed our souls and feed our spirits father I surrender myself to you and I take full advantage of the resources of heaven I thank you that not one spiritual and divine resource will be kept back from me in this moment to reach your people by the power of God God expressed through the love of God and that the end result will be healed lives heal minds heal souls edification wisdom learned understanding established in your children and that will be better upon leaving more equipped than we were upon entering thank you God have your way in Jesus name Amen god bless you you may be seated family you may be seated Los Angeles god bless you hallelujah we've been talking about perspective and we're going to be talking about perspective for a long time because I believe that perspective is everything and I believe that this is the year of perspective and I believe that this is a year where God is going to ground you and establish you in his perspectives and he's going to ground you and establish you in a way that you will see things right and as you see things right you're gonna move differently I feel the Holy Spirit your perspective is gonna be aligned with God's perspective and then and and I believe and I hear this prophetically that's going to create an acceleration it's gonna be an acceleration sometimes the reason why things lag and drag is because there is a wrestling match between God's perspective as he has communicated to us through the words that he speaks to us and our perspective because our perspective is our reality and God will not super impose his will in your life if you don't believe because you are so consumed with your perspective and so I believe that this year we're gonna see incredible things because I believe that that God is gonna lock some of you in into his mentality you know the Bible says in Colossians chapter 3 it says set your mind on things above it doesn't say put your mind on things above it says set set establish your mind in God's perspective that you may prosper anybody wouldn't prosper anybody want to stop vacillating to-and-fro I'm in I'm out I'm happy one day sad the next day do I have any people that you just want to set your mind on the good news of God the good plans that God has for you you want to wake up in the morning with the joy of the Lord because you know that is just a matter of time before everything that God has promised will be manifest that's what I believe God is doing this year I believe he's gonna set your mind he's gonna lock in your perspective and your whole universe is gonna be recolored and you're gonna see things that were there that you did not know that they were there because there were blinders on your mind and blinders on your heart because of all sorts of things that have been thrown at you but God is getting ready to bring you to a place where you are no longer confused he's going to give you clarity where there was once confusion and it's gonna be wonderful and awesome and you're gonna start moving differently I see it you're gonna start walking differently and talking differently and expecting differently and you're there's gonna be so much bigger and you're gonna begin to experience the exceedingly abundantly far above what you can ask for or imagine it's coming it's coming that's why we've got to get this prospective thing worked out no longer will I walk around with a negative expectation or a negative perspective the gospel is good news there is a good story over my life right now it is an incredible story it is an amazing story and I'm gonna do everything in my power to fight back every negative thing that tries to keep me from a divine perspective if you are going to do that this year you are gonna fight for our true perspective a healthy perspective a divine perspective I dare you to claim it right now as I'm slaying it claim it right now I'm gonna see right i'ma see right God if you gotta make me blind in order for me to see do it are you tracking with me do it I need to see right this year I need to see right I feel that I need to I need to see right I need to see right I feel like something wants to break out in here I feel like something must to break out in here for like something needs to break out of here I leave that music to match what I'm saying I feel like something god wants something to break out in here I got some teaching to do but I feel the glory of God in this house now there's a crisis at an annoyed thing for you to say right what's sad fall oh come on I can't see for you I can't see for you I can't see for you there's some people and you were so walking in you're gonna be Paul leaving out you are getting ready just see right [Music] [Applause] open my eyes Lord open my eyes Lord open my eyes or open my lord take the sleep out of my eyes Lord take the shame out of my lord take the pain out of my eyes Lord take the doubt out of mice I need to see this thing I need to see this thing I need to see this thing I need to see this thing I need to see this thing no music I need to see this thing I need to see this thing we are about to be the music no music we're about to be the music I need to see this thing I need to see this thing I need to see this thing I need to see this thing come on some I need to see this thing I need to see this thing Jesus came to open blind my perspective in this season is gonna make me a break man so I've got to fight for my sight I've gotta fight for my sight David said open my eyes that I might see wondrous things out of your law and one of the things I can't think of any greater activity that helps shape our perspective than the model prayer and that's what I want to talk about that's what I want to talk about prayer brings us into God's perspective so much so that when the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray he teaches them how to access God in such a way that it would change their perspective and I wanted us to look at that I can't think of a better daily habit than prayer and I think that this is important so early on in the year to develop the habit of prayer so that you can flow in the rhythm of perspective the habit of prayer the habit of prayer keeps you in the rhythm of divine perspective and is interesting when I when I begin to quote what we call the Lord's Prayer and I understand why you might call it the Lord's Prayer because it's the prayer that the Lord taught us but really beyond it being the Lord's Prayer it's really a model prayer Jesus said Jesus the master of prayer one who understands prayer more than anyone else says I need you to pray like this if you don't pray like this you're missing Oh God he simplifies prayer and to a few things that I believe alter and shape our perspective our perspective about the heavenly realm our perspective about our mission and purpose our perspective about each day our perspective about provision our perspective about others our perspective about divine protection our perspective about spirit-led living and our perspective about the preeminence of God and it's interesting as and we're going to go through these things one by one with the time that we have today but it's interesting that before he gets into this model prayer he says first I'm Latino some God already knows what you need Wow Wow just think about this for a second huh I'm a firm believer in praying for what you need and all it's wonderful but if the majority of your time praying is spent begging for your needs we have missed the power of what prayer is for but you understand what I'm saying so let's look at it let's look at let's unpack it a little bit I want to I want to teach today I'll be just up for only about seven or eight hours and then we'll be off I'll finish today but let's break it down he says when you pray first of all when you pray do this he says pray like this pray our Father in Heaven hallowed be thy name first of all the reason why he tells us to start the prayer off by acknowledging where God is watch this is to bring this out of the limitations of the earthly realm he is laying the foundation of pretty he doesn't say our Father who I just met and in Cusco oh no no no no our Father in heaven our Father who art in heaven it immediately elevates your perspective from the limits and the confines of what you can produce in your own strength to the unlimited and untapped realm of heaven that's why I do not have to see what I need in the natural realm all I've got to do is believe that there is a realm greater than the realm that I am functioning in in fact the reason why I can function in this realm is because the reality of the other realm are you tracking with me so the first thing that God is introducing to us as a relates to perspective is the perspective of the heavenly realm anybody grateful that there is a heavenly realm aren't you glad that there's something greater than what you can see a father in heaven hallowed be your name I am sanctifying your name I am setting apart your name there is none like you it gives me perspective about heaven and sometimes we need an escape from this realm Oh hallelujah that that's what prayer is the beginning of prayer is an escape from the confines of this realm oh I feel it I've got somewhere to go sometimes when life box you in anybody ever been boxed in by life come on Los Angeles life ever box you in you feel like you can't go to the left or go to the right you ever feel boxed in the only way the only reason why you and I whatever feel boxed in is because we don't know how to escape to the secret place we don't know how to escape to the realm where all things are possible the realm where all of our promises are yes and a man in Christ and so it allows me an escape before we enter into our work day or any day we need to enter into the heavenly realm that's what prayer does it is a meeting it is a meeting on earth with the realities of heaven I need to be reminded that there's something greater than this world that I'm living in there's something greater than government shutdowns and furloughs and and bickering in government I need to be reminded that I'm not living by man's system alone but I am a citizen of heaven I've got dual citizenship baby I'm a citizen of LA or not LA of the u.s. or Zimbabwe or whatever but most importantly I am a citizen of heaven I have got right and we are praying for our government leaders and we are praying for those who work for the government and those who don't work for the government but are affected by the government shutdowns because maybe you didn't work for the government but the person who did work for the government has been contributing to your food can we just take a minute and say in the name of Jesus I thank you that I'm a citizen of heaven and god I pray you turn it around in the earth but if you don't open up heaven over your sons and daughters who are going through this difficult time and provide for them just like you did manna from heaven in the mighty name of Jesus can we just take a minute and celebrate the fact that God is not going to let his children starve I've got a feeling they're not gonna stop but I want to stay on course I want to stay on course I want you to know that and you know what there's many people that watch this via live streaming people they're sitting here sitting in LA campus or or wherever you might be the reality of it is there's some need to know that God's gonna take care of you as some in this room right now affected some in California right now affected some watching from the DMV right now heavily populated government area that are concerned but I'm here to declare to you right now and you know what I'll just talk to that one person if I have to have that five people that I have to god is going to take care of you you will never ever solely a citizen of the United States you're a citizen of heaven if you trust God and God's gonna come through and we're praying for you okay I got to keep moving because we've got to go some places so so we have a perspective about heaven that's why I got to pray every day because if I don't continue to connect with heaven I will think that earth is all there is if I don't daily and consistently go vertical I mean everyday then life on Earth will be terrorized all of the fears of of woulda coulda or what if the fears of what if rather will consume me and there's some in here right now I feel is so strongly there's some here in this room right now and you forgot that you have a God in heaven you forgot and because you forgot that because you have not been regularly visiting heaven via prayer there are some fears and some anxieties that that you were never intended to have that have creeped into your life and I just want you to do me a favor just in case it's the person sitting next to you I just want you to turn to your neighbor and say go to heaven go to heaven I need you to go to heaven go to heaven go to heaven go to heaven go to heaven so it gives us perspective about heaven it gives us perspective that we are not limited to the confines and the constructs of the earthly realm but but we're not from here we didn't start here hello somebody we didn't start here and we're not gonna end up here but we're part of something else and then he goes into something and now he begins to give us perspective about mission he says your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven so much there you've heard this a million times sometimes the reason why perhaps we're not fulfilled in life or perhaps we're not experiencing the power of God the way that we believe we should is because we forget that our sole purpose as believers in the earth our sole purpose watch this is to advance the kingdom of God hear me out our sole purpose of believers is not God blessing us and not God taking care of us those are advantages in fact those are add-ons you know when the Bible says seek first the kingdom and all those other things will be added on so if my expectation of the what it means to be a believer is that God is gonna bless me we've missed it because the only reason why you not get saved and get zapped to heaven is because you are a part of God's plan to perpetuate the kingdom of heaven in the earth I notice is not sexy preaching it's just true are you tracking with me Jesus says let me teach you how to pray Jesus doesn't talk about your bills he doesn't talk about your relationships hello somebody he doesn't talk about your finances he doesn't talk about the bully at work he doesn't talk about any of that he says if you pray my kingdom come my will be done in earth as it is in heaven it will take care of everything that ails you every single day your assignment in your own unique expression of God is to move his kingdom forward I want to see your kingdom advance I want to hear your name lift it up I want to see your power in the earth do I have any real Christians in God's house God has saved you he has redeemed you and now all you want to see it's the whole earth full of his glory God I'm praying everyday your kingdom come your will be done in earth as it is in heaven everything that is get in the earth the kingdom remedies I need your kingdom and government I need your kingdom where there is poverty I need your kingdom in my marriage how did your kingdom in my business if you are a kingdom citizen I dare you to shout your kingdom come come [Music] Jesus Jesus could have asked for anything he could have asked for anything if there was anyone who had the excuse to feel entitled it was Jesus he could have been a complete spoiled brat son of God and he knew it from earlier people coming from all over bringing gifts anointing him with oil coming to see him lifted up lifting him up praying for him respecting and honoring him but at 12 years old instead of trying to see what he can get out of life he is lost but not lost he is lost from those who don't get it but completely found in his purpose and he says out of his own mouth I must be about my father's business something is going to break loose for Kingdom people I've got a prophetic word for Kingdom people hear this clearly I failed this God gave this to me and I gotta release it over you right now this is not for everybody I'll be honest with you it's for Kingdom people minier called everybody's called but only fewer choosable many are called fewer chosen what does that mean everybody's called come one come all but I can only choose the person who's about my business are you tracking with me and I've got a word in this year I've seen it God is he spoke this to me he says I am clearing the path for Kingdom people I wish I could say it the way I see it I am clearing the path I am moving things out of the way I am shaking of everything and you're going to go from obscurity in Jesus and two places a prominence overnight because your prayer is God your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven I am yours I belong to you if you are forward I'm for it if you're against it I'm against it I am sold out for you and God is getting ready to part skip ready to part something for you I feel the Holy Ghost if you're a kingdom person holla at me because something's get ready to happen here I feel it God is getting ready for something promotion comes from the Lord he sets down one and raises up God I'm so glad that you've been faithful in secret I'm so glad that you've been praying at Secrets I'm so glad that you opened Efex in secret because God is ready for you you gotta catch that you gotta catch them la are you catching it I see it God is shaking some things up it's not gonna look like what it's always looked at in a moment boom you're gonna see something the tables are gonna turn in your favor if you believe that's a word from God for you do me a favor celebrate him with me oh it's true [Music] he's clear in the path it's clear in the past my bottommost shop is clear in the past he's clear in the past the walls of Jericho are getting ready to fall on your behalf ah it's getting ready to happen it's clearing the path stay there stay there don't move too quick because that mounted in front of you is getting ready to become a molehill I know what I'm talking about [Music] he's not gonna teach you to pray a futile prayer and watch this he's also not gonna teach you to pray a prayer that is not gonna come to pass how many of us know the kingdom is coming the kingdom is coming with we're not begging heaven Jesus wants us to pray in alignment with what he is doing his kingdom is coming and in order for his kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven he needs some kings he's handing out crowns I feel the Holy Ghost he's handing out count crown kings and queens he's handing out cross hallelujah hallelujah some of you you've had a crown but it's felt like a crown of thorns not realizing that that crown of thorns is getting ready to become a golden crown a royal diadem on your head I feel the Holy Ghost yes you've had to bleed you've had to bleed you've had to suffer but I hear God saying that I reckon the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed I came to prophesy to you this morning and I pray that there's some people in here that say I hear God speaking to me and I'm gonna allow every word that God speaks to me to change my perspective watch this God doesn't even need our prayers he doesn't need our prayers he doesn't say if you don't pray my father's kingdom come my father's will be done on earth as it is in heaven if you don't pray that's not gonna happen he said that ain't what he said he's saying I want you to be aligned with my perspective I want you to be aligned with my perspective the kingdom wins the kingdom wins the kingdom is already won and anybody that aligns with the kingdom is gonna win in every season of their life do you hear what I'm saying you can't have the perspective of a loser [Music] keep them comfy Lord I want my life to be that which can be blessed to be utilized to advance your kingdom hallelujah in whatever Lane you give me I'm gonna advance your kingdom I'm gonna study your kingdom I'm gonna seek your kingdom it says seek the kingdom in other words if I don't see the kingdom in it I'm not in it are you tracking with me I am seeking the kingdom like someone searching for riches you know the parable is about the kingdom like a merchant who goes looking for rare stones and finds a pearl of great price finds it and sells everything that he has to buy it because he realized that in it was everything that he needed and then some so my perspective is God's perspective I'm here to see your kingdom come see your kingdom come that's why I'm here I'm not even here to have a great life if I seek your kingdom I'll have a great life but I have prioritized my perspective so he says my Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven which means that now I am I am I am the connection between heaven and earth Oh God see I want you to see yourself right you my sister brother you are God's connection between heaven and earth your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven you know I love about that it says your kingdom come will be done the kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven so heaven is not trying to figure it out it's settled in heaven now our job is to bring to earth what heaven has already pre-ordered every day that's what we ought to live for in some way but that's perspective and if you don't have perspective you'll be living for other stuff and you'll forget about the most important thing I gotta kind of I gotta move through there's a hope we can finish this today your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven now then he says give us this day our daily bread and herein he is giving us perspective about each day here's what I mean by that a lot of us you know you hear people say how you're doing all the same stuff different day just another day just you've heard is just another day just another dollar but here as the Lord is teaching us how to pray in game perspective he is also giving us perspective about the value of each day oh god I feel the Holy Ghost each day each day has great value and in each day the value of that day is more valuable than yesterday and tomorrow oh you got to catch what I'm saying I got I wish I could say it the way I see it the most valuable day you have is not tomorrow it is not yesterday the most valuable day you have is the day you are in right now because if yesterday was the most valuable day then you would have gone on to be with Jesus yesterday and everything goes how every round goes higher we go from glory to glory which means that the over Shibata box it is a lie to say I wish I was in the old glory days the devil is a liar that is a former glory the latter glory is always greater than the former glory and if you get your perspective together you will be able to seize the glory that's in this day are you tracking with me the most powerful days you have is today Oh God that's why procrastination is one of the greatest sins can I talk to you like this Los Angeles that's why procrastination is is one of the greatest sins because because what it does is it forsakes the glory of today hoping that you even see tomorrow Bishop Rosie O'Neil said something profound I cannot get this out of my spirit she says procrastination is the arrogant assumption that God will give you another opportunity to do tomorrow what he anointed you to do today it is an arrogant assumption give us this day you notice that in that prayer he's not talking about tomorrow he doesn't say God give me give me my brand for today and tomorrow and for next no no no no he says give us this day this day this day our daily bread he's giving you perspective about the day I want some people in this room you go have to forgive yesterday see the mercy of God and each day he grants you to have feel the Holy Ghost you've got to see each day bold kind of stuff you've got to see each day right you stay right each day is loaded with benefits every single day there is something I've got a run through this I got a run through that I'm sorry I wanted to differently give us each day our daily bread that means it that there is something in this day for me that means that God has placed provision out of Moshe everything I need for today's and today some of you are worried about something that might happen in two weeks it is a waste of creative energy it is a waste of cognitive energy so you've been worried worried worried about something that that might happen in a month he wouldn't tell you to pray give us each day our daily bread daily bread I hate God saying I've got you and and see and see I've got to do it that way because because you don't trust me in the time of abundance when you have enough for today tomorrow next week six months from now and a year from now it is wonderful I believe in savings I save all the time right I got all kind of stashes thank God hallelujah but I'll tell you some of those stashes are my liability because it is difficult the more that you can see the more difficult it is for you to trust God on the level that you need to trust him are you tracking with me so some of you are wishing oh god I wish ahead you know six or seven figures in the bank I wish I had that saved up not realizing that the real value is that you can give God a hallelujah and I thank you Jesus each and every single day because you are convinced that there is provision in each day sometimes God does not give you a button that's all at once sometimes God gives you abundance in rations are you tracking with me in fact if you will go over your life and if you will look at all the times that you were worried and God came through just for that day you will see a history of abundance and if I can see a history of abundance then I can thank God and I can believe him for a future of abundance M&S day my daily bread because because family all you really need I'm gonna let you in on something this is revolutionary I'm gonna let you in on something all you really need is your daily bread the other guy lies to you and tells you you need bread you need bread for tomorrow on the next day and today that is a lot you couldn't even consume bread dispersed in that fashion God says I got you all you need in your business oh you need if you're watching via livestream in your ministry all you need in your house it's daily bread some of you are worried about having the answer to a problem that hasn't even showed up yet I wish you would catch what I just said because daily bread is not simply the provision of resource it is also the provision of wisdom when it's time for you to cross that bridge there will be wisdom and revelation and clarity and favor and whatever it is you need jesus told his disciples i gotta stop jesus told his disciples he says when you go before the magistrates don't even worry about what you're gonna say it will be given to you that very hour hallelujah i'm trying to change your perspective give us this day our daily bread that means that in every day i am loaded with benefits there is provision in that day there is wisdom for that day if i seek him if i seek him if i lean not into my own understanding but i had not let him in all of my ways he is gonna order my steps and direct my path even if it's a place I've never been before because there's some of you that God is calling out of he's calling you to go to lands that are unfamiliar to you but I hear God saying if you trust me if you seek me I'm gonna order your steps I'm not gonna give you the map I'm gonna give you the step that's in front of you and if you step I'll catch you and I will not reveal to you step two until you make step one that's why you gotta stop disqualifying yourself you don't have to know everything all you're gonna do is know how to stop stop trying to know everything la stop trying to know everything Zimbabwe just know how to hear God's voice that's all you need and he will order your steps perspective I don't have to have it all figured out I just have to know how to hear I just have to know how to sense I just have to know how to see perspective give us this day our daily bread it's perspective about each day and then he says and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors as so much into that I can't even do it so much there but he's basically saying I need you to have perspective about yourself forgive us our debts you notice that Jesus doesn't say if you have any he doesn't say forgive us of our trespasses if you have any no he says pray it's humility humility it says I don't have it figured out and right now I'm probably wrong in some area about something right now with my smart self I was quiet now it's quiet now is quiet even right now with my smart intelligent educated experienced self I am probably just even if it's just a little bit wrong about something right now forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors but I believe Kingdom people have to learn how to navigate others you have to learn how to navigate others and is difficult and I talked about a little bit on New Year's Eve but you've got to you've got to learn how to navigate people Jesus was a master navigator he navigated many personalities from Peter to Judas navigated them and I can't teach it now but you have to see yourself right and you have to see others right and you have to walk in humility and you have to walk in forgiveness and then he he says and lead us not into temptation that is to say that it is again rather arrogant to step out into a day to step out into a day without seeking God's wisdom there are lions tigers and bears out there every single day particularly if you're living for God lead me not into temptation other words temptation is waiting for you hey even right now temptation wants to pull right up and from the church come on somebody right out on Florida Avenue right there on the brereton tation wants to pull up and say hey we rollin again lead us not into temptation is to say Holy Spirit leave me today I don't want to lean into my own understanding I don't want to lean into my own tendencies I don't want to lean into my own proclivities I have perspective about guidance and that is I need your guidance he says and keep me from evil that's the divine protection again lions tigers and bears there's all sorts of things out there and there's not a date that I'd leave my house well I don't cover my family hello somebody I don't cover my family I don't cover these churches and these campuses hello some but not a day I do not take for granted if Jesus said pray that you will be kept from evil see all these things keep you aligned and then it goes into for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever and ever amen I need to tie this up how can I tie this up I believe that pare that prayer is one of the number one things that keeps you with a healthy perspective and in particular if you're not big on prayer in fact the disciples themselves were asking to be taught how to pray if you're not big on prayer just pray these things just pray these things if you pray this prayer every day with understanding not vain repetition or rather like I don't ever I love a day my kingdom come no that's not what I'm talking about but pray with fresh understanding it will bless you our Father who art in heaven whoa all of a sudden things will open up the moment that your words align with the reality of God our Father who art in heaven and then kingdom come that will be done you'll feel a strength come over you Wow I'm a part of something I've been praying to week about this thing that's going on god I pray your kingdom would come to this situation your kingdom would come to this obstacle your kingdom would come to this assignment your kingdom would come to this nation your kingdom would come to this community your signal would come and all of a sudden a boldness will begin to come over you and then God give us this day give us this day thank you God for this brand-new day and thank you God for being both my source and my resource in this day this is a day unlike any other and I want to have a successful day I want this day to be fruitful I don't want it to go come and go and I never had the opportunity to be to be awake to all of the opportunities because I feel this today is strategic nerado today is part of God's strategy for the whole of your life today is strategic Oh God I posted something on Instagram the other day I will not be strategy list in 2019 so so if today is a part of God's strategy for my life then I cannot go randomly recklessly watch this or whiningly in this day there's a strategy and today Oh hallelujah there's a strategy there's a strategy there's a strategy everything for a reason everything everything for a reason I don't know who this is for everything everything for a reason there's a strategy in today so I can't be lazy I gotta be awake I gotta be alert there's a strategy and I don't want to miss it give us this day our daily bread lord have mercy on me and lord help me to have mercy on others God the only way that I will be able to actualize that strategy is if you leave me by your spirit your spirit knows like in a video game where all the hidden prizes are leave me by your spirit so I can uncover the hidden treasure hidden in this underrated thing called today and keep me from evil evil is lurking you know one form of evil the counterfeit version of youth the counterfeit version of you evil don't think of the boogeyman think of distraction as evil if there is a strategy that's designed to be a building block for my life then and the enemy cannot kill me because there are limits to the enemy's influence in our life then what is the most evil thing that can happen to me if it can't if he can't kill me what's the most evil thing that could happen to me to distract me for yours is the kingdom and the glory and the power forever amen your alpha and your Omega it starts with you your everything in between and it ends with you and then it starts with you again the next day and everything in between and it ends with you family I believe with all of my heart I'm done I'm Way over time I'm done I believe with all of my heart that your prayer life is going to be your most critical tool in maintaining the perspective that you need to have this year I want you to pray this prayer every single day and pray it with understanding and watch God show up in your life I want to pray for you once you stand while we pray if you don't mind la come on stand while you pray if you're here and the Lord spoke to you today and you know it spoke to you today and you want to recommit yourself to the kingdom of God to the kingdom of God if that's you I want you to meet me here at this altar you're here come on LA I'm talking to you - I see you if you hear and you say you know what I haven't been praying like I should I haven't been focused on the kingdom I've been focused on trying to build my kingdom I want you to come I want you to come wherever you are coming to the altar you say God 20:19 my perspective my perspective I see you coming in LA I see you I see you coming in Denver my perspective my perspective my perspective I want my perspective to be your perspective I want to lay down I want to lay down my agenda for your agenda family I'm stepping back I see people coming I see you LA I see you Denver come on somehow we ought to celebrate come on let's celebrate what's happening family listen to me this is not out of a sense of religious repetition let me let me tell you something you've got to pay attention we're gonna play just a little softly because I want us this is important we're coming into a time in our world a time in our just real soft please real soft turn it way down we're coming into a time in our world the time in our world just off for now off I just think I want to say this this is really important we're coming into a time in our world where everything that can be shaken is being shaken everything that can be shaken is being shaken and we're not going to be there are a lot of things that are going to happen in the next five years a lot of things and the fluff that is on our country and our world is getting ready to be diminished and it's gonna drive humanity to its core whatever that is whatever that is the fluff the fluff of comfort the fluff of compromise God is shaking a lot of things right now and it's not just going to go away what we're experiencing right now is a bit of a norm I love you too much to play with you I want you to be ready what we're experiencing right now we're like oh you know when these things are going to end the the the debate and the argument that's happening in the White House and in Congress and the Senate all that kind of stuff all that that that might end but the pressure will not well not and you studied Matthew chapter 24 it is not hearsay it's not going to get easy it's not good easy it's gonna require authenticity it's gonna require and it's gonna require us coming under the covering and the banner of the kingdom because the kingdom will ultimately be the only thing that cannot be shaken that's why some may be watching are being shaking right now but here's the thing the real you is not being shaken what's being shaken is everything that is not you you understand what I'm saying everything that's not you is being shaken so that we can get back down to basics because God moves from the place of authenticity he moves from our core we've been talking about that and I truly believe there's some who have been walking with God and there's some who have had a kingdom mentality and it's been difficult and rough see here's what's gonna happen so so for Kingdom people in the previous season it was very difficult and rough you were sowing in tears and it was challenging and it seemed like everything else was doing well except you that's getting ready to flip flop is getting ready to flip flop gonna flip flop what you didn't realize is that all of that adversity against you was building strength and the type of Long's that can live on the elevated level that God is bringing you into in this season when everybody else is choking you're gonna be soaring because of what you went through before things got flipped right-side up so this moment is important I got a zillion really cute fluffy things to preach about but I want to lay a foundation for you a foundation of reality so that you can be ready for what's yours that's why I'm calling you down here that's why I'm encouraging you that's why I'm talking about the kingdom Jesus is not giving you a futile prayer he's saying pray this because this is alignment this is happening baby I started something when I came there started something so if you hear and you say you know what I've been kind of on the outskirts of the god thing but I feel like God is calling me closer to him I want you to come meet me at this altar I'm afraid just a second we are out of time but if that's you I want you to come because there's more people there's more people God is calling you close I see you come and I see you I see you coming I see you coming I seen you coming I see you coming come on California I see you coming come on that way I see you coming come on Denver I see you coming I see you coming I see you coming I see you coming I see you coming come on come on come on come on come on we getting it together yeah come on I see you come on come on come on we're getting it together we're getting it together we're getting aligned we're getting our perspective right oh yes we are thank you Jesus thank you Jesus oh yes come on onto the covering come on under the covering under the covering under the covering under the covering under the covering of the kingdom under the covering of the kingdom when everything shakes and crumbles the Kingdom will still be standing it crumbles around the kingdom it cannot crumble the kingdom come on home come on home come on come on come on home Alleluia father were yours and when we call you father we we mean father you are our Father you are our daddy you're more than our God you are our maker we are the works of your hands you delight in your children you love us and you so loved us in spite of the worst of us or the worst in us you so loved us but you gave your only begotten Son to gave Christ for us you gave your best for our worst as a sign to us that you are for us that you are passionately disposed in our favor and I thank you I thank you for those are at this altar and Los Angeles Denver those who have made their homes their bedrooms and alter their hospital rooms and alter their cars and alter even in this moment I thank you that your presence is right here meeting us you are the way the truth and the life you are healing hearts right now physically physically and spiritually healing hearts and we thank you God hallelujah and God we're here to say your kingdom come let your kingdom come to us first hallelujah and then let your kingdom come through us and we hear God because we're giving you our lives we're coming under covering we thank you for our church we thank you God for your word it leads a guides it feeds we thank you for your promise you spoke many promises to us today you gave us insight about many things we receive it you gave us bread yes you did and we're grateful for that nourishment and may it take root in our lives and bear fruit and father I just plead the blood of Jesus over everyone at this altar everyone at the altar in California everyone at the altar that they have set up wherever they might be I plead the blood of Jesus over their mind especially that this perspective will be sealed I plead the blood of Jesus over their hearts over their bodies over their lives cover them and keep them God edify them build them up strengthen them their Kingdom citizens yes they are now I just want you to be after me Heavenly Father I thank you for your love I receive it I thank you for your grace I receive it I thank you for your word I receive it - I thank you for Jesus thank you for making him who had no sin all of mine all of my weakness all of my shortcomings all of my limitations you placed in his body nailed it to the cross and once and for all put it to death that means all my brokenness was crushed in his body which means through his resurrection I'm healed and I'm whole and I'm on my way to everything he's created me to be no more shackles no more chains I'm free indeed in Jesus Christ Holy Spirit I need you I can't do this by myself leave me not into temptation but leave me by your spirit and keep me from evil be a hedge of protection all around me I release my past I'm not afraid of my future this day I lay hold of my promises and my identity in you in Jesus name amen come on let's praise little off their singing come on can we just take a moment and worship Him the Monica's voice has been crazy hallelujah praise him until you finish ship [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ONE | A Potter's House Church
Views: 77,246
Rating: 4.9098787 out of 5
Id: psUnwM0ZH_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 27sec (4107 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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