Maximizing Edpuzzle: Using Edpuzzle for Synchronous and Asynchronous Encounters

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[Music] [Music] [Music] okay six more to go uh for this webinar series and we're making sure teachers now every step of the way you're getting to know ed puzzle much much deeper and much better know us experience so far that ed puzzle is such a game changer when it comes to flipped classroom and it really redefines now sir alwyn what we're doing in the classroom especially right now in a pandemic school year where we are in an online distance modality and puzzle sort of like give you that leverage in order to conduct your classes in a much more meaningful way annotated video using ed puzzles some filipino educators are saying that uh ed puzzle changed their lives for the better uh in an online distance learning set up okay because i know um of course now we have um a um international guest for today sir always now uh may you please give us uh what's up for today and what uh what do our teachers know can expect for our session for today so once again teachers good afternoon uh for today we will be using or understanding more about el paso must be beginning so our speaker would be adding to us a view of using ed puzzle in blended learning and we will be having uh another guest who will be talking about the updates of ed puzzles this is something that all our teachers know so teachers last time pagus apart and about technicalities of ed puzzle we taught you about integration we taught you about uh creating accounts creating classes right now it's all about the uh uh deep diving into ed passel how that how can we actually use ed puzzle in real situation inside our digital classroom and you know what sir alvin kanina i know uh our speaker for today is so enthusiastic because i asked him um sir of course i wouldn't want to reveal the name yet but i speak i asked our speaker uh if i um can we have the session for this much minutes no but uh he said i have uh like a demonstration can uh can have more time something sure of course no i we will give you all the time in the world because this session is actually designed for the for for our speaker for today so um so you can expect great things okay for today's session teachers okay so um aside from our very brilliant speaker for today and of course the updates that's coming in ed puzzle let's not forget we're also going to announce our ed puzzle coach of the month and ed puzzle educator of the month today competition filipina swags swagbugs and of course cash prices okay so those are all the things that's uh going to be uh for the next uh one hour and 30 minutes so sir alvin of the nothing patagonian why not introduce to us right now our speaker who's going to talk about uh maximizing ed puzzle in synchronous and asynchronous learning okay sir franco thank you very much for that so teachers speaker so speaker is the ed puzzle ed tech specialist for europe middle east and africa he is also an international society for technology in education and google for education trainer he is a former science teacher passionate about self-directed learning and using technology inside and outside the classroom that's why he is really one of the best persons to discuss maximizing and puzzle in synchronous and asynchronous learning because he is also teaching or training teachers from every single continent on the planet sir franco and for him videos are a major component of his instructional materials both for his lessons and training sessions so teachers ed paso filipinas our speaker for tonight mr bogdan hello everybody and uh thank you sir alvin thank you sir franco for for the intro for the awesome intro i really like the energy and how engaged everybody is so i'm always happy to see educators coming together and sharing best practices um i have to greet everybody and let you know that i'm joining you from romania so i'm based in romania i actually saw in the chat somebody from romania so i will just say hello christina shout out i i'm surprised to see you in a webinar for the philippines but this is the power of technology uh you can actually connect with educators from all over the world and that's one of the best things when it comes to technology and access to the technology um yes welcome to uh to the philippines uh vlog then uh virtually at least but we hope no uh even after the pandemic we can you can actually visit us here soon uh in the philippines once uh everything subsides and everything gets better again uh and yes yes but then we have uh actually uh viewers came from other countries well india indonesia malaysia other ed puzzle communities okay so uh maybe before we set you up for your session um baldwin for today maybe could give us like what uh are our teachers can expect from your session and what will what will be the um like doing uh for the next few uh um for the next minutes and hour or hours yeah so as you said we i want to talk a bit about synchronous versus asynchronous learning and where a puzzle fits in this big let's let's call it puzzle and how it can actually support educators and teachers with saving time giving feedback differentiation and so on and so forth and then i want to present three possible scenarios three clear examples of situations where you could use that puzzle uh in different uh teaching and learning models and then my suggestion is to actually try and experiment with you actually to create an open class and invite some of the viewers in the open class just to demonstrate how quick and easy it is to set up the class get people in and also show the live mode because i know that in most cases we are using the regular mode for that puzzle not the live mode so i think it would be interesting for educators to see also how that works and how easy it is to use it even for a situation like this where we are in a webinar and then of course if there are any questions i'd be more than happy to answer them yeah we'll be we'll be in the chat pictures now uh while uh bogdan's taking the session so um uh bogdan we'll give you the floor now and you can we can now start your session perfect thank you so much uh so i kept the slides sort of um simple and uh we'll just focus on some of the key ideas uh but please please please if you have any questions do leave them in the chat i am looking at the comments as well so if you see me turn my head to the right that's because i'm checking the the comments on the other screen and i would love to hear also your questions and your input and your contributions to the conversation so uh i we already had the intro for myself so i am a google for education trainer an insta certified trainer i've been working with teachers from all over the place on this map you see the locations where i've trained teachers in person but now with the online webinars i've literally had teachers from all continents in the past year um in the past years not only in the past year and um as um as it was already mentioned video plays such a big role in my in my teaching approach because it gives me so much flexibility and it allows me to sort of clone myself and this is where ed puzzle just fits like a glove so just to just to know how everybody where everybody is with the ed puzzle can you quickly just type in the chat um how familiar are you with that puzzle you can say well you know i've never used it but the key point here i haven't made it in bold yet i hope that if anybody hasn't used it yet you will get inspired and you will try to use it type 2 in the chat if you have tried it out three if you're already using it with your students and four if you're the ed puzzle ninja you're the expert you already know what's happening and you know all the tips and tricks and you can share some with us as well okay so i already see a mix in the comments and i see that some of you haven't used it yet so um i will actually then i will actually then showcase some of the bits and pieces that could get you going so we will not have time in this session to go through all of the basics you will have some other webinars and some other trainings that you can use we'll focus on some some bits and pieces that could be helpful for you uh francois yeah five for ambassador alwyn i should add that as well i should have added the fifth level the uh the mega ninja arch ninja okay thank you so i'm happy to see that there are also uh quite a few of you that say hey i haven't used it yet but i am planning to use it in the next school year and it's an awesome moment to discover at puzzle and see what it can actually do so let's start first with the distinction or let's talk a bit about synchronous versus asynchronous learning because that that would be the starting point right what's the difference between them and i've listed just these are just some ideas that we can have in mind of course there's many more we can say about both of them but in a nutshell to to sort of compare them synchronous means that every learner or the learning process happens in real time everybody is connected or everybody is together in the same room um so this doesn't mean that we need to be physically in school we can also be like we are doing now uh we are in a synchronous learning situation right now as well you're tuning in live we can interact we can have conversations we can collaborate so this is a clear example of synchronous learning right uh now one constraint for synchronous learning is that it is actually quite rigid sometimes what do i mean by rigid it means that for example if we have it in a physical location we all have to be in the same room right or if we are doing it in a webinar everybody needs to join at a specific time for the webinar in order to enjoy that synchronous learning experience um in some other cases uh and in it can also happen actually that's one of the downsides uh sort of with uh the synchronous learning part is that some learners may feel neglected so especially when you're teaching in the classroom and you have a group of 15 20 25 30 students it's literally impossible to make sure that everybody is always getting all the attention they need because we are only one person as a teacher we have many students of course we can strive to uh cater for the needs of all of them but there will invariably be times when some of the students might feel neglected or they might uh not get all the attention they need asynchronous learning on the other hand as the name suggests it's not in sync so everybody learns at their own pace they can do it anywhere so this is more focused on the learner rather than the whole group or the instructor providing uh the the information um i'm sorry if you hear the background noises there's a huge storm that just started so i hope that's not that's not interfering with the with the audio um so getting back to the learner today synchronous and learner-centered approach um how would the asynchronous learning work mainly uh there are you can use online courses or pre-recorded videos or you can even use emails for example for that you can send materials uh blogs and so on and so forth even discussion boards or groups like think about the google group for example where you have the learners and you'll have everybody just doing the assignments at their own time whenever they want wherever they would be this does provide us with a lot of flexibility uh but also that means that we need to encourage self-discipline in our learners so especially when we work with younger learners like middle school kids high school kids maybe even younger than that we do need to encourage self-discipline we do need to make them accountable we do need to find those mechanisms to uh motivate them to encourage them to take part so this is just a brief comparison between those two uh sessions those two types of learning right synchronous and asynchronous now is one better than the other obviously this is not another question that you can answer with yes or no just like that because it depends a lot on the scenario you're working with so of course when you're in the classroom with your students in the classroom you will mainly focus on synchronous learning when you're using distance learning or hybrid learning there you will focus more on asynchronous learning as well but the bottom line but bottom line is this [Music] synchronous and asynchronous can go very well hand in hand hence we talk more about blended learning and this is where blended learning uh also comes from you mix them you mix uh synchronous with asynchronous as you need um for just achieving your learning objectives right and we can think even of some scenarios like what are some possible scenarios we are fully remote so this is where asynchronous learning might play a bigger role because we need to assign the work of tests homework whatever materials for revision we could assign them to our students they can go through them and at their own pace and then of course we can have those regular live sessions via meet via zoom via any other platform you might be using hybrid this is the combination where we have some students in the classroom and some students are at home and they can join us online so this is this is sort of the middle ground between these two extremes and then of course we have the full in-person scenario where everybody is in school we have in the classroom we can uh collaborate and communicate directly now where does ed puzzle fit in these scenarios and in this mix of synchronous versus asynchronous learning or blended learning well actually it can fit in any of these scenarios depending on how we use it uh it can fit like a glove for many many different approaches that we might have with our with our students um and um for those of you that uh chose one for my previous question so you might be new to ed puzzle and you haven't used it yet uh remember that puzzle actually what that puzzle does is it allows us to take a video and that can be any video from youtube so other people might be created creating content and putting it on youtube and we could use those videos we could also create our own videos and then we on top of these videos we can add interactive elements so we could add assessment questions which could help us check if our students understood the topic so they are great for comprehension checks uh they are great for helping us keeping track of our students progress and seeing where they are besides the questions of course we can add other elements so we could add the voice over giving our students some details about the video and presenting the context for example uh or just some other extra resources now as i said for those of you that are newer to edpuzzle uh we will not go through all of the basics in this session but just a recap uh i wanted to to get that out of the way so so you know what that puzzle can do so these are some other examples right uh where we can actually use that puzzle in our lessons beat synchronous or asynchronous or blended so we could use it to introduce content and rather than us teaching we can use videos for the introduction of the content we can have we can start from different documentaries for example and add our questions on top of them then of course there's also practice and we can use a puzzle for practice so let's think we of a documentary i may start off with a documentary about ecosystems so i was a science teacher so i've used videos about ecosystems and weird animals and adaptations quite a lot so i could start from a documentary that's online and i could have the whole practice part added on top of it so my students would practice writing their responses or answering different questions and so on and so forth and then this is where the next component the teacher time becomes even more valuable for me why because now my students could use those videos to discover new content to practice to answer questions and then that puzzle will give me feedback and it will also give my students feedback and for me as a teacher that's invaluable why because i know where every student is in real time i can see their progress i can also adapt my teaching so based on what my students responses are i can change my approach for the next lesson or for the second half of the lesson and so on and so forth and we have all of the other options that are brought to the table so we can give individualized feedback we can start discussions with our students based on their responses and have whole class debates so this is where it depends on us as i said what our learn our end learning goal is right so a quick example let's say i do assign that video about the ecosystems i have some questions on the video i assign it to my students they watch it at home they respond to my questions and then when we meet in the classroom for the synchronous session um we start the whole class discussion or the debates based on their answers and i'll have everything neatly organized so that's why i really like the this comparison of uh we can think about ed puzzle or videos being like a teacher clone because if we do have videos especially especially if we create our own videos then we can definitely say that we are talking about a clone because then it will be us presenting as well but this allows me to sort of copy myself rather than talking to all the students at once in the classroom i could be talking to all of them separately through via video they can re-watch the video as many times as they want they can go back and repeat that part of the video that they did not understand and that gives them a lot of flexibility whereas if i would be just teaching in the classroom that would be a bit more difficult i'm not saying that it would be impossible but definitely it would be more difficult to rewind and repeat the same thing every time a student has a question so how can we actually use a puzzle and that's why today i wanted to sort of show you the live mode because the classic mode is the one that's used in most situations so this is where you assign a video students watch it they work independently they work at their own pace and then we can have that group conversation or we could give the feedback and or we could give the grades there's also the live mode where rather than students watching the videos on their own on their devices we could watch the video together in the classroom and on their devices they will just answer the questions that you've added to the video and this is great for synchronous learning right when everybody's in the same place in the same room in the same meet in the same webinar and you do want to get that input from your students so you do have some questions on the video you do want to get some input from them and you get that live feedback so this is what we'll try to demonstrate a bit later uh because as i said this is one mode that's uh not used so often even though it can be very powerful um so what are the steps for creating the videos you do create a video in a puzzle so you either start from an existing video on youtube or on edpuzzle uh you can actually um share them with your students and uh there yeah there there's a good question in the chat are there any copyright issues when using videos from youtube for our ed puzzle lessons that's a great question uh no there are no copyright issues and let me explain why because the video actually is still on youtube you're not taking the video from youtube you're watching it on youtube what edpuzzle does it just adds those interactive elements on top of the video now whenever a video is uploaded to youtube according to the youtube license they can be used by anybody as long as they are on youtube uh and of course we are not using them for monetary gain right so we are not using them for a conference where we sell tickets for the participants then that's a different story but that doesn't apply to us right now as i said the video still is on youtube you're not changing the original video you're just viewing it so there are no copyright issues there now if you let's say steal somebody else's video from youtube you download it and then you upload it as your own that's a different story because then you did take the video off youtube and then that's a totally different story but in a regular scenario as i said no worries we are good with uh with the copyright so we assign the video to our students they watch it at their own pace uh they they learn uh from the video they can also learn at their own speed so this is a great addition uh when it comes to differentiation because students can get their time whatever how much time they need they can take it for practice for re-watching the videos uh and so on and so forth the good part is also that we encourage them to be uh independent learners so they they are more accountable and of course the final step or the goal for us would be to actually have our students achieve mastery so we can actually help them see their progress and track their progress by using the different questions we have on top of the videos so then they can get immediate feedback if you use multiple choice questions for example or if you have short answer questions you can also manually grade some of them and then they will know hey i got nine questions out of 10 correct i feel pretty confident in uh in in my knowledge for this uh unit right if i got only two out of ten i might need to go back and rewatch the video practice a bit more and then try it again right so that's also uh one of the key things now what impact does this have on the actual uh teaching and learning using videos right uh this is from a study done by the john hopkins university so basically from that cohort of students 88 of them did feel that using videos and them being given the responsibility for watching the videos and having that space actually made them feel more responsible for their own learning which is an awesome thing so i'm all in for self-directed learning and independent learning so what any tool that helped me helps me increase that in my students is a nice addition to my teacher to build on the teacher side though the advantage is and this is what 85 of the teachers actually felt was that they have more time to work one-on-one with students so this is where we can think about that idea of blended learning and combining synchronous versus asynchronous and asynchronous learning so uh it can easily be the case where most of my class is working on certain videos that i've assigned to them and i might have two or three students that are maybe struggling with that subject or with that topic and then i can spend more time with those two students while the others are working on their own activities so then it will be a mix of asynchronous for most of the group and for those three students where who i will be working with one to one or one to the small group that would be an example of synchronous learning as well so this would be an example of a combination inside the same classroom now as i said i just want to give you some quick examples and then we'll do the quick demo uh and by the way please do let me know if you have any questions in the chat uh so i would also be curious to see if you've used uh the synchronous or asynchronous approach before or if you prefer one or the other now having said that remember we usually use a mix of them it's not only one or the other even during the same lesson so let's look at three examples and let's see how ed puzzle fits in these examples first one let's say i of course i was a science teacher so i will start with the science example because that's my domain um and we'll talk a bit about one approach which is called the station rotations right so uh you of course you can do this offline you can do this without any online online materials and online tools but you can also throw in the online activities and online tools including add puzzle in this case right so this is my scenario uh i need to teach my students about the different states of matter solids liquids or gases and i want to teach them either by observing their properties or having different activities and this is our rotation a station rotation would look like so we can imagine having three different sort of tables or three different stations in our classroom where we have let's say one station for solids where students explore the properties of solid objects one station for liquids one station for gases and then they work 15 minutes for every station and then they rotate so that's why it's called the station rotation model and me as a teacher i can just wander around and support all of them and see if they need help or if they actually um are stuck somewhere i could give them some hints now this is once again just an example we can play with it and we can tweak things around another example for a station rotation approach would be this rather than focusing on solids liquids and gases i could focus on different approaches for every station so i could have for example the online station where students review some of the key um ideas and key concepts and this is where ed puzzle would work great because i can assign the videos in my ad puzzle i can share it with my students i shared with them via the learning management system for example google classroom or moodle or anything else i would be using and i know that this group of students can work independently they have the guidance in the video they can answer the questions and so on and so forth i could have a second station which is the offline station where they can just play around with different substances for example and have a look at their properties and then there's the third bit which would be the teacher-led station where the teacher will be at this station for most of the time and if they will work we as teachers will be working with whatever group of students we have at the station at that point and this can be done we can clarify some of the their questions we could work on reviewing for example um homework or assignments from the classroom or we could just uh give them feedback on what they've been doing in the other two in the other two stations so there's a lot of flexibility here and of course i did say that we can use a puzzle for one of the stations we could also use it for all three stations and then we could even say hey we have going back to the previous example we could use a puzzle here for all of them some students will learn about solids they'll have a video on solids some will learn on liquid about liquids some will learn about gases and then they will flip around so a lot of flexibility here and once again remember what i said that we usually have a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous this is the perfect example so these students will be working on their own they can re-watch they can rewind they can go back and forth to the video this is an example of asynchronous here teacher will be the teacher will be there with the students interacting with them live this is an example of synchronous learning and the offline station it depends how we build it if it's a group activity they will be working together that can also be an example of synchronous learning but if at this table everybody's working independently it could also be just as well an asynchronous approach so remember we rarely have only one of them at one given time especially when we use these types of learning models um so this is the example for uh the science for the writing class let's have a look at the flipped classroom we might have heard about this model before and i'm sure that you will get more resources and more ideas for the flipped classroom um what is the regular flip so rather than us teaching everything at school and then talking with the students in the classroom we can assign tasks beforehand so we could assign the video uh through a puzzle and make sure that they watch it at home and they understand the topic at hand and then when we get to school we will spend the interaction the the teacher the teaching time not actually teaching the content because they've already done that we've already done that with the help of ed puzzle but we will actually spend time clarifying questions having debates uh going deeper in the subject and so on and so forth so how would this work once again especially for those of you that you said you're newer to a puzzle you do get the video you find it either in the puzzle library by the way remember there is a big library with lots of videos we can start from um we add our questions on top of the video and uh this is what helps us to keep our students accountable and we can also assess their understanding and then we assign the video lesson either as homework uh or in the newer sort of flipped classroom model we could even assign it during the live class so that's also entirely possible where let's say i have a lesson of 60 minutes in the first 15 minutes i can use the video i assign it to all of the students they watch it they re-watch the biz that they did not understand they answer the questions and then as a teacher i can check the analytics so ed puzzle will show me how many students got or how which of the questions were problematic for the students and that will tell me okay i had 10 questions on my video most of my students struggled with questions 7 and 8 and then i spent the rest of the lesson clarifying those answers and having those conversations and going deeper with my students for for that particular part of the of the lesson uh so this is where we get the student-centered learning where rather than just teaching the generic uh content we focus on what's really important for them and those areas where they were falling behind so this is an example of an in-class flip this is what i was saying so every student can work independently they can watch videos at their own pace and as a teacher i can also walk around and maybe support those students that need help so the regular flip we were talking about earlier was students work at home and at school we just go to their responses and clarify things in classroom flip we will actually have the videos running in the classroom live every student works on their own video but as a teacher i have the flexibility to also walk around and support those students that need help and of course at the end we'll have the whole class discussion as well and let me give you the third example the math class and this is where we'll start talking about the ed puzzle live mode uh just as a different approach to using at edpuzzle and of course i gave this example for science uh english and math of course they can be adapted to any classroom you'd be teaching you don't have to um restrict it to math or science so this is what normally happens in a normal lesson right you have the teacher that gives the directions that models uh explain things and then you have all of the students paying attention you might have one or two students that are confused and unfortunately as i said as we are only one person we don't always manage to have one-on-one time with everybody so some of the students might be confused now if we use a different approach so rather than having um rather than having us as the main source of information we could replace ourselves with the ed puzzle live live mode so how does that work uh so you can project the video on the board let's say or if we have an online lesson we could have the video actually on on on the meet or on the webinar and student that the students watch the video and then they respond on their own devices so they can join the class they can see the assignment they can respond on their own devices and of course as a teacher i can circulate around and help whoever needs help so the confused student in the first scenario now actually can have more of my attention because everybody's engaged with the video and everybody is paying attention and gets the information from the video and if there are students that are struggling or that are confused i can easily just go and work with them one-on-one so once again this is an example of a synchronous approach so everybody's learning at the same time but this just gives me more flexibility as a teacher so i see that uh and what you were mentioning that uh the puzzle life mode looks very exciting it does and as i said it can be very helpful depending on what we are trying to do during the lesson uh now keep in mind it doesn't have to be used only in math right it can be used in any other any other situation so i want some of your input now because i i gave you two examples and i just want to see how many of you have used any of these models so you can type in the chat quickly have you used one for rotation station two flow fleet learning or three for life mode and you can just choose yeah if you used all three of them just type in one two three so so we can see more or less if um you've been using these models um and i know that one of the most common models that uh is used by many educators is the fleet learning model uh but that's why i wanted to give you some more examples as in thinking a bit outside of the regular uh approach so um so we can actually basically diversify our our approach and our tool belt so i see i see flip learning i see also a bit of live mode oh okay i see also a combination of rotation station and life mode uh awesome so that's good i'm really happy to see that some of you are already using the live mode uh and um we'll also demo that really quickly um so and of course if you have questions please do do write them in the chat uh we we are paying attention to them so as i said let's have a quick quick quick demo so i'll try to keep it under five minutes just so you see how fast i can set up an open class invite your students create the video assignment and see your answers right uh so um oh um yeah so i like your answer especially the yet part you said not yet because this is my first time to attend so i i'm happy to see the yet part because that means that hopefully you will give it a go and you'll love a puzzle i'm sure about that so let me quickly demonstrate this as i said really quickly i am going to add puzzle and um i will show you how fast the whole thing can be set up um so i will start by creating a class for my classes and i will create a new class where you see the plus sign that's a good starting point uh let me call it uh synchronous uh and async learning i'm using the abbreviated uh words let's choose other because we have for higher education and for subject we'll use other because we have it as a demo for for the webinar now this is where i can choose between a class type a classic class or an open one and we'll have the open one now as i said when you work with your students regularly the classic classroom would be more useful now because i have you only for this webinar and i want to give all of you access if you want to join for the quick demo uh i'm using an open class i have my classroom created the next step would be to create my content my video right so uh let's let's search for ed puzzle so let's say i want to use a video about a puzzle i can browse the videos that are made by the ed puzzle community so you see that there are quite a few videos already on that puzzle about that puzzle or i can start from youtube i can start from a video from scratch and this is what i will do i will start from this video it's a short video it's one minute and 10 seconds and i will choose to edit the video now you have lots of options in terms of editing the video uh you might even want to cut it so obviously i will not i will not um use the whole video now for this uh for this example i will cut it here so rather than using the whole video i will only use that small bit the first 20 seconds and remember you can add all the other elements on it so you can add different questions wherever you want on the video so let's say two words of the end the of the video i want to add a question just to check your comprehension now remember this is just a quick demo you can have as many questions as you want on top of the videos you can add multiple choice open-ended or notes so let's use an example of a multiple trace question and i will ask you what videos uh can you use with a puzzle right and then i'll obviously need to give you some options you could create your own videos you could use existing uh youtube videos and let me add some more options you could also use videos created by other educators um with puzzles so remember that you don't have to reinvent the wheel some of the videos will always already be there and you can use them and i'll add the fourth option and i'll say all of the above the next step i do need to choose one of at least one correct answer so obviously this will be the correct answer for for this video i hit save and you'll see that at this point i have the question uh popping on top of the video when i'm done i'm happy with the questions i've added i can click finish and now i can actually assign the video to a certain class so that's what i will do i will click on assign and i will assign it to this open class that we've just created as you see i can choose to prevent skipping if i want to or not i can turn on closed captions i can put a due date and so on and so forth we don't need the due date because i will use it live but this is it at this stage i have created my class i have created the video i've assigned the video to the class now the question is what is the next step i have two options i because i want to use this video as a live video i would actually want to invite you or invite some of you to join my open class now remember if you have the classic class residents will already be in you will not have to do this but i will copy the link and i will put it in the chat uh so uh franco and alvin if you could help me to share that link with the audience that would be great um and uh once you get that link you can try it out if you want to see how it works or how it feels for a student uh just click on the link and join the live class just so you have an idea of how that would work uh but once again you don't have to do that it's just a voluntary uh just a voluntary thing i will also join actually on my phone uh so um i can show you how the answer will look like once you actually join an open class as a student now as a teacher i can just go to the assignment and of course i already see that some students already joined so i have olga i have windlass they you can use your own name or you can actually use the nickname if you want so use that we have already a couple of students joining in now because i've assigned the task already in classroom sorry you know at puzzle you could start watching it but i can also use the live mode uh and this is what i'll show you quickly uh so i will start the live mode uh the live demo now so what will happen in this case is that the video will play on my screen and i see who the students are you can still join if you want to and when i hit start this is what happens the video plays on the on the actual uh screen we can watch it together and when the questions pop on my screen you'll actually have them on your end either on your device or on on your phone on your laptop or any device you're actually joining so at this stage the question pops on the screen and for the students it also pops on the student devices and and i can actually choose uh choose the answer as a student and i can submit it and as you see it also gives me in real time how many students actually answered already and um more or less where we are with the number of students that are live and what's happening with that question i would normally give people more time and i would invite my students to answer the question as that we are at 6 out of 13 so far seven so as you see the numbers change in real time and because this is a quick demo i will actually continue so you see the the outcome uh but of course when you're in the classroom you would give them enough time and you would then talk about the responses so you'll see then as a student you see what the correct answer is you also see i'll show you on my student interface if i got the correct answer or not and then as a teacher i can also choose to show the responses so this is where we can have the class conversation i see that from all of the students um um response i mean i see what options were chosen and i can actually move on and when we are done with the video i can exit the live the live video the live mode so once again this was a really quick really quick uh demo i will still have the analytics even though it was done in the live mode you'll see the answers you'll see who answered the question you'll see their grade uh you'll see the score so bogdan that was my demo account i didn't get the correct answer but i see that yeah most of you have got it and then i can focus on those students that either didn't submit or didn't get the correct answer and as you see it took me a bit more than five minutes it took me eight minutes all together uh but i really really wanted to just quickly uh quickly show you how this would work um as as a quick as a quick demo how does that look for you just let me know in the chat quickly if this would be useful for you and also i will sort of slowly stop talking because i went a bit over time um um i am so excited about that puzzle and i could talk about it for hours in a row without stop and using videos but i do want to give the floor for the other speakers as well and for the announcements um but do let me know in the chat if you think the live mode would be useful for you and if you uh if you plan on using it as well and not only the live mode of course but also the the other classic approach and just using that puzzle in general i will also tell you though that uh it's a good idea to check the online pd so if you go to go at online pd you have different short classes that help you understand better how the flipped learning works how you can integrate that puzzle with different tools how you can use it for project based learning how you can become an ed puzzle coach and this is where we'll also have some announcements as far as i understood in terms of the ed puzzle coach of the month and at puzzle teacher of the month okay i'm glad to see in the comments so some of you said that you will definitely try the live mode in my classes uh and uh that it's useful as i said decide on what you're teaching choose the best approach that's uh useful for that particular lesson and for that particular learning goal and always remember to combine things play with them mix them around combine them and tweak things as you go around awesome uh so franco alvin are we ready to announce the um winners for the ed puzzle coach and i'm uh teacher of the month yes we are okay thank you so much for that vlog i know uh like really amazing demonstration i think our teachers now are so eager to uh to try uh all of these things okay even i in a box i'm into ed puzzle but not like your level okay i'm like number two or three somewhere right there uh i like sir alvin uh super meg mega ninja so what that means but anyway thank you sir um bogdan for that um are we ready to announce our um but um before we go to that uh survive that is that before we announce um then our winners for the end castle coach of the ed pastel um um educator of nomad it was the first would like to first show some appreciation um to uh of course our speaker um he'll be back later okay he will not say goodbye yet he would like to present already with a certificate of appreciation and recognition for your input for the day before we make our very very important announcement for today so travin uh would you mind to read our certificate of recognition or our speaker for today okay thank you for that sir franco so let me read the certificate for our speaker for today certificate of recognition this certificate of recognition is awarded to bogdan kopil for sharing his knowledge and expertise in the recently concluded webinar entitled maximizing ed puzzle in synchronous and asynchronous learning awarded on july 28 2021 and our training hour is one hour and signed or to be signed by your yours truly apostle ambassador and mr franco nicola so thank you very much thank you as well thank you so much i do want to quickly say this so i am part of the facebook group as well now so please feel free to drop a question or there and i'll be more than happy to jump in whenever i see something where i you i think i can help out so you're not you won't get rid of me now i am part of more than happy to help out it's a very very good problem for us and we will never try to get rid of you you're very much welcome to be part of our community and we're actually um honored to be uh to have you in our community uh back then uh to help us uh discover more about um about ed pass and i can feel the givi the enthusiasm earlier when you were demonstrating how much you love and puzzle and this is the kind of enthusiasm you want from our teachers okay anyway uh to encourage our teachers some more uh we have um had so we have a competition uh this month not july okay and we are now ready to announce our first ever ed puzzle filipinas educator of the month for july and of course ed puzzle pilipinas coach of the month you know for july as well so i'll give sir alvin the honor to announce okay our winners came for this competition sir alvin maybe we could begin with our end puzzle educator of the month go ahead and that's going to come out in about now yes so our ed puzzle educator of the month is miss joanne c australia from conception integrated school um yes video is very uh scientific yes so and of course we're going to share that no to our community uh so that you also get to to to see exactly how it looks like when you actually apply and use ed puzzle for your lessons and you'll actually be amazed how teacher joanne um applied the ed puzzle in her lesson in science lesson it is actually on chemical reaction and we actually enjoyed watching it it's like we were kids watching the video of sir teacher joe anki uh and really enjoyed it you know what that ed puzzle like really create that magical dynamics in a video like it's like uh if a video is something right here when you put end pass it like it goes like somewhere uh times 10 kind of dynamics in your in your video okay anyway for your teacher joanne you'll be receiving a an ed puzzle at a filipino swag bank that includes um a ed puzzle pilipina shirt ed puzzle um [Music] mask and as well your ed puzzle string bag okay so we'll be sending that to you uh by a courier so we'll just get your info later on okay so sarawin let's move on and announce our next our coach of the month okay avedo is halloween you might want to first let our audience know what does it make an ed puzzle coach of the month so for us for you teachers to become the ed puzzle coaches of the month or coach of the month uh one thing that we would like is for you to support your different teachers your community and using ed puzzle to train the different teachers so that's why we are looking for the impact of your use of ed puzzle and trainings to your communities and different schools so next we are also with expectations that we will be getting test testimonies from the different teachers or communities that you have helped these are game changers headphones also are like really changing the communities and for that alvin our uh ed pastor coach of the month our ed puzzle coach of the month is mr gabriel educato from gimballa on elementary school so sir franco hindi pusha strangers yes so he is also very active in our webinars not only here in ed puzzle filipinas but also in ka agape teacher support so see idol yes yes exposure to here just teacher joseph now pictures that's one of the things while we're while we're we're doing the coach of the month to encourage our ed puzzle coaches to go beyond using ed puzzle because as an ed puzzle coach your next responsibility is to actually encourage others to use and to also assist other teachers in using ed puzzle and let them discover the magic of ed pascal okay so i hope that we can always uh go uh out of our comfort zones and actually help other educators and that's what we want that's what um what encapsulates uh an ed puzzle coach of the month okay so we'll see you teachers in august for our next uh ed basil coach and of course and puzzle educator so we'll be launching the application form for august next week okay to start off our august competition okay serena anything else before we proceed for um right um would you like to uh uh make some input right there on how um our teachers can use or be more uh active in using ed puzzle sorry i had my microphone muted so i really like the way like the enthusiasm i feel in the group and i like seeing that you're actually promoting also the coaches and the teacher of the month so what i would say and i would strongly encourage everybody to to just collaborate and share good practices now ed puzzle is a tool that can be used individually but there's huge power in the community as well so remember that when somebody creates a video and a puzzle they can share it with the whole community and by doing that we actually all contribute to creating that video pool and uh just helping each other out so yeah my my first recommendation is to just try things out if you haven't used that puzzle yet just dip your toes in the water see how it works play a bit with yourself if you want you can connect with some other teachers around and swap ideas and bounce ideas and do make use of the community like i see a great community here and also the facebook group where there's materials that are being shared and updates and you share all of this awesome content so i think that would be a good starting point for for anybody so thank you for doing that as well uh just uh keeping the community alive and encouraging people thank you so much and again vlog then you're part of that community already so you will definitely receive like notifications from that community so uh bogdan will uh park you for now uh at the backstage for for to give way to our next part of our session for today which is on ed puzzle updates okay so we'll see you in a while bogdan for our panel discussion as we welcome our next speaker our next guest for today okay sir alvin uh presence no we have yet another one who's going to be with us okay um from an ed puzzle from our ed puzzle community let me just remove that frisky uh sir what's uh what's next uh what's our next um the next part of our session today yes sir franco so the next part of our session will be on the updates this is that one of the most awaited and one of the most talked about post napinos facebook group and teachers the speaker who will be sharing uh the updates to us is none other than the director of school partnerships of ed possible and all the way from europe once again so talagang level up among speakers nathan we are getting the og's of ed passo so sir franco let us now call on miss olga from ed puzzle incorporated hello welcome everybody uh a very very well welcome from barcelona we have a very beautiful sunny day uh today uh and it's a pleasure uh from my side to to connect with you because uh i'm also part of the group the facebook group that uh frank and sir alvin are so um incredibly engaging so um thank you for all the good work that you've been doing um for in organizing this this whole community and thank you for participating in today's session um i'm very very very excited to announce that in the coming weeks and months we are dropping some long-awaited new features um there are six new features that we are about to start incorporating between august and uh the beginning of the next year um the timeline will be different depending on on some of those features and uh let me jump straight to it so i would like to share with you a short video in the chat maybe uh you can watch it later at your own convenience hopefully sir franco you can share it also with our public today the first new feature uh that will be dropping in very very soon in august uh are audio responses for the students so right now you'll be able to hear back from your students in a way that's much more personal and more accessible it's specifically great for younger grades who haven't mastered spelling and typing just yet it's also very useful for practicing for example pronunciation while learning foreign languages so if you're teaching french or spanish you can embed questions that will require the students to correctly pronounce the word and then get graded based on how they did um another very very important feature would be screen recording from now on you will be able to fully record edit and embed questions in your videos all in one place so instead of using some external tools such as screencastify or whatever application you're using for recording your screen you can now record both your screen and yourself also delivering the presentation to add a more personal touch and then you can just straight from within a puzzle start um embedding questions and it'll be like a one-stop shop for recording screen and uh preparing video lessons the third important update uh new integrations uh especially the long-awaited microsoft teams and clever integrations uh also we are bringing our google classroom integration to another level through an add-on um that will be working as essentially for example the schools are working with canvas or other lmss i know that they can through the lms itself they can already create a lesson and assign it within the the lms itself so the add-on is supposed to drop uh in early 2022. um so yes i can see that sir franco is already excited for their own yes we've had a lot of teachers that were asking um about that and we are very happy that our product team did this amazing job of uh incorporating this this feature um another one ed puzzle originals um puzzle originals will be a library of over a thousand professionally made and standard aligned videos made with built-in practice so the difference here would be that instead of looking for a video and then finding the good way to embed questions or crop it or edit it this has been created having this like built-in practice in mind already so um the pace uh has been adjusted to how we want to interact with the students through the video it's been created by our curriculum team it covers concepts from sciences history and social studies math and english language arts so since this is all aligned with common core standards i'm sure that in many schools across the philippines you will find at least part of the content very very helpful another very exciting feature and i think that it really matches well the um the concept of today's session student projects you can put your students in the driver's seats but by letting them record and create their own video lessons so we are bringing the student projects to a whole new level uh very soon we will have more details on um how much more advanced the student projects can become now with with the new functionalities and i'm sure that this would be especially for for higher grades that would be a very good way to spark creativity and really make the the students feel much more recognized for the effort that they're putting in their learning and to top everything of that uh we are coming up with a new uh very seamless design uh for easier and faster creation of video lessons and for checking for understanding so you'll see in a few weeks that when you log into at puzzle i will obviously send out announcements uh before that so so we can be aware of everything that's that's changing um you will see that it's going to be even easier on the level of how the content is structured how the lessons are organized how easy it will be to just choose the right option from from the menus and i'm absolutely sure that everybody will love that so stay tuned and we'll be very happy to share more of this adventure with you thank you very much i'm really excited about the updates uh miss olga thank you very much i knew your word yes okay right there we're now uh completely into the stream thanks so much olga for walking us through these updates uh maybe can you uh organic clarify that the updates are going to be on a gradual uh rollout not on this correct yes yes yes they're not going to be incorporated all at once the first ones to drop will be the audio responses uh the screen recording um and some of the new integrations so the microsecond clever will come first and then um the google classroom add-on will drop probably in january 2022. okay um thank you so much for that at least our teachers would know when this would be coming out and they're they can anticipate and how they can integrate this entire into their classes okay so i'll win any reactions on uh how excited you are we are mr confident and i are like like talking and converting in the chat and we're both excited mr kaufman go ahead well i mean all i can say is now i feel bad for not being a full-time teacher to actually enjoy all of these features to the full extent because uh like few years back when i was still in the classroom full time these features would have been so so useful for me so i'm excited about what's coming of course i'll be using them in my trainings but with students they would have been a game changer for sure yes if you're like uh regretting that not teaching now i'm regretting not being a student right now because the not all our teachers will benefiting from these updates even our students given for example the uh the student projects that like levels up the student agency and voice of our students okay and therefore like uh sends no already really um um a deeper uh learning process for our students okay so yes go ahead one more envious actually in my team we are really planning to use the student project for next term and our students will be really experiencing all of the different features of ed puzzle so sir bogdan perhaps you would want to go back to teaching understanding know how to use headph another question which i think our teachers are also still uninterested um well i know you have your all of these athletes already and um all of these bumps you have dropped into us and we're excited but our teachers are always um curious about okay any um like uh is offline modality uh in the vision or in the direction of um of ed puzzle anytime soon because um connectivity and access has always been limited by um by internet access or dependency on internet access of course our product team has had that in a portfolio of things that they want to implement the platform for a while but we cannot tell you whether there's any visible timeline as to incorporating any of those features anytime soon but they're definitely aware of that especially since we have so many um so many clients so many schools using the tool in um in regions where the connectivity is is a large issue so so we definitely will be trying to to address this at some point that's more than enough for us no yeah just the thought of it okay and you putting it in your like uh into the direction we're we're okay with that okay and i know that el paso will always do its best uh for for uh for the educators now uh one last thing um organ um for the updates coming in um or um um in ed puzzle okay uh do our teachers need to do anything or um are the updates uh automatically push into yes yes yes once they are going to be made available um it's possible that they're going to be available in different parts of the world at different times gradually uh we have for example some schools in the u.s that are now in the beta testing uh these are just like a few schools that uh agreed to to have uh a possibility in in integrate with uh with the less advanced version of the new features but then once it's made available to everybody it will be just launched in the platform so there is no need to to upgrade anything um from from the side of the teachers one important thing though in terms of the screen recording it's uh it's very important that this the teachers have the puzzle addon installed in their chrome um browser because chrome is going to be the default browser to to support uh that version um and through the add puzzle add-on will be also coordinating the the screen recording app sir franco loves that okay our community would always know that i i'm team google so uh ending team google related to google and it makes me like uh uh gideon excited about this so thank you so much for that organa um so anyway um i don't see any questions right now or any concerns from our audience i think uh bogdan that discussed uh the topic comprehensively the updates were very clear okay so we're just going to update them so teachers don't forget don't worry uh every time a new update is uh pushed uh into the platform we'll um update you into our community in our community and tell you if it's ready for use and you can actually access them already okay now uh before we head on and uh with our evaluation and ender session and of course a bit goodbye to our um speaker uh miss olga let's first answer that sir alwyn show some appreciation okay our um speaker uh miss olga with this certificate of recognition before i forget no i always uh almost almost yes okay but we will not forget that okay uh that's a simple token of appreciation for spending your time with us uh here at ed puzzle filipinas thank you so much this is really lovely go ahead alvin so this certificate of recognition is awarded to olga rodney rich for sharing her knowledge and expertise in the recently concluded webinar also entitled maximizing ed puzzle in synchronous and asynchronous learning so once again it's awarded on the 28th of july and your signatories yours truly your ed basel ambassador and sir franco adon the our ed puzzle ambassador as well so thank you very much miss olga for sharing your expertise and sharing the upcoming updates that we really look forward to yes and in maybe we could ask a simple message first from olga and bogdan us to encourage our filipino ed puzzle users yeah no i mean i already started typing things in the chat so um i really had a great time in this session and the main reason for this is because i'm always inspired to see educators who want to improve their game and want to discover new tools that can help them and it's not about the educators that much but it's about the students and the impact and the benefit that will have on the students learning so i'm really happy to see as i said educators that want to learn more that collaborate with others so once again congratulations for for you for putting the community together and for every member of the community for sharing resources and collaborating and inspiring each other so as i said you're you're stuck with me now i am part of the facebook group so i'll be more than happy to to jump in when uh when you need help or i can share some resources as well thank you so much for that bug then uh go ahead olga thank you very much thank you for participating really um i think it was already set today but i really wish i was a student right now would have been a completely different experience and this is exactly what all of you teachers are are doing um i still have those memories of a few teachers that made a huge impact on my life and i remember them until the end of my days and i'm sure that you will be this kind of person in many many of your students lives and they will remember you for for a long time and this is exactly thanks to all the effort that you put into getting better into looking for better more engaging ways to to connect with your students and thank you very much for that and we will do from ed puzzle uh we will do everything possible to to help you in in that adventure thank you so much olga for that message okay very inspiring teachers know uh even if they're so busy they're here to help us and uh to to assist us in getting uh a knowing no ed puzzle more and maximizing ed pasta so here's a virtual applause piece uh for our um speakers for today before we uh beat goodbye we will not yet goodbye uh uh say goodbye to them forever because they're very much part of our community already uh again they're always be there in our ed puzzle group case again temporarily so that you could rest ready um bogdan stay safe there uh we know the store uh there's a store we can hear it from uh earlier we're actually scared earlier because of the sound but please do take care olga um enjoy the like uh the the sun the the sunny day there and thank you very much thank you thank you uh okay i miss it i think i i thought i sent it already evaluation sorry teachers i apologize for that i'll be sending your uh ed puzzle webinar 3 certificates right after this session um for the meantime um you may now evaluate our session okay uh via this um link please do check teachers if you can um access the link now uh and if not please do let me know okay so that i can um remedy it or um fix that okay so let's just let me know teachers let us know if that actually works sir i'll win how is it how how's that i'm sober so brandon won't be able to understand what i'm saying you know but uh he's actually the session of bottom was like uh like uh an eye-opener in terms of like how do you actually use key um ed puzzle in a in a real uh um um situation or in a in a digital classroom especially like the the rotation stations uh we used to call that a different name in a physical setup in a face-to-face setup we call that if i'm not mistaken the jigsaw uh activity um before okay but it's now more properly called as the rotation station uh activity but uh it reminds me know how to that you can actually use that no in a in a digital uh classroom if we have forgotten that okay anyways with any reaction insights okay how was it um all the super mega ninja according to bogdan you are a super mega ninja at puzzle users we still want to know your insights about it is testing personally screen uh screen recording featuring it is a very big thing this might be like for some a small update like uh screen recording locally or natively in advance but it's a big thing in terms when you're looking at uh computers or devices uh not going out of the the ed puzzle website actually allows you to work much better the workflow is better um and because you don't need like to get out of the application or to be redirected out of the application that like improves the the dynamics of the the application so much okay but again i'm really more interested on the student project because that brings like really a very important aspect of learning which is a student agency and student voice so really looking forward to that one okay so teachers uh sir alwyn um our link is working and they're able to evaluate so uh that actually uh would conclude our session teachers no um just uh for everyone's information for next week we'll be now be uh starting the application for the august competition so for those who would want to become an ed puzzle educator and ed fossil coach no repetitions case teacher joanne and teacher joseph you can no longer apply for for august competition let's give others a chance and of course i will also be um um continuously update you in our um facebook group so if you're not yet a part of our facebook group teachers please uh do join us at um ed puzzle pilipinas let me just splash that if i can do i have a banner for that i don't have a banner for that um ed puzzle filipinas just search for it you'll definitely find us uh find that group no um in facebook okay so teachers again for joining us today um any final message okay to our audience before we close our session uh teachers if you just check our private message right now okay can we just say that together ready set go okay features um we'll see you on our next uh webinar um session on this series and have a great great day [Music] foreign
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 9,699
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Edpuzzle, Asynchronous, Synchronous, Edpuzzle Updates
Id: rqwV6awosog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 21sec (5421 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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