Edpuzzle Class: Creating Class and Activities and Understanding the Edpuzzle Analytics

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[Music] [Music] [Music] and welcome to our stream for today on the second installment of our ed puzzle series yes i think finnish empire this because the swags are meant for the competitions now okay uh so we'll be uh notifying you there's teachers no uh soon again uh uh where the details of the swag banks are and ed puzzle pilipinas swag bags okay so again sir alvin we're gonna hop on and shiguro before taiyo mugs start now let's uh greet some of our teachers who are already here um you know um like an hour ago support page from our youtube channel as well as from our ed puzzle pilipinas and welcome to our stream for today let me first let's um start from the top sir alvin ah i although i don't know if she's still here good afternoon to uh rose malin uh ellen roselle [Applause] do you want to greet the next one or do you want me to uh continue first uh sir orlando junior uh high school yes and of course no um at one hour ago 4 59 p.m um so julius from julius cesar ontoland from wanga city from now good afternoon good evening foreign [Applause] for being with us here tonight today you know uh tonight actually um we know teachers before we were scheduled every friday no but we move it to uh wednesdays okay so um uh just to um you know we're gonna spread out our events at gaga financial support because we have a thursday event and a saturday event which you um ed puzzle series okay so um we we move it to wednesday so all our ed puzzle webinars will now be moved to all wednesdays um alternating no uh every other wednesday of the month i think uh teacher support calendar as well as into our ed puzzle [Applause] um that it will be on ed puzzle class creating a class and activities for learners and puzzle analytics so give us like an overview plus um special topic and special guest for today we did not like put it in our poster because it's something we'd like to surprise everyone and uh this is massive no we have a like uh like this is a massive addition to this event sir alvin so go ahead alvin yes sir franco all the way from london english english english at um and they will also receive swag bugs cash prizes etc okay so um we already have so far okay at least in our group now sir alvin namertang registered already around 120 ed puzzle coaches already um in our community okay of course that's not all no math but i hope that you can all join our growing community and uh not to put pressure on uh on cellular okay and also our speaker for today but uh i i heard sir alvin okay uh i don't know if it's i don't i don't think it's an nba uh thing okay so i think it's okay to uh to divulge this but i think um as mentioned last time i i think we're going to have a coach's summit okay so uh for all the coaches okay so be a coach now so that you'll definitely not not want to miss that event okay so now we announced it already but we don't know the details yet no um the international the ed puzzle inc uh is the one like putting that up okay for all ed puzzle coaches in the world okay so you'll be part of this world event uh teachers and special guests that import today um for for this session maybe we can start reading uh with um uh our session okay of course teachers i will begin with uh sir alvin's discussion on ed puzzle class creating a class and activities for learners okay don't forget okay uh that we're going to have an evaluation towards the end of this session okay and that will be the basis of your certificates alright so do not miss that evaluation link towards the end and then after that we'll proceed with the session of our special guest we can't really um reveal it right now yet okay and then after that we'll be entering into a q a or a panel discussion format okay we're in we're going to answer all of your questions possible questions about our topic for today in case teachers okay um can you please uh um indulge us by um typing we're ready okay um ed puzzle okay um in our chat box today um just to let us know know and say that we are all ready okay so uh ready hashtag head puzzle okay so we can um see that now in our chat box now uh to let us know that you're all ready to um yes okay yes we do have no yeah and first of all personal type note miss teacher giselle manzo okay so please keep it coming so that way we know that we are ready sir i'll win i think we're ready uh for you okay as always our expert in the philippines in terms of el paso because salvin take it away and uh good luck on the session teachers enjoy um on our session for today if you have questions we'll be at the chat um also our guest speaker is also in the chat okay so she's definitely going to also um interact with you while waiting for her session okay so again sarawin good luck and enjoy the session thank you sir franco napolitan puzzle webinar 2 and puzzle class creating a class and activities for learners and puzzle analytics while we're waiting no while we're waiting for sir alvin to uh to have that presentation in into our stream teachers know uh the teachers um that next week will be now uh giving you the details for the competition we have two levels for the competitions for ed puzzle filipinas we have the first one is for all ed puzzle users okay so again um that's uh for anyone using ed puzzle and of course no for our um ed puzzle coach escape we will also be having ed puzzle coach of the month okay and okay aside from the swag bag aside from the cash prize no we'll tell you that later on after the session of sir alvin because um he's ready okay yeah and go ahead okay thank you sir creating a class and activities for learners and ed puzzle analytics um so for example seven eight and classical that was grade level seven subject math class classes or types of classes and classic bring in students log in or sign up and you'll get the most analytics ed puzzle has to offer at nandito um open class usually school teachers or elementary teachers all parasama my classes add new class 7b 80 over multiple choice question which of this could be the units for area 29 out of 39 foreign teachers no this is not these are not instruments for policing your students okay like you're going to scare your students or submit your requirements or else i'm going to see who's not going to submit a new submitting that's which is that that's not going to be the way you're going to use it uh these are formative instruments now um this analytics were built by uh by um by ed puzzle not to give you the power to police your students although we can we can use it somehow that way though that's not should be your priorities teachers now when we use this analytics it's all about to support student learning okay because these analytics are perfect instruments for supporting student learning by providing timely feedback okay because sometimes the buzzer i'll win after example you give them a like a video without using ed puzzle you only get to understand if they see the video or they use the video in a summative assessment you don't actually see or get to have a feedback no um uh right now where when you have assigned a video to them but this time with ed puzzles analytics now and um very dynamic analytics it allows you to give feedback instantaneously to your teacher at your students therefore supporting student learning throughout okay not at the end sometimes we get to only support uh the students at the end when they failed when they uh they haven't submitted anything etc okay peace answer always i really appreciate kanina uh and you have shared that the that you can actually monitor if how much they have progressed into the video okay that gives you that you know uh gives you are a sense of remind and ability to remind them okay because we also have to understand know that some students okay sometimes it's not because they don't want sometimes for example okay sometimes they would have something else at home like example so again teachers now when we approach the analytics we approach it as an instrument to support student learning not to police your students already although sometimes we can use it now but let's just not uh tell it to them okay anyways um i have just like a question before we entertain some questions from the audience okay um this this analytics no um are all present in all the videos you're going to create or are only are this analytics only present in the classes that you create you have your class you can you can have access to all of this analytics lms definitely our teachers are interested about the analytics uh if the analytics could be downloaded because we know that our teachers now prepare reports documents etc we all know that now when we're preparing like portfolio at the end of the year uh which some of our teachers are now preparing their uh learning portfolios or teaching portfolios sometimes they need this kind of evidences can they download this uh analytics from ed puzzle or are these online resources through the lms ready for nothing you download yes okay that's nice that's nice to know because that's definitely something our teachers will be able to use not to uh to document their another um highlighter this is from mr the analytics will give teachers a guide what to do next whether to have to teach or groupings into fast and slow groupings and focus on slow learners it's an excellent feedback to support students perfectly captured uh teacher madulita white now that's uh exactly how we should use um the analytics now and so analytics but say can we answer this question very quickly although uh we have answered this uh uh quite a couple of times already [Applause] gave uh no no uh gave us the access to okay although against uh teachers know um that's going to end this july 2021 so let's just make use of what we have right now and we'll see what uh maybe um our guest speaker for today could help us uh leverage uh an extension she's a little bit pressure you know in the back stages keep on smiling because of all of these comments we're not putting her on the partner but uh she's a very important person when we're talking about ed puzzle community and she definitely will be able to help us with that i'm sorry anyway um okay um since there are no more questions or concerns from our um audience why not let's um introduce no um would you like to do the uh the honor of uh presenting uh and introducing to us our speaker okay our um invited speaker for today hey my name is sir franco so our speaker for today is uh no other than the ed apostle community head for india pacific and teachers let's all welcome teachers let's give her a virtual round of us so we have miss nicola hello how are you doing guys can you hear me yes we can hear you good afternoon good morning from england good morning from from england and uh we're glad to have you here okay um we apologize for all the advanced remarks that we gave earlier okay but um let's just just as a warm up a warming uh like message not to welcome you to the philippines so i guess it's the first time you are like delivering am i correct or have you been giving this is the first time okay so i'm glad to have you i am delivering to you guys yes yes so correct and thank you so much for giving us time no nikki we know you're so busy uh handling the atac community um and we're glad that you give us some time of your very busy schedule you know also you're in uh in london right now and uh doing some other business but uh maybe nikki before we start with your session would you like to care to give us like an overview uh of what's uh what the obsession will be about and um how our teachers will benefit from this uh sharing yeah so um i'm really excited to be here and it's so wonderful because the philippines is leading the way in with ed puzzle coat building an ed puzzle coach community and at ed puzzle we are so proud of you guys not just you two uh your awesome ambassadors but also your incredible community that we follow online and we see what you do on facebook and you guys are doing such a great job so thank you to everybody today what i would like to achieve by the end of this session is to get everyone really feeling comfortable having some fun but also completing as much as the ed puzzle level one as we can so that we are on our way to um to getting towards that coaching status if you haven't got that already and so level one will really really boost your confidence i know that um alwyn has already um done a great introduction and so much of that is in the level one um so what we'll do is we'll breeze through it quickly as a team and we'll get loads of you uh certified and if you don't have time to complete and you want to take it a little bit slower in your own time you can do that as well so that's it that's what we're doing today thank you vicky and we're excited for that so i'll leave you now with uh sir alwyn and i'll go to the backstage to monitor the chat to teachers enjoy and good luck on this the second part of our session for today okay alwyn what's next are we going to share my screen am i going to do this bit first straight away yes please okay so i have my screen um i want to give the audience an understanding i am in england and the wi-fi in england is like going back to 1985. okay so if at any point my i sound like a robot or i disappear i'll win is here in charge and he will take control of the situation for you and i will be back as soon as possible and secondly the other thing that i want you to know is that um i've just moved to the uk from bangkok and i don't have a second screen so i'm actually just going to be presenting from my laptop today which means i can't see any of you um so alwyn and i are going to work as a team and we are going to um he's going to communicate anything you need to share to me uh verbally to me and be reading all your comments and keeping me up to date okay all right so i'm going to move over to just let me get my presentation ready please and presenting all right can you see me am i ready yes there we go yes we're ready for it okay and i'm on on screen yes yes you are go okay great so this is me um if you're on twitter i am at beat tweet and as we have already said i am ed puzzle's apac head of school success and our community leader in apac the apac region i have three children who you can see here all of them teenagers so my life is very busy and hectic and um yeah so and i'm a photographer so let me go through so today as i said we're gonna level up we're gonna have some fun and we're to get your confidence really building up build up so that you can take this away and go home and work in your classrooms and feel really empowered to move forward with that puzzle um one of the things that we've got going on that's slightly different today is that i'm going to be taking you through ed puzzle's level one certification so you will need in order to follow through and to achieve that certificate today you're going to need a couple of devices and now you can watch and you can do the certification on edpuzzle and you can do it in any way so you may choose to have a laptop or an iphone or a laptop and an ipad or an ipad an iphone whatever you want and then one of them will have the youtube and the other one you can just do your certification on okay um so i want you to go to this link i have put a qr code there for you so that you can scan this and we're going to go straight to the ed puzzle level one i'm going to give you a couple of seconds can you put into the chat when you have done this and that we've got a few people who are ready and then make sure check the chat for me so just put in i'm ready or uh let's get going or anything you want to put in there just to give us the heads up that you're ready and i want us to go to this ed puzzle dot com backslash level one so we're still waiting for teachers to do the comments so teachers if you are already ready please type in the comment box comment section of our live feed ready oh when am i talking too fast or am i okay it's it's all good it's ready we have here uh we have teachers already typing in ready and okay let's be selling everything say that again it's celia oh celia is ready celia is one of our amazing school success um managers at el puzzle and a very good friend of mine and um she is here today so feel free ed puzzle um community chat um send a comment and some love to celia please um okay so ed puzzle has a huge wealth of professional development and you can see here i'm on the if you just google edpuzzle pd you're going to find that we have so many different um pd opportunities for you and what i love about these opportunities is that they're not all just about learning about the ed puzzle tool they're about so many different bigger conversations that we're having in education at the moment looking at 21st century learning diversity inclusion um one of my favorite ones is the ed puzzle flipped or self-paced classroom and both of all of these ones are hosted within ed puzzle so not only are you learning about pedagogy and about education and about the best newest most awesome methods of teaching and engaging your students but you're also using the ed puzzle tool at the same time so there's so many different tips and tricks that come with that um i'm going to start us off today with edpuzzle level one and if i click on that it's going to get us started okay so what you need to do is you need to log in with your first name i'm just going to start again and you'll see that i have done this before so and then select my role and i'm going to click submit right so here we have our code as alwyn said earlier when you create a class you have a code that you share to your students you are now going to be logging in as a student within edpuzzle and you're going to be learning in the same way that your students learn with you so this is the code that we need okay and i'm actually going to show you that again in a minute so we're going to go to edpuzzle.com and we're going to be logging in as a student when we log in as a teacher that's where we can create the videos that's where we can add our questions in and then share our videos for our classes but today we're going to be learning as a student in order to understand how to use edpuzzle up to level one certification so we're going to click on i am a student i like to sign in with on my google because it connects straight away and it's going to add me in and you're going to see this is where we are able to start our certification so right at the top here and i'm going to show you here we go we've got my classes on the left hand side and you're going to click the little plus keep chatting with us on the chat if you feel that i'm going too fast for you it's very difficult for me to read this this room of learning so i need you to let me know whether you think i'm going too fast or i'm going too slow or you want me to repeat something again if there's anything that you're not clear about let me know on the chat i'll be watching it because i really want to keep us all moving together and i do not want to leave anyone behind okay so we've got this little plus and i want you to click on the little plus and then that class code that we had before h i v i e w u alwyn can you chat can you add that to the um comments for me please h-i-v-i-e-w-u so actually nikki a lot of our teachers are also informing us that they finished several uh pd's already oh really talking about gamification so we're talking about uh yes and they are really loving some pd so but still it will be very helpful for us to start with level one okay so oh and you still want me to do level one with everyone now is that correct yes okay let's get them let's get going all right so if you've done the level one already that's great excellent keep engaging in the conversation online and as you know from your students if you've got people in the classroom who are already thriving and moving forward and a little bit of a faster pace than the other students what we want is them to bring their ideas and bring their understanding to the conversation so add your knowledge now to the um chat to really share your understanding of this level one okay and also maybe some of the things that you've learned since in level two okay so we also have some teachers who will be doing it with you they are also posting that in the chat box great i think that's great idea actually if we can give us anyone who's still following along with me let me feel the love from you please so that i know that i have an audience who are joining me with this today and i want you to put your name in and type into the comments that you are doing this with me and keep talking to me as we're going through so i'm going to start now by creating an account so as you're doing it as you mostly know in a puzzle you have your videos you're a student now and we're going to press play can you hear that at puzzle creating an account is quick easy and free to get started head to edpazzle.com and click on the signed up button then select the i'm a teacher option now you have two choices the first is to sign in with google perfect your school uses google classroom all you have to do is click on the sign in with google button and select your google account the second option is to sign up with edpuzzle and create a username and password click on the button to get started then enter your name email address and choose a password if you have a referral code from a fellow teacher now it's the time to enter it to get your extra storage space check the boxes based on your preferences click on create new account okay is a referral code optional required or not available and as it said in the video it is an optional portion of this so if you have a referral code from another feature or from that puzzle itself you put it in if you don't don't worry and you're in now it's time to choose your school type in your school name find it in the drop down menu choose the subject that you teach and click on join school if you are the first teacher from your school to sign up for ed puzzle or you are a private trooper a homeschooler structure a corporate trainer or currently an employee just selecting add new school option and employer information okay if your school does not appear and this often is really people if they haven't found their school then they find it difficult to know what to do at this stage so go right to the bottom and what you're going to do when a random school give up we're going to click add a new school that third option information now all you have to do is verify your email address by going to your inbox and clicking on the link in the verification email from edpazzle great now your app account is all set up don't miss the other videos on our youtube channel to learn how to make any video your lesson with ed puzzle okay okay and here we have uh miss manzo manzo also working with you we have uh sir jeffrey beltran also started taking level one with you so far those are the ones who are in for us but there's someone looking for harry potter where's harry harry potter goodness me i love a little bit of harry potter okay right so one of the things that's slightly different to what i'm doing on school today and what you have in front of you is that i have already completed my um my graded ass i've already had my assignments graded as you can see i completed them a while ago um so i'm going to just keep clicking through what i have here so i'm going to go to setting up my classes now when you get to the end of your video you will find that there is a link that will take you to the next video okay and that's what i want you to do today keep going through so i'm gonna click on the second one setting up the class and we're gonna press play now that you've set up your episode account it's time to create some classes starting out is easy just visit edpuzzle.com login to your teacher account and click on my classes in the top menu bar if okay how do you get to this screen from the home page this is the edpuzzle home page on the left side of the screen click classes click my classes in the top right of the screen or click my content on the left hand side of the screen okay so remember we went to here my classes so we're gonna click the third option if this is your very first class you'll see the add new class and google classroom buttons in the middle of your screen use the google classroom option to directly import one of your classes from google otherwise click on add new class which will open up a new screen enter a name for your class and add a description if you like select classic for your class type we'll tell you all about open classes in another one of our youtube video tutorials if you want to learn more about open classes here's the video what i tended to do when i was going through my um ed puzzle training was that i would click on these links and i would open them for later so i could come back and have a look but alternatively once you've done this certification everything in open classroom is actually on um ed puzzle level 2 training anyway so you can leave that there these videos that we're watching will be as you can see they're open for me to see and that's not because i work for ed puzzle once you've completed the training you can go back and have access to these in your classes at any time so you can go back and re-watch something if you're slightly confused click on the create class button and you're done your new class is now ready to go on the other hand if you've already created other classes you'll find the add new class button in the left menu bar below your existing class or classes click on it and you'll see a small drop down menu with create a new class and google classroom follow the same steps as before to set up your new class if you use another lms like canvas schoology moodle etc you can create your classes directly in your lms check out the rest of our videos to learn how to invite your students where to find your class code and more okay anything on the comments for me there's someone asking we have um from mom josephine giannis she's asking is it possible to log in individually and to use ed puzzle personally yes in what way um what way will she be using it personally as in just for herself and not i not have classes in there is that right perhaps um uh it's not written here but maybe she's um maybe we can explain something more for in uh tutorial yeah for those who do not belong yeah too if you don't belong to a school so if you are a tutor or you work as a coach or you work as um in education but not belonging to a school community when you log in go to the bottom of edpuzzle and it says what school are you from now you can type in there your company or your um or anything that you use in order that's part of your own personal educational community and that will create you your own kind of school so that when you go in and log into edpuzzle you can then use it for whatever way you would like now i'm a teacher but i also coach and mentor and support people in education other than just ed puzzle and so what i have used edpuzzle for myself is i've created classes for pd and i've collated different videos that are really good for pde and learning about technology and shared those codes as an open class so that people can have access to those videos and have questions embedded them so that they can really understand how to leverage um technology in education do you think that helps alvin yes i believe so and we also have a response from miss celia where she said you can create your own school yeah in basel when starting an ed parcel yeah so that's what i if you are a coach or if you are a um a trainer or um home school for children or anything like that you can then go to the bottom and just create you know have a name for your school and create your school and then you will have the same access to ed puzzle as any other school okay i'm going to move on to the third video now okay say that again i said let's go let's go oh good sorry i was a bit i was a step ahead of you and then i didn't hear you okay so i'm going to start inviting you just created your class all that's left to do is invite your students let's learn how like always just login into your teacher account on edpuzzle once you're in click on my classes in the top menu bar choose the class from the left side menu that you'd like to invite students to click on the students tab where you'll see your class code as well as an invite student's button go ahead and click on it okay where do you find the button to invite students on the left hand side of the screen you see it as soon as you click my classes or in the students tab of your class and you can see it's the third option in the students tab of your class in the pop-up window you'll see your class code a link you can share with your students and an option to invite them via email on your student side if it's the first time they're logging in the first thing they'll be asked to do is enter a class code if they already have an account all they need to do is log in to edpazzle and scroll down to find the join class button at the bottom of the left side menu you'll be asked to enter your class code find a class and join the class and that's it once they've joined your class they'll be able to see the assignments that are due the ones that are coming up and what they've already completed you will learn more about how edpuzzle looks from a student's perspective in module three of this certification stay tuned to our youtube channel to learn how to write assignments send your students your assignment links and more okay and we'll go back and we have one more that needs to be completed for this any more questions from the um her question is if i'm taking online private uh tutors then also this works and students can log in as well yeah absolutely if you're doing private online tutoring this is a wonderful tool for you to support your learning at home uh with students whether you're online or even face to face uh you will then as i said and i could just show that now would that help if to just go back and show from the ed puzzle perspective if i was i'm just going to log myself out quickly so imagine you're a tutor and you want to sign up you are going to create yourself actually i might just do it from the ignore incognito window which will give me a okay so you will sign go to sign up and you're gonna say you're a teacher oh it's because i and you're gonna go in and then what you want to do in the next section after this which isn't very helpful to see but you are going to go right to the bottom of the screen and it will tell you exactly uh that you can type in your name for your um for your school so it might be that you have your own name as your school or you might have given you found yourself some quirky little name for yours for your tutoring business and that's where you went at it and then all your students you just create different um classes for all the different children that you teach okay alwyn okay um most of the questions here that follows are more on questions about lms and okay though we know the answers to this already but nikki we know that one uh this is one part of our episode so for the questions of sir d kahurau we will be tackling those in the future so we will be answering those questions about lms next episode but perhaps we can answer one question yep uh from sir d he said ed puzzle basically works like google classroom what other features does this tool have that google classroom is missing so google classroom and edpuzzle are slightly different so google classroom has the ability for students to for teachers to assign um assign everything to a student so assign all their learning to a student plus have that ability to connect students with chat and for commenting whereas what we have here within edpuzzle is we have the ability to take anything from youtube and link it in so you've got your video in there and the most important thing really is that the analytics you're looking at really embedding strong strong questions into um edpuzzle in order to really get an understanding of your students is an understanding of your students knowledge and where they need to go and what what they understand right at that point i think also with um google classroom um it's really is kind of like almost like mapping out a way a journey so you're building the pieces of their learning to get in google classroom you're assigning things whereas the um ed puzzle tool is more about that knowledge piece i'm really developing the strong understanding of that one concept or a range of concepts and putting those together and scaffolding those together does that help i think also one of the things that i i really love one of the features or a couple of the features that we that i think are really important so yes you can assign a video in google classroom and that's great and the kids can click on it but do we know that they've clicked on that video do we know that they've answered those questions we can always give them a google form yeah let's put a google form with a video and then yep they could answer that but do we have all of them answering it what i love about edpuzzle is that when the students are looking at the video they cannot skip any of the questions when they are using edpuzzle they cannot side swipe from one screen to another watch your path the video half-heartedly but then also be doing something and multitasking at the same time what i also love about edpuzzle is that those questions that we have we have so many different you can put audio into the questions you can support those students who don't speak english or another language well so it's really great for language students it's really great for um for those students who need a deeper understanding with language and then also you have that ability to layer with links so you might want to put in um more information you might want to put more websites in to support them in their understanding and so you've got that ability to put layer information in different ways which i love um adding to that what i really want with uh ed puzzle is that it could it could be integrated with google classroom right so there is an easy access to the different things and what i would want i don't want to preempt our next webinar about lms integration so features if uh you see here you have a lot of questions about integration with the lms so we are parking them for today but definitely in our next episodes we will be answering your questions about the lms so one of the things uh there's uh let's just answer one more question for about from josephine she said if she's asking if i downloaded though are we also going to require our students to download it as well no so there are many ways you can access the ed puzzle classes um online if your students have i'm most students will have either a phone or a laptop or an ipad the students will access these through um a link they will sign up for their own student account and then they can watch that watch those videos on online in safari in google chrome on an ipad on a laptop or on a small device so there are many different ways they can yes they can have um an app that you can download so there's an app on um ios or on android which you would download and you can then put in a class code and then you can go and watch the video but that's not absolutely necessary there are you can just watch any of the videos with the links the teacher shares on any device so similarly aside from this you if you since uh according to mom josephine they have their own lms so mom stay tuned we will be answering those other questions on how to share and work integrate ed puzzle with our different learning management systems we don't have the luxury of time to discuss everything but one of the things oh and one of the things i would say alwyn is that i'm going to show you now um if you are really keen on understanding how to use add puzzle um with your classes i just want to try and type in add puzzle pd um because in the ed puzzle pd we have got a great here we go ed puzzle pd so those questions where you were looking at google classroom i'm just looking here we go ed puzzle and google classroom level one so if you're a google classroom user and you really want to understand how you what the difference is between the two tools are and how you can merge them together and app smash them so that you're going to create great ed puzzle videos and share those easily within google classroom this is your next step okay just here and that's really going to help you okay alwyn yes so far uh we don't have any questions anymore but more on appreciation of the things that we are showing our teachers so actually i really love the professional development certifications of ed puzzle that's the very reason why i am here right now with you and conversing with you nikki and with sir franco among others because this really uh the pds are really very helpful and i really learned a lot not only about technology but on how to use a different technologies and my lessons in my classes i agree i loved that the um the pd i actually think that my favorite one was probably flip learning i love the level two um and when you get to the ed puzzle coach they have such wonderful tips on how to use um science apps online and how to get students to do wonderful math or science predictions that can help their understanding and demonstrate um learning um and i thought that those were really really interesting like interesting and i hadn't thought of that before so i i really recommend these these um these um certifications i find them so interesting yes indeed thank you so much nikki for that uh wonderful session on the pd's now and i think uh above all teachers know these pds are our evidences know of evidence of the support by ed puzzle so they're not just like selling you like platform or giving you this wonderful uh platform but also try to support you all the way because that's the commitment that ed puzzle inc is uh is uh giving us the fact that uh we have nikki as a community lead to apac now that that says a lot about how ed puzzle wants to support the community and all the things that uh esteli alvarez and the entire uh ed passive inc is doing okay um and it did not uh i agree with that that's uh i i learned a lot even if you know ed puzzle already when you go into the pds you will still learn a lot of things um on how to do uh how to use ed potter for different subjects etc okay so that's a that's a wonderful aspect of that okay uh anyway teachers we can now entertain some questions okay before we give the our miss universe questions to nikki we thought they were going to answer some miss universe questions can you stop sharing my screen oh here we go i'm going to stop sharing it yeah i didn't okay yes you can now go back to the stream yes so uh teachers do you have questions for uh nikki or sir alwyn anything that you'd like to this one is from teacher elaine okay and she asked can we yes you can watch this again okay i think i thought it was about uh and puzzle yes you just know you cannot re-watch this video uh forever as long as my channel is online it will be available for you to review okay um okay um nikki um maybe my question is that um since we have set now we have a lot of things um in the pds already and there is a massive uh like online course for teachers but uh are there like any inside info about uh are there new pd's coming in or are there new um like opportunities for teachers to expand further or are looking at some ideas like that yeah well one of the things that we're really looking for that we've got coming out is um all of these certifications are coming out in spanish so we have so we have um some awesome educators in spain who have been putting together a lot of content within uh in spanish um so hold on my my mother's just come in um so we've got um she came in the door it's like go away um yes so we've got a lot of content coming out in spanish we've got we're doing a lot of um in order to support the spanish community um ed puzzle is being really bumped up for um to support that community and that's our next step we're always looking for ideas and i loved what you said about um about ed puzzle and about how uh about how we're really invested in our educators and that is right all of us that best puzzle are all educators we all love education and i'm very passionate but we're also really passionate about edpuzzle and about building up this community of learning um we really really believe in how a strong community can support um support learning in uh any anything and i think that one of the most important things that you are showing us is capture or a strong community you're building and we really want to be part of your journey yeah and thank you nikki for that and again no sir alvin we'd have to remind our community that like what nikki said okay we will also have our own localization of videos okay so we will be producing uh videos in filipino um to us to guide you on how to use [Applause] ed puzzle okay so that's coming in around september or october okay so and also uh please do wait because we're going to tap some ed puzzle coaches to actually produce the video okay so and you'll be again compensated and paid for that so that's again win-win situation you get to contribute in the localization process plus you also get some compensation in localizing videos for the filipino educators and again thank you so much nikki no and to the entire ed puzzle community uh for everything that we do for our uh community you know especially us no uh beginning uh or starting our own community okay so uh since we have another question okay maybe this is the last we have last two questions no okay uh this one is from teacher louis santa juana does it mean when you failed the first video quiz you cannot continue watching the other videos this is the pd because there's some quizzes along the way um okay so actually when you fail the videos that doesn't mean you don't get the certification i mean um when you go through and you have got the questions wrong you can review those questions again go back to the beginning watch the video what i love about these videos is that they're very short which is really important when we're producing good content on a puzzle we don't want an hour long a video with students to watch you and i we can't learn very easily watching an hour long video we want short and snappy videos with really meaningful content so these certifications are short you go back to the beginning you can watch them again and review the questions that you got wrong and when you get to the end we can then move on to the next module i have to let you know i told alwyn this last week i got some questions wrong when i was doing my certification um i think what they have to realize no um uh nikki and sir always that that the pd session the pd course is a learning process in itself you will learn from it okay so this don't dis embarrass or shout about i get a mistake or a failed one quiz again you'll learn from it anyway and that's the most important thing just like how we do not condemn our students when they fail their quizzes we also do not condemn ourselves when we do that okay thank you nikki uh maybe we have our last question that this is something that you already answered earlier but maybe uh start to play creator reiterate uh nikki your answer to this question so i like this from sir almaya sanchez i like ed puzzle more than google class ouch [Applause] [Applause] [Music] differs from lms with elements like moodle well i think an lms is is completely different to edpuzzle and lms is about communicating learning it's about sharing and scaffolding learning taking pieces of learning on a journey and being able to share that with a community like a class so that they know what they've got to do and when they've got to do it edpuzzle is really about data it's about asking questions it's about assessment and it's about collecting those information so that you can understand what your next learning step is for those students yes correct now [Music] um may i just ask that let's not compare an lms with ed puzzle actually the different learning management systems are partners yeah they go hand in hand yes that's why we are saying we will be discussing more on the integration just like what nikki was saying we will be integrating uh ed puzzle with the different learning management systems soon teachers so that's something that you have to look for so it's not on the difference but rather it is on how to unify this different learning management system with ed puzzle yeah dude no um that's uh i think thanks for alwyn and i think nikki for clarifying that okay there's no need to leave your lms okay there's no need for example if you're using google classroom moodle schoology canva canvas no um that's what's actually good about edpuzzle it actually fits in into what you're using right now so there's no need to like uh uh leave your google classroom okay we will find a way how you can use your ad puzzle into your google classroom to make your lms much more powerful okay so um but definitely ed puzzle will change your lms or how you uh conduct your your teaching and your elements go ahead nikki i think that if you think about an lms is more it's like facebook for learning and lms is like facebook for learning whereas ed puzzle is just videos it's the youtube part of it so it's one small part that you can add in to a bigger picture of learning i agree with that nikki no but again that small part no changes everything okay yes um hands uh hands and hands down to end puzzles so again thank you so much no teachers for uh joining uh or for your questions okay but before of course before we uh end our session for today our wonderful session say uh alvin would you like to do the honor to present our certificate of recognition as a form of appreciation to our guest speaker for today sure sir franco thank you and let me read it for you nikki so certificate of recognition so this certificate of recognition is awarded to nicola foote for sharing knowledge and expertise in the recently concluded webinar entitled entitled ed puzzle class creating a class and activities for learners and at puzzle analytics awarded on june 23 2021 and the duration is an hour and your signatories your ed puzzle filipinas ambassadors yours truly and mr franco adon thank you very much i can't hear you we use the philippine patterns for our certificate so it has that like uh philippine by gay all over it okay i hope that you appreciate that um and again uh thank you um uh nikki for um for uh for joining us today and we'll be seeing you again am i correct sir i'll win because right now uh nikki if you see the chat right now there are already requests we hope to see you again okay uh they're so always they are so um struck by you okay as we were struck by you as well okay so thank you so much nikki and uh any maybe we can read a request like a message for filipino educators yes you want say that again you want message yes yes yes um well like i said already you guys are doing such a wonderful job and what i love about the filipina educators is that you are leading the way and i'm not sure you really understand how far ahead you are you guys are the first region in asia to really be pushing out the as as far as ed puzzler you have got the ambassador program you have we've got more coaches in um in the philippines than we have in any other country in asia so you guys are incredible and what i love about it is that you're that failure piece you remember that we said i've talked about failure earlier the first attempt in learning failure is so important fail get on there do something new be brave have courage and fail daily so that you can learn and model how important learning lifelong learning is to your students so keep going and i can't wait to be part of your journey again because alwyn and i are going to go head to head in app smashing with ed puzzle yes definitely and look forward to that me too sir franco you're on mute cheers uh thank you so much for visiting us here uh teachers okay we'll be seeing again nikki uh to our next um following sessions okay um so please watch out for that okay uh for now we'll be saying goodbye to uh nikki and of course teachers please um express your gratitude your thank you uh in our chat so that um uh nikki will feel the love by filipino educators because right now it's actually um um raining now with thank yous and appreciation to again thank you maraming salamat nikki for having uh for giving us your time today thank you thank you so much guys take care okay bye thank you once again nikki um lms integration i'll be discussing one of the lms integrations knowing uh in that session okay so just again indeed [Applause] um can you give us like um further updates on what's uh coming up no on uh next session or um friday sessions that's the best thing about ed puzzle no it fits in so many ways no uh it fits with other apps it fits with your lms okay so in this should like stand alone application packet lagging it actually works with other applications while we're continuing to discuss okay maybe you could already show to our teachers the evaluation link which they will use to get their certificates known okay so teachers okay please accomplish this uh evaluation link please do let me know if it works just in case okay let me know if it works on your end okay and like so i could also do something about it let's do also a shout out to one of our co-teachers from saver school um okay um one of the newly certified coach no okay it's actually one new bag i also have one of my students now coming back to school as my co-teacher so really feel know that there's so many years in in our school right now okay so yeah and of course no shout out then to our um our one of our administrators from kaga petition support feature is also in the chat very very active um subpoena excited puzzle for those who have said it's working okay and uh just now please make sure that your information are correct your name so that when it gets into a certificate uh we have the correct spelling and in the correct format of your name if you want to put your titles right there like lptma it's okay uh doctor et cetera okay and uh please make sure to also put the correct email address so that it gets to you because we are running our certificates automatically no so we have an automated certification and if you have a wrong email right there it will bounce back to us okay so please uh mind the spellings and the details the details you're going to put there so again teachers um are only significant and powerful um to the extent that we intend to use them so good luck your ambassador francois and of course um ambassador alvin um are the expert in the house who will guide you and help you um all throughout now so teachers enjoy i think um ed pastor pilipinas uh group messages and teachers yes why did i call center agent no paragon t-shirts we don't mind that okay [Applause] he will attend to your needs and we'll see you again on our third installment of the el paso series thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 5,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video editing, video lessons, edpuzzle, distance learning, flipped learning
Id: qeNxbL3o8m8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 2sec (6002 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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