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i can always count on the universe to humble me every waking moment of every day i wish to strangle you till then raw for each around mother i bring news from the womb as we dive into tonight's episode of critical role nothing's happened nothing's happening oh no intro there's too many dice for me to roll whoa [Laughter] is that maybe the longest face bomb i don't know you guys made me facepalm pretty long before finally facts cannot evade your vision this time nothing happens for a reason it's absolute fucking chaos they are very very well kept soft feet how have you all survived level 12. i'm the final dick and they're standing uh in his place is a gently floating male drow oh with short hair i don't need to sleep ever cool see people that you've hated in the past getting stepped on by a poop monster it's always sure i mean they're not just annoying kids yeah there is it hits it it's a baby this hormone that's my wife facing okay i lost control i'll allow it don't you dare laura and thank you friends i'm sorry my lightning bolts good sad did i succeed yep i love dungeons and dragons and our second sponsor for tonight you can certainly try that's uh nine bert who's ready to play some fantasy football it hits the side of the wall [Laughter] my wife laid in jail where'd you guys go [Laughter] what what's going on then what perception check for the love of god that's ridiculous go fuck yourself yeah she can fit it up inside there let's go ahead and roll initially fuck me for trying to add atmosphere right proper night once again you can certainly try it's a it's it okay so it's not a small not gonna say it but the sun is high in the sky there's the leaky tap and there's the evening nip where are you going you're respectfully terribly filthy i'm gonna find that dick i'm gonna go take care of my wife she's passed her heaping bosom what do you want me to say i'm so angry i know hold it hold it i love that woman all right guys well thank you so much for watching um have a good night and uh is it thursday yes wow almost
Channel: Mon
Views: 1,574,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hYjoX7jm3Kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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