Mastering Your Emotions with Peace - Episode 2 - Episode 4

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program is brought to you by the partners and Friends of Creflo Dollar ministries coming up next on changing your world a lot of times you just lack wisdom you looking for somebody to give you something or something to fall out in the sky and there's wisdom right there screaming in the street God trying to show it to you God trying to show it to you but when you don't have no peace you can't hear it you can't see it you're distracted by the care you're distracted by the issue which is why he wants you to get rid of the care and cast it on him so you can stand still and know that God is God and you can hear him with clarity and you'll know what to do when you don't know what to do grace life 20/20 featuring creflo dollar Taffi dollar Michael Smith Gregory's Dickau and Andrew Wommack life-changing experience don't miss it we've been every one of them don't miss it join us as we bring you race light 2020 to register now text grace life to five one five five five or visit us at Chris Lowe Dollar ministries org [Music] [Music] here's what you can now do now that you have the peace of Jesus let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid see when you go to the word to get some peace let not those we sent you now are responsible for making sure that your emotions don't drive all that junk in your heart don't let your heart be troubled you know what that means if you are troubled in your heart you let it don't let it be troubled ho but brother doll y'all know what I'm going through do not let your heart be troubled here's the next thing how you supposed to do that I just told you how to do that you're gonna have to really not be a Christian instead of acting like one and wearing a t-shirt now you got to really be one let not your heart be troubled now the responsibility is only you I am NOT gonna and that might be a good way to start off by making that confession I will not allow my heart to be trouble I would not somebody says well how do you do that what the Bible says in Proverbs four he said give attention to the word go to proverbs four round verse 20 I started there give attention to the word and he says you can guard your heart by guarding your eye gate your ear gate and your mouth gate look what he says my son attend to mine there it is give attention to my wife he didn't say give attention to the care he didn't say give attention to the problem or distress he said give attention to my word and do what would she ears incline your ears under my saying verse 21 he says let them words not depart from your eyes keep them words in the midst of your heart keep it in the midst of your heart verse 22 for babe those words are life unto those that find them and watch this there even health to all their flesh praise God verse 23 glory he says he I heart another word another word here's to guard your heart with all diligence for out of your heart are the issues of life comes through your I gate gets into your mind becomes a part of your emotions you now put it in your heart and now the issue was borne out of the attention you gave it the issue was borne out of the attention you gave it and he says you don't have to do it let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid so you have authority over what gets in your heart you have authority of a troubled heart you even have authority over a broken heart I mean things happen and and you know I'm sure everybody has that had their heart broken once or twice but you have authority over that you guys just start working yourself out or you got to get the glue and start piecing it back together again you just can't sit there jar broken all over the place you got to live you got to keep living my heart is broke I feel like I just want to die no you you you you have authority now you can go that way if you choose to or you can take authority and say no I'm not gonna do that i'ma go to work give me some peace glory be to God and I'm gonna be free from care free from stress even free from grief grief is you know you're suffering the loss of someone you you see it as a loss and you've got to learn how peace can be used as a weapon you are you determine you determine ladies and gentlemen the condition of your heart you do by making the choice either Satan's gonna ride that negative emotion get you away from the world of God are you gonna get into work immediately and say I'm here to get some peace I'm here to get some peace all right now let's look at this go to Roman's 14 and 19 Romans 14 and 19 and now I'm spend some more time on how to get this peace verse 19 says let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace look at that so there's something something there's things we got to follow after and that's the word things we got to follow after things that make peak make for peace and things wherewith one may edify one another so what are you following after not only getting the word what are you hanging around are you hanging listen let's just be straight you hanging around people that stress you out then it's the wrong flop man's something y'all call these people your friends they're not your friend at all they're they're leeches there are so shits they're pitiful people who don't value themselves they're looking for somebody to be as miserable as they are you can you could you probably will feel better by yourself then with some of the people you hang with I said you'll probably feel better by yourself instead of hanging around with somebody that's making you feel some kind of way you don't even know what it is we just you don't every time you hang out with that person you you just start feeling some kind of way we'll stop hanging out with somebody who making you feel some kind of way that you can't even label they make you feel so bad you don't even know how you feel why don't make you feel some kind of way what's that you know what Steph and I taught a program yesterday on the difference between being alone and lonely there's a difference you can be around a lot of people and still be lonely loneliness can occur because of past rejections it betrayals things that you kind of hang on to and and sometimes you think well if I could just get whip people I won't be lonely anymore you just put a bandaid on that and you know it's just not gonna work out right until you can learn how to be okay with you by you by yourself you're really not gonna be okay around other people you got to be okay with everything about you seriously you got to be okay you quit comparing yourself amongst yourself vibe says we must not do that don't compare yourself amongst yourself see every time you compare yourself amongst yourself you'll into God because when you compare yourself amongst yourself you're saying this is as far as I can go and then you start looking for somebody else well such a Saudi in that sea you just limited God because you said to them this is as far as I can go I don't do it anymore I don't have any time to be comparing myself amongst myself I look at Jesus and when I see Jesus is like oh boy we can do this absolutely if they discover life on Mars I will begin to believe God for a space shuttle because they need the gospel yeah some of y'all watch out Samba if they discover life on Mars or what am I saying I'm going to preach the gospel all Mars I've been everywhere else might as well go all Mars to preach the gospel well that's foolish well you better hope they don't discover life on Mars because God may call you to go with me amen alright let's work on getting this some more Romans eight and six how do you get peace let's let's get it nailed down on a practical place how do I get peace for being for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace alright now what is the carnal mind a carnal mind some people would just say if it means flesh well a carnal mind is to be it's a mind that's dominated by the five senses it's a mind that's dominated by what you see by what you hear about what you feel so God gave you those five senses the senses so you can enjoy life but it doesn't want you to be dominated by those senses so you see something and what you see just dominate your whole life that's not what he meant or uuuuu you hear something and all that just dominates and occupies your whole life no they're not to dominate your life that they'll bring about an awareness but not to dominate so what he says is if you allow your senses to dominate your life it's gonna lead to death death meaning separation from God it's gonna lead to death and then ultimately once you involve yourself in spiritual death it'll bring in such a dis ease meant that eventually you'll die as well but he says but to be spiritually minded so John 6:63 says you know the word is spirit so again we know that when the Word of God is preached and then you receive the Word of God the word is spirit the only only place you can get it spiritually minded is from the Word of God that's why I'm saying a Christian is trying to be a Christian without the Word of God limits his authority on the planet it's the Word of God that grants you access to certain authorities that you have over physical things and we've become so carnal minded that we just rule out the fact that we can have authority over this physical world because we don't know anything about how to obtain the spiritual equipment to take authority over the physical world and the Bible says to be spiritually minded the only way you can become spiritually minded is to renew your mind with the Word of God which is spirit okay and so you take the word which is spirit you renew your mind with it you become spiritually minded he says now that you're spiritually minded you're gonna have life and peace remember what I said as go so goes your mind set also goes your emotion set whatever you're exposed to determines the way you think the way you think determines what you feel what you feel determines the decisions you make your decisions determine your actions your actions determines your habits your habits determine your character your character determines your destination if you do not like your destination just go and reverse if you don't like your destination change your character if you don't like your character change your habits if you don't like your habits change your actions if you don't like your actions change your decisions if you don't like your decisions change the way you feel if you don't like what you feel if you don't like the way you feel if you don't like the way you feel change the way you think if you don't like what you're thinking change what you're exposing yourself to what you hanging around what you're hearing what you're watching what you're doing what you're doing you know what you're doing whatever you're doing the most see what happens is we create habits first and then those habits we create it turn around and create us what I ain't nothing wrong what I'm doing oh yeah no no you're gonna create a habit and then that happens gonna turn around and create you which now becomes your character and then it's gonna lead you to your destination this is life this is life it's just the world's gotten so out there it's almost like very few people understand how life works anymore we think that you know que sera sera whatever will be will be and then we come up with sayings like what's this Tahiti is what it is no no no you don't understand life see if you understood life then you'll understand you understand that where you are right now is a result of a decision because the decision is the open door into reality it doesn't become a reality until you make a decision and once you make a decision then you're gonna act and then once you act then you're gonna create a habit coz what you do the most is what's gonna create a habit then it happens gonna create a character and that character is what people have come to know about you and what you come to know about yourself and then you end up in a destination because of what you do when you're not seeing real character is not what you do in public it's what you do when nobody can see you and your being your your your your subject to do it stuff that nobody is not seeing so coming to church and pretending and and coming to church and perfecting phone in this and putting the mask on that doesn't help I don't mind sharing with you the crap I've gone through in my life if it can help you but I'm not gonna get up here put a collar on stand up on the pulpit and act like I am a person because I'm a preacher and ain't never had no issue I'm gonna take you somewhere I ain't been there myself I'm telling you I know where the finish line is I know where that line you gotta cross and I'm telling if you get cross that line and you get just the taste of victory then you'll know that devil does not control your life and you'll know you are not stuck I'm in one day I'm gonna be able to preach like I want to I won't be able to say everything I want to say but the Lord would have visit me tonight say all right tonight that's it you got one more week I'm saying stuff you ain't never thought you were ever here in a church cuz you know you ain't got no time you just say it but now I got to well you know you know they're young in the Lord and where they've been with me a long time and and it's like putting Wonder Woman's lasso on me I ain't got number true coming out my mouth alright so you got to become spiritually minded if you want peace in life spiritual mindset produces peace in life spiritual mindset you know you know your maturity is based on whether or not you are spiritually minded or carnal mind it you are not an immature Christian cuz you only been saved a week you are immature Christian because you still can't control your emotions you are immature Christian because you don't have emotional stability you're an immature Christian because you still going off on folks you can't you can it tells a lot about a person who can't control their emotions what what determines if you're a mature Christian not cuz you've been saved for thirty years all your life you are a mature Christian because you are spiritually minded and you know how to harness your emotions you know how to control your emotions the weakest man in the plant on the planet is what the guy who can't control his emotions you so weak you get upset and then you want to get back with somebody because you fear being disrespected and then you put your hands on them and then they smart now so they're gonna suit you for battery simple battery but it's enough to send you in jail because you're on probation at this time and now you in jail now you don't lost your job all this stuff happen cuz you could not control your emotions and somehow justified it I'm gonna let them and you hear people that the fear of disrespect that a lot of men have it's not even disrespect you hadn't even been disrespected you just scared they don't disrespect you so you you prop yourself up and the adrenaline gets to flaunt then you ready to respond before you even get disrespected and you don't want get in trouble hey I got there don't see it just don't see it she's mean how you got there I'm bringing it up as an illustration I am telling you exactly what you have to do to live in peace but when you walk out of it all take out all that nobody got to get it no word to get no peace I'm just going up I'm on the grace no give me some peace so what is the Lord gonna say I've already given it to you the day my son spoke this word and said my peace i leave unto you but you won't get it okay let me go on share some more scripture all right so what kind of mind do you have to have in order to have peace how do you get a spiritual mind because the word is what praise God people listening praise the Lord I look at Isaiah 26:3 alright how do I get peace that will keep him in perfect peace who I want to be kept in perfect peace how do you want to be kept in perfect peace the Bible says we can live in peace and then the God of love and peace will be with you alright that will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is what stay don't be why because he oh my god clicking Abby how clicking it be get your mind stayed on him get you some peace get your mind stayed on him get you some peace look at Romans 10:15 Romans 10:15 Wow Wow I wish somebody would have explained this to me when I was a young Christians I'm searching for peace it's just the distance show me where how to get the peace look at verse 15 and how shall they preach except they be sent as it is written how beautiful are the feet of them that treats the good news the good news of peace the gospel we know is the news about this unmerited favor but he says and here's there's a relationship the good news of peace and bring glad tidings of good things this is right along in Luke chapter 2 verse 14 when they said peace on earth goodwill towards men that was the gospel of peace the gospel of peace was everything that Jesus did to bring us peace from the law everything that Jesus did to separate us and to get us free from condemnation from self effort from performance based Christianity from the fear of death hell and the grave pieces on earth Jesus is that peace and and while we're preaching this gospel of grace that's I meet people who say my life is I feel like I'm free I feel like I'm at peace because when you find out what Jesus has done and it doesn't require your behavior to determine it but what he has done and then he'll change your behavior then then things happen but that gospel of peace is being preached today Philippians chapter 4 6 through 9 be careful for nothing the amplified says don't be anxious for nothing another version says don't worry about nothing what is there a way for me not to be anxious or worried about stuff I mean you know you don't have an opportunity to be worried about stuff every day of your life I mean you can pick stuff up when you get up in the morning there'll be choices you can pick out I'm worried about this I can worry about this but he says you know what he says be careful don't be anxious or don't worry about anything dude I want to know how that happens is it possible for me to have that kind of authority where I don't have to be worried about anything now that doesn't mean that the issues not gonna be there he says you don't have to worry about it show me what I need to do look what he says he says now rather than being worried but everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your request be God you know what are you saying rather than you keeping the thing and worrying about it give it to God give it to God almost you're gonna have to do this alright god I got bad news I got a report all right God I'm cancelling this over on you and I'm gonna be thankful that your word says this even though the circumstance says that all right so you're gonna notice they're putting you out of your house god I'm not going to take this I'm not gonna worry about this I cast this over on you and I think here that all my needs are met according to your riches in glory see the pieces coming from what I know the joy is coming from what I know but we choose to keep it I know let's talk about that for a moment he tells you to cast it on him he tells you alright don't worry about anything don't worry about anything just go ahead and through prayer and Thanksgiving give it to God and don't worry no we don't do that we would rather operate in pride and keep it see when God says cast your care on him because he cares for you and you don't cast it on him you're operating in pride not humility humility is the guy who cashed his caroling God cuz God said so a proper guy says not I'm gonna keep it I'm gonna be self-centered y'all don't know what I'm going through you just don't understand and you see gotta be careful as Christians that you don't keep trying to change the rules and then make excuses and we love doing it we love trying to change the rules to fit our situation and then make excuses and then blame other people for where we are you got to cast it on him god I'm praying about it and I'm thinking you that it's already done and father I give you Thanksgiving your word says this even though that that's going this way your word says this and lord I just thank God I'm making my request knowing unto you and I just appreciate it so much and going praying the Holy Ghost and praise the Lord you actually have to do this this just can't be me preaching about it it's gotta be you doing it you ain't gonna never know what I'm preaching about until you actually like do it and a lot of things you need in your life is a wisdom issue sometimes if you just could hear the answer but what you're supposed to do what you're supposed to say that that's the breakthrough of how to get out of a whole lot of stuff a lot of times you just lack wisdom you looking for somebody to give you something or something to fall out the sky and there's wisdom right there screaming in the street God trying to show it to you God trying to show it to you but when you don't have no peace you can't hear it you can't see it you're distracted by the care you're distracted by the issue which is why he wants you to get rid of the care and cast it on him so you can stand still and know that God is God and you can hear him with clarity and you'll know what to do when you don't know what to do it's just time for a start acting like Christians is what I'm saying this stuff happens for people who live the life now for somebody who's just wear the t-shirt for people that actually live the life I'm a Christian and this is what we do when we get in trouble this is what we do when we have left this is what we do when all hell's breaking loose in our relationships this is what we do we go to the world in these uncertain times maintaining your peace can feel like a losing battle the truth is Jesus died rose and returned with peace to overcome in any circumstance you are facing today's offer is peace that prevails a four message series that can be yours today for a love gift of twenty five US dollars or more you need to calm your emotions down you need to get in a word and watch that word get on the inside of you and free you from the care free your from the worry free you from the stress give you well-founded confidence and what you've been meditating in that it actually comes to pass to further assist you in maintaining your piece we have bundled the peace that prevails with a three message series exercising godly emotions this combo was designed to help you maintain your peace and master your emotions in every situation and is available today for thirty five u.s. dollars or more order your combo today five teachers of grace five days of fellowship and worship a lifetime of victory twenty twenty featuring creflo dollar Taffi dollar Michael Smith Gregory's dick out and Andrew Wommack grace message is just the message today they are rightly dividing the word of truth and they care about the hearts and the souls of all people don't miss it we've been every one of them don't miss it join us as we bring you the race life 2020 July 6th through the 10th this will be another amazing event and seats will go fast to register now text grace life to five one five five five or visit us at Creflo Dollar ministries org we will see you soon as we wrap up today's broadcast I'd like to take a moment to pray for you I don't ever want to take for granted that you have received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior there's no better way to embark upon a new stage in your life than to enter into a personal relationship with Christ so if you want to become born-again and begin an exciting intimate relationship with Jesus pray this prayer with me now Heavenly Father come into my heart save me I receive you now by faith and I declare in Jesus name that I am say thank you Lord for saving me amen now if you prayed that prayer with me I want you to call the number on your screen I've got some things I want to send you that will help you in your new walk with Christ now see you next time right here on changing your work whatever you need today no matter how big or small bring it before the Lord in prayer you may request prayer today by phoning in or posting your prayer request online at Creflo Dollar ministries org because of You Creflo Dollar ministries is providing a new understanding of grace and empowering change in the lives of millions of people every day thank you partners and friends your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe [Music] you
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 8,922
Rating: 4.9052629 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: A7U6_XicEuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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