Mastering Your Emotions with Peace

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this program is brought to you by the partners and Friends of Creflo Dollar ministries coming up next on changing your world if you want some peace you got to get some work you can't depend on the people around you to give you peace and you can't depend on changing circumstances to give you peace there is a guaranteed place I can tell you about to get some peace anytime you need some some peace you know where that place is the Word of God so when you lack peace the advice is to go get some word turn your neighbors say it's time to get some word grace life 2020 featuring creflo dollar Taffi dollar Michael Smith Gregory de Cao and Andrew Wommack we've been every one of them go missing join us as we bring you race light 2020 to register now text Greece life to five one five five five or visit us at Chris low Dollar ministries dot org [Music] [Music] tonight I want to talk about mastering your emotions watch this with peace peace peace peace peace say it peace all right now let's look at this let's begin here tonight in Saint John chapter 16 verse 33 I I was I don't I don't know I was you know I am I'm doing something last night and and this just came on me he said peace peace you can you can harness your emotions with peace and I grab the first thing I get which was an envelope and I went at it and I thought oh my goodness this is gonna be awesome let's begin here in st. John 16 and verse 33 piece piece in the middle of all kinds of stuff now it's crazy out there in the world I don't know if you've noticed it it's crazy what am i when I say it's crazy out there what am I saying the mindset is crazy the way people think crazy how people draw conclusions crazy how it used to be true all of a sudden not true create how they do things how they make decisions it's crazy there's what I'm saying it's just not lining up with the word and we're kind of in a word drought Christian people who come to church don't even wanna hear no word no mo give me an inspiring speech give me some life coaching stuff and send me a home and don't go past 30 minutes ain't wide like that y'all might need to go find you another shirt ain't even first of all I got to show you some Scripture and secondly I got to let the Holy Ghost leading guide me Amen now listen to this tonight we're gonna learn how to how to use peace we're gonna learn how to use peace to master negative emotions and and I'm telling you now this is a dangerous message why do you say that cause as soon as I finish preaching this message I don't know where y'all got to go tonight but Satan is plotting and planning to contradict every word that I share with you to try to rob you of your peace immediately and I'm gonna show you how to deal with the circumstances because there's there's a power and an authority associated with peace if you know how to use it correctly amen John 16:33 let's get on it he said let's read it out loud together ready to read these things I have spoken unto you that in me you might have peace in the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I've overcome the world now notice what he said in the first part here this is so vital these things I have spoken unto you so who's doing the speaking here so Jesus says I have said some things unto you and he said I said some things unto you that she the reason why I said what I said now Jesus spoke words right so the reason why I said what I said is so you can have what so you can have what so peace is a result of what Jesus said jesus said I spoke these words so you can have peace so peace comes from hearing the word just like join us Jesus is saying I'm not wasting words my words are filled with power to benefit you so he says I have spoken unto you that you might have peace so that lets me know I now understand where I can go to get some peace and it's a it's in God's Word where do you go to get some peace it's in God's Word where do you go to get some peace isn't God's work but when when stuff happens in your life the question you have to ask yourself is how often do you go to God's Word when you lack peace how often you heard something you saw something something happened right with your money it inner peace wasn't there did you go get you some word to get you some peace if you want some peace you got to get you can't depend on the people around you to give you peace and you can't depend on changing circumstances to give you peace there is a guaranteed place I can tell you about to get some peace any time you need some some peace you know where that place is the Word of God so when you lack peace the advice is to go get some word turn your neighbors say it's time to get some word when you get your words you get you what when you get your peace you have some what yeah that's good that is correct but I'm not talking about Jordan I what am I talking about I'm talking about peace at night joy comes from the Word of God but when you get some word he said I said what I said that's good let's put it together I said what I said so you can have peace now what is the world the word will give you peace what does the world give you tribulation so the word gives you peace the world gives you trouble the word gives you get you get peace from the word you get trouble from the world all right now one of the things he said to do is in the world you'll have tribulation he says but be of good cheer have joy why because he's overcome the world how did it overcome the world peace peace peace and I'm gonna show you this cause you I'll show you what Jesus came in and the Angels made an announcement and they said peace is now on earth now goodwill towards men so the thing I want you to see in this scripture from the word you get peace from the world you get trouble so if you're and yet we're not we're not of the world but we're in the world and you're gonna get you're gonna have some trouble cause you in the world but here's what he said I've given you my word so anytime you get some trouble go get some word so you can get some peace if you understand that say Amen now go to 2nd Corinthians chapter 13 and 11 second Corinthians chapter 13 and 11 now notice what he says here certain Corinthians 13:11 finally brother and farewell be perfect be of good comfort be of one mind live in what peace live in peace all right so you know you're gonna have some trouble but Jesus says I gave you some words so you can get some peace and he's saying live in peace all right so what what happens if I make the decision to live in peace I'm also making decision to live in that word and living that word and living that word and let that word live in me abide in that word and that and that word abides in you you have what you will because that word will now shape your wheel or shape your desires it says live in peace and what will happen and the god of love and peace shall be with you how many won't got with you he said live in peace and the God of peace of be with you live in peace and the God of peace live and that's not having a lot of people you let the troubles of the world cause your mind and your thinking and your emotions to get all cloudy and while you are all cloudy and all freaked out and your emotions are going all over the place you're opening your what what's your God says I can be with you when you're in peace fight to be in peace fight to be in peace when you're in peace then the God of peace is with you when you're in fact God uses peace as something to really give evidence of when it's God or not the Bible says let the peace of God rule in your heart so I says how you know that was God because the peace of God was the umpire that ruled in my heart that the peace of God rule in your heart there's something about there's an association and an attachment between God and peace and sometimes you need God when you're in trouble but you need to be at peace that's why I said be still and know that God is God there are lots of things trying to move you and notice when your emotions are being impacted they're trying to move you away from the things of God and I guarantee you when your emotions our negative emotions are not being harnessed and you're not experienced emotional stability it's trying to move you away from peace fight to remain at peace so the first thing you do is you become a Christian who now values the importance of the Word of God something happens when you take 2 or 3 scriptures concerning your situation and just stare at them and milk them and say it out loud and read it and look at it what's happening something's going on on the inside now let me give you this definition the Lord showed me today here's what peace is security in the mists of tour moil security in the midst of trouble ok let's break it down security is freedom from care and worry and stress it's freedom security is freedom from care from worry from stress is well-founded confidence in him think about that now freedom here's what peace is peace is freedom from worry and anxiety and care and stress Wow in the midst of trouble that's trying to give you care worry and stress but you know what happens when you have this unfounded confidence or excuse me well-founded confidence it's found it not unfounded but well-founded confidence in him you get in the word you read the word you meditate on the word it builds your confidence up and all of a sudden the word is producing peace in you or you now have freedom because you're in the word you have freedom from the care freedom from the stress freedom from the worry because of this well-founded confidence in that scripture that you're meditating in now a lot of people in the world don't know how to do that but you as a Christian need to know how to do that people ask me it's not had I've had several people around my life asked me how in the world could you take so much persecution well I don't I don't want to stay in the world I have to step out and I have to get in the word and I've got the meditating that word because I've I pay attention and what everybody's saying it'll rob me of my peace my emotions that you follow what I'm saying peace is the only place I got to go I got to go where the word is where the word is the words gonna give me that well-founded confidence and the word is gonna give me freedom freedom from care freedom from stress freedom from anxiety and worry now if you don't do it you'll never know what I'm talking about some of you have done this before and uuq you or you can bear witness tonight yes I did it it was the only place I could go that's the only that's the that's the only way I knew to get some relief it's to get in to where it was going crazy in your life and you did something that most people won't understand you went and picked your Bible up and you looked up all of these scriptures and you stayed there and when you left you were not you were free from the worry you were free from the stress you were free from the anxiety I'm telling you Jesus says I spoke these words so you can have my peace and we won't even go get them and I'm telling you in the name of Jesus when you live in peace the God of peace is with you there are things that that can happen in your life when you're at peace that you're trying to figure out why they're not happening when you're worried and stressed out and and full of care and that's why I tells you a cashier care on him before he cares for you what he wants you to live a life of peace live in peace live in peace and the God of love and peace will be with you but you know what happens the circumstance happens and now it triggers an emotion a negative emotion that's trying to move you away from the will and the blessings of God in your life what you have to do I recognize that this negative emotion has been triggered by this circumstance I recognize that I'm full of fear and I'm full of anxiety and worry and stress so I've got to now go to the medicine cabinet and I got to get me to three scriptures now and I gotta take two or three a day my god listen I'm telling you what I know I don't know how long it was ago but I suffered with a great bout of depression to the point it was it was bad it was bad and I went to my wife and I said help me and she she looked at me she says all I know to tell you is to do what you know to do and and and I knew it was demonic she arranged the trip so we could just kind of get away from everything and we were walking down the street and I kid you not this apparent demon-possessed woman you could see it all on her she runs and she gets right in front of me and she said and you didn't he's just crazy stop man of God counts on me help me she she was doing all the stuff that was the pressure and the stuff on me man my wife stood him from she says you devil in the name of Jesus you get out of here I don't want me took off running down the street I got away enough and and what I did I did this I took all of the Scriptures on worry stress care and everything that was going on and I put them in categories and I said it out loud three times a day or any time I felt like I needed it and and and that's all I knew to do the word from Bert was do what you know to do and I said it out loud three times a day or sometimes it would be eight times a day well finally in the middle of that week praying in the spirit and saying those scriptures I began to notice that all of the depression was being replaced with peace and I started getting a freedom from the Karen and freedom I mean I've never you know I thought pastoring was gonna be like a bunch of delightful people coming together and we're all gonna love each other and love God and I never met such mean people for my life I thought I got to get out of here this is not what I ever expected for it to be and I heard the word of the Lord see the Bible says live in peace and the God of peace shall be with you see once I got in peace then I heard the word of the Lord and in the word the Lord came to me and it was a strange word he says you've committed treachery and treason against your spirit I said lord I don't know what that means and I just begin to study it out and he and then he spoke to him again he says you've been preaching out of an empty spirit these are the days where I would get like a hundred and some invitations and I would try to take all up I mean I would go to one meeting in the morning and fly and get to another one that night and then fly back to the other one to finish up the week and then fly over the country and that time I think we were having Wednesday night service what Wednesday night Friday night services Saturday morning prayer Sunday morning four times and then I leave after the Sunday morning and then come back on the Wednesday night to do that and and it and he said you have committed treachery against your spirit he says you keep preaching out of an empty spirit and and you can't appreciate it from this day forward never again preach out of an empty spirit you preach out of the overflow of within your spirit see this thing I'm talking about tonight I'm flowing over this thing so I couldn't wait to get here to talk to you about the bus burst and I heard this I remember the day when I was just overflowing just make no confession the care had gone the ends I had gone the stress had gone and the peace was there and I nice and I stood up off my knees and I said alright I'm ready and the room shook I'm promised you know no from this day forward don't you ever preach out of an empty spirit even if you have to preach the same message it'll come out differently but preach out of the overflow and I'm telling you that's the day I realize that vacations and rest that they are spiritual rest is a spiritual thing you understand what I'm saying why what happened when I got in peace the goddess got a peace met me there some of y'all need to step away some of y'all got too much clutter in your mind in your soul and you just need to step away just for a minute just I know everybody got issues that pocong always have issues at all your kids go out with everybody always have issue something you just need to kind of step away and you need to quiet your soul you need to calm your emotions down you need to get in a word and watch that word get on the inside of you and free you from the care free from the worry free you from the stress give you well-founded confidence and what you've been meditating in that it actually comes to pass and I tell you what I am Alive and and healthy today because the word gave me peace while the world was giving me trouble amen and those days I thought well you know God gave me this revelation on prosperity and almost everybody I know is broke they're gonna love me when I teach this message I'm gonna preach this message to prosperity around the world and people are gonna finally get free didn't happen that way did not happen that way at all and I tell you what it shocked me I was blown away and I said man but I tell you what when when the flick shion's and trouble comes from the world you go to the word and I'm talking to you like this because listen to me this just cannot be a sermon tonight you gotta literally go pick your bottle up or your phone program to funk Syria I need as many scriptures you can find on peace I meditated in that word and drive the devil away from your emotions if you understand that say Amen now look at Saint John 14:27 now let's travel a little bit and that the Scriptures talked to us that the scriptures talked to us I declare your freedom from care and stress and worry amen in the name of Jesus I said I could eclair you free your I call you free right now piece of security or freedom from care stress and worry in the midst of trauma I know I can't say I know because nobody in here really knows what everybody in here going through but whatever you going through do not pitch a tent in that place because God didn't mean for you to stay there he just meant for you to go through it so turning your neighbors they come out 27 peace I leave with you jesus said peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you oh boy oh boy not as the world giveth give on to you no no no no no no I'm not giving you the peace like the world get no I'm giving you my peace he says now watch this here's what you can now do now that you have the peace of Jesus let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid see when you go to the word to get some peace let not those we sent you now are responsible for making sure that your emotions don't drive all that junk in your heart don't let your heart be troubled you know what that means if you are troubled in your heart you let it don't let it be troubled oh but brother doll y'all know what I'm going through do not let your heart be troubled now here's the next thing how you supposed to do that I just told you how to do that you're gonna have to really not be a Christian instead of acting like one and wearing a t-shirt now you have to really be one let not your heart be troubled now the responsibility is on you I am NOT gonna and it that might be a good way to start off by making that confession I will not allow my heart to be trouble I would not a somebody says well how did you do that what the Bible says in Proverbs 4 he said give attention to the word go to proverbs 4 round verse 20 I started there give attention to the word and he says you can guard your heart by guarding your eye gate your ear gate and your mouth gate look what he says my son attend to mine there it is give attention to my wife he didn't say give attention to the care he didn't say give attention to the problem or distress he said give attention to my word and do what would she ears incline your ears under my saying verse 21 he says let them words not depart from your eyes keep them words in the midst of your heart keep it in the midst of your heart verse 22 forth babe those words are life unto those that find them and watch this their even health to all their flesh praise God verse 23 glory he says keep thy heart another word another word here is to guard your heart with all diligence for out of your heart are the issues of life comes through your I gate gets into your mind becomes a part of your emotions you now put it in your heart and now the issue was borne out of the attention you gave it the issue was borne out of the attention you gave it and he says you don't have to do it let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid so you have authority over what gets in your heart you have authority of a trouble heart you even have authority over a broken heart I mean things happen and and you know I'm sure everybody has that had their heart broken once or twice but you have authority over that you guys just start working yourself out there you got to get the glue and start piecing it back together again you just can't sit there jar broken all over the place you got to live you got to keep living my heart is broke I feel like I just want to die no you give you your have authority now you can go that way if you choose to or you can take authority and say no I'm not gonna do that i'ma go to work get me some peace glory be to God and I'm gonna be free from care free from stress even free from grief in these uncertain times maintaining your P's can feel like a losing battle the truth is Jesus died rose and returned with peace to overcome in any circumstance you are facing today's offer is peace that prevails a four message series that can be yours today for a love gift of twenty five US dollars or more you need to calm your emotions down you need to get in a word and watch that word get on the inside of you and free you from the care free your from the worry free you from the stress give you well-founded confidence and what you've been meditating in that it actually comes to pass to further assist you in maintaining your piece we have bundled the peace that prevails with a three message series exercising godly emotions this combo was designed to help you maintain your peace and master your emotions in every situation and is available today for thirty five US dollars or more order your combo today five teachers of grace five days of fellowship and worship a lifetime of victory grace life 2020 featuring creflo dollar Taffi dollar Michael Smith Gregory Dickau and Andrew Wommack life-changing experience come see what God's grace message is just the message today they are rightly dividing the word of truth and they care about the hearts and the souls of all people don't miss it we've been every one of them don't miss it join us as we bring you the race life 2020 July 6th through the 10th this will be another amazing event and seats will go fast to register now text grace life to five one five five five or visit us at Creflo Dollar ministries org we will see you soon Jesus died to save the entire world today he's training us in grace so that we can go out and influence someone else's life that's why I'm so grateful for the friends and partners of this ministry who freely and cheerfully give financial offerings to support us you understand our vision and you you helped us in so many ways to reach those who are searching for Hope in the midst of darkness thank you for empowering us to expand God's kingdom worldwide your financial donations into this ministry work all over the world to change countless lives if you'd like to support our efforts to save the Lost you may call in or visit Creflo Dollar ministries org today god bless you thank you partners and Friends you [Music]
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 33,733
Rating: 4.8993711 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: Rt6B1jw-bjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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