Mastering Your Emotions with Peace Pt. 2 - Episode 3

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this program is brought to you by the partners and Friends of Creflo Dollar ministries coming up next on changing your world the closer you get to fulfilling the will agape of life and all hell breaks loose and you get you get in all this trouble and depression why Satan has a reaction the closer you get to the will of God your life and his only this only plus because only the alternative is to try to use your emotions to push you away from it grace life 2020 featuring creflo dollar Taffi dollar michael smith gregory Dickau and Andrew Wommack life changing experience don't miss it we've been every one of them don't miss it join us as we bring you race light 2020 to register now text Greece life two five one five five five or visit us at Chris low Dollar ministries dot org [Music] I believe there is a an anointing involved in the lives of people who know how to harness peace into a place of negative emotions and so we're gonna deal with this somebody says how long are we gonna be talking about emotions for minute because you know I'm gonna break it down and we're gonna talk about how to overcome all the different kinds of emotions how to overcome hurt how to overcome depression how to overcome loneliness how to overcome self-doubt how to overcome you know suicidal ideations how to overcome wanna kill a joke oh I'm going but yes there how to overcome and so let's go to 3rd John verse 2 lay a foundation for where we're going I'll use about maybe 5 scriptures the latest foundation and then I'm going to show you how how to to allow peace to cause you to have the emotional stability in your life a lot of people think just cause we're a church here that you know everybody's got their emotions together only God knows what some of y'all had to go through on the way here only God knows where you know you went to bed last night what was on your heart what what were you fighting you you couldn't sleep because there's this there's things that go on in life and and and I'm not saying those things are not gonna happen but I'm saying is God has given us way to deal with those things okay and I want to at least give you enough information and preferably revelation so you can resist something that's not the will of God just to fight against it don't stare that don't stand then just get beat up fight against it withstand Amen now look at 3rd John verse 2 let's read 3rd John verse 2 out loud together ready read beloved I wish above all things that thou miss prosper being health even as thy soul prospers now he said that you prospering in every area pull up the amplified and you being in health is going to be based on what happens with your soul here he says as goes your soul so goes July now we said again that man is a spirit being here's the anatomy of man man is a spirit being he possesses a soul he lives in a physical body he's the spirit he has a soul he lives in a body now when you die your spirit and soul separates from your body the body is the house that you used to live in now religion has used the word spirit and soul interchangeably as if it's the same it is not you are a spirit say Allah I am a spirit man you have a soul say I have a soul and you live in a body say I live in a body all right now the soul compartment is the is made up of the mind the will and the emotions the soul compartment is made of your thinker your feeler and your chooser your feelings and your emotions reside in the area of your soul soul as goals your soul as goes your soul let me get a little bit more precise as goals your emotions so goes your life you see emotions our feelings on the inside move by pain or pleasure or feelings on the inside caused by pain or pleasure to move you in a certain direction that word with you no emotion just that letter e in the Latin means up out and away out and away and then of course the rest of that work motion so what happens is you've got to you got to make sure that you are operating in godly emotions so it can move you towards the will of God for your life and make sure you know how to harness negative emotions so it won't take you away from the will of God for your life so dealing with these emotions that church is it important yes because that is exactly what Satan hops on that that's your emotions are like it's like a way that Satan will surf and use it to get you away from the will of God for your life that's why self-control is a gift from God self-control is a gift from God that that God will use to get you to the destined in the place that God has designed for your life so the opposite is true being out of control is is a trick of the devil to try to move you away from the things of God and you're like God has a purpose for everybody in here there's a will of God for everybody here you were born for a reason there's something you supposed to do so what happens sometimes is God has already unknown at us graced us prepared us to do that wheel but if we don't get in the word so we can harness our emotions so we can get our body lined up you're gonna find that until you do that your life is gonna need an alignment like a car what happens when you need an alignment on the car you take your hands off the wheel and it has a tendency to go left or right and then sometimes you got to balance the wheel if you want smooth ride so what happens is when we don't get in the word we ignore the word we become Christians that are only hunting for inspiration but no education of God's Word no revelation of God's Word that is the only thing that can harness your emotions to keep you or to get you on the path to fulfill the will of God for your life but when you don't think that it's true then what happens is you wake up and all this stuff just starts happening all the time and I'm not saying you're not gonna have trouble but all the time well what happens is you you probably in need of a spiritual alignment you keep moving off course because you're still trying to handle things like the world and the world is handling things based on their emotions not being able to harness them we're putting in language and you find yourself in all kinds of stuff and you need a spiritual alignment in fact all the devil's got to do to get you sick with their disease is to cause you to be at this easement so disease ultimately starts on the inside of man it's ultimately stuck let me tell you something now one of the greatest weapons Satan uses to try to get people sick is stress if I can stress you out enough I can cause chemical reactions from that stress I can cause all kinds of stuff to happen as a result of that stress and see you can take you can be you can be a health nut you can take all kinds of supplements you can you can brag on all of the stuff you take but if you're stressed out here's what happens physically it closes yourselves and your cells can't receive any of the good stuff you given your body in the first place so if you don't deal with your stress issue you can take vitamin E d zze anything getting in any way and the enemy knows that but God knows is all he knows it as well and he says I got a way for you to be prosperous in every area of your life and that your body will keep well but it's gonna Vic turkey is gonna be in your soul look what it says in the amplified beloved I pray that you may prosper in every way do you know it's God's will for you to prosper in every way and that your body may keep well even as I know your soul keeps well and prosperous so what is he saying he said you've been successful in every way and your body keeping well is going to be based on what's going on in your emotions what's going on in your souls you don't think it's a big deal that you wake up every morning stress you don't think it's a big deal that you're walking in unforgiveness for something that some clown did to you you know twenty years ago you don't think it was a big deal that your and your wife are got all these unresolved issues and y'all know ideas when you're in a fight it's stressful if when you make up with one another you feel so relieved like thank you Jesus did I say something wrong okay I just need to you know make sure something happens [Applause] okay that kind of got me off course a little bit there but we have to deal with the subject and we've come to church most of the time we deal with spiritual matters and and we deal with healing but nobody wants to deal with the ultimate reason why people are getting sick I can have prayer like parent lines lay hands on you you get well then go home and come back next week worse than you were after that why because you're not dealing with the root of the issue and the root of the issue is what's going on in your soul what's going on in your emotions how are you dealing with things are you I'm one of the things I'm teaching on it's self doubt and insecurity there's so much insecurity in the body of Christ you're always looking at somebody trying to be like somebody instead of taking the time to discover who God has made you so you can be okay with you and not have to be stressed out over the fact that you can't be all the Sun but I'm not gonna ever be 6-8 I have accepted that it's not gonna happen and there's some things you're never gonna be so you need to discover what God has made you and you need to learn how to be okay with the grace and the anointing on your life to do what you need to do nobody has your fingerprint which means you are unique which means you need to accept your uniqueness and go ahead and be done in that you need you that God made you to be you are a classic honey ain't nobody like you and nobody gonna be like you and you need to spend time instead of discovering what somebody else is like you need to spend time discovering who God has made you so you can walk in the success of your anointing hey man all right let's go to mark chapter 14 real quick a lot of time on that huh you needed it alright mark chapter 14 33 35 through 35 let's look at an amplified I'm just gonna read it straight from the amplified now here I want to show you if emotions were not important and if I wasn't supposed to be talking about it in church then why do we read here that Jesus had emotions he had negative emotions trying to contact trying trying to stop him from fulfilling the will of God for his life that's what negative emotions do they try to stop you from feeling the will of God by the will of God for jesus's life was for him to come here to die on that cross to take on the sins of the whole world to go to hell for three days and three nights to deliver us from the law into the spirit of grace and so here's what Satan uses to try to stop that let's get on his emotions and see what we can do with it so look what happens here in the Garden of Gethsemane he's preparing to do that he's preparing to go to the cross he's preparing to fulfill the reason why he was born and here it is and he took him he took with him Peter and James and John and began to to be struck with terror Jesus began to be struck with terror and amazement and deeply troubled and depressed why he's getting ready to take he's getting ready fulfill that what a gulf is that's it that's good lord I heard that why are these emotions coming up so far he's getting ready to fulfill the will of God for his life you got to think about that the closer you get to fulfilling the will of God for your life and all hell breaks loose and you get in you get in all this trouble and depression why Satan has a reaction the closer you get to the will of God in your life and his only there's only puff his only alternative is to try to use your emotions to push you away from it so Jesus now Jesus is trouble deeply depressed and he said to them my soul he said my soul is exceedingly sad overwhelmed with grief you got to watch that grief overwhelmed with grief so that it almost kills me jesus said he said remain here and wait and be watching and look what he said in verse 35 he said and going a little farther all praise God here's what Jesus did in the midst of an emotional attack here's what he did he knew the will of God for his life watch what he did he said I'm gonna keep doing what I know I'm supposed to do I'm just gonna keep going what I'm not supposed to see sometimes when you let your emotions stop you and then you stay at home and eat tater chips all day and you can cry you're doing just what he wants you to do what you got to do is say yeah I know I feel like this but I got to go and do what I know to do turn your neighbors say keep doing what you know to do so the step 1 to overcome these negative emotions keep going forward say go forward and then he said and and he fell on the ground and he kept praying turn your neighbor say keep praying 2 things you do when you're on an emotional attack you go forward towards the will of God you keep doing what you know God's will is for your life and then number 2 you keep praying stay in contact with God stay connected with him stay in his presence and you'll get through those emotions see they came on Jesus what makes you think they're not gonna come on you that emotional attack came on him it's gonna come on you the circumstances of delivering an entire human creation was on his shoulders but he kept going forward and he continued to pray now turning your neighbor and say you are accountable for how you feel now poking them nice accreting them not name them you are accountable for how you feel you are listen you are accountable for how people treat you but you're also accountable for how you feel you are we got to quit trying to change the rules and quit trying to make excuses for why we go through certain things it's just you know go through it don't pitch a tent go on go through it all right so look at John 14 in 1 john 14 in 1 let's read it out loud together let not your heart be troubled notice what he says the implication is you are responsible for letting not your heart be troubled now I didn't say anyone gonna have trouble we said was even in trouble don't be troubled turn your neighbors say it's time to trouble your trouble so you can have trouble doesn't mean you have to be troubled amen praise God let not you let not your heart be troubled now look at Romans chapter 8 and 6 well how am I gonna accomplish that what do I need to do so that I don't let my heart be troubled listen they're people that you meet today they're smiling they're laughing they're enjoying life they're having a good time be careful don't think that just cause they're doing all of that everything is perfect with them for a whole lot of us we've just made our mind up that it ain't gonna do no good for us to do that so we might as well take the advice of Jesus and rejoice and be exceeding the glad and carry ourselves the best we can carry ourselves and so how do you do that how do you do that because these emotions are strong the emotions of grief you have to death think I'll get ahold of you the emotion of you know hopelessness tries to get in there what do you do to combat that like Romans eight and six he says for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life in peace now we're after life and peace so I need to explain to you in detail what does this mean you know I had a person say to me other day I was doing a show on these different tragedies that kept happening and she says well I read my Bible everyday I go to church all the time I do that I do that and I'm thinking well why are you here if you do that because what I discovered is and this makes me it makes me sad is yeah you read your Bible but you don't understand it yeah you go to church but it ain't making no sense that's why the Bible says now you're getting get understanding it's not a magic book it's not gonna work just cause you read your Bible Noah thou what thou readest and the sad part about it you go to church but what what are you receiving what how is it being preached to you what he preached the word well that depends is it preached on the proper perspective because you can preach out of the Bible from the wrong perspective and feel people with a bunch of law and they walk out with condemnation guilt and shame so it just comes open the Bible don't mean you preaching the word I'm just kind of tired of hearing that I normally want to just kind of be quiet shut up angles in and about that but it needs to be said because you think that you're just because you're opening the Bible and looking at a scripture or just comes you come to church and I sat in church for two hours where is God you we don't know you're getting get understanding if you don't understand nothing listen you can go to a class on how to operate a truck I'll load it and don't pay no attention what's going on and don't understand it and then they put you out then give you the keys you're not gonna be successful because you didn't get no understanding in the training class so it's not enough there when I went to class what more can I do get some understanding okay come on get back in the spirit see that's that's a car on mine let's get back in spirit now so I can read the scripture to you and say Romans eight and six is how you accomplish that but I'm gonna give you two understanding you know it's a success so what does that mean for to be carnally minded a carnal mind the word carnal means of the five senses you're smelling your touch your taste of the five senses so to be carnally minded is literally to be dominated by your sensory mechanisms in other words you know you smell something now you're dominated by that it controls and governs your whole life now God gave you the senses to help you out through life but didn't give you the senses to be dominated by for example you go in and the doctor shows you the x-ray and you see the problem there and so you let that what you see dominate everything you do you can hardly sleep you can holler do nothing because you dominated by what you saw you let what you heard dominate your entire life now he wanted you to have here's to hear but not let what you hear control and dominate your emotions than your whole life not to let what you see control and dominate your whole life so what he says is if you are going to be dominated and controlled by your senses it's gonna eventually lead to death okay he says now here's the alternative if you will be spiritually minded what does it mean to have a spiritual mind and how do you get one okay well John 6:63 says that my words the words that I speak they are spirit they are spirit and they are life oh my god listen to this listen to this man so anything spiritual ladies and gentlemen that I need to get in my mind is deposited through the avenue of his word yes let me let me add something to that anything spiritual that is going to get in my mind is deposited through the understanding of the word and so what happens is if you are spiritually minded and your mind is being renewed with the Word of God to renew your mind is to exchange your thoughts and your opinions to change your thoughts and opinions with God's thoughts and opinions from his word that is to renew your mind renewing the mind is not a one-time event it is a it is a lifetime process constantly renewing your mind he says if you renew your mind to the place where it's now thinking according to the word you now have achieved a spiritual mind and that spiritual mind will lead you to peace and life because your spiritual mindset will now affect how you feel your spiritual mindset will now affect how your thinking is now going to affect how you feel one more time the anatomy of life whatever you're exposing yourself to will produce the way you think the way you think will produce the way you feel the way you feel will produced through the decisions you make your decisions will produce the actions you take your actions will produce your habits your habits will produce your character your character will produce your destination if you do not like how you feel you got to go and check out how you've been thinking and what you've been thinking about oh I feel depressed well what's weighing heavy on your mind oh I feel depressed what's weighing heavy on your thinking okay and then what do you being what are you exposing yourself to your your your your senses to to produce that way of thinking to produce that way of feeling to produce those decisions those actions those habits those character I'm trying to show how it works I'm trying I'm trying to show you that you're not stuck and you don't have to look at babying them and say you got to be like them you you you are you are you are so wonderfully made by God to do what he sent you to do but you keep exposing yourself to us to stupid thinking of all and you're thinking just cause they-they dating them I'm doing that I don't know why I'm coming up with your name but you think because they do that it's right and what's happened in our society the norms and values of our society are now declaring what's right not the word in other words the word can say this and then you look at what everybody else is doing you say well what everybody's just doing is probably more right than the word so I'm gonna choose what everybody else is doing and that leads you to the stupid path and you end up in this crazy destination and you trying to figure out how you get there and I'm telling you how you get there I'm explaining life to you you don't have to keep going and doing the things you do but you are gonna have to understand that God created you with your creation he can included a manual of instruction you go by Ford car Ford always put some manual instruction in the car God created us he gave you a manual of instruction which is the Word of God and you have so many people trying to exist in God's creation without reading the manual in these uncertain times maintaining your peace can feel like a losing battle the truth is Jesus died rose and returned with peace to overcome in any circumstance you are facing today's offer is peace that prevails a four message series that can be yours today for a love gift of twenty five US dollars or more you need to calm your emotions down you need to get in a word and watch that word get on the inside of you and free you from the care free your from the word free you from the stress give you well-founded confidence and what you've been meditating in that it actually comes to pass to further assist you in maintaining your peace we have bundled the peace that prevails with a three message series exercising godly emotions this combo was designed to help you maintain your peace and master your emotions in every situation and is available today for thirty five US dollars or more today five days of fellowship and worship a lifetime victory Michael Smith and join us as we bring you the race light 2020 July 6th through the 10th this will be another amazing event and seats will go fast to register now text grace life to five one five five five or visit us at Creflo Dollar ministries org we will see you soon every time you give you are being used by God to stop misfortune in someone else's life God used someone to deliver you out of your pit now he can use you to deliver others from their pits your gifts to Creflo Dollar ministries are used to spread the gospel to hurting people on every continent we cannot thank you enough for helping us make a lasting impact we appreciate you and God bless you if you want to honor the Lord by sowing financial seeds into Creflo Dollar ministries call the number on your screen or log on to Creflo Dollar ministries org your generosity allows us to make a difference in the lives of people all over the world through creflo dollar global missions we are providing food clothing crucial supplies and the Word of God to people in the most remote regions of the world because of you Creflo Dollar ministries is providing a new understanding of grace and empowering change in the lives of millions of people every day Thank You partners and Friends your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 21,602
Rating: 4.9465084 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: 9yZ9SR76kS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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