Mastering Your Emotions with Joy - Episode 2

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this program is brought to you by the partners and Friends of Creflo Dollar ministries coming up next on changing your world [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] grace life 2020 featuring creflo dollar Taffi dollar Michael Smith Gregory Dickau and Andrew Wommack life-changing experience don't miss it we've been every one of them don't miss it join us as we bring you race light 2020 to register now text grace life to five one five five five or visit us at Creflo Dollar ministries org [Music] [Music] joy is the fuse to your faith like you have a fuse to a stick of dynamite joy is the fuse to your faith joy will cause your faith to become explosive dynamite is explosive when it is ignited it will rearrange and change things joy is the fuse to your faith when it is ignited your faith like dynamite will rearrange and change things the joy of the Lord is like lighting that fuse I don't know what some of y'all been standing in faith in but I believe if you'll release your joy then your faith will become explosive praise God all right come on let's go look at look at John 5:50 I'm excited John 15 and 11 joy don't forget what I just said so what are you excited about I see all of you guys walking out here today and lighten your dynamite line you're dynamite line you're dynamite oh my god someone said what's your preacher on this moment we figured out how to light our dynamite hallelu you been standing in faith some of you been standing there faithful a little while but today you're gonna go and light your dynamite you're gonna go and flick the big that's that's probably too old in it it's turn your name and say it's time to ignite your faith turn the other side say joy is how you do it Oh sookie sookie now okay so I know some of y'all wait - I get look at this shirt the red ball ball ball shot hotbox I make it some of y'all dancing on the way to the car sometimes that what you doing I need my faith to be explosive excuse me why I shout a little bit alright verse 11 these things have I spoken unto you that my joy might remain in you so honey you know your joy needs to remain I said your joy needs to remain that my joy might remain in you and that your joy might be full how do you know it's probably not a good idea to walk around with a half a tank of joy turn your neighbors say you need a full tank of joy so y'all came here this morning to get up get a jar full up fill up you're going that time I gave me about $0.50 well we used to do that I remember they also broke okay now they may have a quarter it's a quarter of a tank now a quarter wolf against y'all laughing I'm serious I remember my mom Bible going into the tunnels bill putting that thing in they're going to give me give me give me 75 cent well again huh well you know I might have gotten me down the street but you know it was like 75 cent and hope hope what hope it didn't stop these things I have spoken unto you so Jesus said I've said what I said so what Jesus spoke was words so the words of Jesus causes your joy to remain and the words of Jesus because your jaw to be full and if you're not going to a place where you're hearing the word of Jesus then you can't get no joy and if you don't get no joy then there's some other things that are gonna come as a result of that so notice here joy comes from the word say that joy comes from the word say it again joy comes from the word no word no joy no joy come on no joy why don't we have no joy no work so when you when you see people who don't have joy you have seen somebody ain't got no and I've got my damn member of the church but then got no joy because no joy means what but when you get some word you want to have someone all right watch this Nehemiah 8 verses 8 through 10 near my eight verses 8 through 10 the RIBA bush like akka hallelujah somebody said what's going on your jaw tank is feeling up every time I turn to the scripture that's mojo going in more understanding you get it's important to get the understanding you can you can sit here and I can read a scripture but if you don't understand it it's like the gas filling out you ain't none going in look at this so they read in the book in the law of God distinctly and they gave the sense thank God for somebody given the sense you me the first time you sat in a in church and you're her description you finally understood it you remember something went off on the inside of it it was like oh okay he said they gave the sense and they caused them that caused them to understand the reading what's prophecy and all thy getting get what they caused them to understand the read and remember the things have a flashback and remember the things that that that you got the understanding of your whole life changed it was like you got born again again on the inside I got it I got it I got it I got it remember the first time you got the message of grace and it exploded on the inside of you it's something happened on the inside when you got an understanding he said in verse 9 and Nehemiah which is the true shafa and Ezra the priests and scribes and the Levites that taught the people said unto all the people this day is holy unto the Lord your God more not nor weep for all the people wept when they heard the words of the Lord I then he said unto them go your way eat the fat drink the sweet send portions to do them for whom nothing is prepared for this day is holy unto our Lord neither be ye sorry for the joy of the Lord is your strength the joy of the Lord is your strength say out loud the joy of the Lord is my strength say it again the joy of the Lord anybody will feel weak before say the joy of the Lord's mustering alright but now listen to this no word no joy no joy no strength no strength then you're weak when you're weak you can't fight and if you don't fight you're defeated and when you're defeated in this area your emotions will master your life look at it again no word no joy no joy no strength no strength you're weak when you're weak can fight can't fight then your emotions will begin to lead and guide your life the joy of the Lord is your strength amen now let's look at something here James 1 verses 2 through 4 James 1 verses 2 through 4 this is a weapon this is a weapon that God has has put aside for us it's a weapon it's the weapon of joy that Satan that there's no defense against it there's no defense against a jarful Christian none you just have the authority which means you're responsible for turning it on or keeping it off none look at this verse to my brethren count at all faith counted all revelation counted all tongues he's out of all the things he could have said count he said count at all what alright when do you count it joy when you fall into temptations test or trial when do you count it just you count it joy when you fall into temptations testings or trials and you already know you're gonna have trouble so it says when when you when you get in trouble count it joy joy needs to be on the scene when trouble comes on the scene employ joy when trouble comes oh my goodness verse 3 knowing this now this is so awesome he says count it all joy how do I count it joy he says you got to know something say this out loud with me joy comes from what you know okay so now let's see we need to make a distinction between joy and happiness happiness is based on how you feel happiness is based on your condition you can go to bed happy and wake up not so happy because it happiness is based on you know it's nice I'm out on the beach I'm drinking some kool-aid you know you're with your wife a husband that's happy some I said you doing alright till you got the husband and the wife I've been the kool-aid was better now happiness is based on comfort but the problem here is that when comfort changes so does the condition of happiness so what's the difference happiness is based on comfort joy is based on what you know so you don't have to feel anything to have joy you have to feel something to have happiness to have joy you got to know something and if you know something even though you're not feeling comfortable about it you can still have joy not but here's the deal if you have joy long enough watch what happens it'll change how you feel and you can have some happiness with that joy but joy comes from what you know he says count it all joy when you fall into different temptations trials and tests knowing this knowing what what do I need to know to have joy in the midst of trials and tests he said that the trying of your faith worketh patience now but now this does this this word work it doesn't mean produce he didn't say the trying of your faith produces patience that's what most people say this this word worketh it's it's attached to the word employs or hires he says that when your faith is being tried employ patience what does patience mean patience is consistently constantly the same so really when somebody sitting in traffic they said well I'm just patiently sitting in traffic which it doesn't mean to put up with that's how the world is defined it it means to remain the same if I started off believing that I'm healed when the pain comes I'm still gonna believe I'm healed when the bat report comes I still believe I'm healed if I'll remain patient about what I believe and not change then patients will have it's perfect work and I'll be perfect entire wanting nothing so now again look what he says he says when the trouble comes higher joy why do I want to hire jour because I'm gonna ignite my faith higher joy by what you know so you can be joyful just because you know how it's gonna turn out you're gonna be joyful because you know something you're gonna be droppable because you know that even though my faith is being tried here's what he said even though my faith is being tried I'm gonna be joyful because I know if I just stay the same about my faith I'm gonna come out perfect entire wanting nothing look how it works folks see a lot of things happen in our life and if you just knew how to deal with it then you get past a lot of this stuff trouble comes you go to the doctor he says you have cancer and what you say is alright I count it all joy because I know that Jesus has healing and so now here's the fight jesus has healing and then you go to the next day Jesus has healing then you go back to the doctor's saying all we see we see that it's moved Jesus has healing then you go home and you feel pain Jesus has healing and then you just you just wonder about it Jesus has healing in other words he says you can have job because you know if you'd be patient about Jesus has healing what's gonna happen you're gonna come out perfect entire wanting nothing look at the next verse that that's what he says he says but let let let patience have her what perfect work that you may be what perfect and what entire and what won't in reason why you don't want to reason why you will not want anything is because you will have it and when you have it you're not wanting it because you got it what I just described this is what we do as Christians stuff don't happen but I rejoice because Jesus is already given us authority over it but most Christians don't know how to respond when trouble comes when I went and I got that cancer diagnosis and you know I hadn't even told taffy I just took off and just got my mind occupied doing something else I think I went to I went to New York preached that night and I went shopping and I think you know you know the guy called me up and asked me if I wanted to do a comedy show and I thought well I'm not gonna do that and and and Jesus said do it it's comedy show and I got the part of playing mr. Wattson a funeral home director turn em say the devil are busy but but we're busier than he is they meant we laughed all day and half through the night just laughed and laughed and laughed and so I I told her I came into the room with in my closet and I said well went to the doctor and they said that I had an aggressive form of cancer in my prostate she looked at me she said I mean didn't flinch didn't flinch what's the plan that's it you know yeah part of me wanted to look at the light what kind of woman are you don't you bend a little bit she just stood there it wasn't ever gonna be this ought to do it then and then called everybody got canceled none of that then a wired like that I knew that you had a plan in mind I knew you had some idea of what you wanted to do next so that's why I asked what was the plan I knew was either surgery or to some alternative type of method so I just wanted to know what you were thinking what's the plan I'm glad she didn't kill me and I'm gonna tell you something we got on the plan and he is yeah he is the spiritual part of that plan was what did God say that's first place you go that's the first place you go had we not done that we wouldn't have discovered those other alternatives and stuff wouldn't even know didn't even know that did they exist didn't even know that there that we had those different options but that's what happens you stay on the word and joy comes in that's that's only good because what happens with some people they do this and they're expecting to something to fall out of heaven what happens is wisdom shows up and wisdom is knowing what to do when you don't know what to do I say but I got my confidence from her I got my confidence from her what's the plan oh I hope y'all hearing this then you don't need nobody around you that's gonna condemn you to the grave with Jesus his you know he got a plan oh well turning your neighbors say he's already got a plan so I don't care what type gone through turning ugly I say he already got a plan okay with a look like say look at me say he already got a plan so if you'll release your joy and your jaw turns your faith on he'll give you wisdom and show you what to do when you don't know what to do come on come on come on come on man we did the same thing years ago well were there tumors or something and God gave us wisdom and when we got for the procedure that day they couldn't find come on say it again he's got a plan turn out as I said he already got a plan some of you came here broke busted disgusted don't know what you're gonna do how you're gonna do it when you're gonna do it but I'm telling you he's already got a plan I'm telling you God's already figured it out then why are you trying to work it out he's already figured it out because he's already got a plan but let joy arise and your enemies will be scattered let faith arise and your enemies will be scattered don't you give up don't you cave-in don't you quit you're not moved by what you see you're not moved by what the doctor says [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right come on come on come on come on come up come up come up I gave a kicker come on come on come on I don't know what you're going through but you're not you're not stranded oh oh you're not stuck and you're not stranded the god of the breakthrough is in the house this morning [Applause] I said this is innocent all right Acts chapter 5 it's feeling good to you baby just tag me on in you can get a little older if you want to get a little iller if you want to help yourself because I'm about to test some up here I'm stretching out y'all don't know I'm stretching out a little bit cuz I might take off running in just a minute amen because you don't know how good god has been [Applause] you know you did a hahaha you don't know you don't know you don't know you don't know ha ha ha ha ha ha my god [Applause] you can't tell it like I can tell it how good God's been to me I can't tell it like you can tell it how good god been to you and I declare [Applause] [Music] all right real quick acts Acts chapter 5 verse 40 Acts chapter 5 verse 40 go over to God I don't know what kind of tricky trying to play on you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] alright alright alright alright all right sincere that's that's good emotions that's godly emotion right there yeah hosaka Calabar [Music] I tell you the god of the breakthrough is visiting your house I don't know where you need a breakthrough but the god of the breakthrough is about the visit your ass you got to break out of did you bout to break out of problems about to break out of sickness you got to break out in the name of [Applause] in these uncertain times maintaining your P's can feel like a losing battle the truth is Jesus died rose and returned with peace to overcome in any circumstance you are facing today's offer is peace that prevails a four message series that can be yours today for a love gift of twenty five US dollars or more you need to calm your emotions down you need to get in the word and watch that word get on the inside of you and free you from the care free your from the worry free you from the stress give you well-founded confidence and what you've been meditating in that it actually comes to pass to further assist you in maintaining your piece we have bundled the peace that prevails with a three message series exercising godly emotions this combo was designed to help you maintain your peace and master your emotions in every situation and is available today for thirty five US dollars or more order your combo today five teachers of grace five days of fellowship and worship a lifetime of victory grace life 2020 featuring creflo dollar Taffi dollar Michael Smith Gregory Dickau and Andrew Wommack life-changing experience come see what God's grace message is just the message for today they are rightly dividing the word of truth and they care about the hearts and the souls of all people don't miss it we've been every one of them don't miss it join us as we bring you like 20 20 July 6th through the 10th this will be another amazing event and seats will go fast to register now text Greece life two five one five five five or visit us at Creflo Dollar ministries org we will see you soon creflo dollar global missions has fed clothed housed and shared the gospel of grace and the message of biblical equality with people on every continent and so today we just want to take a moment to encourage you to go and check out our website and catch up on all the great missions work that is going on around the world you may never go to these places that we've gone to or witnessed the poverty firsthand that we've seen and been to the corners places where all these things are taking place but you know what your prayers and your financial support is enabling us to impact people in these very regions where you've never been so on behalf of the seas that you're sowing to enable us to minister to the needs of people we want to say thank you for caring enough to proactively take the steps to prevent misfortune in the lives of others so that we can be a blessing so that all families of the earth can be blessed god bless you whether it's through our main campus or fellowship churches our international offices or mission trips everyday creflo dollar global missions makes a mark that cannot be erased to learn more about the work of Creflo Dollar global missions blog on two missions Creflo Dollar ministries org because of you Creflo Dollar ministries is providing a new understanding of grace and empowering change in the lives of millions of people every day thank you partners and Friends your love and financial support makes it possible to bring this message into millions of homes all across the globe you [Music]
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 16,498
Rating: 4.9290781 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: UA_7WrCixSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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