Creflo Dollar Overcoming a Fluctuating Soul

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the following program is made possible by the partners and Friends of Creflo Dollar ministries words and images will produce the way you think the way you think will produce the way you feel so if you want to change the way you feel what do you have to do change the way you think but you're not gonna change the way you think unless you change the words and images that you're exposing yourself to now for today's message with creflo dollar so let's begin in Romans chapter eight and again I'm gonna lay this out in in layers so you can get a hold of it the most important thing you can do this morning is listen listen intently and and and intensely and I want you to pay attention to what's what's gonna come forth in you're hearing this morning amen Romans chapter 8 and verse 16 let's read verse 16 out loud together ready read the Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God the amplified says the Spirit Himself thus testifies together with our own spirit now that's something I want you to understand that as a born-again Christian your spirit is together with the Holy Spirit your spirit is together with the Holy Spirit so you have your born-again spirit with the Holy Spirit bringing testimony to you of your true identity your spirit along with the Holy Spirit together with our own spirit assuring us that we are children of God so you have your born-again spirit along with the Holy Spirit assuring us of our identity our identity as children of God now for the last few weeks we begin to talk about your identity and how behavior won't line up with think with the things of God until you understand the identity that lands up with the things of God you have to believe your true identity and then your behavior will change but if you continue to allow your behavior to be that which determines your identity then you may never come to the place of knowing who you really are as a born-again Christian this is who you are you are a child of God you have a new creation old things have passed away behold all things have become new first John chapter 4:17 what's your true identity as he is in heaven as Jesus is in heaven so are we here in this world that is your true identity you're going to have to go even beyond your family name and you're going to have to come to the place of recognizing this is Who I am I am a spirit being recreated in the image of God say that out loud with me I am a spirit being recreated in the image of God said again I am a spirit being recreated in the image of God that's first base we're identity is concerned you have to understand and believe that that I am I am I am NOT my body I am NOT my soul I am a spirit recreated in the image of God does everybody hear what I just said and not now now he says now if you listen carefully your spirit along with the Holy Spirit will assure you of that that is your true identity now for Christian people what we experience mentally and emotionally in our souls from day to day can be very different from what we're called to set our minds on concerning our human spirits what we find ourself experiencing mentally where we find ourselves experiencing emotionally in our stoles every day the things that are going on in between your two ears every day mentally and emotionally gonna be so far different from what the Bible tells us how we should be setting our mind all the things that are above a Colossians chapter 3 and 2 says set your mind on the things that are above and not the things that are on the earth the amplified says set your mind and to keep its it what what is on the line when we ignore that advice what is on the line cuz you know God's the most purposeful being around so why is he telling me to set my mind on the things that are above and then amplifies it and says set your mind keep it set as if this is this is what I need to be striving for every day setting my mind on the things that are above keeping my mind set on the things that are above you know your as goes your thinking so goes your life as a man thinketh so is he a man and so we understand also that how you feel is tied to how you think you see just everything in your life and everything that you experience in life is is tied to how you think and he says now I want you to do this now I want you to set your mind on the things that are above keep it set on those things because you're gonna have some things going on in your soul that's gonna challenge everything about how you live now let's review just for a moment we know that man is a what say out loud I'm a spirit Ben now listen to this this is very important man is a spirit he live in a body but he has a soul your spirit has a nature your body has a nature but not your soul your soul is attached to the nature of your spirit or it can be attached to the nature of your flesh listen to me carefully now oh my goodness I am a spirit being I am a spirit being who's been born again you are spirit being and if you've been born again you have been made in the image of God you are made just like God listen if you are born again person the day you got saved what part of you man is a try part being or three-part being man is a spirit you are a spirit being say I am a spirit being you have a soul say I have a soul now your soul is comprised of your mind your will and your emotions your soul has your thinker your filler your chooser it's it's your psychology it's your personality your soul is how you it's it's your thinking process it's your your your emotions and and we know emotions are feelings on the inside emotions are feelings on the inside that will direct you somewhere that'll take you somewhere and think about if you got the wrong emotions going around your your emotions gonna be taking you to all these different places your emotions your way of thinking your mind your will your emotions your thinker your pillar your chooser really how you see life is right up there in your soul now what we cannot do is what the church has done for decades what more decades centuries probably we cannot continue to use spirit and soul interchangeably as if they are one I didn't think it was really a big deal so I mentioned that in times past but I'm coming to you today hopefully with evidence and proof that this is a big deal this is a big deal if a man doesn't see a clear distinction between his soul and his spirit you know it's it's we have a spirit we have a body but we have a soul that's not doesn't have its own nature so you have a soul and you live in a body you live right now you are alive you you have a earth suit on you have a body that gives you the ability to comprehend in a physical world so without a physical body you would have no comprehension in the physical realm without a physical body you could touch things you couldn't pick up physical thing there will be no comprehension without a physical body so actually when death takes place this is what happens you are spirit the real you along with your soul moves out of your body your body stays here in the physical realm your spirit and soul are now in in spiritual realm comprehension mold you know say now what you can't comprehend spiritually in your body you now can comprehend spiritually now that you are you are aware that your spirit has separated from your body so when somebody dies it's not the fact that they fell asleep their body fell asleep because you the real life of that body moved out you can not kill a spirit the insane you cannot kill a spirit why because that part of you is like God it's the zowie life of God it's eternal life it's eternal life now you have to determine where you're going to expend eternal life and that's that's the deal you can't kill a spirit but you're gonna you're gonna continue to exist in in one round or another round once you leave your body and you determine that by one decision if you die and you have not had your spirit if removed and if you if you've not gotten born again to get the new creation with that that spirit that you were born with that's dead to God but alive to sin is going to hell but when you make Jesus the Lord of your hands of the Lord of your life and I said that right the Lord of your house when you make Jesus the Lord of your life and you die so your spirit is brand new glory be to God and when you die your spirit brand new spirit is heaven ready turning your neighbor and asking like you haven't ready and I say this out loud say this out loud I am NOT my body I am not my soul I am my spirit that's who I am I am my spirit now to understand what I just explained to you will now bring about clear comprehension about a whole lot of scriptures and a whole lot of things that we've seen in the Bible and we have misunderstood those things and and those things have been used to condemn us pretty badly so let's get let's get into word because I want you to know where these things are 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 the most important thing I don't have to say to you I started to come in here with some sweat zone and a turkey leg and just sit down and just talk to you to let you know let you know we need to talk we got to talk this morning everybody with me who Jesus now the sermon if I have the sermon it's written it's one line here's what I want to say to you it's one line but it takes six pages to get ready for that one line i T if I told you that one line you just look at me like whew and but as we work our way up to that one line Oh sookie sookie now 1st Thessalonians 5 verse 18 let no verse 23 let's read verse 23 out loud together ready read and the very God of peace do what sanctify you wholly and I pray God watch this your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ so that's the three parts of man that's the three part man is a tripart being he is a spirit he possesses a soul his mind his will and emotions he lives in a physical body but the question this morning is is there a distinction or a difference between the soul and the spirit is there do you believe there is alright let's go to Hebrews because Hebrews gives us a little insight Hebrews four and twelve Hebrews four and twelve creates the curiosity of digging deeper into this to see what what this distinctions are hebrews chapter four and verse 12 and verse 12 says for the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and why so there's that's obviously according to the scripture there there is the creation of the curiosity if you can divide the soul in the spirit there's got to be a difference between the soul and the spirit if you understand NS Amen now so let's deal now with the soul putting more information there then let's deal with the spirit discover the distinctions and then put them together and see why we're having to make this distinction let's define the soul once again the soul is our psychology it is our mind it is our will it is our emotions it is our personality it is our thinker our feeler our chooser in our souls we experience wow fluctuations of thoughts in our soul we will experience a fluctuation of emotions as we go from the height of ecstasy to the depths of despair within a moment you've ever experienced that before with in a moment you can go from one position to the next one you can walk around being happy and within a moment which I figure out how to I don't feel good what's going on here your soul can do that your soul can do that our feelings follow our thoughts and sometimes our thoughts are all over the place now you got an issue if your feelings they follow your thoughts remember when I taught on the anatomy of life words and images will produce the way you think the way you think will produce the way you feel so if you want to change the way you feel what do you have to do change the way you think but you're not gonna change the way you think unless you change the words and images that you're exposing yourself to so now watch this if we are not changing we are not growing but we can't change if we don't renew mine with the word of God we have to renew our mind with the Word of God here Romans chapter 12 says be ye renew be transformed or change how by the renewing of your mind so without renewing our mind with the Word of God there is no change without change there is no growth let me show that again without renewing the mind with the Word of God and I'm specifically talking about renewing your mind with the word of God what is renewing the mind it's exchanging your thoughts and your opinions and your way of thinking for God's thoughts his opinions and for his way of thinking when you take your about life and you put it on top of the word and they don't match you don't try to change the word you let the word change the way you think and renewing the mind is not a one-time event it's not something you do one time and that's it renewing the mind is a lifetime process it's something you're we're gonna be doing it till Jesus comes back there's no such thing as a what you know that guy's a preacher so he's renewed his mind uh-uh he must continue to renew his mind now I knew that this was exactly right but I could not I have not yet I died I didn't discover why this was so vital and an essential part of what we're supposed to do as a Christian and I'm saying to you you can get born again you start coming to church but if you if you neglect to renew your mind here's what happens every time you neglect the process of renewing the mind you're gonna make your life subject to the contrary to the opposite to the sin if you don't renew your mind you can't change in the direction God's trying to get you to change and I see so many people that get born again they become Christian people and they wonder well how come I'm still the same how come this hasn't change how come I don't feel any better how come this had change where is God maybe God don't care much about me as much as he care about you and that's not the issue the issue is that one Christian is consistently renewing his mind and you're sitting there wondering where is God God is gonna show up in the process of you renewing your mind and when we fail to do that or we don't understand and do the we're too lazy to do that oh we don't want to do that see people don't see they don't have a real reason to come to church anymore because in you know church for most people was based in religion was based in the entertainment was based in acquiring the music and they don't see it real value to come to church and hear the word of God and the value I'm about to explain to you the value is the information you give to your soul that if you don't give this information the Word of God to your soul your soul is going to be a part of your destruction an unreduced soul is going to be used but it's not gonna be used to create a life that expresses Jesus Christ it is gonna be used as something that will kill steal and destroy you so what does this put you here in this right now I need you to understand praise God you came to church today you know what you are now involved in the process of renewing your mind hallelujah you're involved in the process of renewing your mind when you go home and read your Bible you're involved in the process of renewing your mind when you stick a CD in you're involved in the process renewing your mind when you meditate on your little scripture for the day you're involved in the process of you're doing your mind when you finally got your life to a place where you say no matter what happens in my life the first move I'm gonna make is what does the word have to say about this bills are due what does the word have to say about this conflict in marriage what's the word have to say about this conflict with children's what does word have to say about this conflict in other relationships what's the word have to say about this conflict in my business my ministry what does the word have to say about this what's happening you've already committed yourself that I'm not gonna think any other way than what the word says and that's the process that's a process but why why why is it so vital that I loved my mind daily that I daily see he daily lotus us would benefits the Bible says why do I load my mind daily with with the Word of God now you know some old some old brother coming home well I'm under grace I ain't got to renew my mind no no no no grace does not empower you to be a failure and it doesn't if I empower you not to do the things you need to do to equip yourself grace powers you to live a life that's pleasing to God which means renewing your mind is going to help your life to do what it needs to do to be pleasing with God does everybody understand what I'm saying I do I have your curiosity up a little bit about well I renew my man something you renewing your mind so you're gonna rejoice on the fact that we praise God no wonder I'm happy don't don't you know this don't you notice a difference those of you who come to church sometime and don't come to church sometime don't you know the difference the month you stay out simply don't you notice it aren't you a little bit more susceptible to the flesh when you're not reading when you're not praying when you ain't heard no word you know and then something happens and you look you consider it two three more times and what you'd normally consider it when you're in the word even your attitude is a little off a little bit you know maybe you know you're a little touchy a little bit more you know hey what's up what I mean you know you've been in the word we can tell you ain't been in the word you're renewing your mind everyone's know what I'm saying okay so so this is the soul needing the mind renewed specifically with the word I'm not talking about a positive attitude I'm talk about a attitude that's governed by the Word of God so our feelings follow our thoughts if I feel depressed then it's a thought that's causing me to feel that way my thinking is cause if I want to change how I feel I change the way I think I don't feel good well you do something what you thinking what I'm thinking this what would you get it from well I got it from here all right well throw that away close that book up and open this one up now let this be the seed that determines your thinking and then your thinking from that seed will determine how you feel and you'll feel all right does everybody know what I'm saying well let me ask you make sure I'm in the right place how many you ever feel bad all right how many you remember how many of you can recall why you feel bad okay and and and so you can wake up every day and you can say well I'm gonna feel bad today and you know what you're gonna feel bad today or you can wake up feeling bad and say now no bad days today not gonna feel bad today I'm gonna be happy today I'm gonna be happy today because I'm gonna see good days and I'm a lived life hallelujah anyhow gonna get you a popsicle have a good day our soul ladies and gentlemen here it is I want you to gain concept of what I'm getting rid of tell you our soul is like a mirror that can reflect anything at any time our soul doesn't give us our spiritual nature instead it merely reflects the nature of something else in a given moment so this explains why we can walk either according to the spirit and then we reflect Christ or according to the flesh and we reflect sin in any moment at any moment that can happen so these occur as we set our minds one way or the other we angle our soul mirror we angle our soul numb mirror what image do you have of yourself do you see yourself like God sees you now the truth is if you're born again you have a new identity this is significant because many people get saved and wonder why they still feel and act the same now explain why in my teaching series the power of seeing yourself in Jesus you are not your body you are not your soul you are a spirit recreated in God's very own image so one third of you is perfect now when you renew your mind about who you are in Christ and embrace your true identity that's when your behavior will change to receive your copy of creflo dollar's powerful teaching series the power of seeing yourself in Jesus call in or order online at Creflo Dollar ministries org the powerful truth is documented in this classic CD series will set you free and change your life so place your order right away it's not just about money or having a bigger house or car it's about the power to live rich in every area of life as God intended pref law dollars four-part series will propel you into a life of victory order now and we'll also send you this dynamic 2 CD series your big win along with prep low dollars book maximum living tools for manifesting financial wealth all for a specific gift to the ministry no more defeat no more lack it's time to live rich and win big order today as a leader in the body of Christ there's nothing God has called you to do that he has not graced you to finish now this is the very reason why the theme for 2014 ministers and leaders conference is aptly titled grace based leadership until the return of the Lord Jesus Christ my mission is to equip and transform this generation of leaders with game-changing grace are you ready to become a student of grace then make plans today to join us at the world Dome in College Park Georgia for three power-packed days where you will receive unfiltered truth for today's leaders this empowerment conference will kick off on Tuesday October the 21st and wrap up on Thursday October the 23rd daily sessions and informative workshops will be taught by some phenomenal men of God including pastor Michael Smith dr. Earl Johnson as well as myself visit Creflo Dollar ministries or for more details and information we are the harvesting generation and as we trust in God's great grace and love for us we will get the spoils praise done I look forward to seeing you think are you ready to go deeper with Creflo Dollar and discover truths about grace that will transform your life and ministry it is your change in my life its life given to pastors it's gonna change it has truly been a life-changing experience join creflo dollar at the 2014 ministers and leaders conference October 21st through 23rd in College Park Georgia at world changers church international you are graced to lead creflo dollar is coming to Barbados October 9th and 10th so get ready for a life changing word for more information log on to Creflo Dollar ministries org today Creflo Dollar ministries has been loving people and changing lives for over 20 years your love and financial support is being felt around the world for this we say thank you we thank the partners and Friends of Creflo Dollar ministries for making this program possible
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 60,796
Rating: 4.8601875 out of 5
Keywords: Creflo Dollar, Pastor, Creflo Dollar Ministries, Religion (TV Genre), World Changers, WorldChangersInternational, Church, Soul, Gospel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 31sec (1651 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2015
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