The Snake Method For Charcoal (Pork Butt Smoked On A Weber Grill)

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hey guys thanks for checking out my video today I'm going to teach you how to smoke made on a kettle grill using something called the snake method and I'll be cooking a pork but I'm gonna make some pulled pork today but this method would work for any type of meat ribs brisket chicken and pork anything that you want to smoke this is really neat method and I'll go ahead and show you how we set it up alright I'll go ahead and show you the setup that I'm using I've got just a standard Weber 22 and a half inch kettle today I'll be using some stubs all natural charcoal briquettes and I'm gonna use Applewood I was looking for some pecan last night I couldn't find anywhere couldn't find anything anywhere that'll win it so I've never smoked the pork book using Applewood so I always like to try something different so that's what I'll be doing today all right I'm gonna go ahead and scoop out some talked over you that's probably enough to get started with I don't know exactly how much would it take but we'll just see as we go all right I've gathered all my talk over here out of the way I'm going to start right here and what we're going to do is go all the way around the grill or actually will probably go by halfway around the grill and I'm going line these up and the rows of two and what's going to happen is once we get the first layer down I'll come back and I'll put another layer on top just like this [Music] all right as you can see here I've lined these up about halfway around the grill I think this to get us through a few hours at the port but they don't smoking today it's just a little bit over five pounds I think it's actually five and a quarter pounds so I'm anticipating that to take about five or six hours if we want to light one end of the charcoal what we're going to do here just a couple means is we'll take about ten of these other briquettes and we'll put them in the chimney and get them started and then we'll layer wood on the top of this and space it however we want it and you'll like the charcoal on this side and it will gradually burn all the way around now when it gets closer to the end if I see that I'm going to need a few more hours I can I've got a great that has hinges on the side of it and I could just raise one of those up and I can add a few more briquettes however more Remini that I think that it take all right now it's time to to actually like my other briquettes so if you notice I've got my chimney turned upside down I'll show you just a little quick trick that I've learned if you're gonna do just a few I like turning it upside down I'm gonna put my lighter cube right here and I'm just gonna put about 10 in here there's a living they tell me I head forward out so we'll just go with the lid when it's close enough now go ahead and like this now [Music] [Music] and I'll see you back just a few minutes after this chalk I was ready all right while my grills getting ready I'm gonna go ahead and get this pork butt ready to put on there very simple all I'm doing today is I'm going to use a little mustard for the binder and I've got this rub that I made I really like this on pork using on chicken sometimes I'll put the ingredients and the recipe to it and the notes of the video I just put it in a shaker and I'll go ahead and coat the pork butt with this mustard just want to rub it down really good mustard really won't impart a whole lot of flavor it's just gonna act like I said as a binder so that we can keep our rub on there good we want a good bark towards the end of our cook on the outside [Music] all right just apply this very liberally [Music] alright we let that sit for just a little while and once they're Torkos done we'll bring her grill up the temperature and we'd be ready to put that on there alright now that we've got our chocolate I'm gonna take a pair of long handle tongues so that I don't have to get burned and I'm gonna place this charcoal right at the beginning of the snake that we made with the rest of it and the plan is for this charcoal as it gradually burns out it will continue to ignite the rest of it and it'll make its way the flame or the fire rather will make its way slowly around to them a little at a time that way we don't have too much heat at one time [Music] keep rolling what all right like I told you earlier also I'm using some Applewood that's the first time that I've smoked the pork but using Applewood but Apple is very mild and sort of sweet I love the way that it smells so I think it turned out really good so I'm gonna go ahead and lay my first little chunk of wood right here at the beginning and then I'm gonna lay another one about the mid section I think I'll keep this one off for now and I can always add some my plan is to apply smoke to the meat until it reaches an internal temperature of about a hundred and sixty degrees or so and at that point I'll probably wrap it and and just let it cook with just some good clean heat from the charcoal from that point on so but we'll see where it goes and like I said I can also I can always add more wood in here anywhere that I need to or take it off when I get to the point that I want to start putting smoke on it for that matter so I've got my bottom vent closed off about halfway right now and that's where I'm going to start the top on as well and we'll go from there I'm gonna go ahead and place my water pan in here I'm going to put a little bit of water in it I'll go ahead and put my cooking grate on here now like I said earlier I've got one that's got the hinges on the side so if I get to the point where I'm at the end of the charcoal and I think I need to add some more need to cook for a little longer I can access this and put a little more talk go in there and I may have to move things around just a little bit but we can do that if needed but I think this will be enough I'll go ahead and put the lid on then let it come up to temperature shooting for a temperature today of about 225 to 250 degrees and I'll try to maintain that during the entire cook so I'll give it a few minutes and then we'll come back alright I went ahead and now and place the pork butt on the cooking grate and if you'll notice I put it on the side opposite of the coals so that we can cook it indirectly I'll put the lid on it with the vent over top of the meat so that the heat and the smoke will have to travel up over the meat and then out and as for the first few hours the only thing I'll be doing to this is just checking on it pretty often and maintaining temperature like I said around 225 to 250 as close as I can get to that so I'll probably check back in with you after about three hours so I'll see you at the three hour mark alright guys I told you I would be back in about three hours techs have been about three and a half I'll go ahead and show you what it's looking like for the last three and a half hours really all I've done is just maintain temperature I'll show you how much of the coals we've used it's burned a little over halfway now and I actually put a little handful in there I may have to add a few more oh this might finish this up I'm not sure but I'm gonna go ahead and show you I was looking for a temperature of around a hundred and sixty degrees it's been a little slower coming up than what I would have hoped just a few degrees shy of that right now all right so I want to hit and put the lid back on there and I'm gonna give it just a few more minutes that come up just three or four more degrees and then we'll take it off and wrap it and put it back on there to finish out all right at this point I've took it off the grill and I made some I mixed up one part water one part apple cider vinegar and 2 parts apple juice what I want to do is just spray this down a little bit you can see it's got a nice bar kombi I don't know if you can see this real good or not the shades come over just a little bit where I am so I'm going to just spray it down just a little bit put a little moisture in here and then we'll wrap it up and this this solution and the juices that will come out of this the meat will kind of braise in and then it help help it maybe being a little more tender hopefully or juicy and then also wrapping it may help the cooking process speed up just a little bit I'm not going to put too much on there I don't want to really mess up my bar trim it you want to wrap it up 3/5 [Applause] notice I'm using two pieces of two sheets of aluminum fold wrap it twice now I'll just put this back on there for a couple more hours or so and hopefully we'll get up to about a hundred and ninety five degrees and we'll pull this off and let it rest and pull it apart [Music] you
Channel: Kitchen Alpha
Views: 847,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the snake method charcoal, the snake method, the snake method for smoking, the snake method charcoal kettle low and slow technique, how to bbq on weber kettle, how to smoke on weber, beginners guide to bbq, pulled pork, pork butt smoked on weber, pork butt smoked using snake method
Id: 40_nQGvWfpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 44sec (704 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 04 2018
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