Master Wood Texture Creation in Blender

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hey what is up gentlemen welcome back to this new tutorial so now we're going to be creating a variety of types of wood procedurally in blender so you're going to have an understanding on how channel maps works in blender uh the base color the roughness map uh and the normal also we're going to be giving some examples so that you can understand even better and after that we're going to be applying all these textures to the office scene all right so let's get to work so i'd like to make some changes so i'm going to just join this area over here and expand the animation and switch it switch it to the shader editor just like this okay so i'm going to start with creating a new new material so let's call it wood number one so for the words let me explain how it works in the woods just would like to show you that it's built upon layers so for example this one something like this you can see that it's built upon layers so in order to do that we need to build make it the same so this is the the the principle if you want to have some realistic material so we need to understand its nature first and after that we need to build build something that looks similar so let me start by uh shift a start with a plane and let's work on that plane separately all right so over here let me switch to my wood table also let me switch to the material over here so now we're going to be able to see that material so what i'd like to do is to start with the most graph most grave almost grab i think it's a must grave texture okay so this is the first one i'm gonna be duplicating this one you can put it on top of that so creating two layers two uh gave us this layer built in so now what i'd like to do is to increase this amount let me check yeah i think we need to increase this one so let's increase this on to 50. this kind of foot it's not it's just like expanded so we need to do that so for this i'm going to be using the mapping mapping like this and the the geometry uh texture coordinates text recording here this one so basically we need to rely on the uvs of our uh image yes we basically need to switch over to the uv so that you can be able to see that the uvs so let me just reverse back to the image so that we can keep an eye on the reference so i'd like to connect this uvs to the vector like this and then we've actually changed vector so over here on the x-axis i'd like to expand it so by simply reducing its amount to something like two point twenty-five or even down you can set it to point one you can see that we start to see some nice result like this okay so that's the first step so let you do next is to add add some noise so for that i'm going to just take these to the left let's add the noise texture over here shift a and let's use the mix rgb put it on top of that line and let's connect the color to the color like this okay let's see yes we can see that mix of color but we don't want to have these green blue and colored so for this i'm going to be using the color ramp so that you can have control over the color uh coloring this noisy details okay so i can see that also over here i'd like to increase the details to 16 what about the roughness roughness let's take it to one now you can see that we have these nice details also what i'd like to do is to increase the amount of the noise so let's set it for example 2.8 0.8 is fine here so as you can see now it starts to look like wood i think 0.75 will be good nice okay so the next step that i'd like to do is to add make it give it some color so again let's use the color ramp put it on top of that and let's change its color so that it can match our table so as you can see what we have over here we have two two colors one is uh brown dark brown you can pick it from this dot over here and this second one is a light light brown you can pick it for example from here let's let's make it close to each another oh something like this but also let me add so control click of the also i forgot to add the sub the screencast keys so for this one let's make it darker a little bit yeah something like this now it looks like wood looks pretty much interesting so that's the first layer so what we need to do next is to work on the roughness so the roughness over here so the roughness if we put it to zero it's gonna be pure glossy if you put it to one it's gonna be pure rough rough means no it's going to catch any reflection so what you need to do instead is to make uh make it give it some variety so for that i'm going to be using a map from here but before that i would like to explain something so let me connect this one to the base color and let me show you what we got over here also let's you know what let's let's use another example let's go over here and let's use for example some noise structure just would like to explain this one so that you can understand it so let's connect this one to the base color let's use the color ramp put it on top of that and let me make these close to each other so that we can have sharp sharp edges just like that okay so now it's going to be really obvious so this is how the roughness map works so basically the black spots it's going to be pure glossy and the white spot is going to be rough so this is how it works so the diary is if you have a gray area like this so on the edges it's going to be glossy over here it's going to be rough so check this out if i connect this one to the roughness so let's wait for it so there we go so you can see it so these parts already that are white they are rough and the other spots are glass you can also revert that so basically this is how it works so i'd like to do over here i'm gonna just remove those connect this one back go first let me check this map first so this is what we got as a roughness as you can see it's not that's clear so we can add over here the color ramp and do the same thing which is to make it sharper little bits you can make these close just to see what we got i think it looks good you can see the amount of details we have so also we must pick these sectors because they will take a lot of resources but instead of using this one i'm thinking yeah basically this one is just a noise so we must actually use this one let's go like this one pretty much good but i think it's going to be pure it's going to be a lot of we're going to be having a lot of glossiness so let's give it something like this also for the white color let's make it a bit gray because i believe our table is a little bit glossy also for this let's make it not completely black so we must create some dark areas so let's connect this one to the roughness and let's see what we got yeah uh yeah i like it but it looks more glossy so let's just make it less glossy perfect okay so let's use this one let's connect this one back to the base color and let's check out which how it went with the color i think it looks looks good alright so the next step is to work on the on the bumps so we need to add some bumps obviously so it's pretty straightforward so shift a add the bump bump as you can see the temperature is going up so let me simply connect this one to the heights connect the normal to the normal let's see what we got okay let's switch for the shaders compilation yeah now we got it but as you can see the the bumps are crazy high so we must reduce it down to something like one tenth yep something like this it looks uh really nice also i'd like to do something else which is to add some some divisions to these it looks pretty much uh organic not organic it looks uh yeah so i'm going to revert you back to the most graph over here and we can for example increase the details not the first details but this one yeah what about 16 14 yeah as you can see we have some distortion over here what about the dimensions just playing with this one to see what we got it's actually i don't like to keep it at 14 what about just 10. let's reduce it a bit down 4.5 three yeah three is fine okay so that's it for the first uh uh this first word so let's create the second one it's gonna be this type so i'm gonna duplicate this one move it to the side and i'm going to be duplicating this material also so over here you can you can see that new simply click on it and let's create over here wood number two and for the name let's give it so walls wood for the walls so i'm gonna simply jump into the colors and let's make some variations so as you can see it's glossy more glossy you can see the reflection on of the library on it so let's make for example again what about copying just this color okay copying the scanner over there same thing for this one let's just copy this color nope i don't like it this one let's make it for example even darker okay but it must not be that obvious something i'm not sure to be honest let's just reduce that amount of the details let's make it just true we will see we'll see when we apply it we'll see i think also for for the strength let's reduce it down to something like 0.05 just a one no o5 is fine we'll see how it's going to be turning out when we apply everything to to the walls so this is the first one this is the second one the third one is gonna be on the roof you can see it's like it's like uh lines lines okay so i'm gonna just duplicate this one move it over here duplicate this material again and let's call it tree roof proof wall not wall but wood okay so i'm gonna go back to my first this scale of the i'm gonna try to reduce that scale we're about to set it to zero just to see yeah now it looks close uh some energy this one except the colors of course so let's work on the colors so we have the black the dark dark this one we got it this one let's copy for example this material from here let's see how to combine all those three colors put them all together before we go the last something nope i'm gonna just keep trying keep working on it until i get something interesting you know what let me just to remove this one and start start fresh so shift a starts with a curl ramp color ramp put it over there and let's combine connect the factory to the factory the color to the color and let's see which we got so basically as i said we must make it consist of three colors so let's make this one brown like this second one let's make it yellow and third one we can make it just like the first one but don't want to make it red i want to make it brown um actually i'm stuck with this don't know the exact formula for creation something that looks like this um let me just revert back to the previous one i think the previous one looks better this one but for this color over here let's make it okay this one let's make it man it's hard stuff we have some multiple lines so what about increasing that scale to 1.5 changing the black to some kind of yellow or just experimenting over here to see how it works uh maybe just maybe i think we're getting closer let me just over here revert back to the just 0.75 which is the health but that's yellow it's not so popular i think i'm gonna go with this one for the roof yeah there is only two complicates complicated also now let's work on the bottom i believe this one works best for the bottom not the roof so let's let's just duplicate this one change this one wood for the bottom side all right so let's call it something or let's uh let's make it even more white yeah i think this one looks similar for the glossiness we're going to be working on this i think this one is pretty much glossy yeah i can do it right now because i can see the reflection on it yep something like this maybe this one let's reduce it just a tiny bit fine it's over here uh 25 fine all right so we got our wood so i'm gonna just go back over here and apply it apply each one to where it belongs so on the back i forgot this one but that's fine you can simply use so this one what do we got we got the wood applied over there but first let me just apply the default material and after that let's add the wood for the walls so it's applied only on the wall on the on the door i see that's fine switch the material to the wi-frame so that you can be able to select everything and let's select everything from here all right so let's apply that aside let me switch over here to the material preview let's see yeah uh we forgot i think over here let's you must unwrap that let's unwrap it in a correct way i believe we must spin it so i'm gonna split my scene over here and let's switch over here to the uv editor also yeah select everything over here air 90 degree but we must scale it so let's get it by three see actually i'm not a big fan of this one yeah i think we must also uh apply this mapping also for the for the noise so let me just connect this one to the vector to the vector and let's see now it looks better some way but also for the colors over here i'd like to reduce the amount of the black or let's simply drag this one no actually it does not work let's just carry on so let's work for the table and we're going to be assessing the quality of materials later on so for the table let's assign this one this one looks looks good on the spot i see so let me scale but also we must apply the vector like this to the noise so scale y let's scale it by 3 okay and also what about scaling everything by two i think it's fine yeah it's fine i don't know how it works to be honest you know what let's do this i'll select these shift d f to fill that and let's apply to the material now it's better fine so what's next so we need to work on the bottom side so for the bottom sides simply add the this one from the bottom maybe let's increase it increase by three it's zero to check the bottom side yep i like it similar to that okay so what's next so we got the roof yeah this part over here on the top so i'm gonna simply grab the inside parts shift l to the selected side and let's add to it the roof actually i'm pretty um i i like the roof so we can from here simply air 90 degree just spin it and basically we got it yes we must only judge when we have all the detail okay so that's for this tutorial so we learned how to create the material the wood material so we might work on it even more in the coming tutorials so for now that's it for the story if you have any questions or suggestions on how to make this one make this tutorial even better so leave a comment down below thanks for watching and hope to see you in the coming tutorial take care
Channel: Reality Fakers
Views: 30,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Wood, Procedural Texturing
Id: sfo3rMT331A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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