Procedural Wood Material - Blender Tutorial

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hello and good morning I'm Lachlan and today we're going to be creating this procedural wood material in blender now I make a fair few product models um and I recently used this on a project I made this turntable vinyl player and I thought I would share with you guys some material that I made for this one so let's jump into blender and get underway so in our pretty full of fresh blender scene I've just got here a big subdivided icosphere so you can just go like shift a uh one of these guys make it nice and round and then I've also just got for our lighting scenario I've just got ourselves a big old area light really nice and big and just set to 1500 just so it's nice and easy to seal we're working with it's probably not the best for scene lighting like when you're doing a real shot but just so we can see what we're doing here and then also I've got in the artist workshop hdri and that's from polyhaven I'll link it down below and that's going to help us fill in all the Shadows um so with all that lighting out of the way let's get underway into our shading tab so with our ball selected we are going to add a new material we can call this guy wood and also we will be using for this one we'll be using um Cycles now you can this does work in Eevee but Cycles you get those better Shadows so that's what we're going to be rolling with so with our new material selected essentially how this is going to run is you sort of have four sections to this wood right we have the color we're then going to have the main grain I guess the main pattern of the wood we're then going to have some extra little knots and sort of imperfections on it and then we're going to have sort of like the smaller detail scratches running down that as well so first of all let's get our main sort of pattern done to get the big grain done so for the grain we're gonna go shift a and that ourselves a Musgrave texture and then on your shift a and also add ourselves a noise texture beautiful now we can get started on this Musgrave texture so to preview it you can hold Ctrl and shift and then just click on it and you can see what we're working with so for the scale on our Musgrave texture it's 4.6 and for our detail cranking it all the way up pretty much drags up all the way to 15. now our Dimension we're going to bring all the way to zero and that's going to start to really give us that nice sort of grainy detail we're after and that's pretty good that's it for the Musgrave texture now we can start working on our noise texture so I'm just going to control shift and click on this guy now we're going to get the scale up a little bit 27.8 up or down I never know what to say like lower number makes it bigger so is it bringing it up I don't know whatever I'm going to say bring it up because the numbers higher 7.8 to detail up to an 11 so as you can sort of see it's getting a bit more detail in here leave the roughness but then our Distortion we're going to set to a 1.12 and as you can sort of see it sort of makes that like Rippling effect if I control Z there we go so it's going to sort of help us with our knots a little bit beautiful so what else we need for this guy for this knot section is we're going to need a mix RGB so shift a mix RGB I'm actually going to need two of them so what you can do is with it like hovering over it you can press shift d and that will duplicate them it's going to move these guys a little bit over this way and then on our mix Shader we need to get um all our mapping and stuff so with the node Wrangler add-on if you don't have that selected if you go into your preferences um you can search up for the node Wrangler add-on that means we can hit Ctrl T and I have no idea why it's giving me an image texture with that guy open delete him and we just need to plug our mapping and our coordinates up so which is what my goal was to really use this object coordinate for pretty much all the textures so no matter what you put this on it should look great and you can sort of change the scale with it um but so object for that I went into the mapping and then we are going to need um not into the factor for this only I'm mapping into our color one and we need to plug the color from our first mix into the vector of the noise texture and then we're going to need to plug our noise texture into our Muzz grave and then also into our color two if you can see that so it's into the color two of this mix and our Musgrave will go into color one hope we're all following so noises in the vector of the Musgrave and into the color two of that last mix perfect so with our mapping node um this is where we're sort of going to warp it to give us that like the wood effect because currently it's really even if you mean it's like circle circle we need to sort of stretch it out a little bit so to do that we're going to be using the scale here so for our x-axis I literally made this a little bit bigger at one 0.8 but then for our Y and Z axis select them both and make that a 0.15 and here we go now you can sort of see what we're working with right and then let's say as well you want your wood to go horizontally on your object you know kind of it's running sort of vertically you can literally just sort of change these guys um change these guys around and that will have it run um no that way sorry I've been just being a goose um oh gosh there's a zed so you'd have that like that and then 0.15 and that's how you get it to go that way cool cool cool I'm just gonna get rid of all of that perfect so with our mix Shader um we're going to move the factor across because it's going to sort of help us blend between our sort of nothingness and then our shaders so as you can see it's like full of the noise and then it's the full gray and then this is where like I'm not too technical with this but the blacker it is sort of like the stronger the effect and like it sort of whatever I'm not too sure but anyway this is just set to BF BF BF geez I'm glad I know what I'm talking about um so I sent that to that guy and now factor for this one is going to be a 0.2 so it's going to be the nicest blend between like heaps of the texture and then just nice and um the plain sort of color then with our second mix Shader we're going to set this guy to a 0.85 and you'll sort of see this is what's going to help us um when we blend with the colors um so I'll set those 0.85 and you'll see how we can use that in a little bit later so now that we've got all of that that's sort of the main grain bit so if you want to be at Little good people right now you're going to shift a and add yourselves a frame let's grab all these guys grab all these guys chuckle in the frame and then on your little side panel or you can press n just with this Frame selected we can just call this main grain and that's going to be the main grain perfecto now we can start and the color so we can sort of see properly what this is doing so I'm just going to move this guy over a little bit so we can see a bit better now for our color guess what we're going to add a color amp no way who would have thought shift a color amp and then we're also going to need another mix RGB and we're going to use this one a little bit later but for now we're just going to set it to multiply so don't worry too much about this guy he's going to become apparent a little bit later when we start adding the other details but let's jump into our color amp here so what I'll do so we can see what we're doing I'm going to plug the mix from our main Grange into here and just into here just so we can see what we're doing and now you can sort of see how this is going to all work so for our color amp we need two more color little droppies here to get a nice sort of color fade so plus plus and we can get started so for the first color the black on the left here the hex code is going to be three three one e one two beautiful and that's all the way to the left and also by the way you can change these colors later maybe make a nice darker Walnut I'm just showing what you guys did but then feel free change this as much as you like get some really good results or some like deeper tones as well um but for the next color our hex code is going to be three two one e one two and then for the position of this guy it's going to be set to a 0.18185 like that beautiful now for our third dude our hex code is going to be seven F five six two e hit enter oh yeah now now we're looking good and this is the position is set to a point five six five and then last but not least our fourth color our hex code is going to be C4 uh two four nine one six five perfect oh there we go we pretty much got your production wood here and this one's position is all the way to the end so literally if you want to you can pretty much call it a day of audio a really nice sort of knotty wood texture going on here but we're gonna get a little bit more creative and add a little bit more going on so I'm just going to move all these guys and now we're gonna get starting add some um a little sort of like knots and Imperfections to it so for the knots we're gonna go shift a and add ourselves a Musgrave texture zoom in here and then we're also going to shift a and add ourselves a wave texture where are we beautiful perfecto now we can start doing our Musgrave texture first for these little knots so Ctrl shift click on a Musgrave so we can preview what we're doing we're going to set the detail all the way up to um the details so sorry detail all the way up to 15. let's put that back whatever um Dimension is not going to go down to a 0.26 so here we go again some nice effect here and then our La current the bottom one is going to be a 2.4 Perfecto so we're going to be using this wave texture to affect the scale of this guy so we can plug our wave texture into the scale and as you can sort of see it's going to stretch it down a little bit for us and with the control shift click on a wave texture so we can start working with we're going to set the scale of our wave texture to a 0.7 Distortion we're going to go all the way up to a 4.5 so that's going to sort of drag it down and sort of make it a bit squirrely our detail however goes down to 1.14 the scale up to a five for that guy so looking good so far um and then our roughness we keep it at 0.5 and we leave our phase offset so we're going to need our coordinates again so you could if you wanted to um come off this one here but I sort of like to keep it all nice and clean so I'm going to on our wave texture I'll hit Ctrl T to bring up this guy we don't need our mapping node right now so we can get rid of him and we're going to plug now I really wish I could have used the object for this one but it just didn't really like it just didn't work as well it still sort of does but it looks so much better with the UV plugged in um it still worked on most models for me you can play around we're trying to get it to work on your object but I just preferred this um effect of the UV I'll show it a bit better later when we have the sort of colors on it but UV for that one and then we're going to need a color ramp to help us control these two textures here so shift a so just as a color amp we can plug it into here now we click on this guy what we need to do is we need to actually go into um control shift click there we go we need to flip our color amp because we're going to be using this multiply here and that works with our dark factors so we need to all the black is what we're going to see so we need to swap these guys over like that so this black is what's going to show through on the texture but we also don't need it that strong so what you can do is we can just bring up the color of this black make it a bit lighter so for this I used A6 A6 A6 but obviously feel free to play around with this guy as well so now that we've got these guys sort of all done I'm going to add another frame in so shift a add ourselves a frame grab them and then on a little panel with that selected we can just name this I guess like not slash imperfections that's probably spelled wrong but who cares so is that sort of that one we can move this move these guys a bit closer together and now we can sort of plug these guys all in so with our color we can plug this into the color one of from our knots and Imperfections and then we need our main grain that's going to go into color two and then we need to plug our color from the multiply into our color ramp and now you can sort of see what's going on a little bit more here so with our multiply we need to set this to a 0.8 and this guy sort of controls how much of like just that texture we're seeing or how much of just the grain so you have lots of Freedom you can have quite a soft wood with bigger imperfections or vice versa and then same like if you want um that's how you set it there if you're on your um little imperfections to be a bit stronger you can just make it plucker and there we go if you want them softer you can make them it's probably you can't really see them you can make them whiter hope we are all following along so I'll send that back to 8606 and then this one you have to point eight that's what I I was happy with that one so we're already looking really really good I'm just going to add a little bit more detail sort of the finer little streaks within the wood beautiful so for our smaller sort of little scratches I'll zoom in so we can see a bit better um come up here when you're shift a and it tells another Musgrave texture and we're going to need the mapping and stuff for this one as well so with it selected Ctrl T it's going to hide our panel beautiful and then we're going to need our object coordinate into our mapping node and we can start playing with our Musgrave so I'm going to control shift click on that so we can see what we're doing now for this guy scale 15 detail 15 and then our luck surround or whatever the hell the thing's called 2.5 beautiful and now we're going to Chuck in a color ramp so we can control it a bit better so shift a and ourselves a color ramp and Chuck it into there we can control shift click on this guy so let's see how we're dealing with so um what we needed to do before actually we place our color ramp is obviously this doesn't look like scratches at all we need to sort of compress it to make it look like scratches so coming over to our mapping node on our x-axis here pump it all the way to 120 and you can sort of see now it's sort of compressing that texture and that's going to give us a nice little scratches so Chuck it all the way up there and you can as well then want to play you can play with your um y Factor as well to make this sort of scratches like it's like shorter and taller so I'm pretty sure I add mine to it I think it's just like a 0.8 so a little bit um a little bit longer and we're looking pretty good here now because sort of same as before how I do with this guy how I need it we're going to use the black and we need to flip this color ramp as well so I'm going to grab these guys swap them over and here we go so now you can see that these little black bits are going to be our scratches now we want to sort of make it a bit more defined so to do that we can bring in our color ramp now I set this one to a 0.125 for the white and then I'm going to bring my black in and see how we can sort of your sign to see a bit more it's a bit more like obvious bit more defined I was going to bring this guy all the way to I'm pretty sure at a point four so as you can see it's a lot more easy to see than is that a bit too soft so point four we're nearly there guys we're nearly there um we can be good at ourselves another frame shift a grab these guys pop them in there click on the frame parallel it just rinse and repeat and this will just be called I guess like scratches for now we can move him over here we're looking good we're nearly we're nearly there move this guy move this guy now obviously we need to essentially do the exact same thing that we did with this one with these two we need to add another multiply node so what I can do is just click on the multiply node press shift d AB that to put him over there and then it's going to move over so it can see a bit easier what to do hide that panel we're going to then plug these guys up so we need the color amp to actually come into color one so click on this coming to color one and that will come down into color two and then you can use this as well to then control how much of your scratches are coming in so zeros nine one's full I have mine at a pretty short it's a 0.5 pretty sure to skip to the point five so a nice little amount you can sort of see just adds a little bit more subtle detailing along I just make it a little bit more realistic because as realistic as you can make it it's one of those hard things with like image textures versus procedural like you want to talk as realistic as possible while doing it procedurally but it can be difficult so sort of there we go we're sort of like we're getting near the Finish Line we should have plugged this guy into our base color we can preview our principle and you can see just have those nice streaks all through it we're nearly done look at that I'm pretty happy with this so far look at this now we just want to add a little bit of bump to it give it a bit more texture as it does look like a very sort of smooth flat piece of wood right now so I'm going to move these out the way and I'm going to add myself in two bump nodes so I'm going to shift a and now this is a bump and I'm just going to press shift d and just duplicate that because we're going to have a one bump for the knots and um grain and then we're gonna have another one for all of our little scratches that's why we're going to be chucking in two so pretty simple we just need to Chuck the color around for all our knots and stuff that's going to go into the height of this first bump and then what we can do is we need the color from our scratches so that's going to come and that's going to come into the height of the second one stretch it down we can plug the normal from the first one to the normal and then the normal into their principal bsdf and there you go sort of see all those Shadows coming through now we don't need to be anywhere near as strong so I'm just going to control shift click on the first bump so you can see it's very very very bumpy I'm going to change down the strength of the not one to point two so it's still there but just not as harsh and then also then with our scratches these are quite like they're quite like aggressive so I'm going to turn these all the way down to a point one so just subtle but you can see it coming through that wood look at that and we are pretty like we're done we are done we can brush call it a day you can move this all around and clean it up if you like you know move that over there move this over here move them a bit closer and that is going to be it so I'm going to jump over here I'm going to give this guy a little render and Bam there we have it guys so here is my procedural wood material in blender um this was my first sort of material tutorial I'm so sorry I was looking at my phone he just had all the numbers on it but I really hope we enjoyed this guy I really want to see the work that you guys put this on and sort of what you can create with this I really hope you enjoyed the video feel free to like And subscribe it's really going to help me out and I will see you soon for some more designing and yeah happy designing guys cheers
Channel: Lachlan Sarv
Views: 77,349
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Id: jDEijCwz6to
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Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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