Procedural Concrete Material (Blender Tutorial)

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in this tutorial we're going to be creating this procedural concrete material in blender if you'd like to get the project files for this tutorial and also help to support me you can do that over on gumroad and patreon links will be in the description so here is the concrete material that we're going to be making it does look a little bit complex but i'll walk you through the entire process so i just wanted to show you the setup that i have before we start so i just added a sphere right here and then i have a camera pointed right at it and then i just have two plane lights this is for kind of a rim light and then this is for a main light and i am going to be using this small hanger zero one hdri on hdri haven the link will be in the description if you'd like to download the same one that i'm using and i just downloaded the 1k version then when i added this in to the world settings i just set the strength at 0.6 and one more thing before we start i am going to be using the node wrangler add-on while setting up this material so if you don't have the node wrangler add-on turned on what you can do is go edit and go to the preferences and then right over here on the add-ons you can just start typing in node and you can see that there's this node wrangler just check mark that and then you can close this okay let's add a new material and i'm just going to call this material concrete so now let's go ahead and make the base color for the concrete so i'm going to press shift j here and i'm going to add a noise texture just bring it right over here and then i'm also going to press shift a and add a varroni texture so just add these both right here and then using one of the features from the node wrangler i'm going to press ctrl t that's going to add this texture coordinate and mapping i want to plug the object here up to the vector and then plug the vector here up to the vector on both of these and that way the verona texture and the noise texture are going to be wrapped around the sphere a little bit better now on the noise texture here i'm going to turn the detail up to 16 and then i'm also going to turn the scale to something up like 100 something like 100. now if i ctrl shift and click on the noise texture you can see what it's doing so we have a lot of detail there the distortion here i'm also going to turn up to like point one just to give it a tiny bit of distortion and then let's go up here and work on the veroni texture so the scale on the verona texture i'm gonna turn up to like 150 and if i control shift and click on the bronie texture you can see what it's doing so it's adding all these little dots right in here now i want to mix these two together this one in this one so i'll press shift and i'm going to search for a mix and add the mix rgb just put it right here and then we're going to put the distance into the top one and the factor of the noise texture into the bottom one now if i control shift and click on it you can see what it's doing so it's kind of just mixing the two together and then this factor value i can change this up i'm going to change it to maybe about a point eight somewhere around there and that way it's kind of mixing the two together now right now if i just plug this mix into the base color and then ctrl shift and click on it it doesn't really look like concrete it's way too bright so we need to tell it what colors we want there to be in the texture so i'm going to press shift a and search for a color ramp just drop the color amp right in here and then i can control shift and click on it so we can preview it a little bit better now this black value here i don't want anything to really be fully black so i'm just going to bring this up and make it just a dark gray and then this white one here to select this i'm just going to make this one kind of a light gray and then i want to add just a few more colors in here but they're all kind of going to be gray color so i'm going to hit this plus button right here just bring this one over a little bit and then i'm going to make it just a little bit darker so just click on this make it a little bit darker and you can see that when we make this darker it kind of makes those lighter parts stand out a little bit more if i make it even more darker you can see it's really starting to make that lighter area stand out more so i don't want to make it too dark just something like that and then i want to add one more so i'm going to click on this plus right here and just make this one a tiny bit darker and then i think these two dark ones are a little bit too dark so i'm actually going to click on this bring it up a little bit just so it's a little bit less because that was just a little bit too dark something like that okay that looks pretty good so now if i control shift and click on this you can see what it's looking like now it's a bit too shiny right now so we want to turn the roughness up to make it a little less shiny so on the roughness here i'm going to change this to somewhere around 0.7 and it's definitely less shiny now we are going to be adding a lot of bump on the normal here and that will also make it less shiny so i'm going to ctrl shift and click back on this and it does look pretty nice but i want there to be some patches where it's lighter and some patches where it's darker to give it a little more variation so to do this i'm going to just box select all of these and pull them out just so that we have a little bit more room to work with and then i'm going to click on the noise texture press shift d to duplicate it and just bring it up here and then i want to plug the mapping up to the vector just like that and then what i'm going to do is press shift a here and search for a color ramp just drop the color ramp right here and then plug the color up to the factor now if i control shift and click on this you can see what it's doing so basically what i'm doing is i'm going to use this as the factor to tell it where the texture is going to be darker and where the texture is going to be lighter so on the scale here i'm going to turn this down to like a 10s that it's a lot less big and then i'm going to drag these values into each other okay just bring those in and i think i want to change the scale down maybe to like a five actually and then i'm just going to make them somewhat contrasty kind of like this so a lot of it is white but there is a little bit dark here and we can play around with this a little bit later as well so now what i want to do is i want to make this have a little bit of darker area and a little bit of lighter area so i'm going to click on this mix here press shift d and duplicate it and just drop it right in here and then i can ctrl shift and click on this so i'm going to use this as the factor so the color here i'm just going to plug this into the factor and then i want there to be a lighter side and a darker side so i'm going to bring this up and then i want there to be a lighter version and a darker version of this texture so it can be darker and lighter so i'm going to plug this color up to the color here and then i'm going to press shift a search for rgb curves click on the rgb curves and just drop it in this bottom one so just go like this click it'll just bring it in there and then on the c here i can just click add a point and then drag down and you can see it's going to make it darker so if i control shift and click on it this is what we're doing we're making it darker so now we have this one that's plugging into the color one and then this one this is a bit darker that we're plugging in to color two so now if i control shift and click on the mix you can see that it's blending them together using the data that it has right here so that looks pretty good but i do want to make it a little more subtle so i think i'll just bring this back a little bit and then you can also play around with these if you want to make it a bit stronger or more contrasty or less contrasty just play around with that i think i just want to make this maybe a little bit darker so i'll just pull this down a tiny bit something like that okay so now just make sure this mix here is going into the base color and we can ctrl shift and click on it and now you can see that there's a lot more variation in the texture so this is looking pretty cool but i do want to add just a little bit of cracks here and there so that the concrete just has a few little cracks and crevices so what i'm going to do is press shift a and i'm going to search for a veroni texture i'm just going to drop it down here underneath these nodes and then the vector i'll just plug the this up to the vector here now if i control shift and click on it you can see what it's doing so to make a texture that looks like cracks what i'm going to do is click on this f1 here and i'm going to change this to distance to edge and you can see what it's doing now i'm going to press shift a and search for a color ramp drop the color ramp right in front of it and i want to click on the white value and pull it out closer to the black value so that the black areas is just really small so just make this really really close so that it's really small something like that now this is starting to look like cracks but i want to make it much more random so what i'm going to do is click on this noise texture press shift d to duplicate it and drop it right in here and then the scale here i'm going to change to something around like maybe a 1.3 and you can see what it's doing so the noise texture is going through the vector and then going into the vector here and it's changing this texture right here so now it's all kind of wobbly around because before it was just like this it was just kind of straight so then if we plug the color here up to the vector it's going to be kind of all wobbly and just a lot more random the distortion on this one though i think i'll turn to zero you can leave it on if you want but i'm just going to turn that down to zero now you can definitely play around with the scale here because i think right now there's too many cracks so i'm just going to make it a bit bigger you could also double tap r in the 3d view and just move this around to a place that you like something that looks cool maybe like that so now i want to plug this into the color and i want to tell it that where those cracks are it's just going to get darker so to do this i'm going to click on this mix here press shift d to duplicate it so we can mix something with it drop that right in here and then this color ramp here i'm going to plug this up to the color right here so now if i control shift and click on this you can see that we've added another one so now we're mixing this here which is the cracks with the rest of the material which is all this but you can see that nothing's really happening and that's because i'm going to click on this mix and i'm going to change it to multiply so if i change it to multiply now if i change the factor here if i turn the factor to 0 it's going to be just the regular concrete texture and if i turn it up to one it's going to add that on top of it so this is way too strong so i'm just going to turn it down to something around maybe a 0.2 something around there and you can see that now it's very subtle but the cracks are still there you could turn it up just a little bit more if you wanted to but i think it should be pretty subtle so now if i control shift and click on this you can see there's just some little crack marks right in there so now what i want to do is i want to hook this color up to the normal so i'm going to click on this color drag it out and plug it into the normal here and then i'm going to press shift a search for a bump node and just drop it in there because we need to convert it to normal data and then just plug this from the normal to the height so the multiply is going into the height which is going into the normal now it's way too strong right now so i'm just going to click on the strength here change it to something about a 0.15 something like that and you can see that it's much more subtle but it's still there now because this multiply here is going into the bump there is just a very slight bit of bump here where the cracks are but i want to make the cracks a little bit more bumpy so i'm actually going to click on this bump here just maybe bring it up a little bit then press shift d and just drop it right in here and then here is the cracks if i control shift and click on it you can see there it is i'm going to plug the color up to the height of the second bump now if i control shift and click on it you can see that now it's adding in that there and it's a lot stronger and then you can change the strength if you want to make it a little bit less you can i'm just going to control shift and click on this you can see what it's doing so this is definitely looking like concrete but what i want to do is add some little bits that have been kind of cut out like some little chunks of the concrete and then i also want to bring some parts of the concrete out kind of some bigger bumps so what i'm going to do is just box like this just bring it up so we have a little more space down here so what i'm going to do is just click on this noise texture here and i'm going to press shift d to duplicate it we are really piling up on the noise textures here and then i'm going to plug the vector here up to the vector right down here all the way down here and then this color ramp i'm going to click on this press shift d to duplicate it and then just plug the factor up to the factor right here now i totally need to change this back down and then i'm going to ctrl shift and click on it so i can see it so basically what i want to do is i want to have most of it black and then i want to have some little bits of it white so i'm going to drag this black value up and then drag the white down and then also the scale i need to make it a lot bigger stuff to work with something like that and then just keep dragging that because what this is going to be is the little white parts here are going to be chunks that have kind of been broken out of the concrete so there's going to be some little kind of crevices and holes here and then i think i'll change the scale up a little bit more bring the black down a bit something like that so now what i'm going to do is again click on the bump shift d duplicate it drop it down here so we have another one the color right here i'm going to plug this into the height of this one and then if i control shift and click on it you can see what it's doing now right now these little pieces right here they're coming out i want them to go back in so i'm going to click on the invert and now you can see that now they're cutting in to the concrete and then the strength here if you want to turn this up a little bit you definitely could uh to make the chunks a little bit bigger i don't want to turn up too much but just a little bit so now we have these little chunks that have been broken out of the concrete so now what i want to do is just do that one more time but i want to have some parts that are coming out so i'm going to click on the noise texture and then shift click on the color ramp press shifty to duplicate bring them down here and then once again this mapping needs to go all the way down to the vector and then if i control shift and click on this you can see what it's doing now for this i want to drag this out over here so that it's mostly white and then also i don't want the cracks to be as the same as this so i'm going to change the scale and i'm just going to make it just a little bit smaller and that way the noise texture is going to be a little bit different from this one and then what i want to do is this black here i'm actually going to drag it up and make it more gray so it's a little less contrasty maybe not that much a little bit down and then what i need to do is go back over here click on a bump press shift d to duplicate it drop it in here and then this color right here goes all the way into the height and then let me just control shift and click on this now you can see that right now it's going in i can turn off the invert and now it's going to be coming out and then it's too strong right now so i'm going to bring it way down and then i'm still going to control shift and click on the last bump here and just go back over here and then i can also play around with this if i want to make it more or less i can also turn this color down a bit so now if i control shift and click back on the principle bsdf you can see the final material now some concrete is a little bit more smooth and some concrete is a little more rough so if you want to make the bump bigger on any of these or all of them you could do that and then the concrete's going to be a lot more rough or you could turn it down as well and make it a little less rough and then also if you want to make the cracks a little bit smaller or a little bit bigger you can click on the color ramp here and you can just drag this down even more and you can see that now these little black lines here are going to get even smaller or if you want to make the cracks bigger you can turn it up just like that and then if you want to make the cracks a little bit more visible or a little bit less visible i'm going to ctrl shift and click on the multiply and if you turn up the factor it's going to make it stronger and if you turn the factor down it's going to be harder to see and then of course you can also control shift and click on the second bump and turn the strength up for that if you want to make the cracks a little bit stronger so now i'm just going to press f12 and render this out so there we go there is the finished concrete material now again these project files are going to be available on my gumroad and patreon so if you'd like to get the project files you can check that out with the link in the description and that'll also help to support me but thank you so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this tutorial and i hope it was helpful and i will see you in a future video
Channel: Ryan King Art
Views: 21,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan King Art, Blender Tutorial, Blender, Ryan King, Art, 3d, concrete, procedural, material, blender
Id: XDqRa0ExDqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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