How to Make Procedural Wood in Blender (Three Materials)

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in this tutorial I will show you how to create procedural wood in blender so in this video I'm going to show you how to create these three different procedural wood materials and I'll have time stamps in the video description if you'd like to jump to a certain part and create one of the wood materials or you can watch the entire video and learn how to create all of the Three Wood materials and then after we create the procedural material I'm going to show you how to join the material together into this custom node with these different sliders so this is the first one this is wood one so we have scale just to change the entire scale the material we also have this cool color variation so you can kind of drag this around to change the colors and then we also have colors one two and three to change the wood colors then we have this detail value here so you can make the wood more or less detailed we also have this cool Distortion value here and that kind of makes the wood look different and then we also have the wood roughness and then also the bump strength and then finally we have the rotation value if you want to rotate the grain of wood and then here is the second wood material so this is wood to 2 so we have the scale that changed the entire material we also have color one and color two and again we have detail and Distortion values then we have the roughness to make the wood more rough or more shiny and then the bump strength and then finally just like the other wood we have these rotation values to rotate the grain of wood and then we also have this one here and out of the three this is probably my favorite so this is wood three and so we have the scale we also have this cool color variation so you can kind of turn this up and down to make the wood look a bit different and then we also have colors one two and three to customize the wood then we also have this detail value here and then also the roughness and the bump strength and then of course finally the rotation just like the other wood materials and if you'd like to purchase these procedural materials you can get them on my gumroad store in my patreon page with the links in the description and if you'd like to purchase all of my materials then definitely check out my ultimate blender procedural material pack and my ultimate material pack has all of my procedural materials pre-set up in blender's asset browser with custom thumbnails sorted catalogs and customizable node groups and so because I've created another 10 procedural materials I've just updated the material pack so if you purchase the material pack you'll get all of these wood materials as well as my other materials and all of my existing customers can re-download the product files and get these procedural wood materials you can also check out my blender procedural material packs if you'd like to purchase packs of 10 materials and if you'd like to learn how to create all of my materials you can check out my blender procedural material tutorial playlist here on YouTube so let me just show you what I have set up in the 3D viewport if you want to set it up the same way that I have so I wanted some different objects to preview the wood on so I first press shift a and I added a monkey head and I just brought the monkey ahead up here and kind of rotated it over and then I also gave it the subdivision service modifier by pressing Ctrl 2 and then I shaded the object smooth and then I also pressed shift a and I added an icosphere and then right behind me right after you add the icosphere if you click on the add icosphere settings I turn the subdivisions up to five so it is nice and round and smooth and then I shaded that smooth and then just kind of brought it up here so we now have a nice icosphere to preview the material on and then I also thought it would be cool to preview the material on like a wood plank so I pressed shift a I added a cube and then I went into edit mode and I scaled the cube down and just kind of scaled it to the size of kind of like a wood Plank and then also to smooth out the edges I went here to the modifier properties and I added the bevel modifier and I turned the segments up to like four and then I also turned the amount down and then again I shaded the object smooth Now the default primitive objects in blender are a little bit higher than the average human when modeling to the real life scale and blender so these objects are a little bit big so I'm actually going to scale all of these objects by 0.3 so just scale them by 0.3 and then I want to just press Ctrl a and apply the scale so now this is now the object's new default scale and when I did that it actually messed up the bevel so if you click right here on this object I just need to turn down the bevel and then I just selected these objects and I duplicated them three times then I also added a camera and I just pointed the camera at the objects now for the lighting I added in this area light right here so if you press shift a you can go to light and you can just add an area light and I turn the power up to 1000 so that it is very bright and then also to get some nice realistic lighting and Reflections I added in this machine shop zero two hdri so this is a free hdri from links in the description if you'd like to download it and I downloaded the 1K HDR version once you download the hdri you can add a new world click here on the yellow dot next to color and you can choose environment texture and then you can just click on the open button and open up the hdri and I also set the strength to 0.7 so it wasn't quite as bright now I'm going to be using the Cycles rendering engine because I am going for realism but these materials do actually work really well in blender EV so you can see I've switch the rendering engine over to EV and these materials do work pretty well and they're not too laggy usually I prefer to use Cycles Render when creating procedural materials because Cycles just work so much better and I do like to create realistic materials so you could use EV if you want to but I am going to be using cycles and then also right over here on the render properties if you want to hide the background so you can't see it you can click here on the film Tab and then you can just check mark the transparent button and then also if you open up the color management right here I'm using the view transform of filmic and I'm using the look of very high contrast just to pop out the colors and make everything more contrasty alright so I'm in the shading workspace so I have the 3D viewport right over here and I'm in the rendered mode and then I also have the Shader editor right over here so I'm just going to select the first object let's click on new to add a new material and I can just rename this to Wood one and then what I can do is actually just click and drag and I can drop this material on to these other objects and then I will also be using the node Wrangler add-on to preview the different nodes so to enable the node Wrangler you can click here on edit and you can go to the preferences and then over there on the add-ons tab just search for node Wrangler and you can check mark the node Wrangler add-on and I'll show you how to use it in the video so I'm going to start by pressing shift a let's go here to the search and I'm going to search for a wave texture let's just drop the wave texture right here and then to use the node Wrangler you can hold down the control and shift key and then select different nodes and that is going to preview the node on the object now I'm going to click here on bands and I'm going to instead change it to range because I like that a bit better and then I'm also going to leave this set to X and then right here on the sign I'm going to change this to Triangle instead because that looks better and then I'm also going to turn the scale down so I'll turn the scale to like four and then also with the wave texture selected I'm going to press Ctrl T and that is going to add the texture coordinate and mapping nodes and then I want to use the object coordinates so let's put the object into the vector and the other object coordinates is going to place the texture on the objects more evenly and then this mapping node we can use to change the entire scale and location and rotation of the texture so let's now change some more of the wave texture setting so I do want to add some Distortion so I'm going to turn the Distortion up to a 12.9 and then I do want it to be very detailed so let's turn the detail to the max of 15. and then I do also want to turn the detail scale up just so you can see it a bit better so I'm going to turn the detail scale to a 2.3 and I do want there to be a bit more roughness so I'll turn the roughness up to like a 0.6 all right so that is starting to look like wood of course we do need to change the colors but there is a problem here and that is that the wood doesn't have that kind of stretch texture so what I'm going to do is Select this mapping node and I'll press shift d to duplicate it and let's stick it here after the first one so I want to leave this mapping node on the defaults that we can use it to change the location rotation scale the texture but I want this mapping node to be used to stretch the chat texture so I can now just go down here to the scale values and I can just stretch the texture so I'm first going to stretch it on the y-axis and I want to stretch this way down and I'm actually going to stretch it to like a 0.2 so on y I'll turn that to 0.2 and then here on the Z I'm going to use a value of 0.15 so now you can see we have stretched that up and so now it looks much more like wood so now let's create the colors for the wood so I'll press shift a let's go to the search and I can search for the mix node let's drop the mix node here and then we're working with color values so we want to change the float to color instead and then we can drop this mix after the wave texture now the factor is going to determine what part is going to be color a and what part is going to be color B so if you just change the factor that's going to blend between them but what I can do is I can take the color and I can put the color into the factor so this way the wave texture is going to control what parts are going to be a and what parts are going to be B so we can now make the colors for the wood so this first color here is going to be kind of like a light brown maybe a little bit darker and then the second color here this is going to be kind of like a tannish peachy color and if you want to use the same colors that I'm using here on color a you can go to the hex value and you can punch in 6C for B two seven and then here on color B the hex value for this will be E5 A6 5B so this is looking pretty cool but it doesn't actually have a ton of detail and I also just want to add some noise into the material to give it lots more detail so I'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and I'm going to search for a noise texture and let's put the noise texture under the wave texture and I can control shift and select it to preview it and then I want the noise texture to be stretched as well so I'm going to take the same mapping node and I'm going to put that into the vector and this way also this mapping node will be used to change the location rotation scale of the noise texture as well so now let's change some of the noise texture settings so I'm going to turn this scale up to like a 20 so you can see more of it and then I also want to be very detailed so let's turn the detail to 16 and also I will turn the roughness to 0.6 so there's a bit more detail and so you can see it is stretched because of that mapping now this noise texture is very gray and I want to make it more contrasty so I'm going to bring these nodes back so we have a bit more space and then I'll press shift a let's go to the search and I'm going to search for a color ramp and let's put the color ramp after the noise texture and then I can start to drag these tabs closer together and you can see it's going to make them much more contrasty so I'm going to drag the black Tab and white tab to just about here and then what I actually want to do is use the color instead of the factor so let's unplug the factor and I can instead put the color from the noise texture into the factor so I now want to mix these two textures together to make a more detailed wood texture so I'm just going to select the mix and I will press shift d to duplicate and drop it here and I'm going to Ctrl shift and select the mix to preview it now I just want to add the the dark values of this color ramp from the noise so right here in the mix I'm going to click on this and I will change it to darken instead and then I'm going to take the color from the color ramp and I'm going to put that into the factor then I'm going to take the mix here and I'm going to take the result and I'm going to put that into value a and then value B I can just make this a dark color and you can see it's going to add those dark values and the hex value that I'll be using for this color is going to be 7 3 5 3 2D so you can see here is the material with just the wave texture and then here's the material with the wave and the noise so it definitely looks more interesting now later on when we create the custom node group I want to have a value which kind of makes the wood look a bit different so I'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and I'm going to search for the Hue saturation value and I want to put this node between the color ramp and the darken so on the Hue saturation value we can change this value right here and that is going to make the texture lighter or darker so we can use this later in the custom node group to give more customizable values to the wood so I now want to put this into the base color so let's take the result here from the darken and I can put that into the base color and I can control shift and select the principal Shader to preview it and that is definitely starting to look like wood now I also want some parts of the wood to be a little bit more rough and other parts to be a little bit more shiny so I'm going to take the result here and let's put that into the roughness but then I want more control over it because right now it's very polished it looks kind of like a polished wood and that does look pretty cool but I do want more control over it so I'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and I'm going to search for a color ramp and let's put the color ramp in between the darken and the roughness so if you make the colors lighter it's going to be more rough but if you make the colors darker it's going to be more shiny so I'm going to turn this up because I don't want it to be that rough so I'm going to make it kind of like a light gray and the hex value that I'll be using is going to be B2 B2 B2 and then this tab over here I'll just leave leave it as fully white now when we create the custom node group I do want to be able to control the roughness so I'm going to take the Hue saturation value node I'll press shift d to duplicate it and I'm going to stick it here after the color ramp so again the value is going to make it lighter or darker and so that way we can use this in the custom node group to control the roughness of the wood so the wood is looking pretty cool but it is very smooth and I want to add some values here into the normal to give it some bump so I can First Take This wave texture right here and I'm going to take the color I'm going to pull out a wire and I'm going to bring this here into the normal now we need to convert this to normal data you can see there's some weird shading issues and that's because this is normal data but then this here is color data so to convert it to normal data I'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and I can search for the bump node and let's put the bump node here and the wire going into the normal and then we actually want the wave texture to be going into the height value so now it's converting it to normal data and the wood looks very bumpy I'm just going to turn the strength though down to just like a 0.2 so it's not quite as strong and then I also want to make this a bit more contrasty because I want there to be some parts where it's very rough and other parts where it's not quite as bumpy so I'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and I'm going to search for another color ramp and let's put the color ramp in between the wave texture and the bone and then I can drag this white tab over and you can see as I drag it over it's going to make some parts very smooth and I think this gives a really cool effect so now you can see like right there that is very smooth but then there's some parts right there where it is more rough so I'm just going to drag this over kind of to about here so I'll just put the white tub about there and then I also want to add this noise texture into the normal because I do want the wood to be bumpy all over the surface so what I'm going to do is click on this bump node and I'm going to press shift d to duplicate it and let's just drop it here so the normal can go through the normal but we now have an extra height value that we can add data into so I can just take the factor from the noise texture we'll pull out a wire here and I'm going to put this into the the height value of the bunk and now you can see there's just a little bit of bump and a little bit of noise all over the material and there is the first wood material so I'm now going to join these together into a custom node group with different custom sliders so what I'm going to do is just click and drag to box select all these nodes here and then I can press Ctrl G and Ctrl G is going to join it together into a node group and if I press the Tab Key to go out of the node group I can drag this over and I can also drag it out to make it a bit bigger and I can click here to rename this and I'm going to rename it to Wood one and then if I press the Tab Key to go into the node group I can press the N key to open up the side panel and if you click here on the group tab you can see there are inputs and outputs now right here on the outputs I just want to double click on this and I'm just going to rename this to Shader because I like that better so now right over here there is a group input and so we can add all the custom values into the group input so the first value that I want to add is an overall scale just to scale the entire material so I can take this scale value from the mapping and let's put that into the group input and then I want this to be one single value right now if I go out of the node group you can see we have X Y and Z values but I just want this to be one single value so if You tab to go back into the node group you can click here on scale and we want to change the type to float and this way it'll just use one value now it gets rid of the texture but that's because we just need a tab to go out of the node group and then we just need to turn the scale to 1 because that's what it was before and I can tab to go back into the node group so the next value that I want to add is that cool color variation that I was using right here on this value so on this Hue saturation value we just want to take the value and we're going to put that into the extra socket here and then I can just rename this to color variation so now we can add all of the different colors so I can take the color here put that in there and also this color here put that in there and then also this last one here click click and drag over and put that in there and then I can just rename these so I'm going to rename these to color one color two and color three now I also want to add a value to control the detail so the wave texture and the noise texture both have details so I can take the detail here put that into the extra slot and then I can take the detail from the wave texture and I can put that into the same slot here so that way this one single value will control both details and then if I change the distortion on the wave texture you can see it makes the wood look a lot different so I'm going to take the Distortion and I'm going to put that here into the extra socket and it's rename Distortion that's a pretty cool value to have as well and then I also want to be able to control the roughness so if you go here to the Hue saturation value before it goes into the roughness that's controlling the brightness and darkness so it's going to control the roughness so let's just take the value and I can drag this all the way over stick it here and then if I double click on this to rename it I'm going to rename it to roughness and then two more things that I want to add I want to add the bump strength and then also the rotation so let's go here to the bump I'm going to take the strength value let's drag this over and I can just stick it here and then I also want to take the other bump strength and I want to drag this over and I want to put it into the same slot here so this way this one strength value will control the strength of both of the bumps and I can double click on this to rename it and I'm going to rename it to bump strength and then finally I just want to add the rotation so we can rotate the grain of wood so I can take this first mapping here and I'll take the rotation and I just put that into the very bottom one and then I can press the Tab Key to go out of the node group so we now just have the overall scale we also have this cool color variation then we also have all the different colors so color one two and three we also have the detail amount and this Distortion value that is really cool the wood looks a lot different by changing that Distortion and then we also have this roughness here and the bump strength to make the wood very very smooth or rough and then finally we have the rotation so that is it that is the first wood material so let's create the second wood material so I'm first just going to select this object let's click on new to add a new material and I'm just going to rename this material to Wood two and then I can click and drag and drop this material on to the other objects so to start off I'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and I'm going to search for a magic texture let's drop the magic texture here and then I can control shift and select it to preview it and then also with the magic texture selected I will press Ctrl T to add the texture coordinate and mapping and let's put the object into the vector because the object coordinates will place the texture on the object more evenly now also on this magic texture I want to turn the depth up so I'm going to turn the depth all the way up to 10. now this doesn't really look at all like wood but what we're going to do is we're going to put another texture in here to distort the placement of the magic texture and that way it'll look much more like wood so I'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and I'm going to search for the noise texture and let's drop the noise texture in between the magic texture and the mapping so you can see already it is looking more random because the noise texture is going through the vector and so it's distorting the placement of the magic texture and then let's also change some of the noise texture settings so I'm going to turn the scale like three and then I'll turn the detail to the max of 15 so it's very detailed and I also want to turn the roughness up so I'll turn the roughness to like a 0.67 and that is looking much more random of course the colors don't look like wood but we will change that now I also do want to turn up the Distortion just a little bit definitely not too high but just a little bit so I'm going to turn it up to like 8.9 just so it looks a little bit distorted so if you don't think about the colors and you instead just look at the texture that is kind of looking like a wood but again it's not very stretched and the grains of wood usually are pretty stretched in One Direction so I'm going to select this mapping node and I'll press shift d to duplicate it and let's drop it right here so so we're going to use the same method that I did for the first wood to stretch the texture so by adding the second mapping node we can then use the scale values and we can stretch the texture so I'm going to turn the Y and Z values to 0.15 so 0.15 and also 0.15 there on the Z so I now want to change the colors because of course we don't want it to be a pink wood so I'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and I can search for the color ramp and let's put the color ramp after the magic texture now you can see it looks kind of grayed out and so I want to make it much more contrasty so we can start to drag these tabs together and you can see now there's so much more detail there because we are making these more contrasty by dragging them together you can see much more of the texture now instead of using the color value from the magic texture I actually want to use the factor instead so let's put the factor into the factor of the color ramp and then I can drag these over and I want to put the blacktop about here and then I'll bring the white tab to about there so now that is black and white right but it is looking much more like wood so I can now add a mix node to add both of the colors so I'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and I'm going to search for the mix node let's drop it here and then we're working with color values so we want to change the type to color and then I can put it here after the color ramp now if you wanted to you could just change the black Tab and the white tab to being brown color so it looks like wood but I want this to work with the customizable node group and so that's why I'm using the mix node so I'm going to put the color ramp color into the factor and then we can instead add the two colors into a and b because the black and white values are going to tell it what parts are going to be a and what parts are going to be B so right here on color a I'm going to make it kind of like a dark brown and then here on B this is going to be kind of a light brown and if you want to use the same exact color values that I'm using then here on a I'm going to be using a hex value of 4 0 3 0 2 3 and then here on B I'm going to be using a value of AC 7 f64 and also I think I want the texture to be a little bit bigger so on this magic texture I'm going to turn the scale up a little bit so I'll turn up to like a six I like that a bit better so that is the base color of our wood so I can take the mix result here and I can put that into the base color and then I will control shift and select the principled Shader I'm just going to bring this up here and that is definitely starting to look like wood but I still want to add some values into the roughness so that the wood is slightly more rough or more shiny at different areas and then I also want to add a little bit of data into the normal to give it some bow so let's first take the result here from this mix and I'm going to put that into the roughness but then I want more control over this because it looks like a super polished wood so I'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and I can search for a color ramp and let's put the color ramp after the mix here so if the values are lighter it's going to be more rough but if they're darker it'll be more shiny so on the black tab here I'm just going to make this kind of like a light gray color and if you want to use the exact same value that I'm using you can punch in 2B 2B 2B and then again when we join this together into a custom node group I want to be able to control the roughness so I'm going to press shift a and go here to the search and I'm going to search for the Hue saturation value and we can put this after the color ramp so the value is going to make the entire texture lighter or darker if I control shift and select it you can see what it's doing so it's making it lighter or darker and so that's going to make the material more shiny or more rough so we'll be using that later now I also want to put some data into the normal to give it some bump so let's take the mix result here and I'm going to put that into the normal and then to convert it to proper normal data I can press shift a I'm going to go to the search I'm going to search for the bump node and let's put the bump node in between the mix and the normal and then I actually want to put the mix into the height the value to convert it to normal data and then it is really bumpy so let's turn the strength down to just like a 0.2 and there we go we now have some really nice wood but I also want to give a little bit of bumpy noise over the the entire material so I'll press shift a let's go to the search and I can search for a noise texture and I'm going to put the noise texture here underneath the first one and then I want the noise texture to be stretched so it looks like a grain of wood so I can put the vector into the vector of the noise texture and then I can control shift and select the noise texture to preview it and let's change some of the settings so I'm going to turn the scale up to like 10 so that you can see more of it and then I'll also turn the detail to the max of 15. and I also want to add a little bit more roughness so I'll turn the roughness to like a 0.55 so I can now just put this into the normal to give it some bump so we already have this bump node right here but I want to join the noise texture in as well so I'm going to select this bump node I'll press shift d to duplicate it and I can drop it here now the normal can go through the normal and so we now have this height value and we can take the noise texture factor and let's put that into the height of the bump and then I will leave the strength at point two so I can now Ctrl shift and select the principal Shader and if I zoom in here I can kind of play around with the strength and you can see what that noise bump is doing and so there we have it there's the second wood material so we're now going to join these all together into a custom node group so I'm just going to click and drag and box select all these nodes and I can press Ctrl G to join them together into a node group I can press tab to go out of the node group and I just want to bring this over here and then I can just rename this so I'm going to rename this wood 2 and I can just make it a bit bigger and then if I tab to go into the node group I can press the N key to open up the side panel you can go to the group tab tab right here and I want to rename this so I'm going to double click on it and I'm just going to rename it to Shader because I like that a bit better so the first thing that I want to add is the overall scale and so this mapping node is going to control that so let's put the scale into the group input and then I just want this to be one single value so if you click here on the scale I want to change the type to float but then I need to tab to go out of the node group I need to turn the scale to 1 because that's the default and then I can tab to go back into the node group so let's now add the colors so I'm just going to drag the group input over here I can put a in here and also be in here and then I can click right here to rename this and I'll rename it to color one and then also color two and then I also want to add the details so let's take the detail from this noise texture and also the detail from this noise texture and we're going to put it into the same socket now also if you change the Distortion of the magic texture that will make the wood look quite a bit different so I'm going to take the Distortion and I'm going to put that into the socket there and then I want to add the roughness as well so let's take the value from the Hue saturation value and I can put this right in here and then I can click on this to rename it and I can rename it to roughness and then I want the bump strength so we can put them into the same value so I'm going to take the bump strength here put that in there and then take the other one here the other bump strength and put that into the same one and because they're going into the same one this single value will control both bones and I can also rename this to bump string and then finally I want to add the rotation so that we can rotate the wood so right here on this mapping we can just take the rotation and put that into the bottom socket so I can tab to go out of the node group and here is the finished wood two so we have the overall scale and then we also have the colors here if you want to change the wood we also have the amount of detail and we also have this really cool roughness value so it makes the wood look quite a bit different just by changing that and then we also have the roughness and the bump strength and then also if you want to rotate the grain of wood you can rotate that around now there is another really cool value that you can use so if You tab to go into the node group you can actually change the magic texture depth and if you change this it's going to make the wood look quite a bit different but unfortunately this magic texture doesn't have any socket connected to the depth and so we're not able to plug that into the group input but if you want to you can tab to go into the node group and you can play around with the depth value let's go over here to the last material so I'm going to click on the monkey head click on new and I can rename this to Wood three and then again I can click and drag and I can drop the material onto the object or you can also just select the object and click here and then you can add the wood 3 material so to start off I'll press shift a I'm going to go to the search and I'm going to search for a noise texture and let's drop the noise texture here and I can control shift and select it to preview it and then I'm going to press Ctrl T and that's going to add the texture coordinate and mapping and let's use the object coordinate so I'll put the object into the vector and then let's change some of the settings here on the noise so I'm going to turn the scale to like four I also want it to be very detailed so I'll turn the detail to 15 and I want there to be more roughness so I'll turn the roughness to like a 0.822 now I want to stretch the noise texture so that it looks more like grains of wood so I can click on the mapping I can press shift d to duplicate and I can drop it here so this first mapping will be used to change the entire scale and the location and rotation but the second mapping node is going to be used to stretch the texture so I'm going to turn the Y value to a negative .03 a negative .03 and then here on the Z value I'm going to turn this to a 0.28 just a 0.28 now you can see that it is much more stretched and I'm going to drag these over here and I'm also going to select these and kind of bring them down so we have a bit more space so I now want to change the colors of the noise so I'll press shift a let's go to the search and I can search for a color ramp and let's put the color ramp right here here so we're going to put it after the noise texture so what I want to do now is drag the black Tab out and also drag the white Tab out and then what I'm going to do is hold down the control key and I'm going to click four times so one two three four so now I have five black ones and then I can hold down the control key and click one two three four so now we have five white and five black so I'm now going to click on the Arrow here and I want to click on the distribute stops evenly so now you can see they're evenly placed so I now want to change the colors alternating from white to black so I'll click on this first one here and I'm going to make it black and then this one will be white then this one here that's going to be black as well and then this one will be white and then this one will be black again then this one here this is going to be white then the next one will be black and then this one here will be white and then right here at the very end I'm going to hold down the Ctrl key and click again in between these and this last one here I'm going to make white so in toe total there's going to be 11 and it's going to start as black then go white and black and white and black and go all the way over and then end as black now you might be wondering why I'm doing this but it's actually creating a really cool wood texture and you can actually drag these tabs around if you want to change how the texture looks so you can see right here in the middle you can especially see it taking effect so by adding all these white and black values it's adding all this little tiny detail there's little white parts and black Parts in the texture but really where you're going to see it affecting the material most is right here in the center so you can kind of drag this around and you can really change how that's looking so that is looking very cool now but it doesn't really look like wood because of the colors so I'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and I can search for the mix node and I want to drop the mix node up here and then I want to use color values so let's just change it to color and I can put it here after the color ramp so the color is going to go into the factor and the factors going to control where it's going to be color a and where it's going to be color B so for color a here I'm going to make it kind of like a tiny peachy color and then for color B I'm going to make this kind of like a dark brown color and if you want to use the same exact colors that I'm using then here on color a you can punch in b c h c 5 0 and then here on color B you can punch in four nine two c one two now later on in the tutorial when we create the custom node group I want to have a value here which is going to make the wood look a bit different so I'm going to press shift a let's go to the search and I'm going to search for the Hue saturation value and let's put this in between the color ramp and the mix so if I change the value that's going to make it lighter or darker so that's going to make the texture look a bit different so this wood texture is looking pretty cool but it is a little bit simple and there are some parts where it could use some more detail so I'm going to be creating another texture down here and we're going to mix it into the color so I'll press shift a let's go to the search and I can search for the wave texture let's just drop the wave texture down here and then I can control shift and select it to preview it now right here on the sign I want to change this to saw instead because I think that looks a bit better and then I also want to use the same mapping because I want this mapping to be able to scale the entire material so let's put the vector into the vector of the mapping and then let's change some of the wave texture settings so I'm just going to turn the scale to like three and then I also want to turn the Distortion up so I'm going to turn the Distortion to like a 16.2 I just want it to be very detailed so I'll turn the detail all the way to the max of 15 and also the detail scale I do want to trim that up a bit so I'll turn it up to two and we can also turn up this detail roughness to make it even more detailed so I'm going to turn this to like a 0.91 so it's much more detailed so this is looking pretty cool it is kind of looking like wood but it is very straight and so I wanted to distort it more so I'm going to actually distort this wave texture by another wave texture so I'll press shift a let's go to the search and I can search for another wave texture and let's drop the wave texture down here and then I can control shift and select this wave texture to preview it so now let's change some of the wave texture settings so I want this to be very small so I'm going to turn it to like 0.2 so there's basically just one wave and then here on the Distortion I want to turn the Distortion up quite a bit so I'm going to turn the Distortion to like an 8.8 and then I want to be very detailed so let's turn the detail to the max of 15. and then I also want to add much more detail roughness so let's turn the detail roughness to like a 0.78 and then I also want to click on the X here and I want to change it to Y instead and that's going to change the rotation so now you can see we have this really cool texture and then I want to put the mapping node into the wave texture because I want this mapping node to control the entire scale the material so let's put the vector into the vector now before this wave texture distorts the placement of this wave texture I do want to stretch this wave texture so I'm going to control shift and select it to preview it and then to stretch it I want to use a mapping note so I'm I can select this mapping node and I'm going to press shift d to duplicate it and let's stick it here in between the wave and the mapping and then I can use the scale values to stretch the texture so I'm going to turn the Y value to a negative 0.12 just a negative 0.12 to kind of stretch it on the Y and then on the Z value I want to stretch that by negative .04 to kind of stretch it up and down on the z-axis so I now want to add this wave texture into the vector to distort this wave texture so let's press shift a I can go to the search and I can search for the mix node and I want to put the mix node here and then I want to click here on the data type and I want to change it to color and let's put it here in between the mapping and the wave texture so this is the mapping which is stretching it and then this wave texture is the other one that we created and so what I want to do is I want to take the color and I want to put that into value B and then I want to take this mapping and I want to put it into value a so now I can go back and forth between these and if I turn this to 0 it just using this mapping or if I turn it all the way up to one it's just using this wave texture now I actually want to click on the mix here and I instead want to change it to linear light and now I can kind of turn this up and you can see it's kind of using them both together and I'm going to turn the factor to a 0.25 because I think 2.25 looks pretty good so now you can see that it is still going up and down it's still stretched by this mapping but then this wave texture is giving it all those little noisy areas kind of right there so I can now mix this texture in with the other texture that we created so I'm going to drag this over so I have more space and I'm going to select this mix and I'll press shift d to duplicate it let's drop it down here and then I want to take the result from this mix and I want to put that into value B and then I want to take the wave texture color and I'm going to put that into the factor so again the factor is controlling where it's going to be a and where it's going to be B and I can control shift and select the mix to preview it so now here on color a I just want to make this kind of a dark brown color and as I make it darker you can really see that text texture coming through and if you want to use the same exact color that I'm using here on color a you can punch in a hex value of 6f 4 8 2 9. so that is looking really cool so we've now joined this texture and this texture together and it comes out as this texture and that is looking really nice so we can now take this mixed result here and we can put it into the base color the principled Shader and I can control shift and select the principles Shader now I also want to add a little bit of variation in the roughness so let's take the result I can put that into the roughness but then I want to change the colors because that's super shiny so I'll press shift a I can go to the search and I can search for a color ramp and let's put the color ramp before the roughness and then if I make the values lighter it's going to be more and more rough so I'm just going to make this kind of like a light gray and the hex value that I'll be using is going to be 9A 9A 9A that's the hex value that I'll be using for the light gray color so now the wood is still pretty shiny but it's a bit more rough and then later on when we turn this into a custom node group I'm going to want to control the roughness so let's take the Hue saturation value I can press shift d to duplicate and I can drop it here after the color ramp so this value is going to change the roughness so I now want to put a few different values into the bump so I'm first going to take this noise texture and I'm going to take the factor and let's drag this over and put it into the normal to give it some bump and then to convert it to normal data I need to press shift a let's go to the search and I can search for the bump node and let's put that here in the wire before it goes into the normal and then we want the noise texture to be going into the height value and that way it'll convert it to normal data now that is really bumpy so I'm just going to turn the strength down to like a 0.2 and that is a lot better and then I just want to add one more noise texture to give it a little bit more bump so what I'm going to do is click on this noise texture here and I'm going to press Ctrl shift d so Ctrl shift d is going to duplicate the node but it'll keep the wire plugged up and I'm just going to drag it down here and then I can control shift and select it to preview it so let's now change some of the noise texture settings so on the scale I'm just going to turn this to like a 14 so it is a bit bigger and then I will leave the detail at 15 so that it's very detailed but then here on the roughness I'm just going to turn this to like a 0.55 so it doesn't have quite as much detail and now that it has a bit less detail you can see those lighter and darker areas are a bit more Blobby they still are pretty detailed but they're a bit more Blobby and that's going to look really nice in the bump because if I control shift and select this bump you can see this bump has a very fine detail but then this noise texture will have a bit more bigger detail so I'm going to click on the bump I can press shift d to duplicate it and I can drop it down here and we can put the normal into the normal so we can now take the factor from the noise texture and I can put that into the height value of this bump and if I control shift and select it you can see there's the first bump so the detail is much bigger and then if I control shift and select the second bump you can see it has even more detail so it's kind of like a second layer a very fine detail so I can Ctrl shift and select the printable Shader and that is it for the last procedural wood material so we're now going to join this together into a custom node group so I'm going to click and drag and box select all the nodes and then I can press Ctrl G to join them together into a frame and I can tab to go out of the node group I can drag this over here and then I'm going to make this a bit bigger and I'll rename it would three and then I can tab again to go into the node group let's press the N key to open up the side panel and here on the outputs I'm just going to rename this to Shader because I like that a bit better so we can now add all the different custom values into the group input so let's first take the scale from the first mapping we'll put that in there and then if I click on the scale I just want to make it one value so let's click on the type here and I can change it to float and then I just need a tab to go out of the node group I can change the scale to the default of one and then I can tab to go back into the node group now right up here if I go to this Hue saturation value you this value here is going to change the color variation and that actually looks really cool so I'm going to take the value and I'm going to bring this over and stick it here into the socket and then I can rename this to color variation and then I also want to add all the colors so let's take a and I can put that in here and then we can take this one here B and I'll put that in there as well and then we also have a third one so this one here so we'll take that one that color and we're going to stick it right in here so then I can rename all these so I will rename all of these to color one color two and color three and then I also want to add a detail slider and all of these different textures here they all have sliders for the detail so I'm going to take this noise texture detail I'll put that in there then I can also take this wave texture detail and we'll put that into the same socket and I can take this one here and let's put the detail into the same socket and then finally this last noise texture here we can drag the detail here and put it into the same socket so because they're all in the same socket I can now drag the detail and that's going to control all of the details for all the textures at once so let's go back into the node group so I also want to add the roughness so let's go here to the Hue saturation value I can take the value let's drag this over and I can put this in here and then I can just rename this to roughness and then I want to also add the bump strength so I can put both of the bump nodes into the same value so let's take the strength here I can drag this over and I'll put it into the empty socket and also this strength here I can drag this over and just put it into the empty socket and then I can just click on this to rename it and I'll rename it to bump string and then finally I want to be able to control the rotation of the grain of wood so we can take the rotation from the mapping and I can put that into the bottom one so let's tab to go out of the node group and there is the last wood material and personally out of the three this one is my favorite I just really like how it looks so we have the overall scale then we also have this really cool color variation and then we we also have all of the different custom colors then we have the detail here just to change the amount of detail we also have this roughness value here and then the bump strength and finally we can rotate the rotation of the wood grain around so that is it that is how you create procedural wood materials and blender so I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and thank you for watching and if you'd like to help support this channel you can purchase these materials on my gumroad store in my patreon page links are in the description you can also check out my ultimate procedural material pack to purchase all of my materials and you can also check out my procedural material packs to purchase packs of 10 realistic materials and to learn how to create any of my procedural materials you can check out my blender procedural material tutorial playlist with the link in the description but I hope you enjoyed this and thank you for watching
Channel: Ryan King Art
Views: 45,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ryan King Art, Blender Tutorial, Blender, Ryan King, Tutorial, wood, procedural, realistic wood, procedural wood, wood material, wood shader, shader, material, 3 wood materials, procedural wood shader, blender wood, blender wood material, blender tutorial, procedural material
Id: Uk4WsD4F9D8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 25sec (2665 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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