Create Realistic Mud Material using Procedural Texturing in Blender

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welcome back everyone to this new tutorial so now we're going to be creating this nice realistic mod material from scratch using procedural texturing in blender all right then so let's get down to it all right so here we are in a new blender scene so what i should do is to delete everything so let's press a x and delete everything and what i'll actually do is to add a sphere so shift a let's go to mesh and let's add this uv sphere so i'm going to just zoom into it by scrolling the mouse right click sheet smooth and here on the bottom i'd like to switch or expand first the timeline like this and i want to switch it to this uh shader editor so that you can be able to tweak the notes or to tweak our material all right so here i'd like to press new and let's add a new material let's call it mod material so by default we got the principle psdf and the material output but also i'd like to do is to be able to check our materials so i'd like to do is to work a little bit on the lighting so right now if you press z and switch the render mode so everything is going to be gray and boring so what we need to do is to go first to the render properties i'd like to switch the engine to the cycle engine and here on the shader edition i'd like to switch to the water so that you can be able to adjust the lighting the word lighting so on this i'd like to add the sky texture so shift a and let's search for a sky texture this node i'd like to connect the color to the color i'm going to just keep it as default so we got some nice slicing going on but i'd like to reduce a little bit the strength but also for the strength i'd like to reduce it a little bit down so on this background i like to reduce the strength to something like just point five or yeah point five is gonna be fine all right so now we're ready to go so i'm gonna just go back switch from the word to the objects that we can start working on our mod material so the first thing that i'd like to do is to add the water puddles so to to do that i'd like to start with the noise texture so shift a and let's search for a noise texture not the white noise but nice texture and i'd like to we can go ahead and connect the factor to the base color so that we can check it out so i'm going to just press z switch back to the material preview so now we got our noise texture applied so i'd like to do is to tweak it a little bit by using the color ramp so shift a let's search for color ramp and just put it on the top of this line so this is we can have it at the middle so basically the goal is to kind of separate the black from the white so that you can use the black as bottles water puzzles so on the color ramp i'd like to jump or to switch between these switch these two handles i'd like to take the white to the left side and the black i'd like to put it at 0.6 let me just put it here so this is the position of the handle and for the white handle i'd like to put it at 0.5 so now they're going to be pretty much close you can see that we're separating both colors but we're lacking the details if we zoom in into this kind of edge line it's going to be like in much more details so i'd like to do is increase the detail here to 7.5 all right so that's awesome so now we have enough details to work with also in order to keep everything organized what i'd like to do is to select these two nodes i'd like to put them inside a frame so basically these are the water puddles let me just control space to maximize this and i'm going to press shift a and go to the layout and search for a frame we can click on this frame and i'd like to put the noise structure inside it as well as the column ramp let me just put it at the center also we can add a label to this frame let me select it first i'm going to press n and here we have the the frame so for the label let's call it water bottle bottles all right so now we got it right here just in the sake of keeping everything organized you can also change the color of this frame so for example i can give it a yellowish or some some color like this red red color all right so the next step is gonna be to add little stones or little rocks that's gonna be on our mod material so to do that we're going to be using a different texture it's going to be the mask wave so i hope i'm pronounced pronouncing it right so shift a let's search for mask wave must grave like this must create texture we got it so what i'd like to do is to connect it to a camera but also we can give it a check so let me control space go back and i'm going to just go ahead and connect it to the base color to see how it looks like let's connect it straight to the base color all right so it looks similar to the the white noise or the noise texture but check this out if we add for example a color ramp so shift a i'm going to be searching for a curl ramp we need to tweak it so the camera map is the tweaker so you can check it a little bit up so that we can see this better so for the scale i'd like to increase the scale to for example 15 so we're going to be having two types of stones little stones and a little bit of large stones so here on the color ramp i would like to set the black to be on point 45 and as you can see we got some small object that looks pretty much good so all we have to do is increase the amount of details that we got here so we can increase the mass grave detail here to five and for the dimension i'd like to reduce it down to point five like this so it's a little bit actually we start losing that so let me just try to decrease increase this up let's just keep it at point 75 or even 0.85 so we need to have these kind of small objects but i think we need to increase the size of or the scale let me go with 25 all right looks pretty much good but also here let me try to bring these close each other so we need to have have them as units small units something like this i think it has to do also with this dimension i'm going to just go ahead with one so one looks fine all right excellent so what i'd like to do right now is to add the small stones so we can consider these as large stones so what i'd like to do is to simply duplicate these two nodes shift d duplicate them down like this all right let me just put them like this and let's add the mix rgb so that we can mix between the two so shift a let's add the mix rgb i'd like to put it here and let's connect the first color to the color number one and the second color to the second slot which is color number two and after that we can connect it to the base color so basically now i would like to check my little stones so they are not visible so we can increase the scale here let me just try to increase it choose let me try to increase it to 75 and as you can see we have small objects which is pretty much good so we can we're having that variation that we need in our material so also we need to reduce this black color so here on the camera let me select the black and we'll click on this black color and i'd like to set it for example on the v 2.14 so that you can have that gray color same thing here let's do the same thing for the top set the v to point 14 all right so that's looking pretty much good so now what we need to do is to mix between the water bottles and this stones also we can do this control space let me just maximize this window i'm going to be selecting all these nodes and let's add a new frame so shift a let's go to the layout frame and just put it here let's let me try to select everything put it inside alright we got it let me select my frame press n to jump on this panel and for the label let's call it stones all right we got it you can change its color let's make it gonna check the color let's make it for example bluish something like that just so that we can make it stand out all right so like i said we need to combine between the water bottles and the stones so shift a let's search for another mix rgb i'm gonna just put it on the top of this line oops i did i did that one so i'm gonna just put it on the top of this line like this and like to do is to combine the color put it on the top and the second color number two is gonna be for the stones so i'm gonna press ctrl space to go back so that you can see how our material looks like all right so we got it's a little bit messed up so actually i don't want to have these stones on this black surface because the black surface is going to be water so here for the mix type let me just try this i'm gonna switch to the multiplier so that we can multiply both values and here for the factor i'd like to increase it a little bit so as you can see we don't have those puddles here or those those stones here but i'd like to increase for example the factor to something like point 85 so that we can have these stones stand out in the final results or probably 0.75 all right so the last detail that i'd like to add to our material is if we pay close attention to this surface for example it's gonna be empty we have no details here so it's gonna be flat once once we add the bumps and the displacement map so we need to fill this space right now so to do that i'd like to add another noise texture so shift a let's search for a noise texture this one and i'd like to combine this node with this noise texture so i can put it for example here shift a and search for mix rgb again and just put it on the top of this line and let's combine the noise texture i'm gonna combine the factor to the second color so basically the reason why i'm using the factor is let me just show you so if we connect for example the color of the of the noise texture straight to the base color so we're going to be having these crazy colors that we don't need so if you use the fact it's going to be just like a gray scale so we're just using the black and white colors so that's all we need to fill the details in our material so i'm going to just connect the factor to the second color and the color here to the base color so for the type i would like to set it to multiply and i'd like to increase this amount to 0.9 so we need only just several bumps also here for the noise texture i'd like to reduce it so you can see that you can see it's playing in the background i'd like to reduce the scale to just one for the details i'd actually set it to 7.5 i need to have some noisy details and for the roughness i'd like to increase it to one so that you can have those nice bumpy details you can see the difference so if i reduce it to zero you can see the difference so now all the surfaces of our material are noisy and we have some details to work with all right so our next step is going to be to start developing the color of our material our mod material so to do that let's search again for a ram so shift edit search for it cut ramp node i'd actually put it here so this one is going to be for our base color this node all right so i'd like to do is to add we need to have three handles so i'm going to just press click on this pause so that you can have three handles through the first handle i'm gonna just keep it as default for the second one i'd like to put it at point 173 like this 173 all right and for the last one i'd like to put it at 0.227 227 like this all right so now for the color let's start with the first one the black i'm gonna click here and we need to set h point 14 so just followed me these uh combinations i'm gonna achieve some nice results so we got four point fourteen for the s point twenty two and for the v it's gonna be 0.08 so these are the settings that i put as a test so you're going to see the results so for the second handle let me just click here and set for example h20.03 and the s 2.6 and for the v it's going to be 0.03 again and finally for the white one on the white handle let me check let me change its colors so the combination that we're going to be putting here is again 0.08 like this here point 9 29.29 like 29 and for the v it's gonna be 0.1 all right all right so this is gonna be our mod material so it's looking already pretty nice for the color so now what we need to do is to start working on the reflection so for that i'd like to add a new color ramp so shift a let's add a new color ramp so this can ramp we need to connect first the multiply to the factor and i'd like to connect the color to the roughness all right so we got it reflective which is pretty much good but we can tweak it a little bit i'm going to take the white handle a little bit to the left side so now we got this these spots are rough and we got here so these spots are glossy so here we're going to be having the water to make this kind of ramp even more precise let me show you the settings that i put as a test so for the black handle i'd like to put it at 0.05 and we can keep it as black but for the white let me just put it at point zero point one hundred and ninety five like this and for the color i'd like to make it a little bit gray so that is only to make it completely white so here i'm going to put it at 0.6 23 like this so now let's work on the bumps as you can see our material is flat so let's add the bump node so i'm going to press shift a and let's search for a bump node let me just put it here and i'm going to bring the multiplier again it's connected to the height to the height not to the normal and the normal to the normal so we got the bumps effect but it looks pretty much ugly so what we need to do is to add again a new current ramp so the camera is our saver in this tutorial so let me just put it here so for the black handle i'd like to put it at 0.1 for the position of it and the white handle i'd like to put it at point 473 like this all right so for the color of the white handle i'd like to make it a little bit subtle so i'm gonna change the v to point six twenty three all right so we got that also here for the strength i'd like to go with just two quarters so zero point 0.25 all right so now all we need is just this kind of this illusion of pump so that's all we need because now we need to start working on the displacement so that we can make these areas stand out all right so now for the displacement map in order to have it working so what you need to do is to add a new node so let me just show you just move this material output down here i'm gonna just press n to hide this panel and shift a and let's add a displacement map this node that we got here so what i'll actually do is to connect you can connect any map that you want so in my case i'd like to connect this map so you can check with different ones so all i need is just the large bumps so i'm going to just use this one i'd like to connect it to the height here and the displacement through the displacement here all right so we got it applied so what we need to do is to add tweak it a little bit so i'm going to add again a current ram so shift a let's add let's search for a color ramp and i'd like to put it on top of this line so basically i'd like to switch these two handles i like to make the white on the this side and the black on the other side so for the black i'd like to put it at point 56 which is almost uh the health and for the v let me just click here and the for vv value and let you put it at 0.8 so you can have several bumps all right so now in order to see the displacement uh working so what we need to do is to do some change changes to our material so we can click here on the material properties i'd like to scroll all the way down to the settings tab click on it and here for the for the surface we have the displacement i want to check both of these so displacement and bumps so click on it so right now if we press z and switch to the render let me just check we're going to be able to see these uh the details outside like this so they are not just flat we're having real geometry going on outside so also we can do this let me just add the subdivision modifier so that you can have more details to work with you can see this corner here it's really bad so it's happening because our sphere doesn't have enough geometry so it doesn't have enough vertex for displacement to work with so i'm going to be adding here a subsurface modifier subdivision modifier we can increase it up so let me just for example increase it to the fifth level like this so each one is going to be visible here on the level viewport so control space let me just maximize this and we can we can press z here and switch to the render and basically that's it so this is our mod material created from scratch using procedural texturing so if you have any questions feel free to ask me down below so thanks a lot for watching and i hope to see you in future projects take care
Channel: Reality Fakers
Views: 4,762
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Id: AJefTc9R0ok
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Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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