Blender - Leather Shader in Blender 2.8

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how's it going so in today's video I'm gonna show you how to make procedural leather it's very very simple so let's get right into doing that so let's go ahead and open up blender 2.81 before we get into that I'm gonna be showing you how to make one shader but I've made a pack of seven unique leather shaders you can go grab that in the description everybody on patreon you will be getting that for free I'll be I can go get that linked in the description so let's so go on and get an echo sphere you can do this on any model because this is procedural you can just throw whatever shader on whatever model you want so we're just gonna go with the basic sphere now let's go hop on over to shading and start making this so let's click new and we have this guy I'm gonna start out with the more dark color just so I can actually see what's happening in the bump but yeah we're gonna be working with that so let's go ahead and start in a bump node right here and plug the bump right here into the normal and let's go ahead and get a Voronoi now let's change f1 to smooth f1 and smoothness all the way to zero now let's take this right here and duplicate it and they get our smoothest at zero point two and then do that right there now let's put position into vector and then right here in this last one hit ctrl T which gives us a texture set up and put object into the vector alright so now that we have this bump we'll be plugging distance into the height in just a minute but let's go ahead and color this so we'll go into a color ramp and let's get a light more than the khaki end of things right here no it's new bring this guy right about here and make him pretty dark brown bring it down and then bring it more in the brown section and let's take this guy make him a bit darker as well and then let's take this right here what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to go to the hex copy the hex number right over here and I'm gonna paste it so that we stay in the same sort of color family and then take it and bring it really far down and then I'm gonna take it and bring it there so this is gonna be what we're gonna do now let's take the Voronoi texture plug that there and plug the color into the base color so now we have this now we're just going to go ahead and play with this a little bit till we get around what we're looking for alright so now we have this color but right now you can see on these lines they're just a little too straight for actual leather so we're going to do is we're going to go back here to the texture coordinate and we're going to go and we're going to get a noise texture we're gonna plug the noise texture right into here and if you go back to the material preview you're gonna see everything goes berserk see all these just weird little lines and it's not what we want we need to put in a note that tells us how much of this noise texture to actually implement into the look so we're gonna go into a mix RGB plug it right into there now let's take this object coordinate and plug it right here to color to now on the noise detail put it at 16 and put your scale at about 10 and then bring the factor all the way over so now you see those lines again now bring the factor over just a tad bit here on the slider and you can see it to start affecting our color and the way it looks now that's all jagged edge just like you would see in leather on the scale of these two guys let's bring it up to say 20 and the scale on this one 20 as well alright now for this part what we're gonna do is we're gonna add in a color ramp just to make sure that we can mess with the soil look once we actually put it into the bump so we're about to make this more bumpy looking because right now it looks really really fake so let's take this this distance right here on the vore and i plug that in to color ramp which drives into the height of this bump now we have this let's take this strength slider and just bring it down to right about there and then as you can see it's inverted the colors inverted now just sort of looks like weird worm lines all you have to do is invert the bump and that corrects that and so here you go now you have leather and the last thing we're to do to add just a little bit more realism alright so the last thing I'm going to do to add some realism is meThe mess with the roughness so I'm going to add in another color ramp bring that there I'm gonna unattach the height just because this makes my computer run super slow and I'm gonna add in a noise texture right here and then we'll take the vector over here and run that into the noise texture as well from this mapping node now let's take this noise texture plug into the factor and plug this into the roughness now when we press material preview you'll start to see it messing with the roughness of our overall material so now you can see in that light you can see it start messing with the roughness which is what you see with sort of whether to used leather now let's go ahead and bring this color back into the height and we're gonna have a nice leather material for you to use so there it is you have a nice ball of leather that you can mess with and use with really anything you want have a lot of fun with do some clothing or shoes or whatever you'd like so there you go I hope you enjoyed this again if you want to go get some more unique leather shaders you can go and grab seven of those in the description and thanks for watching
Channel: Ducky 3D
Views: 106,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender, Beginner, lava, Blender Rocks, Blender Procedural, Blender nodes, Blender node, Blender Procedural Shading, Blender Cycles, Blender Eevee, Easy Blender Tutorial, Blender 2.8, Blender tutorial, Blender Animation, Blender Abstract Tutorial, blender breakdown, Blender 2.80, blender 2.8 tutorial, Blender 3D, Blender Guru, Remington Graphics, Intro To Blender, blender vaporwave, CG Cookie, Midge Sinnaeve
Id: a8s66wolONI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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