Master The Art Of Setting Up Overlays In OBS Studio!

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so you have overlays you want to use them in OBS Studio you're not exactly sure how to make that work don't worry I got you covered in this video today I'm going to go over setting up overlays in OBS Studio doing it manually is easier than you think I'm going to show you the difference between whether you need to use an image source or a media source for the overlays you're using how to set them up easier and we're going to show you how to group them to make it easier to move them when you need to my name's Jean let's get you into setting up your overlays let's get gter at things yeah so if you find anything in this video that's helpful to you or whatnot please hit that like in the bottom leave a comment let me know if anything needs to be clarified or you know let me know how I'm doing also hit the Subscribe button cuz I will have more videos going more in depth on things you can do with OBS and really make your streams your content whatever you're doing with OBS stand out a little bit more now let's go ahead get in to manually setting up overlays in OBS Studio so here we go we this is where I left off the last time in the last video and if you didn't see the last video you might want to click on it I'm going to try and pop it up here good times so first off I'm just going to go ahead and move this in the center and I'm going to make it a little bit bigger so way you guys can actually see what's going on so let's add a background image and let's say it's a static image we're going to go to image and we'll call this background sure and then you're going to go in and find the background you want and we're going to use this one Tada yay but it's above everything else so all you got to do is then take click and hold drag down and voila we' still got the background so images are going to be easy those are pgs gifts jpeg however you want to go about it but those are still images so for an animated thing such as like a animated camera frame that I'm going about to put around here you're going to use media source and a media source is simply anything that is a straight up just movie file type thing and that can be webm MPEG whichever that's going to be kind of a movie file click the plus sign and then we're going to go to to Media source and we'll call this camera frame hit okay browse for it click it in now it's very important that you actually click the loop if you do not Loop it it'll end but if you keep the loop it'll replay over and over again once it plays if you are having problems with too much CPU usage you can click use Hardware decoding when available and that will use your GPU instead of your CPU to maybe offload some of the work from your CPU and kind of make things easier once you've done that click okay and it's in the wrong spot that's what she said so let's just take it and we'll try to drag it click manually drag good to go real quick let me show you what happens when maybe this camera frame might not line up with what you're working with so let's say I accidentally have a 4 to3 ratio instead of a 16 to9 ratio on the camera box there's a very very easy way to take care of this so click on your webcam right here if you hold the ALT key while clicking the side hold alt you can actually drag and and crop out any unneeded area this makes it much cleaner much easier to work with when you add a media Source it adds a track into your audio mixer because it's a media Source it thinks there should be sound to it so let's go ahead and make sure that we keep that out of our mixer to make sure that we can still navigate our audio sources easily so what I'll do is right here where it says camera frame camera frame is what we named it and it's showing as an audio Source I will go ahead and mute it and then if you right click on on the track you can actually hit hide and that will take it out so that way you don't have to see it anymore and this will make it a lot easier for you to work with that's one drawback when you're adding media sources into OBS Studio but I promise as long as you're keeping that clean and you're making sure you're hiding those certain sources that may kind of gum up the works in your mixer it's going to make it easier as long as you're keeping track of it so adding in sources manually when it comes to overlays is not entirely difficult actually it's not difficult at all it's just knowing these shortcuts to make your life a little easier what's actually going to make things a little more difficult is when you're trying to move these things in different areas so how do you do this stuff easily how do you make sure that you can move everything together there's two methods we can go with the first is the grouping grouping is basically using folders to stack everything together and move it as one source so let me show you how to do that down here in sources you're going to rightclick something you're going to go up to where it says group select items we're going to call this group camera sure and then you want to make sure within that folder we have everything we want and you need to make sure that they stack the way they're supposed to so the frame on top of the webcam that way that frame still on top remember it's important that you list things as topmost shown to bottommost shown so now that we have our camera folder we can shrink this down if you click the camera now we can actually adjust the size and we can move this around much easier than we could before so let's say Call of Duty a lot of people like to do Call of Duty here but when it comes to fallu you need it to be over here now you have a way you can move it easier without being destructive you can group as many things into one spot as you want so if you also had where you had goals and you had other things attached to there and you wanted to move them all together you can put them all in one single group so I'm going to add my logo and that's going to be a static image so I type in logo bring my file in all right we got the logo selected now we're going to bring it in hit okay it's a little too big and I'm just going to fit it in here there I've got my logo in there now all I got to do is take my logo drop it in and voila this way now my logo stays in this little box that I made for it and we can shrink it and everything stays together so now we've shown you how to do this with the group let me show you the second way and the way I prefer to do things now scene nesting is essentially taking one scene and putting it into another creating scene Inception just like Inception yes I'm I'm literally calling it scene setion I'm sorry but putting scenes within scenes can actually keep things well organized and a little bit easier to control certain things especially when you get into more advanced OBS techniques such as adding in Channel Point redemptions adding in your own alerts that you drive from something like streamer bot or for various other things like maybe you find a widget out there that actually will show what music's playing and things like that there is so much creative freedom and a lot more control you can do with scene nesting and this is my preferred method so let's go ahead and hide this current group we've got going and we'll build a whole scene with just the camera so what we're going to do is we're going to add a completely new scene so with scene nesting you're creating a scene you want to make sure you keep this organized so what you're going to want to do is at least label it somehow for me I have put in Brackets that it's a group and then labeled at the camera this tells me that this is for my camera that I'm using as well as the framing around it and anything else I need to add so now we have this scene but there's nothing in it so what we'll start with is our video capture device which we pick up our webcam and now we've got the camera back let's size it down a little bit and kind of just put it in the center next let's add our camera frame which was a media source so add the existing add the camera frame and here we have it in here so let's go ahead and just size it the best we can click on your camera so that way you can crop out what you need to remember to alt click and now it's cleaned up and looking much better let me get my logo for this little box down here which was an image it was a static image add existing logo now it's there let's resize it down okay so everything's in here now this is how we want it to be this is exactly what we want it to look like one key thing you can do to make sure none of this moves when you get in here to add more stuff this little lock icon you can actually use to make sure you don't accidentally move something so I'm going to lock all these now I can click wherever I want to and I can't actually change anything there so you can lock things to make sure that they stay in the place they need to now let's add this to our scene so that way we can make sure that we can do what we want with it coming back to our normal scene what you want to do is go down to the plus icon like we do with everything and you're going to go up to where it says scene this is where you add an entire scene onto your existing scene with this I'm just going to add the group camera and voila now it's in here so what I can do now if I wanted to I can crop this down to just be side the way I want so I've cropped these down to be at least a little bit better of a size to work with now I if I want to resize it I just grab the corner and I'm good to go and I can't mess with the design of anything in this webcam making it so much easier to work with I can move it wherever I want and I don't have to worry about something getting messed up when you're having to manage fewer sources in one scene it can make things so much easier rather than trying to dive through a massive list of different sources you might have in in your scenes by doing scene nesting it eliminates that it scene nesting gives you the ability to concentrate on one particular aspect while maintaining everything else and you don't have to worry about potentially messing something else up there's a lot of different things you can do with OBS and this is just the start in the next video I'm planning to go into some OBS plugins to show you how I've created things like my big chin effect how I do the tiny effect how I do all these various weird things things that I have done for channel points for bit redemptions for just chat commands there is so many possibilities with OBS studio and I'm going to try and show you everything I know how to do so make sure you're subscribed so you can catch the next video when we get into more Advanced Techniques in OBS studio with that I hope you guys have a good time streaming I hope this helps you guys get your OBS set up in a way that is much easier to manage and maintain I'll catch you on the next video I'm looking forward to do it love you catch you later
Channel: OSUPhoenix
Views: 6,640
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Keywords: The Best Way to Set Up Overlays in OBS Studio, teh best way to set up overlays in obs studio, how to setup overlays in obs studio, obs how to setup overlays, Overlays in OBS Studio, Best way to add Overlays, OBS Overlay Tutorial, add overlays to OBS Studio, how to group in obs, how to setup obs studio with overlays and twitch alerts, scene nesting obs, how to add overlays in obs studio, how to add overlays in obs studio 2023, how to add overlays in obs, obs overlay tutorial free
Id: ztWSRZz2haA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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