OBS MOVE Plugin Masterclass! - Smooth ANIMATED Transitions

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if you're brand new to OBS your transitions probably look like this see how boring this is you want be boring why be boring when your streams can look like this today we're going to spice up your stream with these animated transitions like you're seeing on screen right now where your camera is shrinking and growing to different positions on the screen and this is all possible with an OBS plugin called move this one won my award for the greatest OBS plug-in of all time the Bobs po I reference this plugin all the time but I still don't think people realize just how powerful the move plugin is because yes you could do these smooth animated transitions where your camera shrinks and grows between scenes but you could also slide sources around the screen you can animate filters like the 3d effect filter or the rounded Corners filter you could also make sources react to the sound of your voice track objects to your face even control a PTZ camera it's way too much to fit into one video and so that's why today we're starting a new series nutties OBS move plug-in master class or knobs pum for shorts but we don't need to scare you with all that complex stuff today let's just start nice and easy today I'm only going to show you how to get the plugin installed do your first basic animated transitions where your camera shrinks and grows between scenes and I'll also show you some little tricks that even if you're an advanced user you're going to want to pay attention to because there's a lot of really small details that you might be missing out on if you want to do any of that crazier stuff we'll cover them in future videos so stay tuned subscribe so you don't miss out yes that's called blackmail and yes it works but first a shout out from this week's sponsor VIP keys if you guys are looking to say don't skip this part looks bad in my YouTube analytics you can get a Windows 11 Pro license for as little as $21 just make sure to use code nutty at checkout to get 30% off and if you want to save a little bit more money you can get a Windows 10 key for as low as $15 and those keys can be upgraded to Windows 11 completely for free you can pay using a secure payment method like PayPal they'll send you over an activation code put that in your Windows settings and you're good to go check out VIP SD Keys down below and thank you again for sponsoring this video okay so let's get this plugin installed so head on over to the link down below you'll be taken to this page just click on the download button and get the windows installer if you're on a Mac or Linux machine you're on your own buddy okay I don't use any of that garbage but just get the windows installer and go through the setup it's it's pretty straightforward if you know how to install OBS you know how to install the plugin if you if you don't know how to install OBS why are you here after that go ahead and restart OBS I've made some basic scenes here and as you can see it's just using the normal fade transition that comes by default and we're going to change that so go over to your scene transitions doc if you don't see that there go up to docs and turn on scene Transitions and it should say fade or you can set it to cut here but if you click on the plus button you can add more Transitions and one of the options should be move if you don't see that option there then you didn't install the plugin correctly so go back and do it again add that move transition and just press okay and okay here we'll come back to this menu in a second but should start working right away so if we change scenes now it's all animated I'll actually slow the animation down here just set it to 750 milliseconds and you can see it's already animating so yeah you're you're pretty much done already there's um that that's it all right see you I'm a bit of a perfectionist though so let's change some settings I don't actually like the default settings I don't like how when stuff disappears it just goes off to the side or when stuff reappears it comes in from the left so if you click on the three dots and go to properties we can actually change how the animations animate and the properties are broken up into three different sections because there's three different scenarios that can happen when you're changing scenes let's say you're switching scenes from scene a to scene B and both scene A and B have your camera on them these would be matched items because both scenes have your camera but let's say your camera only exists on scene B and it's not unseen a well this would be an appearing item because when you transition your camera should be appearing unseen B if your camera is only unseen a but not unseen B then this would be a disappearing item because your camera disappears as it goes to scene B that's what each of these sections are for so we got matched items appearing items and disappearing items so if we go to appearing items for example we'll see that the position is set to Center left so that means when we change scenes all of the new sources are going to appear from the center left of the screen so if I were to go from this blank scene to a scene that has just my camera you see how my camera just appeared from the left side so we'll do it again appears from the left side and then when it disappears it goes off to the right side and that's because if we look under disappearing items the position is set to center right I don't like that okay so I actually turn the position to none for both disappearing and appearing items and so now you'll notice if I change from this blank scene to my camera scene it's just going to grow from the middle and then disappear from the middle and then if I was to move my camera it's just going to disappear from wherever the camera is and it's it's never going to move it's not going to like go off to the side or anything like that personally I don't like that Zoom either I think I think it looks kind of like looks kind of tacky when stuff just like Zooms in and out so I turn that off too so go into properties and there's a zoom checkbox I like to just turn that off for both appearing and disappearing and I also like to change the transition from none to fade uh I actually like to change that for everything so we'll change it there and also for matched items I like to turn it on uh to fade as well and so now if you look at our transitions if I go for my just chatting to my game gaming scene we're still going to get that uh you know that animated transition but if I switch to a scene that doesn't have my camera instead of my camera zooming out it's just going to fade away and I think that looks much better so yeah those are all the settings that I like to change every time I do a new install of OBS just to summarize set the transition to everything to fade turn the zoom off for everything and set the position for everything to none and I think that makes the transitions look the best that's that's the way that I like setting it up it even works if you crop and rotate your camera so we'll just hold the ALT key and I'll just crop my camera a bit and use a circle to like rotate it and when I do a scene transition it still it still does the transition everything just works but what if you have two sources that are not the same Source but you still want move transition to map them together so for example here I got my just chatting scene and then I've got this scene here where my camera is a circle so how do I get my camera to sort of morph from Circle to rectangle and then back to Circle again in case you didn't know there's a plugin called Source clone that allows you to create exact copies of other sources so that you could apply filters to that copy without affecting the original source and the same developer that made Source clone also made move transition so everything just works so move transition recognizes sources that are also clones and automatically matches them up together which is why my camera here when I change this scene here even though the Clone and the camera are like not the same they still match together it works especially well with the Nvidia background removal filter I'm actually using it right now if I switch to my just chatting scene you see how the background just appears and then if I go to the green screen the background just melts away here let me slow down the transition just chatting scene slowly comes into view green screen slowly melts away that is such a slick effect that I haven't really seen other people do so don't copy me so I want to be unique now if you have two sources that are completely different they're not even clones of each other you can still match them up together for example I've got this scene here that has my camera and then I've got this scene that has my snap camera which has me as President Joe Biden you can see that because these are technically different sources alog together move transition doesn't match them up together and so that's why we just get this fade animation but we can actually match them together if we go over to that Second Source go to filters and we're going to add a move transition override and here we can actually test tell OBS what to match this to so if I want this to match to my webcam now if I change scenes it still does the transition even though they're completely different scenes how cool is that but yeah that's it now you've got these cool animated transitions um I think I'll leave it there am I overwhelming you guys I feel like I'm overwhelming you guys hey are you did you Tab out come back open my tab again talk to me did I overwhelm you guys let me know if you like this style of video I'm trying to take a more casual approach instead of having to heavily script all my videos um also if you want to follow along with the rest of the move transition master class as I release more videos then uh I ain't begging you for Subs that's weak you just do it and without me having to beg you for it come Capt me on Twitch I stream at least twice a week and uh I basically never play games so I'm really only just answering your streamer questions so um or don't you can follow here cuz I also stream here full-time as well so uh check that out um also yeah join the patreon the video's not done yet okay join the patreon um I make a whole bunch of widgets that you guys can download they're really cool I got this one widget coming out which will like show whenever you drop frames in your stream and like it will show your bit rate and like really cool stuff so we're going to be releasing that soon um yeah okay I'm done talking
Channel: nutty
Views: 11,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obs move source, move move transition, obs move transition plugin, obs move transition tutorial, obs move action, obs move camera, obs move source plugin, obs move transition install mac, move transition source filter, obs move value, obs move transition install, obs move transition not working, obs move transition mac
Id: 3VuiNmMOaXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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