How to IRL Stream - Everything you NEED to know

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are you interested in live streaming from your phone GoPro or any device that supports rtmp streaming all without having to spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on those fancy setups well you've come to the right place I've used this setup to live stream snow plowing walking through the woods and even from Atlanta Georgia all without having to worry about my stream disconnecting and losing viewers what's the best part about all this it is completely free and this setup works with one phone if you don't have another phone just make sure watch until the very end but without further Ado this is The Ultimate Guide to IRL streaming now before I get started here I do want to mention that all the links to everything that you're going to need is going to be in the description down below in order of how they happen in the video all right so the first thing that we're going to install here is VLC media player go ahead and download that I'm going to download that here and I will show you there's one little thing that I like to change in the installation of VLC so uh we're going to download that open file click on yes click okay next next and where it says web plugins Mozilla plugin and active X plugin I just like to shut that off so we're going to shut that off and then click on next and then click on install wherever it wants to install you can choose a different directory if you want it is completely up to you but we're going to get that installed here we're going to uncheck run VLC media player cuz we don't need to run that the next thing that we can do is go to OBS if you don't have OBS installed already go ahead and download OBS I already have it installed so I am not going to mess with this but if you don't pause the video and go download OBS the next thing that we're going to download here is called get you will have a direct link to go to the download area here so you don't have to worry about all this but there should be a button for download for Windows or there'll be something there that you will be able to download so we're going to go ahead and download for Windows and we are going to do 64 bit get for Windows setup and we're going to go ahead and download that and install this this is going to be used for uh installing the stream server you have to use this otherwise it won't work correctly so uh that is one thing I have found out the uh the hard way all right so there we go uh it popped up this window here it took me a little bit but we're going to click on yes we're going to click on next we're going to click on next I already had this installed and it didn't fully uninstall it but we're going to install it to that folder anyways cuz it's already set and uh all this stuff here you can leave alone that's not a big deal you can click on next next and uh next and next and uh next next next next next next just keep clicking on next here all this stuff is perfectly fine and then once you get through that you will be good Let It install and we will go on to the next step all right there we go it is installed we're going to uncheck view release notes we're going to click on finish so that should be all set we're going to go ahead and delete that and I'm just going to remove it from the list here to keep my download section clean now we don't need uh any of these web pages as long as you downloaded all of them the VLC media player OBS studio and uh the git package now if you are curious if this setup will work with streamlabs OBS yes it will um and if you're curious about if this will work with uh YouTube and kick and twitch and all that stuff it will because the thing that is streaming to the platform is OBS it is not your phone your phone or GoPro or whatever is not actually streaming to the uh to the platform it is streaming to your computer so you don't have to worry about any of that okay as long as OBS uh can stream to it you can stream to whatever platform all right it works for everything and it works for streamlabs OBS as well all right so the next thing that we're going to do here is we are going to go ahead and get the server installed so what we're going to do is we're going to open up our file explorer here and we are going to go to this PC now in this PC right here you're going to look for the drive that has your window Windows downloaded on it as you can see here because of this logo my C drive has the windows downloaded on it that is perfectly fine that is what we want if you do have a drive that's faster maybe your windows isn't installed on the fastest drive for some reason again you just choose whatever is the fastest m.2 SSD whatever it is if you don't have any idea just install it wherever okay it's fine but choose one of these drives here I'm going to choose the C drive and in here I'm going to create a file now this is important otherwise I've tested this and it doesn't work for me I don't know if that's something that I did or not but I do know that this works for me we're going to create a new folder and we are going to name it rtmp stream server you're going to copy the name exactly the way I have it right there that's what I would recommend I have tried uh for multiple hours last night and it kept not working if it was any other name besides this I have absolutely no idea why but go ahead and name your folder that we're going to save that we're now going to go into here and open up that that folder okay there should be nothing in here then what we're going to do is we're going to go to this URL down below and in here there is a uh this should be a GitHub page we're going to click on the code section here and there is a URL with a copy link we're going to copy URL to clipboard we're then going to go back to our folder and we're going to click in the top bar right here in this top bar we going to type in CMD when you type that in this little window should pop up right here I'm going to move my camera to the other side cuz we're going to start getting into the configs and right here we are going to do get colog Space the URL okay so it should look exactly like that we're going to press enter and it should go ahead and clone it once that is done we can close it and you should now see a folder in here called engine X OBS automatic low bit rate switching it is a crazy long title but you should see that folder now that we have that folder we're going to go into that and then we're going to see a folder called engine X we're going to go into that folder as well and you should see azip folder here so what we're going to do is we're going to click on it we're going to right click open in new window and we're going to just kind of drag this off to the side here a little bit we are going to select everything make sure everything is selected and then we're going to drag it on over into this folder now it will say there's destination with two files same names just go ahead and click replace the files in the destination and now we can close out of that and we can delete the zip folder okay so now your server is installed so a couple things that we're going to do here now is one final thing over into this scene right here and Genex Auto OBS automatic low bit rate switching we're going to go into this folder and then you're going to go into this next URL down below it should look like this okay it should say no albs whatever up here we are going to go down to the assets and we're going to download 64pc windows. zip okay we're going to go ahead and click on that it will download it we're going to right click open file and boom it should be right here okay and then we're going to go open up this folder here and have it both side by side we're going to double click in the zip and go into here you should see EnV and config.js and no al.ex we are going to drag the no al.ex into this folder right here and now we can go ahead and close this and we can delete this file we don't need that file anymore so now we have no albs installed which which is your scene switcher and we have engine X installed which is your stream server now what we're going to do is we are going to go through and configure some of that so let's just go into engine X here and do one thing here to make sure go into a folder that says Windows Firewall and in here you will see closed firewall ports and open firewall ports just go ahead and uh doubleclick the open firewall ports and once that happens it's done you're good you don't have to worry about it what that is doing is it's allow allowing the an outside connection to come in because that's what we're going to need so once you do that it's perfectly fine we can go back here and then we see all of this now we don't have to worry about any of this but what I do like to do here is we're going to right we're going to left click sorry on the engine x.exe we're going to click uh on create shortcut and we're going to drag the shortcut up until the rtmp stream server folder and then what we're going to do is we're going to do the same thing with no Els we're going to go back here we're going to right click we're going to click create shortcut and we're going to drag it into the rtmp stream server and the reason that we're doing this is because all you got to do is go to this folder right here and run the engine X which is your server and then run no albs which is your scam switcher now that you have all that set up you will have the engine x.exe shortcut the nos. exe shortcut you have to run these every time you restart your PC or every time that you want to start your IRL stream you need to make make sure that both of these programs are running otherwise uh it will not work now we need to configure this all right now when I open this config file it is going to open in Visual Studio code you can find the download link again in the description if you want it but you don't need to have Visual Studio code for this I just like it because it allows for uh a little bit better viewing but for you you can probably go ahead and just rightclick it and then open with notepad and it'll look something like this but I'm going to open it with Visual Studio code so you can understand again completely optional if you want to do that so let's go ahead and open this config file here this is going to be the main thing that we need we are going to go up here make sure that only switch when streaming is false by default I believe it is false which is good basically what that means is that you can do offline testing you don't have to actually be live streaming and I highly recommend that so you can do some testing and we're going to go retry attempts 5 low trigger here this slow trigger we're going to change that to 800 that means 800 bit rate rtt we're going to change to 2500 bit rate and offline we are going to change to null and then we get into the next step this is where you should have OBS installed don't close this file yet keep this file open we're going to go ahead and open your OBS so when you open OBS it's going to look something like this which is perfect that's what we want now we are going to set up all of our scenes and everything that we are going to need here so what we're going to do is you're going to have a scene created that's probably going to be named Scene you could rename this if you want you can create a new scene it is completely optional and up to you I'm just going to leave it scen because it doesn't really matter for me we are going to add another scene here this scene I'm going to name low bit rates again you can name these whatever you want but the low bit rate scene is going to be the scene that it switches to if you're starting to lose connections or you're in an area that's a little bit spotty with connection it'll switch to this scene we're going to create one more scene and for me I just name this BRB this is your disconnect uh screen okay your disconnect scene if you lose connection completely or you shut the stream off on your phone your phone dies or whatever it will go to this scene right here and of course we will set it up and everything like that then we're going to go back into the config here this uh file that we had open and we're going to change a couple different things here so we have a section that says switching scenes and normal live we are going to change this to scene or whatever your main scene is going to be named be sure to have the Correct capitalization okay cap uh capitals do matter here low we're going to name it low bit rate because that's what mine is again whatever yours is in OBS and again my offline screen is brb all lowercase right there now once that is done the next thing that we're going to do and play pay close attention here you should see a little bracket right here we're going to highlight from there and scroll all the way down until you see where it says stream server engine X we're going to delete right above that so again just double check that you have all this selected and then we can go ahead and delete all of that and we can press backspace a couple times just to make it look a little bit Neer but this should be all that you see right here stream server stream server engine X and all of this stuff this is what you should see the only thing that would really change here is the key okay this is the stream key that you're streaming to it is on live by default I would recommend just leaving it alone unless you kind of know what you're doing but uh this live key I'm going to leave alone just to say live you'll see name Eng Gen X Priority One just go ahead and change that Priority One from P to Priority zero that's going to make sure that it is the absolute most important but there's nothing else in here so it doesn't really matter anyways you have override scenes normal normal just go ahead and do the same thing you did at the top okay so normal is going to be seen low is going to be low bit rates and offline is going to be my BRB scene another thing that I want to mention here is again for those people who want to run two cameras or more you could do two or more cameras on this in case you have like a triple camera setup or whatever you can do this follow right along with me we're going to go into here and you can see our stream server and what we're going to do is we're going to copy this and we're going to put a comma here we're just going to press enter and we're going to press crl +v to paste all of this it'll look the exact same now all that we got to do here to change is the key we're going to change to just whatever you want again except it's got to be different than the one up here so I'm just going to put live two go ahead and press crl s if you do this again this is for two cameras so you can have one camera live streaming to this uh URL with the key of Live And if you have a second camera it would be live streaming to the exact same thing that the first one is except the key will be live live to and you'll be able to get multiple streams uh this way and again you can duplicate this just keep pasting uh and changing the key and you'll be able to stream a bunch of different cameras all at the same time and then we get on to OBS okay so this right here is the stream server this right here is for the scene switcher that way there if your phone disconnects and stuff it will change scene automatically so that you don't have to worry about that so viewers aren't looking at a Frozen screen we're going to see type OBS leave that alone host Local Host leave that alone as well password this is where we're going to go into OBS we're going to go into the top here go to tools go to websocket server settings and in here make sure that enable websocket server is checked make sure that the server Port is 4455 because that's how I'm setting it up here and make sure that enable authentication is turned on we can go ahead and show connect info and we can copy that right there that uh server password and we can then close out of there and let's go back to our folder here and go to the password and we're going to double click on that and we're going to paste that password right in right there make sure that the port here is 4455 as well as the port on OBS websocket then we got the chat now this chat only works for twitch as far as I'm aware if you're interested in adding your name onto here you for the username you would type in your uh your channel name if you want to add more admins you can just do a comma and then quotations and then admin uh user you can type in whatever username is there okay and then there's a couple uh commands here again if you want to know more about those commands they are on the website uh and I'll have of course the link will be in the in the description for that website but it has a whole bunch of information on commands for your Twitch stream now that all of that is done I'm just going to scroll through here double check that yours looks like mine and everything should be good again your OBS password is going to be whatever your websocket password is it's going to look a little bit different than mine and then once you have all that set up and you are good there make sure you contrl s to save the file I like to press control s a couple times just to be sure that it saves the file so as long as that is done this file is done we can go ahead and close that file we will not need that again so let's go into OBS and go to your main scene and we are going going to start setting up all of our scenes so again this first scene right here is going to be your main scene so if you're live streaming and you got great connection and stuff this is what's going to be showing so this is where you're going to put overlays for sub counts or whatever you want you you will put on this scene but we are going to go ahead and press on plus and there should be a VLC video Source now if you don't see VLC video source that means a couple things either one you don't have VC media player in installed or two go ahead and restart your OBS okay because you might have opened your OBS a little bit too early um and just restart it and it should be there worst comes to worst just restart your whole PC but as long as you have VC media player installed this should be here we are going to go ahead and add this Source VLC video source and we're going to name this you can name it whatever you want but I'm going to name it phone stream okay this is the incoming stream from the phone we're going to press okay we're going to go down here to the plus we're we're going to click on ADD path /url and we're going to type in rtmp d.2 sles Local Host now this will actually either be local host or your ipv4 address so for example if you have a dual PC setup but you're streaming uh server is set up on your gaming PC let's say but you want to get the phone stream on your streaming PC then what this will do this rather than Local Host this will be the ipv4 address of your server with the streaming server on it okay the one that has the streaming server on it but for this instance I am everything's on the same PC so I'm just going to leave it as Local Host again if you have your server running on your gaming PC but you want to get your phone stream on your streaming PC rather than Local Host this will be your ipv4 address which I will show you how to get in a little bit so we're going to do Local Host and we're going to do double dot again we're going to do 1935 now 1935 is the port in which we are going to open up and port forward and that is going to be the port that the stream is going to come into and then we're going to do forward SLP publish slash live okay so the publish is going to be your application and live is going to be your stream key so if you change your stream key then this forward SL live will be whatever your stream key is okay so as long as that is done we're going to press okay we're going to press okay I like to go up here just right click on the phone stream go to transform and go to fit to screen just to be sure that it's going to be full screen when the stream starts now we can go ahead and go to our low bit rate scene again if you want to add any more overlays you can go ahead and do that on that scene we're going to go here we're going to add VLC video Source again we're going to add existing and add the phone stream we're going to right click on it transform fit to screen again just to make sure that it's full screen we're going to do one more thing in this scene and we are going to do low bit rate is what we are going to name this uh text again you can name this whatever you want but we're going to add a text source and name it low bit rate we're going to press okay and we're just going to say low bit rate and then we're just going to click on okay and we're just going to kind of bring it down here into the corner and there we go that looks all right to me okay you can adjust this however you want uh again the most important thing right here is the phone stream okay and what this scene will be is it'll be very pixelated at because again your phone or device or GoPro or whatever doesn't have a lot of connection then we are going to go to the BRB screen now this one here is a little bit more advanced well I like to make it because this is where again if your phone shuts off if the stream shuts off if you completely lose connection in a dead Spot somewhere this is the scene that it will change to and I like to have clips from my IRL streams playing here and I'm going to show you how to do that we are going it to go to this URL right here okay there's a URL it should look just like this and we're going to see uh version 3.4.4 is what I have but again it might be different depending on when you're watching this video you will see a 64 uh Windows 64bit dzip folder we're going to go ahead and download that and we are going to open this file and you should see a couple different things in here and we're going to open up a new file explorer go ahead and go to your video folder or wherever you have it I have a folder named OBS IRL stream Clips in here I just have a bunch of clips from my stream now these clips are 1920 x 1080 okay so make sure that if they're 720p you upscale them to 1920 by 1080 or that they are all 720p otherwise it's going to look very weird trust me I've messed with this it's going to look very weird so there's a couple Clips in here that are 720p that I uh I down or I upscaled sorry to 1080p so just make sure that they're all 1920 by 1080 um and you should be fine and then we're going to go to OBS random videos. exe in the zip folder we're going to drag that over to here once that is done you can go ahead and close that and just delete that folder there and we're going to remove that from the list and let's open that back up so you should see aexe in here we are going to double click on thise we're going to click on more info we're going to run anyway again this right here I mean I use it I know a bunch of people use this this it is the best way that I found to do it because it actually plays a random clip every time so we're going to click on run anyway it's going to pop up this window right here it's going to say do you want to play one video I'm going to say no so I'm going to put an N do you want to Loop the first video I don't want that so I'm going to press n do you have a transition video so this would be if you have a logo or anything like that and you want it to play in between every video you could put that here but in my case I'm going to say no so I'm just going to put n and enter that should close and you should see a HTML file open up here and be in that folder now let's go back to our OBS we are going to add a source and in this Source we're going to we're going to add a browser source and you can name this again whatever you want but I'm just going to name it clip player and enter that and we're going to change the width to 1920 and the height to 1080 we are going to do control audio via OBS is what I like to do you don't have to do this but that's what I like to do to kind of separate this audio a little bit because I have a 2pc setup so again you can mess around with this all this will mean is that rather than going through desktop audio this will go through its own audio and uh stuff again you can mess with it if you want to but I like to control audio separately for me but you might not want to shut down Source when not visible we're going to make sure that that is selected and we're going to make sure that refresh browser when scene becomes active is selected as well that makes that the uh the clips are random every time now this is very important so listen closely okay I'm going to go slow because this is a little confusing we're going to click on local file we are going to go to browse and in this browse we are going to go back to our folder that has the stream Clips in it and we're going to click on the HTML file and we're going to click on open now we're not done yet what we're going to do here is we are going to copy this URL so we're going to we're going to select cect it all we're going to contrl C now we're going to uncheck local file and we're going to contrl a contrl v boom there we go so this should be what your url should look like or whatever your folder is for all your IRL streams that you want to play while you lose connection okay you can now press okay and there we go it is now playing audio um now you guys can't hear it because I have it muted completely but this will be playing audio as you can see down here again I would adjust the volume uh however you want to uh because some of these clips might be really loud or whatnot so I'd kind of mess around with that I'm just going to hide this for right now because I don't want to play you can leave it running if you want to um it is completely up to you we are going to add another source here we're going to add text and we are going to say disconnected text is what I'm going to name it you again you can name it whatever you want and I'm going to say uh disconnected uh reconnecting okay now if I spelled this right just call me an idiot in the comments it doesn't matter all right and I'm just going to select the red color because it it typically shows up the best and you can kind of put this wherever you want to it doesn't really matter whatsoever again so this scene right here is only uh going to show when you stop your stream on your phone or when you lose connection completely and then obviously when your when your connection comes back it will automatically switch back to your main scene right here and show your phone stream this next step is very important uh I found this out the hard way we are going to go ahead and minimize OBS we can close out of our stream folder we don't need that anymore and I'm just going to minimize my browsers I'm going to go to my desktop here now I have an Nvidia graphics card if you have an AMD graphics card I'm not quite sure how to do it you're going to have to look it up yourself but if you have an Nvidia graphics card I'm going to rightclick we're going to go to Nvidia control panel we're going to make sure that we go on the left side here and go to manage 3D settings when you're in here you're going to go to program settings it's on OBS studio if you don't have it just go in here and look for OBS studio uh you'll be able to scroll through it has a ton of programs and you should be able to find OBS studio in there and uh go ahead and find it and add it if you need to but uh for me it's already right here and what we're going to do is we're going to scroll down to the very bottom and you will see vertical sync make sure that vertical sync is selected to on and the reason for this and again if you're worried about a dual PC setup or whatever this will not affect anything I promise you that's what I use it will fix a lot of problems okay it helps basically what this does is it helps against screen tearing so when I first did this setup I didn't have vertical sync on for OBS and my stream was screen tearing you saw these like lines in it it was really really bad but once I turned on vertical sync it fixed all my problems so just be sure to turn that on and then once you do that you should be good you go ahead and close out of the Nvidia control panel all right now we are going to get into the next section here which is going to be port forwarding okay now this is very very important this is the most important thing otherwise all of this work is not going to really do anything we're going to go to our web browser here we're going to look up the thing that says what's my IP okay so I'm not going to do it here but uh you can go ahead and open a tab and just search up online what's my IP it should show up uh a bunch of numbers at the very top Okay now what's going to happen here is we need to get into our router our internet router so for everybody it might be a little bit different you need to go look at what your router is and maybe it might say it on it how how to get into it or if you don't know just look up the model number and find out how to get into your router but once you get in typically it'll be under an advanced section for me it is under Advanced so I'm going to go to Advanced and I'm going to go to security and firewall again it is here somewhere I promise you just go ahead and try to find it but it might be a little bit hidden it might take you a second to find it which is all right you're going to be looking for port forwarding okay so now I have port forwarding rules but I don't care about the rules I care about port forwarding and now again yours might look a little bit different than mine uh but don't worry about it so for example I have application this is just a name for it and for me since I have two PCS I'm going to say gaming PC um uh web socket so don't worry about if you don't have application that's fine this port for the web socket we're going to say 4455 protocol now protocol for you might be tcp/udp or for me it says both that is what you are going to want okay either tcp/udp or both so for me I'm going to select both now you could do them in individually if you want to uh if you don't have an option for both for whatever reason you could do one for TCP and one for UDP it is completely up to you then we're going to forward uh I have forward report uh for some reason and I'm going to do uh 4455 again you might not have this um and you might not have a schedule either but for some reason I have a schedule I'm going to select all always forward to address what we're going to do is we're going to go into the search bar in the bottom left we're going to type in CMD and press enter in here it should look something like this we are going to type in ip con uh ip config sorry boom when you go into here you should see ipv4 address right there that is what you want is ipv4 address okay that is again if you have a 2pc setup and you want to get the stream on the Stream PC rather than Local Host you'll want to put this to the ipv4 address but for right now we're going to leave that alone okay so the ipv4 address we're going to go ahead and close that cuz I know it now and forward to address you might not have forward to address you might not have a drop down you might just have to type in the address manually but I have a list I can select from so I'm going to select the ipv4 address for the uh computer that is going to run the streaming server once that is done we can go ahead and press add to list or save or whatever the heck it is for you and then we have one more here so again application name for me I have an application name you might not I'm just going to name it engine X original Port this is going to be 1935 okay 1935 protocol is going to be both again tcp/udp or both or whatever you have okay schedule again I have a schedule I'm just going to set it to always and forward to address we are going to do the same thing we're going to forward it to the exact same address and I'm going to select add to list once that is done I'm going to select apply changes now depending on your router you may have to restart your router in order for this to take effect so just take note of that if it's not working uh for you that you might have to restart your router to make sure that this is working we've done everything besides run the server okay so what we're going to do we're going to go back into our folder here and we're going to go into the rtmp stream server section and you should see again the shortcuts that we created earlier you can go ahead and run engine x.exe shortcut what this is going to do is going to look like that there's going to be a tiny window that opens up very quickly and then just disappears you can know if the server is running if you open up your task manager control out Delete or what I like to do is control shift Escape will open up your task manager and you can go ahead and just kind of scroll down here until you see engine X for Windows there should be two of these running they might not be right next to each other they might be separated but you can see that right there and it is running perfectly fine if you don't see these running again just go back in the video and double check your config file to make sure that you did everything properly and that yours looks exactly like mine okay spaces matter tabs matter be very very careful with that okay now we have no alexe so what we're going to do is I'm going to open my OBS I'm going to drag that bad boy up here and I'm going to open this file again we're going to run no al.ex now when you run it it's going to say this right here protecting your PC just do more info again it's safe it's it's good don't worry about it run anyway it should load up and it might say twitch authentication failed if you don't have twitch authentification uh if you didn't set up your Twitch account it doesn't matter it's going to spam the twitch authentication failed again if you don't if you're not streaming on Twitch like I am not I'm streaming on Kick uh it's perfectly fine you could just leave it it's not going to matter all right it's not going to affect FF anything but once as long as you see this and it's going from there you should see uh no Al switcher seen switch to offline BRB as long as no Els is running whenever you go to scene here or switch a Scene It should automatically move it back to whatever scene it's actually supposed to be on sometimes it might take a second but again this won't actually happen when you're live streaming okay this is just for like testing purposes it's because you're manually doing it and it's kind of like it's a little bit delayed because it's not supposed to be on this scene so if you forcefully change the scene it will eventually go to the correct one but again when you are live streaming from your phone GoPro or whatever you will not have a problem here okay now that that is done as you can see here it keeps switching uh we can go ahead and just kind of leave this on again if you don't want to listen to uh the clips playing like crazy you go ahead and hide it uh and it won't play those clips right for right now just again I I kind of like to have a little bit of quietness when I'm working on stuff like this but uh for right now we can kind of just uh leave no ABS you could just kind of put it off to the side or you can minimize it whatever you want to do it doesn't really matter and we can leave this alone for now all right now that that's done there are two different things that we're going to do here we're going to set up the ability to live stream from our phone and we are also going to set up the ability which is insanely important this is something that that not a lot of people know we are going to be able to control our OBS from our phone from wherever we are as long as we have an internet connection okay that is a very very important and I know a lot of people struggle with that I found a nice way to do it here and I will show you how to do it again this is a big point in like the one phone setup that way there you can shut your stream off or start your stream from wherever you are but first we are going to test on the phone so I have two phones right here I have a iPhone 13 Pro Max and I have a Samsung s23 Ultra okay I use the Samsung for uh IRL streaming and I use the iPhone for looking at chat or controlling my OBS both of these phones have an app that have kick chat integrated I stream on Kick so kick chat integration is pretty rare I uh found an app on each of these that works really good with the kick chat integration and they both work with this setup perfectly fine again these phones or you could even use a GoPro okay I got the GoPro right here is GoPro uh all of this stuff can live stream to your computer and it can live stream anywhere YouTube twitch whatever you want to live stream to it will do it there are two different apps here that we're going to know I know a lot of people recommend things like streamlabs mobile app but I will say I have never ever once gotten that streamlabs mobile app to work for me on either phone so if you have an iPhone the app that I recommend is an app called moblin okay it'll look a little something like this and it will be named exactly like that as well all right moblin you can find it on the the App Store it's free to go ahead and download uh there's literally no microtransactions it's fantastic if you have an Android the app is going to be named IRL Pro it works pretty well it it works pretty well a lot of IRL streamers use that app on the Android however I am going to show you how to set it up on the uh iPhone here using moblin again I'm planning on making another video comparing both of these phones and both of the apps uh and it will work with this setup right here but we are going to use the I phone using moblin for now all right so we're going to make sure that we download the moblin app as you can see I have the moblin app right down here in the bottom left hand corner and we are going to tap on the moblin app and you should be able to see all of this so with this moblin app uh again this should look sort of what it is when you first start it up here I'm going to go ahead and just flip it and say Hello uh and what we're going to do is we're going to go in the top right here to the settings we're going to go to streams now in here I already have some some streams already made but I'm just going to delete them for now and you can go to create and we're going to go to custom and we're going to go to next we're going to set the stream name for me I'm going to say uh rtmp server you can name this whatever you want but I'm going to name it rtmp server and boom there we go now we can go ahead and tap on that and you will see the URL okay in this URL we are going to delete everything here now listen very closely we're going to type rtmp d.2 sles our public IP address so you remember how we looked that up earlier on the computer here what your public IP address is that is what we're going to use okay so we're going to do public uh IP address okay public IP now again this is you're going to replace that with whatever your address is okay your public IP not your IP P V4 all right if you do your ipv4 it will it might work as long as you're connected to the Wi-Fi but the moment that you go somewhere and use your phone's data it will not work so your public IP address and then you're going to do two uh double Dots here again you're going to do 1935 again that's the port that we Port forwarded forward slash publish okay which is the application SL live okay live again is your stream key if you did change that in settings uh this slash live will be whatever you changeed your stream key to but I left it default so we're going to leave it as uh Slash live and then boom we can go ahead and press done now if you are a kick streamer like I am uh this does have integration with YouTube Africa TV kick and twitch but uh I'm a kick streamer so if I go into the kick section here you can see uh API V1 Channel /my user we're going to go ahead and go and type that in uh on the the browser right now and get our uh ID for this okay all right so now that we're here what we're going to do is we are going to type in that URL so we are going to type in HTTPS d.2 API slv1 channels uh channels SL your username so for me it's going to be Yuppy so I'm going to do forward SL Yuppy and boom it's going to pop up this giant mess of things don't let it overwhelm you all we're going to do here is we're going to press crlf and we're going to look up chat room there should only be one of them here you'll see chat room highlighted down here and you will see ID 33537 that is my ID again you're going to use whatever your ID is all right so now that we have that we're going to go ahead and go to the chat room ID and we're going to put that ID in there so for me it's going to be 335 uh 37 right 33537 yes and we're going to press done and we're going to go back to the stream here now this app app does indeed have OBS remote control you can set that up if you want to I have personally not tested it yet it's a fairly new feature I haven't tested it yet because we're going to use a different method to control OBS which also works on Android so let's get the testing and make sure that this pops into OBS we're going to go back to OBS we have no albs running so what we can do is we can open up the no albs here and just have the OBS in the background and what I'm going to do on my phone is I'm going to press go live and you should see that it should switch the scene on over to the main one in which you did right there you seen it switch and boom hey there we go so let's take a look here we're going to drag this off to the side or minimize it we don't really need that right now um but you can see that it automatically switched over to previous scene which is the main scene that's going to be live streamed here and you can see boom hey there we are I am right there uh you can see in the bottom right hand corner right here you can see the phone stream there is audio coming from the phone it's being live streamed to OBS so that is all good again you might have to to adjust your uh your audio levels here your volume levels if you want to uh because it might be really loud for the stream and stuff so again just you got to mess around with it do some testing and if it's too loud you can go ahead and just turn that slider on down there if you really want to the final thing that we're going to test here is let's go ahead and just pull our thing over here our no albs over here and when I press end it should automatically switch boom I pressed end it should automatically switch to the offline seen it might take a second right it'll freeze for a second and then boom there we go offline screen disconnected reconnecting you can see that it's switched to offline BRB and as long as you see that then that means that everything is set up if uh that is not working for you then just go back and double check to make sure that everything is the exact same as mine now that that is said and done we have one final thing to do here and that is for you to be able to control your obs from wherever you are in the world as long as you have a internet connection so we are going to go get that set up right now all right so we are going to go onto our iOS uh or Android okay this works on iPhone or uh Android phones okay there's going to be an app that you're going to look up called OBS blade we're going to download that now when you download OBS blade we're going to open it up here and it should go through we're going to click on start we're going to then click on 28x and above then click on next and then it's going to say congrats we're going to click on start and we're going to click on allow for it to discover things on our local network but that's not what we're going to want here we are then going to go over to the spot that says autodiscover right underneath there it's going to say AA a capital A and a lowercase a we're going to click on that and then we're going to change from IP to domain and then we're going to put uh we're going to tap in the host name box here where it says WSS we're going to change that to to ws. SL we are going to type in again our public IP address the port we're going to leave on 4455 because that's what it is and then we need our OBS websocket password so if you remember from earlier we went to our OBS websocket and by going up to tools and then websocket server settings and in there you can see your server password so just go ahead and take that server password and you're going to put it in there okay so once you got that in there you're going to press on connect so I'm going to do that really quick here and it should say save connection we're going to click on yes we want to make sure that we save the connection we go ahead and name it for me this is going to I'm going to name it gaming PC again you can name this whatever you want it doesn't matter we're going to click on Save now when we get into here boom there you go you could see uh OBS right here you can go ahead and turn your clip player on or off from right from your phone from wherever you are if you want to double check that the is this is working properly go ahead and turn off your WiFi and as long as you can still connect then that means that you're good this is what I used from uh Atlanta when I was at dream hack this is what I used to IRL stream and shut my stream uh turn my stream on and shut it off uh so when you're in here you can change what scene you're on but again your no albs will switch it automatically for you everything's fine you can see your statistics there's some settings there but the most important thing is in the top right in the top right you'll see three dots we're going to tap on that and you can see start streaming and when you start streaming you can also press stop streaming as well and that will also work you could record you could stop the recording virtual camera you could do whatever you want in here again just make sure that this works without having your uh Wi-Fi on and as long as it works without having your Wi-Fi on Boom you are good so now every time you go into OBS blade you should be able to see that it can connect on the bottom of the screen there connect to it and you can turn your stream on and off from from wherever you are uh at all as long as you have internet now whenever you're ready to do your IRL stream you just need to make sure again run the engine X which is your server and then run no albs which is your scene switcher and you will have to do that every time you restart your PC or anything like that so make sure those are running before you start your IRL stream and you'll be good to go all right and that right there is the complete guide The Ultimate Guide to IRL streaming hopefully you guys enjoyed that I do live stream over on KCK / Yuppy uh and I do a lot of IRL stuff I talk a lot of Technology uh and I do literally everything you can imagine I'm a crazy variety streamer and uh yeah so be sure to come check me out over there and I would appreciate if you sub to the channel and like this video I would really really appreciate it if you have any problems or whatever uh let me know in the comments section down below but as long as you follow along uh very slowly and carefully this should work perfectly for you every single time thank you very much for watching [Music]
Channel: Yuppy
Views: 5,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to IRL Stream, IRL Streaming Guide, How to stream from Phone, How to Stream from Phone to Twitch, How to stream from phone, IRL Setup, Best IRL Setup Guide, Phone Livestreaming, Twitch, Kick, Ultimate Guide
Id: FT53kTTi4kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 1sec (2761 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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