5 OBS Plugins you've never seen! FREE

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hello my YouTube Friends plugins are an easy way to expand the functionality of OBS create ways for your audience to interact directly with your stream today I want to show you the top five new plugins you probably haven't seen for OBS these are pretty cool and they're totally free so you know what let's get to it now all these plugins I'm going to show you today are totally free they're are links in the description down below so you can check them out for yourself let's get to the first one captioning your stream can be pretty useful but it used to be really hard to do and that's not true anymore let me show you here is the page and we're going to go to downloads and we'll scroll down here you can see that we've got Mac and windows and Linux for all of this we're going to take the Windows installation click on it right there and we'll open up our downloads here and we're just going to go ahead and double click on this OBS local vocal and we're going to click more info and run anyways and we're at an administrative prompt that you can't see but just click yes and then we're going to click next and you just want to make sure that this is the location of your OBS Studio yours is probably going to be in cprogram files obs-studio as you can see mine is not but it usually finds it pretty easily we're going to click next and it's going to tell you what the install is going going to be called we'll click next and then just install it and then we can just click finished and now local vocal is installed let me show you what you could do with this so now that we have it installed all we have to do is go and click this plus right here and what I'm going to do is just add a text Source we're going to call this transcribe and click okay and then what we want to do is set it up however we want so whatever font we want to use we could select it right here I'm going to use my usual font and 250 56 is pretty big I think we'll go with 100 and click okay and we could just type some text in here so we see what it looks like and we can modify this however we want I'm going to go ahead and bring it down here put it where we would normally see transcribed text we can go and change the color of the text and we can add background to the text if we want to make it more visible we can add an outline and our outline color we can change that make this black and we can change the size of the outline a little bit so any of the normal text things that you would do to adjust this you can do it and so we can add a little bit of a background color to our text you can see how it shows up right there just to make sure that it's totally visible and I'm just going to go up here I'm going to go ahead and remove any text click okay now we're going to go to our audio device that we're going to use in this case it is in our video capture device we'll just right click and we're going to go to filters and we want to go to the audio portion of these filters click the plus and you're going to see our local vocal transcription and you just select that now there are lots of different options that you can choose here we're going to go to our subtitle output and we're going to select the transcribe that we did create already and if I move down here you can see it's already transcribing so we've got the language that it is going to use and you can see there are whole bunches of langu anges right here right here is the model that it uses tiny English uses almost no power to actually run the system so you can run it on pretty much everything and then if you just go to Tiny it will do hundreds of different languages obviously English only does English and if you want to do some other ones you could try them down here tiny English seems to work pretty good you can also do translate so it will translate into other languages and that sort of stuff once you set this up you get it how you want want it's going to automatically transcribe all you have to do is change the way that you want the text to come in as you can see it really doesn't appear on a second line you can change it up so it will do that if you want so you don't accidentally get it scrolling off the end of the screen but this is a really awesome tool it's super easy to set up and you can have your streams transcribed right off the bat and you can save it to file if you want and use it as closed captioning later if that's what you decide to do countdown timers used to be difficult to set up in OBS but there are some really easy ones these days and I'm going to show you two of my favorites so I've got two different countdown timers I want to show you this is one of them and the next one is this one right here both offer some really unique countdown timer type things so the ashim mantics is just a download you can see we've got Mac Linux and windows we're going to download the windows Windows one and for this one here we're going to go ahead and just click go to download it automatically will download it up here and then we just need to go into our downloads folder and you can see it creates zip files for both of these so I'm just going to right click and we're going to extract all of them for our Graphics clock and for our countdown we're going to do the exact same thing we're going to extract all now the plug-in countdown timer is pretty simple we could just go in here and you run it just like you normally would there's also Mac OS install in here we're going to run the windows one more info run anyways it's going to install just like all the others we're going to have an unseen prompt we have to click yes next select our directory next and next and install there we go so that one's in there the other one runs a little bit differently so if we go here and we go into our clock you may want to move this directory somewhere you just double click on this and more info run anyways and it's going to bring this up right here and this has all the different settings that we need to set this up so let me show you how to get each of these into OBS now the first one of these is the most basic and simple that you could possibly imagine let's go ahead and just create a new scene and what I'm going to do is go up to docks and we're going to go to our countdown timer Dock and it might pop out here so you just have to dock it wherever you want it you can pretty much put it anywhere you want and you've got time and you've got period so time would be if you wanted your stream to go off at a specific time period is obviously you could set the period you've got your hours minutes and seconds up here so let's go ahead and select minutes and seconds cuz that's going to be probably the most useful and we we can do one minute right here and all we have to do is create a message so let's go ahead and click the plus and we're going to go with our GDI text Source you can set this up as usual any way you want so let's select our aerial black it's a massive big font we don't have to put anything else in here although we can we can add outlines and set up the text however we want we're just going to leave it like that the easiest way to do this is just to go ahead and hit the refresh it's going to put our text on here and then we could drag it to wherever we want so let's just put it right there and what I'm going to do is go ahead and just add media Source put it in the background here so that it looks like we have some background imagery now you can also add music and anything else you want to this that would be pretty cool let's go here and we'll Loop it and we'll just move that below here we've got our time we can obviously go in there and change up our time to however we want it to look but for the purposes of this so that you guys can see what it does um we can just click play and our count down will automatically start can pause it stop it refresh it we can add an end message in here there we go and what we'll do is we'll go down here we'll make that zero and let's make this 5 seconds so we could see how that works and we want to refresh it and click play again there we go and we'll be able to see our message come up and boom so needless to say you can do all kinds of stuff with this for your opening scene you can Center it up you just want to kind of make sure everything works the way that it's supposed to work before you kick it off and then once you kick it off and your stream is started you could change the message to on break and add as much time as you want super easy to do and this is a pretty simple way to create countdown timer the other one is a tad bit more confusing but let me show you how it works what I'm going to do is go ahead and click the plus and I'm going to add a window capture so there we go and we're going to click okay on that and I'm just going to Igan it a little bit we're going to right click and we're going to go to filters and I'm going to add chrome a key and there we go so now we've removed the green background and all I'm going to do is go up to the top here hold down the ALT key and crop this up and there we go and we can make it whatever size we want now the beautiful thing about how this works is if we go into our clock here we can set it up to do all kinds of different things so if we wanted to count down 5 minutes and we want to put our message up here we can do that starting soon in 5 minutes when we click start countdown you can see it adds this right here it adds a countdown right there that we can see starting soon on there we we can actually physically take that countdown move it anywhere we want so if we wanted the countdown to be down here we could place it down there and we have a Nifty little graphical thing there it works really well there are so many different features we can go down here to skin properties and change up just about every aspect of how these clocks work and then there are a bunch of different clock faces that we can choose from and these clock faces have aspects to them that could be modified as well so we could take this six we can put it down here in the location where it's supposed to go and we can add all kinds of different things we can Loop messages add countdown ending messages we could play sounds at the end of them there are just so many cool things that you can do with this particular countdown timer and what I would probably do is go ahead and add add a background into the back that would be appealing so we'll click the plus and we'll go to a media source and let's grab a background here I think something like this stained glass one might be a little too busy let's take a look and see so now we could take this clock and move it over here into the center that might be a little bit busy but you get the point you can do all kinds of cool things with this and there are so many different watch faces that you could choose from to make this really really cool I absolutely love this it's such a different style it's so unique and maybe you want to check it out for yourself as well finding ways to build an audience connection should always be the goal of your stream active user polls are a great way to get your audience involved and I found an awesome way to eat easily do it so for this one here we go to downloads and it's going to take us right here so we'll put our name in here and the subject of the poll let's say best streaming service and we can set up timing for the poll if you want however long you want your poll to run along with your time zone you can click here and you can configure alerts for your poll so if you want the alert to go off when whenever somebody votes in the poll and have an alert message and all that kind of stuff you could play audio if you want for your alert so we can set this you can select the audio that you want oh my God you can set up a giy right here that you can find pretty much lots of different places you can have your alert message right here uh you can change the alert message color and the parameters all that kind of stuff is really really simple to set up and then you just have your your poll options here let's go with uh YouTube and you can change the color of the text for it and we'll go with twitch and let's add an option we'll go with kick and there we go and then we can create the poll once your poll is ready this is what you're going to see so we can just copy to the browser then we go over into here and what we're going to do is go ahead and click the plus we're going to go to browser and we'll call this poll we'll go right here and we're going to paste that in there we want want to control the audio via OBS and click okay and our poll is going to show up right here then you can take your voting URL and your alerts widget URL and you can place the alerts widget into your browser source and you can put your share the vote URL right in the chat so let's go ahead and copy this and we'll put our alerts for our poll in here and all you have to do is go to browser put alerts pull click okay and we'll paste that in here like that and we can control any audio via OBS and there we go so if we go in here we can select interact and boom there we go that's what this is going to look like and it's going to play that sound we can just place it anywhere we want on the screen and so when someone votes that's what's going to come up so we can leave that up there we share the URL when people vote it will come up here so let me show you how that's going to work or what it's going to look like so we'll go ahead in here and we're going to grab this URL right here and we'll just click the plus go and paste that URL and you can see that you're going to get your voting thing you can put your nickname in there and we can submit our vote so let's just put mik and we can submit it and we can go back over here and boom you can see one vote and we get the little thingy so that's how this works you can have the alert or not have the alert whatever you want to do you can not have sound in the alert as well cuz that could get annoying if you get a 100 different people voting it's really really cool and simple easy to set up and you can do up to a 100 of these for one live stream you can set them up and you could use something like the downstream ke just activate each one as you want to and then just drop the links in the chat or put the links in the description for poll one poll two poll three it's really that simple it's super basic and super easy to set up and I highly recommend that you check it out if you want a way for your audience to interact more with your live stream needless to say I love 80s and 80s graphics and here's an easy cool effect that can have so many different uses it's called pixel art and let me show you how it works to install our pixel art one here we're going to go to downloads it's going to take us to the GitHub Hub we can scroll down here and you can see this is for Mac OS windows and Linux we're going to get the windows 64 installer then all we need to do is go to our downloads and we can double click on the installer we're going to go ahead and click more info and run anyways now we're going to get an administrative prompt you can't see but we're going to go ahead and click yes on that and then next and here is where you're going to decide where you want it to go so find your OBS folder if it's not the one listed here and then click next it tells you what it's going to be installed as click next and then install and now pixel art is installed on our system now all we need to do is use it so we can use it on a video capture device like this one by going into filters and then clicking plus under effect filters and going to pixel art and so basically you have downscales which will make your pixels larger like like that pretty cool so select a pixel size that you want and we can adjust our dither speed and our dither level to kind of uh adjust how you want it to look there you go so you can see what each one of these does then you can adjust the color of your pixels right here and let's adjust this up and then we can adjust this and you can kind of see what this does uh so if I didn't want my picture quite as blue can adjust this down like that give it more of a greenish tint so there are all kinds of different things that you could do so that's what it's going to make an image look like you can click close And there we go but we don't have to just do this on images so let's go ahead and remove that filter right there and let's create a text file and there we go and just real simple we'll move it down here on the bottom and we're going to right click go to filters and we're going to click the plus and we're going to add our pixel art to the filter and there we go so we can pretty much turn any font into a file like this and there we go so we could take this and create pixel art from literally any image any text file or anything we want so so we'll go ahead and remove that and we'll try one more thing so basically you could use this in transitions or all kinds of other really cool things I'm going to go and just for one more thing we'll add an image and I'm going to browse and so there you can see my background image and I'm going to take that image and we're going to add the art filter to it pixel art and we're going to go ahead and just pixel ize this a little bit like that and there we go so then what we can do we'll move this down below here and I can just take this and we'll go into filters and what we're going to do is I'll click here I'll use my Nvidia background removal tool and we'll just remove the background click close And there we go so now I'm in front of a pixelated of my own background pretty awesome stuff now I could actually pixelate me I could use this in transitions I could do all kinds of crazy stuff this is a really neat one to mess around with and the only limit really is your imagination lower thirds and titles are a great way to add some cool graphics to your live stream but there isn't anything built into OBS to do it I found an awesome easy way to add them and I'm going to show you how to do it right now now this last one doesn't require us to install anything which makes it awesome we're going to click go to download it's going to bring up this page right here now the reason why this doesn't actually require you to do any installs is because it functions on the websocket the websocket is a feature that's built into OBS that allows other applications to control what OBS does so if we go into tools and we go to our websocket server settings you just want to make sure that you have your websocket service enabl then down here you've got your server port and your authentication which is a password that you can set up now since this is running all local for me I don't have any password set up but of course you can if you want we can just click apply and then when we go over here and all you have to do usually it will come up but I was messing around with this before so mine is already trying to connect but what you can do is this is what's going to come up normally you just want to click connect and you'll be able to know that it's connected by going over into your obs and you can see the connections right here so we could just click apply and okay and you can see it automatically puts the source in to whatever scene you're actually working in so if I were to create a new scene right here and I wanted to run it in that scene all I have to do is go back over here and all you have to do is reconnect and it will put it in there and so how does this work well we can go over into here and we can edit any of these what I'm going to do is minimize this like that and we'll bring it over here and we'll bring that up and if I just click it you can see what it looks like so that has it in the middle of the screen but we can go and edit this and I can put it in the top left save it and boom now it's going to show up in the top left now I have to uh modify this so we can actually see the whole screen there we go and it'll be in the top left so we could go ahead and edit this and we could put whatever we want in here and down here we could put save it and boom it'd be nice if we spelled it right but we didn't and it still works so there we go and try it one more time so you could do quotes lower thirds basic subtitles they play like this you can place them wherever you want in your live stream and obviously it's going to be on whatever screen you happen to have these on so there you go it works super super simple and the one major complaint that people are going to have I can tell you this already and you could turn your FX overlays on and off right here for any of your scenes but the one main complaint that people are going to have is how do I control this so I can make my lower thirds happen it's pretty simple we're going to have this down in the bottom leftand corner and we'll go to our main scene and let me show you what that looks like it has a really nice animation some awesome color I mean these are super awesome what if we wanted to have this on the screen well we can just go right here and click the contrl C and that will copy that out then I'm going to double click on our thing so we can igon it and what I'm going to do is go into docs and I'm going to go to custom browser docs and we're going to call this lower third and I'm just going to paste that in there and click apply and bada bang it brings it up so I could just bring this over and dock it wherever I want and we don't have to see the whole thing we could modify it and everything right in here if we wanted to like we are right now just click save on there redock it over here we'll just scrunch it up like this I mean we know what it is so we can just click it over here and bottom bang it will run this adds awesome lower thirds to any scene and you can edit them on the Fly and add and remove lower thirds right here we can create new ones with texts metadata all that kind of stuff put the position in there save it out this is an awesome tool and the only thing that makes it a little less usable is the fact that you can't program it in to your hot keys or something like that but the ability to dock it kind of fixes all that anyways who doesn't love a high quality lowerer third I love them they're awesome check it out try out all the different features I think you're really going to love it there you have it five awesome new plugins did you know about any of these before the video let me know in the comments down below and if you want to see my personal favorite five OBS plugins you should check this video out and if you're always looking for tools tips and tricks to help make you a better live streamer or YouTuber subscribe to the channel my name is Michael fire Jr thank you so much for watching have a great day and I'll see you next one
Channel: Michael Feyrer Jr.
Views: 94,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Feyrer Jr, 5 obs plugins, 5 obs studio plugins, best obs plugins, best obs plugins for twitch, best obs studio plugins, obs plugins, obs plugins for mac, obs plugins for pc, obs plugins for streaming, obs plugins for twitch, obs plugins for windows, obs settings, obs studio, obs studio plugins, obs studio tutorial, top 5 obs plugins, top obs plugins, top obs studio plugins
Id: sYxEcHMPS2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2023
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