Make Any Mic Sound Expensive In OBS | Mic Settings & Filters (2023)

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these audio effects won't only work in OBS Studio but also outside of it for example in Discord Zoom your game chat trust me this is the only video you need to watch to make your microphone sound as good as possible my previous video on this topic has 1.2 million views and people have been asking me to make an update so here it is now I'm gonna be using the hyperx solo cast so many people wanted me to use this microphone because it's the number one best-selling on Amazon and they think they need this mic to sound good however this one is almost half the price I've used this mic before in a console streaming setup and I was really impressed with the quality I'm gonna use this microphone to gather with a boom arm this is a really cheap one I will link it in the description because using a microphone arm is the single best upgrade you can make to your mic I mean listen to this difference when the mic is standing on your desk you're about this far away from the microphone and in order to sound loud enough you will need to boost the volume and that it will sound kinda like this however listen to the difference when I go closer and closer to the microphone also the closer you are to the mic the less background noise you will have because the microphone needs to be less sensitive you're really close to your voice is Extremely Loud so you can lower the sensitivity of the microphone but this also means that the volume of background sounds will be reduced by the way these effects will obviously work with any mic people just always ask me for mic suggestions So currently this here is a big favorite of mine I will obviously link the microphone on this microphone and some other options in the description for different price points and I'm gonna switch to this microphone okay and what you hear now should be this hyperx solo cast now it immediately sounds much more thin however we will fix all that now there's one really important thing for any microphone with these type of microphone stands listen to what happens when I tap it you can probably hear like the big booming sound and it keeps going in the background and the reason is that these cheap microphone arms are not really reducing vibrations so because of that what you will need is a shook Mount like on the hyperx qualcast and this shock mount is simply holding the microphone and reducing vibrations because these things are the only thing that are connected directly to the microphone now I found one of these on Amazon as you can see this is the microphone and this here is a universal shock mount that works with a mic it's only 11 and it will work with any microphone you buy after that oh wow look at that apparently the hyperxolocast is even cheaper than I expected now I'm gonna move this Beacon mic out of the frame now before we make this microphone sound absolutely amazing with all of these filters I need to thank the amazing sponsor of this video which is perfect for Budget streamers paying a designer to make you a custom stream overlay is extremely expensive and absolutely not worth it when you're starting out however making your stream look interesting and the life is really important so that's where owned Pro comes in owned Pro is a free OBS Studio plugin that has a bunch of stream design packages all ready to install install in one click a few of their packages are always free and then if you upgrade the plugin you'll get access to hundreds of stream designs that are all animated they have overlays they have alerts they have labels for recent followers top donation all that stuff even things like a countdown timer and for one subscription you get access to all of those packages you can just switch between all of them and then see which one you like and that way your stream is never going to be boring and it's way cheaper than paying a designer with my code TV and you get 50 of the price the link will be on top of the description and also right here on the screen if you want to check out the free OBS Studio plugin owned Pro you should click on that link and check it out for free okay now before making this microphone sound amazing with all of these filters here there are two things you absolutely need to do we're gonna have to make sure that before applying all the filters the volume is right here about in the yellow but before doing that you need to make sure that you're talking into the right side of the mic you will not believe how many people got this wrong some mics record from the front other mics record like this and this direction an example is the Razer siren mini so once you know you're talking to the right side for me it's like completely into the front but I'm turning it a bit because I want to speak over the microphone because if you speak into the mic and make like a sound you will hear that plosive and when I turn it a bit and I talk over the mic like it's recording like this when I'm speaking like this in that case when I do you will not have the uploads and so then after that we need to make sure that the volume here is about right if it looks like this one you're talking you have a problem and if it goes completely into the red that's even worse now the first thing you need to do is right clicking your audio icon here going to sounds and to recording then you double click your microphone you go to levels and then this is the first place where you need to change the volume before adding or removing gain and stuff in OBS web filters so I did set the mic to 50 gain here if I just move it to 100 you will see an OBS that I'm going into the red and it's kind of distorting and so I'd say move it to the left and then just talk like you would on stream and then gradually move it to the right until the volume is like at the end of the yellow maybe a bit before that and that's the perfect starting point for all the filters we're going to add if I shout now hey it's going to Peak and if I talk really quiet it's going to be a bit too quiet so this is the perfect starting point we can now go to the filters because this is really exciting all of these filters will make this mic sound amazing and the first filter you can add is a gain filter and so there will be people that did set their microphone to a hundred percent and that are still not at the end of the yellow here in that case you can add a gain filter here in OBS and then you can just add gain right here artificially however it's better to do it in the audio settings now for everyone the order of all these filters is extremely important and the first thing you need to add is noise suppression a lot of people first add all the effects and then noise suppression but what you're doing then is amplifying all the noise that's within the audio and then afterwards trying to remove it however you should remove the noise first and then use the clean voice audio to add all the effects you click on OK and there are a bunch of options that is if you have an Nvidia graphics card if you don't you will need to use one of these two options all of these work the same you click on it and then you just choose suppression level the harder you suppress the noise the more it will affect your voice you should play around with which one sounds better to you or another noise has no options and then if you have an Avidia graphics card the noise removal is absolutely amazing and it will barely affect your voice quality now to be fair this noise removal is absolutely perfect for normal stuff now if my editor boosts my volume a bit you will hear the noise and I will hear how good this is as you can see it completely removes background noise so that's perfect the reason you want to use a video noise removal is that this removes everything from the background even people talking a truck driving by it's absolutely crazy but this one is great as well by the way real quick if you're not hearing your own microphone I completely forgot you can just go to the audio mixer press one of these icons go to Advanced Audio properties and then next to your microphone Source you just want to change it to Monitor and output and then you will hear your microphone like I'm doing right now we want to use a new filter that's new with this updated Three band equalizer this is a perfect filter to change how our voice sounds so we have the highest damage and the lows and as you can see when I add the lows while I'm talking I will add a lot of bass to my voice and if I remove it my voice will sound much more thin I'm gonna set it to zero then the highest this is to sound much more crisp as you can see this is kind of like a radio voice it's way too much if you lower the highs then this sounds really like muffled I don't know if that's a word another mids this is really hard to explain but when you reduce the mids a bit you will always sound a bit more broadcasty like a bit more professional however if you overdo it that's definitely not something you want to do but in general I'd say reduce the mids a bit that maybe add a bit to the highs and then the lows this will depend on your microphone and your voice if you have a really low voice then adding some lows here will probably be way too much however if you say I have a really thin voice and I want to sound a bit more like warm and low then you can absolutely add a bit of this here and you just want to listen to yourself and then find the sound you want to go for I reduce the myths even more you definitely need to be careful with this but as you can hear when I disable this my voice sounds much more Hollow and then when I enable it it sounds much more like a podcast voice so our voice sounds much better already however the really important filters are going to be the compressor and then the expander well these two filters are doing is making sure that your audio is always at the same volume you talk really quiet your audio will be boosted and I may talk really loud or you scream or you rage on stream your audio will always be pulled back down so that's always in the same range for the viewer Now setting of The expander is very straightforward to change this to ratio to three set the attack to one millisecond you set the release to 100 and you move this threshold slider all the way to the left and now what you got to do is look at this audio mixer here and you want to talk as quiet as possible the quietest you would ever talk on stream because this expander works like a noise gate and what we're trying to do is making sure that sound around our microphone will not be loud enough to trigger the mic and so make sure that the mic only activates when it hears our voice which is really close to the mic and which will be very loud so you look at the audio mixer and before finding that sweet spot you want to talk really quiet and you just want to move the output gain to the right and add gain until the quietest you would ever talk on stream is making this mixer here go to the end of the yellow so I'm gonna talk really quiet now and I'm gonna move the output gain slider to the right until this sound is going to the yellow here and so now no matter how quiet I talk the sound will always be loud enough for the stream and what you want to do next is go to the threshold slider here and now you want to find the point where your voice is barely triggering the microphone so I'm gonna move the threshold slider to the right right and at some point my voice is gonna become really really quiet like now so I want to go back to the left again so maybe at this point here if I talk really quiet so maybe at like -32 as you can see my voice is triggering the microphone the voice is loud enough to make it activate and while I'm talking you will hear my hands clapping however when I stop talking the heads won't be loud enough to trigger the mic so now that we're always going to be loud enough on stream the next thing we gotta worry about is when we scream as you can see in the audio mixer hey we are still peeking outside of the red and so to fix that we want to add a compressor filter again I'm gonna disable it change the ratio to three the threshold all the way to the right set the attack to one millisecond the release to 100 and then now all we gotta do is just shout into the microphone you will see that it will go into the red and then you just move the threshold to the left until your shouting is not making this audio Peak anymore so as you can see at zero hey it's peaking however if I change the threshold to like -15 hey it is not peaking anymore so now my Quiet Sounds will go to the end of the yellow and then my shouting won't move past this point here and that means that I will always be the same volume on stream now before we add the next filter I want to say something really important because if you go back to the expander here I did change the threshold for recording this video actually I changed it right now which is way too late but the reason I changed it is that things like a noise gate or an expander that could out audio that's way too low these also have negative effects and mainly that you can hear it when it's opening the gate for the audio so when our expander filter here which is our Noise Gate when it is closing the gate of the microphone for the incoming audio and then it triggers when we speak you will always hear a kind of opening kind of a pop kind of a delay like the first part of your first letter that you're speaking into the microphone won't really get recorded and you can hear it when I make this effect stronger so if I talk and then not talk if I talk in this way you will definitely hear the gate opening and closing so making this effect way too harsh will definitely have an impact so you want to find the balance and it also depends on how bad you want to remove keyboard sound when you're not talking and stuff like that another filter you definitely need to add after adding all these filters let me see here a limiter now what this does is really simple a limiter just limits your sound when it goes above a certain volume and we just want to move this threshold all the way to the right then press this one time for minus 0.1 this limiter is just a 5 final fail save when you look at the audio mixer minus 0.1 is right here all the way at the end which means that when your audio is going past the end of the red then it will just get limited however this will barely happen because we did add a compressor that pulls our audio down it's just in the case where like the microphone would fall on the table for example and it would make a really loud sound for the viewers in that case the sound will get limited it will sound distorted but it won't blow out your viewers ears now if you want to use these effects that we just applied in Discord or somewhere else it's actually pretty easy so the first thing you do is you go to your browser and you look for virtual cable it's from it is completely free you just download it and go to your downloads folder you just extract it and then you look for VB cable 64-bit to right click run as administrator and then you can just install virtual cable click on stall now you want to go to your settings you go to audio and then on the bottom you will see monitoring device and this is the device that I'm using right now to monitor my audio from the microphone however we want to change this and we want to choose cable input vbo audio virtual cable this is what we just installed it's literally a virtual cable so we are sending the monitor mix to this cable and then we will connect this cable to Discord or another program so now this microphone together with all the filters we just installed is going to the virtual cable and then for example in Discord by the way this is a new server I made we have 1.3k members here the previous one had around 40 000 members but I wanted to start a clean new active community so this is it we talk about streaming gaming setups all that stuff however let's set up the microphone now you go to your settings and to voice and video this is an example by the way you can use any program and then as your input device so as your microphone you now choose cable output VB audio virtual cable and I'm gonna click on let's check and as you see when I'm talking the microphone is arriving right here this was a really popular question by everyone who watched my previous video can we use this in Discord I forgot to talk about it but hey this is how to do it your friends will be very impressed by how good you're sounding if you want to learn anything else about OBS Studio I have a free skillshare course you can see the link in the description you get one month for free on skillshare you can watch my course and just cancel the subscription you won't have paid anything and I'm going over everything you need in that course and besides that thank you so much for watching I hope I will see you in my next video have a nice day
Channel: The Video Nerd
Views: 1,275,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obs, obs studio, slobs, streamlabs obs, twitch, youtube live, facebook live, streaming, stream, microphone, mic, mic settings, microphone settings, obs filters, mic filters, obs mic filters, obs audio, obs audio settings, obs studio audio settings, obs studio audio filters, obs stream settings, make mic sound better, make mic sound professional, the video nerd filters, the video nerd audio settings, the video nerd obs
Id: G1VzeT9t24Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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