HOW TO SET UP ALERTS IN OBS STUDIO 2024 (StreamElements Alerts Tutorial)

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have you opened OBS Studio but can't figure out where the heck to add alerts don't worry I got you let me show you how to set up alerts inside OBS studio right now so if we go inside OBS Studio naturally you'd go to the sources box click add a new source and you'd want to add alerts but there's no freaking alerts here so it'll just make you so angry you just have to go and grab your shake weight and viciously shake weight now there's a couple ways to do this but in today's video I'll be showing you how to use stream elements to set up your alerts but if you guys are wondering where I got this really cool overlay from or need some alerts this is my favorite place to get it which is owned and I'll leave it linked in the description down below and they were nice enough to sponsor today's video but I usually like to scroll down to where it shows the stream design bestseller packages as you can see we're using the synth Runner series but the dark mode series is honestly one of my favorites cuz I think it looks super sleek and if you go to the left hand side you can actually see an animated preview which comes with alerts the banner you got all the starting soon screens you got webcam overlays panels for underneath your stream it comes with literally everything you're ever going to need for when you go to stream so if you want to make your stream look more professional or you just want to go and buy some alerts then you can save 50% off using coupon code cause and I'll leave a link for you in the description down below so in order to start setting up our alerts we're going to go to stream which I'll leave Linked In the description down below but once you're on the stream element site we're going to go to the top right corner where it says get started then if you want to have your alerts for YouTube or twitch then you'll be able to switch between the options here but for today's video I'm going to do twitch alerts so we're going to connect with twitch but if you want to use YouTube it's the same exact process so I'm going to connect with twitch then you'll be brought to the dashboard but we're not interested in any of this crap we actually want to go to the leftand side where it says streaming tools and then click on overlays now you can see I have so many different things here but please ignore it I've just been streaming for over six years now so I got a bunch of crap on my screen but don't worry about any of that because we're just going to click new overlay in the top right corner so click that and then it's going to ask you what overlay resolution we want to use majority of you guys will want to use a 1080p resolution because I'm playing on a 1080p Monitor and I'll be streaming at 1080p in OBS so 1080p is likely going to be the choice for most of you however if you notice when we're moving the alert box around it's not matching up perfectly to your OBS screen then you might have to change your resolution here so keep that in mind but majority of you are going to use 1080p so we're going to hit 1080 and hit start then from here you'll notice that we have the title in the top left so I'm just simply going to call this alert so we know what the heck it's going to be later then we can start by adding a widget on the left hand side so we'll click add widget and then we'll go to the alert section and click on alert box but you can see stream elements has so much stuff on here that it'll literally just take you days just to go through it all but we'll start with the alert box so click alert box and you can see two things just happened we have this nice box right here on our screen and then we have a bunch of different alerts on the left-and side so by default they give you a bunch of different default alerts so for example they have a follow alert that plays so if we click a little gear icon next to any of the alerts we'll be able to customize that alert you can see it has this little default image and it'll have a default sound and basically a default alert that's already set up for you so just to test some stuff out I'm going to hit the x button and then we're going to make sure that all of these are on or whatever ones that you want to have on for your stream are enabled then anytime you make any changes in stream elements we're going to click the save button in the top right corner so that way it'll save the changes and then we can go to the bottom of the screen where it says emulate we're going to click that and then we're going to make sure that we click on follower event because we want to test our follower alert and they already have default things in there so that way you can just have something if you want to ready rock and roll right away so we can click on follower event it's going to play the default follower alert we have that little ding that plays and then this cool animation so if we want to customize any of these alerts we just go to whatever alert that we want to change we'll click the little gear icon next to it so I'll click the follower alert gear icon and we're greeted with all of these different options so if you want to change what the alert looks like we can change the image or video so if you guys bought an overlay package from owned or even alerts from owned you'll be able to set that stuff here so if you want we can click on set image which will also bring it to change video as well and then we can click on the upload button in the top right so we'll click that the supported formats are listed here in case you're trying to upload some weird file and it's not registering but I'm just going to click anywhere on this screen it's going to bring up the file explorer so this is the dark mode series package that we got from owned earlier so we double click on that we'll go to files and everything is nicely categorized so in this instance we want to use an animated alert so I'll double click on animated alert you can see we got a bunch of different options like dark mode alert follower because this is a follower alert so I'm just going to double click on it and then it's going to add it to our little database of alerts inside stream elements so now we can see it under the videos tab because it is a video which means that we are not able to submit it because we have to go to change video so what we're going to do is X out of this go to change video since it is animated if it's just an image and it's static you'll do set image instead but it is a video so we're going to click change video and then now when we hover over it we're able to submit it so we're going to click on submit and it's going to put in that alert however with this animated alert if we wanted to add the sound that came with it we can click on upload sound and then we're going to click again to bring up our file explorer then I'll be able to go to the alert sounds folder and then we can click on dark mode follow how however I personally think that these alerts are pretty obnoxious cuz they're 10 seconds long and for this video I'm just not going to use it I'm going to go with the default sound that they have in stream elements so sorry not sorry so now if we click save in the top right corner which you guys need to get accustomed to please save as much as possible otherwise they're not going to save your changes then we'll go to emulate and see what it looks like so far so if we emulate the follower event it's going to play our new thing but we don't want it to look like this right so that's where we have the layout so we click the middle layout we don't want that one either we want the one all the way on the left where it says text over image so now if we emulate it again you'll see that we have the alert pop up but there's no text where the heck did the text go and that's kind of weird I honestly don't know why this happens but I do know how to fix it if we go all the way down and we skip ahead to the text settings at the bottom and actually bring up the text settings here then we can go to the Advan Tab and then you see how it says minus 50 we're going to change that to zero and now you can see the text is coming up right there just a little bit it's hard to see in the background but I've done this before so I'm actually going to change the top to 100 and that should give us almost a perfect alignment for the owned alert so we'll change that to here you can see it in the background here and if we hit save cuz you want to save it then emulate then follower event now the text should line up perfectly inside the own alert which looks great and obviously you can go and like find tune it to make it even fit more if you got different alerts but you'll do that under the text settings advanced settings and then change change like the margins to change the alignment of the text but since we're under the text you can change the font you can change how large this font is you can change the Bold you can do pretty much everything Shadows you can do the Highlight you can change the highlighted color so if you want it to be I don't know let's say this color cuz that's that's a really pretty color I like that color then we'll click save and then we'll run it again to see what the Highlight looks like now you can see it's highlighted that color I think that looks pretty good so that's all the text settings there so I'm going to actually get out of this by clicking text settings and then the little down arrow and then we're going to go back up to over here where we have all of the primary alert settings so you can change the alert message so so and so is now following or if you want to do like a really cringey message like has now joined the freaking I don't know I'm not creative enough to think of one on the spot but you get the point you can also change the alert duration so if you don't want it to last the full 10 seconds such as myself then we can click on five and then hit save and now the alert will only last 5 Seconds which is a lot more relatable but we can move on to the variation settings which if you want to have a different follower alert play every time you get a new follower so that way you don't have the same follow alert going off you're able to do that with variations so you can click on add new variation and then you can click variation name and you'll be able to copy the original follower alert so that way you just have something to work off of and that way you can go and set a new image or change your video and basically create a second follower alert that will randomly get picked from when someone follows so you can change the percentage of that happening with this by changing it from 100 to let's say like 50 and that way if you get a follower once 50% chance you get this alert or the other alert that way you can kind of keep it a little bit more exciting but honestly I think it's a little overkill for a lot of people so don't worry about it too much so I'm actually going to cancel out of this and then we're going to click this little blue arrow next to variation settings and move on to the text to speech settings which is a lot more entertaining so we can click on enable text to speech and also change how loud the speaker is going to sound then you can change the text of speech voice everyone's favorite seems to be Brian but they have so many different voices to choose from in different languages I'm pretty sure so if you want you can choose any of these delicious delicious names but I'm going to stick with Brian and basically text to speech will just announce whatever message is being said so for example if we save and emulate another follower event it's going to read out so and so has followed so I'm going to run that bad boy right here we're going to take a listen Molina is now following so if you want to use text to speech you're more than welcome to to but we're going to move on to the next step which is the text settings which we already kind of went over it's just customizing how the text looks you guys are smart enough to figure it out too so we'll actually go on to the next section which is the animation setting so if you want to have an enter and exit animation for both your alert or your text or both you're able to do so so if you want it to let's say bounce in and then bounce out we can change the duration to 1 seconds or longer so that way if we hit save and run it it will bounce in so the alert will bounce in right there see how it kind of like wiggled in or bounced in or whatever and then if we wait for the alert to finish it's going to bounce out which I think looks pretty cool and I just got cut off by Brian you son of a you can feel free to mess with the animation settings here but now it is time to integrate it into OBS studio so we can get it working for your Stream So after we've saved all of our settings let's open up OBS Studio but I've opened up both of these windows for you guys so you can get a better idea of what's going on and if you ever get lost all you have to do is click on layers and then alert box and it'll bring you to your settings right here and you'll be able to customize everything again so the first thing we're going to do is click on this little chain or paperclip or whatever you want to call it and it's going to copy the overlay URL which will be confirmed by saying it down there and so then we're going to go to the sources box in OBS Studio we're going to click that little plus button and then we're going to click on browser Source we'll call this one alerts you can do SE for stream elements if you want then hit okay and then we're going to replace this URL with the new URL we just copied and then change the width to whatever resolution we're using in this case we picked 1080 earlier at the beginning of the video so I'm going to put 1920 for the width and then 1080 for the height and then we're going to hit okay that way it's going to have the same box as we have in stream elements so see how they're both at rectangle we got the rectangle here then we got the rectangle in OBS wherever I move this alert box we'll move it exactly in obs studio so if I want it in the top left corner I'll move it to the top left corner in stream elements I'll remember to hit save otherwise it won't show it in here then we can emulate another follower event but make sure preview live on stream is selected so we're going to click follower event it's going to pop up in here and it's going to pop up on our screen in OBS Studio however if you wanted to move it to the bottom right corner it'll just change it in stream elements remember to hit save then we can emulate another follower event and it will place your Alert in the bottom right corner of OBS now when it comes to the audio this might be different for a couple people so pay attention so if we play the follower event it's going to play the audio through stream elements and OBS and so that's why we're getting a little kind of echo that you'll be able to hear give it a sec now following yeah you can kind of hear they were stacked if we close this then that'll stop that one however since we're using desktop audio we're able to hear our alert audio through our stream now if you're not using desktop audio what you'll do is you're going to doubleclick on the streamlabs alerts source that we did earlier then we're going to do control audio via OBS click okay and then you'll be able to see your alert volume when the alert happens so this is only if you're not using desktop audio because if you're using desktop audio then you'll just get another Echo so if you're not using desktop audio go to your alerts and then you can go to Advanced Audio properties and then you can go to the alerts section right here so alerts and then if you want your chat to hear it and yourself you'll do Monitor and output that way you'll monitor the audio of the alert as well as outputting it to your viewers now keep in mind if you have desktop audio you probably don't have to do this but in the rare case that you do need to do this this is your option since I am using desktop audio I'm just going to disable that and we don't have to worry about it so when you're done customizing all of your alerts you actually don't need to keep your stream elements web page up you just save your changes and then close it and then anytime you get alerts they will feed through OBS so you actually don't need to have this open whatsoever anymore and we didn't talk about the other alerts but if you want you can go and customize it the same way we did as the followers but they also just have the default ones so if you want to have like one for cheer 1,000 bits or more then this default one will play which I think is fine and if you hear like a little bit of an echo which we hear now it's because it's playing audio through the stream elements web page and OBS Studio as soon as we close stream elements and we get alerts popping up it won't Echo because it's not going to play it twice cuz right now it's playing once through stream elements and then another time through OBS and since I have them both up at the same time that's why you're hearing that little kind of echo effect also make sure that when you're adding your alerts they will always be the top source so for example if I have my alerts below my banner they're obviously going to be hidden behind my banner so you're never going to see them so whenever you're adding alerts just make sure they are the top Source otherwise they'll be hidden behind what whatever is in front of it but if you want to take your stream to the next level then watch this video to the side of me my name's Cody and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Cpaws Music
Views: 12,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to set up alerts on obs, how to set up alerts on twitch, how to set up alerts, twitch alerts obs, twitch alerts, twitch alerts obs studio, how to set up alerts on obs studio, how to set up alert box obs studio, how to set up alert box on twitch, obs studio, obs alerts, obs studio twitch alerts, obs studio alerts tutorial, obs studio alerts setup, obs studio alerts not working, streamelements, streamelements alerts, streamelements tutorial, streamelements twitch alerts
Id: Hts4LSuHfeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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