Ultimate Multi camera setup for OBS! - OBSBOT Tail Air streaming camera

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the ultimate multicamera streaming setup needs to be as easy to use as a single camera stream or at least close to it depending upon what you're filming for your stream that can mean static cameras and really restrictive range of motion for your subjects or full-on free motion with lots of angles and selections but what if you could have both minus the restrictions on the subject being filmed that sort of thing would normally mean a bunch of camera operators and lots of complex wiring which can cost a ton of money now I've been a part of that sort of production but I always like to search for cheap easy Alternatives in fact this channel is built on content of me finding the easiest way to accomplish something in the least expensive way and then teaching you how to do it that's what I'm going to do today for the ultimate multi camera setup so you know what let's get to it these osbot cameras are just incredible I have three of them and I'm going to show you how you can set them up to transform your live broadcast we're going to focus on connectivity and control through OBS here because of course that's our live streaming tool now we're going to connect all three of these cameras wirelessly but you can do the exact same thing with the network wired connection if the cameras are close together or you have enough wire first let's install the apps and plugins that we need they are all free and there are links Down Below in the description first we're going to go ahead and install the OBS portion of this so we're going to go to this page and we're going to click over here and we have to scroll down and find the version for our machine and there are a bunch of different versions in here so if you're using Windows Mac or Linux you can choose different ones but we're just going to click the one we want download that and then all we have to do is go to our downloads folder and double click on it and we're going to get an administrative prompt that you can't see but just click yes then make sure your directory is proper and click next and install and once it's done you can just click finished and we're ready to go next we're going to go ahead and install this ndi run time so this is the website that we're going to go to and we just want to go into here and then you're going to want to go ahead and select the ndi C cor suite and if we scroll down all the way to the bottom you can see download the ndi core suite and just click the one for your particular machine whether it's Windows or Mac and then we just go into downloads and we're going to go ahead and double click on it and we're going to get an administrative prompt that you can't see but just click yes and then you just have to check this box and click yes and then just go ahead and click install and this will take a couple of moments to install and once it's finished it's going to come up to a registration page now you're going to have to register it in order for it to work on your system but it's no big deal they've never actually even sent me any emails or anything so it's just that they want to know who's using the tool and what they're using it for not a big deal you can verify that this is all installed properly by going into your OBS going up to tools and clicking on this ndi right here so here are the PTZ controls we're going to go ahead and go to download and we're going to go down here and select the version that we want it has Linux Mac Windows all that good stuff we're using Windows so the easiest one is this Windows installation exe so we'll go ahead and click right there then what we're going to do is go down here and we're going to go to our downloads we'll double click on our PTC installer and of course this is not aign signed program people who give stuff away for free don't generally go through the rigor moral of getting signed programs so you have to click more info and run anyways if you don't do that and you just click don't run it will not install so go ahead and click run anyways then there's an administrative prompt that you can't see we're just going to click yes and then next and then install and finish and now OBS PTZ is on our computer now let me show you the amazing things that you can do with this setup you could pretty much film anything with this setup and have it look as professional as an entire crew of people so we're going to be using all Wi-Fi for the connection of our cameras so there are no wires unless of course you're worried about battery life in which case you could theoretically plug them in using USB to turn these on you just hold down this red button on the back and you're going to see it start up right here and it'll do its little thing until it physically connects like that to the network turns green now this is connected to our Network so we can place it wherever we want it and we can add it into OBS so I'm just going to add it into this scene right here actually let's go ahead and create a scene and we'll call this front Cam and click okay we'll click the plus and we're going to go to our ndi Source right there and we'll call this front and click okay and we'll just drop this down and you could see it right here tail air that's the only camera we have on right now so there you go for Source timing you want to select Network and we can do frame sync and allow Hardware acceleration we don't need to do anything else here we could click okay so now we have our first camera on all we're going to do is the same thing for the other ones so I have them on pods over here and this is going to be the camera that's to my right so we just turn it on we wait until it gives us a little bit of a buzz and while we're doing that we're going to go ahead and click front right right just got the beep click okay and we're going to click this and we're going to go to our ndi source and we'll call this right and and click okay drop this down and there we can see the next one is in there I don't know which one it is so let's select it and there we go that's the right one so we want to go with the network and we're going to do this stuff right here and we could click okay now we have that camera connected right there all we have to do is connect our third camera right here so we'll go ahead and hold this down till it starts up give it a couple of moments to connect and while we're waiting we'll just go ahead and click this plus we'll go to Left cam click the plus we'll go into ndi Source again left okay boom and there we go and that's not the right one that's the right one so we're going to go ahead and we're change our source time to network we're going to add these two click okay and there we go so now we have our front camera we have this camera and we have this camera all set up so all we need to do is go into our docks what we're going to do is open up our PTZ controls and we'll just dock this over here on this side so we can easily see it there we go that's good enough so now we want to add a camera we can go ahead and click here you might have to go into the actual obsbot app so let's see the front camera um if we go into camera and then we uh click the little three dots and we go all the way to the bottom and we go to about device you're going to see device name some serial number Stuff a Wi-Fi address and then down below that you're going to see the network address for the wireless network work so what we want to do is go ahead and click the plus here and we're going to go with one of these UDP cameras right here and we're going to select it and you can see that it doesn't give us any IP address you can put it in there so if I just select the front camera and I go here I could go and find the IP address right here in the app which is 1 192.168.1 .16 and then I could click apply and now we have access to our camera so if I go here and I select our front camera you could see that I can zoom in on that using these tools right here I could zoom out and I can actually create presets so we could return the camera to home I could zoom it in right here and I could go to preset one right click and click save preset then I can go ahead and zoom out a little more and click preset to and right click and save preset and we can zoom out a little bit more and I could go ahead and select preset three right click save preset now maybe we wanted to do something else so I can adjust the camera angle down looking at the desk you can zoom in and I can do that's preset 4 and there we go so now we've got four different presets saved right here for this camera that we could just go ahead and double click the preset and it goes right to what we want and it's that fast by the way and you can name these presets we can right click and rename them so this one could say desk and this one can say closeup you could do all that stuff now you could do this with every single camera so let's go ahead and add our second camera let's click this right here and we're going to go cameras and we're going to click the plus and we're going to do this right here and we're going to select it and we'll add our second one and this will be our right camera so we need our IP address for our right camera camera in this case our address is 1 126 click apply and then now when we go to our front right camera we can do all the same things we can zoom in we can adjust our view there we go and we can right click and go to our preset then maybe we want another shot like that and so we can go ahead and save this as preset number two I think you get the point we're going to go ahead and add in our last camera right here so we're going to go ahead and click the plus right here and we're going to go and we're going to add our left Cam and we're going to going to put our IP in here 1 192 1681 149 and click apply and now when we go into our left camera which is this one right here we could go ahead and adjust our view down and we could do all the same thing you can also add in if we go into views we can set up our multi view as well so right here in our multiv view we can have all of these different images set up so that we can see the different cameras so we've got my main camera right here we've got this main PTZ camera we have this one right here now normally what I would do is I would put this on a second monitor to make it easy but we don't have a second monitor that I can easily set up for this so I'll just do it like that so now we can just shrink this screen down here like this and we have all of these different monitors down here that we could see what's going on we can actually select them to change our scenes right but what we could do is go um and this is what we're producing right here this is what's going out to the live so we can actually change scenes by clicking on here but it gives you exactly what you uh want to see so by going like that and then switching to the scene we can go to our front scene and we can switch the preset so you can see right there and then switch to that scene so you can see how you can easily do pretty much anything that you want to do we could slep right over here and we can change that scene right there and then select it boom you can have hundreds of those and you know you can even set this out so someone can carry one of these around on a tripod and be filming and you can control the movement of that camera now what this doesn't give you the ability to do is set up a camera to follow a specific person item or whatever and that is where this remote control right here could come in so now that you understand how you can set these cameras up and move and use them in amazing ways in OBS really simply let me show you how to set up and use this remote so that you can go ahead and actually train one of these cameras to follow an object if that's what you decided to do so you can have one camera that follows an object and you can switch that object over time using this remote and then using all the presets on your computer it's awesome let me show you this all right so this is what the remote looks like and I'm going to go through all of the stuff but we're going to show you how to connect it this one is the front camera so what we do is we click this three times so it gives us a little flashing light right there and then what we want to do is hold down the human tracking button and the button that we want to program and so there we go now we've got it programmed and I will put this back over here and we'll switch to our front camera and show you how this works so I can move the camera around by doing that I can select it to track me by clicking the human track button and then it will track me no matter where I go so it will automatically track we can actually use a if I hit the human track button again it will stop tracking me we can actually use presets on this but I think what makes this more interesting is so I can reset this to its standard view by just clicking on the center one time I can actually click and hold the joystick button and if I do that I can actually move the my wrist or my hand and it will control the actual thing pretty cool and then just once more just clicking it gets it back to its normal thing I could click on the human track and it will track to me and I can use this button on the side here to zoom in or out now this also gives you the ability to go ahead and record off of any of the cameras that you have set up you can set up any of your three cameras and you could just click the button to select any of the cameras and use all of the tracking functions directly from here so you have all of your presets set up in OBS and then you can actually select any of the cameras and set up tracking for anyone at any given moment and if you just want to go back to the way things were well all you have to do is go into your Pres presets and click that preset and bada bang you're right back to where you started or if you want to go back to the original camera preset you could just click on the center button of the joystick and boom it goes to its standard setup the amount of things that you can do with this and with these three cameras is just unbelievable and by the way just so you know this PTZ thing has no limitation on the number of cameras that you can add so while the remote will only use three cameras you could have nine cameras out there that you can have multiple presets for any number of presets and go absolutely crazy with it so between this amazing remote and these amazing presets you can track you can view you can zoom you can do whatever you want and especially when you're using the multi view feature in obs s you can put together an absolutely unbelievable live broadcast and if you're doing a broadcast that's going to go out later every single one of these cameras can easily be set up to record everything you can control it with the remote or you can control it with your phone or you can control it with this there are just so many different awesome things that you can do with these osbot tail air cameras they're incredible for 500 bucks a camera and with this setup you aren't limited to three cameras sure that's all you can control with a remote but you could use the remote for the three cameras that you may want to use to follow the action whereas other cameras can have multiple static angles for just about anything when you see what these things can do the 500 bucks doesn't seem that expensive anymore if you're doing a broadcast regularly that may require multiple cameras churches sporting events or even wedding videographers could create amazing content with the osbot tail air what would you use them to film let me know Down Below in the comments and if you want to see a deeper dive into all of the other connection methods and uses in your OBS and the phone controls you should check this video out big thanks to obbo for sponsoring this video I couldn't possibly do this sort of content without really awesome folks like them and you so thanks and if you're always looking for tools tips and tricks to help make you a better live streamer or YouTuber subscribe to the channel my name is Michael fire Jr thank you so much for watching have a great day and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Michael Feyrer Jr.
Views: 9,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: YouTube growth, YouTube Tips, How to grow a YouTube channel, Michael Feyrer Jr, how to use obs virtual camera, how to use virtal camera in obs, how to use virtual camera on obs, obs virtual camera, live streaming, obs studio, obs studio settings
Id: s04c1SzV07c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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