Master Masons Block and Stucco (Part 2)

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hi david o'dell here with odell complete concrete this is part two of a multi-part series today we're loading up the job with the block for the walls the fireplace we're going to build those we're going to stuck on this is the work our workout carrying blocks and walking up and down a hill yeah good news is downhill yeah yeah that's right that's true i was just saying maybe we can recruit them and show them a new workout routine over here hey you got a big job there yeah this is our workout for routine that's true yeah yeah it's a win-win situation i'm kind of like a physical trainer you know personal physical trainer for a workout on this i'm good i don't know what i don't know they told me once no they're like a little less than that when you carry through it's about 40 30 well feel it you're used to dealing with weights you want to feel it you probably know because you use a lot of weights that's about 20 25 pounds uh-huh yeah what's that that's rough on your hands yes you got that right you met tom right yeah oh my massive strength just tore the corner of the block right off oh geez yeah that was it kind of interesting carrying those blocks up and down the hill now here's the dig out of the extension of this block wall now if you watch part one you'd see how we got all this underground the electrical the gas lines the drains low voltage the whole works now we're going to actually start doing the block work here we're going to have two 12 inch columns on either end of this opening right here that we're looking at so we'll have like a 42 inch oak gate it's going to have he's going to do a double swing on that then on the other end to the right of that existing wall we're going to extend that out a few feet and then turn it back to the house and we're going to go up a little higher a little more privacy and then we're going to radius it down so we'll show all that the entire build of the wall grouting the steel reinforcement the epoxy dowels going into the existing wall and footings so you get an idea how to actually build these so that they'll hold up for a long time to come and it's a special treat because we have some real master masons on this project there's some of the underground that we just exposed there in order to dig that footing because a couple of the lines they actually come up into the fireplace area because then we're going to do an insert back there in that corner fireplace insert ventless so that conduit down there that you see that's actually just sprinkler timer wire that's going to connect the front valves to the rear valve so everything will be off of one uh control that panel and what we have here is sock cutting the top of the wall we're going to remove that cap so we have a starting point to bring it on up that wall's coming up this is the back of the barbecue island well it's going to be we got to bring it up about um three blocks something like that right here yeah so basically they saw cut that so it could knock that cap off a little easier that way we got a good starting point to add the new block from that point and then we can go ahead and drill and dowel rebar into the top of the existing wall and bring it on up so on the this corner is going to be the actual fireplace we're going to bring that up about three blocks three four blocks right there and then we have an insert that's gonna go in so they're drilling about a good six inches in there now so that's how you clean the holes before you put the epoxy in basically here's the type of epoxy we're using simpson said xp we've got half inch rebar you can see as it goes down the epoxy oozes up from the displacement of the bar and you know you have enough in there at the bottom of that footing you just seen that quick clip that also has a couple dowels into it so here you go you can see how it's doweled at the footing as well these guys these masons are real thorough i mean this is their specialty here we are just kind of coming off of the existing wall make sure you're staying straight with that wall because what's going to happen coming down that hill if you were to approach this you know side yard gate you can see everything on the top so it has to line up with the fireplace wall the new wall it'll be very visible and that's why it's crucial that you have to start with a straight line there's your electrical coming across for future low voltage potentially then you have a backup irrigation line going across there that's for your sprinkler system so all the reverse tied in position ahead of time to that horizontal bar at the bottom the spacing is uh designed to you know eight inch increments in this case they're going it looks like 24 inches so [Music] we have a little a mini laser level see that on the end of the wall that's just shooting a level line that you can actually see the laser beam on the rebar or on the string whatever you need to use it for or when you hold your measuring tape up you can see the red laser on the measuring tape so this wall is not going to tie into the house itself it's a matter of fact it's not even doweled we're not dialing that footing into the house at all and we're not touching the wall because that's wood siding on that house so that's going to have to be replaced periodically and we're not going to remove it at this point so we're going to leave about a two inch gap there where the wall will end between the house and end of wall there's your 12 inch columns here we are back on the island again this is actually the end of the island right here it's going to start from all the way back in the corner the whole front of the island actually is going to be stainless steel frame that's everything's going to mount to the tile fascia and the granite countertop the back of this island will be stuck good to match that existing wall right there [Music] [Music] [Music] on the end nearest to us of the island they're going to be an access panel right here that'll access your whole control panel for all your low voltage um your sprinkler timer um your water your valves everything's going to be in that panel actually your water is not going to be in that panel that's going to be in a different opening at the front of the barbecue [Applause] yes you'll notice they built the ends on those walls first when you get your ends plumb of a wall and then all you have to do is pull a string line from end to end as long as your ends have already been plumbed you won't have to use the level to fill the middle you just keep bringing your line up so as you can see here how he's plumbing up as he goes on that end so in other words once that's done all you have to do is pull a line across and your whole wall becomes plumb at that point without using a level in the middle area it's not real necessary this is a pretty short run so you could pretty much just freehand this whole package just with a couple straight edges [Music] [Music] [Music] on the front of the fireplace we'll have about a eight inch little raised hearth and then we have a three foot approximately three foot by three foot opening [Music] [Music] this is an access panel over on this side that'll get a stainless steel door on that then you can see that little notch out a pipe is going to go through there for uh to pull the extension cord through because it's going to have a receptacle in there now this two by six framing is just temporary support to build the uh block of going across this opening you notice that first course is a bond beam they've already notched the splits they cut the blocks in half basically then they bond beamed it so that means uh steel's going to be laying in there in that trough to support everything above that opening these columns you may have seen one of my previous videos of the two stucco columns i did at the front of this house smooth stucco well these columns are going to be a smooth stucco as well the rest of the wall is going to be textured also the columns are going to have a nice cap on them precast concrete cap ball nosed here's the top of the wall the reason i know it's the top is because you got the bond beam which was where the steel is going to rest in well that's a course down one course below the top double bond bean first two courses it's heavy duty you notice how the block is stepped down right there well actually we're going to end up grouting this thing solid and we're going to cut in a radius because we're going to radius down to the lower level now we're just pulling that string line all the way down to the fireplace make sure it's nice and lined up with each other all right i'm back on the job site again we'll do a little progress report what we've accomplished to this point here's your uh barbecue island right here it's gonna be a stainless steel frame sitting in here in this whole area with all the inserts and uh we're gonna lock it into the car we're gonna have a raised pad down here at the bottom three inch raised then the stainless steel frame will sit on top of that then we're gonna have granite over the counter we're gonna have a little backsplash as well built into the steel frame that's gonna be pre-made prefabricated we just have to set it and then uh mount everything to that the fascia the granite top the whole works and then on the bottom down here down here on the patio area that's going to be all tile it's probably going to tile up and over this little wall right here that's an option this uh face of this fireplace is gonna get entirely tiled and the granite on the top is just gonna be a flat piece and that's gonna match the same same grand that's going to go on the um barbecue island right here underneath this access lid is going to be for a mobile fire pit basically it's got a quick coupler in there with a valve so right here you could you know have a little fire pit here they're gonna have some you know some chairs around here a small planter right along this wall you can see the stub ups we got there we got low voltage one's going in the other one's going out to the other planter right over here and we got your irrigation stub ups um the entire control panel for everything your low voltage lighting and uh your your sprinkler timer everything's going to be within this barbecue he may even do an electric water heater inside this island that's another option we have also water that's your water there's your drain for your sink your gas on i just have a temporary loop on that as you can see because it's under pressure i like to keep them pressurized throughout the whole job site that way if there's a break on anything um we'll know it right away rather than you know getting a break you're turning it on later after the car eats in then realizing you have a break it's not much fun going that route but everything's under pressure we have all the sprinklers water we leave pressurized the whole time throughout the entire process so we can catch things you know before it becomes a real issue now over here we got a couple columns with a new new entry gate these columns are going to be smooth stucco and they're going to be a bay ridge so it's a light gray the rest of these walls that we've added here here's the caps that go on those columns they're 14 inch square those bases those columns are 12 inch over here on this little wall addition we're going to cut this block out you know it's going to kind of go like that it's going to have a little radius in there and this is just going to get the round cap the stucco on here is gonna match the stucco on that wall basically also so we've got underground we've got sprinkler wire all the way coming from the back valve and they um tie in to the front one so everything is controlled off at one timer that's going to be positioned in that island barbecue island that's the whole package right here you can take a look let's take a look let's take a look inside the wall okay we've got a solid bomb beam across the top here and then we're going to solid grout it we've got some vertical steel in there right here we've got a notch this little block did so this steel will drop down and let's take a look inside here's the design over the top of the insert for the uh fireplace here's what holds this all together right now we've got some lumber in here supporting it while the blocks were drying and being set but if you were to remove this wood right now without the concrete in there it could just collapse potentially so you got double double number four in there spanning across that'll be all solid grouted and once that hardens you can pull the wood out and that will support itself at that point everything's epoxy down where we added over the top of existing wall you can see here we've got epoxy gals in there this will all be solid grouted right here coming across this all it's going to all get filled in anyway but that about wraps up where we've got so far here actually we're going to be getting into the stucco at this point so they got a mini shovel they used to scoop out onto their hawk there so the block is actually a little bit too high for the island so they ended up cutting it down a little bit just snapped the line on it and free handed it right angle grinder now they're cutting out the blocked the webs in between the block to run the steel and have a bond beam across the top [Music] [Music] [Music] on the rounded cap of the wall they actually have a a rounded trowel that fits that curve [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so if you notice how they built up that round area they actually built it up most of the way with the actual concrete mix then they went with a mortar over that and the reason you want to do that rather than just go with straight mortar on top once you get over you know three quarters of an inch thick with more it'll just crack up on you so you got to build it up with your rock mix first that pipe going through the walls also for later date he may want to pull an extension cord through there you know maybe uh to light up the hillside or do something maybe he's doing some work over there he'll have electric on the outside to pull in and out whenever he needs the whole front of the face of that will get covered with tile now they're getting ready to apply the final stucco coat this is the top of the fireplace area where the granite will set so right now they're just leveling the top of it up if you notice that little scooper that you just scoop that up there that's the actual like quarter section of the bottom of a five gallon bucket cut out and nailed to a piece of wood [Music] [Applause] that's a nice mixing pail to mix your stucco up in so here's where that scooper comes in that they made on the job it's just a quarter the bottom portion of a five gallon bucket nailed to a stick they use that to scoop out onto that hawk you notice on the preparation before they started applying this they scraped the whole wall down with their trowel to get all the loose burrs off and then then they wet it then they're ready to apply the product and they also dug out around the perimeter to go down deeper to make sure that everything was covered here's your initial texture then after this you'll start putting another texture over this you can see the existing stucco how it was put on there that's the what we're going to be matching okay notice how he's applying that final product he's just sporadically uh troweling some chunks of the stucco here and there just to give it that look [Applause] the walls match really well look like they've been there forever now this is that bay bridge from la habra it's a color color stucco it's the same stucco they use the white but with the dye in it so it's going to be a real light gray when it when it cures out take a couple days so they're using a corner tool on these columns which makes it much easier to get a nice straight edge i freehand them personally but that was a nice little touch they threw out there oh and by the way the winner for the dewalt circular saw is lane shirt left wayne or lane actually l-a-n-e shirt left is the winner of the circular dewalt saw here's the stucco match really nicely just needs to be painted and it'll be a perfect match with the existing wall these little pipes you see stubbed out here is for future access for whatever you might want to do on that hillside there's your access panel for the gap where the gas valve will be for that fireplace insert ventless have a granite lid on the top tile face there's a little bit of the hearth you can see some of the formwork but we're going to show that in the next video all the setup how we did the setup establishing elevations the whole works also we're going to show the pour in the next part nice close-up of the wall itself with that texture that ac is going to get moved when we do the pour we just left it in there as long as possible but now within a couple days the temperatures are supposed to drop so we're going to be yanking that ac out temporarily so we can get a nice nice slab in here without that ac in the way back here in the corner is actually going to be for a shed that was one of the reasons for bringing the wall up here to kind of conceal that and anyway thank you for watching make sure you like share and subscribe stay tuned for part three because that's gonna be set up in poor day have a good one you
Channel: Odell Complete Concrete
Views: 154,934
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Keywords: odell, odell concrete, odell complete concrete, mason, masonry, block wall, master mason, block, masonry block, master, master brick mason, stone mason, mason brock, wall, brick (structure facade material), brick wall, brick industry association, mason trowel, cement block, stone masonry, how to lay block, brick, blocklaying wall, masonry tools, fastest trowel on the block, stone wall, masonry training, how to be a stone mason, mason hammers, stone walls, montreal mason, diy
Id: Konklwv68kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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