Hope They Like Blue! New Exposed Aggregate Technique

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[Music] so doing that curve will fill in the base of the curb just let it sit there guys and then we'll shovel the top in it's only a three and a half inch high curb just enough to catch a tire from going over the edge as steve shovels it in jim pulls the blocks off okay i gotta get busy okay that was 10 yards now we just have 10 more to go i'm hoping 10 does this whole thing think it will we're still pretty big it's skinny here so it could be deceiving i think we'll make it what do you think got it number two's turning around right there pouring them in we'll be done here it's not even 7 30 yet with a temperature being just over 30 degrees windy and cold we're adding calcium chloride on the job site i just put it in dry making sure there's no clumps of calcium in the bag the clumps don't dissolve but when it's individual crystal that'll go into the mix and dissolve with a little bit of washing of the fins of course make sure the hose is turned on from the night before because it's freezing uh just washing the fins down with some water give it a good thorough mix and that will help generate heat in the concrete and let it set up properly we never exceed two percent calcium chloride in this case we're using one percent in this load to help it set up okay here we go last pour of the driveway we hope so pretty thick well we can end it anywhere down there with cuts okay with our number two truck starting to unload we pick the rebar and wire mesh up into the concrete as well as this is concrete with fiber mesh in it so we have three layers of reinforcement going on so as the guys rake it into position i help them pick up the wire and i step forward into the straight edge and you see how the guys are positioned around me we have two sets of raking going on we have two guys with the cement truck placing concrete roughing it in and then two rakers one on each side of me putting it pretty much right on the money so i only have to pull back a little bit of concrete leveling the top filling in the tiniest of holes and this allows me to one man the straight edge i take a float with me cleaning up my footprints back and forth straight edging side to side i bend down in the concrete keeping my butt as low as i can i don't bend over and put the strain on my back this is important for you straight edgers out there i've been doing this 35 years uh i do have back pain but i have 35 years of straight edging concrete so this works for me so i just wanted to pass that on to you guys straight edging whatever you think get as low as you can in the concrete and save that back so we'll do this all the way to the end filling in the low spots putting it nice and even from side to side okay finishing up the bull floating hey it rolls in there real nice we did come up short so i got two yards coming for this last wing we're gonna throw a tool cut right here on the edge and the new concrete it's gonna be about a half an hour until it gets here this is still really soft but we'll see how it is at that point we could always cut that back and put a bulkhead in there and end it we'll play that by ear for right now so the guys are edging right up there and we'll get some cuts going okay concrete's starting to tighten up a little bit we did our 10-foot layout going up the sides once we got to our tight inside we carried that measurement over we always do our increments on the long outsides that way our pads are no longer than 10 feet if we do our 10 feet in the short side time it goes across now we're 12 or 14 feet just a little bit too long so steve's waiting for me to give him some eyes on this this driveway's turning so you can't measure 10 and 10. see that looks good to me or maybe down the hill to me a little bit what do you think up i'm saying don so let's leave it there so we just look at it from two different directions i like it just right on up the hill [Applause] so we'll carry those cuts straight on up through that curb long strokes with a jointer not short choppy ones it won't get all wavy ready start robbing steve not yet okay [Applause] and they'll slide at the gym and he can finish that side out okay on to the next one jim's taking care of the curb a little bump down there what's going on okay steve's coming up all of our cuts are here trucks here we're pouring that little triangle okay so this is our very first part where we started pouring it's almost ready to broom curbs all rubbed up we got one little sag right there a little bump i'm gonna try and take care of that goes up here real nice i wanted to point out we put a the gas tap right in the middle of our cut that way it wants to crack off of that somewhere it can go right in our control cut this is all going pretty good finish the two yards up there let's see if i can get broom and catch up to these guys all right just touching up the joints [Applause] uh [Music] trying not to hit the curb man this wind really picked up [Applause] ah come on [Music] all right all right so first 10's done steve's doing the final touches on the broom taking care of that little sag that's looking better all right let's head up here and see what they're up to okay i just pulled the pin knot now i can get the angle i need [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one little rock [Music] and a leaf okay so we just come out on these blocks touch up our joints a little balancing act going on here um [Music] one more what am i gonna say i was talking to the viewers i feel it's important when you get to these intersections really take your time put a lot of effort into making these intersections nice and clean opened trued straight and shined up want those edges nice and full no holes or gaps that dirt and de-icers can settle in and deteriorate the concrete the tighter you can get these the more durable the driveway will be in these joints these joints want to crumble uh with all the uh sediment from the salts and de-icers laying in there so get them sealed up as good as you can as well as look how nice that looks when you just put a little bit of effort into paying attention to the corners and making sure everything's nice and full nice and closed up okay so there's all the cuts all finished and cleaned up these are so long we're about 18 feet across so we have to put a center cut in there guaranteed it's going to want to crack in there somewhere so we don't want to dead end it we have to take it off that way that crack will come up and follow that right to the edge clip this off straight off there and this is our two yard truck right at that seam [Applause] cleaning up that let's head down to the driveway when we were pouring this two days ago on monday it's wednesday now it's only been two days we came up short on this square right here and [Music] we put our joint right on our tool cut that way you'll never see it it's the exact same texture the whole way through that pad little bit darker on the joints but you can see those are all a little bit darker that's just because of the sealer holding that moisture in there that's all drying out nice and even not a bad way to run short here's another view from it right up the driveway same thing we had this cut coming off of here so we couldn't end this anywhere it had to continue all the way off so then we just took it to our center cut and wide it right off of the concrete now tomorrow we'll cut these with the saw through the curb concrete's coming for the patio that's exposed aggregate so we'll talk you through that stay tuned okay we are underway pouring a patio uh he's crushing my chair we were putting chairs in as we're going he just ran that one over okay i'll get a camera set up back here he's gonna come right around here [Music] good that's what we're looking for not that okay [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay just pull that over shorten it up now matt's pulling it down tom raking behind him jim taking care of the edge everybody's doing what they're supposed to be doing [Applause] just looking at both ends making sure they're down i'm going to keep on both floating i attach the camera to the side of the bull float so i'll take you for a ride just working right off the edge this has slope everything coming away from the house you guys check that right in there that looks flat that looks flat right there let's just check that out real quick okay so we just checked some things all we did was drop this a little bit and we raised it a little bit at the house and got some good slope coming off and i don't it was very very minor okay jim is just putting the final touches on the patio jim did you finish this whole patio by yourself no there was four of us there you could have taken all the credit he did a lot of it though a little inch and a half still up there with the slope of the patio that gave us a two and a half inch siload here so that's how we're going to leave it for tonight we did a cut corner to post corner straight back to the wall and we wet stab those so we got good relief there and then front we could have just brought them straight and that would look okay but i think that really makes it look nice if we go give those a slight angle as well as this concrete wants to dry to the center so all the stress is pulling it that way that's how it kind of wants to crack right there and we wet stab that as well so now i'm going to spray on my surface retarder somebody drinking wine uh we'll get a saw cut tomorrow center a door center a door and corner out divide this up into four squares two squares so i'll get this on and that'll be it for today i think it's still about 40 degrees it's really cold out here today [Music] so what do you say matt is the next episode gonna be how to jackhammer on a patio that's like the most pittsburghiest thing you say pass ass don't worry people that's all gonna wash off we hope i hope so you get this hard to reach places okay well that's how we're leaving this for tonight if it doesn't work at least it's a nice color of blue yeah neon so that's supposedly we don't have to uh cover up and that's going to wash the top right off okay so here we are the next morning it's about 30 degrees out it's pretty cold got pretty cold last night just just at that freezing mark we've never used this product before really i kind of like the blue we ought to just leave the blue on there yeah so you can see how the surface just scratches right off so what was nice about this our other product we use we'd have to cover this all with black plastic this stuff they claim we do not have to cover it and it seems to be working so steve did lay out i got here two lady had it all done 30 years of being told to hurry up i don't know what you want from me it's not cut yet no i'm kidding so corner door straight out we put those cuts in to get it through the night if i zoom in on this you might be able to see a hairline crack in there i don't that's good it's the same thing doors and then down the post we'll go ahead and get the saw cutting done and then start power washing [Music] [Music] okay there's all the saw cutting all done cut pretty nice steve yeah yeah cut real nice like to cut these within 24 hours quicker if we can so good hooking up the pressure washer a little bit a couple more forms to carry up top we'll be cleaning shortly okay we're just getting started boy it is coming right off [Applause] huh [Music] it's a little bit too noisy right there i just wanted to show you how it is coming off all that stone it's white cleaning off real nice [Music] if i could i'd put a shield there and keep it off of there to begin with but we can't reach it when we're putting the material on we could hang plastic but that always falls in the concrete while we're working the best thing is just clean it thoroughly when we're done and it is coming right off [Music] so that's what we're looking for real nice texture not too deep but deep enough you can see all the aggregate nice and even across there saw cuts nice and straight [Music] all right maybe i'll leave the phone with steve and you can watch him do this i'm gonna head over and get our next project going he got me mad at me [Music] okay so there it is cuts are in patio is completely power washed and exposed uh we went through and like you guys saw i made sure i hit all of the doors and windows and stone work lamps lights gutters downspouts those post everything because when you start power washing this exposed aggregate that slurry just goes everywhere so my advice to anybody who has never done exposed aggregate before and thinks it's easy just be prepared to wash the same spot 16 times before it's actually done because that's what you're going to do now if you saw i was kind of starting like on this set this pad here let me open this shade i would start here wash this off and i'd go up to the next pad start up there and wash that off and then you know you just kind of work it from the edge back and i do this because i believe it's quicker that way if you start in the back and work this way all that slurry that you're blowing off it just keeps accumulating and building up so you're pushing more and more and more and it just it becomes slower it's a little bit more difficult and then you really it's in my opinion it's harder to actually see the exposed aggregate as you're washing it off so doing it this way keeps the amount of slurry you're pushing to a minimum and then you know you get to wash spots multiple times to make sure you get as much of that cream coating as possible so with all that being said the last step for this one is to wait for it to dry wait for the temperature to pick up a little bit and get it sealed so thank you guys for tuning back into another episode of concrete with the hosses if you liked what you saw click the like and subscribe and we'll see you on the next one thanks you
Channel: Concrete with the Hauses
Views: 343,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: concrete, construction, driveway, cement, tshconcrete, TSH, work, finishing, decorative, rolled slate, sealing, excavating, prep work, border, patio, pool, garage floor, concrete pour, pouring, CAT, tear out, wood plank, gravel, xylene, color, demo, stamping, business, small business, DIY, How to
Id: dRYLseE728M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 49sec (1729 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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