Massive 40 Yard Concrete Patio Demo & Setup with Drains

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hi david o'dell here with odell complete concrete this is our first day on the job site this is going to be a multi-part series it's a big job it's two pours a lot going on here we've got the drainage underground we've got exploratory digging trying to locate things that have been done a long time ago that you know nobody knows where they are so there's a lot of different things going on here we got concrete on this whole side of the house over here by the pump equipment we're going to fill that area in we're going to do a cantilever bull nose step wrap around off of that existing that's going to be a poured in place and uh we've got a drain we've got a drain we're going to tie into here's the big rig coming in carlos well actually it's carlos's son he's operating equipment now so that's carlos jr so this dirt was really nice really good soil here and uh the grass came out really easily especially with the big equipment that makes everything and we have the space space is a big thing when you're using equipment if you don't have enough space big equipment could actually be more of a problem than they're worth but in this case it was perfect so while we're digging out a lot of dirt we're already starting the exploratory surgery that's trying to find where the existing drain pipes are in this area you know by digging potholes here and there try to find a pipe see if we can tie into it test it for drainage see if it's worth tying into a lot of different things going on so the big tractor wasn't going to come on this side of the house it would have had to go over the pool deck and then squeeze through on that uh precast bull nose cap there and that would have probably popped right off so it wasn't going to go through here so i brought the mini on this side of the house and then i transferred the dirt to the other side where the other track could just scoop it up and run it on out to the big rig now this is going to be a little raised platform of this raised area of the pool deck and then we'll can the lever step off onto the lower patio as we go out so here's a drain that we just discovered here and actually you know what that is is an overflow for the swimming pool so if for some reason the float on the pool you know that levels keeps the water full in the pool or if it rained too hard or if there's some other issues with the water instead of overflowing over the top of the pool it drains out an overflow pipe that goes through the sidewall of the pool into the drain out in to the street is the way that's set up so we had to keep that working you know i've had a lot of dump truck operators and uh this particular guy uh he's not scared you know what i mean he's not scared to load his truck up a lot of guys are kind of scared to top them off and they want to you know not load them all the way so they got you know two trips out of it on an hourly rate which is gonna be costly but this particular guy um he just loads it up gets it all in one load and then hits the highway [Music] [Music] [Music] so there was a drain that was on the opposite side of the house that we were trying to you know do that exploratory surgery and locate it and we're going to have drains going out both sides of the house because there is holes in the curb at the street although we couldn't locate where it went under the existing side yard driveway and the drains that we did find back here in this area they weren't draining so we had to reroute the entire drain from that side of the pool to the other side of the pool down the other side of the house that's the only only sided drains that were working so that's what we ended up discovering and it took us you know we're doing the exploratory stuff for about a day trying we found a gas line we found the uh backflow for the pool which we broke trying to find other stuff i had to repair that and i was lucky i didn't break the gas line because it was that you know plastic poly pipe and it just uh we're lucky basically because the inch and a half pull over the pool um backflow was on top of the gas line so we hit that first then we were just digging around the inch and a half and then we go well here's the gas sign no rhyme or reason just out there in the middle of the yard it wasn't even in a direct route towards the pool or anything it made no sense and there was no tracer wire on it so you couldn't even locate where it was even if you wanted to so we got a good four inch drain here and i just uh reduce it to a three inch right there there's actually three this thing goes about two and a half feet deep right there that riser and there's three lines teeing into it yeah one of the teas was to a downspout that was abandoned that was dropping into that riser another um tea was going on one side of the pool and there was another tea when in the direction towards the other side of the pool so we utilized one of those branches to go to the other side of the house there's my nice new six foot milwaukee red stick a must-have you know when you're doing these residential projects where you got minimal soap and you want to rot it and check your level and then double check as it gets stiff those really come in handy now nothing square with anything in this particular yard because it's a pie shape it's on a cul-de-sac radius so the front of the yard's fairly small but in the back it really opens up so we're not really um going we're not the only thing we did kind of go straight with was the property line fence that's parallel but this form back here is not really parallel with anything now because oh here's that uh inch and a half pool backflow pipe that i snapped off trying to do some exploratory you know try i was trying to find that three inch drain line that went under the driveway over here but i never did find it and when i did find it further out in the backyard like i said it was completely collapsed so i feel well if that's collapsed there maybe collapsed further on out so we didn't tinker with that idea anymore we just rerouted everything to other side other side of the house here's some old's wrought iron railing i had no idea where that was at one time but so i got okay so right here what we're doing is we're extending the driveway at full width to the property line to allow for rv parking you notice there's a curb and all that roof tile park stacked over there well that little return curb is going to come out we're going to continue the other curb underneath the wood fence that way we don't get it because the property next door is higher obviously higher so we're going to retain it with the concrete poured in place curb then just you know drop it down to the elevation of the driveway that's going to be the new return it's about 15 feet past where it used to be then a new gate and that lines up with the back of the house it's straight with the back of the house coming across and that's where the new uh fence will go so you could have an rv basic on the side of your house not see it from the back of your house when you're like entertaining or whatever so you could really have a real disaster on the side of the house in other words it is not going to matter once you get the gate out no one's going to see it when you're entertaining or put the dogs over there even whatever so there's that curve we knocked that return out and i was surprised there was no steel whatsoever in that curb and i'm just going huh it's interesting that it's really retaining anything but it was done monolithic with the other concrete so that's one advantage and that's how we're gonna do it too the same way but we will have some steel in here we're gonna pour the curb with with the slab right there this is within the first pour the reason i've decided to do it this so i just pour this little piece over here and that's my header that's where the concrete's gonna stop i'm gonna pour the other side of the house with this little piece here what that does it gives me access for the big pour getting into the backyard cause that'll be sticks this will be the second day after the first pour i can walk across here you know and work the concrete fairly easy without having to hop jump and skip around you know what i mean over here these are kind of crucial little planter beds because this is basically the catch basin for the entire water drainage of this entire backyard so you notice i have a drain in there and that's a lower than everything else and then of course because this area is so big we got the pool deck running off into these planters in the entire slab the 30 yard slab that we're going to be adding all draining into these two planter areas so i've got two drains over here and you can see the risers along the side of the house there two more drains over there and uh you know hopefully it picks up everything and drains out and i think it will because we got two four or five six drains dropping into a four inch so it's going to go out as long as the drains don't clog you know like usually what happens is the leaves gather around the top where it actually drops in that's where it clogs normally so those are you got to keep an eye out on those want to have your rainfall for sure if you're at home of course i mean if you're on vacation then you're just out of luck over here we're just uh we put this form in that's this form is really not straight with anything either it's another pie pie shape configuration here and then we have a little we have a fence right there metal one then we have a small little three foot gate and we got to be below that gate because we don't want to have to raise it and it's all steel we'd have to cut it really well it'll be a real nightmare so we just went to the bottom of it basically so the gate's going to still function so there's a hole right to that hole underneath the 2x4 well that's another that's your your main water supply line that goes over there that hose bib and also it supplies some sprinkler valves and stuff so we left that hole open after we did our exploratory dig so that way we could see it you know while we're driving stakes so we wouldn't puncture it now as far as a bender on this this is just some siding that i found at home depot it seemed like oh look pretty good that's what i normally do i just walk through the lumber aisle and i look for stuff that will serve a purpose even though it's not designed for this but it was beautiful and it's definitely reusable a little on the expensive side though it was 40 bucks for that one chunk but it worked great though some kind of plastic composite and now that's a six inch piece and that's what i needed i need actually i needed eight inches but i got a six and the styrofoam you can see there's the styrofoam there i'm gonna glue that right onto that form and that styrofoam sticks also it's inch and a half cantilever ball nose there on the top and it's sticking out about an inch and a half as well it kind of matches the existing precast is what we're kind of going for but if you notice the bottom of that foam on the right bottom side notice how i added another chunk of foam to meet that height requirement there that because we're matching existing and it was about you know over a six inch step so what i did is i trimmed some foam off of the um there's actually an insert that was in that foam and it's throwaway typically so i used that and i squared it up with a cutoff saw and just glued it to the bottom of the foam to make it fit my needs so now i've got a string line about every 10 or 12 feet all the way across straight drainage straight soap from the right to the to the left to the planter beds no real break points or nothing real tricky about it it's just a straight grade slope which is kind of nice there is some valleys and stuff on the other side of the house but in this area um simple we got five inches of slope all the way across not very much but it's enough as long as you've got your scree pins set you know accurately and you follow them when you're screeding off then you'll be good but this is something that you don't really want to freehand so [Music] so i got all the curbs set up over here on the left side and it's just gonna taper down at the bottom the big rig already hit the road and now i just did the fine tuning generated a little bit more more material which will easily fit in my dump trailer hi guys this is uh day five we're back on the job we just removed uh we're mid morning right now we got all the dirt out of here we got it nicely grated out i think pulled some string lines across looking real good i wanted to show you my new level that i happened to find at a garage sale and i'd never seen one like this or anything made in this particular region here it is made in israel i don't recall seeing any levels ever or any tools made in israel so i had to get it it seemed kind of unusual if anybody's seen any of these out there let me know about it in the comment section we'll talk a little bit more about this thing if anybody knows where it came from or how many are actually here in the united states talk to you later yeah that might have been a good find i got occasionally i get lucky to find some decent stuff at garage sales so on the preparation for compaction it's pretty much undisturbed because we didn't over excavate i mean if you over excavate you know and then you're gonna you're actually disturbing the natural compaction of it so when we cut the dirt we cut it pretty much on the money that way we don't have to do a lot of prep on the ground work as far as compaction goes so undisturbed soil you know is your best bet and then we flooded the job about for two days we flooded it before we even uh started tying the rebar and then we flooded it one more time before poor day this is the pink bar from owens owens corning they manufacture this stuff basically it doesn't rust that's the beauty of it really and it's 3 8 diameter according to the brake test on this stuff compare it's comparable to half inch rebar steel but what i really like about is the fact that it doesn't rust and it's lightweight like single-handedly i can carry probably 50 of those 50 20 foot lengths but you know that was still you're probably looking at maybe five or six here we are at the landfill would have been a lot easier just to throw some you know six six ten gauge wire mesh in there because it would have took about you know 30 minutes to complete this whole thing but this is better it's a little more effort a little more work but in the long run it's going to last a lot longer so i decided to put some expansion foam along the house because this is a pretty big pour here and i don't really want to cut and i'm going to be saw cutting it so my thinking behind this is that i don't want the concrete attached to the foundation at all in any way or in contact with it so that way when this concrete starts to shrink overnight because i'll saw cut it the next day when it shrinks overnight it can freely move away from the house without having to crack that's my philosophy on that that'll buy me some time in other words forget the cuts in here before i have to deal with any cracking although i will put one wet wet joint in the concrete off the corner anyway but just a little bonus also we got to do a little freestanding patio cover there anyway stay tuned for poor day because that's going to be a real beauty you'll get to see how i strip and face that cantilever ball nose and how i make it absolutely magnificent have a good day make sure you like share subscribe talk to you later
Channel: Odell Complete Concrete
Views: 316,610
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Keywords: odell, odell concrete, odell complete concrete, concrete, how to pour a concrete patio, concrete patio, how to pour concrete, concrete slab, how to pour a concrete slab, how to pour a concrete driveway, pouring concrete, diy concrete, how to finish concrete, pouring a concrete patio, how to concrete, diy concrete patio, stamped concrete, how to form concrete, how to pour concrete patio, concrete tools, how to setup a concrete patio, concrete driveway, finishing concrete, diy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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