How to stucco a cinder block wall for a smooth finish part 1

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today i'm gonna be showing you how to smooth stucco a cinder block wad just like this you see what happens is they built this existing wall here but it didn't match their old wall here let me show you something this cinder block wall here is from the 70s and you can see it has grooves and they don't make them like this anymore so they built uh there's this new wall and it has a different texture in a different color so what happens is we're going to stucco this and make it all look nice and uniform we ended up masking everything off with a 60 minute paper red tape and we ended up putting corner aids on all the edges you don't have to do this this is just an extra step we do to make sure all the all the corners are nice and clean and they're not wavy we put them all on the sides and on the top so pay attention we're going to go step by step on how to uh stucco a cinder block wall and uh if you like this video and you want to subscribe uh you won't regret it in this in this part of the video i'm going to show you how to mix cement for your brown coat for your block walls so we have plastic cement here and we have washed plaster sand so what happens is we're gonna do one bag of cement and about 19 shovels of plaster sand and that should give us a good enough ratio to get it on this black wall what we we like to mix is we add the water first then we add 5 to 10 shovels of sand before we add the cement and that's just so when you add the cement it doesn't all get clumped up at the bottom of the mixer once you add the rest of the shovels then you let it mix for five minutes and obviously you continue the same ratio in this case we're missing maybe we're mixing uh three bags of cement in one shot that's just so we can keep going and you can rent a mixer like this in uh most tool rental places i would call and ask if they got a plaster mixer before you go [Music] do [Music] one of the first things that you have to do that i didn't show on this video is you want to wet your cinder block walls uh one to get rid of any dirt that's on there um and two you want to keep that wall moist what happens is if you don't keep that wall moist as soon as you get your uh cement on there it's gonna dry up on you and you don't want it drying up you want it to keep your cement moist that way you can shape it and shift it uh as you need because you're you're still going to have to move that cement around um and that way it's all nice and straight and nice and flat what you can see is uh miguel in the video he uh he grabbed his hawk and trout and he was able to square up the top first and then he grabbed the uh the gold devil which is that tool that he grabs with two hands and uh just you can get a lot more mud out of there and he's putting on the first coat with the gold devil and he [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so in this part here mcgill grabs the gold devil one more time and he gives everything a second pass that way it's a nice thick coat going across the uh the whole wall there so you get one coat on there first and you kind of get the whole wall and you put a second coat of cement on the whole thing [Music] do [Music] then he grabs the the rod of course he wets the rod first that way it's uh nice and moist and the cement doesn't get stuck to it and you kind of squeeze everything from bottom to top starting from bottom top later on he does go sideways just to make sure that wall is nice and even with that with that rod he also gets rid of any excess material puts it back on the motherboard so we can use it again [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so as you can see here we continued that same process miguel did on this that first section we did it for the rest of the section that way it's all all nice and brown coated now what miguel's doing now he's grabbing his rod and he's shaving the wall now you got to wait about 30 minutes for the wall to take up a little bit but you really don't want it too dry so you got to kind of find the sweet spot where you can shave the wall and the plaster is not going to fall off and you also don't want it to be completely dry and you're going to be scraping a hard cement so you got to kind of find the sweet spot this took about 30 minutes but the wall is in the sun um so we you know took 30 minutes and he came back and now he's shaving it and the reason he shaves his shave shaves the wall is to get rid of any uh excess material that's on the wall it makes everything nice and even and get rich gets rid of any lumps that are on the wall and you also don't want your brown coat to be uh smooth you want it to be rough so when you apply your your stucco coat it adheres properly it actually binds to all the pores that are open and if you were to have it smooth and you're trying to apply your stucco the actual stucco is just going to slide right off and it will not adhere properly especially if it's a smooth coat like we're gonna do here on the part two [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well this is what your brown coat should look like prior to your stucco it shouldn't look smooth it should look a little rough your corners should be cleaned up just the way we did at the top and the sides here and uh and you're ready for stucco you
Channel: Panda Plastering
Views: 714,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to stucco exterior walls, stucco, how to stucco, stucco installation, brown coat stucco, mixing stucco, cinder block walls, stucco over brick
Id: hIKumUMgpxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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