Exposed In Less Than A Day!

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[Music] hey good morning everybody thanks for tuning in the concrete with the hoses we are on right here nice and early we got a lot of rain last night everything's real muddy outside of our driveway I had a little bit of stone delivered yesterday and topped all this I'll go over real quick what we're doing our mixers here already and that is okay we've got a lot to do today we formed up this patio yesterday a little curved sidewalk connecting what's going on here is this is exposed aggregate center with a stamped brick border coming around fitting right between the two this is exposed now we're going to our plane concrete driveway uh secondly what we have going on this morning call me if Matt formed up this front entrance way and it was quite a challenge one two three steps plus a sill to get up to the door height and this is all exposed aggregate as well so they drilled and pinned into that we have a real nice ledge to set on and then we've held this board down and we put some rebar coming out for our sidewalk to connect onto this is all on fill so we want to be tied in real good if the dirt sinks under it there's nothing we can do about that we're going to add a couple rebar in here and I am clearing a path to get our mixer up here he likes it when I put the camera on him on these challenging fours sewer line right there these trucks are all-wheel drive spinning a little bit in the back he didn't lock him in yet [Music] it's good we'll throw one more shoot on him and he's good okay he's in there now we can just place it in there real nice hardly any splashing plug just blocking the splash with a piece of cardboard this concrete's really tight I thought it was gonna Splash anything a lot better okay not too much to do yet we'll just let this fill up brought these from the wood shop they're holding real nice a couple of clamps that way we don't have to screw in very much I think we've put two tapcons to help hold it oh rods are in not moving I thought you guys had it that way for the uh walk to come in maybe a little bit there we go a lot of kickers is it enough yeah not much waiting at you apparently okay about three quarters of the way full throw some vibration in it that's looking good keep it keep that going [Music] this is how we like the pour huh first thing in the morning six guys standing there oh we're missing our coffee you got it yeah thank you yeah I think we're we got plenty I think we're funny so with all the concrete in place and it's very tight just give it some shakes and we want to see this Edge right here that's what we're looking for foreign [Music] if these come uphill a little bit snow and rain blow in there it'll come out rather than lay there just a little bit kind of keep it clean on that mortar Target [Music] kind of too small it's a straight edge [Applause] mine the way same thing out here just shaking scraping floating keeping it nice and neat on that stone so there they are all roughed in we'll come back to this in a little bit it's nice having a couple people that can run that and do everything as I'm pouring the steps it stays grazing this up looks pretty good back dragon keeping the weight in the bucket helped keep the helps keep the bucket down you can pull some more aggregate back come in with an empty bucket and there's just not enough weight to move the stone okay we're gonna bring number one truck up here start shooting this okay pulling them up to the corner foreign good make the big late car out here I don't think I did yeah it's gone got a couple drips off of that deck just like the other day I think it's a little bit knocked off this is exposed we have a little bit of leeway three bar up on our two inch chairs thrilled and stubbied into the wall [Music] I like it doors open we can't Splash them that way all right let's go to work nice and neatly on this white brick with white mortar trying to keep my gloves clean no splashing up through our Blue Line we'll see if we're rebarred in underneath that'd be the rain coming from the sky is it raining who knew it was gonna rain stop it [Music] plenty of plastic okay a little bit more Roger looking good I'm gonna get a straight edge going here shortly and then get on plastic unpouring the wok Tommy and I are running our first spreader board we might take the leftovers at number one and spread them real thin just to use it up why why wasted right running it right through the string keeping it about an eighth inch away nail look at that nail pouch this is not my belt look how mixed up they are and let Tony get done we'll go ahead and run next expansion joint wire mesh and rebar now the wire is up on that concrete no chairs needed we'll still pick it up a little bit expansion across there looking good rain's holding off for now it's been a rainy week and it's only Wednesday okay so the guys got the seal Port First Step Second Step just cleaning the faces up they'll be pulling the bottom one off shortly same thing notice how they Edge the corners make it look nice and clean get that all sprayed with surface retarder ready to be exposed [Music] thank you there it is all coated let that sit for several hours and start washing it off okay here we go second truck we're just doing this one pad with a thread of rain that's an easier tent than trying to tent a couple threw it off the pen anything just playing right through there so I know that's falling that's climbing now just take this straight edge and see that line it leaves that's what I want to see the whole way down there the mixer back up got a little bit just a little bit too much but that's okay making sure my ends are down last little bit of both floating the sky still looks what's that Sky look like huh so before before um weather apps and everything I used to call home to my wife and say hey uh what they're doing at home is it raining is it heading this way how's that do you know what the word ominous means ominous dark um an ominous void or an ominous sounds dark and ominous okay could be right okay reason I'm asking is years ago when I texted Donna at home hey what's the sky look like should I get concrete she replied with ominous so I had to follow that up when the stacks what does ominous mean it means order more concrete we're heading here at one o'clock I think we're at 10 o'clock now so I think this is going to be all reporting for today remember that's exposed aggregate as well as the front so I'll be dealing with that we'll prep this I have more Stone coming but as far as today goes this is probably going to be overpouring you know rug assault s it's a greenish color the different colors mean the different depths hard to say green or greenish blue is it green okay see he's putting the final Gadget are looking for a nice smooth area no Bull Float Lines no Gadget lines nice and even the whole way across two more passes I'm gonna start spraying it notice how he's a little bit steeper now that the concrete is tighter just like your hand trials as the floor gets tighter up on edge a little bit more this closes the surface up just watching just waiting just waiting on you is that okay yep okay lots of pressure tips clean let's see all right I can get most of it from here I can get the rest of it from out the doors nice even coat and I'll double coat this make sure I don't miss any spots a little bit on the stone it will wash right off not a big deal spraying my tools why are they sitting right there all right okay a little bit right in here behind that all around it we got a drip coming off of the downspout right there bud foreign nice and even all the way to the edge okay all right that's what we're looking for right there again start getting that covered nice foreign the guys didn't wait for me at all that's okay right they got this all broomed one little strip there that was a little bit soft holding off on that we'll be on that shortly let's get some grading done get ready for next pad there we go for one more truck okay I'll give you an update this is our last truck of the day we did go for one more pad he's backing out now the guys are working on the governor's driveway coming to run we try to keep these level or just a little bit of fall but we as they're coming up this hill this tire starts spinning we want them to try and come straight up this side will dip down it's gonna be quite steep what do you got across there just shading okay [Applause] yeah [Applause] okay so that'll head right to the street knockout power dirt out a lot of concrete on this one okay here's our tri-axle load of stone try and get them right in here in this bigger area [Music] loud brakes foreign setting up the turn [Applause] I try and stand right in there driver side mirror areas where you can see me real easy as he dumps we'll pull them forward foreign [Music] forward before it shows over the form keeping it all in the driveway [Music] so I can see right through there how much is left there we go had to get his front tires up over that curb a little bit backflip there you go good deal [Music] nice so now I can nibble with this that way getting Cuts in ready for some help looking good opening up our tool joints giving them a nice finished Edge look doesn't that look nice shining up the edge one more broom two more brooms done one black cloud here blue skies you know what that means maybe one more load of concrete bring it over okay clean that up a little bit clean that up a little bit huh down here yeah go ahead and hit that that was better just a real light coat in case that rain comes in in an hour this will dry fast give us a little bit of rain protection going good almost lunch time this is a real wood door I didn't want to do any power washing next to this so I'm just doing the expose aggregate the same day we poured it we poured this this morning at about seven o'clock in the morning it is now four o'clock so we're just running water over it and you can see how that chemicals is just letting that cream wash right off no mess up here it's a little it's definitely a lot slower than a pressure washer but it's not a big area much much neater so we're just going to saturate all this and we'll give it a little scrub you can see how it's all just coming right off we'll be out of here in three or four hours it just comes right off okay man that's no name didn't even scrub it huh water all the water is draining out real nice just like we had planned got lucky on this one yeah nice soft bristled brush look how it's just taking it right off that's the look we're going for right there you can see all that aggregate thank you okay one final little squirt [Music] and more right here [Music] okay how's that look we'll run inside and grab that nice nice and clean up there no splash from the power washer okay after on the patio [Music] here we can just let it fly I'd say about two feet off of the concrete I don't want to get real close and gouge it and there it is that didn't take too long it's all cleaned off now tomorrow I'll give it a real light acid wash uh one two saw cuts and that is it [Music]
Channel: Concrete with the Hauses
Views: 14,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: concrete, construction, driveway, cement, tshconcrete, TSH, work, finishing, decorative, rolled slate, sealing, excavating, prep work, border, patio, pool, garage floor, concrete pour, pouring, CAT, tear out, wood plank, gravel, xylene, color, demo, stamping, business, small business, DIY, How to
Id: 8Ss98F9farU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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