COLORED Concrete Backyard Patio Pour With Drains!

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[Music] hi david odell here with odell complete concrete this is actually my son's job he went and got a toro dingo to do the excavating this uh backyard was just hard packed dirt to begin with all we had to do is uh bring down the grate a little bit we had to cap off all the sprinklers we lost about initially there was four valves in this backyard we eliminated three of them and we left one valve for the planter beds which is on a drip system real quick before we continue with this job i just wanted to pop in here this is tim modell and ask you guys all a quick question if you're interested in knowing how much this job costed because i know we get a bunch of comments about the job cost for these projects if you're interested in that let's skip to about 5 000 likes and i'll do a whole breakdown of how i bid this job out and how much it cost it in the end on one of my next jobs i upload to the channel okay so first order of business we gotta get levels established so that when we do bring our schizo back here which is right over here if i get a piece of it right there behind the ford once we have our levels established we can really uh start to figure out how much dirt we need to take out of this backyard right now we're just taking out a little bit of dirt for ramps for the skid steer because once we bring the scissor around over here there's a couple steps we don't want to damage the step so we're putting a lot of dirt over them sam is over here right now getting the levels established we need some stakes and a sledge everything's too high yeah we gotta dig this out around the perimeter huh wherever i'm gonna be putting a stake so see what sam did was he found the lowest point of this patio and that's gonna be our benchmark because our concrete needs to match the lowest point so that we can put when we put drains in the middle right here we can be lower than that and ensure that they go towards the drains you can see this drains already back here so we're just going to tap into these and move them over that's kind of our plan we're going to be doing color concrete here we're just going to go from the existing patio all the way over to this race planner wall solid concrete we're using sandstone color from davis it's an intrical color that's going to mix throughout the concrete also we're going to be adding new drains in here all the drains are going to be kind of centered within each section of this these areas once we tool join it we establish a section of concrete and then we center the drain in there and you'll you'll kind of see that as we go through this so rather than running the little toro dingo in and out of the backyard because it's a narrow gate very narrow we just dump it into a wheelbarrow and run them out just uh what happens a little faster that way all the way down that side yard there's existing concrete that's going to all be coming out and that concrete got pretty thick too it was also a three-quarter rock on that side yard and it was a good four to five inches thick all the surface roots came out with that first three inches of dirt removal this is the side yard concrete that's going to be removed it was all cracked up wasn't draining in the right directions so it's going to get drained throughout this whole area the drain's just daylight at the back of city sidewalk the little pop-up so as expected this cronkite is really dense you can kind of tell when it's dense concrete once you start slamming the sledgehammer on it here go ahead hit hit a part of the concrete one let's show what it sounds like sounds great sounds very solid it's big con it's big rock too three quarter three quarter rock so uh yeah this stuff is solid not gonna be fun not gonna be fun no reinforcement but very very thick and that's a 20 pound sledge hammer that's what it takes to break concrete you can get a 16 pounder but you're gonna hit it a lot more times before you get a crack [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right we're wrapping up the day we got all the concrete almost the concrete out there's a small little piece right here we didn't want to disturb that area because it is a gas line and uh yeah also there's a water line right there as well and our jack camera got stolen sadly so uh we couldn't break it out today so probably tomorrow me and sam we're gonna go to home depot buy a jackhammer pressure washer because that also got took in and uh yeah then we'll pressure wash that wall like i said this morning that we're gonna be painting so we gotta make sure that's really nice and clean but this is what we got done today got a lot out of here today got a lot out sun up to sundown action looks a little crazy but believe me it's coming together yeah okay so as you can see sam's forming out this server now we got the streamline set up we measured off the house because it's the straightest thing back here that wall is pretty crooked and leaning was built in the 70s pretty old so it's kind of uh coming apart so foundation concrete's always the straightest thing to go off of so that's what we did measure across was about nine feet five inches did that for both ends set the stakes up and ran the string line now we're gonna have a perfectly straight board as soon as he's done finishing uh framing what else we're gonna be doing what me and juan are gonna be doing is right over here we're gonna start getting drains ready we're gonna start exactly figuring out where we're gonna be setting these drains so far what i have planned is i'm gonna continue this drain right here there's one right there let me get a better look so this train we're gonna continue this one out probably somewhere in the middle in this area right here then after that we're gonna continue one more drain to this area right here so it'll be let me get a better angle so there'll be a drain in this general facility one in that general facility and then two more down there so there's gonna be uh high points between each one and then once we get to this uh little jacuzzi edge right here that's gonna be a high point as well crown point and we're gonna shoot everything out this way and it's also sloping a little towards that planter bed all right so on this side yard we got pretty lucky because we have one percent slope from the back of the corner house to that front gate up there so we're gonna run it one percent one percent towards the front of the house which isn't really a lot but also we're going to have another one percent cross slope into we're going to leave a little one foot wide planner right along there so that'll take uh the water away from the house pretty quickly and then towards the front of the house at the same time so no drains necessary on this side yard here's the trench for the drain line that's going to be going in three inch diameter pipe so the riser there is just ran a little long until we get the pipe buried then we can start shooting elevations and all those risers and then cutting them off to grade so this particular you notice how that 90's over off of that main line that's because it's centered into that section rather than re-dig the trench over just a 90 to now we're just checking the level from the existing slab making sure that we have slope to the top of the drain and then in between each drain there'll be a high point in the concrete so it'll go both directions from there okay drains are going in everything's going really nice and smooth let's get a closer look [Music] all right what are we doing sam she's getting levels for the drains right now okay so why did you cut a little bit of that piece off you got to get more slope we're not getting enough so for now we're going to find out right now okay so we're using this long 2x4 to put against the marks we have on the wall to the drain are on top of the drain now we're going to put uh our level on top of these two by fours and you know that's the simplest way to see here's the mark right here there it is we use our laser level to mark out everything on the walls very simple right here and there it is it looks like a nice one percent slope this is the furthest point too so we should be good yeah that's the furthest point the reason why we normally would go probably a little heavier than that but the reason why we're not going heavier is because whoever put this slab in right here made this higher than the the loop screen of the house which is a terrible thing to do because now um it just makes it harder for us to get levels back here and uh just makes things difficult now that all the um dirt is leveled out we've got the four inches below all the chalk lines on the walls four inches below existing slab four inches below tops of drain wet it down and compact so the rebar is all in all set up we have all of our lines snapped all the chocolate snapped against the house chimney forms are set we have all the rewire two foot on center we marked up the planar wall as well we actually painted this it looked a lot nicer than how it used to look how's it going yeah yeah if it's in the way we have our drains all set up four of them back here these two are centered and those two back there are also centered we just dialed into this patio we got our rebar right here we're gonna stick these into the holes like this just like that just waiting for a sledgehammer so we can really knock those into place the whole point of dowling into existing concrete is so that the concrete's don't shift levels ever that's the whole reason behind that so we just uh dialed in all those you can see all the white dust we did this morning completely freaked out yesterday no big deal though because we got here early make sure that we can get this kind of stuff done everything's looking nice we're just waiting for the concrete to show up and get everything poured out got a good amount of finishes today coming four guys make sure that we have plenty of help today because around the drains it's always a little tricky sloping everything to the drains or rotting it to the drains so we just want to make sure we have enough help today [Music] i tried doing one a long time ago dude didn't work out gotta wait for the ding [Music] oh perfect all right check it out we also put foam around the gas pipe just in case in 100 years they ever take up the concrete they won't have to struggle like we did taking out the old concrete they'll have a nice protective foam around this gas line so it won't shear or break especially from earthquakes that's the whole reason behind this here's the concrete going in got a nice little splatter right off the gate but that can be brushed off probably off um off the knee boards when it gets hot when it starts set up just a nice stiff nylon brush clean it up on the way out so he's just right now on the rod just circling around off of those drains the drain is the lowest point the drains themselves actually create a crack point so there'll be joints off of the drains as well as every corner that you know protrudes into the concrete pour oh that's a three foot wide magnesium bowl float really tough to both float these jaws when you have all these different angles of slope the hardest kind of concrete to pour is one the ones where you have very minimal space to work in and this is a good example of that no space around the outside edge to work it from everything pretty much has to be done from on top or in the concrete [Music] so they just circled around that drain okay [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right we're about to put the joints in we actually pre-marked out the joints of where we're going to place them one's going to be on the corner there's gonna be two on the chimney and then we divided this section up from the corner of the house to the chimney evenly a little better maybe a six foot long cutter it's about two and two and a half inch deep and that's your first line it gets it gives you a nice straight line then you can follow that up with just a half inch three quarter inch deep half inch radius but the key is the length of that so you get a nice straight cut and the depth the depth breaks that aggregate deep so it just assures you that it's going to most likely crack in that spot that diagonal line right there hits the drain and it comes off the corner of that existing slab back there that the jacuzzi is setting on also if you have the joints hitting your drain you can actually drill beneath your grate that way you can drain all the water out of the joint right into the pipe it dried up a little spotty different areas work because we have all the different shade lines so we have to finish portions of this and broom it and wait on other areas and uh so that way we have a consistent broom finish throughout you'll see that as we get down to the brooming here's a nylon broom you can see how it's a lot lighter texture near the jacuzzi as you come this way it gets a lot rougher that's because uh we get towards the shade and it's uh drying a lot slower over here so we'll just broom out what we can re-trowel where it doesn't look good and broom it again later [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do so [Music] all that's left to do here is clean those drains out drop in the grates and just uh do a basic overall up [Music] so [Music] [Music] thank you for watching this video if you liked it make sure you subscribe share and like have a good day you
Channel: Odell Complete Concrete
Views: 67,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: odell, odell concrete, odell complete concrete, how to pour a concrete patio, how to pour a concrete slab, how to pour a concrete driveway, how to pour concrete, how to stamp concrete, how to, how to form concrete, colored concrete, concrete, how to pour stamped concrete, how to finish concrete, how to concrete, stamped concrete, how to seal concrete, how to pour a concrete floor, how to pour wooden stamped concrete, how to color concrete, diy concrete
Id: 0Le39iQu4A0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 41sec (1601 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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