2021 Fastest Trowel on the Block

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all right [Music] [Music] [Music] guys let's kick it off let's get this going this is the second event of four here that we're about to start masons kind of get trolls up in the air hands up in the air are we ready time clock are you ready jim let's count it down from five four three two one let's do it all right we're off and running these trowels have been picked up the sizes of shovels and they're off and running watch this dance here in silence here's going to be your teams as you look across you see the stalls with the 4-0 numbers on them stall 401 howard cole and tender martin avendarro 402 gerardo potlon and robert potluck 403 j.t payne and jeff head mike kane's the fourth and luis salcido if you know the name mike gunes yeah he was a winner back in the past this is his son so look for him to be close or in the money jose soto stall number 405 number 406 jose cemental stall number 407 roberto cemental stall number 408 tabitha tatiole stall number 409 richard king 410 christopher dube and stall number 411 israel sandoval crowd let's make a little noise and let's watch these guys lace and block [Music] let's go [Music] now the whole idea is 20 minutes of work then they're gonna get a five-minute rest period then five minutes to tool the wall but there is a catch they don't know which side of the wall that's going to be tooled and judged once they get done and while they're in their rest period we're going to get a member of the mcaa to come over to the center of the arena jim o'connor and sean o'malley will and whether that coin is on heads or tails will determine which side of the wall is going to be cleaned and tooled so they have to be real careful as they lay the block to make sure that it's pretty even on both sides hey tom we're over here jim and i are over here and we're actually over installed 404. take a look at this he's got leads built on one side meaning that he had to actually pick up his stability four foot level and he laid up looks like three four horses and now he's laying his bed joints all the way out he's spreading the wall going to the right side and he's actually going to start building up that lead this is all about strategy we're going to come over here and watch as he starts to build up this lead once these leads are built that's when the speed really comes in he's got to be very meticulous on this part right here because they have quality they they have to meet as well he's doing a fantastic job i hear his fan crowd i hear his fans in the background they're all cheering they're making them motivated we're going to watch this for just a little bit i'll keep you posted as it develops thanks sean you know and you would have thought that the world of concrete didn't miss a beat or trade shows in vegas because just like it was before they're five six seven deep around the arena right now trying to to root on their favorite mason and tender but we do want to thank our judges for the fastest trial on the block uh john jacob brandon hartzell tiffany talima rothie miller tom bakala montoya terry watts tyler watts melvin schwendemann donnie williams kent bounds haas hoskinson giobatsi robert gabazzi and dave andres so thank you very much for volunteering and helping us judge this event today let's watch these guys lace and block how much time do we have left [Music] we got 16 minutes left sean we're about a quarter of the way through give me an update oh i got an awesome update i'm over here in jt payne stall now masons they are craftsmen they have to know how to lay brick they have to know how to lay block jt is actually competed last year in our spec mix bricklayer 500 he did an amazing job this year he's switching gears and he's actually pounding these block and watches he's got one course completed all the way leads are done i don't know he's getting ahead of the others this could be a runaway sean what i like and i'm over here in 407 roberto cemental and i love the way he's taken the marshalltown trial and he's just ripping that mud down five six block at a time they're just laying the mud out in strips and then they're just dropping the block it really is impressive i see you on your knees down there i'm gonna go back to you yeah jt is spreading out his wall right now he's almost like a figure skater or a speed skater he's got his hand behind his back he's saving as much energy as possible he's got a spread of about five foot per trowel that trowel i think it should be aka shovel he's getting a lot of that spec mix mortar moving fast all right let's watch these guys for a couple minutes [Applause] let's go [Music] i don't hear a lot of noise coming from family and friends that's important i agree with you tom i'm going to walk over here towards the east side do we have any fans out there you got some kids competing well i tell you i'm standing right next to you do you think they can hear you in the stalls i don't think so let's go let's get some noise going for your favorite team bring them home sean when we're looking at the walls how many block are we looking at each row of course the bottom was the starter course what do you think how many are we going to get you're over there at 407 roberto cemental how does it look over there and as i said what's the block count per row 22 and a half block per roll it is a 30 foot wall and these guys are flying absolutely flying just to give you an idea i talked to the dctc in chicago and they helped me out with this they say the amount of black that they're going to lay today with the mortar that they're spreading could be anywhere from 54 to 5 800 pounds in 20 minutes all right that's a couple of ways of material a couple tons of material that they throw in in 20 minutes folks you guys go to the gym and don't do it for an hour and pay for that these guys are getting paid for this hey tom i'm still over here in roberto stall over at 407. and i gotta take it back i don't know he's got two completed courses in he's spreading out his bed joint on his third horse now his leads are up these guys are dancing fast this is 20 minutes of pure madness right here [Music] it's going to be a contest they're going after it let's hear it for these guys folks we're almost halfway done 12 minutes remaining everybody mason's intenders 12 minutes remaining [Music] tom we got the teams in here that obviously are pushing a lot of block and moving a lot of motor around but what about these mudslingers we got mudslingers out here that are bringing this material the spec mix mortar being carted in the multi-clip mud tubs being mixed in a 20 cubic foot mixer by multi-clip the essex mixer it's a monster you know i'm down here on the floor right now and i'm getting real close into the action and i can hear the tender talking to the makes come on come on come on they are getting fired it's very encouraging you know come on let's go more block more money more more it is very much you can see they work together and it's just like they're really inspiring there is eight thousand dollars on the line with this and right here these guys are working real good you can just see how fast they're going but it's an encouraging word every other block come on come on yeah they need that this is 20 minutes as fast as possible [Music] halfway mark we might see an extra gear i think they're already in it let's go quitting these guys we are just about halfway there guys just about halfway there 10 minutes and change we're about to find out who's got it who's the hungriest here today in this seat 10 minutes more to go then they can look forward to a little break we might need to get a scaffold company in here we got i don't know they're going up yeah we're going to have to get that plank jumping again foot come on let's keep them cheering on here we gotta go guys coming down let's go [Music] yeah this is what i'm talking about you can see it right here he's got it fitting in the block he's got a tender that is he he's really getting into it telling him he kind of guides him along the way not every single piece can be done by the mason so the tender will keep an eye on him as he goes down the line and he'll help him along maybe need a little more hair a little more mud there trying to squeeze the block in and you can see how he's talking with him and encouraging him this is what teamwork is all about hey come on over here desoto's wall look at this he just threw another three-course lead on there now he just built the statue of liberty on top of everybody else you see who's the paul is right now keep an eye on this he seems like he's in the lead right now because he had the endurance and the stamina to stay with it for about another five six minutes three courses that's optimistic he knows he can get there it's pretty impressive they would not build those leads that big if they didn't think they could fill them in that's right the money blocker in the middle of the wall they don't want to waste time on the leads they want to get as many units in as possible i'd like to ask the crowd right now who do you think is going to win we got winners over here [Applause] [Applause] just under eight minutes just under eight minutes to go then they'll have a five minute rest period we'll flip the coin and then five minutes to clean and tool the side of the wall that is determined by that flip of the coin [Music] let's go let's go let's go let's go just under seven minutes just under seven minutes all right last year we saw 136 was [Music] in 20 let's not minutes them against you guys who want working eight hours this is a contest and they are flying you can't expect any human to work like this this is just amazing nobody can keep this punishment up what a pace so remember that this is a contest and it's fantastic but you couldn't work like this so don't gage your guy i mean arizona best block brought these in here for these masons to throw up these walls and they're just getting higher and higher i never thought that it would be even possible to top last year but again they don't care about the heat just go after it just eating it man all right we're coming down to the remaining minute so these guys they gotta reach deep inside to get it up they came here for a reason they don't want second place they want that eight grand in their pocket in the mcaa fashion trial on the block it's an amazing event that goes off every year i'd also like to mention that with the price of wood and steel our walls are super competitive and we can beat that so if you're a designer or a builder take a good look at these babies because it's a better wall for less cost if you got any questions you can go to masonrystrong.com five minutes remaining five minutes that's it your final five minutes keep it going let's go guys five minutes [Music] foreign [Music] four minutes remaining words of encouragement now would be a good time these guys are running out of steam come on let's get them fired up four minutes who are we gonna be looking at here are we gonna be talking with jose soto over in 405 maybe jt payne over in 403 they got some big walls they got the crowd to back them up they're reaching deep they're getting the last ones in 407 [Music] knocking it out come on guys [Applause] i don't know i got a wall over here in 407. yeah roberto is flying too killing it roberto cemental he is just knocking it out [Music] these forearms got to be burning right now did the roberto have enough in those four arms to get a couple of blocks oh yeah tom what is the countdown come on give us a limited set we got three minutes remaining three minutes remaining let's go with those three minutes you better give it everything you got eight grand on the line here the bragging rights for the next year to be the champion let's [Music] [Applause] oh go go let's go all right we're coming down to the final minutes i'm over in gerardo penguins in 402. he's got a tall wall this was last year's champion are we going to be coming back handing him some cash handing him a trophy look at him he's spreading out a lot of bad joint he's trying a lot of wall with only a little bit of time left so we're going to see if this pans out for him all the [Music] about a minute and a half minute and a half whatever you got left put it out minute and a half left or as arnold schwarzenegger would say get to the choppa now let's go i heard a request for talk let's get some chatter going out here he wants it now it doesn't matter if he's installed 403 404 405. let's kick [Music] [Applause] [Music] we got less than a minute to go [Music] 45 seconds 45 seconds come on last chance let's go let's go [Applause] got about 30 seconds remaining 30 seconds last chance if you want to put it all out do it now don't wait 20 19 18 17 16 15 14. help us count this down wow 11 10 9 eight seven six five four three two twelve done trowels down a show let's hear it for these guys wow jimmy i am exhausted watching that they can break you in your office in 20 minutes oh my god unbelievable it's good stuff good stuff all right it's just amazing we're gonna give these guys a five minute rest period and standing next to me right now of course this is the mcaa's competition the fastest trial in the block paul oldham is here he is the chairman what you think man good competition huh this is crazy today in this heat and for not knowing if we were going to be able to do this or not and this for what these guys have done i know jimmy's wanting to step up and i don't know what you want to say to that but they hate scaffold i thought we were going to need scaffold we didn't have a scaffold company out here it was going to get a little crazy i mean we might have to do that next year i mean we may have to consider it because the block count seems to be getting a little higher each year paul maybe those blocks or something what's going on i still think those are seven and five days high so i only wish they all were yeah okay well now while they're resting this is what we have to do we're going to flip a coin and the coin is going to determine which side of the wall that they're going to claim now you got a point no i don't know you don't have a card i got an idea i lost all my money here in vegas i know what to do paul would you hold this for me oh i hope you have a durable case there he's technically advanced now i wouldn't go that far ladies and gentlemen this is just as good as siri will randomly flip a coin i'm not kidding she'll do that so we're we're putting it on that table it's the real thing watch this well i think we have to get called the honors push the button whatever has to do yeah that's actually voice activated oh okay great here we go listen up hey siri flip a coin siri called heads you heard it right there you can see paul can you verify it all right now jim what does that mean because that determines what side of the wall give us the rule we had heads or tails tails was going to be on the bricklayer's side heads would be outside the bricklayer side so the outside of the wall where the bricklayer was laying he now can tool outside the wall bricklayers this is the one you get the tool okay we've got about three minutes remaining correct three minutes remaining in the rest period so they're looking over the wall right now to see what they have to do i'll tell you what that might not have been the best choice or the best toss for these block layers because by tooling the back side of their wall they can't see that joint nearly as well so there could be a lot more holes meaning they need a lot more time to get the tooling done best all right sean why don't you show us what you mean take the camera number two over there go to the wall and show them what the difference in that coin flip actually means sean let's take a look right here there it could be since he's laying overhand he can't see all the way down there these walls are so tall he can't see the actual action so now that they selected this side to be struck which is away from him would have been much easier a much cleaner and full joints bed joints and head joint on the working side so right now i don't know we're going to see do you think it's a disadvantage to be on the side of the wall okay he got some confidence he doesn't care what side of the wall he's on tom i think we got just uh what about another minute and a half before we actually get going yeah no working no working in there right now you cannot work it is strictly a rest period only no tooling the wall we do have to await that so jim what do you think you are out there with the walls i see a couple of walls right there that look pretty good what are we talking as far as block count hey jim can i just uh chime in here for just a minute because those ass is a really good question this is opposite of the board side that's going to be tool not starting yet but when you do it's going to be opposite of the board now i'm sorry to interrupt tom no i was just going to turn you around because we got a really good shot of your backside on camera there then why did you want to turn me on your own okay so we're looking at a couple of these walls over here jim that looked really stout what are we talking brick count what what what might be the winning number they're all over there's three or four well over 100 so and last year we had 130 something which was the number i believe 138 if i'm not mistaken it was about 60 degrees big and really motor and the mud was flying do you think it was a different sean we talked about that earlier with the mud you noticed somebody they were actually wetting the block do you think that's a factor in our total count for today well it really can be but just like the toughest tender that we saw and just a little while ago we can tell which one is the highest wall right now but that doesn't mean that they're the winner we have our judges out here in the ncaa rules they've got certain criteria to get a follow so even though it's the highest wall it may not be the best all right we've got about 10 seconds left guys remember you have five minutes five minutes to tool and clean your walls when i say go five minutes we have five minutes ready on your mark get set go five minutes to duel and clean remember it is the opposite side of where the mason was and again the mason is going to be doing all the work for all this the tender is not allowed to touch the wall you're going to watch them clean watch over here come on over here follow me you can see how he's working in right now cleaning the wall filling it in there might be any holes right there you can see how he's using his tool his mason his tender is right there right by his side he's got a board of mud ready to go he's got the gator back board loaded of course gator back now a part of marshalltown and sean is there is there a best way to do this type of cleaning and traveling in in block lying there's more than one way to skin a cat now he's electing to use an s joiner versus a bed joiner we're gonna see that as we walk down some other masons are actually electing to use the bed joiner on all the joints traditionally they would just use those on the bed joints right because they're very long runs okay but to keep up the speed they like to use the bed joiner so not too many people are using this s joiner approach interesting all right we're gonna let them clean you got less than four minutes to go and then we'll figure it out judges will go over all the walls and see who takes home the eight thousand dollars first prize we're still out here i'm watching this amazing stuff go down and just how fast these guys can tool these walls the tenders are working with their mason i'm over here stahl number 405 it's jose soto again i mean we saw how fast he was going with his block work he's just as fast with his bed joiner filling in his joints and his tender is helping him he's showing him he's talking to him which joins the hip first they're going after the quality here make sure they fill all those holes he's also keeping him motivated tom i mean this is the key to success in this event let's just watch this for just a few minutes we're about halfway through this two and a half minutes to go two and a half more minutes of tooling and we're gonna crown a champion for 2021. i think these guys are just worn out i mean that was a tough 20 minutes i don't care who you are if you're an iron man you do marathons you cannot compete out here for 20 minutes humping this many blocks for that long for the first time these are regular weight blocks that just makes it that much harder it is i bet their hands are going to be hurt and i noticed they all use one hand to pick up those blocks i mean we're talking about 40 to 50 pounds per block all right thanks guys we've got a minute and a half left 90 seconds to clean into the walls and we'll put the judges to work and then of course the culmination of the gay masonry madness the super bowl of mainstream personally i like to call it the biggest party in masonry where we find out who is the world's best bricklayer that's right around the corner one hour for those guys to build the best wall they possibly can with the fewest deductions you're going to be driving home a ford f-250 in our top craftsman the best wall the most perfect wall over 500 brick is going to get the kubota rtb x 1140 it is just an incredible machine not too much time left less than one minute yeah we got less than a minute i tell you what i am not hearing enough noise out there if you can't yell for 60 seconds you got nothing come on let's hear way to go fellas here we are at 35 seconds to go 35 and just to say tooling is no break it is not a break all right we got 20 seconds to go here these guys are bent over and they are moving this has got to be really painful on their back but they're reaching deep they want that title look look how clean that wall is sell that one all right ten nine eight bring home with three six five four three two oh let's hear it forum as loud as you can these guys put in 25 minutes of just pain you know we have a multi-quip mud tub over here full of ice if anybody wants to jump in so all right here we go everybody here's what we got for the fastest trowel on the block in third place with a score of 86 points from gilbert arizona roberto cemental roberto he's going to get 1500 cash him and his mason gets a nice trophy a check from the mcaa and a really nice marshalltown bag we're gonna get them up on stage guys congratulations go up on stage we're not done yet though in second place and you know again we're talking about close one point different for second place the score of 87 points from phoenix arizona gerardo potlan yes yes that's uh gerardo he is with adam spence and roberto is with arizona state masonry so adam spence second place there with gerardo congratulations guys now that was our champion from last year so we don't have a two p done on our hands we've got a new winner but you know what a first place in the second place is pretty good for two years in a row it's impressive yeah it really is all right in first place we gotta check for eight thousand dollars cash the difference between third and first was three points that is close three points from phoenix arizona diamond masonry jose soto congratulations jose 89 points as i said just three points difference that's how close some of these contests can be sean that was the hardest 20 minutes of competition to watch amazing job congratulations gentlemen congratulations now these guys are not only getting a nice check first place is also getting the marshalltown ceremonial trial trophy a pair of iron boot iron age boots as well second place and third place get their checks plus the marshalltown large tool bag containing the brick trowel margin trowel tape measure beaver tail brush jointer and tuck pointer also we have some nice belden bags that have just been donated over here thank you brian belden from belden brick everybody's going to walk away with a new belden bag as well let's have a nice hand for all of our teams out there congratulations guys nice job nice job
Channel: Mason Contractors Association of America
Views: 1,001,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: O31ekAz8n0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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