Master English Vocabulary In 3 Steps

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I want to tell you a quick story it's a story about a time when I had to prepare for a Korean vocabulary test now this exam was gonna be extremely hard so I stayed up late and I also got up early the morning of the test as I laid in my bed around 4:30 a.m. trying to memorize and trying to master the vocabulary I got frustrated you see I had been studying very diligently but for some reason I couldn't remember the definitions I couldn't remember the example sentences and I had reached my wit's end I didn't know what to do now my roommate was sleeping below me on the bunk underneath my bunk so I had to remain quiet but the frustration was written all over my face why was I having such a hard time mastering the vocabulary now you probably have had a similar experience you've studied English vocabulary but for some reason you haven't been able to master it when you speak you forget words when someone else uses a vocabulary word you don't know what it means well if you've ever experienced that this lesson is for you because today I'm gonna teach you three steps to actually finally master English vocabulary I'm teacher Tiffany let's jump right in [Music] all right just like I mentioned in my story you want to master English vocabulary you wonder how can you find more vocabulary how can you remember the vocabulary words and then how can you apply the vocabulary that you actually learn well the first step is 10 vocabulary words now let me explain what that means you see the first thing you need to do is find 10 words and you can find them in magazines books online or even TV programs you watch now very quickly I want to explain this to you guys these are 10 random English words but they must be words that you currently don't know you can find them wherever wherever you see them online or in books or anywhere you see them just pick 10 that's right 10 vocabulary words and I'm specifying 10 because sometimes when you're trying to master English vocabulary you may think that it's best to find a long list of vocabulary words but in actuality just using these 10 words will help you be able to comprehend and retain or keep the information okay so let's go back to my screen now again guys remember I said wherever you find the vocabulary words so it helps though if they are connected to your interests things that you like to read about or watch now the next step is you want to write the definitions look up the definition for each word and write it down in your notebook also write one sentence now this is very important because writing them down is the key or is a key to the learning process now for those of you that follow me on Instagram or see me on Facebook you know that I keep a lot of notebooks and the reason is because I am well aware of the fact that by writing you actually help your brain retain information so going back to my screen now if you keep a notebook this will help you now after you've written the definitions you want to memorize them so memorize the definitions and make sure you know them well okay practice until you know them well there's a very common and popular expression in English we say no something like the back of your hand that means you know it so well that it is almost impossible to forget it that is a key for this step remember step number one is finding ten words writing the definitions and then memorizing them this is all part of step one okay all right now going back let me show you an example of how you would do this so let's jump right into the example so I've chosen ten words acceptable accumulate accurate accustomed acquire adequate adjust advantage aggressive and agile now once again guys I chose these words randomly okay so they didn't have to be connected to each other at all I just chose ten random words the same thing you guys need to do for the first step okay alright you know going back to my example next I have my notebook right here now organize the words the definitions and the example sentences so let's zoom in real quick so you guys can see exactly what I have done so you'll notice on top I wrote the title or the section okay then I wrote the definition using the words that I understand let me explain that so sometimes when you are learning English vocabulary you will look in the dictionary and you don't understand the way the meaning is written so look in other dictionaries until you find the meaning that you're able to understand that's the one you want to write down so example if you find a meaning for a word that uses words you don't know that's not the meaning you want to down find an explanation for the word that you can fully understand okay all right now after you've done that you need to make sure you know and understand the example sentences okay so again we have the title the word with the definition and then the example sentence okay you want to make sure your notebooks are organised okay if you have more than one notebook make sure they are all organized this will really help you as you study English and try to master English vocabulary all right so step one is done now let's move on to step number two step number two is three image connections now for those of you who have studied with me for a long time whether you're in my Academy or whether you follow me on other platforms or even if you've seen some of my other YouTube videos you know how much I love to use images as a connection because I am a visual learner images help you to make triggers as you're studying so let's keep going and I'll help you okay all right so going back to my screen here we go now the first thing is you need to find three images you can find them online or in a magazine and they can be random images any image that catches your eye now the expression catch your eye means something that makes you want to look again you're looking this way and suddenly you zoom in or focus on something so sometimes there are images that look more interesting to you select those images again any image that catches your eye select three of them okay all right now after you have your images what you're gonna do is you want to think creatively study each image carefully and try to guess what is going on you can use the five W's as you think remember your goal is to create a story that answers the five W's who what when where and why so let's say for example I love food which is true and I love to cook so when I'm online and I'm looking at pictures I may see a picture of some amazing food well that picture caught my eye because I like to look at pictures of food so now I have my picture but I must think creatively well who made that food or why do they make the food where are they so in my mind I'm making up my own story about that image this is very important and key for you to understand the vocabulary and also helping you to think in English okay so I have my image and I thought creatively about the image right now the next thing you have to do again this is all part of step 2 you need to connect and write so connect each image by creating a sentence about the images using each word so you should make 30 sentences now let's see this in an actual example okay so really quick your notebook is going to look like this three topics and ten sentences for each topic but each sentence will have one of the words so here we go now again we have the same ten words that's something I want you guys to remember we are still working with the same ten words that we chose in step one okay so now going back to my screen our ten words acceptable accumulate accurate accustomed acquire adequate adjust advantage aggressive and agile making sure you guys have the right pronunciation now right here I have my three images then going over to the right side you'll see that I've chosen one of the images just to show you and I've made ten sentences about the image using the ten words so let's get closer okay now again describe the image so you see that I have ten sentences and each one includes one of the ten words but let's look at one or two of the sentences a little bit closer so you can see actly what i did and i want to show you that i actually described the image so here we go alright so let's see number two well my second sentence is they have accumulated a lot of plants ok so again remember the word accumulated means to grab or gather to have gathered a lot okay so i'm saying that they have accumulated a lot of plants and then i'm pointing to the plant that's in the picture again I thought creatively about the picture maybe it's an office building and they actually have a lot of plants so I'm able to use the word accumulated to describe this image okay let's look at another one here we go the next one let's see number three he told the woman on the phone the accurate time well again we see that this man is on the phone right here and there's a woman in the picture so maybe the man is also talking to someone on the phone who happens to be a female again we're just creatively thinking about the situation okay now I do want you to remember something look at the bottom right of your screen remember to look closely at every part of the image this is going to help you as you create your sentences okay so again you're gonna do this for each image so I did it for one image and I have ten sentences so the other two images need to have the same thing done to them ten sentences and another tens and this is the total will be thirty sentences this is step number two now let's move on to step number three now step number three is three topic connections alright so this is what's gonna happen with step number three you need to select three topics any random topics that you want and then they can come from your own ideas or from an online list so the same thing that I said before guarding the images also applies to the topics any topic you want you can say sports you can say family you can say art you can save food whatever topics you want to choose it's okay whatever you're interested in okay now what you're gonna do is again for the third step you need to remember okay any topic but remember that you need to think creatively study each topic carefully and try to figure out a way to connect the words remember this will really help you begin to think in English so guys what you're noticing is that even though we're talking about mastering English vocabulary one thing it is very important is thinking creatively so I'm trying to teach you or help you think in English because that actually leads to mastering English vocabulary okay alright now the last part of this is for step number three is that you need to connect and write so connect each topic by creating a sentence about the topics using each word so just like our previous step you should make 30 sentences so here we go remember this may seem challenging at first but the more you do it the better you will get now guys this is so true the more you do this the better you are going to become now again just very quickly some of you know that actually in my academy I have other courses on vocabulary and also other courses on teaching you how to think properly in English so as you're doing this lesson or as you're following along with this video lesson if you feel that you want to study with me more and learn even more the link is right here on your screen and it's also in the description and I would love to have you as a student all right okay now let's go back to the example so we can see exactly how to put this into practice here we go now you see that I have chosen three topics I chose friendship business and travel now again I just chose three topics that I'm interested in why I love my friends I love business and I also love to travel so I chose those three topics I wasn't thinking about the ten words at all but now I have to connect the ten words to the three topics I chose so here we go now what I'm gonna do is show you how I connected them to the topic of friendship you'll see right here on the right side of your screen I've already made ten sentences for friendship now let's zoom in a little bit more so again the topic is friendship well the first sentence is his conduct wasn't acceptable as a friend so you'll see what's happening guys the topic is very broad it's friendship now all of these vocabulary words probably at the beginning you didn't understand how I was going to connect those words to this topic because they don't seem to be connected at all that's where your creativity comes into play you can think of a way to connect them okay now let's keep going when I show you how I connected the other words as well number two I have accumulated lots of memories with my friends well that's actually very true my friends and I have went on many trips together we've done many things together so we've gathered up and collected or accumulated lots of memories okay now the next sentence is his statement about me was accurate because he is my friend very easy next I am accustomed to making friends now remember the word accustom just means to get used to to be comfortable with now again I thought creatively what am i accustomed to what am i comfortable with when it comes to friendship you see I did that right okay you can do the same thing remember it's possible just follow these three steps okay all right next moving on number five I acquired many things due to my friends help next number six my friends advice was more than adequate or proper or useful number seven I have to adjust to life again because my friends moved away okay eight one of the advantages is that my friend lives there good number nine my friend can be a bit aggressive when she gets angry but number 10 my closed friend my close friend is as agile as a cheetah so guys you see what happened right these were 10 words that really had no connection in the beginning to the three topics we chose but one of those topics was friendship and after thinking creatively I was able to connect friendship and the ten random words I selected in step number one all right guys now I taught you guys these three steps on how to master English vocabulary I really hope that you guys enjoyed this lesson remember if you want to keep studying with me all you have to do is click the link in the description to join the speak English with Tiffany Academy now if you want to study this lesson again and print out the PDF you can hit the PDF that's currently on your screen by clicking the link in the description below okay I want to give it to you guys as a free gift so click the link in the description to download the PDF and you can also click the other link to join my Academy I'll talk to you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: Speak English With Tiffani
Views: 187,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: teacher tiffani, improve vocabulary, better vocabulary, sound smarter, vocabulary builder, word of the day, native speaker, english conversation, essay writing, essay, how to write, learn english, vocabulary, english vocabulary, esl, accent, american accent, english lesson, lessons, learning skills, slang, englishlessons4u, ielts, toefl, toeic, anglais, inglese, inglés, englisch, англи́йский, inglês, angielski, engleză, anglicky, αγγλικά, i̇ngilizce, إنجليزي, inggris, angol, 어휘, 어휘력, 영어회화, 영어, 영어배우기
Id: SAtMYwuPnqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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