House clean out antiques and more with blue bus 🚎 Dave

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everybody so I am on my way over to and it's I guess it's a house clean out house clean outs are a lot of work just because unlike a storage room where all the stuffs all packed up and ready to go and that has its value house clean out and kind of have to walk through all the rooms it's more of a discovery but there's a lot of a lot of stuff you really don't want because by the time it gets to a storage room a lot of the times people have already thrown everything away so I don't know hopefully this it's in a good neighborhood my friend my friend got that I guess he he bought the contents doesn't have to throw everything out so he called me because there's a lot of stuff he's not going to take and I don't know it was I haven't heard from him about three months so that's why it's always good to have a lot of a lot of feelers out there I never know what jobs are going to pop up on which day and hopefully it's a good pick we're on our way now so this is the house my friend grabbed some rugs already it is in Princeton so it doesn't sound like we have to get rid of any of the trash we get to get what we want or what I can reuse basically that's why you called me so we'll see what's up I'm getting right back to you guys so Dan walked me through the house basically anything that's left I can have I gave him I bought the vintage clothes and I got the rest of the rest of the house for whatever I want to pay or even whatever I want to take we'll start in this back bedroom I'll show you the clothes I bought the reason I thought this was a good deal for me at least I got these two wool striped blankets one asset label here so they're definitely super neat made in the US I'll get 80 bucks each probably for those there's a bunch of lingerie older this this quilt I'll get a 60 to 100 bucks for it so I don't know that made me in the money this was this right here I'll get good money for it has something on the back 1953 but it's nice linen top with the pants I'll probably get 40 50 bucks just for that and then there was a lot of 60s 50s clothes in here I didn't even look to see if there that one definitely is a really neat wrap skirt and looked at the labels when I first started antiques I used to sell just vintage clothes in New York City and I would pick four I picked four Abercrombie and stuff like that for the their design department but that was with my friend Edna all these raps carts are all sellable so oh and this this was really very pretty it is like some type of throw but it's got see the needlework on that I can get good money for that and then this right here is a piece of or maybe it's just a runner but it's a Paisley your honor Margot the Japanese guy will buy all this at Lambertville there was another one of those little runners but really pretty stuff this is all hand done all embroidered Hungate Hungarian so there's one more piece in here this one's a circle it's a table top this could have been a piece of clothing that they turned into a tabletop it's missing one side I'm not sure but anyway that clothes is the reason I bought the deal and everything else is profit so we're gonna go through the house real fast see what we can find there's I know a ton of a ton of little boxes and stuff a little religious birds and butterflies and I'm gonna have to get a big to postcards blankets are awesome oh these are good these are Tiffany and company but the antique box that's awesome there's three of them come on let there be jewelry no pin and that must be for earrings that's pretty darn cool there's a little leather box in here too you will go through the rest of this house I I did go through the fabric without you guys when I was trying to make the deal with Dan you can see how I'm still excited about that it's always nice to know who you're gonna sell stuff to when you get it so that I know it's kind of dark in here but there's a lot of like it's a brass little duck little Chinese force lots of la mouche low showy cells I don't get a ton for it but another nice Chinese little dish but it's nothing special that's actually for sake it's pretty nice see how it's signed underneath that might go with it little sake glass I found the baby Cup I think it might be silver I don't know it's not marked oh yeah it is straight there by my finger that's good found my first piece of silver nothing great I mean it is cool it's very Victorian [Music] that's fun piece of brass that's cool found something good Dan went through all this pretty good there's some tiles and stuff I know it's kind of dark so I'm not gonna spend a lot of time this looks like Roosevelt mr. G no 1950 see what's in this hat box nothing but it is a nice hat box there's a good hat that might be sellable this tin is really nice [Music] and I I asked for these a lot of the clothes came out of them but they're easy so easy sell at the market it's a hard guaranteed divider trunk or something like that I like the little packet for that alright let's see what else is in here I have just two more rooms to go through this is just bric-a-brac for dollar sale at the flea market we think this is pretty neat vintage wallpaper no I can sell that with my good stuff I'm gonna come back tomorrow and take the scrap and all the oddball things I'm gonna just try to load up the good stuff right now there's a piano that I have to help move that was part of the deal so it's I mean I can have the piano he said but I don't see myself moving it I mean not moving it but keeping it and take this with me today I'm in Japan I'm bad I guess this can go with it's got that silver thread embroidery I see it in here it's kind of cool it's got some age to it I definitely can sell that there let's see how this v's is pretty awesome just dirty probably like trenton pottery or something like that there's this guy here oh wow these little uh Sweden bowls Swedish bowls of art pottery I like that one better looks like a zebra 19:57 I guess I like a signature with the hand and boomerang I don't know who it is but I'll probably keep those for my collection I tend to collect cool flasks I have a lot of neat uh antique art pottery this right here I think is good nineteen fifties chrome trashcan I think I can get 40 50 bucks for that and here's two more but Swedish yep what are those there's a bunch of like this is really nice wonder if we can sell pink I know there's a guy going around the market who wants have a day mug guy once old spray cans that's what he's been asking for no I don't know if he buys old paint I like that coffee cup though I'm gonna leave most of this stuff I'm just gonna take this stuff like this right here for the flea market I'll take the blue whale probably there's a bunch of brass and porcelain plates on the wall grab those some reason I really like this Cup it's like that early 1950s plastic bunch of cookbooks winner winner Pyrex bright-red we got three of them one must seize a refrigerator dishes two three this was totally worth like I I sat and helped them for about an hour moved the stuff that he wanted maybe two but depression where look at that plate back here that one's nice you guys sit sitting right there looks like blueberries or cherries it's cherries and cherry blossoms that's that's a winner I get a lot of depression where around here I have a friend that asked me for iron stuff my irons I bought a while ago they were for my girlfriend's cousin more cherry pattern there's nothing in the basement what is this guy and that's nothing special little cherubs you're kind of interesting another nice piece of Pyrex gonna run out of room on this table beer stein put it up there oh I see something out there little copse I would like to find some more Pyrex that stuff sells pretty good there's all these pots and pans in here I need check this one nope nope a ziploc bags no no more Pyrex I don't like Raj it was some interesting things I think a bubble wrap thought this refrigerators cool I'm going to take that tomorrow in the rain so I saw a lot of hand tools and stuff in here that are sellable at the market that has the needles that are in the back of that so that I can wear stuff nice you're heavy this bicycle is nice I mean definitely a it's a one that folds in half probably a $30 bill anything in these just old bills sorry I know it's dark back here let's go back inside the house just real fast see if there was anything else I think that is pretty neat then I'm gonna pack everything up and show you what I put on the truck like vite there's a lot of stuff in there I just don't see you taking it all today see like this was he wants cans kind of like that little older that's cool the button though that's cool Victorian painting I'll leave these for Dan I don't think he saw those we put those there I know he he took most of the art here and the art was really nice all right I'm gonna pack up my clothes and stuff I'm gonna and I'll show you guys what I put on here this is a game maybe you have to put the bucket on his head I'm not sure it's kind of fun though the furniture is really nice but Dan's gonna sell that to somebody I didn't I don't have anything to do with the furniture just the just all a little bric-a-brac and I can take or leave whatever I want see something good or interesting there's a weird little knife there's a nice little plate right there some Chinese nothing amazing this little bud vase is really nice sorry it's a dark over here all right I'll get back to you guys okay before I box them up I'm gonna show you what I pulled out real fast I think these are hot plates or tiles but they're solid marble they're all carved probably from Mexico they're really interesting I grabbed this aluminum hand hammered tray a Shriner monkey let's see if you can see its eyes like what it does come on he like follows you it's got that all-seeing eye this is a Herkimer diamond from Herkimer New Jersey it's a if it wasn't fractured it's worth a little bit of carrot peace of Lennox it's really interesting bird I like that I had its feet it's made in Japan it's got some weight to it some stainless steel a little alabaster tray I thought that was kind of neat [Music] honey bear and I know what this was looks interesting bigger dive and it's just made in Italy nothing as good as the stuff I put on the table but those these tiles are pretty cool still doing still having fun let's see what's underneath this piano seat look at this guess we're gonna grab that horse to his little box that would have been cool if that was all money one house I did I found all in the little piano seat I found all change like all silver change I was a long time ago though is that so heavy it's a box inside a box yeah it's nothing special all right I'm gonna pack this up and load the truck round of stuff that I picked from like the cracks and so this is a plated silver-plated teapot but it's really nice I'd say 25 bucks maybe more got this pot has a G right here on the corner I don't know if you can see that it was different I found the Pyrex with a lid I'm not good with the patterns I'm sorry that one's not as good that's gold but it is Pyrex and a nice blue one those are always sellable little Chinese or Japanese vase this was kind of a nice piece of Chinese just cuz it's signed twice there might might sell for something a couple hand tools a lock I guess it's just regular flatware it's nothing special I really like this thing it's like a mid-century little Bozz no signature or anything oh there's a five on it I don't know if you guys can see the five but I found a an otter so his head moves like bounces little mouse the little trinket box this is really nice it's made in Germany but and so is this this was I was a dollar fifty but it's Chinese grab this off the wall I had a different type of mark wz p e CS I don't know wasn't bad this was my favorite thing I found oops all the little guys are falling off of it everything's carved out of antler and has all these little figures that are carved out of antler four and then the base is wood and it's really neat you can see all the little butts of the antlers on the edge that was that was kind of fun found that in the garage got this really nice silver-plated tray any time that they have that RIM that's always a always a good thing I'd say that's $40 and I got this basket that the Cobra pops out of thought that was going to fly so I don't know having a good day picking a bunch of extra stuff all right I'm gonna go finish loading the truck I only got like three or four boxes I've been having too much fun finding stuff but it's so dark in here I didn't take you guys along I'm sorry so I got the truck mostly loaded I'm gonna show you what I picked out real fast this is a Pyrex teapot that I think is pretty darn neat these were the old cans of spray paint that I was telling you about it's from 1978 so that one could be a good one old refrigerator dish found four of these rose pattern depression where glass or dishes about I think they're about ten inch nice solid wooden rolling pin this guy is all brass and he's made in Germany on the back pretty cool this guy's pretty neat too it's a teacup with a dragon let's see if we can find the face of the Dragon there he is but see he's got one two three four fingers so or maybe he's got five let's see one two three four five well that's not good five is uh like the Imperial dragon and common people weren't allowed to have that back in the day so that probably means this is a newer cup but I'll find out it's got a neat little signature in there its signature you can't really read it because there's a piece of porcelain that pops up through the center of it but who knows found this thing it's like a flashlight but it's a hotshot so I guess it's electric shot fraud so I guess you put the batteries in there it's got a little leather thing it's got some weight to it too so you can whack somebody I guess but weird things like that always sell at the flea market I don't know if it works probably still has the batteries in it and this card box with the little King of Spades it's leather I've got a bunch of vintage playing cards I'll take you through the house real fast to show you what I left if you want any why not also there was this this was the quilt unfolded it was kind of neat I won't get a ton for it but it definitely will sell all right so we'll start over here this box is box I'm packing I'm gonna leave most of this stuff for the for the next person just because this has a big crack in the bottom but it is really neat it goes almost all the way around there's really no easy way to fix I found these two I forgot to show you guys this these were all slides slides and some photos I'm going to take that box but I think I pulled off the stuff that I was really excited about on that bar breakable glassware is a pain in the butt at the flea market this box is mine but I haven't pretty sure I'm done with the kitchen I know the Stein sellable and there's there is a bunch of sellable stuff in here I just don't see me taking most of the stuff here that bowls really neat might take that it's even has handles it's pretty cool there's one more hanging plant up there I went through that didn't find I mean there is some dollar items it's just I have full full bus from from the storage rooms and since I'm not getting paid to clean this house out I'm just gonna leave it for the next person leave them some value I have my two boxes to pick up here but I got all the got the majority of my I have this shelf to pick up and the hatbox and all I have left in here is my blankets but I'm gonna leave the rest of that I don't might take this doll he's kind of creepy I like how she's cracking her face it's like she's the mummy all right grab Joe no argh she's kind of fun I guess that's about it all right thank you guys for watching I'm gonna show you the truck before I leave so you could see how much stuff I actually did take so this was the load I took my clothes fit into bags I did pretty good I like this bike it's definitely uh one of my favorite things here trying to think what else did I get that was that I didn't show you I did put on the bristle I put on a lot of extra little things but again I don't I have to go find a place to put this because it's kind of just about to rain and I'm coming tomorrow for scrap but we'll see what happens it all it was a good pick though I had fun so thank you guys everybody for watching hopefully I I tried to just pull out the interesting things to show you so hopefully you like that I'll see you later peace hey so I guess for the pick out or for this pick like out of all the stuff I got that I showed you
Channel: Blue Bus Dave
Views: 39,586
Rating: 4.917563 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, storage wars, storage locker cleanout, storage unit finds, storage auction gold, storage auction fun, storage unit surprise, storage auction advice
Id: Sltxql5-n-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 30sec (2010 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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