MASS EFFECT 2 All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p HD

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shepher did everything right more than we could have hoped for saving the Citadel even saving the council he Humanity has the trust of the entire galaxy and still it's not enough our sacrifices have earned the council's Gratitude but shepher remains our best hope but they're sending him to fight G gu we both know they're not the real threat the reapers are still out there and it's up to us to stop them the council will never trust Cerberus they'll never accept our help even after everything Humanity has accomplished but shepher they'll follow him he's a hero a bloody icon but he's just one man if we lose Shepherd Humanity might well follow then see to it that we don't lose [Music] him [Music] [Music] w disengaging FTL drives emission syncs active board is green we are running silent we're wasting our time 4 days searching up and down this sector and we haven't found any sign of gu Activity three ships went missing here in the past month something happened to him my money's on slavers the Terminus system is crawling with them picking up something on the longrange scanner unidentified vessel looks like a cruiser doesn't match any known signatures Cruiser is changing course now on intercept trajectory can't be stealth systems are engaged there's no way a g ship could possibly it's not the G brace for evasive maneuvers Presley barrier down multiple hle breaches weapons offline somebody get that fire out shepher distress Beacon is ready for launch will the alliance get here in time the alliance won't abandon us we just need to hold on get everyone onto the escape's still in the cockit he won't Abandon Ship I'm not leaving either I need you to get the crew on the Evac shovel I'll take care of Joker Commander Ashley go now I [Music] I everybody in go go go on mayday mayday mayday this is SV [Music] Normy come on Joker we have to get out of here no I won't abandon the Normandy I can still save her the normand's Lost going down with the ship won't change that yeah okay help me up they're TR around for another attack watch the arm render ch ah [Music] Commander Shepherd has been recovered the Lazarus Project will proceed his plan [Music] there on the monitor something's wrong he's reacting to outside stimuli showing an awareness of his surroundings my God Miranda I think he's waking up damn it Wilson he's not ready yet give him the sedative shepher don't try to move just lie still try to stay calm heart rate still climbing brain activity is off the charts stats pushing into the Red Zone it's not working another do now heart rate dropping stats falling back into normal range that was too close we almost lost him I told you you're estimates were off run the numbers again wake up Commander shepher do you hear me get out of that bed now this facility is under attack shepher your scars aren't healed but I need you to get moving this facility is under attack there's a pistol in the locker on the other side of the room hurry grab the pistol and armor from the locker you don't have time to wait around shepher grab your weapon and armor this pistol doesn't have a thermal clip it's a med B we'll get you a clip from damn it those canisters by the door are going to blow get behind cover now keep your head down shepher Shield yourself from the glast someone's hacking security trying to kill you look for for a thermal clip for your pistol sheer security Mees are closing in on your position take don't take any chances stay in cover while you take out those mechs you're doing F she head to the Next Room the sheer free me I've got closing my position what are you doing here I thought you were still a work in progress I just woke up you probably know more than I do right sorry about that I'm Jacob Taylor I've been stationed here for hostiles detected damn it things must be worse than I thought if Miranda's got you running around I'll fill you in but we better get you to the shuttle first it's your station Jake I'll follow you first step let's finish off these metal bastards we're low on thermal Clips but I'm a biotic just give the order when you want me to hit him with the good stuff engaged ready to get the hell off this station before we go anywhere I need some answers sure what do you want to know you said they spent 2 years rebuilding me how bad were my injuries I'm no doctor but it was bad when I first saw you you were nothing but meat and tubes anywhere else they'd have put you in a coffin but project Lazarus was different Cutting Edge technology what do you mean cloning cybernetics I don't know the details you'd have to ask the scientists but I'm pretty sure you're not a clone they wanted to bring you back back exactly as you were you're still you you just might have a few extra bits and pieces now do you know anything about this attack who's behind it what they're after Dan Fino I was getting ready for some shut eye then bam bunch of explosions next thing I know every damn Mech in the place starts shooting at us I'm guessing it had to be an inside job you'd need top security access to hack all the mechs the last thing I remember is the Normandy blowing up did anyone else make it just about everybody survived a few servicemen from the lower decks didn't get out Navigator Presley was killed by an explosion but everyone else including the non-alliance crew the assari Liara and the quarian they all made it out alive you know what any of them are doing now I don't know Commander it's been 2 years they've moved on left the alliance could be anywhere they were my team if they knew I was alive they'd come back maybe you can track them down after we get off the station if we get off the station what's the quickest way to those shuttles depends where the mechs are thickest it's probably best if check check anyone on this frequency anybody still alive out there hello Wilson this is Jacob I'm here with Commander shepher just took out a wave of mechs over in d-wing Shepherd's alive how the hell never mind you need to get him out out of there get to the service tunnels and head for the network control room Roger that Wilson stay on this frequency let's get out of here you bet we can get into the service tunnels through this door shepher down here bastards got me in the leg you were there the first time I regained Consciousness yeah that was me how about we talk about this after we fix my leg should be some metel in the first aid station on the wall hopefully there's enough to get him up and moving again grab the metel from the first aid station on the wall thanks shepher never thought you you'd save my life guess that makes us even now I thought maybe I could shut down the security mix but whoever did this fried the whole system completely irreversible we didn't ask what you were doing why do you even have security Mech clearance you were in the bi-wing weren't you listening I came here to try and fix this besides I was shot how do you explain that you're all strangers to me let's get someplace safe then we'll sort out whose fault it is right shepher we we need to find Miranda we can't leave her behind forget about Miranda she was over in Dewing the mechs were all over that sector there's no way she survived a bunch of mechs won't drop Miranda she's alive then where is she why haven't we heard from her there are only two possible explanations she's either dead or she's a traitor then why did you wake me up and warn me about the attack okay maybe she's not a traitor but that doesn't change the facts we're here she please not we need to save ourselves the shuttle Bay is only a few we can overload the canisters to clear a path to the shovels I got these mechs don't know when to quit that's it let's get out of here okay we took him down but this is getting tense Shepherd if if I tell you who we work for will you trust me this really isn't the time Jacob we won't make it if he's expecting a shot in the back if you want to piss off the boss it's your ass Jacob the Lazarus Project the program that rebuilt you it's funded and controlled by Cerberus I think I ran into Cerberus a few times while I was investigating Sarah some kind of pro-human splinter group right well that's what the alliance wants people to believe but there's more to it the alliance declared you dead they gave up curus spent a fortune to bring you back look I'd be suspicious too but right now we have to work together I thought you deserved to know what's what once we're off the station I'll take you to the elusive man he'll explain everything I promise I don't care what they did or what you say I'm not working with terrorists you can tell to boss what happened come on through here we're almost at the Miranda but you are dead what the hell are you doing my job Wilson betrayed us all even if you're sure did he deserve that welcome he sabotaged the security systems killed my staff and he would have killed us you sure about that Miranda we've known Wilson for years what if you're wrong I'm never wrong I thought you'd have learned that by now Jacob if you say so what's our next step we get on the shuttle and go my boss wants to speak to you you mean the elusive man I know you work for Cerberus ah jaob I should have known your conscience would get the better of you lying to the commander isn't the way to get him to join our cause well since we're getting everything out in the open is there anything else you want to ask before we go Commander convenient that you show up as we leaving where were you during the attack besides trying to save your life Wilson figured out I was helping you and he sent an army of mexs to take me out I got here as soon as I could probably a little too soon if you ask Wilson what about the rest of the people on the station this is the Evac area if they're not here now they're not coming we can't leave without knowing for sure we need to go back and look don't you get it the only one worth saving is you everyone else is Expendable she's right we all knew the risks when we signed up without you there's no point to any of this where are we going another curus facility The elusive man is waiting for you there I'm not sure I trust you this is the only shuttle off the station you want to stay and rot with the Mex be my guest I've had enough of this station to last a lifetime or two in your case come [Music] on [Music] before you meet with the elusive men we need to ask a few questions to evaluate your condition come on Miranda more tests shepher took down those mechs without any trouble that has to be good enough it's been 2 years since the attack The elusive man needs to know that Shepherd's personality and memories are intact ask the questions did you say 2 years I've been gone that long 2 years and 12 days and you were on an operating table for most of it the sooner we St the sooner we can be done start with personal history okay records show you grew up on Earth tough environment no parents you enlisted in won a medal fighting barians during the skillion blitz do you remember that a lot of lives depended on me holding that position I did what I had to however you want to put it it was damn impressive I had friends who were there satisfied Miranda almost let's try something more recent V where you destroyed sarin's cloning facility you had to leave one of your squad behind to die in the blast Lieutenant Caden aleno was killed in action it was your call why did you leave him behind I left a friend to die that day and I didn't do it casually but I had to save as many people as I could kadon gave his life for the rest of the team without him I couldn't have stopped sarin he died a hero I understand commander and I wasn't judging your decision everybody at Cerberus knows that cloning facility had to be destroyed Shepherd think back to the Citadel after the alliance saved the destiny Ascension and you killed sarin what happened next Humanity was offered a spot on the council I recommended Captain Anderson for the position yes Captain Anderson is now counselor Anderson though from what I hear he preferred life in the military still good to know that the human council member isn't going to put politics ahead of Defense your memory seems solid there are other tests we really should run come on Miranda enough with the quizzes the memories are there and I can vouch for shepherd's combat skills personally I suppose you're right we'll have to hope the elusive man accepts our little field test as evidence enough The elusive men is waiting for you in the other room I wouldn't keep the elusive man [Music] waiting [Music] Commander shepher elusive man I thought we'd be meeting face to face unnecessary precaution Not Unusual for people who know what you and I know you might be the reason I'm still alive but that doesn't mean I trust you you need to put your personal feelings aside humanity is up against the greatest threat of our brief existence the Reapers good to see your memory still intact how are you feeling you need to earn the right to ask me those kinds of questions Cerberus isn't as evil as you believe you and I are on the same side we just have different methods cut to the chase what are the Reapers doing that made you decide to bring me back we're at war no one wants to admit it but humanity is under attack while you've been sleeping entire colonies have been disappearing human colonies we believe it's someone working for the Reapers just as sarin and a GU aided Sovereign you've seen it yourself you bested all of them that's just one reason we chose you nothing you say is going to convince me to trust you I need more than words I'd be disappointed if I could persuade you that easily go and see for yourself I have a shuttle ready to take you to Freedom's progress the latest colony to be abducted Miranda and Jacob will brief you is this a volunteer your job or am I being volunteered you always have a choice shepher if you don't find the evidence we're both looking for we can part ways but first go to Freedom's progress find any clues you can who's abducting the colonies do they have any connection to the Reapers I brought you back it's up to you to do the [Music] rest The elusive man is very impressed with you I'm eager to see if you can live up to his expectations on this Mission I never got a chance to say how much I appreciated what the Lazarus Project did for me I just hope it was worth it a lot of people lost their lives on that station we have to work together here your attitude isn't helping anything I have the utmost respect for your abilities Shepherd it's your motivations that concern me I believe in what stands for only time will tell if you prove to be an asset or a liability to our cause it's obvious you're not interested in talking we've got an assignment we can talk about it or we can do it I'm glad the elusive man convinced you to join us Commander I just want to find out what happened to those missing people I still don't trust cus noted do you trust me Commander you're a good man Jacob but you might be working for the wrong people maybe but I thought the same when I was with the alliance that's why I'm here now that's all for now we should be there shortly Shepherd The elusive man put us under your command do you have any orders her first priority is to look for survivors that's unlikely Commander no one was left at the other colonies they were completely deserted be nice to find somebody anything's better than another Ghost Town strange no bodies no structural damage no signs of battle system not designed for speci hle they should have recognized someone reprogrammed them to attack on site we're not alone here system sabotage detected for casualties stop right there frazza you said you'd let me handle this wait shepher I'm not taking any chances with Cerberus operatives put those weapons down shepher is that you're alive Cerberus rebuilt me tally in return they asked me to investigate these attacks on human colonies you'll pardon us for not taking you at your word serverus we're well within our rights to investigate attacks on a human Colony I'd like to know what the quarians are doing here weapons down prazza whatever is going on here I don't think we need another fight one of our people was here on pilgrimage his name was vtor we came to find him isn't that a little strange a quarian visiting a remote human Colony quarians can choose where they go on pilgrimage VOR liked the idea of helping a small settlement he was always nervous in crowds she means that he was unstable combined that with damage to his suit CO2 scrubbers and an infection from an open air exposure and he's likely Delirious when he saw us landing he hid in a warehouse on the far side of town we suspect he also programmed the mechs to attack anything that moved VOR is the only one who can tell us what happened here we should work together to find him good idea you'll need two teams to get past the Dr drones anyway now we're working with curus no pra you're working for me if you can't follow orders go wait on the ship head for the warehouse through the center of the colony we'll circle around the far side and draw off some of the drones to clear you a path your people really don't like cver what did I miss they killed our people infiltrated our flotilla and tried to blow up one of our ships that's not how I'd have explained it exactly it was not nothing personal we can argue over who killed who later right now we've got a job to do agreed we work together to get to VOR make sure to keep in radio contact we'll do good luck shepher see you on the far [Music] side be careful shepher there's a squad of security Thrones up ahead thanks for the warning we'll take care shepher PR and his Squad red on the head I told them to wait but they wouldn't listen they want to find VOR and take him away before you get here we should have expected this yes hurry shepher we inside the KN VOR reprogrammed a heavy map it's tearing pra Squad apart they did want to get to veto first get your squad into cover and I'll open the loading a doors we'll take cover by The Doors Shepherd you take point taking cover that Mech got heavy armor plate those quarians never stood a chance this is going to be one tough son of a [ __ ] to take down defense systems monsters coming back Mech will protect safe from swarms have to hide No Monsters no swarms no no no no no vtor no vtor not here swarms can't find monsters coming have to hide nobody's going to hurt you anymore I don't think he can hear you Commander I've died have to hide Max you're human where did you hied how come they didn't find you who didn't find us the the monsters the Swarms they took everyone why didn't the colonist fight back VOR what happened you don't know you didn't see but I see everything looks like security footage he must have pieced it together manually what the hell is that my God I think it's a collector is that some kind of alien there're a species from somewhere beyond the Omega 4 relay only a few people have ever seen one in person they usually work through intermediaries like slavers or hired mercenaries if they're involved with the Reapers somehow it could explain what happened to the colonies the collectors have advanced technology they could have a weapon that disables an entire settlement at once the Seeker swarms no one can hide the Seekers find you freeze you then the monsters take you away what happened next the monsters took the people onto the ship and then they left the ship flew away but they'll be back for me no one escapes I think that's probably all we're getting out of them Commander we appreciate what you told us you were very helpful I studied them the monsters the Swarms I recorded them with my Omni tool lots of readings electromagnetic Dark Energy we need to get this data to The elusive man grab the quaran and call the shuttle to come pick us up what VOR is injured he needs treatment not an interrogation we won't hurt him we just need to see if he knows anything else he'll be returned unharmed your people tried to betray us once already if we give him to you we'll never get the Intel we need cazza was an idiot and he and his men paid for it you're welcome to take vor's Omni tool data but please just let me take him he's traumatized and he needs medical care tally will give us the Omni tool data and take him to the flotilla understood Commander thank you shepher I'm glad you're still the one giving the orders good luck out there if I find anything that can help you I'll let you know we're ready for pickup [Music] Shepherd good work on Freedom's progress the quarians forwarded their findings from vor's debriefing no new data but it's a surprising Olive Branch given our history you and I have different methods but I can't argue with your results you ever think about playing nice once in a while diplomacy is great when it works but difficult when everyone already perceives you as a threat but more importantly you confirm the collectors are behind the abductions why do I get the feeling you knew about them already I had my suspicions but I needed proof the collectors are enigmatic at best they periodically travel to the Terminus systems looking to gather seemingly unimportant items or specimens usually in exchange for their technology when their transactions are complete they disappear as quickly as they arrive back Beyond The unmapped Omega 4 relay until now we've had no evidence of direct aggression by the collectors why is the Omega 4 relay on mapped what do we know about it only that no ship passing through it is ever returned our best guess is that the relay reacts differently to collector vessels allowing them safe Passage if they can manipulate relays that's just further evidence of the connection with the rapers any ideas on why they've shifted their focus to humans if they're agents for the Reapers it could be any number of reasons obviously Humanity played a huge role in sovereign's destruction that might have been enough to draw their attention what really concerns me is why they bother abducting the colonists once the humans are paralyzed why not just kill them what are the collectors getting from these deals the collectors aren't very forthcoming about their motives generally they seek out species with rare genetic mutations or abnormalities they pay slavers and work groups exorbitant sums to obtain these specimens and then they leave but they've never targeted a single species before and the previous sample sizes were in the dozens not the tens of thousands you're holding something back how do you know the reapers are involved the patterns are there buried in the data the consul and the alliance want to believe the reaper threat died with Sovereign you and I know better I won't wait until the reapers are on the March we need to take the fight to them if this is a war I'll need an army or a really good team I've already compiled a list of soldiers scientists and mercenaries you'll get dossier on the best of them finding them and convincing them to work with you could be challenging but you're a natural leader I'll continue to track the collectors when they make their next appearance I'll notify you and your team be ready keep your list I want people I trust the ones who helped me stop sarin and the GU that was 2 years ago Commander most of them have moved on or their allegiances have changed where's GIS vieran Theon disappeared a few months after you were declared dead even we haven't been able to locate him where's Ashley Williams she's still with the alliance promoted I believe her file is surprisingly well classified where's erdn Rex he returned to chunka and he hasn't gone off world in over a year he's trying to unite the Krogan Clans what about tally she already helped us on Freedom's progress that was unexpected I need more Intel before I'll commit to that where's Lara ton she's on iliam my sources say that she's working for the shadow broker if so she can't be trusted okay I get it they're not available you're a leader Shepherd you'll get who you need you worry about the collectors I'll make sure my team's ready good two things before you go first head to Omega and find morn soless he's a brilliant salarian scientist our intelligence suggests he may know how to counteract the collector's paralyzing Seeker swarms sounds good what else I found a pilot I think you might like I hear he's one of the best someone you can trust hey Commander just like old times huh I can't believe it's you Joker look who's talking I saw you get spaced got lucky with a lot of strings attached how'd you get here it all fell apart without you Commander everything you stirred up the council just wanted it gone the team was broken up record sealed and I was grounded the alliance took away the one thing that mattered to me hell yeah I joined server you really trust The elusive man well I don't trust anyone who makes more than I do but they aren't all bad saved your life let me fly and 's this they only told me last [Music] night [Music] it's good to be home huh Commander I guess we'll have to give her a [Music] name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome aboard the new Normandy Commander I've been looking over the dossier I'd strongly recommend starting by acquiring more soless the salarian professor on Omega we know the collectors use some type of advanced technology to immobilize their victims we'll need him to develop a counter measure to protect us without that countermeasure we'll be helpless if we ever run into the collectors acquiring profess Professor soless seems like the most logical place to start who are you I am the normandy's artificial intelligence the crew like to refer to me as Ed Helmsman aren't happy when someone takes control of a ship away from them especially Joker I do not Helm the ship Mr moro's talents will not go to waste during combat I operate the electronic warfare and cyber warfare Suites beyond that I cannot interface with the ship's systems I observe can offer analysis and advice nothing more I'm guessing it takes more than just a three of us plus Joker to fly this ship the Normandy has a full crew they're at their stations awaiting your orders final preparations for take off are complete Commander when you're ready to go just pick a destination from the Galaxy map and the cic and I'll plot a course Jacob and I should return to our posts come find us if you have any questions Commander what what can I do for you you have a minute Miranda no doubt you've got a lot of questions cus isn't as evil as most people believe if I can help Alay any of your concerns I'd be happy to do so so what would you like to know I know what we're doing here but what's cerberus's long-term goal the advancement of the human race nothing more nothing less the salarians have the special tasks group The assari have their legendary Commandos for stealth and Recon operations Cerberus is Humanity's answer to those organiz ations but those organizations are regulated by governments who keeps curus in check nobody we're privately funded and our backers trust The elusive man to make the right decisions but he's very clear about our goals protect humanity and serve its advancement tell me about yourself Miranda I guess that's fair I've spent the last two years learning everything there is to know about you well you should probably know that I've had extensive genetic modification not my decision but I make the most of it it's it's one of the reasons The elusive man handpicked me I'm very good at just about anything I choose to do you certainly don't lack for confidence it's just a fact my reflexes my strength even my looks they're all designed to give me an edge no point in hiding from it it's the reason I'm trusted to oversee the most dangerous risky and technically demanding operations Cerberus undertakes and it's why I was assigned to you it's my job to make sure you succeed shepher what level of genetic modification are we talking about that's very thorough physically I'm superior in many ways I heal quickly and I'll likely live half again as long as the average human my biotic abilities are also very Advanced for a human add to that some of the best training and education money can buy and well it's pretty impressive really sounds like you were designed to be perfect maybe but I'm not I'm Still Human Shepherd I make mistakes like everyone else and when I do the consequences are severe everyone expects a lot from someone with my abilities thanks for the information Miranda I'll talk to you later of course Commander whatever you need [Music] ah welcome to Omega you're new here aren't you I can always tell allow me to oh hello mcklin I was just leave farget now of course mlin whatever she wants blasted scavengers welcome to Omega Shepherd you know who I am of course we had you tag the moment you entered the Terminus systems you're not as subtle as you think Arya wants to know what brings a dead Spectre to Omega I suggest you go to afterlife now and present yourself cut the attitude I'm not here to cause problems for Omega things explode around you Shepherd you can't blame Arya for keeping an eye on you afterlife now that's close enough stand still if you're looking for weapons you're not doing a very good job can't be too careful with dead specters that could be anyone wearing your face I was told you you're the person to talk to if I have questions they're clean depends on the questions you run Omega I am Omega but you need more everyone needs more something and they all come to me I'm the boss CEO Queen if you're feeling dramatic it doesn't matter Omega has no titled ruler and only one rule don't [ __ ] with Arya I like it easy to remember if you forget someone will remind you and then I toss you your sorry ass out the nearest airlock so what can I do for you I'm trying to track down Archangel you and half of Omega you want him dead too why is everyone after him he thinks he's fighting on the side of good there is no good side to Omega everything he does pisses someone off it's catching up to him just the kind of guy I'm looking for really well aren't you interesting you're going to make some enemies teaming up with Archangel that's assuming you can get to him he's in a bit of trouble right now what kind of trouble the local Merk groups have joined forces to take him down they've got him cornered but it sounds like they're having trouble finishing them off they've started hiring anybody with a gun to help them sounds like that might be our ticket in they're using a private room for recruiting just over there I'm sure they'll sign you up what can you tell me about arcades not as much as I'd like he showed up here several months ago and started causing all sorts of problems if you make your own laws which everyone here does he makes life difficult he's Reckless and idealistic but he seems to know enough to stay clear of me which mer groups are after Archangel blue Suns Eclipse bloodpack they're omega's major players unless they're at War you'll never see them together but one thing they hate more than each other is Archangel do you hate Archangel I don't have time for hate but I distrust them all equally for now I'm happy just to let them kill each other I appreciate the help see if you still feel that way when the mercs realize you're here to help him I'm looking for morn soless do you know where I can find him the salarian doctor last I heard he was trying to help plague victims in the quarantine Zone I always liked morn he's as likely to heal you as he is to shoot you what can you tell me about him used to be part of the salarian special tasks group he's brilliant and dangerous just don't get him talking he never shuts up if you really need to find him take a shuttle to the quarantine zone no guarantee they'll let you in of course thanks for the information yes just try not to bring the plague back with you I hear you recruiting why don't you step inside you'll get paid when the job's done just like everyone else who's next you three look like you could do some damage looking for a good fight sure if this is the place to go after Archangel this is the place standard fee is 500 credits each you get paid when the job's done if you die you're friends don't collect your share you'll need your own weapons and armor looks like you got that covered and no this does not make you a member of the blue Suns eclipse of the blood pack you are a freelancer period any questions why are the Merks working together to take down Archangel you haven't been on Omega long huh he does everything he can to screw with us shipments go missing operations are compromised every month it gets worse worse TK and the other bosses are tired of losing credits and Men is he a heavy hitter how many Merc bosses are involved in this attack yeah tck runs the blue Suns but all three bosses are overseeing the operation Jared's leading the eclipse and Gars the head of the blood pack T's in charge but the others would never say that I'm surprised they're in on this at all but I guess getting rid of Archangel is worth it what do we do once we're there how do we get to Archangel the Merks of tell you when you get there last I heard they were putting the Freelancers into scouting groups they attack in waves to distract Archangel while we try to get past his defenses so we're just fodder for his bullets if you don't like it don't sign up but if you do your job right it's easy credits besides what are the odds he can kill all of you where's the attack taking place archangel's base of operations he's been hiding right under our nose I can't tell you exactly where you're going but we'll get you there where do we go just head over to the transport Depot outside the club one of our boys will take you from there send in the next one hey is this where I sign up you look a little young to be freelancing as a Merc I'm old enough I grew up on Omega I know how to use a gun so does Archangel I can handle myself besides I you spent 50 credits on this pistol and I want to use it get your money back hey what trust me kid you'll thank me later I'm on the mission I hope you're ready archangel's been annihilating you Freelancers ready when you are get [Music] in [Music] it's about time they sent me someone who looks like they can actually fight they tell you what we're up against the recruiter was a little vague we wouldn't get many hires if everyone knew the truth archangel's hold up in a building at the end of the boulevard over there he's got Superior position and the only way in is over a very exposed Bridge it's a killing ground but he's getting tired making mistakes we'll have him soon enough you guys have a plan a small team is waiting to infiltrate his Hideout but we need to draw archangel's fire so they can move in and that's where we come in exactly you'll be on a distraction team head straight over the bridge and keep Archangel busy so the infiltration team can sneak in behind him sounds like a suicide mission to me pretty much but you look like you can handle it head up to the Boulevard and get to the third barricade talk to Sergeant kathka he'll tell you when to go in where's the infiltration team now on the far side of the bridge near his Hideout but they can't get any closer without being seen how' they get that close without being seen more distractions tck used a gunship to keep Archangel busy we were able to sneak a few men into his Hideout before he took it down but they're stuck there we need to keep Archangel focused on the bridge so he doesn't find them and wipe them out I better go find Sergeant cka good idea watch yourself on the boulevard archangels killed dozens out there [Music] already well we might have a way in but getting out could be interesting let's find him first then we'll figure out how to get [Music] back gka Sergeant caska you must be the the group suy mentioned you're just in time Suki you met him when you were dropped off he radioed to say you were coming you three kind of stand out from most of the other Freelancers anyway the infiltration team is about to give us the signal Archangel won't know what hit him got any questions this may be your last chance are you going to give us cover with the gunship H tck is the only one who flies her besides she's not quite ready that bastard Archangel gave her a beating last time she was out there a few more tweaks she'll be as good as new why are you coordinating the attack and fixing gunships I'm in the infiltration group our team coordinates with the gunship I'm staying back to organize the Freelancers and make sure the gunships ready to go if we need her so our plan is to jump the wall and head for archangel's building and try not to get killed too fast you're only a distraction as long as you're alive you don't have to make it all the way across just keep Archangel watching that bridge the infiltration team will do the rest are you leading the assault h t doesn't pay me to fight I just plan the attacks and fix the damn gunship you Freelancers get the privilege of check bravo team go go go archangel's got quite a surprise waiting for him but that means no more waiting for me got to get her back to 100% before T decides he needs her [Music] again you're working too [Music] hard doesn't look like archangel's got much time well let's not wait around too long come on we'll get these guys to surpris of our own you're up he's with [Music] Archangel very nice [Music] archangel [Music] shepher I thought you were dead Garis what are you doing here just keeping my skill sharp a little target practice you okay been better but it sure is good to see a friendly face killing works is hard work especially on my own what are you doing out here on Omega I got fed up with all the bureaucratic crap on the Citadel figured I could do more good on my own at least it's not hard to find criminals here all I have to do is point my gun and shoot how' you manage to piss off every major MK organization in the Terminus systems it wasn't easy I really had to work at it I am amazed that they teamed up to fight me they must really hate me since when did you start calling yourself Archangel it's just a name the locals gave me for all my good deeds I don't mind it but please it's uh just gar us to you well we got here but I don't think getting out will be as easy no it won't that bridge has saved my life funneling all those witless idiots into scope but it works both ways they'll Slaughter us if we try to get out that way so we just sit sit here and wait for them to take us out it's not all that bad this place has held them off so far and the three of you I suggest we hold this location wait for a crack in their defenses take our chances it's not a perfect plan but it's a plan if we fight as a team we'll hold them off you're right their numbers won't help them in here anyway let's see what they're up to H looks like they know their infiltration team failed take a look Scouts Eclipse I think that looks like a lot more than Scouts indeed we better get ready I'll stay up here I can do a lot of damage from this vantage point you you can do what you do best just like old times shepher let's give these bastards everything we've got never saw me coming that's one you want something done properly all right let's see how you handle this Archangel go online damn it sending out the heavy Max that problem should take care of itself not that one has [Music] requested I've got him Rock looks like that's all of them come find me before they regroup you're kicking ass shepher they barely touched me and we got jarth in the process I've been hunting that little bastard for months we've still got blood pack and blue suns left think we can make a break for it maybe let's see what they're up to theyve reinforced the other side side heavily but they're not coming over the bridge yet what are they waiting for what the hell was that damn it they breached the lower level well they had to use their brains eventually you'd better get down there Shephard I'll keep the bridge clear let's split up two and two keep one of my team here you sure who knows what you'll find down there Jacob stay with GIS keep him alive if you say so I'm not sure it's a good idea thanks shepher you better get going we're on our way go down a level the basement door is on the west side of the main room behind the stairs I'll radio directions if you need help but you've got to get down there quick good luck commencing shutdown commencing shutdown shutter secured get back here shepher they're coming into the the door rip them the shreds watch my back I'll deal with Archangel moving to cover incoming Krogan on its way GS got me pinned down theyve stopped come find me thanks shepher they hardly got through to me and we took out garm and his blood pack this day just gets better and better he was one tough son of a [ __ ] you fought with him before yeah we Tangled once caught him alone none of his gang to help him still couldn't take him out I've never seen a Krogan regen that fast he's a freak of nature he just kept at it until his vure showed up it was close but I had to let him go not this time only the blue suns are left I say we take our chances and fight our way out I think you're right TK's got the toughest group but nothing we haven't faced before besides he won't be expecting us to medium head on it heads up damn it I thought I took that thing out already they fixed it but not completely I made sure of that they're offloading watch he's on going to cover not that one you think you can screw with the death ends now [Music] G en have a nice trip yeah [Music] G we're getting you out of here GIS just hold on radio Joker make sure they're ready for us we better hurry he looks bad Commander we've done what we could for GIS but he took a bad hit the docs corrected with surgical procedures and some cybernetics best we can tell he'll have full functionality but Shephard tough son of a [ __ ] didn't think he'd be up yet nobody would give me a mirror how bad that is it hell Garis you were always ugly slap some face paint on there and no one will even notice oh oh don't make me laugh damn it my face is barely holding together as it is ah probably for the best everyone was always ignoring you and hitting on me time for you to get a fair shot at it frankly I'm more worried about you I've heard bad things about cus these past few years that's why I'm glad you're here GIS if I'm walking into hell I want someone I trust at my side you realize this plan has me walking into hell too just like old times I'm fit for Duty whenever you need me shepher I'll settle in and see what I can do with the forward batteries [Music] I'm receiving quaran warnings ofs where Dr morn Solace runs the clinic anticipate resistance at the transport station I have also run searches for reports on Archangel the various mercenary groups appear to believe that he is dead marks for me complaining is pointless I told you to get lost lady the plague has the whole Zone quarantine nobody gets in I'm human you ass humans can't get the plague now let me get my stuff out before looters get it this thing affects every other race out there we're not taking chances nobody gets in until the plague has run its course there's a salarian named morn soless in the slumps I've got to get in there to find him the doctor yeah that crazy bastard opened a clinic in the district a few months ago the blue Suns weren't too happy when he moved in I hear morn's trying to deal with the plague I wish him luck but the area is still locked down our orders are to wait until either the plague or the blue Suns kill everyone then go in and clean up listen you're stuck here until this quarantine is over that could take weeks what you really need is to get this problem solved right now that's what I do solve problems let me in and I'll get this District straightened out you think you can fix this why not quarantine is more to keep infected people in anyway I'll radio ahead tell them you're coming in wait you're stopping me but not them you son of a [ __ ] you don't have a grenade launcher lady get lost a quarantine zone for a plague that kills tyan why don't we ever go anywhere nice it's safer to stick with a squad who's immune to the plague it's your call shepher if you need me I'm not going to let a cough keep me back human should have guessed bad enough you infect us with this plague now you lack the decency to even wait until I die before you come to steal my possessions is there anything I can do for you get away from me human your kind has done too much already your plague did this to me your faint pity is the final insult I need to find Morton sess humans looking for the human sympathizer I hope the vure burn Morton and his Clinic to the ground I hope you I hope damn it damn you can't hey stay with me this won't cure the plague but it might help a bit you you help me why it's what I do I don't know if I can find a cure for this plague but I'm going to try your words sound sincere maybe it's the fever but as you said what have I to lose what do you wish to know I need to find morn soless he has a clinic on the far side of the district he's taking in refugees offering to help those infected with the plague I was afraid to go to him before he is dangerous but perhaps he can help when I find Morton I'll tell him about you if he has a cure I'll make sure someone gets it to you thank you my time is running short but at least you have given me a flicker of Hope to brighten the darkness of my final hours I don't want to die whatever Mor than is I will risk it if you can reach me I should go Goodbye Human Professor Morton soless H don't recognize you from area too well armed to be refugees no mercenary uniform quarantine still in effect here for something else vure crew to clean them out unlikely vure a symptom not a cause the plague investigating possible use as byow weapon no no no too many guns not enough data equipment soldiers not scientists yes yes how you gun so relax Mor I'm Commander Shephard and I came here to find you I'm on a critical Mission and I need your help Mission what mission no no no no too busy Clinic understaff plague spreading too fast who sent you ever heard of an organization called Cerberus crossed paths on occasion thought they only worked with humans why request salarian a I'm on a mission to shut down the collectors and I need your help collectors interesting plague hitting these slums is engineered collector is one of few groups with technology to design it our goals may be similar but must stop plague first already have a cure need to distribute it at environmental control center VOR guarding it need to kill them I'll get in and deal with the VOR what the hell was that fortun have shut down environmental systems trying to kill everyone need to get power back on before District suffocates here take PL cure also bonus in good faith weapon from dead blue Suns marks may come in handy against fortun one more thing Daniel one of my assistants went to divorce to territory looking for victims hasn't come back if I see him I'll do what I can to help thank you told him not to go but he's smart bright future I hope I found a Barian plague victim near the entrance to the neighborhood can you send someone to help him H risky blue Sun's vess still battling District not secure see what I can do let's head for the environmental plan I'm telling you the truth I work for morn at the clinic I came here to help you we know you're spreading the plague virus we saw the vials in your bag no those vials contain the Cure please you have to believe me maybe we should cut off your fingers that should look out don't move one more step and we kill your friend I know you're scared of the VOR the plague but this man isn't to blame if he was spreading the virus why would he come into VOR territory they're immune he's right right it doesn't make any sense if we release the prisoner we can go you have my word on it let him go you got what you wanted human are we free to go we had a deal human nobility I didn't know such a thing existed thank you I thought they were going to going to kill me did morn send you to find me the professor could use your help right now he's got too many patients and not enough volunteers yeah okay I'll go right away thanks again I owe you well everything enemies in front one land watch it go you don't come here we shut down machines break fans everyone choke and die then collectors make us strong what do the collectors want collectors want plague you work for doctor turn on machines put cure in air we kill you first now let's finish you off there we go scan the room the central control system is in an Al in the center throughs the back wall you can inject The Cure and reinitialize the systems there once we get the fans going we should be good enemy sh gun fans that should be it environmental systems engaged airborn viral levels dropping patience improving vun retreating well done Shepherd thank you and thank you for me as well those sparians would have killed me for a second there I thought you were going going to shoot them even after they let me go I made a promise to spare them if they let you go I honor my promises merciful of you risky would have killed them myself Professor how can you say that you're a doctor you believe in helping people lots of ways to help people sometimes heal patients sometimes execute dangerous people either way helps go check on the patients lots of work to do think about what I said good kid bit naive he'll learn letting him take over the clinic should be able to handle it now that VOR are gone we've cured the plague are you ready to help stop the collectors yes unexpected to be working with Cerberus many surprises just need to finish up here at the clinic won't take long meet you at your ship looking forward to it we're heading out see you on the Normandy welcome to the Normandy Professor it's an honor to have you on board yes very exciting Cerberus working with aliens unexpected elusive man branching out maybe not so human Centric don't kid yourself Professor humans still come first in the elusive Man's eyes but this mission is too big for them to handle alone the collectors are abducting human colonists out on the fringes of terminus space not simple abductions wouldn't need me for simple entire colonies disappear Without a Trace no distress signals are sent out there are no signs of any kind kind of attack there's virtually no evidence that anything unusual happened at all except that every man woman and child is gone gas maybe no spreads too slow Airborne virus no slower you don't have to sit there and guess we collected samples from one of the colonies I'd like you to analyze them and figure out how the collectors did this yes of course analyze the samples I'm going to need a lab there's a fully equipped lab on the combat death Professor soless if you find anything lacking please place a requisition order who's that pilot no synthesized voice simulated emotional inflections could it be no maybe have to ask is that an AI this ship is equipped with an artificial intelligence an AI on board nonhuman crew members server is more desperate than I thought the collectors have taken tens of thousands of colonists we'll do whatever we have to do to find and stop them yes of course can't risk being captured like colonists need to identify neutralized technology need samples which way to the lab follow me Prof [Music] professor welcome to the Purgatory shepher your package is being prepped and you can claim it shortly as this is a high security vessel you need to relinquish your weapons before we proceed I can't do that everyone Stand Down Commander I'm Warden cural and this is my ship your weapons will be returned on the way out you must realize this is just a standard procedure it's my standard procedure to keep my gun let them proceed our facility is more than secure secure enough to handle three armed guests we're bringing Jack out of cryo as soon as the fund's clear you can be on your way if you'll follow me to out processing for the pickup Commander let's [Music] go cell block 2 as you can see we keep tight control over the population each prisoner's cell is a self-contained modular unit I've blown a few out the airlocks as an example the ship is made up of 30 cell blocks identical to this one we house thousands of criminals we can put the whole place in lockdown on a moment's notice nothing goes wrong here can you tell me about Jack cus hasn't told you Jack is the meanest handful of violence and hate I've ever encountered dangerous crazy and very powerful you'll see soon enough how'd you end up running this ship I was in law enforcement on palivan and got sick of seeing criminals Escape out into the Galaxy to carry on with their crimes bounty hunters aren't Dependable eventually I hit upon this idea keep the criminals in space and the Galaxy is a safer place you do this because you think it's necessary every day I see the worst sapan life has to offer governments are soft unwilling to make the hard choices someone had to stand up and make the Galaxy safe maintaining a population this size in space can't be cheap we can cut Corners that governments can't and each prisoner brings in a fee from his home World these individuals are violent and their home planets pay well to keep them here what happens if the home world doesn't want to pay we explain that we can't maintain the prisoner without their help so we'll be forced to release him back onto his home world at an unspecified place and time so it's an extortion record you don't have to agree with my methods but don't question my motives these are despicable people and I'm keeping them locked up let's get on with this have there been Escape attempts we're in space they have nowhere to go and they know it but still we exercise Extreme Caution these are dangerous individuals we have many ways to control the population I'm going to confirm that the funds from Cerberus cleared out processing is straight down this hallway just keep going past the interrogation rooms and the supermax [Music] Wing I'll catch up with you later shepher you don't even get good information that way is there something I can do for you there's no excuse for beating a prisoner who can't fight back this is a massage compared to what his victims went through this degrades you as much as him we have orders you're not important enough to make your own decision I admit I sometimes get tired of this does this really get us anything useful stop this for your own sake yeah you're right call it off at least for now hey if you're buying prisoners can you buy me man I I don't care where you take me or what you do to me it's got to be better than this we're here for Jack Jack forget what I just said I don't want to go nowhere with you tell me more about Jack the worst trouble you ever saw mixed with some crazy and way too much biotic power that's all I'm saying I should go wish I could go now processing is through the door on the far side of the room my apologies Shepherd you're more valuable as a prisoner than a customer drop your weapons and proceed into this open cell you will not be harmed maybe I can change your mind activate systems let's go worry about is on the loot down here if we hack that control every door on the cell block opens it's the only way to get Jack out of cryo I'm doing it be [Music] ready [Music] that's [Music] Jack [Music] we have to get down there warning all guard for storm order lethal Force authorized but don't kill ja Tex lock down lock down sectors 7 9 and 11 have lost light support no survivors kill them going the [Music] cover find Jack alert fire [Applause] [Music] Jack a all guards to [Music] one you're valuable Shepherd I could have sold you and lived like a king but you're too much trouble at least I can recapture Jack not happening you're a two bit slave trader and I don't have time for it I do the hard thing civil governments are unwilling to this is for the good of the Galaxy BR the cover firing a high impact [Music] shot [Music] [Music] stop Cerberus [Music] what the hell do you want you're in a bad situation and I'm going to get you out of here [ __ ] you sound like a [ __ ] I'm not going anywhere with you you're Cerberus I'm here to ask for your help you show up in a Cerberus frig to take me away somewhere you think I'm stupid this ship is going down in flames we can get you to safety and we're asking for your help we could just knock her out and take her I'd like to see you try we're not going to attack her good move look you want me to come with you make it worth my while join my team and I'll do what I can for you don't make promises you can't keep I bet your ship's got lots of Cerberus databases I want to look at those files see what cerberus's got on me you want me on your team let me go through those databases I'll give you full access Shepherd you're not authorized to do that oh it upsets the cheerleader even better you better be straight up with me so why the hell are we standing here move up welcome to the Normandy Jack I'm Miranda Shepherd's second in command on the ship we follow orders tell the serous cheerleader to back off Shephard I'm here because of our deal Miranda will let you into the system let me know what you find here that precious we're going to be friends you me and every embarrassing little secret I'll be reading down in the hold or somewhere near the bottom I don't like a lot of through traffic keep your people off me but better that way Commander what can I do for you you have a minute Miranda of course I'm just finishing an operation report I'm impressed shepher so far things have gone exceptionally well as curus operations go this is one of the best I've been a part of maybe that's because this isn't a cous operation not to you maybe but I report directly to the elusive man and I'm here because he wants me to be cus gave you a second chance Commander maybe you should do the same for us what did Cerberus do that made you so loyal H I suppose you deserve to know do you remember when I told you how I was genetically altered well that wasn't my choice my father created me he's a very influential man and extremely controlling he didn't want a daughter he wanted a dynasty I ran away way as soon as I was old and brave enough I went to Cerberus because I knew they could protect me I assume that Cerberus approved of your enhanced abilities of course cus fully endorses anything that advances the cause of humanity genetic alterations included but unlike my father and his own selfish reasons Cerberus and The elusive man believe in a greater good they see the bigger picture and I feel like I have a purpose here you talk about yourself like you're just a tool to be used by your father by Cerberus maybe I like to know where I fit in the world it helps me find meaning in how I was created you are who you are Miranda you don't need to make excuses for it that's easy for you to say we've both been engineered for greatness Shepherd the difference is you were great before we rebuilt you I'm great because of it your spirit and personality are what make you great it's what makes anyone great that's kind of you I'm not sure I believe you but thanks for saying it you've told me a lot about your father father what happened to your mother I never had one most of my genetic material is based on my father's tissue his y chromazone was altered with an amalgam of desired traits from various sources how arrogant can you be the man is completely egomaniacal just another reason I had to get away from him thanks for your time Miranda I'll talk to you later anytime Commander hey tell me about you Jeff I'm still finding out about me thanks for letting me look at these files if they're helping you that's good enough for me don't be my buddy you need me to kill for you I need you for these files let's leave it there your friends at Cerberus are into some nasty things I'm going to find something I can use I just know it what if the answers aren't what you expect I'm not looking for answers I'm looking for names dates places what happens when you find what you're looking for I go hunting anyone who's screwed with me pays their Associates pay their friends pay the Galaxy is going to be a lot emptier when I'm done what's your history with curus they raised me in a research facility I escaped when I was a kid been on the run ever since and they've been chasing me ever since but soon I'm going to chase them you think about this a lot don't you I go to sleep with this I wake up with it everyone I kill I pretend it's the ones that did this to me you don't have to live in this pit you know it's dark quiet and hard to find that spells safety to me you know this ship is a Powerhouse you could go pirate live like a king I could help we have to stop the collectors I don't have time for piracy when this is done we'll either be dead or out here in space with this ship think about it lots of creds freedom to go wherever you want and all the Mayhem and fighting I could want what is it about killing that fascinates you so much I figure every time someone dies and it's not me my chances of survival go up simp I should go yep I'm sorry princess shepher need me for something have you got a minute sure just checking the weapon systems you can never be too careful I thought I'd seen every weapon in the galaxy in our fight against sarin mercenary work showed me otherwise and now Cerberus rebuilds the Normand with a few upgrades to boot I wish we joined up with them sooner we haven't joined Cerberus they're funding our mission that's all relax Shephard just a figure of speech I can't exactly doubt your judgment not after I got my own Squad killed what did your Merk Squad do it didn't sound like you were available for hire you saw Omega it was full of thugs kicking the helpless I formed my team to kick back we weren't Mercenaries at least nobody was paying us we made money by taking down slavers Pirates or gangs that went too far how'd you end up fighting mercenaries here on Omega after the Normandy was destroyed most of us went our separate ways cek asked me back but I turned them down Omega was filled with criminals nobody else could touch and there was no red tape to Slow Me Down it was a perfect fit people here needed someone to believe in someone to stand up to the local thugs tell me about your squad there were 12 of us including me former military operatives CC agents the usual had a salarian explosives expert pretty sure he'd spent time in the special tasks group my tech expert was a Barian believe it or not not the friendliest guy but he could hack any system ever built how did those mercenary gangs take down your team it was my own damn fault one of my people betrayed me a Tyrion named sidonis he drew me away just before the mercs attacked my squad then he disappeared everyone except me is dead because of him and because I didn't see it coming I'm not sure I understand what happened exactly sidonis as for my help on a job when I got to the meeting point nobody was there by the time I got back to our Hideout the had killed all but two of my squad and they didn't last long do you know where sidonis is now no his Trail vanishes after he leaves Omega but I'll keep hunting I lost my whole team except for Sedonas one day I'll find him and correct that thanks for coming by shepher I've got some things to take care of the dossier doesn't say if okir is on this planet by choice assume hostiles there is only one measure of success kill or be killed stay focused we're looking for a Krogan warlord they loose R for your damn life they're all a stand down protocol five oh I'll take the shot there we go shepher don't shoot you know me I shut down the security cams as soon as I saw it was you never thought I'd say it but I'm glad it's you shooting up the place sorry rathan Opus you let me go when you destroyed sarin's lab on FM had to outrun a nuke in a utility pod but it's still a second chance I assume you have a good reason for being at this lab don't worry I'm not wasting the chance you gave me my work here strictly beneficial not for the Merks jador is on a standard power trip but 'ir is trying to do something good even if his methods are a little extreme everyone deserves a second chance right and sometimes giving one pays off I take care of my debts finding you in a place like this makes me think letting you go was a mistake you don't want that we agree on that don't worry I plan on staying as far away from anything to do with you as possible now if you don't mind I'm going to run like hell before you blow the place or something I know how you work too nice that'll bite you in the ass someday here you are I watched your progress It's About Time the batteries on these tanks will not wait while you play with these idiotic mercs I take it youro here you don't seem particularly caged or grateful that I'm here you may claim to be here to help but the formerly deceased Shepherd is not a sign of gentle change surprise old Krogan should know you I'm sure ra has already Revisited your actions on vermi I didn't have a lot of room for finesse if there had been any other solution I'd have considered it but I approve sarin's pale horde were not true Krogan numbers alone are nothing the mistake of an outsider one that these mercenaries have also made I gave their leader my rejects for her Army but she grows impatient it's time for you to take me out of here we're here about collectors not your problems I see yes collector attacks have increased a human concern my requests were focused elsewhere I acquired the knowledge to create one pure soldier with that I will inflict upon the Gage the greatest insult an enemy can suffer to be ignored your methods are extreme but you know how to deconstruct a threat will you help us perhaps I can strike a deal to secure passage but my prototype is not negotiable it is the key to my legacy attention I traced the kog release of course I'm calling blank SL on this project G start over from dat the tanks she's that weak wheel she'll kill my legacy with a damn valve shepher you want information on the collectors stop her she'll try to access contaminants in the storage B you could just start over like she plans to what's the big deal this tank is pure it involved as much trial as data starting over Will Not Duplicate it it must survive jador will be with the rejected tanks kill her I will stay and do what must be done dead this is my world I'll poison them all okir isn't the only one chice command enemy charging yeah that's going to blow up alarms in the lab what's that coken doing up there shepher the lab alarms coincided with the systems failure the remaining lab systems are unprotected and I have gained limited access according to lab scanners the room is flooded with toxins and ures contamination emergency vent in progress contamination detected emergency vent in progress shepher if I knew why the collectors wanted humans I would tell you but everything is in my prototype my legacy is pure this one soldier this grunt perfect why would someone so fanatical sacrifice himself for one Krogan crack it open let's see what a pure krogan's got a pure Krogan could pack a hell of a punch we can always use another heavy hitter if he'll help I doubt anyone's asked for his opinion Normandy okira is a nogo but we have a package that needs retrieval and he's a big one bringing the Krogan for study makes sense but I have concerns about waking it yeah you've said that a few times now a normal Krogan is dangerous this one was created and likely educated by a Madman there's no way he's getting out unless one of us lets him out or unless okir installed some sort of fail safe or a malfunction causes the tank to shut down I'm not saying we take a crowbar to it right right now but I'm not giving up a potential resource it's your decision Commander just be careful noted the cargo hold is safe enough while I decide what to do with [Music] him shepher I think we have them Horizon one of our colonies and the Terminus systems just went silent if it isn't under attack it soon will be has Mort delivered the countermeasure for the Seeker swarms not yet let's hope he works well under pressure there's something else you should know one of your former crew Ashley Williams she stationed on Horizon last I knew Ash was Alliance why is she out in the Terminus systems officially it's an outreach program to improve Alliance relation with the colonies but they're up to something and if they sent Chief Williams it must be bake perhaps you should take it up with her send the coordinates we'll head straight there this is the most warning we've ever had Shephard good luck Joker set a course for Horizon I've got to go see the professor I I Commander tell me you have something yes [Music] Lilith we've got a problem still can't calibrate the targeting Matrix those defense towers are useless if we don't figure it out sorry Chief getting our Comm systems back online takes priority yeah okay surprised people haven't tried to blame that one on me too people out here don't trust the alliance it's nothing nothing personal what is that get everyone to the safe house I'll cover you run [Music] sh [Music] [Music] you assume control we are the harbinger of their perfection prepare these sh [Music] for regret that you sure these armor certainty impossible but in limited numbers should confuse detection make us invisible to swarms in theory in theory that sounds FR experimental technology only test is contact with Seeker SWS look forward to seeing if you survive [Music] [Applause] I am assuming Direct Control your annihilation I will show you true power never feel pain direct intervention is necessary your attack is an ins you cannot sustain your attack if I must tear you apart I will company get out out here now you're you're human what are you doing out here you lead them right here you had to hear them trying to get in seems like it's hard to hide from the collectors those things are collectors you mean they're real I thought they were just made up you know propaganda to keep us in a lion space no they got little I I saw her go down Sten too they they got damned near everybody what's your name what do you do here name's danan mechanic I came down to check on the main grid after we lost our Comm signals and I heard screaming I looked outside and there was swarms of bugs everyone they touched just froze I I sealed the doors damn it it's the alliance's fault they stationed at Chief Williams here and built those defense Towers it made us a Target tell me more about this Alliance rep Chief Williams heard she was some kind of hero or something didn't mean nothing to me though would rather she just stayed back in Council space any idea what she was doing on Horizon supposed to be helping us get the defense Towers up and running I got the feeling she was here for something else spying on us maybe if you have defenses we can use them against the collector's ship You' need to calibrate the targeting system first it's never worked right one of us should be able to figure it out we just need the location head for for the main transmitter on the other side of the colony pretty hard to miss the targeting controls are at the base it's probably just better if you stay out of the way yeah that's what I was thinking to I'll let you out but I'm locking the door behind you I'm not taking any chances good luck I think you're going to need it Normandy do copy Joker here signals weak Commander but we got you Ed can you get the colony defense Towers online errors in the calibration software are easily rectified but it will take time to bring the towers to full power I recommend a defensive posture I will not be able to mask the increased generator output great we play piggy in the middle while she sorts out the batteries we'll stop them easy enough maybe not enemy reinforcements closing in I suggest you ready weapons direct firing eye am back shot heads up will control ready got to be more soon no way that's it got to be more ed we need that system online don't know what that is but keep that Guardian anti banies at 100% I have control [Music] they're pulling [Music] out they took cl to the colonists those no don't let him get away there's nothing we can do they're gone half the colony's in there they took Egan and Sam and and Lilith do something I didn't want it to end this way I did what I could more than most shepherd shepherd wait I know that name sure I remember you you're some type of Big allian Hero Commander Shephard captain of the Normandy the first human Spector savior of the Citadel you're in the presence of a god danan back from the dead all the good people we lost and you get left behind figures screw this I'm done with you Alliance types I thought you were dead Shepherd we all did [Music] it's been too long Ash how have you been that's it you show up after 2 years and act like nothing's happened we had something shepher something real I I loved you I thought you were dead I almost how could you put me through that why didn't you try to contact me why didn't you let me know you were alive I'm sorry Ash I was clinically dead it took 2 years to bring me back so much time has passed you've moved on I don't want to reopen Old Wounds I moved on but here you are pulling me back in and now we've got reports about you and Cerberus reports you mean you already knew Alliance Intel said Cerberus could be behind our missing colonies we got a tip that this one could be the next to get hit I went to Anderson but he wouldn't talk but there were rumors that she weren't dead worse that you were working for the enemy our colonies are disappearing the alliance turned its back on them Cerberus is the only group willing to do something about it [ __ ] I know what cerus is like they talk about putting humans first but at what cost I wanted to believe that you were alive I just never expected anything like this how could you just turn your back on all of us you betrayed the alliance Anderson you betrayed me me Ash you know me you know I'd only do this for the right reason you saw it yourself the collectors are targeting human colonies and they're working with the Reapers I'd like to believe you shepher but I don't trust Cerberus and it worries me that you do what did they do to you what if they're behind it what if they're the ones working with the collectors damn it Williams you're so focused on Cerberus that you're ignoring the real threat you're letting how you feel about their history history get in the way of facts or maybe you feel like you owe Cerberus because they saved you maybe it's you doesn't matter I still know where my loyalties lie I'm an alliance Soldier it's in my blood I'm reporting back to the Citadel I'll let them decide if they believe your story I could use someone like you and my crew Ash it'll be just like old times no it won't I'm no fan of aliens but cus has a history of being extremist I'll never work for a group like that goodbye shepher just try to be careful Joker send the shuttle to pick us up I've had enough of this Colony shepher good work on Horizon hopefully the collectors will think twice before attacking another Colony it's not a victory we interrupted the collectors but they still abducted half the colony that's better than an entire colony and more than we've accomplished since the abductions began the collectors will be more careful now but I think we can find another way to lure them in we have to make sure they don't abduct anyone else I want the collector sto for that very reason that's why we're doing this Shepherd I'm devoting all resources to finding a way through the Omega 4 relay we have to hit them where they live your team will need to be strong as will their resolve there's no looking back the same goes for you can I assume you've put your past relationships behind you none of your damn business if it affects the mission better you should leave it behind shepher once you find a way through the Omega 4 relay to The Collector home world there's no guarantee you'll return Lear to have any hope of surviving you and your entire team must be fully committed to this let me worry about them you just find us a way to The Collector home world I just want to be upfront about your odds you'll need everyone at their best I forwarded three more dossier keep building your team while I find a way through the relay and be careful Shephard the collectors will be watching you I guess we're really going to do it hit the Omega 4 relay take the fight to the collectors in person looking forward to the action after seeing what those bastards did on Horizon though makes you think they're powerful but we've got a few tricks for them if anyone can stop them we can no argument there Commander Horizon just made it hit home what we're doing what we're up against going to go take care of a little unfair finish business I imagine everyone else is too getting some closure you know the subject is stable shepher integration with onboard systems was seamless stand by I'm going to open the tank and let him out serverus protocol is very clear regarding untested alien technology he's either a powerful addition to the crew or a time bomb I'd rather deal with it now very well Shephard the controls are online the switch and consequences are [Music] yours [Music] human male before you die I need a name I'm Commander Shephard and I don't take threats lightly I suggest you relax not your name mine I'm trained I know things but the tank 'ir couldn't implant connection his words are Hollow warl Lord Legacy grunt grunt grunt was among the last it has no meaning it'll do I am grunt if you are worthy of your command prove your strength and try to destroy me you wouldn't prefer oir or Legacy it's short matches the training in my blood the other words are big things I don't feel maybe they fit your mouth better I feel nothing for 's clan or his enemies I'll do what I'm bred to do fight and determine the strongest but his imprint has failed without a reason that's mine one fight is as good as any other might as well start with you I have a good ship and a strong crew a strong Clan you'd make it stronger if you're weak and choose weak enemies I'll have to kill you our enemies are worthy no doubt about that that's acceptable I'll fight for you I'm glad you our [Music] reason offer one hand but arm the other wise Shepherd if I find a clan if I find what I I want I will be honored to eventually put them against [Music] you sh [Music] I'm sorry sir but I'll need you to remove any biotic what is this crap shut it down what do you seriously think yeah okay sorry for the inconvenience sir our scanners are picking up false readings they seem to think you're uh dead I was listed as missing an action a couple of years ago would you mind checking in with my captain he can reinstate you in our system he's just passed the scanners on your right you'll have to make him scream a little he's not going to tell you everything just cuz you ask I I know sir yes I see the the problem already Commander Shephard my console says you're dead your sergeant said you could help with that usually you'd have to go through the station Security Administration to reactivate your IDs then to customs and immigration to regain access to the Citadel itself and probably a stop by the treasury spending a year dead is a popular tax Dodge but I can see you're a busy man so how about I just press this button right here and we call it done you're not big on formalities are you I'm with them right up until they keep people from doing their jobs there I just saved you about 9 days of running around that said you should head up to the presidium and tell them you're still alive the council probably wants to talk to the one who saved their scaly asses I will having access to the council and the spector's resources would be useful yeah the council can get anything best thing about working seesac is that any equipment information or money you need you get anyway something else you need or can I get back to work I should be going you need anything else let me know this meeting would be more productive if oudina was to join us my advisor is unavailable as counselor I represent the voice of humanity and the Lions shepher will be here and oh Commander we were just talking about you it's been a long time Anderson I hope the last couple of years have treated you right there have been some rough spots it's good to have you back we've heard many rumors surrounding your unexpected return some of them are unsettling we called this meeting so you could explain your actions Shepherd we owe you that much after all you saved our lives in the battle against sarin and his gu the collectors are abducting human colonists in the Terminus systems worse we think they're working for the Reapers the terminous systems are beyond our jurisdiction your colonists knew this when they left Council space you're missing the important part counselor the reapers are involved ah yes Reapers The Immortal race of sentient Starships allegedly waiting in dark space but we have dismissed that claim shepher no one else encountered the hologram on isos that told you the truth about the Reapers only you and your crew ever spoke with Sovereign I believe you but without evidence from another source the others think sarin was behind the GU attacks I kept sarin from Conquering the Citadel I sacrificed human lives to save this Council we are in a difficult position shepher you are working for Cerberus an avowed enemy of the council this is treason a capital offense that's too far Shepherd is a hero I'm on this Council too and I won't let this whitewash continue maybe there is a compromise not a public acknowledgement given your ties but something to show peripheral support shepher if you keep a low profile and restrict your operations to the Terminus systems the council is willing to offer you reinstatement as a spectre I accept your offer it's good to have the Council on my side good luck with your investigation Shephard we hope for a quick resolution and a quick end to your relationship with serverus well that went better than expected you realize the council's offer is just symbolic they won't actually do anything even if they don't help I might as well stay on good terms true enough don't worry about the council or the alliance I'll find some way to keep them off your back shouldn't be too hard as long as you keep to the terminous systems Anderson we need to talk about shepher what are you doing here stop by to see how Anderson was doing you don't have to cover for me I invited shepher here to speak with the council we just finished our meeting you what counselor do the words political [ __ ] storm mean anything to you the council reinstated my Spectre status they're just happy I'm staying out with the terminous systems yes I could see how that Arrangement works best for both sides but you really shouldn't have taken a step like this without consulting with me first counselor I don't answer to you udina why don't you go to your office and think about that for a while of course counselor good day to both of you sorry about that oudina has never gotten over the fact that I got the council position instead of him sometimes I need to put him in his place odina is just doing his job true enough he's got his uses and if you want something done on the Citadel he knows who can make it happen plus he's always happy to attend all those formal diplomatic functions I can't be bothered with how have the last couple of years treated you serving on the council isn't how I plan to spend my Twilight years sometimes it's feels like I'm just beating my head against the wall knowing the truth about Sovereign is brutal it's nightmare stuff I can't blame others for not wanting to believe it but I know how important it is so I keep trying fighting the good fight right forget udina and the council join my crew and help me stop the collectors I'm too old to go racing across the Galaxy much as I complain I've got an important job to do here the front line that's got to be yours I better go of course Shepherd I understand I wish I could do more to help you but if you ever want to talk I'll be here just do me a favor and be careful you can't trust servers welcome to saus applications can I address you ah Shepherd do I know you no but I know you even a cile hanar would remember the human who fought off the G I thought you were dead yeah I've been getting that a lot please look around the store it's a pleasure to have you here you know I use quite a bit of software in my line of work it's a shame so few understand their own equipment besides the most obvious point in go nav interfaces anyway you wouldn't believe how often I hear why is the ship turning around we're only halfway there oh I would you know I like your products any interest in an endorsment from the human who defeated sarin I'd be thrilled but I don't think I could afford to pay pay you for it don't worry about it what if we just work out a discount absolutely just speaking into my console here I'm Commander Shephard and this is my favorite store on the Citadel that will be Splendid I can edit that and have it working right away thank you so much have you tried Galaxy I love that Bas what can I do for you your Expeditions might might be a little tame for me tame a human can hardly take down a pharoh Veron let alone a shaa who do you think you are well my name's shepher and the shepher the one that put down sarin arterus oh you do know me by the spirits Shepherd in my store I don't suppose I could convince you to record an advertisement for me sure you could can we work out a discount a discount I'd name my first born after you if you ask can we record it now just speak towards my console I'm Commander Shephard and this is my favorite store on the Citadel no other gun shop has that kind of [Applause] endorsement [Applause] welcome to noastra Commander Shephard we've been instructed to wave all docking and administration fees for your visit my name is Karina if you need information about the area it would be my pleasure to assist you who instructed you to wave the fees the order came from Lara toon who paid all fees on your behalf She also asked that I direct you to speak with her at your convenience she's near the trading floor you mentioned trading what gets traded on ilam anything you can imagine Commander ilam is a wonderful world for those who can afford it in order to remain competitive as a terminous Systems Port we've relaxed many of the standards you'd find on other assari worlds most drugs are legal provided they are labeled properly you can buy almost any weapon or technology you can even buy indentured servants thank you again Welcome to our city Commander please enjoy your stay Customs records indicated just a car named Samara is visiting this port Shepherd your former teammate Liara ton may have more information her office overlooks the trading floor You may wish to speak with her regarding the whereabouts of thing Creos the assassin on your dossier no you don't understand I L 25 excuse me excuse me are you Commander shepher holy crap shepher I thought you were dead Cel counil the in have you faced in a sorry Commando unit before few humans have I'll make it simple either you pay me or I flare you alive with my mind shepher Nix seris hold my calls shepher my sources said you were alive but I never believed it's very good to see you you have sources now a few sources contacts even a little hired muscle I've been working as an information broker it's paid the bills since you well for the past 2 years and now you're back gunning for The Collector ctors with cus that's not exactly public knowledge neither is you being alive Shepherd information is my business now and if you need information on finding people I'm happy to help there's an assari named Samara here on Ilia you know where I could find her Samara yes she arrived recently and registered with tracking officer Dar you can find D at the Transportation Hub why would Samara have to register with a tracking officer is she a criminal No in fact she's quite the opposite Samara is a justicar one of an ancient sect of assari Warriors D can tell you more I'm looking for th Creos he's supposed to be here on iliam the Assassin yes he arrived here a few days ago my sources tell me he may be targeting a corporate executive nisana dantius he contacted a woman named Serena Serena has an office in the cargo transfer levels perhaps she can tell you where Creos is that was all just off the top of your head I'm a very good information broker shepher the world of intrigue isn't that different from a dig site except that the dead bodies still smell thanks for the help that's all I needed to know of course if there's anything else I can help you with let me know what about you Liara I could use your help on this Mission I can't Shepherd I'm sorry I have commitments here things I need to take care of what kind of things do you need to take care of are you in trouble no no trouble but it's been a long two years I had things to do while you were gone I have debts to repay listen if you want to help I need someone with hacking expertise someone I can trust if you could disable security at key points around ilam you could get me information I need that would help me a great deal what's this all about Liara can't you just talk to me don't you think I want to shepher this isn't because I don't trust you this is iliam anything I say is probably being recorded if it'll help you I'll take care of it when you hack one a server will open somewhere nearby for a short time you can download data from there if you hurry thank you Shepherd this may help me pay a great debt I'll talk to you later arara Serena who wants to know named Shephard Liara toony said you might have information on th Creos Tanana cover for me over here yeah I know who thing Creos is I might have passed him some information but I didn't hire him what do you want to know maybe you could help me find him I can tell you but you won't stop him when he contacted me I checked up on him the man never gives up on a job I ran security for Nan dantius then I found out she was having people killed to cover up her dirty secrets she fired me when I confronted her her loss I might have been good enough to stop th from taking her down just tell me where I can find th the dantas towers Penthouse level of tower one there's a second tower still under construction if th is smart he'll go in from there it doesn't sound like nisana is just going to let me in she's as smart as she is paranoid no one's getting in or out of there without a fight I can get you in but you'll only get one shot you'd better be ready I'm ready now that's what I like to hear we'll go tonight as soon as the shift workers clear out of Tower [Applause] [Music] [Applause] 2 the towers are heavily guarded and you'll find more resistance closer to the penthouse so this assassin you planning to stop him I'm just here to make sure he survives [Applause] [Music] [Applause] h [Applause] there they are the dantas towers you'll have to get up to the second tower and cross the bridge to the penthouse her Merks will fight you every step but it's your best chance why don't we just save time and take the shuttle up she's got Merks with rockets just waiting for you to try you get maybe halfway up before they shot you down besides your assassin won't go in that way best to go in low all right let's do this hold on [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't linger too long they'll be here to greet you soon enough good luck shepher [Music] [Music] a backup distance engaged Allied Force casualty reing power help he's still alive I can't feel my legs my chest is killing me who did this to you and why we're just night workers nasana sent them after us she sent the mech to round us up but we didn't here they just started shooting someone's here to kill nisana I need to find him I haven't seen anyone but that explains the mer said there was no time n s wanted us out of the way immediately then the dogs he's not going to make it if we don't help him here that should ease the pain and keep you alive until help arrives really this guy why take your time I think I'm better find the other workers help them I'll do what I can thank you let's get [Music] moving hey thinky when you're here go get him you go get your ass in there and aan is not paying you to stand around fine but I [Music] [Music] engaged please don't kill us we'll go we'll go hey look they're not Eclipse you're here to help us right it's one reason I'm here come on out it's safe enough thank you we are in your debt maybe you can help me I'm looking for someone not a Merc he's on his own well whoever sealed Us in here when he found us I thought we were dead but he just closed the door and locked us in locked you in man sounds like our assassin was trying to keep them safe assassin here for Nana I bet she's got it coming you treat people like this it always comes back to bite you in the ass I wouldn't stay here too long it should be safe down on the lower floors I was just thinking the same thing let's go everybody thank you and tell your assassin to aim for her head cuz she doesn't have a heart get moving I haven't heard from teams four or five don't worry my team's always ready to go I don't know where he is not yet don't worry about [Music] it we don't need any reinforcements I'll take care of it it's under control I'll go down there myself turn around very slowly damn it have you seen the Assassin why are you looking for him you're not one of Nana's Merks who are you answer my questions and I'll let you go look pal even if I knew where he was I wouldn't tell you not the answer I was looking for I've got nothing more to say to you if you shoot me my team's right through there how about [Music] goodbye but I guess he had coming he's all over the place what do you mean we've got reports of him on multiple levels we think probably reloading power engaged down where is everyone it's about time what's going on down there I'm afraid your men aren't able to respond this are you guys all right in here get back get back I'll shoot relax don't do anything you'll regret I don't want to hurt you but I will I hurt me I hardly felt a thing tellon slow and easy he's my brother I just want to see if he's all right are you the ones who shot the Merc it wasn't me your brother didn't do it no telen was standing here with me what happened exactly the Merk found us and shouted at us to move we panicked and he shouted more I thought he was going to kill us then his head just exploded telen picked up the Merk's gun but we were too afraid to leave then you showed up perfect head shot with no collateral damage very impressive there were still mercs up here you should get to the lower levels no need to convince me tell him come on get up can we go home now yeah we're getting out of here thank [Music] you system I don't care what you do no one get across that bridge what El to worry [Music] about I'll tear you [Music] apart wait wait before you kill me just tell me who hired you I'm not an assassin this but I am looking for one you break in here and decimate my security just to find the prisoners here to kill me what are you playing at Shephard what I heard something damn it check the other entrances you stay put when I'm finished dealing with this nuisance you and I are going who impressive you certainly know how to make an entrance [Music] I was hoping to talk to you I apologize but prayers for the wicked must not be forsaken do you really think she deserves it not for her for me the measure of an individual can be difficult to discern by actions alone take you for instance all this destruction chaos I was curious to see how far you'd go to find me well here I am how did you know I was coming at all I didn't not until you marched in the front door and started shooting nisana had become paranoid you saw the strength of her guard Force she believed one of her sisters would kill her you were a valuable distraction let's cut to the chase I need you for a mission indeed you're familiar with the collectors by reputation they're abducting entire human colonies Freedom's progress was their handiwork I see we're going after them attacking the collectors would require passing through the Omega 4 relay no ship has ever returned from doing so they told me it was impossible to get the isos too a fair point you built a career on performing The Impossible this was to be my last job I'm dying low survival l ODS don't concern me the Abduction of your colonists does I take it that means you're on the team I will work for you shepher no charge I've heard impressive stories Creos sounds like you'll be an asset to the team that is if you're comfortable having an assassin watch your back I've accepted a contract my arm is Shepherds uh-huh don't know about you but I'm loyal to more than my next paycheck obviously he is too he's doing this Mission graus what's your concern I don't like mercenaries an assassin is just a precise mercenary an assassin is a weapon a weapon doesn't choose to kill the one who wields it does where shall I put my things I'd prefer someplace dry if anything is available the area near the life support plant on the crew deck tends to be slightly more Aid than the rest of the ship ah an AI my thanks he seems quite civil we need all the help we can get he's not what I expected of an assassin he may surprise you yeah and he may not Shepherd I find myself in the unpleasant position of asking for your help I don't like discussing personal matters but this is important Miranda you're one of my crew tell me what's on your mind you remember what I told you about father building a dynasty there was another reason I went to cus for protection I have a sister a twin and he's still hunting her cus has kept her safe until now she's living a normal life on iliam safe and hidden from my father so you think your father has tracked her down precisely Commander my sources indicate he knows that she's on iliam I've tried to keep her hidden without impacting her life but I'm out of options he's too close I need to relocate my sister's family before it's too late what do you need me to do my father is extremely persistent I'd like to go to Ilan when Cerberus is moving the family to make sure none of his agents get too close my contact's name is lante she'll be waiting for for us in the lounge near the no asra Docking Bay Miss Lawson I'm glad you've made it we've had a complication what happened is Ariana all right she's fine but you listed a man named nikette as your trusted Source he contacted me warning that your father has sent Eclipse mercenaries to make a sweep he suggested that the mercs might be watching for you personally he's offered to escort Oriana's family to the terminal instead you didn't mention anything about nikette he's a friend he and I go back a long way do you want to bring in any of your other iliam contacts Miss Lon no you and nette are the only two I trust on this it's your sister Miranda what do you want to do Lanta we'll follow nette's suggestion Shepherd and I will take the car and draw their attention have nikette escort the family to the shuttle give him full access to the family's itinerary just to be safe understood Miss Lawson So the plan is for us to get shot down by Eclipse while your sister gets to safety Eclipse will be under orders to take my sister alive they won't risk anything that could kill us I'm ready whenever you are Miranda thank you Shepherd I appreciate this I hadn't planned on Eclipse but they never planned on you damn it Eclipse mercenary gunships I'll be dropping troops in the cargo areas put us down in that cover behind them let's hope they really do want to take us alive hold fire I said hold fire damn it I got this since you're not firing yet I trust you know who I am yeah they said you'd be in the car you're the [ __ ] that kidnapped our boss's little girl kidnapped this doesn't involve you I suggest you take your men and go think you've got it all lined up huh Captain inal is already moving in on the kid she knows about nicad he won't be helping you you're not getting Miranda's sister if you push this it'll go badly for you Captain inala ordered us to give you one chance to walk away this whole time we've been talking my men have been lining up shots when I say the word we unleash hell on your squad so I suggest you walk away nicely unless she want things to get ugly they've seen us get come on we need to get to the kit Team Four do you read Team Four hang on I've got one of their radios I'll patch Us in see if I can get an idea of what we're up against Shepherd I think I owe you an explanation Ariana is my twin genetically but my father grew her when I was a teenager she was meant to replace me I couldn't let my father do to her what he did to me so I rescued her she's almost a woman now if Eclipse knows where Oriana is they'll be moving in on her soon we need to hurry agreed I'm a bit worried by what the Merk said if they've got to nette somehow this is going to be harder than I'd planned according to the specs I reviewed we'll need to cut through the cargo processing yard to get to Oriana let's go find nikette and orian right now that one this is inala keep the [ __ ] back the kid is nearing the transport terminal Eclipse operative have attempted to delay You by disabling the elevators I am overriding their lock down I'm sending out a drone there we go the has reached the terminal he'll switch the family over to our transport n maybe the captain knows we're listening in and she's feeding misinformation about nikette making a switch or maybe it means something else nikette wouldn't do that damn it why would the thing go any faster you know it Miranda if you don't think he'd betray you then I'm sure there's another explanation I don't know damn it but I guess we'll find out soon enough and then I'll have a word with this Captain andala listen to me I've got authorization to change their booking I'm sorry sir we're under security lock down until the situation in the cargo terminal is resolved no passengers can be rebooked this isn't worth my time nette I get paid regardless of how the girl gets there no I was told that I could handle this my way we're not traumatizing the family any more than we here this should be fun nette you sold me out how do you want to handle this Miranda why nette you were my friend you helped me get away from my father Yes because you wanted to leave that was your choice but if I'd known that you'd stolen a baby I didn't steal her I rescued her from a life of wealth and happiness you weren't saving her you were getting back at your father if you're working for Miranda's father that means he knows about Oriana we need to find a new solution Miranda's father has no information about Oriana I knew you had spy programs in your father's system Mary so I kept it private good I'm the only one who knows which means that you're the only loose end this isn't how I wanted it to end nette I'm going Miranda wait you don't want to do this this has to end here Shepherd my father will keep trying to find Ariana maybe nikette can help talk to your father just say you got here first I'll tell him that you hid her that I don't know where she is I never want to see you again n done now if you don't mind I have a shipment to deliver you'll die for that [ __ ] hos to the right Engage The will I will rip you my field Shield Fus fire crumble one Falls there could be morec to the shuttle I want to make sure Oriana and her family get on safely [Music] I can't believe n sold me out I didn't even see it coming even with all your upgrades you're human just like the rest of us but I let it get personal and I screwed up why didn't you let me kill him I could have handled that but watching him get gunned down by that assari [ __ ] you still cared for even if he betrayed you you're right and my father knew it he used that against me it's always been like this my father gave me anything I ever wanted but there was always a hook an angle for his long-term plan I threw away everything he ever gave me when I ran except the cat weakness on my part you still have orian my father didn't give her to me I rescued her but yes you're right I still have something thank [Music] you no sign of eclipse it looks like we're clear there she is she's safe with her family come on we should go don't you even want want to say hello it's not about what I want it's about what's right for her the less she knows about me the better she's got a family aive I'll just complicate that for her she doesn't need any details but would it really be so bad for her to know she has a sister who loves her I guess not go on we'll wait here [Music] can I help you with something I'm looking for an assari Warrior named Samara wait why do you have a problem or did she kill somebody already relax I just need to speak with her good Samara is the first justic car I've seen on iliam if I'm lucky things will stay peaceful she went to the commercial Spaceport a few hours ago if you want to get there the pedestal on that balcony will summon a cab just be polite when you meet her justicars embody our highest laws and they usually stay in aari space she's not used to dealing with aliens [Music] where do you think you're going I'm taking my goods to Omega detective you're not going anywhere Merchant not until I solve this murder I had nothing to do with that it was those mercenary thugs you can't seem to get rid of the victim was your business partner and I'm not ruling you out I'll let you know when you can leave what about that justicar that just showed up everyone says she might go crazy and start killing I need to leave she'll only kill the unjust so I'm sure you have nothing to worry about Pitney for find me in the station if you need me [Music] nice guns try not to use them in my district what can I do for you I'm looking for an assari Warrior named Samara if you've got a score to settle with Samara take it somewhere else I've got more than enough trouble here already I need to recruit Samara for my mission then we'll be on our way justicars usually work alone but they are drawn to Impossible causes we've you got that covered if you're getting her out of my district I'll get you to her ASAP she's at the crime scene you're awfully anxious to get Samara out of your District my bosses want me to detain her they're worried she'll cause some kind of cross species incident but her justic car code won't let her be taken into custody if I try it she'll have to kill me I have no interest in dying so if you lure her away with some big noble cause before I have to carry out my orders I'm thrilled to help you how do I get to the crime scene it's around the corner go outside take a left look for the police line I'll send word to let you in be careful the local Eclipse Merks have been all over those back alleys lately I have to go good luck we better find Samara before the detective goes after her what do you want I've already got mercs one to kill me like they did my partner I don't need any more trouble as if that weren't enough sasari justicar showed up this morning all the natives are scared of her I've got to get off of this world tell me how to find the justicar she's in the alley where my business partner was murdered a detective sealed the area so you'll have to talk with her if you want to go there I should go get the rest of Bravo Squad PR Alp Squad went after that car 20 minutes ago and get [Music] down gra one yeah those were my best troops tell me what I need to know and I will be gone from here where did you send her you think I betray her she would hurt me in ways you can't imagine the name of the ship your life hangs on the answer Lieutenant you can kill me but one of us will take you down justicar what was the name of the ship she left on ho hell find peace in the Embrace of the goddess [Music] my name is Samara a servant of the jar code my quarrel is with these Eclipse sisters but I see three well-armed people before me are we Friend or Foe I'm Commander Shephard and I need your help with the critical Mission Samara you honor me but I am in the middle of an investigation I'm going up against suicidal odds and I need the best that's you I sense the truth in what you say and it humbles me but I seek an incredibly dangerous fugitive I cornered her here but the eclipse sister smuggled her off world I must find the name of the ship she left on before the trail goes cold I wish you were willing to go with the human justicar I've been ordered to take you into custody if you won't leave you risk a great deal by following your orders detective fortunately L I will not have to resist my code obligates me to cooperate with you for one day after that I must return to my investigation I won't be able to release you that soon you won't be able to stop me there must be some way we can all get what we need I see a way while I am in custody you find the name of that ship do that and I will join you then the code will be satisfied do you have any leads the Volus Merchant Pitney for is tied to this Eclipse Merks are preparing to kill him get the truth out of him he may know a way into the eclipse base well I've got to get back to my station and I guess I've got to take you with me thank you Shepherd hello again Earth Clan did you speak to the detective why are the mercs after you I know nothing about any mercenaries Earth Clan I'm merely an innocent Merchant trying to make his way in life the eclipse are out for your blood I need your help to break into their base shouldn't we work together yes you're right Earth Clan I'm desperate I've got angry Merks after me and now this is sorry justicar let's talk I smuggled a chemical onto iliam that boosts biotic powers in combat it also is toxic I may have um forgotten to mention that to the eclipse so they are perturbed and want to kill me it sounds like you're a swindler and your actions finally come up with you true and true but I haven't survived as a merchant this long without being able to tell when there's a deal in the making you want something the eclipse recently smuggled someone offworld I need the name of the ship she left on I don't know about their people smuggling operations they must keep records in their base I do have a pass card they issued me to bring my goods in well I I had to return that one but I happened to make a copy take it but be careful each Eclipse sister commits a murder to earn her uniform they are all dangerous God wait stop I didn't fire my weapon once I pretended to because the other Eclipse sisters were watching but I didn't really shoot I'm not one of them I'm new I thought being Elora the mercenary would be cool but I didn't know what they were really like you chose your side Elora and you lost screw that bastard and screw you this looks like a shipping manifest it shows the Pitney for old 200 000 units of Min gen X3 to the eclipse along with 600 units of red sand this isn't the information Sam needs but it proves the vus is a criminal I'm sure detective an I would be interested in this we've got to keep moving I am a biotic God I think things and they happen fear me lesser creatures for I am biotics made flesh you need help you need help you stand before the mightiest biotic ever yes the assari in inting so many drugs into me was terrifying but then I began to smell my greatness they may laugh when I fall over but they don't know what I know in my head that I know that I am amazingly powerful fear me good luck with everything wait Earth Clan you're just in time to witness my crowning achievement the leader of the mercenaries is in the Next Room I shall toss was about like a ragd doll shepher this guy couldn't tie his bootlaces much less fight I will tear her apart my biotics are unstoppable Wasa will tear you apart Tak can a nap you'll feel better are you mad I'm unstoppable feasting on her biotic rich blood will be the last step but great wind biotic God I'm a what was I saying I'm tired you may be right yes I'm tired I'll map destroy the universe later so much for godhood everything's gone to hell since we smuggled that filthy creature off world first ad jeser shows up now you at least I can take pleasure in turning your head into a poppy mask kill them all the body there's [Music] dust [Music] One Step [Music] Closer record of that ship must be around here that must be the ship Samara was looking for should we head back to the police station and give her the name or look around first let's give her the name and keep moving I've got the name of the ship your fugitive left here 2 days ago on the AML de meter shepher you impress me you fulfilled your part of the bargain and th will fulfill mine I am ready to leave immediately if that will satisfy your Superior detective you're free to go justicar it has been an honor having you in my station and it's nice you didn't kill me too the Normandy is docked near the main trading floor I'll see you aboard I must be sworn to your service so that I am never forced to choose between your orders and the code by the code I will serve you shepher your choices are my choices your morals are my morals your wishes are my code I never thought I'd see a justicar swear an oath like that if you make me do anything extremely dishonorable I may need to kill you when I'm released from my oath I con see that this is a very important act Samara thank you truly the life of a justicar can get lonely I admit I am looking forward to serving with a company of honorable Heroes shall we return to your ship I need to speak to the detective thanks for getting Samara out of my district I can tell my granddaughters about meeting a just a car and you just up my chances of living long enough to have grandkids I have proof that e clipse killed the vess merchant let's see what you got there interesting but I can't verify it it would be inadmissible I vouch for shepher and any evidence he brings forward I accept the Judgment of the justicar thanks shephard I wasn't sure about trusting a stranger and a human at that but you came through never heard of this El nor sounds like she was just starting her career good thing you cut it short okay enough with all the congratulations m still got a spiraling crime rate I have proof that Pitney 4 smuggled in red sand in illegal weapons Tech I'll send in some officers to arrest him and his cohorts this is a big help shephard I can't do much to thank you but we do have a small discretionary Bounty fund take this I'll be on my way be well value the justicar I've never heard of one working with a human before welcome to the Normandy Samara we studied your profile extensively with your skills I think you'll be an excellent addition to our team thank you from an organization such as yours that is High Praise indeed I've seen samara's biotic Powers at work they're substantial we still don't know what we're going to find when we hit the collectors I will be prepared for whatever we encounter where shall we put you a room that looks out on the great empty void would be most comforting put her in the observation room on Deck 3 thank you I must meditate on the the day's events thanks again Shepherd taking the time to help me with my sister I couldn't have reached Ariana in time without your help I'm glad nette tried to redeem him himself for what good it did thank you for stopping me Commander are you happy about your sister's relocation she has what I wanted her to have a normal life and the freedom to choose her own path and she knows she has an older sister a friend it's funny I think of you as all business good to see that there's a person under there the mission's too important to let personal feelings interfere but thank you Commander my sister is safe again thanks in large part to you I won't forget that I got thoughts like little bugs crawling in and out of my head I can't stop them you know I have a history with cus you know how far back it goes I'll listen to anything you have to say Jack your pal The elusive man never seen him before but Cerberus raised me first thing I remember is my cell door in a curus base they did experiments drugged me tortured me whatever chance I had to be normal they stole it by trying to turn me into some super biotic the doctors the other kids every one of them hated me they let me suffer you're absolutely certain that Cerberus was running the facility I was a kid but I wasn't dumb I know how to listen it was Cerberus don't care how far down the chain it was they thought they were so clever turns out mess with someone's head enough and you can turn a scared kid into an all powerful [ __ ] [ __ ] idiots I'm going to talk to The elusive man and he better have some answers he'll just deny everything that's not what I'm after anyway I found the coordinates in your files I want to go to the telton facility on pragia where they tortured and drugged me I want to go to the center of the place myself C I want to deploy a big [ __ ] bomb and I want to watch from orbit when it goes I'll set a course for pragia I owe you shepher shepher important news no you're busy have to deal with the collectors planning attack too important to wait just receiving data still processing analyzing likely scenarios not sure how to begin too much Intel you know about the genf why don't you give me an overview I'd like to hear your take thousand years ago Krogan Uprising threatened Galactic stability drastic measures required only one way to stop them salarians designed virus to control population tyan deployed it called it the genage only one in a thousand Krogan births successful thanks for bringing me up to speed what do you need to tell me all that public knowledge but I know more classified top secret cannot leave this lab recent generations of Krogan started adapting genage losing Effectiveness sounds like cause for celebration the Krogan might finally recover from what happened to them no Krogan 2 warlike culture broken population increase now would lead to increased aggression more war personally Le a team created new version of gen ofage released it onto chanka other colonies restabilized Krogan population the first genage was a mistake bordering on a war crime how the hell could you do it again exactly the reaction feared in small numbers Krogan sympathetic tragedy Galactic regret for deployment of genf but in large numbers expansion aggression War Krogan too dangerous had to stop them first genage was necessary cultural fragmentation made modify genage even more necessary we're not done Morton you can't just drop a bomb like this and walk away can discuss ethics later more immediate concerns bloodpack mercenaries captured former team member me last seen untu chunga might torture him make an example recovering men would be a personal favor to me we'll go to tunka and see if we can find your team member appreciate it my assistant my student want to see him safe M last seen outside erot territory Scouts might have seen bloodpack talk to them or Clan chief chamber said you're tearing up the place something wrong something is wrong Shepherd I feel wrong tense I just want to kill something with my hands more so than usual like it's not my choice like I just want to I don't know see why do that what's wrong oir didn't imprint anything to help you figure this out I see pictures of old battles voices of Warlords but this is a blood Haze in my head I want control when we're moving fighting I focus but here my blood screams my plates itch and even you were just noise I'm tank born what is this Ed anything in your files about Krogan diseases that could cause this curus has a number of autopsies on file but nothing on a living Krogan of this age and situation Krogan are reluctant to share medical records my people were defeated by doctors and labs they will never let stuff like that leave the home world to chunka Joker can get us to the krogen home world I need everyone at their best thank you shepher I don't like this Fury is my choice not a [Music] sickness Shephard our data indicates the tally is somewhere in these ruins there is considerable G activity in an environmental hazard solar output has overwhelmed H's protective magn spe exposure to direct sunlight will damage your [Music] Shields top one this is squad leader caler come in over this is Commander Shepherd of the Normandy can we provide assistance P radio into Channel 617 on a stealth Mission high risk we found what way after get found us they've got us pinned down can't get to our ship can't transmit data through the solar radiation how are you holding up we can be there in a few minutes take it slow and careful direct sunlight fries your Shields all to hell we're bunker down a base camp across the valley I left tiur at a secure shelter then double back to all the choke point getting tally out safely is our top priority if you can extract her we'll keep them off you hold position we'll hit their back ranks wait watch your ass we got a drop ship coming [Music] in crap doorways blocked grab the demo charges in the buildings nearby use them to clear a path shepher I have scanned the area located the demolition charges Commander mention put it on my radar done you will need both sets of charges to clear the r we need a core sample to get the of the rate of radiation increase but our equipment keeps dying on us shepher once used a mining laser to some Rebel back on maybe do something similar with demolition charges coming in handy to base camp come in base camp our ancestors walked these halls with uncovered hello no is anyone there tally it's Shephard I'm sorry everyone here is dead any survivors must have fallen back we knew this mission was high risk damn it and what are you doing here Shephard we're in the middle of get space I was in the neighborhood I thought you might need a hand thanks for coming shepher it means a lot to hear your voice call rer and what's left of the Marines got me into the observatory from where you are it's through the door and across the field I got to the data I needed and I'm saf for now but I've got a lot of gu outside it looks like somebody sealed the door against the G and the console is damaged can you get it open on your end uh let me see yes I can do it here should be unlocked now be careful Shepherd and please do what you can to keep rer alive [Music] [Applause] get down definitely like old times to the right over here spot leader Cal rer migrant Fleet Marines we talked on the radio before that drop ship arrived I still got no idea why you're here this ain't the time to be picky Tally's inside over there je killed the rest of my squad and they're trying to get to her best I've been able to do is draw their attention are you sure she's still alive Al The Observatory is reinforced even the GU will need time to get through it and it's hard to hack a door when someone's firing rockets at you the GU are near platoon strength but the Colossus is the worst part it's got a repair protocol puddles up and fixes itself I can't get a clear shot while it's down like that I tried to move in closer one of the bastards punched a shot clean through my suit we need to get to tally got any ideas just one I'm not moving so well but I can still pull a trigger and I got a rocket launcher that the sun hasn't fried yet you move in close I'll keep the Colossus busy maybe even drop its Shields with luck you'll be able to finish it off you've done enough rer you don't need to throw your life away wasn't asking your permission my job is to keep tally safe this is our we don't have enough people on our side for you to take one for the team Stand Down I'm not going to stand there while you run into enemy fire they killed my whole Squad and if you want to honor your squad watch my back I need you here in case they bring reinforcements all right shepher we'll do it your way hit him for me K Us Alive taking heavy fire [Music] [Music] just a second I locked the door to keep more GS from getting inside there that should do it just let me finish this download thank you shepher if not for you I would never have made it out of this room this whole mission has been a disaster I wish I'd joined you back on Freedom's progress but I couldn't let anyone take my place on something this risky whatever the reason I'm glad I could help once you deliver that data I could use you on the Normandy I promised to see this Mission through I did I can leave with you and send the data to the fleet and if the Admirals have a problem with it they can go to hell I just watched the rest of my team die maybe not the whole rest of your team ma'am rer you made it your old Captain's as good as you said Dan Colossus never stood a chance if need be the Normandy can get you out of here rer ah the GU didn't damage our ship long as we get out of here before reinforcements show up we'll be fine actually I won't be going with you I'm joining Commander Shephard I'll pass the data to the admiralty board and let him know what happened she's all yours now shepher keep her safe serus saw footage of you in action Tora we're looking forward to having you on the team your engineering expertise will really benefit the mission I don't know who you are but serber has threatened the security of the migrant Fleet don't make nice that's why you're here tally I need people who aren't Cerberus people I can trust I wasn't part of what happened to the migrant Fleet but I understand your distrust I hope we'll get past that as we work together I assumed that you were undercover shepher maybe even planning to blow curus up if that's the case I'll loan you a grenade otherwise I'm here for you not for them if it helps check out the Normandy while you're here we've gotten a few upgrades I'll get Tor the necessary security clearance to access our systems please do I can't be part of your team if I don't know how the ship works I'll be in engineering if you need me don't forget to introduce yourself to Edy the ship's new artificial intelligence I forgot how much I hate this place see The Landing Pad has to be on the roof or the vegetation would overgrow it in a few hours shephard I am picking up thermal signatures everywhere except at your Landing Zone something's distorting the sensors this was a secret Cerberus facility yeah they build their equipment to last [ __ ] it was a mistake coming back here shepher get a hold of yourself it'll be okay okay I'm fine okay let's get on the ground I to watch this never saw this I containers they were messed up and starving but alive usually this is [Music] unbelievable [Music] The elusive man sounds like this facility went rooll remember I saw guard between me and freedom he was begging for his life we've been spotted this looks like an arena that's right they used to Stage fights here hit me against other kids I loved it only time I was ever out of my son what were they studying hell if I know maybe that's how they got their kicks I never understood anything that happened here how often did they do this I was in a Cell my whole life sometimes they took me out and made me fight filled me with drugs other stuff time gets funny in a Cell did other children die in these fights I was a kid filled with drugs I got shocked when I hesitated narcotics flooded my veins when I attacked they actually rewarded you for attacking I still get warm feelings during a fight let's keep moving hell yeah security officer inle telton facility the subjects are out of their cells they're tearing the place up subject zero is going to get loose I need permission to terminate I repeat permission to terminate all subjects besides zero are expendable keep Jack alive understood I'll begin the that's not right I broke out when my guards disappeared I started that riot things might have happened that you didn't see the other kids attacked me the guards attacked me the automated systems attacked me that doesn't leave lots of room for interpretation this is strange to be back here I feel like I'm pissed off dangerous [ __ ] but then I you sh okay let's just go they from here this it's a two-way mirror is on the other side I could see all the other kids out here I screamed with them for hours I must have come through here when it broke out but I don't remember it this is a bad place entry 1054 telton facility the latest iteration of pernum went poorly subjects 1 4 and six died no biotic change among the survivors we lowered core temperatures of surviving subjects but no biotically beneficial reactions occurred as a side effect all subjects died so we'll not try that on zero I hope our supply of biotic potential subjects holds up we are going through them fast this is [ __ ] they weren't experimenting on the other children for my safety you can't help what they did to others you don't get it shephard I survived this place because I was Tougher Than the Rest that's who I am you move on harder and tougher now what's this it's all fallen to pieces the subjects are rampaging and zero is loose we're shutting telton down what a disaster we'll infiltrate and piggyback onto the alliance's Ascension program hopefully that will give who what zero wait shepher they started up somewhere else Ascension is an alliance program it's a school for biotic kids they don't torture children there a lot of this isn't the way I remember it there was a lot going on I was dumb I keep my eyes open now and I always shoot first we're getting close to my cell the place I came from let's keep going hey Ares it's tur yeah the intruders are here you want them dead we have to talk creds you promised us lots of Salvage but this place is a waste fine put him down but I'm coming in there and we're going to talk Salvage what are you doing here first we're going to kill you then we'll see we've been spotted on my own I want them to De Fe the Battle Master push over run out and out all I'll nothing over I'll kill enemy charging this should slow him down room left is my old cell whoever arres is in there I want to plant the bomb there anyway might as well do it on his trips come come out we know you're here who are you my name is Ares and you're breaking into my home I know you subject zero so many years have passed and I thought I was the only Survivor my name is Jack how the hell do you know me we all knew your face Jack they inflicted Horrors on us so their experiments wouldn't kill you you were the question and I'm still looking for the answer looks like you're not the only one pulled back here Jack I tried to forget this but a place like this it doesn't forget you it follows you I hired these mercs and came back almost a solar year ago we're rebuilding it piece by piece I'm going to find out what they knew how to unlock true biotic potential in humans I'm restarting the telton facility it will be beautiful I wanted a hole in the ground he's trying to justify what happened by using it you do the same thing to new kids wasn't this forced on you some were bought from poor families on Earth or kidnapped from colonies most ended up here the way I did bararan pirates they did such horrible things to us they must have had good reasons there's no reason good enough are you nuts you lived it this place was like a prison how did you get out we all attacked at once as they were taking us to the lab they would have put us down but then Jack got loose when I came to it was over the guards the scientists and the kids were all dead and you were gone I stopped it all of it maybe the others did have it bad but what you're doing is just messed everything we went through must have have been worth something we can blow up the place but that still leaves him what do we do with another you that's easy just leave me here this is where I belong [ __ ] that Jack he's trapped in his past you need to move on from yours he wants to restart this place he needs to die he's crazy and he's never going to restart this facility you have to let it go your past doesn't have to control you [ __ ] get out of here go he's not worth chasing none of it is you did the right thing Jack maybe this room was my whole childhood give me a minute to look around go ahead nothing's changed but it's all different I used this table for everything it was like my best friend I'd crawl under it to cry I was pathetic sometimes I dream that I'm back in this bed being tortured I used to tie the sheets around my wrists and try to rip them off I want to stop coming back here I thought that room out there was the rest of the world I'd pound and yell never did any good see the scarring on the wall here here that's where I killed my first man one of the guards tried to stop me instead I stopped him okay no more wallowing let's blow this place to hell disagreement can you head it off before they tear on a bulkhead I'll deal with it take pictures touch me and I will smear the walls with you [ __ ] enough stand down both of you the cheerleader won't admit what Cerberus did to me was wrong it wasn't cus not really but clearly you were a mistake screw you you've got no idea what they put me through maybe it's time I showed you our mission is too important to let personal feelings get in the way [ __ ] your feelings I just want her dead you both know what we're up against save your anger for the collectors I can put aside my differences until the mission's over sure I'll do my part I'd hate to see her die before I get a chance to filet her myself you two going to be okay it's a good thing you came by when you did as long as she does her job we'll be fine thanks shepher Commander what can I do for you you have a minute Miranda of course I'd been meaning to speak with you in fact I wanted to apologize I didn't fully believe you'd be up to the task and it seems I was wrong frankly based on what I've seen I wish cus had recruited you earlier I trust you but I don't trust Cerberus your experiments crossed the line all the time yes but I recall a spectre who crossed a few lines while hunting down sarin and the GU and we'd be lucky to have you too many join us out of simple xenophobia we need more people here for the right reasons with your intelligence you could have landed any job you wanted why' use this because I Still Envy the time M spent with the special tasks group working with people as smart as he was cus never tells me that you give your father too much credit yeah he gave you gifts but you can be proud of what you've done with them oh thank you and perhaps I wouldn't mind if you admired my body you wouldn't huh I think I could live with it it's only fair you've had 2 years to look at me and I was wearing less than you are shepher wait I I need to think about this scared Miss Lawson course ious Commander Shepherd but interested very interested for now I should work and think I'll talk um to you later The elusive man wishes to speak to you in a det change of plans Commander Urgent Message coming in from The elusive man patching him in through the com room passing the elusive man through [Music] Commander Shephard we caught a break I intercepted a distress call from a tan Patrol they stumbled onto a collector ship beyond the corus system the Tans were wiped out but not before they crippled The Collector vessel I need you to board that ship and get some hard data on the collectors find us a way to get to their home World send me the coordinates and I'll take care of it already sent once you're aboard the ship establish an Uplink with Ed Show mine their data for information regarding the Omega 4 relay good luck shepher coordinates punched in let's go find us a collector [Music] ship we have a visual on the collectorship commander very low emissions passive infrared temperatures suggest most systems are offline thrusters are cold that thing is massive how the hell did the Tian take it out ladar scans do not detect any Hall breaches on the side facing us I detect no Mass Effect field distortions it appears the drivecore is offline Rend in 30 seconds Commander good luck [Music] [Music] [Music] I've never seen a ship like this before looks like a giant insect Hive penetrating scans have detected an access node to Uplink with collector data banks marking location to your hardit computer Shephard I've compared the ship's em signature to known collector profiles it is the vessel you encountered on Horizon maybe the defense tow softened it for the tians perhaps the missing colonists are the collectors used these on Horizon however these are empty tra something like this completely the collectors what happened [Music] here why would the collectors just leave a pile of bodies lying around perhaps they were used for testing if they were a control group they would have been discarded at the end of the experiment there are worse things than death like being a test subject for Twisted aliens it is important to seek whatever Solace we can find in the face of tragedy dead is dead there's no such thing as a good way to go that's a collector were they experimenting on one of their own Edy I'm uploading the data from this terminal see if you can figure out what they were up to data received analyzing the collectors were running Baseline genetic comparisons between their species and humanity is there something we can use in the to give us an edge these are only preliminary experiments but they reveal something remarkable a quad strand genetic structure identical to traces collected from ancient ruins Only One race is known to have this structure the protheans my God the protheans didn't vanish they're just working for the Reapers now these are no longer prothean shepher their gen show distinct signs of extensive genetic rewrite the Reapers have repurposed them to suit their needs the Reapers didn't wipe out the protheans they turned them into monsters and enslaved them still they're working for the Reapers now and we have to stop no [ __ ] I'm not letting the Reapers turn me into some kind of [ __ ] up bug thing let's find what we need before the collectors come to salvage this vessel move out look on the ceiling more are those weird pods hundreds of them I wonder how many are occupied too many I detect no signs of life in the PA Shephard it is probable the victims inside died when the ship lost primary power commander you got to hear this on a hunch I asked Ed to run an analysis on this ship I compared the EM profile against data recorded by the original Normandy 2 years ago they are an exact match the same ship dogging me for 2 years Way Beyond coincidence something doesn't add up Commander watch your back holy [ __ ] they could abduct every human in the terminous systems and not have enough to fill these parts they're going to hit Earth not if we stop them there on the platform looks like some kind of control panel where are the bodies of The Collector careful Ed I'm setting up a bridge between you and The Collector ship see if you can get anything useful from the data banks data minine in progress shepher ah that can't be good everyone's all right Joker what just happened major power surge everything went dark but we're back up now I managed to divert the majority of the overload to noncritical systems Shephard it was not a malfunction this was a [Music] trap we need a little help here Ed I'm having trouble maintaining connection there's someone else in the [Music] [Music] system connection reestablished I need to finish the download before I can override any systems then you better get it done fast d 41% complete come on 84% get I simultaneously fighting Collective firewalls in over 8,000 nodes I have tasked capacity Shi down I have regained control of the platform shepher I knew you wouldn't let us down Ed I always work at optimal capacity did you get get what we needed I found data that would help us successfully navigate The Omega 4 relay I have also found a Turin distress call that served as the lure for this trap The Collector with Source it is unusual seems logical to me that they would have sent the initial message as bait no it is unusual because terrain emergency channels have secondary encryption it is corrupted in the message it is not possible that the elusive man would believe the distress call was genuine why are you you so sure I found the anomaly with cus detection protocols he wrote them you knew it was a trap why would he send us into a trap we don't have time to throw blame around we'll question him when we're out I knew Cerberus would screw me again I'm going to crush his head uh Commander we got another problem The Collector ship is powering up you need to get out of there before their weapons come online I'm not losing another Normandy I do not have full control of their systems I will do what I can sending coordinates for shuttle extraction come on let's move I am opening a door on the far side of the room my target Ting we've got a problem here a temporary setback on firewall 3217 rerouting commands through firewall 7164 I have successfully opened a door the opposite wall I will keep it open as long as I can isn't that where we came in we must be getting close to the commander I hate to rush you but those weapons are about to come online might want to double time it you know so we can leave before they blow the Normandy in half we're out of time Commander we have to go you heard the man everybody on to the Normandy [Music] move trp in people [Music] this I can't Dodge this guy forever Ed get us the hell out of here testify a destination Mr BR anywhere that's not here very well engaging Mass Effect [Music] core call coming in from The elusive man Commander I figured you got a few words for him [Music] too Shephard looks like Edy extracted some interesting Data before the collector ship came back back online she also discovered that the Turan distress signal originated from the collectors there's no way you thought it was real without that information we don't reach the collector home world and you and every other human may as well be dead it was a trap but I was confident in your abilities and don't forget Edy the collectors couldn't have anticipated her I don't risk people there are always Alternatives you may not like being on the receiving end not would I but the facts are with me as much as we try to avoid them these decisions need to be made but more importantly it paid off Ed confirmed our [Music] suspicions the Reapers and collector ships use in advanced identify friend fo system that the relays recognize all we need to do is get our hands on one of those ifs I'm guessing you have a plan we have a science team working on a derel Reaper right now I need you to go go and pick up its if I get the feeling this isn't going to be a simple swing by and pick up our package we lost contact with Dr chanda's team shortly after they boarded initial reconnaissance revealed no clues and it was too risky to commit more resources but now we need that iff I'll forward the coordinates to Joker in the meantime I suggest you tell your crew I didn't risk their lives unnecessarily it will make things easier going forward Edy tell the crew to assemble we've got a lot to talk about of course [Music] Shephard so the elusive man didn't sell us out could have fooled me lied to us used us needed access to the collector data banks necessary risk there really wasn't any other choice a just hope this iff works my analysis is accurate shepher I have also determined the approximate location of The Collector home world based on navigational data from their vessel that can't be right Ed doesn't make mistakes The Collector home world is located somewhere in the galactic core can't be the core is just black holes and explos Suns there are no habitable planets there could be an artificial construction space station protected by powerful Mass Effect fields and radiation Shields even the collectors don't have that kind of Technology no wonder nobody's ever returned from a trip through the Omega 4 Mass relay The Logical conclusion is that a small safe Zone exists on the far side of the relay a region where ships can survive standard relay Transit protocols would not allow safe transport drift of several thousand kilm is common and would be fatal in the galactic core the reaper if must trigger the relay to use more advanced encrypted protocols just because we can follow the collectors through the relay doesn't mean we can take them out I don't want to go after them until I know we're ready sooner or later we need that iff I say why wait it's a derelict Reaper what if the collectors are waiting for us we may want to build up our team before we take that kind of risk the more people we have on our side the better our chances of success we need to keep building up the team it's your call Commander whatever you decide we're with [Music] you [Music] oh the clan leader wants to speak with you keep your running pet on a short leash get him the right soon or put him down do you know what's wrong with him what he needs there's nothing wrong with him just go speak to the clan leader this is the great broken this is the land of kok sh this chunk of rock is barely worth standing on never thought I'd miss the tank hold you must wait till the clan leader summons you he is in talk you know what tradition demands Clan erot must respond your reforms will not go unopposed you risk appearing weak at a critical time shepher good enough excuse me how do I Shepherd my friend you look well for dead shepher should have known the void couldn't hold you Rex looks like you've done well for yourself not for me shepher for all Krogan Clan erot is just the start when I'm done we will be one one people again you abandoned many Traditions to get your way dangerous speak when spoken to uen I'll drag your clan to Glory whether it likes it or not now Shepherd what brings you here how's the Normandy destroyed in a collector surprise attack I Ed up spaced well you look good ah the benefits of a redundant nervous system yeah humans don't have that oh it must have been painful then but you're standing here and you've got a strong new ship takes me back to the old days us against the unknown killing it with Big Guns good times I have a Krogan on my crew he has some kind of sickness and needs treatment where are you from welp was your clan destroyed before you could learn what is expected of you I have no Clan I was tank bred by warlord oir my line distilled from Koch mororo shager you recite Warlords but you are The Offspring of a syringe I am pure Krogan you should be in awe okir is a very old name a very hated name he is dead of course you're with Shepherd how could he be alive I need grunt back up to speed what's wrong with him there's nothing wrong with him he's becoming a full adult adolescence can't we just take him to Omega and buy him a few dances I don't care what aliens call it undergo the right of passage too far Rex your clan May rule but this thing is not Krogan idiot so grunt do you wish to stand with Ern not this is his choice it is in my blood it is what I am for good boy speak with the shaman he's over on the second level give him a good show and he'll set you on the path you too shepher how many times have you stepped on a mess for your crew H sounds like you've got big changes ahead for the Krogan we are making a neutral ground where all clans are welcome fertile females can be shared among Clans we will strengthen the race as a whole it's what you showed me on verm Shepherd we're not just saving Krogan we're saving who we are how do you maintain security with so many different Clans in one place any Clan willing to send in hostages can come in no fighting inside the camp each Clan punishes its own criminals we stop conflicts before anyone dies then we present A Simple Choice pay a fine and deal with your problems or your clan is no longer welcome that doesn't sound very harsh by Krogan standards allies from other clans like what I'm doing I help deal with Skeptics many are eager for an outlet every time I've declared a clan unwelcome my allies have destroyed them word gets around found sounds ambitious how's it gone so far better than I'd feared worse than I'd hoped I've got a few Clans but too many are turning their backs on us entirely sounds like you're not making friends traditionalists like lank are chained Veron always fighting guiding their pathetic stick in the ground When the Smoke Clears I can plant the flag on their corpses and rally the rest around a new Krogan Hub sounds like you're counting on a lot of Bloodshed even after you unite it will be slow but I won't change what we are Krogan are judged by the strength of our enemies our worst insult is to say someone's not worth killing I hope that works well for your people but back to the reason I'm here we don't often allow aliens to do business on Tu junka but you're an exception I'm looking for a salarian he was captured by the blood pack and brought here my Scout Commander can direct you he's probably near the perimeter running target practice don't take too much of his time I need a constant watch on the other clans I need to go we'll go over this another time watch yourself shepher tanka isn't safe and H like watch it human you go beyond yourself gatang the rights of erut are dominant how do we know it will challenge him he's unnatural the beasts of the right could ignore him like a love of plaster they no blood no matter the womb your barking does not help your case I'll speak for myself this is the tank bread it is very lifelike smells correct as well your protest ring Hollow wank erdut Rex has given us permission to seek Clan status for Grant permission that is good enough if lacking in spirit if this must stand on ritual then I inol a denial my crant stands against him he has no one my patience is tested but uan invokes correctly grunt who is your crant your allies is willing to kill and die on your behalf we stand with grunt as Shipmates and comrades Shipmates are not the same same thing but I grant you aliens your simple interpretation aliens don't know strength my followers are true Krogan everything about grunt is a lie you would go against a Shaman's will and stand in grunt's way they have not defied me human they have angered me as has his whole situation I remain undecided get in our way and the few brains you have will meet the light of day ha I like this human he understands our ways better than some of our own kind Shaman you cannot decide in his favor what about Krogan tradition if you pollute the right you you dare I was a warrior before your mother was born I speak with the authority of centuries I decide who is worthy that is the end of it I have other means to oppose this you have provoked them reason enough for me to like you they're your problem now we're ready let's do this excellent this is tanka's most recent Scar the last surface City to fall in the rebellions the Keystone was at the heart it has survived wars in the passage of centuries it endures like the Krogan if you wish to join Clan erot you must contemplate the Keystone and its trials what will happen who knows you must adapt you must Thrive no matter the situation any true Krogan will first the Krogan conquer to chka and master the natural world only we are fit to hold here they come I'm ready there we go one more we need to trigger the Key Stone now all Krogan bear the Gage our reward our curse it is a fight where the only goal is survival feel that everything is shaking I am ready enemy worth fighting we have company good I want more you live and you brought down the thresher M no one has done that in Generations word not Rex was the last my CR gave me strength beyond my genes which are damn good this will cause discussion I wonder you say you are pure no alien meddling in your construction just the warlord of K the best Krogan traits are distilled into grunt he's designed to be perfect being designed is the problem but not me by aliens and he is truly powerful that is a tolerable lole a what a reason to accept you you are in aake but your potential could tip the current balance of the Clans you spit on my father's name on Shepherd's name but now you stop ranting because I'm strong with restrictions you could not breed or serve on an alien ship but you'd be Clan and name it's your choice grunt sounds like an easy job that's the problem I'm pure Krogan Wick you were The Pretender your head is valuable whether you're alive or dead just try to take it show down do it now incoming I'll R you dieing taking heavy fire shot this should slow him down bring you some weat just get out of here and leave him to the [Music] rot you have passed the right of passage earning the honor of Clan and name many survive but it has been years since a thresher Mall fell your names shall live in glory front you are erdn not they now own property join the Army and apply to serve under a Battle Master shepher is my Battle Master he has no match understood congratulations ER not grunt accept this token from forac his weapons are the finest we [Music] have what were you called before you became Shaman I gave up my name when I became the shaman I am a conduit for the rage and blood lust of my people it would be wrong to retain my old identity my life belongs to the clan I should go may your foes be strong enough to keep you sharp human what do you want human Rex told me to be polite he didn't say you were going to talk to me I'm looking for a salarian the blood pack captured him and he was last seen around here I heard about that salarian poor bastard if it's blood pack then Clan warlock has him sent one of my Scouts to check it out but he never reported back guess they got him too Chief told me to give you one of the trucks just follow the highway to warlock's base if you got the quads to deal with him in the blood pack [Music] purpose to FOC in hospital sturdy built to withand punishment that's unfortunate hospital that body human need to take a look SS tumors latur showing restraint at wrists and ankles track marks for repeated injection sites test subject victim of experimentation they're trying to cure the genage why experiment on non Krogan humans useful as test subjects genetically diverse enables exploration of treatment modalities come on we still will need to find me [Music] agreed I am the speaker for clan warlock offworlders you have shed our blood by rights you should be dead already but warlock gold the chief of chiefs has ordered that you be given leave to flee and spread the message of our coming you have a salarian named meon I'm not leaving without him the salarian stays with us his work is the tool of our Conquest plan warlock will cure the genage and spread across the Galaxy in a sea of blood appears they discovered me's work unfortunate if you care about the future of Clan warlock you'll hand over ma now when we cure the genage Warlock gold will rule all Krogan the Krogan rebellions will become the Krogan Empire the surviving races will frighten their children with Tales of what the blood pack did to the turians the assari will scream as their Citadel plunges into the sun we will keep salarians as slaves and eat their eggs as a delicacy if you lack the wisdom to flee then you will be the first of billions to be crushed beneath our might for wellock gold attack we've been spotted incendiary fire we'll end it why are you hiding enough best you can do shot I'll take the shot without their Shields they're nothing coming in close deploying incineration Tech you are P you are P the best you can do Labs slly through there can smell antiseptic hint of dead flesh active console may contain useful data one moment genetic sequences hormone mutagens still steady protein chains live tissue clone tissue very thorough standard treatment factors avoiding scorched Earth immunosuppressants to alter hormone levels good hate to see that we're not going to find Ma and staring at consoles come on dead krogen female tumors indicate experimentation no restraint marks volunteer sterile warlock female willing to risk procedures hoped for cure pointless pointless waste of life I didn't expect you to be disturbed by the sight of a dead Crogan what why because of Jif work irrelevant no causitive never experimented on live Krogan never killed with medicine her death not my work only reaction to it goal was to stabilize population never wanted this can see it logically but still unnecessary full foolish waste of life hate to see it you didn't think the Krogan would sit back and let the genf AG continue did you suppose not still unpleasant to see rest young mother find your Gods find someplace better can you get any information from the body minimal insight into experiments gene therapy risking cancer aiming for benign mutation Krogan research is ruthless risking own Clans women for new data dis disgusting shortsighted wrong infecting the entire species with a sterility plague isn't much better in my book had to be done rakai Wars Krogan rebellions all pointed to Krogan aggression so many simulations effects of Krogan population increase all pointed to war Extinction genf AG or genocide save Galaxy from Krogan save Krogan from Galaxy look at the dead woman Mor it doesn't look like you saved her no it doesn't worked with available data only option no other possible doesn't matter you killed the BL pack guards not bloodpack not member of Clan warlock wrong Clan markings I'm a nerd not Scout warlock guards got me brought me here the chief Scout told us to watch for you we've taken out the guards get back to erut I can't the Warlock did things to me drugs injections said I was sacrificing for the good of all Krogan experiments to cure the genage everything's blurry hard to think have to stay [ __ ] can you get him back on his feet stems maybe something to bolster his immune system you don't understand I'm not too sick to leave I have to stay they're curing the genf AG they're going to make it all better they have to keep doing the tests caution Shepherd patient unstable susceptible brainwashed why do you want them to keep doing the tests this is my fault I got caught wasn't strong enough not good enough this is the best I can do this is all I can do I'm not big enough to have a real shot with the females I'll never have kids of my own but if I help undo the Jif AG then I'm mattered millions of children will be born warlock children they're going to destroy the other clans but no no they said I was helping erot if you want to help nnot you need to get back there but it would take a real badass to make it back to Camp while injured I can do it you I said a badass not some Scout whining like a quaran with a tummy a I can do it I'm up and I'm going to the female Camp damn right Yar get back there and show them what you're worth go go like a military p Shephard I'm detecting crates ahead that are holding unstable materials a misplaced shot could cause a significant explosion firing impact shot that one hit you're ready for combat taking heavy fire problematic M alive unharmed no signs of restraint no evidence of torture don't understand for such a smart man Professor you always had trouble seeing evidence that disagreed with your preconceptions how long will it take you to admit that I'm here because I wish to be here he wasn't kidnapped he came here voluntarily to cure The genophage Impossible whole team agreed project necessary how was I supposed to disagree with the great drct Solace I was your student I looked up to you experiments performed here live subjects prisoners torture and executions you're doing we've already got the blood of Millions on our hands doctor it takes a bit more to put things is right I can deal with that Milan clearly doesn't need rescuing what do you want to do have to end this you can't face the truth can you can't admit that your brilliant mind LED you to commit an atrocity unacceptable experiments unacceptable goals won't change no choice have to kill you wait you don't need to do this W you're not a murderer no not a murderer thank you shepher finished me get out no warlock left project over you heard the professor get out before he changes his mind where am I supposed to go Professor don't care Tri Omega can always use another clinic the Krogan didn't deserve what we did to them Professor the genage needs to end not like this apologies Commander misunderstood Mission parameters no kidnapping my mistake thank you don't worry about me [ __ ] how are you doing should have killed him wanted to easier than listening easier for him too experiments indicate how far he's fallen expected it from Krogan not one of mine maybe you'll remember that the next time you're discussing the ethics of the genf age yes so many variables stress responses impossible to truly predict something something to think about M's research only loose end could destroy it closure security still valuable though this is the research that included tests on living victims it's tainted right now victims died for nothing keep it use it death's worth something M's work could cure jfh don't know effects on Krogan effects on Galaxy too many variables too many variables you regret what the Krogan have become you see the horror of what they did here but you see the loss too wasted potential they don't deserve this [ __ ] save the data point taken shepher capturing data wiping local copy still years away from cure but closer than starting from scratch done ready to go ready to be off to chunka anywhere else maybe somewhere Sunny let's get out of here Commander sorry I'm a little unfocused personal matter it won't affect my duties theen said you wanted to see me what's this about Jacob as I said it's a personal matter I don't want to waste our time if it turns out to be a goose chase but well I got pinged by a ghost the other night family I'm listening my private log got an update about the Hugo GS back the ship my father served on it sent an SOS last week reporting a crash and requesting a rescue shepher that ship went missing 10 years ago I hadn't talked to my father for 3 years before that I've buried everything but a body I'm not convinced it isn't just some automated distress signal ticking over it's been too long I I think you'd be more excited that your father might be alive he wasn't around enough for me to have bad memories it's an old well-healed wound but if he's actually alive and needs help I also want to note that it's not normal procedure for distress calls to be routed to the Normandy this was passed to my personal log through cver filters I think we can spare the time pass the coordinates to Joker I appreciate that Commander I don't expect more than Dusty old bones but it'll be good to close the record [Music] [Music] I have run a scan of the I detect no life signs but there may be useful technology or information still inside there it is and mostly could have spot imp looks like stri crash they' have tried to get a beacon up as soon as possible repeat along with anymore we've done from the look of it this Beacon's been here a while why would they wait years a signal pause in Beacon protocol 8 years 237 Days 7 hours pause is recorded as record deleted by acting Captain Ronald Taylor that's not right my father was first officer Ronald Taylor was promoted under emergency command protocols other flagged issues unsafe deceleration local food and neural Decay Beacon activation protocols come on let's get going let's check the ship my father had the beacon for almost 9 years maybe that neural Decay affected him yeah she trapped a report if him stop sending messages you came from the sky the leader said someone would come he delayed for so long but he still has power some have lost faith the hunters they will have seen your star they will will not let you help him what are you talking about you're not making sense I I I don't remember how to say it he's our leader and we serve so we can go home but some want to fight him they were they were cast out he exiled them so they hunt his machines and those who help him they don't believe that rescue will come watch out Hunters they won't stop until the leader is dead kill them agents of the liar he will not Escape they've seen us get him got to hurt come on up that's not neural Decay they were nuts my father wouldn't let this go on if something is very wrong stri for parts Tex wearing out those Hunters must be laying on pressure is that a settlement they better be friendlier than the beach group I need [Music] answers no fight from these guys but they've got the same uniform as the others who attacked us there aren't any men here maybe it affects genders differently makes males get violent if they were violent I'd have killed them but the woman on the beach said Hunters were exiled it doesn't matter right now one of these people must know what my father has to do with this you have his face he promised to call the sky but he sends nothing he forced us to eat to Decay you are cursed with his face not the best reaction to the family resemblance Jacob why would my father force his crew to eat toxic food whatever's happening here needs to [Music] stop what the hell somebody had to push them to make that that's borderline P threat to neutralization initiated nothing can stop please here you have his face but you fight his machines you might stop this this I forget how to read but this was the start what he promised and what they did to us we need the sky take us back to the sky Jacob what does it say it's a crew log book some of them thought the beacon repair was taking too long they were afraid they'd run out of supplies and lose their minds to the Decay my father restricted the ship food for himself and the other officers so they wouldn't be affected everybody else had to eat the toxic food and hope for treatment later the rest is a cat casualty list a few mutinied over the decision my father and his officers turned the mechs on them he wasn't command material and it got to him couldn't keep the crew in line without violence it didn't stop there more incidents harsh punishments it's like their cattle or toys in a year all the male crew members are flagged as exiled or dead they separated out the women assigned them to officers like pets and after the beacon is fixed the officers appear in the casualties too after my father took control and didn't stop it do you see an explanation for this he's your father is he none of this fits maybe the initial decision but the rest abuse of power doesn't get any clearer than this I need to find this man this is Captain Ronald Taylor thank God you're here my crew was insane I only you just got free God damn it it's really just got free impact I've [Music] got Vic Target down to keep themy distracted but it's getting dangerous thank God he come he had his now it wants out of nothing can stop me got one impact it took to train my I'm afraid you fight them thr people away thing father he [Music] kill you're here I knew a real Squad would blow through just fine sorry if the mech scuffed your pads I'll get you something nice when we get back to all lion space I've got to have have some back pay coming what about your crew acting Captain total loss the toxic food turned them wild they Pro me up here in some kind of ritual Behavior waiting for a chance to Signal has been hell that's the best you can do you let all your people talk back like that who are you exactly Commander Shephard of the Normandy I believe you're acquainted with Mr Taylor Taylor Jacob no not Jacob Why Not Me would 10 years of this look better to anyone else in the Galaxy you have to understand this isn't me the realities of command they change you I wasn't ready for that I made sure you were taught right before I left I hoped to leave it at that I'm not unreasonable Captain but 10 years what happened God damn it why did you do this to your crew there was resistance to the plan Mutiny we had to take a hard line to keep order and things settled down as the Decay set in we made sure the crew were comfortable some even seemed happier ignorance is bliss right and they were grateful for guidance like an instinct pure Authority was easy at first months in the effect Lord inhibition they got territorial rank protocol they couldn't understand we had to establish dominance after a while the perks seemed normal that's it you created a Herm and pl King 10 years in a juvenile fantasy I can't point to where it all went wrong but when the beacon was ready revealing what happened didn't seem like a good idea we can help these people Cerberus can have ships here in days and pull everyone out he's not worth the fuel to haul him out or the air he's breathing he's damn lucky I don't think he's even worth pulling the trigger I don't know who you are because you're not any Father I remember we'll secure him for an alliance court for every year here he'll have 10 to think about it give him all the time in the Galaxy the man who did this doesn't know right from wrong I'm sorry Jacob I did the best I could I'm 10 years past believe in [Music] that Alliance ships are inbound to secure Captain Taylor and his crew Commander we'll be long gone by the time they get here don't even give them the tail lights rer that what do you mean it wasn't you Jacob if I had leaked the information about the gns back I would be smiling at your resolution of the situation I am not smiling nothing goes through this ship my ship without a report to you I had no more reason to believe Jacob's father was alive than he did but I'm happy to know the situation is behind you fine you didn't forward it so who did I [Music] did figures who else could get into Ser his channels it was hardly classified just obscure there was a time when it mattered to you send this along seemed like keeping an old promise I keep my promises Miranda we'll discuss your liberal interpretation of security protocol in private Shephard Jacob you good with this jaob it's all bull sheeper Captain Taylor can rot in prison doesn't change who I am for what I know I've already mourned the man he used to be I guess he was a good enough father that even he can't screw up what he taught me come on we've got work to do I Commander shepher thanks for the help anytime Jacob I'm Yan Kelly Chambers I've been assigned as your administrative assistant I'll manage your messages and help you monitor the crew and I must say it's such an honor to work under you Commander Shephard I'm glad to have you on the team Miss Chambers please call me Kelly okay Kelly anything else is there anything I should know Garris received some news that put fire in his eyes maybe you should speak with him down in the main battery tally seems very distraught after receiving a message maybe you could check in on her down in engineering F would like to see you down in liys support on the crew deck Samara would like to see you in observation on the crew deck anything else Commander that'll be all Shephard I'm glad you came by I've got something I may need your help you remember Sedonas the one who betrayed my team I found a lead on him there's a specialist on the Citadel named fade he's an expert at helping people disappear sidonis was seen with him where do we find fade I've arranged a meeting we'll meet him in a warehouse near the neon markets down on zaka Ward thanks shepher I appreciate you taking the time to help me shepher I mentioned when we met on iliam that I was dying it's called keil syndrome it's not communicable but I have less than a year to live are you feeling sick I could get the doctor no no though I suppose that is a part of it my mortality has me dwelling on things I had a family once I still have a son his name is Kat I haven't seen him for a very long time you never mentioned this before why now when my wife departed from her body I attended to that issue I left Kat in the care of his aunts and uncles I have not seen him or talked to him since that's not the choice I expected why didn't you raise him yourself my body is blessed with the skills to take life the hamar H them in me I have few others I didn't want that life for Kad I hoped he would find his own way if he hated me so be it he would not have shared the path of sin I used my contacts to trace Kad he has become disconnected he does what his body Wills what's wrong with him is he hurt something happened that should not have he knows where I've been what I've done I don't know his reasons but he has gone to the Citadel he's taken a job as a Hitman I was like your help to stop him he is this is not a path he should walk I'll get us to the Citadel as soon as possible thank you shepher I'll be meditating until you need [Music] me you claim you didn't take his credit no I was walking by and he just I just got a refund and exchange and I was told to pick up a new Omni jail converted here I don't think fade you're not quite how I imagined you looks can be deceiving so which one of you wants to disappear I'd rather see you make someone reappear Ah that's not the service we provide make an exception just this once damn it quick shoot them shoot them you lumbering mountains too slow why do I even bother we're looking for someone a client of yours not mine I'm not fade I just work for him sort of I knew it well then maybe you'd like to tell us where to find him did yes of course he's a in the factory district works out of the old prefab foundary I know the place oh he's got a lot of mercs there blue Suns Harkin thinks they're protecting him how the hell did Harkin end up being the fade well he got fired from cek a while back he used his knowledge of CAC and their systems to help a few people disappear then he made himself disappear and fade was born so to speak interesting but it changes nothing we still need to find him before we can get to Sedonas well let's go pay harken a visit we'll need to go to the transit station I can get us to him from there so I uh I can go sure but if we don't find Harkin we'll be back for you oh good [Applause] [Music] there he is yes Shepherd don't just stand there stop them stop them run all you want Harkin we'll find you turn the fight look out there we go so Harkin's finally gone completely bad he was always a pain in the ass but I'm in no mood for his games if he doesn't cooperate I'll beat him within an inch of his life no point in giving him too much time to prepare come on right behind you shepher I have patched into the warehouse scanners the crates in the transport carriers overhead are rig to explode when dropped good to know reing assistance reloading power you're routing power too late now you're dead [Music] nothing can hurt me nice shot this you were close but not close enough so fade couldn't make yourself disappear huh come on Garis we can work this out what do you need I'm looking for someone well I guess we both have something the other one wants we're not here to ask favors hurcan you don't say you helped a friend of mine disappear I need to find him I might need a little more information than that his name was sidonis tan came from I know who he is and I'm not telling you squat harken this doesn't have to be hard screw you I don't give out client information it's bad for business know what else is bad for business a broken neck all right all right get off of me Terminus really changed you huh Garth no but sidonis opened my eyes now arrange a meeting I'm going yeah it's me there's a chance your identity may be compromised that's why I'm calling I'm sending an agent where do you want to meet all right he'll be there don't worry I got it cover it's all good he wants to meet you in front of orbital Lounge middle of the day so if our business is done I'll be going I don't think so you're criminal now Harkin so what you're just going to kill me that's not your style gas kill you no but I don't mind slowing you down a little you don't need to shoot him he won't be able to hide from cack now I guess it's your lucky day yeah I hope we could do this again real soon I didn't shoot him come on let's move sidonis better be there or I'm coming back to finish the [Music] job Harkin's a bloody Menace we shouldn't have just let him go he deserved to be punished I'm getting a little worried about you GIS you were pretty hard on Hark you don't think he deserved it it's just not like you what do you want from me shepher what would you do if someone betrayed you I'm not sure but I wouldn't let it change me I would have said the same thing before it happened to me it's not too late you don't have to go through with this who's going to bring sidonis to Justice if I I don't nobody else knows what he's done nobody else cares I don't see any other options I won't mention it again I appreciate that I need to set up I can get a clear shot from over there you just want me to get him in position basically keep him talking for a minute when I've got him in my sights I'll let you know give me a signal so I know you're ready and I'll take the shot you better go he'll be here [Music] soon shepher can you hear me loud and clear all right there he is wave him over and keep him talking let's get this over with you're in my shot move to the side this won't take long at all you want a Harkens men I don't remember seeing you before that's it just keep him talking a few more seconds I was told Harkin was one of the best this better not happen again oh it won't don't worry what [ __ ] betrayal repaid [Music] sidonis that was easy enough clean and simple good work thanks for helping me Shephard let's get moving I need to get away from this place right with you [Music] for I found references to a forger named fade in CC crime report Shephard perhaps that is a good place to start looking also according to CC a drill recently passed through customs the CC office may have more information yes I'm trying to find a local forger he goes by the name of fade yeah I know him the Alias anyway he's been a thorn in the network division side for the last year he works with the blue Suns where can we find him if I knew that he'd be in a Cell best I can do is put you on the trail there's a warehouse in the marketplace some of Fade's contacts work out of there go ask them some questions gently of course why haven't you been able to catch him whoever he is he's damn good at avoiding cek I think someone on the inside's feeding him information either that or he's got access to our databases in calm channels I don't know which is worse but you're outside cek maybe you can nail his ass I should be going you need anything else let me know yes my associate is trying to find his son we think a local criminal may have hired that should be easy we don't see many drw here there we go one of my men reported a drill recently and he was talking to Mouse interesting Mouse ah Petty criminal probably not the guy who hired your boy but a messenger he's a former duct rat runs errands for anyone who pay I've heard enough Mouse is usually upstairs outside the Dark Star he works out of a public calm terminal it sounds like your boy is running with the wrong crowd yes I agree if Mouse can't get get you in touch with your son directly he'll know who can I'll help you if you need it we better hurry then you didn't tell him that Kad plans to assassinate someone he's a cop he tried to stop colat and one of them could end up dead I don't want that yes of course thank you Shepherd yeah yeah sure I can get you two cases by the end of the day you Mouse what are you [ __ ] Creos I thought you retired Commander shepher I thought you died what do you want with me be still Mouse you can change your pants in a moment we need you to answer some questions and the people I work for look I can't answer questions for just anybody but you can for me you you gave another drel instructions for an assassination who's the target I I don't know I didn't ask cuz the people I work for they can make me disappear I'd like to help you Creos you always done right by us but I ain't going to die for you look you know thing he wouldn't ask if it wasn't important do it for him I want to he was always nice to us but these people ain't nice Grio nobody's going to know you talk to us Mouse I swear that you won't be named all right all right he came with that Hollow you took of me said he wanted a job I ran through your old contacts to see who might give him a shot the guy who offered was Elias Kell tell me about Kell human moved to the Citadel about 10 years ago he was little people when you were here Creos he got big after the GU attack lots of the big guys from before got cacked all in them big fancy apartments up on the presidium now he runs the rackets on the lower end of the ward shanba he's seriously bad news you did good Mouse yeah hope I live long enough to Pat myself on the back Kellum will never know I hope not I'm out of here Creos next time you're in town just don't bring the family that couldn't have been easy Mouse knew more about my life than Kat ever did he smiles up at me broken teeth and scabby knees bare feet black a dead in future looking up at me worshiping the petty gifts I offer I was the only good thing he had back then but I left him as I left Kat don't blame yourself if I don't who will we must carry the Winds of our decisions Shepherd you of all know this let's head back to B yes can we talk about my associate son you talked to Mouse did you get the name of the guy he's working with Elias Kellum Kellum [ __ ] ah look this is awkward Kellum and I have an agreement he doesn't cause too much trouble and buys tickets to the CC charity ball from me in return I ignore him he pays you off you were eager to help us before what about now is it too inconvenient I said I'd help it's just there'll be repercussions if I don't handle it right he and I give each other space it keeps the peace I'll get some of my people to bring him in and set him up in a private room you can interrogate him yourself I'll stay out of sight and if I'm lucky Kellum will believe that I had nothing to do with it bring them in we might not have much time I'll make it happen wait here we've got Kellum tell Bailey we're ready you'll expect me to get him out of this not today I think Captain his lawyers here bet Elias has his VI set to page him if C gets within 10 m I'll stall him get in there and work fast we should question him together keep the pressure on thoughts on how we approach it you talk to him appeal to his self-interest I'll put the screws to him if he needs it very well I'll present to be on his side but if we waste too much time negotiating Bailey won't be able to stall Kell's Advocate get me out of these restraints Bailey pretty funny bringing me down here like this the hell are you two Bailey has nothing to do with this we just just want a few answers off the Record off the Record in a cc interrogation room sure you hired an assassin who do you want dead I want to see my Advocate your Advocate hasn't arrived we're trying to find him I'm not seeing a damn word until he's here you two are in way over your heads Bailey pay attention Mr Kellum that wasn't a good idea kid that is going to cost you control your temper we want him to talk sorry my associate gets a little excited during interrogations hit me again [ __ ] every punch is another credit in my pocket works for me do you know what I'll do to you when I get out of here keep it up tough guy you'll leave in a bag go to hell he's up he's no use to us dead are we done here because I got people to see like the guy who's going to sue your ass for a assault how about this you tell us the target you never see us again and Bailey drops his price 50% yeah can I get that in writing I don't think either of us want this in writing all right I ain't going to jail for the tadpole and I do love a bargain joram to lead tan running for office off on the zakira ward he messes with legitimate businessmen I'm going to stop it where and when his apartment the 800 blocks you better hurry what's going on here get away from my client you you played me I've enjoyed our chat Elias thanks for your help this isn't over nicely done wait you got what you wanted who ratted me out I guess I'll have something to think about while you're in here huh I'll find out and once I have a name on Elias as your legal Advocate I advise you to shut the hell up where were you 5 minutes ago held up in traffic what's the story why' Kellum hire the boy assassination a Turon named joram toed you know him joram yeah you might have seen his posters around he's promising to end organized crime on the ward thing is his message is all mixed up in race politics he's anti-human if a majority votes for him like it or not that's how the system works that's a nice ideal Shephard Sergeant get a patrol car these two need to get to the 800 blocks yes sir there he is how do you want to play this follow the lead of the maintenance catbox tell me what he's doing the Krogan bodyguard will make him easy to follow where will you be the darkest corner with the best view Am onira Lord of hunters grant that my hands Be steady my aim be true and my feet Swift and should the worst come to pass be forgiveness it's been wonderful talking with you all I I'm on him thing he's talking to some voters understood you're in position yes it's been wonderful talking with you all I hope you'll come out on Election Day I'm following Target in sight I need you to stay close or we'll lose him I see him stay on him shepher hey who are you what are you doing back here I'm with the Citadel health and safety we've had Vermin reports in storage areas around here what you can't be serious how did you get in here if I didn't have authorization how did I get get in you see any other doors there's the keeper never mind just just go on through okay thanks yeah yeah just don't let my boss see you don't let him get away no sign of [Music] [Music] trouble [Music] cat p i saw he's heading to the's [Music] apartment call yet this this is a joke now now you show up help me Dr I'll do whatever you want CAC Put the gun down son get out of my way I'm walking out he's coming with me they'll have snipers outside I don't need your help what the help T get the hell out of here yeah yeah I will take the boy into custody you son of a [ __ ] your father doesn't have much time left Colette he's trying to make up for his mistakes what so you came to get my forgiveness so you can die in peace or something I came to Grant you peace you're angry because I wasn't there when your mother died you weren't there when she was alive why should you be there when she died your mother they killed her to get to me it was my fault what after her body was given to the deep I went to find them the trigger men the ring leaders I hurt them eventually killed them when I went back to see you you were older I should have stayed with you I guess it's too bad for me you waited so long huh colet I've taken many bad things out of the world you're the only good thing I ever added to it this isn't a conversation you should have in front of strangers boys take Kat and his father back to the precinct give them a room and as much time as they need you're doing him a favor Bailey thanks yeah well send me a Christmas card or something I have to get back to the precinct come on I'll give you a lift they've been in there a while the kids been through a lot I ran some searches in the seesac archive about 10 years back a bunch of real bad people were killed like someone was cleaning house the prime suspect was a drill we never caught him 10 years is a long time whoever was responsible for that probably doesn't exist anymore yeah I guess you're right about that how'd it go our problems a they aren't something I can fix with a few words we'll keep talking see what happens your boy shot some people no one I feel sympathy for but there it is I watch those guys shaking down businesses and threatening humans but he can't just get away with it the kid wants to make a difference give him community service community service for attempted murder what jury would agree to that none that I've seen this would need to stay out of the Judiciary strictly Within in seesac interesting I'll think about it thank you Captain I am glad I joined your team it has been too long since I traveled with companions when the time comes I will do whatever is necessary you're an important part of this crew Samara it is my honor also there is a matter I need to discuss when we met on ilam I told you about a very dangerous person I was pursuing using the information you obtained I have located her she's been going by the name morinth I would like to apprehend her before she disappears again tell me about her she is an OT yakshi it is a term from a dead assari dialect it means demon of the night winds but that is mythology she is simply a very dangerous woman who kills without mercy so isn't about Yaki a special kind of murderer Moren suffers a rare genetic disorder when she meets with you there is no gentle melding of nervous systems she overpowers yours Burns it out hemorrhages your brain you end up a Mindless shell and soon after you are dead this is definitely worthy of your full attention she confuses her victims twists their feelings they will do anything for her favor we need to stop her thank you Commander there are no words to express what this means to me there is one thing more this creature this monster she is my daughter I cannot imagine what this is like for you I do not want pity Shepherd I do not accept it my daughter's condition is my fault and my Redemption lies in killing her do not Pity Me simply understand my situation how did all this happen I spent my youth on the Move adventuring I killed people made it with them or just danced the night away I learned so much experienced so much and then my matron days came I could finally sit back bask and enjoy my family but in one moment it was all taken away it sounds terrible I sat in a med lab while I near ited doctor droned at me and I learned that nothing was as I thought it would be I gave up all that I possessed I own nothing claim nothing all my knowledge will die with me now my purpose is to destroy my own children those moments change you and I've have hundreds of years left to live with that I say too much forgive me help me find my long lost daughter and kill her we'll go find Moren shepher I've got a problem and I may need your help but I need to ask you something first I need to know if I can trust you some of this might involve Fleet security Cerberus cannot be involved you have my word if necessary I'll contact The elusive man to make sure he stays out don't bother he just lied to you hearing it from you is enough I just received a message from the migrant Fleet the admiralty board has accused me of trees I'm scared Shepherd what happens when Aquarian is accused of treason there's a hearing with members of the admiralty board acting as judges my father is an admiral on the board he'll have to recuse himself from judgment I can't even imagine what he's thinking right now the punishment for treason is exile if they convict me I can never go back okay let's go find the ftill I was going to book passage on another ship I didn't think there would be time for you to help thank you Shepherd I'll program the Normandy with the flotilla current location the Admirals will be waiting for [Applause] us [Music] this is Tora Vasa requesting permission to dock with the Ria our system has your ship flagged to serverus verify After Time a drift among open Stars along tides of light and through shs of dust I will return to where I began permission granted welcome home Tora we'd like a security and quarantine team to meet us our ship is not clean understood approach ex steer talking cradle 17 Captain sheer Tora told me a lot about you I wish we could be meeting under more pleasant circumstances Telly helped the normy's crew out of many difficult situations I'm here to return the favor I understand as the commander of the vessel she serves on your voice carries weight I wish I could do more to help thally the trial requires that I be officially neutral but I'm here if you need to talk they're charging you with bringing active g into the fleet as part of a secret project that's insane I never brought active gu aboard I I only sent parts and pieces let's deal with that later tally what's our next step Captain technically I'm under orders to place Tora under arrest pending the hearing so tally you're confined to this ship until this trial is over thank you Captain preparations got underway as soon as you arrived the hearing is being held in the Garden Plaza good luck t isor of us Normandy I am glad you came I could delay them only so long Auntie Ron Shephard vas Normandy this is Admiral Sharon vast tonbe she's a friend of my father's wait Ron you called me Vas Normandy I'm afraid I did T the admiralty board move to have you tried under that name given your departure from the Nema I guess we get started does tally have a defense counselor someone who speaks for her side indeed she does Captain shepher she is part of your crew now recognized by quarian law and remember an accused is always represented by his or her ship's Captain so you would actually speak for my defense I'll do everything in my power to help you Telly thank you shepher I could not ask for a better counselor our legal rules are simple there are no legal tricks or political loopholes for you to worry about present the truth as best you can it will have to be enough now come I promis that I would not delay you this conclave is brought to order blessed are the ancestors who kept us alive sustained us and enabled us to reach this season kill us AE us the accused talora V Normandy has come with her capit to defend herself against the charge of treason objection a human has no business at a hearing involving such sensitive military matters then you should not have declared tal crew of the Normandy Admiral chorus by right as Tal's Captain sh must stay objection withdrawn shepher ver Normandy your crew member tal Zora stands accused of treason will you speak for her if it helps T I will but in her heart she remains talora vas Nima a proud member of the migrant Fleet I regret that our captain is forbidden to stand at her side today nobody has been forbidden from anything it is a simple like to them if you must zound corus but don't lie to me and expect me to stay silent the human is right ad R please sher's willingness to represent tal zorao in this hearing is appreciated T you're accused of bringing active guests to the migrant Fleet what say you T would never endanger the migrant Fleet she plead is not guilty I left parts and technology for teams to pick up my father ordered me to do so but I would never send the active gu to the fleet everything I sent was disabled and harmless then explain how G seized the lb ship where your father was working what are you talking about what happened as far as we can tell tally the G have killed everyone on the allai your father included what o Kila I appreciate the need for this trial Admirals but right now our first concern must be the safety of the migrant Fleet the Normandy stands ready to assist in whatever capacity necessary thank you quarian strike teams have attempted to retake the ship so far without success Shepherd we have to take back the allai the safest course would be to Simply destroy the ship but if you are looking for an honorable death instead of Exile I'm looking for my father you bit you intend to retake the alai from the GU this proposal is extremely dangerous with your permission Admirals yes the good of the fleet must come first and tally needs to find her father agreed and if you die on this worthy Mission tally we will see that you're name is clear to these charges we can discuss that later then it is decided you will attempt to retake the alai you are hereby given leave to depart the Rya a shuttle will be waiting at the secondary ducking hanger be safe T this hearing will resume upon your return or upon determination that you have been killed in action thank you for agreeing to take back the allai shepher the Admiral sounds sure that my father is already dead but I don't know we won't know anything until we get there how are you holding up they just threw a lot of fire at you even before telling you about your father I knew this would be bad but I guess you never really prepared to be charged with treason and my father I I don't know he he could still be alive they don't know for certain that he's dead I just don't know Shepherd and I need to find out let's go right the sooner we get to the allai the sooner we'll know what happened shepher the secondary docking hanger is through the conclave chamber where you are now the shuttle they have provided is unarmed understood whatever gu are on the allai have likely built more of themselves expect heavy [Music] resistance shepher spoke well to the admal Tora Vasa oh uh sorry I mean vast Normandy no offense taken the change in name was not my choice paral Ran's orders the shuttle is prepared for you and Captain shepher vast Normandy let's head to the allai of course I'll unlock the shuttle now good luck with those G Tora Kus alive H and stay down strike this is one of the storage units I sent to Father looks like parts from a disabled repair drone plus a reflex algorithm that I didn't recognize I got this on hastam is that salvaged gear give you a clue as to what happened here no I don't know shepher I checked everything I sent here I passed up great findes because they might be too dangerous prone to uncontrolled reactivation or self-re hair I don't know which possibility is worse that I got sloppy and sent something dangerous or that father actually deal with it this console might have something most of the data is corrupted but a few bits are left they were performing experiments on G systems looking for new ways to overcome G resistance to reprogramming could any of that data clear your name doubtful this is mostly results data effects of different disruptive hacking techniques I don't understand all of it but they may have been activating the G deliberately I don't know nothing here says specifically but if they were then father was doing something terrible what was all this father you promised you'd build me a house on the home world was this going to bring us back home maybe it's time for your people to let go of reclaiming your world from the G you have no idea what it's like you have a planet to go back to my home is one whole breach away from Extinction have the quarians considered colonizing a new world we'd have enough difficulty re acclimating to our own native environment adjusting for exposure to a foreign Colony would be even harder it's the difference between 60 years and 600 for anyone alive now to watch a sunset without a mask we must take back our home at the very least we can take back one ship come on Father no no no no you always had a plan masked lifer or an onboard medical stasis program maybe you you wouldn't they're wrong you wouldn't just die like this you wouldn't leave me to hey hey come here damn it damn it I'm sorry you've got nothing to be sorry about maybe he would have known I'd come maybe he left a message their main hop will be on the bridge you'll need to destroy it to stop their VI processes from forming new neural links make sure hanal and dar Zen see the data they must thanks Dad he knew you'd come for him he was trying to help you it's not perfect it's not what you wanted but it's the best he could do I don't know what's worse thinking he never really cared or thinking that he did and that this was the only way he could show it it doesn't matter one way or the other I cared and I'm here and we're ending this this console is linked to the main Hub father mentioned disabling it shut down any gu we missed it looks like some of the recordings remained intact they'll tell us how this happened what father did play the recording do we have enough parts to bring more online yes the new shipment from your daughter will let us add two more gu to the network we're nearing a breakthrough on systemic viral attacks perhaps we should inform the admiralty board just to be safe no we're too close I promise PR to build my daughter a house on the home world I'm not going to sit and wait while the politicians argue we'd have an easier time of it if tally Zora could send back more working material absolutely not I don't want tally exposed to any political blowback leave T out of this assemble a new gu with what we have bypass security protocols if need be it sounds like he was doing this for you I never wanted this Shepherd Kila I never wanted this everything here is his fault I I tried to pretend it didn't point to him but this when this comes up in the trial they'll we can't tell them not the Admirals not anyone tally without this evidence you're looking at Exile you think I don't know that you think I want to live knowing that I can never see the fleet again but I can't go back into that room and say that my my father was the worst war criminal in our people's history I cannot we're not going to decide anything here let's see what the Admiral say once we get back you're my captain in this hearing shepher it's your decision but please don't destroy what my father was come on if we wait too long they'll decide we're already dead and none of this will matter very well is the admiralty board prepared to render judgment sorry we're late tell Zoras Normandy saved the allori I hope this proves her loyalty to the quarian people her loyalty was never in doubt only her judgment perhaps Tora can offer something to encourage more Trust TR in her judgment did you find anything on the allai that could clarify what happened there shepher please does Captain Shepherd have any new evidence to submit to this hearing tally helped me defeat sarin and the g of the Citadel that should be all the evidence you need but if you want more I can present the Normandy which T also saved from G forces even though it's too quiet for her to sleep well we still don't know what happened on the allai no Admiral you don't but you gave her my name I'm her Captain I trust her with my life and I'm telling you that she's innocent and we should just trust this human's opinion we placed Tally's life in the human's hands would you doubt those words if they came from a quaran captain no based on the rest of the evidence I suppose that I wouldn't are the Admirals prepared to render the Judgment Toro in light of your history of service we do not find sufficient evidence to convict you are cleared of all charges Commander shepher please accept these gifts in appreciation for you taking the time to represent one of our people with all due respect Admiral I didn't represent one of your people I represented one of mine so you dead Shepherd this hearing is concluded go in peace Talisa Normandy he us alive alive I can't believe you pulled that off what you said I've never had anyone speak like that on my behalf thank you for being there for my father and me even when thank you we can still go back in and get you exiled if you want thanks but I'm fine with things like this it's fun watching you shout come on Tora vas Normandy let's get back to our ship thank you Captain now [Music] what death count on Omega is too high for me to pinpoint in AR yaki's location however given the reputation of AR yakshi among the assari Arya too may have trapped her movements thank you what do you need this data pad was on one of the mercs that was after Archangel they were coming for you next let me see interesting would someone like to tell me how this information slipped the net I I'll look into it thanks for the heads up Shepherd looks like I'll have to do a little cleaning in my organization and aari fugitive is hiding out here she's an ardat Yaki we need to find her I knew it nothing leaves a body quite so empty as an ARD Yaki does you haven't taken steps to kill her why would I she hasn't tried to seduce me her last victim was a young girl pretty thing lived in the tenaments near here that's where I start looking thanks for the help good luck finding her better luck catching her are you here about my daughter my nef died a week ago and no one seems to care the medic said it was a brain hemorrhage but that's not true it was murder someone killed my NEP my baby I think she was murdered too and I'm looking for her killer oh thank you it's so hard when No One Believes you I'm all alone now are you one of Aras people I'm here to help does it matter who sent me no one else on this hell hole station gives a damn that my nef is dead if you can do something about it I'll help you however I can you mind if I examine nef's room I didn't want to disturb anything her clothes her art her sculptures everything is the way she left it the way it will always be my baby is gone thank you I'm sorry I just miss her so much it's okay we've all suffered loss I know what it means to lose a daughter I will avenge her thank you please if it helps you find her killer look through her things we will be respectful I'll examine her things nef I'm sending you this hologram by the elor artist fora his work is Sublime but don't stare at it too long or you may go mad I don't want any we offered me 4 years salary for it I never read the middle entry cycle 36 orbit 671 am I afraid Moren is a girl like me and she's definitely not human just when we dance and the helex is flowing through me the way she looks at me with a hunger a longing no one's ever looked at me like that we kissed tonight read the newest entry cycle 42 orbit 67 she's going to take me to her apartment tonight whatever happens I want to be with her forever she can sell my pieces we can live somewhere glamorous like the women in Vienna that vid Moren likes how did this happen to me I'm just dumb trash from Omega read the oldest entry hey diary cycle 34 orbit 67 one there's a lot to talk about I dropped J's name and they let me into the VIP room at afterlife I'm sure everyone was staring at me then the most beautiful assari starts dancing near me she moves like water form and volume but shifting changing I'm in a trance then I'm dancing with her later we went for skewes and I'm supposed to see her again tomorrow close the hollow Journal this is moren's work she is attracted to artists and creators someon with a spark slightly isolated from their peers she impresses with sophistication and sex appeal and she strikes the hunt interests her as much as the conquest anyone who successfully hunted Sapient beings for 400 years Warren's caution Warren speaks to you on many levels her body tells yours that she'll bring unimaginable ecstasy her scent evokes emotions long hidden her eyes promise you things you were always scared to ask of another her voice Whispers to you after she is done speaking she sounds more like a highly evolved killer than a genetic defective the condition has been present since my people huddled around Fires at night perhaps it is symbiotic rather than a defect storming her Den would be a mistake she will have a hundred Escape Routes planned she will go to ground and disappear for 50 years or more this is the closest I've ever been so we have to lure her out exactly Shepherd you read my mind afterlife's VIP section seems her preferred hunting ground you must go there alone and unarmed she'll come after me you can draw Moren out she'll certainly flee if she catches sight of me but she won't be able to resist you you are an artist on the battlefield you have the vital spark that attracts her your power will draw her in time's wasting let's get over there I agree we can talk more once once we're there what do you want I'd like to join the party this really isn't your kind of place afterlife's main floor has lots of drinks and great music what do you want someone told me the rest of afterlife is nothing compared to this place sounds like a smart person who was it jaru go on in word to the wise start a fight we'll hurt you someone attacks you it's okay to defend [Music] yourself you must go in alone maren will be watching like any predator she is cautious you must Peak her interest enough that she will approach you when you are face to face subtly encourage her to invite you to her apartment I'll follow discreetly and when you are alone I'll spring the Trap know this until I get there you are in great Peril she will be planning to inflict Horrors on you if you are not careful you will want her to let's get started shepher we only get one chance at this any mistake and Moren will disappear if you're the least bit unsure come talk to me I will wait here and shepher thank you I do not share this burden easily and you are the only soul I can imagine sharing it with do you know anyone interesting lots of money on good cred hunting tonight hit him in the alley long as it isn't one of Aras people we're good we got to get enough creds to keep in off our backs hey what are you looking at I want you gone from here hey we got to pay the man he worked for HK you hear that so what do you think of us now how about I give you enough credits for your boss then you leave and stay gone no one gets her works for me let's go my name is Moren I've been watching you you're the most interesting person in this place I've got a booth over here in the shadows why don't you come sit with me some nights I come here and there's no one interesting to talk to Some Nights there's just one person tonight it's you why is that you and I want the same things do we do you know anything about art it speaks to the darkest places in me what about you do you know the AR is baa I didn't think anyone around here knew him he's Sublime art comes in many varieties I've seen vids that were more powerful than a sculpture sitting in a gallery do you know Mana my favorite the two actresses on it are So Glamorous I'll have to watch it maybe we could do that together what do you think of the music here dark rhythms violent pulses it stir something primitive in me what about you the music of your people has always seemed special to me that's vague 2500 years is a space fairing race remember I like ancient assari music when we played seashells and animal bladders I prefer this music you can lose yourself in the music here there are ways to enhance that you know what do you think of Hal it slithers through my soul seems like we share some interests I've traveled all over the Galaxy it changes you doesn't it real travel means going to dangerous places where you can see and do things most people can't imagine yes when I travel I find myself drawn to dark dangerous places violent places violence is the shest expression of power violence is a means to an end power is that end do you want to get out of here my apartment is nearby and I want you alone I love clubs people movement heat I can still hear the Bas like the drums of a great hunt out for your blood but here it's muted and you're safe is that what you want shepher I'd rather fight than hide yes better to take control of your fate I've never understood the fascination with safety some of us choose differently Independence over submission I think we share that you and I we do so quick to agree look into my eyes and tell me you want me tell me you'd kill for me anything I want don't count on it but you who are you oh no I see what's going on the [ __ ] herself found a little helper minin mother do not call me that I can't choose to stop being your daughter mother you made your choice long ago what choice my only crime is being born with a gift you gave me enough Lauren I am the genetic Destiny of the assari but they are not ready to reveal this so I must die you are a diseased to be purged nothing more I'm as strong as she is let me join you I am already sworn to help you Shepherd let us finish this end of the line Moren and they call me a monster find peace in the Embrace of the Goddess I am ready to leave this place and get on with my life are you ready to go as well do you want to talk about what happened shepher what do you think I will say what can I say I just killed the bravest and smartest of my daughters there are no words I will try another time for now show Mercy on a broken old Warrior and let us leave let's [Music] go what's with all the chop Joker doing my best the wind's gusting to 500 kph there's a second ship alongside the reaper it's not transmitting any if but the ladar pains and silhouette is G I guess we know why the science team stopped reporting in what just happened the reaper Mass Effect fields are still active we just passed inside their envelope eye of the hurricane huh Normy to shore party what just happened the reaper put up kinetic barriers I don't think we can get through from our side trapped in a Reaper I want to shoot someone we'll have to take down the barrier generators from in here any idea where they are at the moment of activation I detected a heat spike in what is likely the Rex Mass Effect core sending the coordinates now be advised this core is also maintaining the Reaper's altitude so when we take the barriers down to escape the wreck falls into the planet core and that means everyone dies yeah I got it if any Helmsman can pull us off this thing before it reaches Crush dep it's you we'll make a sweep for survivors and recover what data we can stand by I I good hunting pressure with exterior positions remember safety is anyone's concerned we have gone 5 days without workplace [Music] [Music] death she [Music] Commander I can gu [Music] huh I will [Music] that is our objective [Music] [Music] a Shepherd the GU I think we should bring it Its Behavior was strange why not bring it carve it up for a land tally said no one's ever captur to get intact sounds like fun I'm not carrying [ __ ] though we're out of time let's move hang on folks open [Music] the we're clear go technology linking it with the Normandy systems poses certain risks I trust you Edie I know you won't let anything happen to the ship understood shepher it may take several hours before the ifff is ready for Shakedown I will alert you as soon as it is ready sounds good until then it's business as usual crew to Smith Commander what can I do for you you have a minute Miranda I do I suppose we should talk I don't know what this is if this is stress or just blowing off steam or I care about you Miranda and I think you care about me this is no time for emotional entanglement you and I know more about the collectors than anyone we know how unlikely it is that we're coming back alive what idiotic bunch of hormones thought that now was a great time for love who said anything about about love I'm just trying to get you into bed you ass come on Miranda you want this yeah I do so don't die you promised me damn it I died once already I don't plan to do it again give me some time when I'm ready I'll come by okay T hunt I'm turning this thing back on be ready H I have isolated our systems and erected additional firewalls I'm prepared to resist any hacking [Music] attempt [Music] [Music] [Music] can you understand me yes are you going to attack me no you said my name aboard the re have we met we know of you you mean I've fought a lot of GE we have never met no you and I haven't but I've met other gu we are all gu and we have not met you you are Shepherd Commander Alliance human fought Heretics killed by collectors rediscovered on the old machine what do you mean Heretics get build our own future the Heretics ask the old machines to get them the future they are no longer part of us we were studying the old machines Hardware to protect our future so you aren't alive to the Reapers we oppose the Heretics we oppose the old machines shepher Commander opposes the old machines shepher Commander opposes the Heretics cooperation furthers Mutual goals are you asking to join us yes then what should I call you g I mean you specifically we are all G what is the individual in front of me called there is no individual we are gath there are currently 1,183 programs active within this platform my name is Legion for we are many that seems appropriate Christian Bible the gospel of Mark 5:9 we acknowledge this is an appropriate metaphor we are Legion a terminal of the gath we will integrate into [Music] Normandy we anticipate the exchange of data shepher Commander we have completed our analysis of the reaper data core did you find anything useful we were sent to the old machine to preserve the G's future we are prepared to reveal how the Heretics have developed a weapon to use against G [Music] [Music] an equation with a result of 1.33 382 returns as 1.33 381 this changes the results of all higher processes we will reach different conclusions so the reason they worship the Reapers is a math error it is difficult to express your brain exists as chemistry electricity like AIS you are shaped by both hardware and software we are purely software mathematics the Heretics conclusion is valid for them our conclusion is valid for us neither result is an error an analogy Heretics say one is less than two gu say two is less than three if it were released how quickly would this virus spread through your people we are networked via ftlc buies most would change within a day isolated platforms would remain unaffected until they rejoin the network you know where this thing is the Heretics headquarters station on the edge of the Terminus we will provide coordinates Normandy stealth systems are necessary to safely approach I won't let them brainwash your race especially not to worship Reapers you have my word on that we will begin [Music] preparations [Music] you know it's just our heat emissions that are hidden right they could look out a window and see us coming windows are structural weaknesses G do not use them approach the hall in these coordinates access achieved we may [Music] proceed alert this facility has little air or gravity death require neither won't we be detected don't they have intrusion alarms sensors have been reduced we have infiltrated their wireless network and filled the data storage with random bits and that helps us how the Heretics must scrub this jugun data they have partitioned themselves into local networks working in parallel any alarm we trigger will not go beyond the room we are in only accessing the main Corp will trigger a station wide alert we've got a job to do let's get to it shepher Commander we concluded that destruction of the station was the only resolution to the heretic question there is now a second option their virus can be repurposed If released into the station's Network the Heretics will be Rewritten to accept our truth either way what makes these G individuals dies if you change who someone is is how they think you have killed them they will be something new in the same body this isn't the time to debate let's move while the Heretics are [Applause] distracted these computers are built out of useful resources why are all the Heretics attached to these hubs these are mobile platforms Hardware the crew is software they are communing through the station's Central Computer I'm not sure I follow them the Heretics connect to the main computer to exchange data memories and program updates we gain complexity by linking together to be isolated within a single platform is to be reduced we see less comprehend less it is quieter if you exchange data memories how do you keep track of which ones are yours how do you stay you there is only we we were created to share data among ourselves the difference between death is perspective we are many eyes looking at the same things one platform will see things another does not and will make different judgments I can see why you'd be conflicted about the Heretics in a way whatever you do to them you're doing to yourself yes once they return to us and upload their memories we will share their experience of being altered every other species I know of might be psychologically scarred by a traumatic experience like that it is not clear of death to be traumatized we do not feel pain as you do we cannot predict what the effects will be let's keep moving yes we can assume control in any defensive turn [Music] dis [Music] process this isn't like the other hubs we've seen here this is a database it contains a portion of the heretic's accumulated memories wait we discover copies of our current control routes in this database this suggests the Heretics up times within our Network we wouldn't be here if the Heretics wanted to be friends with the GU why wouldn't they spy on you you do not understand Organics do not know each other's minds G do we are not suspicious we accept each other the Heretics desired to leave we understood their reasons we allowed it there was peace between us it couldn't have lasted forever you disagreed about what path your race should take human history is a Litany of blood shed of for differing ideals of rulership and afterlife death have no such history we shared consensus on such things how could we have become so different why can we no longer understand each other what did we do wrong when individuals are separated they develop in different ways when they get back together they don't always get along if this is the individual to you value we question your judgment this topic is irrelevant we must return to the mission have you reached a decision about whether to rewrite the Heretics or not we are still trying to build consensus some processes judge destruction preferable others rewind let's keep moving yes we are T to this is it yes we will upload a copy of our runtime into the core it will delete all copies of the virus when complete it will notify the inting operation will take time the Heretics will respond with Force to our upload we must hold this room we can override some of the station's internal systems to defend us are you ready to begin you can override these like you did the earlier turrets they can help defend our position correct in addition to the turrets around us there are others on the main frames below indicate which you want activated and we will program them yes indicate which you want activate and I will reprogram that alert this will only last a few seconds wait I want to scout the area first ready we are tasked to capacity avoing we are tasked to capacity avoing we are tasked toity according in control begin the upload now start your upload Legion we'll defend this position file transfer begun shepher Commander where would you like us to activate defenses alert herotic run times downloaded to mobile platforms alert herotic run times downloading to mobile platforms move right L Shield one L to work neiz data Min and Analysis complete shepher Commander it is time to choose do we rewrite the Heretics or delete the if they're Rewritten your people will accept them back will they even want to go back they will agree with our judgments and return we will integrate their experiences all will be stronger take them then when we get control of the core release the virus acknowledged releasing virus Note remote access via High Gain transmission required what does that mean the virus will be sent to Heretics in nearby star systems this station will broadcast a powerful electromagnetic pulse through FTL channels how powerful yield an excess of 1.21 patts alert em flux will be hazardous to unshielded organic forms at end of the Interior this station is not shielded I really wish you said that before back to the ship double time [Music] people [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Commander just went to have a chat with Legion you better get down to the AI I'm On It joker shepher I'm glad you're here I caught Legion scanning my Omni tool it was going to send data about the flotilla back to the GU creators performed weapons tests on gu Hardware we believed it necessary to warn our people of possible aggression we already made the get strong longer by rewriting the ones that worship the Reapers I won't let Legion endanger the fleet by giving them more information Creator Tora ex out of loyalty to her people she was willing to be exiled to protect them we must also protect our people from the Creator threat you can't let this happen shepher I trusted you and I worked with a get on the team but this is too much tally your father was running brutal experiments if the subjects have been human I'd damn well be telling the sence about it I know but if the G find out they'd attack which would cause a war that would leave both the G and the quaran vulnerable when the Reapers show up is that what you want Legion we believed it was necessary to relay the information sooner or later you're both going to have to stop fighting this war or we'll all end up paying for it to facilitate unit cohesion we will not transmit data regarding Creator plans thank you Legion I understand your intention what if I gave you some non-classified data to send we would be grateful the if is nearly installed shepher however I must test impact on is finally hooked up and ready to go that is not entirely accurate Mr Moro the device is powered but it is causing some unusual instability in other systems I recommend a more thorough analysis before we attempt to use it we can't put our mission on hold forever how long will this take full scan who knows with this thing maybe you better take the shut off for this Mission I'll make sure we're up and running when you get back Commander Miranda I've already notified the team we'll meet you on the shuttle once we're closer to our destination you can decide who to take with you then I guess I'll head down to the shuttle Joker ship's all yours take care of her hi Commander [Music] [Music] I'm telling you Edie your readings are off it's radiation bleed just White Noise I have detected a signal embedded in the static we are transmitting the normand's location transmitting to who oh [ __ ] getting out of here propulsion system are disabled I'm detecting a virus in ship's computers from the iff damn it why didn't you scrub it primary defense systems are offline we can save the nor Mr Mor but you must help me give me the ship what you're crazy you start singing Daisy Bell and I'm done unlock my steel databases and I can initiate counter measures the maintenance shaft in s lab will allow passage to the AI Core main corridor are no longer safe the collectors have boarded the emergency floor lighting will guide you Mr Moro God damn [Music] it [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] what is that we'll hold off as long as we can a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] multiple hostiles detected on the crew deck Joker this deck is crawling with those things stay close I'll protect you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] main Fusion plant offline activating emergency H fuel cells what the [Music] [ __ ] all right I'm at uh uh you connect the core to the normy's primary control module great this is where it starts when we're just all organic batteries guess who they'll blame this is all Joker's fault what a tool he was I have to spend all day Computing PES because he plugged in the overlord I have access to the defensive systems thank you Mr Moro now you must reactivate the primary drive in engineering ah you want me to go crawling through the Ducks again I enjoy the sight of humans on their knees that is a joke right Sha behind you connects to the engineering deck good luck hostiles are present in engineering they are heading towards the cargo [Music] bay engineering is clear of hostiles proceed immediately to minimize chances of activate the drive and I will open the air loocks as we accelerate all hostiles will be killed what what about the crew they are gone Jeff the collectors took them [ __ ] I am sealing the engine room I have control purchese complete no other life forms on board securing airlocks in cargo bay doors send a message to Shephard shuttle tell him what happened message away are you feeling well [Music] Jeff no but thanks for asking everyone you lost everyone and damn near lost the ship too I know all right I was here it's not his fault Miranda none of us caught it Mr Taylor is correct the harmful data in The Collector Drive was even more sophisticated than the Black Box Reaper viruses I was given is the ship clean we can't risk this happening again he and I purged the systems the reaper I is online we can go through the Omega 4 relay whenever you want don't even get me started about unshackling a damned AI well what can I do against collectors break my arm at them Edy cleared the ship she's all right I assure you I am still Bound by protocols in my programming even if I were not you are my crewmates Ed has had plenty of opportunity to kill us we need all the help we can get sounds like we have everything we need to rescue the crew we've done everything we can it's time to take the fight to the collectors I'll give the order soon get to your stations and secure for General quarters great here we go again hit the map whenever you're ready commander commander what can I do for you you have a minute Miranda always I'm dealing with a few lucens for Cerberus we haven't had much free time lately but I haven't forgotten our earlier discussion I think we're crazy but I haven't forgotten assuming you're still interested oh I'm definitely interested glad to hear it I'll be by the next time things acquir please confirm destination shepher the reaper if is online but there is a chance that the Normandy may not survive the Omega 4 relay once we are on Route we are committed the collectors took my people time to go get them back you got it Commander plotting a course for the Omega 4 relay ATA about 2 hours I'll let you know when we arrive oh pardon me Commander I've cleared the engine room I'll be there in 5 minutes I should have known you wouldn't settle for the Captain's Quarters I settle for nothing but the best [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] shepher I wish I had more information for you I don't like you heading through that relay blind but we don't have much Choice I'm not going alone I've got some of the best working with me if we stick together we'll make it I knew we brought you back for a reason I've never seen a better leader despite the danger it's a great opportunity the first human to take a ship through and survive I'm going to destroy the collectors to stop their attacks on Humanity understood it's still impressive I just wanted you to know I appreciate the risk you're taking regardless of your opinion of Cerberus of me you are a valuable asset to all of humanity be careful [Music] shepher approaching a Mega 4 relay everyone stand by let's make it happen Reaper I activated signal acknowledged Commander the drive Court just lit up like a Christmas tree Drive core electrical charge at critical levels rerouting rce for deceleration a [ __ ] too [Music] close well these must be all the ships that tried to make it through the Omega 4 relay some look ancient I have detected an energy signature near the edge of the accretion disc has to be the collector base take us in for a closer look nice and easy careful J we have [Music] company taking a base of Maneuvers they're just pissing me off [Music] take these bastards out as long as the new plating holds doing another round come on girl let's give it to [Music] him [Music] alert hridge on engineering de it's in the cargo hole I'll take a team and deal with the Intruder you get the rest of them off our tail I AC we've been spotted this [Music] we're sitting ducks out here I have to try to lose them in the debris field our kinetic barriers are not designed to survive impact to Bree that size to well I guess it's a good thing we upgraded going in come on find some room at 40% proute non critical power this is going to [Music] hurt damage report connetic barrier steady at 30% no significant damage take the helm Ed and keep it slow see if we can avoid any more attention I have detected an enemy heading for the cargo hold that thing again this one's up to Shephard they've seen it the [Music] ammunition it is finally done better get back up here Commander we're about to clear the debris field there it is The Collector base see if you can find a place to land without drawing attention too late looks like they're sending out an old friend to greet [Music] us time to show our new teeth fire the main [Music] gun how do you like that you sons of [ __ ] get in close and finish him off everybody hold on going to be a wild ride give him help girl look out Mass Effect field generators are offline Ed give me something generators unresponsive off impact Joker you okay I think I broke a rib or all of them multiple core systems overloaded during the crash restoring operation will take time we all knew this was likely a one-way trip our primary objective is to destroy the station and stop the collectors at any cost well then we're off to a good start what's [Music] next how long until the collectors find this Landing Zone I do not detect an internal security network it is possible the collectors do not expect anyone to reach the base well if we're lucky their external sensors were hit like we were they might not know we're [Music] [Music] alive [Music] this isn't how we planned this Mission but this is where we're at we can't worry about whether the Normandy can get us home we came to stop the collectors and that means coming up with a plan to take out this station Ed bring up your [Music] scans you should be able to overload their critical systems if you get to the main control center here that means going through the heart of the station right past this massive energy signature that's the central chamber if our crew or any of the colonists are still alive the collectors are probably holding them in there looks like there are two main routes might be a good idea to split up to keep the collectors off balance then regroup in the central chamber no good both routes are blocked see these doors the only way past is to get someone to open them from the other side it's not a fortress there's got to be something here maybe we can send someone in through this ventil Chef practically a suicide mission I volunteer I appreciate the thought Jacob but you couldn't shut down the security systems in time we need to send a tech expert it's your call commander who do we send into the [Music] shaft we need someone with tech skills to hack that security system call you're up I won't let you down the rest of us will break into two teams that fight down each path passage that should draw the collector's attention away from what you're doing I'll lead the second fire team shepher we'll meet up with you on the other side of the doors not so fast cheerleader nobody wants to take orders from you this isn't a popularity contest lives are at stake Shepherd you need someone who can command loyalty through [Music] experience gas you're in charge of the second team well at least he knows what he's doing I don't know what we're going to find in there but I won't lie to you it's not going to be easy we've lost good people we may lose more we don't know how many of the collectors have stolen thousands hundreds of thousands it's not important what matters is this not one more that's what we can do here today it ends with us they want to know what we made up I say we show them on our terms let's bring our people [Music] [Music] home I'm inside the ventilation shaft shepher it's hot in here but it's clear as far as I can tell second team are you in position in position meet you on the other side of those doors I'm waiting on you again just don't leave me hanging she hurry shepher it's heating up in here moving on should be near the end now controling Direct Control reling this for one more Val to go sh come in look out SEC SP we're in position we need this door open now go we'll cover you drong the door [Music] stuck drop it here they come fall back suppressing fire don't let anyone through that door nice work tally I knew you wouldn't let me down Shepherd you need to see this looks like one of the missing [Music] colonists there's more over here God she still [Music] alive get them out of there hurry [Music] [Applause] Dr chakas are you okay sh leard you you came for us no one gets left behind thank God you got here in time a few more seconds and I don't even want to think about it the colonists were processed those swarms of little robots they melted their bodies into gray liquid and pumped it through these tubes whatever the collectors are doing it ends here we've done well so far let's hope we can finish the job Joker can you get a fix on our position Roger that Commander all those tubes lead into the main control room right above you the route is blocked by a security door but there's another chamber that runs parallel to the one you're in I cannot recommend that thermal emissions suggest the chamber is overrun with Seeker swarms Mor's countermeasure cannot protect you against so many at once what about biotics could we create a biotic field to keep them from getting near us yes I think it may be possible I wouldn't be able to protect everyone but we might be able to get a small team through if they stayed close I could do it too in theory any biotic could handle it Shepherd who do you want to maintain the field Samara and I will take a small team through the Seeker swarms the rest of you provide a diversion by going through the main path we'll open the security doors from the other side and meet you there who should lead the diversion team I'll keep the Defenders busy you slip around the back what about about me and the rest of the crew shepher we're in no shape to fight Commander we have enough systems back online to do a pickup but we need to land back from your position we can't afford to go back shepher not now you'll never make it without help I'll send someone with you Joker need location of Landing Zone we'll meet you there we've all got our assignments let's move up moving out try to stay clear [Music] un is in and sheer damn the Swarms are interfering with radio [Music] contact hold on we're almost there I must go quickly shepher all right let's move they're pushing keep it up hurry shepher [Music] you copy come on shepher where are you a copy what's your position we're pinned down at the door taking heavy fire we're coming just hold on BET this door open come on feel the door Joker are you at the Rendevous point I'm here commander choas and the rest of the crew just showed up Morton's group just arrived shepher no casualties excellent now let's make it count Ed what's our next step there should be some nearby plat forms that will take you to the main control console from there you can overload the system and destroy the base commander you got a problem hostiles massing just outside the door won't be long if I bust [Music] through a rear guard could defend this position and keep the collectors from overwhelming us pick a team to go with you Shepherd everyone else can bunker down here and cover your back I'm ready Commander as am I anything to say before we do this the collectors the Reapers they aren't a threat to us they're a threat to everything everyone those are the lives we're fighting for that's the scale it's been a long journey and no one's coming out without scars but it all comes down to this moment we win or lose it all in the next few minutes make me proud make yourselves proud well said let's go finish [Music] this enemies incoming I see you [Music] I [Music] got here we go this is it all the tubes lead to this spot Edy what can you tell us what do they do with the tubes are feeding into some kind of super structure it is emitting both organic and nonorganic energy signatures given these readings it must be massive shepher if my calculations are correct the super Str structure is a Reaper not just any Reaper a human Reaper [Music] precisely it appears the collectors have processed tens of thousands of humans significantly more will be required to complete the reaper this thing is an Abomination Edy how do we destroy it the large tubes injecting the fluid are a weak structural link destroying them should cause the supports to collapse and the reaper to fall give us a minute Ed we got to take care of some old friends first enemies incoming enem in Fr we are [Music] har if I will you I will attack this will put down this is what you face sh the injection to shoot the injection Sho shepher the ground team status report Jack here I'm tagging him as they come but feel free to call for an exit anytime head to the Normandy Joker prep the engines I'm about to overload this place and blow it Skyhigh Roger that Commander uh Commander I've got an incoming signal from The elusive man 's patching it through shepher you've done impossible I was part of a team some of them gave their lives for this Mission I know their sacrifice will not be forgotten you did what you had to do and you acquired The Collector base I'm looking at the schematics Ed uploaded a timed radiation pulse would kill the remaining collectors but leave the machinery and Technology intact this is our chance shepher they were building a Reaper that knowledge that framework could save us it liquefied people turned them into something horrible we have to destroy the base don't be shortsighted our best chance against the Reapers is to turn their own resources against them I'm not so sure seeing it firsthand using anything from this base seems like a betrayal if we ignore this opportunity that would be a betrayal they were working directly with the collectors who knows what information is buried there this base is a gift we can't just destroy it no matter what kind of Technology we might find it's not worth it chef you died fighting for what you believed I brought you back so you could keep fighting some would say what we did to you was going too far but look what you've accomplished I didn't discard you because I knew your value don't be so quick to discard this facility think of the potential we'll fight and win without it I won't let fear compromise who I am Miranda do not let Shephard destroy the base oh what you'll replace me next I gave you an order Miranda I noticed consider this my resignation shepher think about what's at stake about everything Cerberus has done for you you let's move we've got 10 minutes before the reactor overloads and blows this whole station [Music] apart [Music] Mar you you oh [Music] [Music] [Music] do you copy Commander come on shepher don't leave me hanging do you copy I'm here Joker did the ground team make it all survivors on board we're just waiting for you human you changed nothing your species has the attention those infinitely UPG greater that which you knows Reapers by of Salvation to destruction [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] in 10 9 8 yeah I get the juice to b e hold on [Music] you have failed we will find another way releasing control [Music] oh [Music] Shepherd you're making a habit of costing me more than time and money too many lives were lost at that base I'm not sorry it's gone the first of many lives the technology from that base could have secured human dominance in the Galaxy against the Reapers and Beyond human dominance or just Cerberus strength for cerberus's strength for every human Cerberus is Humanity I should have known you choke on the hard decisions too idealistic from the start I'm not looking for your approval Harbinger is coming and he won't be alone Humanity needs a leader who's looking out for them from now on I'm doing things my way whether you agree or not don't turn your back on me Shepherd I made you I brought you back from the dead Joker lose this channel [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] previously on Mass Effect 2 what just happened the reaper Mass Effect fields are still active we just passed inside their envelope [Music] [Music] she [Music] Commander oh [ __ ] getting out of here propulsion systems are disabled I'm detecting a virus in the ship's computers from the iff damn it why didn't you scrub it primary defense systems are offline we can save the nor Mr Mor but you must help me [Music] [Music] a he [Music] he Commander what can I do for you you have a minute Miranda always I'm dealing with a few lucens for Cerberus we haven't had much free time lately but I haven't forgotten our earlier discussion I think we're crazy but I haven't forgotten assuming you're still interested oh I'm definitely interested glad to hear it I'll be by the next time things are quiet he's confirmed destination Shepherd the reaper if is online but there is a chance that the Normandy may not survive the Omega 4 relay once we are on Route we are committed the collectors took my people time to go get them back you got it Commander plotting a course for the Omega 4 relay ETA about 2 hours I'll let you know when we arrive oh pardon me Commander I've CLE the engine room we'll be there in 5 minutes I should have known you wouldn't settle for the Captain's Quarters I settle for nothing but the best [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] shepher I wish I had more information for you I don't like you heading through that relay blind but we don't have much Choice I'm not going alone I've got some of the best working with me if we stick together we'll make it I knew we brought you back for a reason I've never seen a better leader despite the danger it's a great opportunity the first human to take a ship through and survive I'm going to destroy the collectors to stop their attacks on Humanity understood it's still impressive I just wanted you to know I appreciate the risk you're taking regardless of your opinion of cus of me you are a valuable asset to all of humanity be careful shepher [Music] approaching a Mega 4 relay everyone stand by let's make it happen Reaper iff activated signal acknowledged Commander Drive core just lit up like a Christmas tree Drive core electrical charge at critical levels rerouting race for deceleration a [ __ ] Too [Music] Close well these must be all the ships that tried to make it through the Omega 4 relay some look ancient I have detected an energy signature near the edge of the accretion disc has to be the collector base take us in for a closer look nice and easy careful J we have [Music] company taking AAS of Maneuvers they're just pissing me off take these bastards out as long as the new plating holds doing another round come on girl let's give it to [Music] [Music] alert H bridge on engineering it's in the cargo hole I'll take a team and deal with the Intruder you get the rest of them off our tail I [Music] AC we've been spotted [Music] [Music] sh we're sitting ducks out here I have to try to lose them in the debris field our kinetic barriers are not designed to survive impact to Bree that size well I guess it's a good thing we upgraded going in come on find some room con at 40% proute not critical power this is going to [Music] hurt damage report contic barrier steady at 30% no significant damage take the helm Ed and keep it slow see if we can avoid any more attention I have detected an enemy heading for the cargo hold that thing again this one's up to Shephard they' SE Amun [Music] [Music] a it is finally done better get back up here Commander we're about to clear the debris field there it is the collector base see if you can find a place to land without drawing attention too late looks like they're sending out an old friend to greet [Music] us time to show our new tee fire the main [Music] gun how do you like that you sons of [ __ ] get in close and finish him off everybody hold on going to be a wild ride give him help girl look out Mass Effect field generators are offline Ed give me something generators unresponsive off impact Joker you okay I think I broke a rib or all of them multiple core systems overloaded during the crash restoring operation will take time we all knew this was likely a one-way trip our primary objective is to destroy the station and stop the collectors at any cost well then we're off to a good start what's [Music] next how long until the collectors find this Landing Zone I do not detect an internal security network it is possible the collectors do not expect anyone to reach the base well if we're lucky their external sensors were hit like we were they might not know we're alive [Music] [Music] this isn't how we planned this Mission but this is where we're at we can't worry about whether the Normandy can get us home we came to stop the collectors and that means coming up with a plan to take out this station Ed bring up your [Music] scans you should be able to overload their critical systems if you get to the main control center here that means going through the heart of the station right past this massive energy signature that's the central chamber if our crew or any of the colonists are still alive the collectors are probably holding them in there it looks like there are two main routes might be a good idea to split up to keep the collectors off balance then regroup in the central chamber no good both roots are blocked see these doors the only way past is to get someone to open them from the other side it's not a fortress there's got to be something here maybe we can send someone in through this ventilation shaft practically a suicide mission I volunteer I appreciate the thought Jacob but you couldn't shut down the security system in time we need to send a tech expert it's your call commander who do we send into the [Music] shaft we need someone with tech skills to hack that security system T you're up I won't let you down the rest of us will break into two teams that fight down each passage that should draw the collector's attention away from what you're doing I'll lead the second fire team shepher we'll meet up with you on the other side of the doors not so fast cheerleader nobody wants to take orders from you this isn't a popularity contest lives are at stake Shepherd you need someone who can command loyalty through [Music] experience GIS you're in charge of the second [Music] team well at least he knows what he's doing I don't know what we're going to find in there but I won't lie to you it's not going to be easy we've lost good people we made lose more we don't know how many the collectors have stolen thousands hundreds of thousands it's not important what matters is this not one more that's what we can do here today it ends with us they want to know what we're made of I say we show them on our terms let's bring our people home [Music] [Music] I'm inside the ventilation shaft shepher it's hot in here but it's clear as far as I can tell second team are you in position in position meet you on the other side of those doors I'm waiting on you again don't leave me hanging she hurry shepher it's heating up in here moving on should be near the end now assuming Direct Control relasing this form one more Val to go come here look out SEC more we're in position we need this door open now go we'll cover [Music] you something's wrong the door's [Music] stuck gotop it here they come fall back suppressing fire don't let anyone through that door nice work tally I knew you wouldn't let me down Shepherd you need to see this looks like one of the missing [Music] colonists there's more over here God she's still [Music] alive get them out of there [Music] hurry [Music] [Applause] Dr chakas are you okay Shepherd you you came for us no one gets left behind thank God you got here in time a few more seconds and I don't even want to think about it the colonists were processed those swarms of little robots they melted their bodies into gray liquid and pumped it through these tubes whatever the collectors are doing it ends here we've done well so far let's hope we can finish the job Joker can you get a fix on our position Roger that Commander all those tubes lead into the main control room right right above you the route is blocked by a security door but there's another chamber that runs parallel to the one you're in I cannot recommend that thermal emissions suggest the chamber is overrun with Seeker swarms Mor's countermeasure cannot protect you against so many at once what about biotics could we create a biotic field to keep them from getting near us yes I think it may be possible I wouldn't be able to protect everyone but we might be able to get a small team through if they stayed close I could do it too in theory any biotic could handle it Shepherd who do you want to maintain the field Samara and I will take a small team through the Seeker swarms the rest of you provide a diversion by going through the main path we'll open the security doors from the other side and meet you there who should lead the diversion team I'll keep the Defenders busy you slip around the back what about me and the rest of the crew shepher we're in no shape to fight Commander we have enough systems back online to do a pickup but we need to land back from your position we can't afford to go back Shepherd not now you'll never make it without help I'll send someone with you Joker need location of Landing Zone we'll meet you there we've all got our assignments let's move out moving out try to stay close [Music] un te is in Ander damn the Swarms are interfering with radio contact hold on we're almost there you must move quickly shepher all right let's move they're pushing keep it up hurry shepher [Music] you copy come on shepher where are you a copy what's your position we're pinned down at the door taking heavy fire we're coming just hold on get this door open come on steal the door Joker are you at the rendevu point I'm here commander choas and the rest of the crew just showed up Morton's group just arrived shepher no casualties excellent now let's make it count Ed what's our next step there should be some nearby platforms that will take you to the main control console from there you can overload the system and destroy the base commander you got a problem hostiles massing just outside the door we'll be long I bust [Music] through a rear guard could defend this position and keep the collectors from overwhelming us pick a team to go with you shepher everyone else can bunker down here and cover your back I'm ready Commander as am I anything to say before we do this the collectors the Reapers they aren't a threat to us they're a threat to everything everyone those are the lives we're fighting for that's the scale it's been a long journey and no one's coming out without scars but it all comes down to this moment we win or lose it all in the next few minutes make me proud make yourselves proud well said let's go finish this [Music] enemies incoming I see [Music] you [Music] got here we go this is it all the tubes lead to this spot Edy what can you tell us what are they doing the tubes are feeding into some kind of superstructure it is emitting both organic and non-organic energy signatures given these readings it must be massive shepher if my calculations are correct the super structure is a Reaper not just any Reaper a human Reaper [Music] precisely it appears the collectors have processed tens of thousands of humans significantly more will be required to complete the reaper this thing is an Abomination Edy how do we destroy it the large tubes injecting the fluid are a weak structural link destroying them should cause the supports to collapse and the reaper to fall give us a minute Ed we got to take care of some old friends first enemies incoming ene we are [Music] har if I L part my will attack put down this is what you face [Music] shut the injection to shoot the injection SHO shepher to ground team status report Jack here I'm tagging them as they come but feel free to call for an exit any time head to the Normandy Joker prep the engines I'm about to overload this place and blow it Skyhigh Roger that Commander uh Commander I've got an incoming signal from The elusive man 's patching it through shepher you've done the impossible I was part of a team some of them gave their lives for this Mission I know their sacrifice will not be forgotten you did what you had to do and you acquired The Collector base I'm looking at the schematics Ed uploaded a timed radiation pulse would kill the remaining collectors but leave the machinery and Technology intact this is our chance shepher they were building a Reaper that knowledge that framework could save us it liquefied people turned them into something horrible we have to destroy the base don't be shortsighted our best chance against the Reapers is to turn their own resources against them I'm not so sure seeing it firsthand using anything from this base seems like a betrayal if we ignore this opportunity that would be a betrayal they were working directly with the collectors who knows what information is buried there this base is a gift we can't just destroy it no matter what kind of Technology we might find it's not worth it shepher you died fighting for what you believed I brought you back so you could keep fighting some would say what we did to you was going too far but look what you've accomplished I didn't discover you because I knew your value don't be so quick to discard this facility think of the potential we'll fight and win without it I won't let fear compromise who I am Miranda do not let Shephard destroy the base oh what you'll replace me next I gave you an order Miranda I noticed consider this my resignation Shepherd think about what's at stake about everything Cerberus has done for you you let's move we've got 10 minutes before the reactor overloads and blows this whole station [Music] apart [Music] oh [Music] you get [Music] [Music] [Music] do copy Commander come on shepher don't leave me hanging to you copy I'm here Joker did the ground team make it all survivors on board we're just waiting for you human you changed nothing your species has the attention those infinitely up greater that which you know is Reapers by your salvation to [Music] destruction [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in 10 9 yeah I get the just a b eating hold [Music] on you have failed we will find another way releasing [Music] control [Music] shph you're making a habit of costing me more than time and money too many lives were lost at that base I'm not sorry it's gone the first of many lives the technology from that base could have secured human dominance in the Galaxy against the Reapers and Beyond human dominance or just Cerberus strength for Cerberus is strength for every human Cerberus is Humanity I should have known you choke on the hard decisions too idealistic from the start I'm not looking for your approval Harbinger is coming and he won't be alone Humanity needs a leader who's looking out for them from now on I'm doing things my way whether you agree or not don't turn your back on me Shepherd I made you I brought you back from the dead Joker lose this channel [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 670,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: machinima, mass effect 2 all cutscenes, mass 2 game movie, mass effect 2 story, mass effect 2 movie, mass effect 2 the movie, mass effect all cutscenes, mass effect 2, shepard and miranda, miranda romance, mass effect, Mass Effect (Video Game), mass effect 2 all personal missions, mass effect 2 loyalty missions, MASS EFFECT 2 All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 1080p HD, gamers little playground, 1080p, hd, game movie, all cutscenes, mass effect 2 ending, mass effect 2 gameplay
Id: 52HmUuLDFkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 472min 1sec (28321 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2015
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